#Ron is bombarded by overly caring peps
hpdabbles · 3 years
Love Limit: Seven years 2
Harry couldn't keep still, fidgeting in his seat with restless energy bubbling under his skin. He had been like that since he woke this morning, though his parents assured him it was normal to be a bit nervous for his first day of Hogwarts.
Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius had been amused by the way he kept looking around in search of sunshine hair. They assumed he was overwhelmed by the crowd of parents and students boarding the express when in reality he was just trying to find the love of his life.
Leo had been quick to hold his hand after his Uncle Sirius teased Harry and the four adults melted at the sight, though Harry knows Leo mostly did it mostly to not lose Harry who was still trying to find Malfoy up until the Black stuffed him into a cart.
The train had left Platform nine and three-fourths about half an hour ago, yet he had not been able to calm since then. How could he?
He was finally going to see Malfoy again, after months of their first meeting. It's been nearly seven months but he thought about the other boy for every day that passed, and he spoke to Leo about just as much.
His best friend was close to smothering him with a pillow a mere three weeks ago during another sleepover where Harry had described the way Malfoy sat in the sunlight for the fifth time.
The two had been spending more time with each other as Leo had officially been made his fiance, two weeks after the meeting between the Potters and the Malfoys.
Malfoy's and Nott's engagement was announced in the Daily Prophet a week following that.
As Harry predicted, Leo wasn't that thrilled by their betrothal even if Dad and Uncle Sirius were over the moon about it and spent a full week celebrating. He wasn't dead set on opposing the arrangement, however, seeing as he wound up with someone whose company he didn't mind.
It was also important to remember that both Harry and Leo had always assumed they would be each other's spouses one day anyway so the announcement came to no suprise.
What did come as a surprise was Harry asking for the breaking of the marriage contract.
Leo had warned him he would only agree to their splitting if Harry could guarantee both Malfoy and Nott would do the same, as well as having a new partner set up for Leo right after. Then and only then, would the Black allow him to be a free man.
Harry took no offense because he knew just how damaging the action could be for his friend. Breaking an engagement was not easy and gave plenty of repercussions to the family name and one's personal image as well.
If Leo allowed Harry to damage his public image without having proof of a new engagement right after, the two would be eaten alive by high society and might wound up in debt for breaking the law at age seventeen if they could not be web by then. The fines were a heavy thing to pay especially with the interest rates rising for every year they continued to be single.
The breaking of an engagement without a backup in place could also lead to exile in extreme cases. Charlie Weasley is a good example of this. His ex-fiance, Nymphadora Tonks, had agreed to the appeal of ending their planned marriage right out of Hogwarts.
Since it was Weasley the one to file at age seventeen, with Tonks being only sixteen, he was the one sent into exile. It was fine with him, seeing as the man already planned to go to Romiona to work with dragons anyway but now he could not return as easily to his home country.
He is allowed three visits per year to see his family- Harry suspected it was the Ministry's way of making people see what they had lost. To add salt to a wound as it were but he wouldn't be able to stay longer than three days.
Tonks as the "wounded" party was not punished with exile nor was she charged the fees seeing as she had still been underage when her engagement went up in flames. The fact remained, however, that she was looked down on for her failed betrothal.
She remained single even with the available muggle-borns around which was much more damaging to her public image and people whispered harshly about her in the streets. Harry had overheard more than one witch or wizard tell their children that they "didn't want to end up like that good for nothing Tonks" when they seemed to be a bit too rowdy.
Harry knew Tonks didn't care or minded being an outcast after meeting her during a visit to Uncle Sirius'. She was unapologetically herself and damn what the masses thought.
Leo didn't have the privilege of such freedom as his distant cousin did.
Harry wouldn't feel the fees as much, neither would Leo, as both came from wealthy families but Leo could not afford to take any political hits without good reason.
He is, after all, the son of a werewolf.
Uncle Remus is constantly under watch by the magical CPS who believed he was not fit to have a child, regardless of the epic court battle it took the man and his husband to win the right to blood adopt. The court gave them Leo and they could take him away just as easily.
Then there were the eyes of all the Lords and Ladies watching Leo's every move, waiting for a mistake that they could turn into a weapon because they wanted to hurt the Ancient and Noble House of Black.
This meant they would go as far as demand Uncle Remus be turned over to the Werewolves Containment Unit or remove Leo as the Heir Presumed for the Black lordship.
Leo's Uncle Regulus is the active Lord Black but he and his partner had yet to find a matching Squib child compatible with their magic so this means Leo, as the next youth close to the main line, is the family heir.
After the death of the previous Lord Black- Leo's grandfather Orion- Lord Black had reinstated both Uncle Sirius and Mrs.Tonks to the family line, claiming they would move past the older generation bigotry.
It might have helped his decision that he too married an "unpure" wizard because he fell in love with a half-blood in Hogwarts even when he had already been promised to another. (Lord Black's original fiance died in the war, as a death eater, and he was not mourned. Harry never knew his name but he does know Uncle Sirius suspected the male had been abusive to his brother)
If Lord Black and Sir Snape did not find a child by the time Leo turned fifteen, then his title will be secured and Leo would become the next head of the house.
From what Harry knew, neither Lord Black nor Sir Snape was that eager to have children, seeing as they didn't really want to be parents. Mom once told him it was because Sir Snape lived in the fear he would be like his father while Lord Black worried he would be a copy of his cold indifferent parents if they ever blood adopted.
They only applied for blood adoption every fifth year or so since the law required them to instead of every year as most would-be parents did. Lord Black and Sir Snape just hoped no new child match their magic every time, breathing a sigh of relief when the Healers apologetically informed them no child was compatible.
They had one more year before the law no longer applied to them and the pair counted down each day with eagerness.
They already behaved as if though Leo is heir apparent instead of presumed anyway.
Leo took his responsibilities as Black Heir very seriously. Happy to do his lessons with Lord Black, about running the family estate, the family business, and his political training much to Uncle Sirius' ire. He enjoyed them, especially when he had always been fascinated by his duties. It was more than just the power that came with the seat of Lord Black, to Leo being the Heir was who he is.
For these reasons he had not broken the engagement between him and Harry, and would not allow it to happen until Harry meet his demands.
"Harry, will you please calm down? You're giving me second-hand anxiety" Leo said, snapping the boy from his thoughts on marriage. Across from him, his best friend was peeling oranges. He handed over the one he was working on with a raised brow. "Eat. You'll feel better."
"Aren't you excited Leo? We're going to see Malfoy and Nott again!"
The boy shrugged "I'm more excited to be starting Hogwarts in all honesty"
"Because Nott will be wearing the school uniform there." Harry deadpanned biting into a slice of orange.
Leo gave a wolfish grin. "You get me."
"Why do you find that attractive?"
"I like brains"
Harry didn't understand what one had to do with the other but he didn't push for more information. Leo was weird like that and sometimes it was better to not question his best friend.
Luckily the door open then so he didn't have to reply. Harry's heart leaps up into his throat only for it to fall when he saw a red-head boy stick his head in rather than the elegant blond he associated with Malfoy.
"Can I join you? Everywhere else is full." the redhead asked a bit unsure. Harry glanced at Leo, who was smiling warmly at the newcomer and he knew the answer.
"Yes, that's fine. Come on in" Harry said getting up to offer his seat. He went over the other booth, as Leo automatically shuffled closer to the window, making space for him. When Harry sat their shoulders pressed up against each other's in a comfortable way.
The boy gave them a grateful little smile, shuffling in with an old beat-down trunk and hunched shoulders. He struggled with putting his trunk away but he didn't ask for help so the two didn't offer any because it seemed he like the type who didn't want to be pitied. Harry mentally put him down in a part of his mind to watch out for and make sure was doing okay.
Once done the boy sat down across from them, suddenly looking a bit nervous.
Taking that as a cue the green eye boy gave him a friendly smile. "I'm Harry Potter, by the way, and this is my fiance Leo Black. It's nice to meet you."
The stranger's mouth drop open in shock, his wide blue eyes swinging between the two with obvious awe. It's to be expected, after all, it's not every day one met the rich and famous.
Harry as the Boy-Who-Defended and Leo as the Pressumive Heir was as rich and famous as they come in modern times. Especially if one was a Quidditch fan, seeing as Leo's family has recently bought three of the major professional teams. Most kids their age were Quidditch enthusiasts so seeing the boy who owns the team they adored was a rare sight indeed.
"I-I'm Ron Weasley! Mom calls me Ronald since that's my full name but only she calls me that so don't worry about it. Ron is fine!" Weasley babbled looking to be swallowing his own tongue.
Harry pretends that awkward introduction wanting to give him a chance to keep his dignity. He searches for a way to make him feel more at ease but Leo beats him to the punch.
"Would you care for an orange?" Leo asks holding out the freshly peeled fruit.
"Oh! Um yes, thank you" Weasley seemed to brighten taking the food with a smile. Leo shoots Harry a victorious look, saying with his eyes, I'm taking care of him so you best take a step back.
Not to be outdone, Harry quickly picks up his travel blanket Mom prepared for him. He had noticed Weasleys' clothes were rather thin for the weather, which meant he would appreciate some warmth.
He offered it to Weasley who seemed unable to refuse, as Harry draped it across his lap, making sure to pull the top end over Weasley's shoulders and effectively tucking him in. A rush of glee washed over Harry's chest at the look of gratitude on the other face but before he could bask in it Leo appeared at his side offering the travel pillow Uncle Remus had gotten them.
Wrapping the pillow around Weasley's neck, Leo quickly offered more oranges as well as aiming a charming smile he only used to disarm and enthrall others.
As predicted Weasley's face turns bright red at the sight. "Ummm..."
"Are you comfortable?" Leo asks.
"Good." Harry nods. "Let us know what else we can do to make this better, alright?"
Weasley glanced helplessly between them then lowered his eyes. Face as red as his hair the boy mumbles. "I'm already engaged..."
"I'm gratefully I am! Flattered too, but see my parents already engaged me to the girl who lives near us. Luna Lovegood."
Harry didn't understand but Leo looked started. "We aren't flirting! I swear we just...like taking care of people."
Weasley looked unsure but he eventually dropped it. The three spent some time chatting about everything and nothing, buying some candy from the cart when it came by but he eventually grew tired and fell asleep with his head pillowed on Leo's shoulder.
Harry had been so excited the night before he barely got any sleep so now he was paying for it. When he opened his eyes much later he found Weasley reading through one of the comics of a superhero that Harry brought along- Leo must have lent it to him at one point- but there were also two newcomers.
Nott was telling Leo all about a book series he recently started, while his fiance keeps making doe eyes at him. Harry barely notice however because Malfoy was sitting right across from him seemingly disgusted by whatever Batman had done.
When their eyes met every thought Harry had in his head went right out the window. "Hello again Potter"
Harry had been waiting for this moment. Had a dream of for weeks, had planned what he would say, how he would act, and yet when he opened his mouth the only noise that came out was a choking squeal.
Malfoy looked highly unimpressed and Harry wanted to die. Leo snickered attempting to cover up a full-blown laugh while Weasley didn't even try. Nott merely waited until Leo stop chuckling before launching back into the plot of his book.
Year one was starting off great it seemed.
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