#Rosa &039;Sun Flare&039;
santandreas · 3 years
FOTD-27-28- September
Here are my contributions for Cee’s FOTD challenge for Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th Monday 27th September Archives Ferocactus robustus 18th March 2019 Archive – Sydney Eye Hospital 13th March 2021,taken from the Royal Sydney Botanical Gardens Tuesday 28th September Three images of Convolvulus cneorum, the silverbush or shrubby bindweed, is a species of flowering plant in the family…
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spaceman-earthgirl · 5 years
2018 Fic Writing Roundup
Thanks @rosa-bi-az and @tht-lesbian-fangirl for tagging me!
Total 2018 Word Count: 249 641
Total 2018 Hits: 426 039
Other 2018 AO3 Stats: Kudos (48712), Comment Threads (2686), Bookmarks (4391), Subscriptions (2769).
Umm okay that’s a lot.
It’s entirely clear looking at this and from the fact that I wrote 60 fics in 2018 (that’s even counting all the drabbles as a single fic) that I write too much.
So I’m just going to pick 10 fics or else this post will be way too long.
Links & Titles to 2018 Works:
Thank you, for saving me: five times Kara saves Lena and the sixth time Lena thanks her.
All signs lead to trouble: sanvers teachers AU
In your arms, where I belong: late night phone calls turn into sleepovers as Kara and Lena help each other fall asleep.
The makings of a family: Kara and Lena raise baby Clark together.
Your smile is brighter than the sun: Kara solar flares and Lena arrives home to find her suntanning naked on her balcony.
To feel close to you: Lena is a t-shirt thief and Kara catches her.
If only you could see what I do: "Lena mentions she hates her stomach and Kara is just so shook and confused because Lena Luthor has a soft cute little belly. Kara then dedicates her time to telling Lena how beautiful she is (and she kisses her belly a few times)"
She's my wife and I love her: multiple fics of supercorp wives just being happy and in love.
the truth is i love you: Kara and Lena play truth or dare.
you're my best friend but can we be more?: new year’s eve supercorp fic
Favorite Fic: I’m not sure that I can pick a favourite but I had a lot of fun writing I'm with you no matter what. It’s the biggest thing I’ve written so far and I had a lot of fun developing the plot and expanding on the characters in that particular story.
Hardest Fic: There’s no single one I could chose even if some are easier to write than others. I’d probably say any multi chapter fics I’ve written are the hardest, only because I find it hard to say focused and finish them.
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2019? For sure, I’ve already started! Feel free to send me a message with a prompt or for an update if you’ve already sent one. I get quite a few so some get lost in the pile.
What was the best thing about 2018? I got to be back in my home country and spend time with my family plus I had a lot of free time for writing.
What was the worst thing about 2018? The downside of being home is that I miss my friends and family now on the other side of the world.
Any last thoughts for 2018? Let’s hope this year is even better!
Goals for 2019:
Keep writing.
Maybe finally finish a multi chapter supercorp fic I’ve been working on for ages.
Definitely finish my sanvers soccer au.
Reply to more comments because I suck at it but know I appreciate every single one.
Figure out what I want to do with my life.
I’m going to tag @murdershegoat, @jedifighterpilot2727 @sapphicscholarwrites and @poppyssupergirl
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