jmblyajones · 5 years
I ship Michael + Alex, Michael + Maria, hell Michael + Me. Anything is possible and I’m putting it into the atmosphere
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jmblyajones · 5 years
I think the beauty of a tv show is for people to be able to come together while having their own ships.
Roswell, NM is an amazing show (has always been).
People who ship Maria and Michael should NOT be attacked
People who ship Michael and Alex should NOT be attacked
This is a show acknowledges that we need more tolerance and compassion. So where tf is yours?
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jmblyajones · 6 years
Liz and Max shippers in the beginning of the episode:
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Liz and Max shippers at the end:
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jmblyajones · 6 years
1. The makeup and vfx on Nathan... CHILE lmao
2. Michael helping Alex during the fight at prom and their eye contact was HOOOOT. Ugh and when they were about to kiss the look on Alex’s face when Michael pulled away. I swear they are giving me my vitamins and nutrients.
3. WTF IS WRONG WITH ISOBEL? I think she has a split personality? Maybe it happened when that old man was about to molest her when she went camping. I feel like this split personality is the opposite from her usual organized self, she’s more unhinged. I think her second personality might have been in love with Rosa.
4.I just don’t see Liz and Max getting together ANYTIME soon. I’m about to just jump ship bruh fr. It is interesting how the original Roswell drew Max and Liz closer and closer but this one is trying to drive them apart. I’m trying to figure out what the writers’ endgame for them is? What is the purpose of having Liz HATE Max?
5. Maria is being done so damn dirty. Like where tf was sheee this whole episode.
pS: can we get someone to kick Sergeant Manes ass plz??
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jmblyajones · 6 years
Roswell NM keeps surprising me. Here are my thoughts about last episode and the series so far
1.UH ROSA’s MOM and KYLE’s DAD. Tbh I didn’t think his dad had an affair with Rosa but that bedroom looked hella suspect at first. I wonder how Liz is gonna take it
2. I didn’t think Michael killed those girls. It kinda makes sense it would be Isobel. Just according to their attitudes and mannerisms. I know we can just blame her blackout for killing the girls but I hope they put a deeper meaning to it.
3. Wyatt got me fucked up. Why tf is he trying to hide the mysteries of his sisters death? Will it make it easier for him to be more of a bigoted racist? 
4. I want more Maria with an actual storyline!
5. I am going to @ Carina this question because I am genuinely curious but any of you can answer if you want. Isn’t Michael Max and Isobel’s brother? I ask because both this series and the original series really only acknowledge Max and Isobel as brother and sister even though they were all together. The only big difference is Max and Isobel were adopted and raised together.
6. When Max said he hasn’t been happy since Liz left, all I was thinking was “yikes Jenna” I’m ready for this love triangle
7. I died when Noah dumped all that nail polish remover out. I’ve been excited to see how this situation plays itself out. I wanted to see if Isobel will become a hypocrite.
8. I need more Malex scenes pretty please. They warm my heart.
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jmblyajones · 6 years
Roswell NM Fandom
I just want to say that I really want to be apart of the chats and discussion for the show. I love the fan base (especially the reasonable ones who know this series isn’t like the original). I also like when the og Roswell fans come and support this series (me included). I have good feeling about this show especially the way the characters are displayed to us. I love the edits of the show and fans theories about whats going to happen in the future. Cheers!
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jmblyajones · 5 years
1. Max’s face when Liz said she couldn’t go with him to the Gala was soo adorable 😭
2. Ugh I hate to do this but I’m getting suspicious
PRIME SUSPECT: NOAH (his edits have gotten very lingering and weird) or JENNA (I just don’t like her 😂)
3. Michael and Maria sitting in a tree... oop (honestly the more people that hate on me for liking them makes me like them more tbh). I think they are cute together, I like their repertoire.
4. I know Wyatt’s racist ass isn’t trying to pin shit on Maria! Let me take my earrings off real quick
5. Liz talking to her dad about citizenship makes me feel like he might get deported or processed by ICE
6. Sometimes rounding the aliens up!!
7. Liz says she’s crazy about Max: FINA FUCKING LLY
8. I’m surprised they didn’t make Jenna catty and against Liz lol
9. Maria as the scapegoat iNterestiNg
10. RED ALERT: Michael just announced he’s bisexual (aaaand he’s into Maria)! Lol I’m surprised Max was confused about that.
11. If I have to see Michael’s nasty ass fucked up hand I am going to gag. I love me some Michael but DAMN
12. Liz being an all around bad ass rescuing Max and Michael is everything
13. Wooow, Noah is the guilty party. I want to know about his background real bad right about now
14. Man they really cut Liz’s running scene. :((( I was looking forward to that
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jmblyajones · 6 years
2. I still stan Liz and Michael as a science duo
3. Noah throwing mad shade “Young blonds get attention” I’m here for it 👏🏾
4. Michael talking about the details for him and Alex having sex is ngl getting me hot 😰
5. The “thoughts and prayers” won’t solve anything angle is very powerful
6. Jenna is STILL dusty. Bro what if Michael kills Jenna infront of Alex using his powers (possibly by accident)?
7. I was not prepared to see Michaels fucked up hand 🤢
8. I knew that Sky healer was a FRUAD
9. The way Michael looked at Maria when she started singing. AND THAT KISS 🥰
9(1/2). THEY FUCKED! 😦
11. MAX AND LIZ FINALLY KISS! I swear Carina loves putting me through the fucking ringer
11(1/2). Coming back from commercial break STILL on Max and Liz’s kiss then they pull away with the sun shinning in the background UUUGH
12. How the fuck did Noah find where the the pods were at? It’s in the middle of nowhere
13. Michael figuring out that Alex figures out that Michael isn’t human has me clutching PEARLS
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jmblyajones · 5 years
1. Max’s face when Liz was going to leave sent MY HEART! I just love them and want to keep them safe at ALL times
2. Seriously once again, even though I hate reliving Michael’s past, it is incredibly important to who he is. But I love when Vlamis gets Gurein all teary-eyed
3. Noah pulled a gun out, I CANT 😩😂 (it’s understandable though lol). Welp I realize that our aliens were teenagers and the youth of their classmates could influence what they did with the 3’s secrets. Soo I guess wondering about Isobel’s hypocrisy on the subject (like how she treated the Max and Liz situation) was kinda not warranted. I mean they are mature adults now. Anyways Isabel had no choice but to tell Noah everything
4. I swear Isobel’s second personality is the 4th alien! BET 😌
5. Maria has magical psychic powers! However she couldnt even figure out Alex and Michael were a thing? 🤔 Y’all really be playing my girl here. Alex is so damn SHADY lmao. And Maria’s face at the end of the scene showed that she did not believe a LICK of what she was saying “meant nothing” my ass
6. Isobel trying to railroad Liz while not railroading Liz into helping her out. Smh
7. I’m really thinking Alex will keep the last reaming piece of the ufo so Michael won’t leave.
8. Alex and Kyle> Max and Jenna: I live for an investigator duo!
9. I swear Michael and Isobel using their psychic connection is the coolest thing ever!
10. I KNEW ISOBEL 2.0 lOoooved Rosa. Now why tf would she kill her.
11. I feel like Noah accepted Isobel strangely ASAP. Somethings fishy
12. Michael and Maria got my heart beating out my chest. They want each other sooo bad 😩
13. This 4th alien is fucking shit UP! That last scene OH MY GOSH! “I can be that MAN” Can’t wait for the reveal 👀👀
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jmblyajones · 6 years
Roswell, New Mexico
I have to say I am very intrigued by the new changes from the original vs this new version. Here are my thoughts about it so far.
1.) I will say that I am happy Shiri is involved with the series!
2.) I think having the 1st season or at least the 1st few episodes dealing with Liz’s sister Rosa and the conspiracy around her death is very interesting. I am excited to see where it goes
3.) Having Liz’s dad undocumented was a cool direction. It is modernizing the reality we live in *snaps for you*
4.) Completely shocked that Alex and Michael are a thing. I feel like the chemistry between them makes it hard to be upset at it but me being an og Roswell fan it makes me disappointed at how snubbed Maria is. I feel like people are so happy to have a gay couple that nobody really cares that Maria and Michael were “suppose” to be a thing. Now if the writers put them together it looks so shady since Maria and Alex are close friends… and I want my girl to have a love interest idc idc. I am interested to see how the Alex and Michael works out though.
5.) Then vs Now they still manage to cast one fine ass man to play Max. Good lord.
6.) I’m trying to figure out if Liz and Max are going to be “enemies” these next few episodes because after he lied to Liz about her sister and then her telling Kyle about Max makes me nervous.
7.) Having the show set 10 years after hs makes me wonder what these people are going be doing in their everyday lives, like at least high school kept them all busy but right now we know Kyle is a doctor, Max is a police officer, Maria works at a bar and Liz occasionally helps her dad out at his diner…. Kool
8.) I know in the original Roswell Micheal and Isobel were hard to like at first but this version I am finding them kind of unbearable right now. I might get over it later but they seem like real assholes
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jmblyajones · 6 years
Roswell, New Mexico
Am I the only one who spotted the Vampire Diaries books on Liz’s bookshelf?? 
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jmblyajones · 6 years
1. Kyle getting heated at Liz for not telling him about Isobel killing Rosa meanwhile still not telling Liz about Kyle being Rosa’s sister too... hmmm
2. Alex knocking his dad tf out and tying him up was a highlight for this episode. He let his dad know HE AINT NO PUNK.
3. Correct me if I’m wrong but Mamma Evan’s is basically saying she should have adopted Michael lol
4. Jenna is dusty PERIODT.
5. I honestly wish Isobel, Max AND Michael had a psychic connection. When you think about it, it is kinda sad because aside from Max and Isobel being adopted together it is another thing Michael is alone in tbh.
6. I can’t imagine being Liz and knowing that the bitch who killed my sister made me leave before her funeral because of their guilt. ALL LIZ’S FEELINGS ON THIS ISSUE ARE 100% VALID IDGAF.
7. Michael and Liz are a brainy scientist duo that I would love to see on my telly  over and over. PS: Michael showing off his sexy science brain is a major turn on just fyi.
8. I’m curious if Sergeant Manes’s thoughts about aliens will start seeping into Alex’s mind once (*my prediction*) he sees Michael use his powers by accident?
9. Tyler saying ‘PROTOCAL’ is the funniest shit I've ever heard
10. Isobel and Liz pouring the silver all over her was a very cool scene. Please tell me y'all didn’t blink when y'all saw those symbols across Isobel’s face!
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jmblyajones · 6 years
1. I am convinced the evilness in the Manes family has skipped a generation with Alex. PS Tyler is soo good with his characters throwing shade
2. I see my girl Maria getting a storyline. Plus Michael comforting her gave me warm fuzzies.
3. Maybe if Wyatt woke up from his black out not racist anymore then that would be something to work with. PS what if Wyatt came in a pod too and was an alien- and him spreading hate to minorities keeps the attention away from himself (somewhat)?? Hey anything is possible.
4. The ending with Liz and Max has seemed to stabilize the ship. Thank goodness too bc I was about to call “MAN OVERBOARD”
5. I cannot believe this sell out cop, Jenna. She’s not gonna last
All in all this seemed more like a filler episode than anything else so I don’t have as much to say.
What did you guys think about this episode??
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