#Roy let you crawl all over him and sob into his neck Jamie
pyroteapot · 1 year
Also can we talk about Jamie being fully prepared to sit in the med room, alone, while the rest of the team went out and celebrated, and being genuinely surprised when Roy and Keeley came in to celebrate with him.
Even after hes sort of shaken off the main part of the crisis he was having, he still seems to struggle to believe that he is deserving of people showing that they care about him.
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Roy/Jamie fic idea: Just listened to " The Other Side" by Ruelle and it just got be wanting a fic where one of them gets a life-threatening scare, like almost dying in a car wreck of coughing up blood and needing to get tested. The other is losing his damn mind with worry. They don't wanna know what it's like to live without the other, what kind of empty life that would be. Que wanting to finally get married, have kids together, hell get a dog and the whole nine yards!
Aww okay I love it
Jamie saw it on the news. He didn’t even get a text. Or a call. The fucking reporter for channel 6 told him.
Roy was in a crash.
A really bad one.
Not his fault, his car flipped twice. They’re saying he’s in the hospital. Got fucking flew there in a helicopter.
Jamie realizes he dropped the plate he was holding. There’s glass all over the floor. Hell there’s blood running down his hands. His phone starts ringing, he practically rips it out of his pocket. “Hello?”
It’s a woman’s voice that responds, “yes hello, Jamie Tartt? You’re Roy Kent’s emergency contact. He’s been in an accident. He’s out of surgery now. We couldn’t find your number for a while.”
Jamie collapses to the floor. “I’ll be right there.” She hums and hangs up. Jamie can’t breathe.
He runs to the car faster then he’s ever run before.
When Jamie finally sees Roy he’s awake. Covered in blood and a cast on his arm but awake. He’s sitting in a hospital bed.
Jamie freezes in the doorway. He can’t move.
Jamie let’s put a shaky sob. He slowly walks forward and touches Roy’s face. Roy leans into his hand like a cat, kisses the palm of Jamie’s hand. “I’m okay. It’s okay.”
Jamie drops like a puppet with its strings cut. He collapses into the chair next to the bed. He’s sobbing. Jamie doesn’t know if he can hold onto Roy any tighter.
Roy leans forward and pulls at Jamie until he gets the idea. He gently crawls into bed with Roy.
Jamie presses a kiss to Roy’s shoulder. He gets an annoyed noise and Roy grabs his face and fully kisses him. It’s probably not an appropriate kiss for a hospital but Roy almost died. Jamie thinks it’s fair.
“I can’t ever leave you again.”
Jamie blinks at Roy. It’s a week after the accident. They’ve talked a bit. They’re in bed for the night, Roy’s arm on a pillow and Jamie curled under the other one. “What do you mean? You never left me?”
Roy sighs. He has a serious face. He kisses Jamie’s nose. “I want more with you. A dog. Another cat. I wanna call you my husband.”
Jamie grins at Roy. Before he can say anything Roy keeps going. “Wanna be able to tell people, ‘oh yeah that’s my husband Jamie’”
Roy isn’t looking at Jamie. He can’t. There’s a lot of things he can’t do right now.
Jamie presses a kiss to his neck. And tucks his head into Roy’s shoulder. “If we’re naming things we want.. I want to be able to tell a kid to go and find their other dad. Or like ask your dad.”
Roy sits up straight. He pulls Jamie with him so they’re sitting across from each other. “You wanna have a kid with me?” Jamie laughs. He can’t help it. “I wanna do everything with you.” Roy yanks him into an aggressive kiss. He can’t help it. God he loves this man.
“I’ve got a ring in the drawer. Was my grandfather’s. Want to melt it down and put half in my ring and half in yours.” Jamie has tears in his eyes. “I’d love that.”
“I love you.”
Jamie kisses Roy again. “Love you too.”
There’s a beat of silence and they lay back down.
“Can we get another cat tomorrow.
Roy let’s put a sigh. He knew that one would come back to bite him. “Yeah. Course we can.”
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