#Route 216 my beloved <3
timeturner-jay · 2 years
How about a drabble about your favorite Pokémon game? Maybe let us figure out which game/region it is through the story :D
(So normally, I would only take requests that are formatted with a character name and a one-word prompt, but you're a regular, so I'll make an exception for you. <3 I hope you like it!)
She remembers the first time she took this hike – looking back, she had been ridiculously underprepared then. She’s lucky that she survived it at all, and if it hadn’t been for the help of a cautious but compassionate wild Sneasel, who had guided her through the blizzard and to a nearby cabin, she knows she wouldn’t have. What had she been thinking, climbing this mountain in a skirt and a sleeveless top? Even at that age, she should have known better. Then again, she remembers how she felt back then, on her very first journey – free and undefeatable. She hadn’t been afraid of anything, because nothing had been able to stop her.
She knows better, now. Years of being the Champion have taught her the value of preparation and a level head. She’s still undefeated – she wouldn’t be the Champion otherwise, after all – but she has taken life’s lessons to heart.
She shares a smile with the Weavile walking beside her, older and all grown-up now, just like she is. He’s still perfectly adapted to his home environment of course, even if they don’t come here all that often; his steps are so light, he barely leaves a trace in the snow. She can’t say the same for herself. Her boots are heavy with crusted ice as she trudges on, sinking in deep with every step. Still, she is warm in her heavy coat and snow gear, and her eyes are bright as she takes in the beautiful landscape this far north. It’s harsh terrain, and it nearly cost her her life once, but she thinks it’s all the prettier for it. She loves the hike to Snowpoint City.
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