#micheal guerin
malexlover · 2 years
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Rockabye Sweet Baby Babe
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nasirsagron · 11 months
And why should i be scared of aliens when Roswell literally raised me
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halevetica · 1 year
Is that how you wanted this to go?(Malex)
Alex sat at the table with Kyle across from him, a half drank beer in hand. He'd agreed to get a drink with Kyle to take his mind off of everything going on in his life...and because Kyle had told him he had something important to show him before pulling into the wild pony parking lot with a pleading grin a promise to buy drinks for the night.
Alex avoided the Wild Pony for many reasons. One was the bartender, the other was his ex, if you could even call him that, and lastly was the terrible music. Though the last one was more of an excuse that didn't out him for avoiding the other two.
He and Maria were getting better. Now that Alex didn't have to see her with Michael, it was easier. There was still a mild awkwardness between them, but it was dissipating.
"Another round?" Maria asked Kyle as she paused at their table.
"Sure, I'll take one." Kyle nodded.
"I'm okay." Alex held up his still half empty beer.
"Okay, I'm out-pacing you three to one." Kyle huffed at Alex when Maria left.
"This just isn't how I planned to spend my Thursday night."
"And how did you plan on doing that exactly? Staring at your father's old files? Trying to find information that's not there?" Kyle leaned back in his chair.
"I feel like that would be more productive than sitting here..." Alex's voice trailed off as Micheal Guerin walked into the wild pony.
Michael's eyes met Alex's across the bar.
Kyle turned to see what caused the sudden mood shift.
Alex dropped his gaze first, suddenly very interested in his beer.
"So that's why you didn't want to come." Kyle nodded, ignoring the accusing glare Michael directed at him.
"I can't escape him."
"Do you want to?" Kyle asked, a sympathetic smile on his lips.
In lieu of responding, Alex took a long swig of his beer. That was a complicated question. Everything about Michael Guerin was complicated.
"How's Forrest by the way?" Kyle asked with a knowing smirk.
Alex dropped his head with a chuckle. "Uncomplicated."
Kyle stood, gesturing towards an empty pool table. "Come on, let me kick your ass at pool."
Alex raised a brow at him before downing the last of his beer and following suit.
Alex managed to avoid Michael as he concentrated on the pool game. Kyle was beating him, but he didn't mind. It was a nice distraction.
Alex was lining up his next shot when Michael's laughter pulled his attention up and towards the bar where Michael was sitting on a stool, a raven haired guy stood between his legs. Michael's hands sat firmly on the man's hips, as if holding him in place.
Alex's chest clenched at the sight. Michael was known to be a flirt but he'd never actually seen him flirt with another guy before.
"You good?" Kyle asked, glancing to the bar.
Alex's grip on the pool stick tightened as Michael made eye contact with him before placing his cowboy hat on the guy's head.
Alex forced his focus back on the cue ball and with a little more force than he'd intended, took his shot.
The ball went wide, missing it's intended target by inches.
"Don't let him get to you, man. He's not worth it." Kyle offered with a shake of his head.
What Alex didn't say was that Michael was worth it. He was worth every jolt of jealousy, every nightmare, every reminder, and every heartbreak. He'd endure it all if it made Michael happy. But Alex was certain that this random guy didn't make Michael happy. The smile on his face wasn't genuine. So why the show?
Alex glanced back up to see the guy take off Michael's hat and lean in.
Jealousy coiled in Alex's gut. Was Michael actually gonna kiss this guy?
Michael started to lean back, his eyes falling to Alex, who couldn't bring himself to look away.
Their eyes met before Michael dove in with purpose. His lips crashing against the other man's.
Alex swallowed before setting his pool stick down and marching towards the door. Whatever game Michael was playing, he wanted no part of it.
He ignored Kyle calling after him.
He barely made it to the parking lot when he heard footsteps behind him.
Alex turned around, a sharp glare set into his expression. "What Guerin?"
"Where are you going?" Michael asked.
Alex could only stare at Michael. Was he seriously asking that question?
"Home." Alex said bluntly when it was obvious Michael expected an answer. He turned to walk away when Michael caught his arm, stopping him.
"Why?" Alex scoffed. "Could it be that you had your tongue down some other guy's throat?"
"So you're leaving? I thought you'd confront me about it." Michael released Alex's arm.
"What? Why would I do that?"
"I thought you'd see me with him and come yell at me for rubbing it in your face."
Alex raised his brows at Michael. "Is that how you wanted this to go?" he asked incredulously.
Michael splayed his arms out. "Just trying to get your attention, Alex."
"No, you wanted a fight. Well, guess what, I'm not giving you one." Alex's tone was calm despite his frustration. He turned to walk away again.
"And that's the problem."
Alex paused.
"You don't wanna fight for us. You'd rather run."
Alex whipped around, his patience waning. "I don't even know what I'd be fighting for Guerin. Like you said before, we're not good for each other."
"That's what I mean. You just let me go without a fight."
"My whole life has been a fight. I'm tired of fighting. And I wasn't going to compete with Maria."
"There's never a competition, Alex."
Alex took a step forward, putting less than two feet between him and Michael. "So you were with that guy to hurt me intentionally and you're mad because I didn't make a scene? Didn't demand that you can't be with anyone other than me?"
Michael pursed his lips, seeing the flaw in his plan.
"Maria and I broke up weeks ago."
Alex furrowed his brow. "And what, you thought I'd come running back?"
"I was hoping." Michael said, as if it was obvious.
Alex glanced to where Kyle had approached.
"I'm seeing someone anyway." Alex took a step back.
"Who? Valenti?" Michael scoffed.
"Forrest, actually."
Michael licked at his bottom lip. He should have guessed. Forrest was always too chummy with Alex.
"Besides, we're not good for each other, Guerin." Alex nodded to Kyle who nodded back and started for his car.
Michael's jaw clenched as he watched Alex follow after Kyle.
His hands pulled at his curls in frustration as he started back for the bar. As he reached the awning, he swung his arms down with a sharp, frustrated grunt. The nearby tables were hit with a gust of his telekinesis, clattering against the surrounding chairs.
He'd viewed this night going very differently.
*AN* Was gonna post this for Michael Guerin week for the prompt 'Is that how you wanted this to go' but it worked better from Alex's point of view so I'm just posting it as it's own thing.
Consider buying me a coffee, I would really appreciate it!
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lifewithaview · 1 year
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Shiri Appleby in Roswell (1999–2002) Pilot as Liz Parker
Liz Parker is an average teenager, until one day she is shot during an altercation at the Crashdown café, where she works. A fellow classmate named Max Evans rushes to her side and miraculously saves her from death. Liz later learns that Max, along with his sister Isabel and their friend Michael Guerin, are not really from around here. To be exact, Max, Isabel and Michael are aliens, who are survivors of the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico. But, Max, Isabel and Micheal's secret is not totally safe, as the local Sheriff, Jim Valenti is beginning to suspect something is amiss
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Type: One shot about Malex (Michael Gurien + Alex Manes) Show: Roswell NM Rating: Rated PG Word Count: 2300+ (On the shorter side) Enjoy!
Alex was always the one that Michael couldn't stay away from. Since they were 17 he was in love with Alex. Even though he tried to push those feelings deep down, they just kept coming up. After a failed relationship with Deluca, Michael knew what he needed to do. He finally made his move and made Alex his, it was freeing to finally live his truth.
"Hey, you," Micheal said as Alex pulled up to his shop. "Hey" Alex smiled as Michael opened the door for him, getting out of the truck. "Easy babe," Micheal said as he wrapped his arm around Alex. "I'm just glad to see you," Alex said as he kissed Michael softly. "Oh are you?" Michael smiled against his lips before kissing him back.
Alex slightly pulled away from Michael, resting his forehead against his. Michael grabbed Alex's hand and led him into the house. They sat on the couch and just talked about their day. Michael loved just laying against Alex's lap, while Alex ran his hand through his hair. Just listens about deep sky and gives his advice when he feels the need to. Trying his best not to fall asleep on Alex's lap but Alex was home. He slowly started to fall asleep in Alex's lap. Alex smiled to himself and pulled a blanket over Michael. He moved slightly so he was laying back more and he ended up falling asleep himself. Later on, Michael woke up, realizing that Alex was asleep as well. He eased off of Alex's lap, laying Alex down on the couch. Placing the blanket over him, kissing his forehead softly before leaving the house. Michael made his way down to Max's place.
"Hey, Michael," Max said. "Hey, can we talk?" Michael asked. "Sure" Max nodded. "What about?" he asked. "Well Alex and I have made it official," Michael said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Nice Guerin" Max smiled. "It made me realize that we never had a first date before," Michael said. "Then take him on a first date," Max said. "That's easier said than done," Michael sighed. "We are already together so is there a point in having a first date?" Michael asked. "Well don't consider it a first date, just a date night," Max said. "Date night?" Michael asked. "That could work," he nodded. "Just make it special," Max said. "What did you do for yours and Liz's first date?" Michael asked. "We never had a "first date" technically," Max said. "So you are in the same boat as I am in," Michael said. "Not technically because we never really talked about it," Max said. "Alex doesn't know I'm thinking about it, I just wanted to do something special," Michael said. "What do you need help with?" Max asked. "I'm not sure yet but I'll let you know," Michael said. "Ok," Max said.
Michael worked over the next few weeks to make the perfect first date that he could make. Finally, he had everything perfect and couldn't wait to take Alex on a first date. Michael had Liz distract Alex for the day while he was setting everything up.
"It's been a while since we hung out," Alex said. "Yea I know and I hate that," Liz said. "Same" Alex said as he hugged Liz. "I'm happy for you Alex," Liz said. "Deep sky and you got the guy," She said. "I got the dream job and the perfect boyfriend," Alex smiled. "How did Michael ask?" Liz asked. "He didn't, he just said he was working on a mission and I asked what, and then he just kissed me" Alex smiled to himself as he thought about it. "Aw that's sweet and Guerin," Liz said. "It is and I love him," Alex said. "You two are destined to be together since you two met in high school," she said. "I know," Alex said. "So what did you need my help on?" Alex asked. "Just a few questions about certain DNA, I thought you could help," Liz said. "I can sure try," Alex said.
They worked for a few hours as Liz distracted Alex, Michael was setting up a perfect dinner. Max and he were working on lights, candles, and the perfect table setting. Of course, Isobella and Deluca were helping as well. Just trying to make everything perfect.
"We got this now, go get ready," Max said. "What about these lights?" Michael asked. "We got it Guerin now go," Isobella said as she took the lights from him. "It has to be perfect," Michael said. "And it will be," Max said. "This is Alex, you don't have to be nervous," Max said. "But I am," Michael sighed. "It has to be perfect," he said. "Go Michael, it will be perfect," Deluca said. "Alright alright, I'm going," Michael said as he started to walk away. "Make sure it's perfect," he said. "We will!" Everyone said.
Michael left the place and went back to their house. He started to get ready, he was already nervous but didn't realize it until he couldn't button up his shirt. While he was getting ready he heard Alex come into the house.
"Hey, you" Alex smiled as he saw Michael. "Oh hey," Michael said. "I thought you were with Liz," he said. "I was but she said I needed to get ready so I came back to get ready," Alex said. "Yea" Michael swallowed. "I thought I would be done before you got back," he said. "Get what done before I came back?" Alex asked as he started to button up Michaels's shirt. "I wanted to surprise you tonight," Michael sighed. "Guess it's ruined now," he said. "Hey, why are you so shaky?" Alex said as he grabbed Michaels's hands. "Just nervous, I guess," Michael said. "It's us, you have nothing to be nervous about" Alex rested his forehead against Michaels. "I know that but I wanted tonight to be perfect," Michael said. "And it still is," Alex said. "I guess I'll let you get dressed," Michael said. "Help me pick something out," Alex said. "Sure" Michael smiled as he helped Alex get dressed. "Are you sure you are ok?" Alex asked. "Yes I'm ok" Micheal nodded. "Just want our first date to be perfect," he said. "Every day with you is perfect Guerin," Alex said, placing his hand against Michaels's cheek. "Alex" Michael whispered as he leaned in, kissing him softly.
Alex smiled against his lips before pulling away softly. Resting his forehead against Michaels. Michael looked down at his phone and realized what time it was. He grabbed Alex's hand and led him out to the car. Opening the door for him, allowing him to get into the truck before making his way to the driver's side. Michael took them downtown where they had everything set up. The lights were twinkling, the moon was out, and it was beautiful. Michael couldn't believe that they pulled it off, the perfect first date.
"Wow," Alex said. "You like it?" Michael asked. "I love it," Alex said. "All for you," Michael said as he grabbed Alex's hand, kissing it softly. "Thank you," Alex said. "Let's go," Michael said as he got out of the truck, made his way to Alex's side, and opened the door. "Thank you," Alex said as he grabbed Michaels's hand as got out of the truck. "Always the best for you," Michael smiled.
Michael leads them to the table, pulling out the chair for Alex. He sat across from Alex and looked over the menu. Max bought out the food for them, placing it on the table. Alex laughed at the thought of Max being their waiter, but then he saw the whole crew.
"Wow you pulled all the stops," Alex said. "Uh?" Michael said. "You pulled all the stops for this date," Alex said. "I wanted it to be perfect," Michael said. "Are you ok?" Alex asked. "Yea" Michael nodded. "Babe," Alex said. "Breath," he said as he placed his hand against Michaels's chest. "I'm trying," Michael said as he took a deep breath. "It's not our first date, everything is ok," Alex said as he grabbed Michaels's hand. "It's our first date as a couple," Michael said. "And I love that you thought of this," Alex said. "But relax babe," He said. "I'm trying," Michael nodded. "I love you," Alex said as he leaned over the table, kissing Michael softly. "I love you," he said against Alex's lips.
Michael took a deep breath, closing his eyes trying his best to relax. He looked at Alex and knew he was safe, he was at home. He realized that everything could go wrong and it would still be perfect. It was all because Alex made it perfect. He stood up and reached for Alex's hand. Alex smiled and grabbed his hand, getting up as Michael pulled him close. He wrapped his arms around Alex's waist as Alex wrapped his arms around Michaels's neck. That was the cue for Isobella to start the music. Alex smiled at her running around and turning on the music.
"Hey Isobella," Alex said. "Sorry," Isobella said. "It's ok, honestly it's been an amazing night," Alex said. "Isobella get out of here," Michael said. "I'm going," Isobella said as she left the area. "Sorry about that," Michael said. "It's perfect," Alex said. "You are just saying that," Michael said. "Seriously Guerin, when are you going to get it?" Alex asked. "Get what?" Michael said. "That you are perfect, that being with you is perfect no matter what we are doing," Alex said. "Do you mean that?" Michael asked. "Yes I do, ever since I was 17 you have always been the one for me, my perfect one," Alex said as he placed his hand on Michaels's cheek. "You have always been the one," Michael said. "Ever since we were 17 and I kept running," he sighed. "But I got you now" Alex smiled as he leaned in, kissing him softly.
Micheal kept the kiss between them, as he pulled him closer by his hips. Alex grabbed the back of Michaels's neck, keeping him close. Alex pulled Micheals's bottom lip before pulling away, resting his forehead against Michaels's. Michael grabbed Alex's hand, leading him back to the table. He sat down and pulled Alex onto his lap. He took a fork, placed it in the cake, got a bite, and brought it up to Alex's lips. Alex smiled slightly before allowing his lips to part, taking the cake into his mouth. Micheal pulled the fork out of his mouth.
"Oops you have some on your lip," Michael said as he brushed his thumb against Alex's lips. "Oops" Alex smiled as he placed his lips around Michaels's finger. "You kill me," Michael said as he watched Alex. "I know I do," Alex smiled as he leaned in, kissing him softly.
Michael smiled against his lips, grabbing the back of his neck and keeping him close. Alex gently pulled on his bottom lip, knowing it drove Michael crazy when he did that. Alex kept the kiss between them, playing with Michaels's hair.
"We should get back to the house," Michael said. "Yea we should" Alex smiled as he could feel Michael stiffening under him.
Alex stood up and reached for Michaels's hand. Michael grabbed his hand and led him back to the truck. They went back to the house while everyone else cleaned up. When they walked into the house Alex noticed rose petals everywhere, leading toward the bedroom.
"Michael," Alex smiled. "All for you," Michael said as he wrapped his arm around him from behind, resting his head against Alex's shoulder. "You are such a sweetheart," Alex said as he leaned back against Michael. "There is a nice hot bubble bath waiting for us" Michael whispered into Alex's ear. "Oh really?" Alex asked. "Yes," Michael said.
Alex pulled himself from Michaels's arms and went into the bathroom. There were candles and rose petals everywhere. Alex got himself undressed and situated in the bath as Michael came in with champagne. He handed Alex a glass before starting to get undressed himself. He got into the tub behind Alex as he took a sip from the glass. Alex leaned back against Michael, he also took a sip from his glass. Alex placed his glass on the floor as he fully laid back against Michael. Playing with Michaels's hand as they relaxed in the hot water. Michael started to kiss Alex's shoulder, slowly leaving a trail of kisses up his neck. Making his way to Alex's jawline, turning Alex's head so he could kiss him. Alex shifted in the water and kissed Michael softly, resting his hand against Michaels's chest. After a while the water became cold and they got out of the tub. Michael helped Alex into the bed, turning him onto his stomach. He grabbed some oils and started to rub them onto Alex's back.
"I could get used to this," Alex said. "Oh, yea?" Michael asked as he rubbed Alex's shoulders. "Yes I could," Alex said. "I just want to have you relaxed" Michael leaned down, kissing Alex softly. "Oh I am" Alex smiled against Michaels's lips.
Michael kept rubbing oils on Alex, giving him a full massage. Rubbing his shoulders, down to his back making sure to hit all of Alex's spots. Michael found his way to where it felt good by Alex's moans. Before Michael knew it Alex was fast asleep on the bed. He smiled to himself and covered Alex with the blankets. Kissing his cheek softly before getting dressed. He didn't get too far because Alex reached for him, pulling him into the bed as well. Michael chuckled softly and cuddled up to Alex, wrapping them both in the blanket.
"I love you" Alex whispered. "I love you," Michael said.
They both fell asleep in each other's arms. It was far from perfect but it meant a lot to Alex that Michael tried to make it perfect. They had been through so much since falling in love with each other at 17. Alex was just happy that finally, he could call Michael his. Once Micheal realized that Alex was just happy with him, he started to be more himself. Michael was more afraid of losing Alex because of their history.
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onward--upward · 2 years
high school micheal guerin reminds me of lip gallagher and i needed to share
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nadezhda-wexler · 3 years
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For @youngsamberg for making me watch this stupid alien show
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katistry · 3 years
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roswell new mexico // supernatural
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shipperpersempre · 3 years
Guarda "Roswell New México | 3x10 | Alex kisses Michael and then they talk" su YouTube
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disaster-j · 4 years
Dumb Bisexual Character: *does dumbass stuff*
Me, a Dumb Bisexual: mood
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malexlover · 2 years
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Halloween with Tyler
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winnie-the-monster · 3 years
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Oh how this parallel breaks my heart. 💔💔💔
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godofavengers · 4 years
I hope no one can tell how fucked up I am from my large attraction to damaged, sarcastic, and depressed characters.
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angrycowboy · 4 years
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Michael Guerin Week 2020 | Day One: Favorite Dynamic
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whump-i-fied · 3 years
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Revised: Character Analysis Blog - Isobel
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A combination of an unestablished sense of self and emotional trauma, Isabel has faced a tremendous amount of adversity throughout her life, ranging from her attack in the middle of a desert to the death of her husband. From such traumatic events, Isobel has had difficulty trusting anyone outside of her social circle and finding peace in her life.
Undoubtedly, Isobel is an extraordinarily powerful person, who likewise embodies a family-oriented woman and embarks on an engaging journey to self-discovery, which is only complicated as she discovers more about her past. Courageous, protective, and mysterious, Isobel Evans-Bracken is an incredibly complex person in Roswell, New Mexico, who is arguably not the villain that she is portrayed to be by manipulating those around her for her personal gain.
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When Isobel arrives on Earth with her two brothers, Max Evans and Michael Guerin, they develop an incredibly close relationship, keeping in touch with each other even when separated. As time passes, Isobel strengthens her connection with her brothers by jointly protecting their secret and relying on each other in times of need and distress. One night, Isobel went camping with her brothers and was later attacked by a drifter in the middle of the desert. Rushing to her rescue, Max and Micheal killed and buried Isobel’s attacker, respectively, causing emotional damage and deep-rooted trauma shortly thereafter. 
Directly after the attack, Isobel was seen crying and released a sonic scream, which would eventually allow her former husband, Noah Bracken, to enter her mind. The magnitude and the power behind her scream illustrate the extent to which she is affected by her attack, explaining how deeply traumatized she is even a decade later. Since then, Isobel has felt a sense of attachment to her two brothers and feels obliged to keep the family together, no matter the cost. 
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In their final days of high school, Isobel listens to Max and Micheal discuss their plans after high school, which include going to UNM on a full ride and backpacking across Europe to focus on writing. Recognizing that her family will be separated in a matter of weeks, Isobel begins to spiral by missing her classes and having blackouts. Psychologically, Isobel’s blackouts can even be categorized as a form of a psychotic break, which occurs when a decline in someone's mental health causes a detachment from reality. 
Indeed, these blackouts following the imminent departure of her brothers indicate that she is potentially experiencing empty nest syndrome or severe attachment issues. In these blackouts, Isobel has also killed three innocent girls with no true memory of that night, further contributing to her identity crisis. Later, Isobel would discover that her mind was being controlled by her former husband, Noah, to protect Rosa and offer a demonstration of his love for her. Ever since Isobel realized that she was the one who killed Rosa Ortecho, she has felt an insurmountable amount of guilt and shame for her out-of-character behavior, only to realize that she was not the one in control of her mind.
Whether conscious or otherwise, Isobel still does not fully know who she is, and the web of lies surrounding her altered state has only made the process of self-discovery that much more difficult. Either way, Isobel’s close relationship with her brothers has truly affected her emotional development and sense of self because she bases her entire life on keeping her family together and staying in control.
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Beyond her high school life, Isobel has attempted to be in control of her marriage, too. Since the beginning of the season, Isobel has been dominant and controlling in the more intimate part of her marriage. Isobel always needs to be in control of her relationships because she is too afraid of being abandoned or exposed. Hiding her past and identity from her husband, Isobel has put her secret and her family above all else, including her husband, which has caused an intense identity crisis.
Further contributing to her severe trust issues, Noah has been revealed as the fourth alien, who is responsible for the deaths of fourteen innocent people and the breach of Isobel’s vulnerable mind. As a result, Isobel is violated physically and mentally for allowing someone into her life for so many years, which has caused so much pain and trauma.
To that end, Isobel has spiraled and truly lost herself because she manipulates people to protect her family, eventually claiming that “everything I do is an act” (“Don’t Speak”). Even with her ability, she is able to get into the minds of others and can regulate their thoughts and actions. Because of these mental abilities, Isobel has descended even further into her identity crisis, stating that “I can’t even trust my own mind” (“Barely Breathing”). 
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Aside from her loss of identity and her commitment to her family, Isobel’s fear of government investigation and public chastisement have never truly allowed her to relax and find meaning in her life. For her entire life, Isobel has evaded the government and law enforcement because, at any moment, her family can be exposed to the world and investigated as a supernatural threat. When reflecting on her childhood with her brother, Max, Isobel further explains that she is perpetually “in danger of being dragged off to the Pentagon by men in hazmat suits” (“Pilot”). Unable to safely settle down, Isobel has faced many psychological repercussions of hiding her true identity and living her entire life in fear of social castigation. 
Ultimately, Isobel Evans-Bracken has faced一and continues to face一an earnest crisis of consciousness and an intense detachment of reality because of past trauma and the impending separation from her family. Through these experiences, Isobel has emerged as an incredibly complex and misunderstood figure throughout Roswell, New Mexico, with a strong personality and an even stronger will. As time progresses, Isobel will navigate her life more truthfully now that she is aware of her alternate persona, hopefully figuring out what it means to not only be a good sister, but a good human.
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