spiritgamer26 · 7 months
[CP] Le multijoueur fait son retour dans DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS
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DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS : Le Prince des ombres
Avec la sortie prochaine de DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS : Le Prince des ombres, SQUARE ENIX® a révélé de nouveaux détails pour les fonctions en ligne du jeu, qui comprennent les modes préférés des joueurs ainsi que quelques nouveautés qui seront disponibles à son lancement. En affrontant leurs amis et rivaux du monde entier, les joueurs pourront renforcer leurs compétences, améliorer leurs monstres et se battre pour devenir le plus grand meneur de monstres qui soit. Une démo est disponible sur le Nintendo eShop afin de donner aux fans un avant-goût de l'aventure de Psaro. Les joueurs pourront transférer leur équipe de monstres sur le jeu complet à sa sortie. DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS : Le Prince des ombres sortira dans le monde entier exclusivement sur Nintendo Switch™ le 1er décembre 2023. https://youtu.be/OZEKGxfrlps Les célèbres combats en ligne sont de retour pour la série DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS, avec de nouvelles améliorations de gameplay, comme les joutes express. En progressant dans l'histoire, Psaro rencontrera Fizzy dans la tour de Rosecolline afin d'accéder aux fonctions en ligne et à la possibilité d'acheter du contenu en DLC. Il y aura quelque chose pour tous les joueurs, nouveaux venus comme vétérans, qui pourront améliorer les capacités de leurs monstres lors de combats contre d'autres meneurs. Les trois principales fonctionnalités en ligne sont : les combats en ligne, les joutes express et le magasin en ligne. Les joueurs qui se débrouilleront bien au cours des combats en ligne et des joutes express pourront obtenir des récompenses telles que de nouveaux monstres et des objets rares. Au magasin en ligne, il est possible d'échanger des pièces d'or obtenues dans le jeu principal contre des objets tels que des livrets qui permettent d'enseigner un nouveau talent à un des monstres de l'équipe. Que ce soit pour s'entraîner ou simplement faire du shopping, le jeu offre de nombreux moyens de devenir un meilleur meneur de monstres !
DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS : les Combats en ligne
Il existe de nombreuses catégories de combat différentes, dont : Les matchs classés : Dans ce mode, des meneurs de monstres du monde entier s'affrontent pour décrocher la première place. En progressant dans le classement, les fans pourront gagner des accessoires rares et d'autres objets pour renforcer leurs monstres. Les matchs amicaux : Les joueurs pourront affronter d'autres meneurs pour le plaisir après les avoir enregistrés en tant qu'amis sur leur compte Nintendo®. Les tournois multijoueur : Jusqu'à huit joueurs pourront s'affronter dans un tournoi en élimination directe jusqu'à ce qu'il n'en reste plus qu'un.
Joutes express
Une fois les données de l'équipe enregistrées, les joueurs peuvent participer à des joutes express. Ces grandes compétitions utilisent les données de 30 joueurs pour disputer automatiquement et rapidement des combats. Dans ce mode, les participants ne peuvent obtenir des récompenses qu'une fois par jour, mais elles offrent des objets qui peuvent augmenter les stats des monstres ainsi que des monstres identiques (rang B ou inférieur uniquement) issus de n'importe quelle équipe battue en compétition. Après une joute, il est possible de consulter les détails de chaque combat et les données de l'équipe adverse pour organiser des matchs de préparation et s'entraîner. Les joueurs pourront utiliser ces informations pour affiner la composition de leur équipe et modifier leurs tactiques. Les joutes express sont un moyen rapide et facile d'améliorer son équipe, de recruter de nouveaux monstres et d'obtenir des objets utiles.
Le magasin en ligne
Le stock du magasin en ligne est renouvelé quotidiennement (en journées du monde réel, pas en journées de jeu), mais les objets disponibles peuvent aussi changer au fil de la progression des joueurs. Qu'il s'agisse de livrets permettant d'apprendre un nouveau talent à un monstre, de puissants accessoires ou de différents types de viande, le magasin en ligne aura toujours de quoi satisfaire les meneurs de monstres de tous niveaux. Les joueurs pourront revenir régulièrement en essayant de ne pas dépenser tout l'or de Psaro d'un seul coup. DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS : Le Prince des ombres est désormais disponible en précommande et au préachat numérique exclusivement pour Nintendo Switch sur la boutique officielle Square Enix et chez les revendeurs. Les joueurs précommandant ou préachetant le jeu recevront aussi le "Lot de bienvenue" qui comprend : Boucles d'oreilles nébuleuses x1 Lunettes d'érudit x1 Balle bonus x5
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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LILY- “So, Alexander...now that you are eighteen, we should get to know one another better. I think you would make a great husband.”
ALEXANDER- “Oh, Lily, please don’t take offense, but we can’t get married.”
LILY- “And why not!?”
ALEXANDER- “I thought you knew...I am sorry, but I’m gay.”
LILY- “GAY!!?? Why didn’t you tell me that before!?”
ALEXANDER- “I really thought you knew...”
LILY- “Oh well, all the good ones are already taken, gay or Dead in this town.  Listen, we should go down to the wine cellar, bring up some wine for the reception. I really need your help to carry it back up with me.  Do you mind?”
ALEXANDER- “Of course I can help....”
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ROSE- “LILY!!  NOOO!!!  He is my step-son now.......
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It's Blessed Sundays!!! Today we feature Royalty for a Night which was started in 2015 out of a need to provide both male and female graduating secondary school students the opportunity to save on the expense of obtaining appropriate formal wear and services attached to this milestone event. Many kids can't afford to attend due to circumstances beyond their control. So today its important that you can read this and share with all your friends and families who can assist with this venture. It is so easy to share those videos and memes that do nothing more than providing a few seconds of 'entertainment'... how about taking a few extra seconds out of your day and click like and share on the Royalty for a Night page. https://www.facebook.com/royaltyforanightTT/ Here are the details of the collection drive element of 'Royalty for a Night'. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of the management of the following companies, you can start to drop off your donations during the period of Tuesday 1st - Friday 25th May 2018 Our drop off locations are: South: The Organic Lounge South Park, San Fernando Sunday to Sunday 10 am to 7pm Central: Bubble Cupps Price Plaza Chaguanas Monday to Saturday 9am - 7pm Vanilla Bean Gourmet Monroe Road, Cunupia Monday to Friday 10am - 6pm and Saturday 9am - 2pm Port of Spain: Webcraf Concepts Booth 17, Cruise Ship Complex Dock Road, POS Monday to Friday 9am -2pm If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact: Keel County - 327-2697 [email protected] OR Roberta Rose-Collins - 389-9046 (what's app only) [email protected]
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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BJORN- “OH MY CREATOR....it’s YOU!  You were standing over that dead man outside!!”
ROSE- “Dead man? What are you talking about?? Calm down Mr...I wasn’t outside. I was upstairs taking a bath. Have a seat...my sister has called the police, they should be here soon.
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LILY- “It’s been a while since I called them, maybe I should call again?”
ROSE- “No Need Lily, I am sure they are on there way...now sir, what is your name, and tell me what exactly you saw?”
BJORN- “This man...with abnormally small feet, was lying dead down the street. Right out on the sidewalk, and there was a woman...YOU standing over his body with what looked like a bloody knife.”
ROSE- “Mr. Bergeron, I can assure you that I was not outside, and I certainly was not standing over some man’s dead body with a bloody knife....maybe you should call the police again, Lilly.”
BJORN- “The name is Bjergsen, Bjorn Bjergsen. If it wasn’t you, it was someone that looked a hell of a lot like you!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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ROSE- “There, that should do the trick...has anyone ever told you that you have abnormally small feet?”
RAJ- “Yeah, I have heard that once or twice, but it means noth...”
Mr. Raj Rasoya finally falls to the ground, and is dead. Truly, undeniably dead.
ROSE- “Great, now here comes someone...no time to take care of the body. Hey caped crusader of the dead, you can get this right?  Lily is really going to pay for this one!!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Sorry to do this on such an exciting note....Nico meeting his family of ghosts!!  But it is the season for ghosts, witches and vampires, right?
Nico still has a ton of story left to tell, we are not even close to Generation 8 yet, but I am going to take just tiny few days (maybe a week or two) hiatus from the BOEDELL LEGACY, so that I can share my Simblreen Story with you!
I am not a cc creator, and other than sharing some of my SIMS, I don’t really have a gift, so I thought I would give you this....
Starting tomorrow night, the first installment of....
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These twin sisters are sometimes good, but most of the time really really bad! Trying to find a husband in Willow Creek is not going to be easy if all the men start turning up
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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GEOFFREY- “OH DEAR!! What have you done to my wife??!!”
ROSE- “YOUR WIFE??!  Seriously?”
DEATH- “Yep, it says right here that he is Geoffrey Landgraab, husband to one deceased Nancy Landgraab.”
ROSE- “Great.  Just great...how rich is he?”
DEATH- “Not very, She’s the one that had all the money, and she is leaving it all to her son, Malcolm...let’s hope he isn’t out jogging!”
GEOFFREY- “The bitch is leaving it to Malcolm?? Kill me now!”
ROSE- “Sure, I’m on a roll this morning, what is one more?”
DEATH- “Your sister is going to be really pissed about missing out on all this!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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BJORN- “No thanks, I will pass on the broth. I think it was your coffee that made me sick...I am really dizzy now...and where are the police!!!”
LILY- “How dare you say my coffee with my grandmother’s special cream made you ill.”
BJORN- “I think maybe, I need to go and get my cell and call the police myself....”
Bjorn stands up and becomes even more dizzy. He feels hot and his throat seems to be closing up....
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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ROSE- “And if you even think about going to the police about ANYTHING, you will go missing as well.  Maybe an alien abduction? That sounds very likely actually. Or we can just cut you up in little pieces and feed you to the fish in the pond behind your house, as I am sure you have had it stocked with piranhas..”
BELLA- “I WAS RIGHT!!  You did have something to do with those horrible crimes!!
Bella bolts from Rose and heads to the safety of her home, but Rose...
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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 Just as Rose and Lily had planned, the wedding took place the same day that Bella was officially pronounced dead. Rose became, Mrs. Rose Violet Goth...
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ROSE- “Mortimer, you have made me the happiest woman in Willow Creek!!”
MORTIMER- “I don’t know if I could have gone on without Bella, if it hadn’t been for you.”
LILY- “Pssst...Alexander, come over here, we need to talk...”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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ROSE- “I can not believe that you couldn’t take him out?  You never even got close to a vein or an artery....and what were you thinking bringing him here.  We do this together, a team, remember?”
LILY-  “Geez, Rose. Calm down before you have a coronary.”
ROSE- “Unlike your friend Raj! Lily we have a plan. We have to stick to it.”
LILY- Okay, I get it. A team!  I was just getting impatient, Rose. I mean the online thing just isn’t working. Too many flakes.  All they want is for you to send them nudes so they can just get off and then log off. We NEED husbands!”
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ROSE- “Okay then, let’s place an AD on one of those adult forums you were talking about, but be specific.  You know what we discussed.”
LILY- “Young, attractive, single, between 21 and 40, average to over endowed with a big bank account.”
ROSE- “Perfect, and they can not be still living with their mother.”
LILY- “Speaking of mothers, I hope Mrs. Rasoya doesn’t come looking for her son.”
ROSE- “I am sure we probably did her a favor. I am going to go wash all this blood off me before it seeps into my pores. Please just go in and start on the AD, okay?
LILY- “Okay, go ahead get your shower. You should probably soak that dress overnight, or that blood is not coming out.”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Rose pounces onto of Don and begins stabbing him in the chest, making sure she hots the major vein and arteries...
DON- “Why are you doing this to me....??”
ROSE- “I’ve heard about you...the Casanova of Oasis Springs. Dating the Caliente mother, while sleeping with her daughter. Men like you don’t deserve to live.”
ROSE- “The angel of revenge...your worst nightmare, the punisher of cheaters and adulterers!!  Actually I am Rose Collins, I live across the street in the renovated Victorian...”
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DEATH- “ROSE!!!?  You need to stop this while it is daylight...what did I just say?”
ROSE- “Do you know who he is?”
DEATH- “Of course I do, I know everyone. And this one is known by everyone.   I also know who the lady is over to my right...I have a feeling she is next on my list isn’t she?”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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As Rose heads to the back of the Goth Manor to wash off the evidence, Don Lothario is jogging by and sees her covered in blood...
ROSE- “What is it, National Jogging Day or something?...”
DON- “Lady, are you okay, are you hurt?”
ROSE- “No I am fine. Why do you ask?”
DON- “You are covered in blood!! What is that in your hand....OH SHIT!!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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Rose mysteriously appears on the front porch before Bella can get there, and she has a knife.  She lunges it into Bella’s gut, stabbing her repeatedly.
ROSE- “You are NOT the only witch in this town, Bella Goth!!”
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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NANCY- “But why...why are you doing this?”
ROSE- “Right now, I am not really sure. Doing my part for the community I guess, by getting rid of all the badly dressed joggers....”
Dina falls to the ground, and Death quickly swoops her up, and Rose runs for cover in her house. Hoping no one else sees her...
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mwgaybachelor · 7 years
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LILY- “So where are we going to put him??”
ROSE- “In that chest..fill it with lye and lock him in. He will just rot. Once that happens we can just dispose of the bones, or burn the entire chest with him in it.”
LILY- ”No burning...you know that just creeps me out. Thinking of a body burning.  He was someone’s father, Rose.”
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ROSE- “Okay, burning a dead body creeps you out, but poisoning a live man, doesn’t? You are psycho, Lily.”
LILY- “Oh, and stabbing a man to death in broad daylight out on the street isn’t? I think we are both a just a bit psychotic, sister.”
ROSE- “Yeah, I suppose...we are twins.”
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