everythingfiction13 · 3 months
For some reason, I started watching Grey's Anatomy again. I know it's a passing phase, but I can't stop it.
I've also been reading lots of Legend of Korra fanfiction, and writing my own.
I've been listening to old music.
Something is wrong. Send help.
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
Hey people, idk if anyone's still interested in Equalist Asami AU, but here's my not-so-canon take on it on Ao3
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
During one of the many Krew missions, Asami get hurt, knocked down by some goon that used his bending to throw her down:
Korra seamlessly swiveled around the earthbender's attempt to knock her off, hurling a goust of water at him. The water froze at his hands, shackled his feet so as he could not bend his way out, leaving him to be picked up by one of the metalbender officers.
The day was almost won. Almost. Because as soon as Korra let her guard down, the air froze with the terrible cracking of bones. The Avatar's heart sunk before she'd even glanced as to whom had fallen, the rest jumping into action at once.
Lying there, unmoving, Asami's chest did not even flicker.
"No..." Korra ran, skidded and dropped to her knees beside the other woman, her hands hanging around Asami's face as if the mere act of touching her would shatter her. "Asami, no. Come on, baby, wake up."
Silence fell upon them. Tears glistened behind Korra's eyes, her fingers twirling Spirit water above Asami's body. She could feel it all, the broken rib, the bruise on her skull, and the awkward bend of her wrist. It was the head that scared Korra the most, concentrating all of her effort there.
Minutes seemed like hours, the tears now freely falling to quiet pleading, and a touch upon the pristine skin. Behind them, Opal clung to Bolin, Mako looked on his face growing paler by the second, and Lin had ordered the place clear of the goons, barked to get Kya over here at once.
"Sami, baby...please...you promised, remember? You promised."
Korra buried her face against Asami's chest, clutching at her leather jacket. Then she felt it. The quiet thrumming of a heartbeat, the flicker of a chest, and finally, a gasp.
Asami's eyes sprung open, a pained moan curling from her lips. Her gaze unfocused, it took her a moment to see Korra smiling down on her, cheeks tainting her visage.
"I'm okay..." she croaked. "I'm okay..."
"You better be. I love you. I love you so much."
Despite the aches, Asami pulled Korra closer to her, arms wrapping around her as much as she could. "I love you, Korra. I'm not going anywhere."
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
Avatar Korra lived a long life. Out of all the Avatars, everyone agreed that she'd accomplished the most, changed the world for the worst, and the better many times over, yet her greatest achievement remained her family.
At least, that's what Korra repeatedly said to anyone and everyone, soothing words spoken to her children when they watched her going to attend to her duties. She'd kiss them firmly, would whisper tender musings to their ears, and then, rising to her feet, would melt into Asami's embrace before they parted.
Asami died relatively young, succumbing to the pains of having given her soul to save Korra's. She did not regret it, she kept saying, and would do it again, for living without Korra was more painful than death. Raava helped bring Asami back to life, but the woman never fully regained her former strength. She could still fight, could still command an entire room with a simple click of her heels, but her recovery was slow and tedious, and she would often cry herself to sleep as numerous aches overtook her body. Her soul, while there, was in half, and by the time Asami turned 53, she needed the help of a cane to support herself, her long strides becoming shorter, her stamina dwindling at such a rate it became alarmingly obvious that she couldn't quite manage anymore.
Most painful, though, were her arrangements with Jinora. Asami figured out long before anyone else that she would not see her fifty-fifth year, made the quiet transfer of her company to hers and Korra's children, Suki and Rey, leagued the mansion to all three, and made sure that no one would need of anything. She signed legal papers stating that she'd be buried next to her parents on the family plot, jotted down the words she would like to have on her tombstone, yet asked that her grave be humble. There was no need for a bust or statue to commemorate her. Jinora wished that Asami would speak to Korra, let her on it all, but the heiress simply smiled, said that Korra needed her focus on her duties.
She spent her last days talking with her children, wishing that she'd had more time to see her grandchildren and hug them, kiss them and recount her wild youth, but all of that was pointless. She'd only put herself in a sour mood once, asked to be excused as Korra helped her back to their chambers.
On her last day, Asami had a serene smile plastered on her face. She admired her wife sleeping soundly beside her, having not left her side since Asami could not even lift her arms anymore. In her heart, Asami knew that Korra was aware that this, this would be the extent of her life. Eventful yet too short, complete yet still longing for more.
She pressed soft fingers against Korra's cheeks, quiet tears slipping from her slits to blotch the pillow, and when she closed her eyes, Asami Sato exhaled for the final time.
Korra smiled as she stepped into purple fields, the colorful sky a myriad of shades as the spirits flew everywhere, trees sprouting from nothing. She glanced around, took a long and deep breath to take it all in, let the sweet rays fall upon her face.
Ruffling to the right snapped her back to attention. Korra glanced there, her smile growing wider at the approaching figure. The young heiress appeared, regal and beautiful as always, now twenty-something-years-old, a coy grin drawing across her lips. Korra grabbed at her extended hand.
"I've kept you waiting, my love," said the Avatar. Their foreheads touched, eyes closed.
"I wouldn't have had it any other way, darling. I've missed you."
Korra huffed, a terrible mask to hide her grievance. But there was no need for it now, it was all done. Raava would've already found another Avatar, and the cycle would continue as the new generation took over, trained and ready and more powerful than anyone could imagine.
At last, Korra was reunited with her loved ones.
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
Kuvira is evil in this version, no redemption arc:
Final battle, shortly after the Colossus has been taken down, Hiroshi is killed and before Kuvira's escape to the Wilds.
None of them could have anticipated the next events, try as they may. Korra pulled herself up from the rubbles, aches overtaking her so much that it felt as if every limb in her body was about to fall off. She groaned, a sharp stab pulsing through her right side, stumbled down from a bulk of concrete from building that had collapsed as Kuvira's mech imploded.
Ash and dust rose all around them, yet a quick flick of her hand, she airbent it away to the sound of coughing. A couple of feet away from her, Kuvira, too, was getting her bearings together.
"It's over, Kuvira!" Korra took the last leg of her descent rather unceremoniously. It didn't matter. "Give up, and we can still sort this out."
Despite the obvious blackening of her eye, her hard gait and shallow breathing, Kuvira summoned a great bout of earth just under Korra's feet. The latter saw it coming, and with as much grace as her own agonies permitted her, she swiveled away from the crumbling ground, taking to the skies. With a great swish of air, she blew gentle blades towards the Great Uniter - enough to knock the winds out of her, but not harm her.
Kuvira dodged, but the Avatar's last attempt had her stumbling back a couple of feet.
"Stand down! Please!"
Kuvira snigger was near unbearable, the kind that made teeth clatter. "Whatever happened to the great Avatar? Disappearing for years, returns only to beg?" Another round of metal this time hurled at Korra. She deflected them as easy as she breathed.
"Kuvira, there are no winners in a war! This is pointless!"
A swath of rocks blanketed Korra's space, relentless and merciless, and somehow, by pure skill, she managed to avoid the onslaught. The air beside her swooshed as she spun mid-air, a particular stone coming a bit too close for comfort.
"Kuvira, that's enough!"
The Great Uniter stilled for half a second at the familiar voice, enough to have Korra hurling a water torpedo her ways. Suyin pressed forward as well, bending metal all around her in a protective stance. Somehow, the others had managed to gather around, bruised, and battered yet alive. Korra did not have the time to ponder on that thought, her water deflected by a slab of earth that aimed to smash the life out of her.
For a hot second, it seemed that Kuvira had won, succeeded in her effort to kill the Avatar.
From the space on the ground, Korra groaned, a heavy weight crushing her with arms wrapped around her head, warm air ruffling the hair on her neck. Asami trembled against her. She pushed herself upwards and supported herself on her arms, enough for Korra to notice the soot and dirt on her usually pristine face. There were clean streaks, too, but that was for later.
"Just in time," Korra breathed.
The others barraged Kuvira with their elements, giving her little time to react were she not who she was. Su had trained her well. Even with her army circling around them, they were not wholeheartedly at a disadvantage. Team Avatar worked in motion, each pulling from the other's element, thrusting jabs of air, earth, water, fire, and metal with practiced ease. They had seen each other bending before, trained together at times, and their bond was strong, old and young, an insurmountable force to be reckoned with.
Getting back on their feet, Korra and Asami rejoined the fight, the CEO's electric glove sizzling to life. To anyone who did not know Asami, it would have seemed ludicrous that a non-bender would charge in against one of the most powerful benders around, but Korra had seen Asami in a fight. Powers or not, she was a formidable foe.
It seemed as though they were winning, seemed as if this whole thing could be well and over with in a matter of seconds, but then the earth shook in a terrible roar, and the cornered animal raged with unforseen anger. Kuvira's raised arms brought up with it the whole of the surrounding area, forcing a hurried retreat from everyone.
Stumbling on her feet, Asami yelped, crashed to her knees were it not for Korra hanging on to her.
"Hold on tight!"
Korra kicked them upwards, a swirl of air twirling under them the higher up Kuvira went. Yet, her eyes landed on them, and with a simple fisted hand, broke through the mound she's created.
"The Earth Kingdom will be safe again, Avatar! And there is nothing you can do about it!"
Korra weaved them past the flying rocks, spinning and turning to a dizzying speed. But a slab found its mark. Asami slipped from Korra's grip, a soundless scream billowing from her parted lips, hand outstretched as it had moments ago with her dad.
With a terrible punch to the wind, Korra burst it forth and towards her best friend. The air knocked her ever backward, yet towards the airbenders. Asami was brought back soundly to the ground, disheveled, but otherwise unscathed.
"KUVIRA!" The Avatar's roar was terrifying. Eyes glowing that brilliant shade of white, Korra threw herself forward, throwing to the wind all of her previous want for peace. This had to end.
Crashing into the Great Uniter, they stumbled down towards the ground, the rocks Kuvira had summoned bent away by those on the ground. Never before had Korra ever been thankful to have so many earthbenders with her than now. Dust swerved where they crashed, covering them from view.
Asami ran forward much to Lin's futile warning, ran like a madwoman towards where Korra was most certainly lying. This could not be happening again. Not again.
"Korra? Korra!"
No answer. The air was near impossible to breathe, but Asami did not let up. "Korra!"
Asami turned on her feet at the sharp sound of metal. A few feet away from her, Korra's back was turned against the Great Uniter.
Asami screamed as Korra turned just as the metal knives flew towards their target, piercing through the faux-leather jacket. The heiress slumped in the Avatar's arms, blood gushing out from around the weapons latched in her chest.
"Asa...no, no, no, no...Sami..."
They crumbled to the ground in a heap, the movement exerting Asami's shallow breathing. Her face had grown paler than it usually was, an expression of pain curling her pristine lips. Lines dotted her forehead, her hand finding Korra's arm for support, yet her grip weak, barely a hold.
"What have you done? Oh, Sami, why...?"
Somewhere next to them, someone cursed, earth was bent, fire was breathed to life, and the Great Uniter was knocked unconscious. But Korra didn't care. Korra didn't care.
"It's...it's...okay..." Tears spilled from her eyes, leaving a somewhat clear trail on the side of her face. "It's okay..."
Korra vehemently shook her head. How could it be okay? "I'll fix you. Kya will fix you. You just have to hold on. Hold on, Sami."
The latter tried to nod, but the movement, imperceptible as it was, illicited a pained gasp. Her emerald eyes rounded from it, fingers latching to Korra's armband.
"Not here, Korra." The latter had no idea when the waterbending master had skidded to her. She spewed out orders, the others all too ready to comply. "The temple. She needs Spirit Water."
Korra simply nodded. With every fiber in her body, calling upon whatever strength she had left, Korra hoisted Asami in her arms. The heiress's eyes closed, her arm falling from her chest.
Author note:
Let me know if y'all want more😬
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everythingfiction13 · 3 months
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
I want to thank Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom for being my bisexual awakening
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
I want to write a fanfic where Korra and Asami decide they want to get pregnant and go to the Spirit World to get guidance. I want to write it so bad.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
One of my favorite tropes is that one scene when sth bad happens (an explosion or sth) and A says that "they will be fine" repeatedly as they discover that B will in fact not be fine.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
Fanfiction writers- reblog this if you've ever been writing a fic and pause just to ask yourself what you're doing with your life😭
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
I have so many ideas to write about. So many freaking ideas.
I do not know where to start. Send help. I repeat. Send help.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
Many fics always put it that Korra dies first. I want to see a fic where Asami goes first, but out of old age not because of something else. Maybe even get a glimpse at how they lived their lives together.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
Disclaimer: I may have cried while writing this.
Korra and Asami, along with Mako and Bolin, Tenzin and his family, Kya, Bumi and a-very-much-deprived-of-any-fun Lin decide to visit the Southern Water Tribe for one of their many festivals.
Once there, the others are quick to jump into the action, and Mako wins several gifts for Ikki who still isn't over her crush on him. Meanwhile, Bolin and Meelo playfully race along the roads of the SWT, but the general rule is that they don't use their bending. It is purely a test of speed and power, and nearly all of the gang has placed their bets on either boy, mostly in favor of Bolin. It is not quite a surprise when Meelo actually wins.
Jinora, for once, decides to let her hair down and enjoy the parades with Kai, and through much persuasion, Tenzin sort of relaxes thanks to his mother and Pema. After all, the children won't be as such for much longer, a fact that the Airbending Master can not get over, no matter how old his children get. Lin and Kya spend much of their time together, drinking and placing bets, trying to showcase who is stronger and who can hold their liquor, and at some point, Korra could have sworn she'd seen them flirting though they would surely deny it later on.
All in all, everyone's having fun and enjoying a much needed respite from saving the world from anyone who thinks of wreaking havoc again. All except for Asami, but nobody notices. Korra has her suspicions, deems it wise to let her girlfriend confide in her when she's ready. They'd already had this conversation before with Asami confessing that sometimes, when things got a bit overwhelming, she just needed her space. And Korra gave her all the space possible, letting her hang back while the others threw themselves in a series of shenanigans, yet always kept a watchful eye on the heiress. At some point, Korra was distracted long enough for Asami to slip away, this particular bout of uncertainty taking longer to shake off than normal.
Asami could feel her chest tightening, the air in her lungs barely enough to keep her on her feet, but she was well-versed in the art of hiding her turmoil, a smile always at the ready to protect her from any inquiring looks.
A gentle hand finds her shoulder, big enough to clasp her whole bone, yet tender and warm.
"Hey kiddo." Tonraq. Asami would always recognize his voice.
She turns to him a moment later, flashing that same practiced smile. But a look of concern furrows the man's brows, and he towers over her, large and imposing and so caring that the heiress can't help but feel so small.
"You feeling alright?"
"Yes, yes," she says, though the lump in her throat threatened to choke her.
Tonraq sees right through her. "Asami, you know you can confide in me. I may be Korra's dad and all, but I'm still here for you."
Tears swell in her eyes, but again, Asami will always hide her feelings in such moments. She can not afford to be weak, to let herself be so easily uncovered. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. But I promise, I'm fine."
"Have we not passed over the formalities? You are dating my daughter."
At that, a genuine grin curled Asami's lips. It feels weird, however, to call him by his name, almost as if she is breaking some unnamed rule. "I suppose so. I'll need some time to get used to it, though."
"As long as it takes, honey. Are you sure you're alright?"
Asami nods, swallows the knot in the back of her throat. Tonraq, she knows, is not convinced. There is little, however, she can do about it, only hopes that he isn't as persistent as his daughter.
He isn't. With one last smile, he rejoins the others, leaving Asami to her own thoughts. Relief washes over her, but she still can't find herself to breathe properly, the need to disappear for a moment gnawing at her.
Later, when everyone is fast asleep under the heavy covers to keep them warm, Asami finds herself clutching at a cup of tea she's made herself, sitting on a chair in the private kitchen even though the main hall was all but empty. This place was smaller, cozier. It suited her mood just as well. In her other free hand, Asami holds the one thing Lin was able to salvage from the wreckage that was the hummingbird Hiroshi and her had used in the battle against Kuvira, a pair of bent golden spectacles with no glass to keep it together. Asami can't bring herself to look at it, but it feels good to have it between her fingers, clasp at the very last thing that connected her to her dad.
"Oh, sorry I...I figured it would be empty," Senna breaks the silence. "Asami, are you okay, sweetheart?"
The young woman's lips quiver, unable to hold it together any longer. She swallows, her voice wavering. "Not really, no."
Senna pulls the chair beside her. She does not fail to notice the glasses, but makes no move to reach for Asami's hand. The latter doesn't blame her, she wouldn't touch something as tainted with blood either. Her father was a criminal after all.
A single tear streaks down Asami's cheek. "My mom used to call me that. All the time. I miss her."
Another tear. Senna ticks with compassion, grabbing the younger woman then in a hug Asami had not been privileged with for so, so long. And for once, she hangs on, fingers clutching at Senna's shirt as her tears flow freely down her face.
"I can't...I can't breathe," she chokes out. "I can't breathe."
Tender hands clasp her face, and Korra looks so much like her mother, just as Asami reflected Yasuko's features, only older.
"I need you to breathe with me, sweetheart. Can you do that?"
Yet again, Asami nods. Her tears do not stop. Her breathing becomes erratic instead, but Senna's touches, firmer now, ground her. "You're okay, sweetheart. I got you. I got you."
"Why does it...why does...hurt...? Why did they leave me all alone?"
"Oh honey, they didn't. They never did leave you."
"They did. Everyone leaves me. Everyone..."
"Asami, sweetheart, that's not going to happen. Your friends are here, and you have Tonraq and me, and Korra..."
But the words fall on deaf ears, try as she may to take them in. "I never got to say goodbye. It hurts..."
"I know it does. But believe me, your mom and dad are with you, Asami. They will always be a part of you. Always."
"You don't...know that."
"But you do. In everything that you do, Asami, every waking moment, your being alive and well and happy is a testament to how much your mom and dad loved you." Senna brushes the girl's tears, pulls her in closer so that her head rests upon her chest. Tea discarded, glasses still clutched in her hand, Asami lets herself cry for what feels like the first time in years.
Of course, she'd done so before, several times, when the hurt became so much she was going to explode, but those were in her private moments. Never in front of anyone. Never.
Great. If she had felt embarrassed at the start of her confession, Asami doubled in it.
Tonraq catches on quickly, and he wraps his arms around them both, setting a soft kiss on Asami's head. He does not need to say a thing because with Senna's words and his embrace, Asami feels safe again.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
There's one Arcane fic I wrote a couple of years ago that remains unfinished that I want to modify with my whole heart.
When I first wrote it, I had no idea who Wawrick was. Now I do.
With all my other writing projects, I hope I can squeeze in the time to fix it, and finish it.
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everythingfiction13 · 4 months
Korra, Bolin and Mako walk in on Asami working in her workshop on one of the many cars that need repairs, hoping to whisk her away for a night out in Republic City.
What none of them expect is to see Asami, covered in soot and her overall askew, wearing a pair of glasses as she reads through some of her notes, totally unaware of her girlfriend and friends standing behind her, gaping at the sight.
When she does notice, she can't help but sheepishly smile when the others point out that it is the first time they see her with spectacles. The CEO admits that she had been having a hard time focusing on her work what with the constant headaches and long hours spent reading through paperwork, and that Kya was actually the one to suggest her trying on a pair. The pain had been instantly relieved when she did, but Asami only ever needed to wear them up-close.
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