#Rowena Lee
cringemesstickles · 8 months
A Little Magic
TickleTober Day 18: Magic
Summary: Rowena is helping the Winchesters and Sam is not having fun
Pairing: None
Word Count: 943
A/N: this is so bad, but I couldn’t NOT write a fic with Rowena for this. It was too good of an opportunity 😭
It was just one of those cases where they needed magic help; and who better to call than the not-so-trusted witch, Rowena.
The brothers sorted through books of spells and incantations, while Rowena set up a makeshift altar to perform her spell, seemingly taking her time.
“Mind going a little faster, Rowena?” Sam jabbed, annoyance in his voice.
Rowena, ever the elegant woman, froze dramatically, side eying the younger Winchester.
“Everything must be perfect in order for this spell to work, Samuel. Unless you want to cause grave destruction, I suggest you be patient.” Responded the witch, returning to her task.
Dean complained just as much as Sam, but preferred to keep it vague and snarky, leaning over to mumble something to his brother every now and then.
“Yeah, Samuel. Let the lady do her work!” He said sarcastically, imitating the witch’s Scottish accent.
Sam couldn’t help but chuckle, appreciating his the elders ability to bring light into an otherwise frustrating situation.
Looking up from her station, Rowena made a face of mock surprise, eying the younger hunter.
“Why, I don’t believe it… The stoic Sam Winchester, showing signs of joy.”
Sam glared at the redhead.
“Yeah, it always seems to show when you’re not around.” Sneered Sam, avoiding eye contact.
Rowena had personally had enough of Sam’s uptight demeanor. At least Dean had some character when he degraded her… Sam was far too passive aggressive for her taste.
Luckily, as a witch, she has her own way of spicing things up.
Safely, of course.
Rolling her eyes and looking back to her spells, she nonchalantly muttered some incantations and carried on as if she hadn’t.
Suddenly, Sam felt a tingly sensation all over his body.
Strange… must just be an itch.
An itch that just so happened to course through his feet, legs, tummy, ribs… everywhere.
The hunter felt a strong urge to giggle, but tried everything in his power to restrain it, frozen in his place.
Dean looked over to his brother, noticing his reddening cheeks and stiff demeanor.
“Hello? Earth to Sam! You good?” Asked Dean with furrowed brows, mildly concerned.
The tingly feeling seemed to all combine and migrate to Sam’s tummy, causing him to collapse in a heap of laughter, curling into a protective ball.
The elder simply stood there, mouth agape, taking in the bizarre sight in front of him.
After a moment, the pieces seemed to fall into place, and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Seriously, Rowena? A tickle spell? Why is that even a thing?”
The witch in question smirked and turned to face the duo, proud of her work.
“There’s a spell for near everything, dear. Besides, I think this one works quite well for Sam.” She said smugly, grinning deviously.
Dean, the big brother that he is, would not have this!
He simply had to get in on this action.
“You know… for once, Rowena, you and I are on the same page.”
A look of terror had overtaken Sam’s expression as Dean kneeled beside him and began wiggling his fingers above his tickle spots.
Dean would normally go for Sam’s belly, as that was the sweet spot. But since the spot was protected in his curled position, he’d have to go for a spot that he knew Sam loved just as much.
The elder Winchester began to spider his fingers all over Sam’s sensitive kneecaps, eliciting a shrill shriek. The magic tingling on his tummy, combined with the unbearable fluttering on his knees created a deadly combination; a combination so deadly, that it evoked bright boyish laughter from a usually civilized man.
The mood shift was a drastic change from the earlier tension, creating a lighter atmosphere that everyone seemed to prefer.
Just as Rowena was about to respond, Dean made a dramatic gesture, looking quite offended.
“She’s doing too much?! Sam, I think you’ve forgotten who you should REALLY be pleading with… let me remind you~”
Taking advantage of the sensitivity of Sam’s knees, he tickled hard enough for him to kick them out and keep them there as a means of escape. Once they were out of the way, he took his shot and pinned Sam’s arms to the side, leaning down and blowing a big wet raspberry on the exposed tummy, the fabric having ridden up during the squirming.
Tears of mirth streamed down Sam’s rosy cheeks that were starting to ache from how wide he was smiling. His nose was scrunched up and his dimples were on full display.
It was truly a sight for sore eyes.
Dean and Rowena finally relented, the witch muttering a reversal to the spell and finally relieving Sam of the relentless ghost tickles.
Sam lay a giggly mess on the floor, still tingling from the attack.
“Well, Rowena, I may not be a fan of you, but I’d say we make a pretty good team when it comes to torturing Sam!” Dean teased, crossing his arms over his chest and watching Sam recover.
“Yes, it would appear that our collaborative efforts have left dear Samuel, well… tickled.”
The word alone was enough to embarrass the younger hunter, and he groaned.
“That was cohohompletely unnecessary…”
Dean helped his little brother off the floor and pat him on the back.
“Maybe, but it was fun. Don’t you dare deny it!”
Sam didn’t respond, but merely rolled his eyes with an exasperated smile.
Sam Winchester learned a rather valuable lesson that day…
Sometimes, all you needed to turn your day around is a little magic.
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years
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World Fantasy Convention 1983, Progress Report 3, with a cover credited to Weird Tales, 1941, reprinted here to mark that magazine’s 60th anniversary and possibly in reference to 1983 Best Short Story nominee and eventual winner “The Gorgon” by Tanith Lee.  This 9th year of the con was held in Chicago, with guests of honor Gene Wolfe, Manly Wade Wellman, and Rowena Morrill.
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Rowena Lees Arce, 2022
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nadinebrooks · 14 days
Here is the link to my masterlist.
George Weasley: Ravenclaw Princess
Warnings: None
The Yule Ball approached and the halls of Hogwarts were buzzing with excitement. Decorations were being put up, students whispered and giggled about potential dates, and even the usually calm library was filled with an air of anticipation. 
Amidst all this, you sat in your usual seat in the library, surrounded by a mountain of books.
Known as the “Ravenclaw Princess,” you earned a reputation for her exceptional intellect and wit. Rumors swirled around that you were a descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw herself, a claim that you neither confirmed nor denied. 
Despite your intelligence and logical demeanor, you often came across as isolated and detached. Your sharp mind and critical nature intimidated many, including Hermione Granger. She once admitted to the Weasley twins that she found you somewhat daunting. Fred and George, ever the pranksters, often joked that you and Hermione would make perfect friends, much to her dismay. 
As you delved deeper into her Potions textbook, you glanced up to see George Weasley creeping into the library. He looked around nervously before making his way to a secluded corner where Lee Jordan and his twin, Fred, were sitting. 
Curiosity piqued and you subtly listened as he began to practice what seemed like lines for asking someone to the Yule Ball. 
You sighed, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. George’s approach was endearing but undeniably terrible. Gathering your books, you decided to offer assistance when Fred and Lee had left. Approaching him, you cleared her throat, causing him to jump slightly. 
“George, I couldn’t help but overhear you … practicing,” you said, trying to keep your tone neutral. “If you don’t mind, I could offer some pointers.” 
“Oh, (y/n), that would be great.” He looked up with a mix of surprise and relief. “I didn’t think that anyone would be able to hear me.” 
“Well, not only were you quite loud, but you decided to practice in the quietest room in Hogwarts.” You replied with a hint of amusement. “Let’s start with the basics.” 
Over the next few days, you and George spent a lot of time together. You drilled him with proper etiquette, the right words to use, and even the subtleties of body language. George, ever the quick learner when it came to practical jokes and Quidditch strategies, struggled at first but gradually improved under your guidance.   
One afternoon, the two of you found herself in an empty classroom, practicing dance steps. The gramophone that you enchanted sat in the corner playing a soft waltz, and you demonstrated the steps with ease. 
“Alright, your turn,” you said, holding out a hand. 
George took it, his larger hand enveloping yours. He started slowly, counting the steps under his breath. “One, two, three … one, two three …”
“Relax, George. Feel the music,” you advised, your voice soft and patient, 
George nodded, trying to focus. As you moved around the room, you couldn’t help but notice how his usual playful demeanor had softened. His eyes, filled with determination and something else you couldn’t quite place, met yours. 
“You’re doing great,” you said, breaking into his thoughts. 
George smiled, genuinely touched by your encouragement. “Thanks, (y/n). I couldn’t have done this without you.” 
Your eyes met, and for a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. George’s heart pounded in his chest, and he found himself leaning in closer. You, too, felt an unfamiliar warmth spreading through you, your usual guarded expression softening. 
“George, there’s something I need to tell you,” you began, but before you could continue, the door burst open, and Fred Weasley stumbled in. 
“Hey George, you in her? Oh-” Fred stopped short, taking in the scene before him. A smirk spread across his face. “Well, well, what do we have here?” 
“We were just practicing.” You composed yourself, clearing your throat and stepping away from George. He stepped back as well, his face turning red.
Fred raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “Sure you were. Anyway, George, we need to get to the common room. Angelina’s got some new ideas for the Yule Ball decorations.” 
George nodded, giving you a grateful look. “Thanks again, (y/n). I’ll see you later.” 
As Fred and George left, you stood alone in the classroom, your heart was still racing. You had never felt this way before, and it both excited and terrified you. As you gathered your things, you couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps the Yule Ball would be more interesting than you had anticipated. 
The next few days flew by in a blur of classes and Yule Ball preparations. George’s confidence grew with each passing day, thanks to your help. One evening, after another practice session, he walked you back to the Ravenclaw common room. 
“Thanks again for all your help, (y/n). I really appreciate it,” George said, his voice sincere. 
“It’s been enjoyable,” you admitted, surprising yourself. “I grew up dancing. My mom forced me to learn, but I haven’t put anything to practice until now. I never realized how much fun dancing could be.”
George grinned. “Well, maybe we could have a dance at the Yule Ball? Just one, as a thank you.” 
You hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Alright, George. Just one dance.” 
As you watched him walk away, you felt a strange flutter in your chest. You had spent so long isolating yourself, convinced that your intelligence and wit set you apart. But George had managed to break through your walls, showing you a world beyond books and logic.  
The night of the Yule Ball arrived, and the Great Hall was transformed into a winter wonderland. You entered, wearing a beautiful gown that shimmered like the night sky. As you scanned the room, your eyes met George’s. He looked dashing in his dress robes, and he made his way over to you with a smile. 
In the end, he ended up using everything that he had learned to ask you out to the Yule Ball. An offer that you would be crazy to deny. 
“You look stunning, he said, offering his hand. 
“Thank you George. You don’t look too bad yourself,” you replied, taking his hand. 
As the music started, you found yourself on the dance floor, moving in perfect harmony. For the first time in a long while, you felt truly happy. George’s presence was comforting, his warmth seeping into your heart. 
“There’s something I need to tell you,”  George said softly, his breath warm against your ear. 
You looked up at him, curiosity piqued. “What is it, George?”
“I’ve liked you for a long time, (y/n). I know I joke around a lot, but I’m serious about this. About us,” he confessed, his eyes earnest. 
Your heart skipped a beat. “I … I feel the same way George. I didn’t realize it until we started spending way more time together, but I like you too.”
A wide grin spread across George’s face, and he leaned down, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. The world around you faded away, and for the moment, it was just the two of you, lost in your own little bubble of happiness. 
As the night went on, you danced and laughed, feeling lighter than you had in years. The Ravenclaw Princess had found her prince, and for once, you didn’t mind being seen as something more than just an intelligent, critical mind. You were loved, and that made all the difference in the world. 
The Yule Ball continued to dazzle with laughter and music, filling the air. As the night deepened, you found yourself enjoying the festivities more than you ever imagined. George’s confession had opened a door you hadn’t realized was there, and stepping though it had changed everything. 
After your dance, you and George decided to take a break and get some fresh air. You wandered out to the courtyard, where the snow was gently falling, creating a serene, magical atmosphere. The cold air was refreshing after the warmth of the Great Hall, and you wrapped your cloak tighter around yourself. 
“Are you cold?” George asked, his concern evident in his eyes. 
“A little,” you admitted, smiling up at him. 
Without hesitation, George draped his own cloak around your shoulders. “Better?” 
“Much better. Thank you, George,” you replied, feeling warmth spread through you - not just from the cloak but from his thoughtful gesture. 
The two of you walked in comfortable silence for a while, the snow crunching softly beneath your feet. Finally, George spoke, his voice breaking the quiet.
“I can’t believe you helped me so much. I mean, I’ve always thought you were amazing, but getting to know you like this has been incredible,” he said, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“I’ve enjoyed it too, George. More than I thought I would,” you replied honestly. “I’ve never really taken the time to get to know anyone outside of my house. I suppose I was a bit … arrogant.” 
“Well, you do have a reputation to uphold, Ravenclaw Princess,” he teased gently, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I suppose so. But maybe it’s time to let go of that title, at least a little.” 
George’s smile softened. “I like seeing this side of you. The real you. Not just the intelligent, witty, and sometimes intimidating version.” 
You blushed, feeling a rush of warmth despite the cold. “Thank you, George. For seeing me.” 
As you continued your walk, you found a secluded bench and sat down, the snow falling around you like a silent, beautiful curtain. George reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
“I was thinking,” he began, a hint of nervousness in his voice, “maybe we could do something together after the holiday. Just the two of us.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “Like a date?”
“Yeah, like a date,” he confirmed, squeezing your hand gently. 
Over the holidays, you and George exchanged letters, each one filled with excitement and longing. When the new term began, you couldn’t wait to see him again. 
Your friends in Ravenclaw noticed a change in you - a lightness, a happiness that hadn’t been there before. 
On a crisp January evening, you found yourself in the Gryffindor common room, a place you had never ventured before. George had invited you to join him and his friends for a casual get-together, and despite your initial nerves, you found yourself enjoying the company. 
Fred, always the joker, couldn’t resist teasing his brother. “So, (y/n), how did George manage to convince the Ravenclaw Princess to spend time with us mere mortals?” 
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Maybe I was tired of being isolated in my ivory tower.
“Or maybe she just couldn’t resist my charm.” George grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief.  
Laughter filled the room, and you felt a sense of belonging that you haven't experienced in a long time. George’s friends welcomed you with open arms, and for the first time, you felt like you truly fit in. 
As the evening wore on, you and George found a quiet corner to talk. The fire cracked softly, casting a warm glow over the room. 
“I’ve been thinking about our date,” George said, his voice low and intimate. “How about Hogsmead this weekend?” 
“That sounds perfect,” you replied, your heart fluttering with anticipation. 
The weekend couldn’t come fast enough. When Saturday arrived, you and George met at the entrance of the castle, both of you bundled up against the cold. The village of Hogsmead was bustling with activity, and you spent the day exploring the shops, sipping butterbear, and enjoying each other’s company. 
As the day drew to a close, you found yourselves in a secluded spot near the Shrieking Shack. The sky was painted in hues of pink and orange, and the air was crisp and clear. 
George took your hand, his eyes serious. “I’ve wanted to ask you something for a while now, (y/n).” 
Your heart pounded in your chest. Something that happened often did whenever George was around. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend.” 
“Of course.” (y/n) nodded, her heart swelling with happiness.
He pulled you into his arms, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. The world around you seemed to disappear, and in that moment, nothing else mattered. 
As you walked back to the castle, hand in hand, you couldn’t help but feel grateful. You had found love in the most unexpected place, with the most wonderful person.
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Models Goal for 2024
Huh 116 (62 Left), not small but not nearly as big as I figured... Neat. Also these models aren't in any particular order.
I think I should be able to clear them fairly fast actually, we'll guess we'll see.
1. Coco Adel (RWBY)
2. Lisa Lavender (RWBY)
3. Gwen Darcy (RWBY)
4. Nebula Violette (RWBY)
5. Dew Gayl (RWBY)
6. Octavia Ember (RWBY)
7. Ariel Vasilias/ Neptune's Lawyer Mom (RWBY)
8. Star Sanzang/ Sun's Cousin (RWBY)
9. Comet Sanzang/ Sun's Cousin (RWBY) (Scrapped Character)
10. Iris Marilla/ Beacon 2nd Year (RWBY)
11. Tortuga/ Ace-Ops Dead Member (RWBY)
12. Rowena Sunnybrook/ Shade's Weapon Teacher (RWBY)
13. Humanoid Crocea Mors (RWBY)
14. Bianca Prisma (RWBY)
15. Roane Ashwood/ Flynt's (RWBY)
16. Ivy Thickety/ Sun's (RWBY)
17. Ruda Tilleroot (RWBY)
18. Atlas Milfs/ Jaune's Fan Club (RWBY)
19. Arslan Atlan/ Sun's (RWBY)
20. Oliver Harper/ Flynt's (RWBY)
21. Trifa/ White Fang Girl/ Mercury's (RWBY)
22. Sun Wukong (RWBY)
23. Mercury Black (RWBY)
24. Flynt Coal (RWBY)
25. Iona Rockshow (RWBY)
26. Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony)
27. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony)
28. Celestia (My Little Pony)
29. Luna (My Little Pony)
30. Maud Pie (My Little Pony)
31. Apple Bloom (My Little Pony)
32. Sweetie Belle (My Little Pony)
33. Scootaloo (My Little Pony)
34. Trixie (My Little Pony)
35. Ember (My Little Pony)
36. Gabby (My Little Pony)
37. Lancer Artoria (Fate Stay Series)
38. Assassin Artoria (Fate Stay Series)
39. Saber Lily (Fate Stay Series) (Commissioned)
40. Mordred (Fate Stay Series) (Commissioned)
41. Jeanne D'Arc (Fate Stay Series)
42. Jeanne D'Arc Alter (Fate Stay Series)
43. Barghest (Fate Stay Series)
44. Suzu Hagimura (Seitokai Yakuindomo) (Commissioned)
45. Mona Megistus (Genshin Impact)
46. Amber (Genshin Impact)
47. Fubuki (One Punch Man)
48. Tatsumaki (One Punch Man)
50. Leone (Akame Ga Kill)
51. Rangiku Matsumoto (Bleach)
52. Yoruichi Shihouin (Bleach)
53. Tier Harribel (Bleach)
54. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (Bleach)
55. Sio-Feng/ Soifon (Bleach)
56. Riruka Dokugamine (Bleach)
57. Haineko (Bleach)
58. Kirche von Zerbst (Familar of Zero)
59. Henrietta de Tristain (Familar of Zero)
60. Tabitha/ Charlotte de Gallia (Familar of Zero)
61. Tiffania Westwood (Familar of Zero)
62. Siesta (Familar of Zero)
63. Guiche de Gramont (Familar of Zero) (It's okay to cuck cheaters in my book)
64. Hideri Kanzaki (Blend S)
65. Tristana (League of Legends) (Blame @palaceofpassion for making me lowkey love this character I know nothing about)
66. Poppy (League of Legends) (Same as the one above)
67. Lulu (League of Legends)
68. Vex (League of Legends)
69. Aloe (Interspecies Reviewers)
70. Crimvael (Interspecies Reviewers)
71. Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
72. Toyomi Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
73. Moeha Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
74. Maki Shijo (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
75. Ai Hayasaka (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
76. Kei Shirogane (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
77. Sakura (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
78. Yoshi (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
79. Maki Gamou (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
80. Sana Sunomiya/ President (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
81. Hana Sunomiya (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
82. Misaki Nagatoro/ Nagatoro's Older Sister (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
83. Samus Aran (Metroid)
84. Princess Peach (Mario)
85. Princess Daisy (Mario)
86. Princess Rosalina (Mario)
87. Koopa Queen Bowsette (Mario)
88. Morrigan Aensland (Dark Stalker)
89. Lilith Aensland (Dark Stalker)
90. Felicia (Dark Stalker)
91. Amy Rose (Sonic)
92. Rouge the Bat (Sonic)
93. Blaze the Cat (Sonic)
94. Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
95. Holli Would (Cool World)
96. Ty Lee (Avatar)
97. Toph Beifong (Avatar)
98. Hestia (Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
99. Rumi Usagiyama/ Mirko (My Hero Academia)
100. Kaina Tsutsumi / Lady Nagant (My Hero Academia)
101. Melissa Shield (My Hero Academia)
102. Mei Hatsume (My Hero Academia)
103. Shino Sosaki/ Mandalay (My Hero Academia)
104. Ryuko Tsuchikawa/ Pixie-Bob (My Hero Academia)
105. Tomoko Shiretoko/ Ragdoll (My Hero Academia)
106. Lucoa (Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon)
107. Diana Prince/ Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
108. Raven (DC Comics)
109. Starfire (DC Comics)
110. Blackfire (DC Comics)
111. Jinx (DC Comics)
112. Argent (DC Comics)
113. Dee Dee Sisters (DC Comics)
114. Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
115. Izumo Kamiki (Blue Exorcist)
116. Maria Yoshida (Blue Exorcist)
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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izzysgoodgirl · 3 months
I wanna try writing some oneshots/headcanons so feel free to request anything you want!
A list of fandoms/characters/celebrities and things I’m willing to write is provided, as well as some stuff I won’t write.
• Guns N’ Roses
• Mötley Crüe
• The Marauders
• Supernatural
• Sherlock
• Bones
• Izzy Stradlin
• Steven Adler
• Axl Rose
• Slash
• Duff McKagan
• Nikki Sixx
• Tommy Lee
• Regulus Black
• Sirius Black
• James Potter
• Barty Crouch Jr
• Evan Rosier
• Sam Winchester
• Dean Winchester
• Castiel
• Ruby
• Rowena MacLeod
• Crowley
• Gabriel
• Meg Masters
• Sherlock Holmes
• John H. Watson
• Seeley Booth
• Lance Sweets
• Temperance Brennan
• Angela Montenegro
• Zack Addy
• Jack Hodgins
• Camille Sarayon
• Colin Fisher
Will Write
• Fluff
• Angst
• Smut
• Reader Insert
• Platonic
• Kinks
• Romance
Will NOT Write
• Band member x band member
• Ped0ph!lia
• Incest
• Weird kinks (such as p!ss kink) (sorry not sorry)
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All fics are 18+ ONLY unless otherwise noted
*at least three parts or chapters
28 Days - AU Dean Winchester x several AU SPN characters
Summary: Dean Winchester is an addict and an alcoholic, a USMC veteran, a father, and an older brother. As Battalion Chief with Lawrence Fire & Medical, Dean comes under investigation when he makes a dangerous and impulsive decision, defying his superiors and abandoning the team he is supposed to lead. He is given the choice to go to rehab for 28 days, or jail. His lawyer insists on rehab, and Dean begrudgingly abides.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Emma Winchester, Jack Kline, Victor Henriksen, Jo Harvelle, Gordon Walker, Bille, Crowley, Rowena, Missouri, Meg, Pamela, Gabriel, Lydia, Casey, Jamie, Carmen, Tessa 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, emergency action, fire, drug use, thoughts of death and dying, teen endangerment, references to underage drug addiction and prostitution, partially told through flashbacks 
Words: 33K
Author’s notes: Inspired by the film 28 Days and following canon themes from SPN, this is a fic about Dean, a firefighter who goes to rehab, not about Dean as a firefighter.
And Then There Were Three - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: Natalie and Dean are in a “not serious” relationship until one night, she and Sam take a step that will change things forever.
Warnings/tags: 18+ONLY, rough sex, squirting, anal sex, butt plug, bondage, dirty talk, orgasm control, double penetration, polyamory, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 13,500
Black Tie Optional: sequel to Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: The last time we saw Vanessa, she was swooning over Dean’s lasting impression. Now, we fast-forward a year to see what she’s up to.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x OFC Vanessa Martinelli, (eventual) Sam Winchester x OFC Emma Olsen
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, HBO RomCom bullshit
Words: 17K
Combat Baby - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: canon divergent - Dean’s sweet, but Jo likes him nasty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, rough sex, biting, dirty talk, brief name-calling, exhibitionism, role play, squirting
God Only Knows - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: One weekend, years ago, lives rent-free in both of their minds. Three-part mini-series.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, pining, clothed sex, couch sex, hungover sex, fluff, roomies to lovers, idiots in love
Words: 5,500
If We Make It Through December - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Summary: Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, Alex Jones
Warnings/tags: there was no rebar, 18+ ONLY, fluff, light angst, domesticity, holiday celebrations
Words: 12K
The Kinda Girl You Like - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: After Sam reveals to Sofie his sub that he likes to watch, she decides that they should act on it. Then he tells her what exactly it is that he likes to watch…
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sub-sharing, bondage, rimming, the jockey is my favorite sex position, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 6,500
Leaving Heaven - Dean Winchester x Taziana Smith (OFC)
Summary: Tazi is a bounty hunter of mostly human things. She isn’t firmly seated in the supernatural world, but she’s familiar enough that she’s recruited by an old friend of John Winchester’s to capture and deliver a brief acquaintance of her own.
Characters: MOC/Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Lee Webb, original characters
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, brief dub-con, mentions of the foster system, references to past rape, commiserating over childhood trauma, threats of sexual violence
Words: 16,500 WORK IN PROGRESS
The Mud On Your Boots - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum 
Summary: Dean and Donna finally give in.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, fluff, consent is sexy, period sex, fisting, blood as lube, shower sex
Words: 8k (permanent hiatus)
Plus One - Dean Winchester x Vanessa (OFC)
Summary: Vanessa hates weddings until she meets a handsome stranger who agrees to help her mix things up for the night.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, fingery things, squirting, and Dean has no refractory period bc this is fic
Words: 9,600
Pretty Reckless - MOC Dean Winchester x pre-slayer Faith Lehane
Summary: AU where s10 Dean stumbles upon another hunter so much like himself. When their connection grows inexplicably stronger, they find an answer they never thought existed.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Faith Lehane, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Crowley, Cain
Warnings/tags: 19+, rough sex, prostate massage, magical bond
Words: 15K
Run Me Like A River - AU Dean Winchester x AU Jessica Jones
Summary: AU wherein Jessica Jones is super-powered by gov’t experiments to create elite soldiers, the Winchesters are military officers in humanity’s War Against Evil, and they have all gone AWOL from their assigned roles. Dean and Jess embark on a relationship that ends abruptly and explosively until Dean calls her for help on a very personal case.
Characters: Jessica Jones, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Arthur Ketch, Malcolm is Jess’s cat 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, major character death, unhealthy relationship dynamics, bondage, rough sex, anal sex, ptsd
Words: 14K
Seasons - Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Summary: She is his safe haven, untouched by anything else or anyone. 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, canon divergent - no Cassie or Lisa, non-linear storytelling, four seasons, angst, hurt/comfort, references non-con unprotected sex, loss of a pregnancy
Words: 12K
Temporary Scars - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum x Benny Lafitte
Warnings/tags: 18+, Angst, Donna has intimacy issues, Dean’s the sweetest, self-sabotage, sort of established relationship, Benny’s swoony as fuck, Dean’s in love, polyamory, pregnancy kink
Words: 4,500 (permanent hiatus)
Unopened At Your Feet - AU Sam Winchester x female narrator, AU Dean Winchester x female narrator
Summary: This is the story of how I broke my own heart.
Characters: Female Narrator, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Becky Rosen, Meg Masters, Benny Lafitte
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, weed-smoking, canon-compliant date-rape/roofie (Becky), love triangle
Words: 12,470 WORK IN PROGRESS
Where Is My Shiny Gun? -  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Summary: canon divergent - Sam finds himself in a quandary when he realizes he has feelings for Donna by way of the obvious mutual attraction between her and Dean.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Sam is kinky, Dean is adorable, so is Donna, Dean likes to give Donna massages, Sam directing while masturbating, brief spanking + breast slapping, brief knife play - no blood, W*ncest adjacent
Word Count: 7,800
A Fight For Love & Glory - Winchesters x you (female)
Summary: You’re struck by sex pollen, so Sam and Dean agree to help you out.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex pollen, feelings of guilt, ass play, dirty talk, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2K
Bad Girls Underneath -  Ruby 2.0 x Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Ruby and Jojo get hit by a sex curse again; this time, they need Dean’s help.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, magical-dick/male-gaze bullshit, probably too much commentary and emotional complication, why am I like this, I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself, fisting, brief choking
Words: 2,600
Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel
Summary: Post-battle, exhausted and wanting, Dean and Meg and Cas take care of each other.
Warnings/Tags: 18+ ONLY, dreamlike sex, a little choking, Dean’s always hungry
Words: 3,200
Caveat Emptor - Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: Gabriela Cruz invests in a Victorian mansion in the middle of America where the rule of Buyer Beware is absolute. When her twin sister goes missing, a couple of federal agents show up. Lucky for Gabi, Dean and Sam Winchester are on the case.
Characters: Gabriela Cruz, Camila Cruz, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Ed Zeddmore, Harry Spangler
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, language, mentions death of family members, cursed object, mentions of blood + gore, sarcasm, twin dynamics, explicit sex
Words: 4,600
Crazy On You – Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You’ve had a shitty day, but this beautiful, unfamiliar boy will make it all better.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Impala Sex, there’s a knife but not in a bloody way
Words: 4K
Crossroads and Bound - Dean Winchester x female demon reader
Summary: He agreed to this.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, femdom, Dean’s tied to a chair, wearing a cock ring, face sitting, things might get a little rough, but it’s all in good fun, squirting
Words: 2,250
The Curve Of Your Pretty Gown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Request: Hey hon! Ok, so it’s my birthday today, so maybe a story about Dean surprising me/ the reader by turning up unannounced to wish me/the reader a ‘happy birthday’ and there’s lots of smut ❤️
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, a little angst
Words: 2,200
Deep - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean shows you more about pleasure than ‘deep’.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, Dean being perfect, sensual massage, Dean being the best lay ever, biting, Dean being a fairytale prince, the jockey is my favorite sexual position, try it, it’s amazing, talking during sex, gratuitous use of terms of endearment bc it’s Dean
Words: 3K
Discord and Rhyme - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Summary: He’s on the prowl.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough anal sex, crying during sex, blood during sex, there’s a lot of purple prose and excessive descriptions of taste and smell here, sexual coercion, dirty talk
Words: 1,750
Ennui - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x unnamed female character
Anonymous Prompt: “I really want demon dean stalking someone but I don’t know how to do that with consent? But guh just the thought of him.
Characters: Knight of Hell/Demon Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Tags/warnings: 18+ only; this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester; stalking; exhibitionism; voyeurism; dirty talk; horny on aisle 3; fuck it, we ball
Words: 2,400
Equilibrium - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: They have balance.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, cock warming
Words: 1,400
Get Down, Make Love - Winchester brothers x original female character
Summary: Steph decides to cut loose and push the envelope with her favorite fellow hunters.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, hot tubbing, drunk sex (consensual), dirty talk, mfm spitroast, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 3,200
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body
Summary: This is the story of how Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death
Words: 2,200
Hide Your Love Away – Dean Winchester x female hunter reader
Summary: Mutual hunters seek comfort for a night and a lifetime of memories.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, ass play
Words: 3,600
His Sword - Michael/Dean x female prostitute
Summary: Michael takes some time to remind Dean who’s in control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, edge play, bondage, knife play, blood play, choking, rough sex, name-calling, character death
Words: 2,300
Just My Imagination - Dean Winchester x female Zanna
Summary: After Mary leaves the boys a second time, Dean needs a reset, or to blow off some steam – something. He heads out on a snowy evening the night before Christmas and finds just the right thing.
Warnings/tags: mature, Hallmark channel fuckery
Words: 2,800
One Night Only (23 in 1) - Dean Winchester x Mila (original female character)
Summary: While on a job in the middle of America, Dean enjoys a rigorous night of mutual gratification with a local art student.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, ass play, shower sex, dirty talk
Words: 5,500
River - Dean Winchester x Ty (Original male character), Dean x Benny implied
Summary: It’s Dean’s first winter after sending Benny back to Purgatory.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, implied underage prostitution, semi-public sex
Words: 1,600
Rules Are Rules - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself lately. The Mark has seen to that.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, hand around the throat, rough sex, squirting
Words: 2,400
Shattered Like A Stone - Demon Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: The Mark is demanding, and the demon in Dean can’t deny it any more than he can deny her; it just might get everything it wants tonight.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough sex, bondage, multiple object insertion, suicidal ideation, darkfic, self-destruction, bloody sex, sadism and masochism, anal sex, Jameson as lube, spit as lube, face fucking, Daddy as title, misogynist language, choking, strangulation, assisted suicide
Words: 6,800
Some Stranger’s Hand - 2009 Dean Winchester x 2014 Risa (The End)
Summary: He lost everything.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, plush pink pillow lips for my Eloise
Words: 1,700
Spark, Flicker, Blaze - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Somewhere along the line, her life became something she didn’t like. On her 35th birthday, she makes a decision to change all of that.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, overly descriptive orgasms, Dean’s the best birthday present ever
Words: 2,200
Stuff & Thangs That Are Awesome… And Not Awesome - Dean Winchester x female character (1st person POV)
*TWD Crossover
Prompt(s): 1) Dean has been arrested twice for indecent exposure – once was in a grocery store. 2) Jensen or Dean x Reader, a small public place, he pins you to the wall, covers your mouth and fucks you. 
Characters: Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, Rick Grimes eye-fucking, Shane Walsh having a pissing contest with a young, cocky Dean Winchester
Words: 1,300
Supernova - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Since Dean’s had the Mark and the Blade, he’s pulled away from you, afraid of hurting you. You miss him, and you’ve had it. One night you push him to the edge.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, bondage, blood play, biting, bruising, knifeplay, rough sex, dubcon/mindfuck
Words: 2,500
Triptych - Dean Winchester x bisexual female couple
Summary: Dean’s on a case and meets two beautiful women. One of them is recently divorced, and the new couple invites Dean to help them kick off their new life together.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, sex toy, Dean’s real good at sex
Words: 4,700
Wait Till My Brother Gets Home - Winchester brothers x female reader
Summary: She wants to lose control.
Warnings/tags: 18+ Only, rough sex, hair pulling, mfm spit roast, bruising and chafing during sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 2,450
When We Fall Then We’ll Know Each Other - Dean Winchester x Benny Lafitte (voyeur Castiel)
Prompt: “There’s nothing wrong with women, but a woman can’t hold you down and fuck you like I can.” 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, cum and spit as lube, anal sex, voyeurism
Words: 1,400
*1K words or less
Barbed Wire Carnival - Choose your own Winchester
Summary: Absence of feeling.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, dark descriptions
Words: 300
Brimstone - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s exactly what she wants.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY surprise, bitch
Words: 450
Bring It On Home - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Let’s pretend Dean wouldn’t be terrified to welcome love into his life.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, comfort, fluff, handsy Dean
Words: 1K
Communion - Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, marijuana use
Words: 1K
Crash Through The Surface - Dean Winchester x Jasen (original male character)
Summary: Dean remembers his First.
Warnings/tags: mature, bi-sexual Dean, references to prostitution
Words: 800
Custard Pie - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: Dean/OFC based on Led Zeppelin’s ‘Custard Pie.’
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY oral sex
Words: 800
Drag You To The Shore - Dean Winchester x GN reader
Prompt: Dean Winchester settled in between someone’s legs on the bed. Like his back to their chest, their legs wrapped around him, heels keeping his thighs open while they jerk him off, explicit but soft vibes.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY
Words: 800
Fall Away Into - Dean Winchester x Ruby 2.0 x female reader (voyeur Sam Winchester)
Prompt: “Dean x reader x Ruby 2.0 with Sam watching from the corner.”
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY drug-induced sex, OOC Dean, mff spit roast, use of the word bitch during sex, rough sex, hate sex, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 530
Foxholes - Annie Hawkins x Bobby Singer/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Annie recalls time spent with each man and what their facial hair told her about them.
Warnings/tags: mature language and references to sexual activity
Words: 349
The Gazelle - AU Dean Winchester x AU Benny Lafitte x female reader
Summary: They aim to please.
Warnings/tags: mature, power exchange, Denny apparent
Words: 1K
The Good Slayer - Dean Winchester x Faith Lehane
Prompt: Dean and our girl Faith. (This is a sequel of sorts for Pretty Reckless.)
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, talking during sex
Words: 800
Hollow - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Would anyone be willing to write something with Dean [or Jensen] x reader to the song Love on the Brain by Rihanna
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, rough sex, angst
Words: 1K
I’ll Keep Them Still - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
Summary: Dean remembers promises and pictures in his mind. And he remembers her.
Warnings/tags: mature, songfic, angst, dream/afterlife sequences, purple prose, I’m sorry
Words: 1K
Just One More Peaceful Day - MOC Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: angsty Dean with the line “I can still remember just the way you taste” from the song “It’s been a while” by Staind
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, blood play, knife play, mentions of addiction
Words: 700
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler -  Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got a dirty mouth when he’s drunk. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, a dirty public bathroom during Mardi Gras
Words: 600
Lifting the Veil - Choose Your Own Winchester
Summary: You’ve been missing something of paramount importance - until now.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, infidelity, squirting
Words: 1K
Mind Blown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Mind-blowing orgasms can sometimes be literal.
Warnings/tags: mature, transient global amnesia after sex, dirty talk
Words: 560
Nihilism - Knight of Hell/Demon Dean x female reader
Prompt: Can you tell me about the morning after going several rounds with Dean he rolls over in bed and adjusts the covers, causing you to forget your shift to be his good girl a couple more times?
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, this is not your mother's Dean Winchester, name-calling, rough sex, nihilistic themes, Knight of Hell Dean, fantasies of being fucked to death? Idk it’s one of mine, might as well be yours, you’re female AFAB in this scenario
Words: 800
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: before leaving on a hunt, Dean sings “Love Me Two Times” to his lady.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLT, Dean can actually sing, and he does it during sex
Words: 660
The Prerogative To Have A Little Fun - Donna Hanscum x Jody Mills x Winchester brothers (kinda)
Prompt: Donna’s visiting Jody for the weekend and the boys swing by on their way home from a hunt. Dean mows the lawn, Sam fixes a leaky shower head, Dean makes dinner, and they both do the dishes. Meanwhile, the ladies sit back and enjoy the domestic display.
Warnings/tags: mature, men doing manly things, inspired by Shania Twain’s song “Man! I Feel Like A Woman”, W*ncest adjacent
Words: 1K
Recompense - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean is sorry for hurting the ones he loves.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, Dean saying hurtful things then trying to make up for it
Words: 500
Scream - Dean Winchester x past-female reader
Summary: Dean tells us the real reason he loves “All Saint’s Day” as much as he does.
Warnings/tags: mature, references to coming untouched, getting turned on by scary movies
Words: 320
Soft Cell - Dean Winchester + teenage female
Prompt: Dean + reader dancing in the bunker
Warnings/tags: one F-bomb bc Dean
Words: 720
Through The White Night - AU Dean Winchester x original female character
Summary: 18th Century matrimony isn’t as simple as it is today.
Warnings/tags: mentions of wall sex and finger-y things
Words: 560
Wish - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: You want it to be love – but it isn’t. You want him – but you can’t have him. 
Warnings/tags: mature, sepia-toned angst ™ @boondoctorwho
Words: 765
With Pleasured Hands - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got secrets she has yet to uncover
Warnings/tags: mature
Words: 500
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sheepstiel · 1 year
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shallowseeker · 11 months
Sam and Dean are grieving the loss of Mary, Jack, and Rowena very differently in 15x06 Golden Time.
Sam is throwing himself into the mission and rushing to rekindle the thing with Eileen. Dean, on the other hand...is stuck.
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One, Dean is eating Jack-type cereal. (The lack of Jack mentions are LOUD, y'all. It's too painful to mention, much less face. When Cas died, Dean ate PB&J, and when [OMITTED] died, Dean ate cereal.)
Two, wow--that is one SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED man. Sam is taken aback by just how depressed and downtrodden Dean is beneath his barbed jokes. Then, Sam gets frustrated and mad about it. Here Sam is, working SO hard, and Dean's given up. (Not to mention, Cas is giving Sam the silent treatment by proxy. Poor Sam, really.)
Sam (incensed)
Dean's not allowed to give up. He won't. He can't. Per season 15's The Trap, that's not the Dean who raised Sam.
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Not vindicated, just deflated.
So, Dean goes back to stress-eating and watching his stasis-oriented comfort series to escape it all.
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Cas is...who knows where he is.
What is a fatalistic person? A fatalist is someone who feels that no matter what he or she does, the outcome will be the same because it's predetermined. Fatalists share a sense of being powerless to change the world. In philosophy, a fatalist is someone who holds specific beliefs about life, destiny, and the future.
Chuck is hostile. Dean's life is a hoax. Mary is dead. Jack is dead. The future is dead. Cas is dead to him. Cas left him. There's nothing left for Dean to have faith in anymore. There is no future.
Sam can't deal with a fatalistic Dean, so he goes for a run. Dean grabs more cereal and continue la wallowing in despair.
In the same episode, Dean may be fatalistic, but Cas becomes resolved to stand and fight Chuck. (Cas has become seriously strong-willed over the course of the series. I'm so proud of him!)
The nice thing is that Cas has BEEN fatalistic before, too. He was there in seasons 7-8, you know? He's better positioned to process, and he does. (Sam, too, went through bouts of fatalism and despair, notably when he went AWOL on Kevin, purely driven by the need to escape, and then took on the Hell trials.)
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They're all suffering from the existential wound of Chuck and the loss of meaning in their lives, even Cas.
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Off Cas, finally resolved.
Cut to Dean. Self-defeated:
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15x06 Golden Time
It is not until Dean meets up with his dark mirror in Lee in 15x07 Last Call that his will to fight returns. It's no accident that Lee bears some resemblance to the Dean in AU Michael's Nihilism world. Dean loved Rocky's Bar, for sure, but it existed primarily a means of fleeing the storm that was raging outside. It was an anorexic happiness, a contented world of potential and no risks.
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Lee is like the ghost of Christmas Future, and Dean finally rejects becoming his worst self.
(All scripts here.)
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metal-mouse · 1 year
Lena Ravenwood
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A more official character sheet for Lena.
Full name: Lena Aurelia Ravenwood
Born: 6th of June 
Blood status: Half-blood
Love interest: Ominis Gaunt
Nationality: English
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual 
House: Slytherin
Patronus: Jaguar
Boggart: Herself as the person her father wants her to be. 
Wand: 12 3/4”, laurel wood, dragon heart string 
Amortentia: Books. Apples and vanilla. Fire. 
Hair: Almost black, wavy, often braided back or has the top half pulled back. 
Eyes: Light brown
Skin: Fair. Blushes very easily
Height: 5’2” (157cm)
Face: A soft face. Heart-shaped. Big eyes. Button-like nose. Natural soft pout: lower lip is thicker than upper lip. Small chin: weakest feature. Dimples under right eye and on either side of mouth. 
- Curvy. Larger breasts, hourglass shape - solidly defined waist-to-hip ratio. Thick thighs and large booty.
- Broad shoulders for someone so small. 
- Strong looking. Muscle definition on legs and arms and back is obvious. 
- Has a soft tummy. 
- After her 5th year, Lena’s body is so covered in scars from fighting goblins and poachers that she keeps her entire body covered except her face. Scars all over her arms, legs, belly and chest, neck and back.
- Keeps the scars a secret for a really long time.
Weight: 140lbs (63kg)
Little One (Octavius)
Little Demon (Octavius)
Lee (Sebastian, Anne, Poppy)
Lala (Ada, Hazel. Sebastian tried once it didn’t end well)
Darling (Ominis)
Seeker for Tutshill Tornados 
Seeker for the English National Quidditch Team
Octavius Ravenwood (Father)
Ada Ravenwood (nee Thistle) (Mother)
Alaric Ravenwood (Brother) 
Arcturus Ravenwood (Paternal Grandfather)
Felixa Ravenwood (Paternal Grandmother)
Agrippina Black (Nee Ravenwood) (Paternal Aunt)
Antares Black (Uncle by Marriage)
Serpens Black (Cousin)
Aquila Black (Cousin)
Franklin Thistle (Maternal Grandfather) [Deceased]
Hazel Thistle (Maternal Grandmother)
George Thistle (Maternal Uncle) [Deceased]
Leonard Thistle (Maternal Uncle) 
Sally Thistle (Aunt by Marriage)
Mark Thistle (Cousin)
Morris Thistle (Cousin)
Ominis Gaunt (Husband)
Athena Noctua Ravenwood (Daughter)
Elias Alaric Ravenwood (Son)
The Gaunt Family (By Marriage)
Alleged ancestors of Rowena Ravenclaw (Lena is 95% sure that is bullshit)
Key Traits: Quick-witted. Quick to temper. Charming. Caring. Sarcastic. Warm. Shy at first but it comes off as being mean.
Likes: Quidditch. Potions. Reading. Fighting and Dueling. Helping people. 
Dislikes: Killing. Homework. Losing. Stupid people. 
Strengths: Potions. Killing. Flying. Fighting and dueling. Talking her way into and out of trouble. 
Weaknesses: Will not ask for help. Hides emotions easily. Lies easily. Masks. Can be volatile. 
Fears: Ominis dying. Failure. Being forgotten. 
Close friends: Anne Sallow, Garreth Weasley, Imelda Reyes, Slytherin Quidditch team.
Best friends: Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai
- Win a Quidditch World Cup
- Keep the Repository protected. 
- Find someone to take over as Keeper before Lena dies.
Character Inspiration: Nesta Archeron, Aelin Galathynius, Arya Stark, Eowyn, Dean Winchester.
She is the eldest child of Octavius Ravenwood and his wife, Ada Ravenwood (nee Thistle). Lena had one brother who is three years her junior, named Alaric. Her father, Octavius, was born into a wealthy pureblood family and was in Slytherin house himself. He was prone to fits of rage, and was widely feared by his classmates. While attending Hogwarts, he met muggleborn Ravenclaw Ada Thistle and fell in love. Octavius was forced to hide his relationship from his family, who would certainly kill Ada if they found out she was muggleborn. When Ada fell pregnant, Octavius stole away his inheritance and hid it in a vault deep within Gringotts. He and Ada married in secret, and Octavius removed his wife’s memories of Hogwarts and all things magic using the memory charm. Once settled in a muggle village in the south of England, he removed his own memories of the magical world into a pensieve that was cleverly hidden within the cellar of their small home. Lena’s magic showed early. She had several experiences of unexplained events, such as the chicken coop combusting when she was pecked by the rooster, or appearing in the sweets shop when her mother said no to going in. Eventually, it grew too much to hide, and that is where Matilda Weasley and Eleazar Fig stepped in when Lena was in her mid-teens.
Lena was fierce and independent from childhood. She strongly dislikes being smothered, preferring to be left to her own devices. Lena has a very strict “do not touch me” rule unless you are on her very short list of the people she likes enough to have physical contact with. Touch is Lena’s love language, so she limits her touch to those she truly cares about. If you are outside of that list, Lena will punch you. She was introduced to fighting at a young age with her father instructing her to protect her younger brother, Alaric, no matter what. He was a soft boy with an open heart, and that made him a prime target for the older boys in the village. Lena is extremely protective of those she cares about, often tip-toeing across the line of moral codes to defend them. In the words of her father, do not harm your enemies - destroy them. On a surface level Lena is tough, intimidating, and cold. She often has an arrogant smile on her face, and she does not suffer fools gladly. 
Beneath the surface, Lena is far more complicated. She somewhat resents her father for forcing her to be the tough one. She carries an overwhelming sense of duty to protect others, however sometimes she also needs to be protected. Once she attends Hogwarts and spends extended periods of time away from her parents, she really blossoms into a friendly and warm young woman. Lena doesn’t mind going out of her way to help people, and she learns it is highly beneficial to have many friends in different corners of society. She copes with humour, often making her friends laugh. She prefers who she is at school, and compartmentalizes most of her rough exterior in favour of someone who offers free smiles and a listening ear. She’s a charmer and a flirt, often using her big light brown eyes and dimpled smile to get herself out of trouble - which she gets in far too much. While at home, Lena is like ice. When she has room to blossom into her own being, she learns she is fire and wind. She’s always down for a fight, and she’s a little firecracker with a big mouth. People tend to trust her quickly with deep secrets. Lena gathers these secrets, and keeps them to herself in case she needs to use them in the future. She carries an unfortunate talent for identifying a person’s greatest insecurity, and she absolutely weaponizes it when she’s pissed off and then feels awful about it. She falls in love quickly, and forgives her loved ones far too easily, which makes her a prime target for manipulation. Despite being very friendly, Lena is absolutely an introvert. She is most comfortable and most at peace when she is alone or with only Ominis. After large social interactions she’ll sleep for 16 hours straight.
Following Lena’s fifth year, she is prone to fits of depression where she withdraws into herself completely and becomes a ghost of a person. She suffers from horrible night terrors and sleep walks. Lena experiences overwhelming anxiety at times, and is no stranger to panic attacks. She speaks less, while previously it was difficult to get her to stop talking. She tries to play it off and mask it all with humour, and she does a well enough job that only those who are closest to her notice - but she actively tries to push them away so they don’t notice. It takes a long time for her to heal and learn how to cope with all she’s been through. 
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jungkookiexxx · 5 days
240609 - Rpwprpwprpwp's Instagram post
rpwprpwprpwp: ㅠㅠ (credit roll) video out now
Creative Director: San Yawn @ kangghettodaewang
Director: Pennacky
Creative Team: JNKYRD @ jnkyrder, Sehoon Jang @ sehooninseoul
Artist Hair/Makeup: Mahito
Stylist: Ryota Ishii @ _ryotaishii
Behind the Scenes Photographer: Jimin Son @ sonjimin_
Local Production Company: Cult of Ya @ cultofya
Producer/1st AD: Hoon Gold @ hoooooooooooon
Line Producer: Mia Foo @ miafoo
Production Assistant: Mitchell Fisher @ mitchelldfisher
Driver: Pascal Gimre @ pascepul
Audio Engineer: Jack Burrows @ jbb_prodx
Cast: RM @ rkive , JNKYRD @ jnkyrder, Jack Burrows @ jbb_prodx, Seokjun Lee @ _levenge, Jimin Son @ sonjimin_, Naomi Tran-O'Neill @ naomi8118, Mia Foo @ miafoo, Rowena Bentley @ rowena.bentley, Fayez Bakhsh fayezamrbakhsh, Joey Akubeze chidikbeze
Music by Kim Hanjoo @ kimhanjooo, 김아일 @ i_q__, RM @ rkive, San Yawn @ kangghettodaewang, JNKYRD @ jnkyrder
Mix Engineer: Micah Tawlks @ micahtawlks
#RM #rightplacewrongperson #rpwp
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kwebtv · 9 months
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The New Adventures of Robin Hood - TNT (S 1-2) / Syndicated (S 3-4) - January 13, 1997 - December 13, 1998
Action / Adventure (52 episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
 Matthew Porretta as Robin Hood  (seasons 1–2)
John Bradley as Robin Hood  (seasons 3–4)
Anna Galvin as Lary Marion Fitzwalter (season 1)
Barbara Griffin as Lady Marion Fitzwalter (seasons 2–4)
Richard Ashton as Little John
Warwick Davis as Big John
Martyn Ellis as Friar Tuck
Christopher Lee as Olwyn
Hakim Alston as Kemal
Andrew Bicknell as Prince John
Christie Lee Woods as Rowena
Hélène Cardona as Marjorie
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 7 months
swapping bodies
swapping bodies https://ift.tt/4tQi6Jo by dicklessthewonderclown “Shit,” he breathes. “Shit,” Sam echoes. “She Freaky Friday’d us.” “What?” Dean asks, trying to keep the note of panic out of his voice. Sam shakes his head. Shakes Dean’s head? “Body swap movie? Jamie Lee Curtis?” At Dean’s blank stare, he shakes his head. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter.” This is fucking freaky. Dean feels like he’s having an out of body experience as he stares at his body, with Sam inside it. Technically, it is an out of body experience, he supposes. “What now?” Words: 1468, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 12 of dicklessthewonderclown's suptober 2023 Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Rowena MacLeod, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Body Swap, Dean Winchester Hates Witches, Witches, Aftermath of a Case, Cursed Dean Winchester, Cursed Sam Winchester, Witch Curses, Humor, Secret Relationship, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Secret Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Suptober 2023 (Supernatural) via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/XSLYoWf November 07, 2023 at 10:32PM
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ohwhale22 · 5 days
instagram link
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"ㅠㅠ (credit roll) video out now
Creative Director: San Yawn @kangghettodaewang Director: Pennacky
Creative Team: JNKYRD @jnkyrder, Sehoon Jang @sehooninseoul Artist Hair/Makeup: Mahito Stylist: Ryota Ishii @_ryotaishii Behind the Scenes Photographer: Jimin Son @sonjimin_
Local Production Company: Cult of Ya @cultofya Producer/1st AD: Hoon Gold @hoooooooooooon Line Producer: Mia Foo @miafoo Production Assistant: Mitchell Fisher @mitchelldfisher Driver: Pascal Gimre @pascepul Audio Engineer: Jack Burrows @jbb_prodx
Cast: RM @rkive JNKYRD @jnkyrder, Jack Burrows @jbb_prodx, Seokjun Lee @__levenge__, Jimin Son @sonjimin_, Naomi Tran-O’Neill @naomi8118, Mia Foo @miafoo, Rowena Bentley @rowena.bentley, Fayez Bakhsh fayezamrbakhsh, Joey Akubeze chidikbeze
Music by Kim Hanjoo @kimhanjooo, 김아일 @i__q__, RM @rkive, San Yawn @kangghettodaewang, JNKYRD @jnkyrder Mix Engineer: Micah Tawlks @micahtawlks
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stfulexie · 2 months
all names are in alphabetical order per their fandom order in the character section <3
FANDOMS I LOVING WRITING FOR — buffyverse. call of duty. dc universe. fast and the furious. horrorverse. john wick saga. kurt sutter verse. labyrinth. macgyver 2016. marvel universe. star wars. supernatural. teen wolf. tim burton verse.
CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR IN SAID FANDOMS — angel / angelus, buffy summers, cordelia chase, darla, drusilla, faith lehane, rupert giles (occasional), spike, the master, wesley wyndam-pryce, willow rosenburg, xander harris (occasional). captain john price, johnny “soap” mactavish, keegan p. russ, konig, kyle “gaz” garrick, simon “ghost” riley. barbara kean, bruce wayne, clark kent, dick grayson, harley quinn, jason todd, laurel lance, oliver queen, selina kyle, tim drake. brian o’conner, dominic toretto, han lue, letty ortiz, mia torretto, roman pearce, tej parker. asa emory, ash williams, billy butcherson, billy loomis, bo sinclair, brahms heelshire, charles lee ray, danny johnson, hannibal lecter, jason voorhees, jesse cromeans, otis driftwood, sarah sanderson, stu macher, thomas hewitt, tiffany valentine. john wick, marquis vincent bisset de gramont, winston scott. chibs telford, happy lowman, jax teller, opie winston, tara knowles, tig trager. jareth the goblin king. angus macgyver, jack dalton, riley davis, wilt bozer. agatha harkness, billy russo, bruce banner, bucky barnes, eddie brock / venom, frank castle, gwen stacy, miguel o’hara, moon knight (all personalities just to clarify), natasha romanoff, peter parker (all films), tony stark. anakin skywalker, boba fett, din djarin, luke skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, padmé amidala. charlie bradbury, claire novak, crowley, dean winchester, rowena macleod, sam winchester. derek hale, peter hale, scott mccall, stiles stilinski. beetlejuice, edward scissorhands, jack skellington, lydia deetz, tarrant hightopp (mad hatter).
MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS — hope mason, caspian james, violet ashby, amber hollow, terrance bran.
p.s. i love y’all and these characters but some of these names are the same for different characters so please specify who you are talking about in requests! for instance the repeating names are: john / johnny, peter, billy, bruce. just please specify in your requests so i can write them properly <3
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