royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Queen of Valencia Celebrates Birthday with New Tradition
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In the spirit of still celebrating the Union of Kingdom's historic 75th anniversary, HM Queen Paige has set a new tradition for Valencian monarchs.
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Shortly after celebrating her 20th year as Queen Regnant, HM Queen Paige celebrated with the kingdom by observing the Valencian Royal Guard, a symbolic militia established by her predecessor and uncle, King Geoffery I, a showcase of the kingdom's strength following the revolution.
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TRSi | Meet the Royals: Valencia
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Get to know the heir to the throne of Valencia, Princess Paige Willow. Follow our posts to learn how she was born in obscurity and rose to heir status.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
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5:45 AM: Alektown, Newcrest, Alexandria
After announcing the HRH Princess Cora's engagement to Mr. Sebastien DuArtiste, HRH's father, HM King Johan, surprises the couple while they reside at Rivercrest House in Alektown Parish.
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HM: Cora, I'm glad the kingdom and the region received your engagement so well. Honestly, I'm a little shocked. Two generations in and we already have a princess marrying the son of the region's first anti-monarchist Elected Minister.
(HM pauses, a sly smirk resting on his face as he leans back in his seat. For a moment, he can't remember if he is genuinely happy for his daughter or not.)
(HRH, raised keenly aware that she is a second-generation royal and the burden that comes with only 75 years after a revolution, smiles allowing her father to have his moment, as is her and her fiance's duty.)
HRH: Good morning to you too, Papa. I'm not shocked at all. Grandpa and grandma were feared more than loved. The people were unsure of you until you married Mamma, who they adore. And well, Bass--he's my saving grace, which I only need because of you. So to me, it makes perfect sense. A true man of the people marries a princess. It's a novel idea! At least in this region.
(Grinning only slightly less than HRH, Mr. Sebastian, nearly talking through his teeth, sits up and as calmly as possible, tries to respond appropriately.)
SD: Sir, if I may say, I--
HM: If it pertains to my kingdom, my family, or my regional allies, you may not say. Besides, Angela has arranged for the stylists to arrive any minute now. We have to prepare for your interview with Kin Ikeda. A partial man. I don't expect him to ask about my relationship with Sebastian's father. He will, I'm sure, ask how you feel about joining our family. After all, your father did try to ruin us!
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(Shocked, Sebastian, unable to contain himself, places his hand over his chest, reminding himself to breathe before speaking.)
SD: You are out of line, Sir! Yes, my father hates your whole being. However, he has never let them lead him to disrespect Co or me! You, however, have never drawn such lines. No surprise there, Your Majesty. Know this, Sir. I love her. Besides, according to these papers you've sent over, our kids will have no idea of their roots.
HM: You, son, are right. I've plucked your family line out of obscurity by allowing you to marry my daughter. And yes, your children will be Princes and Princesses of Alexandria. No questions about it. Now I'll leave you two to prepare for the interview. Cora, I love you, Darling. Sebastian, don't embarrass us.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Freret Royals Arrive In Valencia
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After learning of the first state visit between Freret and Valencia, some members of Freret's royal family have landed at Kermit Landgraab International Airport.
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Representing Freret are HM Queen Elena, HRH The Dauphin of Freret, and HRH Princess Elise, Madame Royale. Many excited to see HM Queen Elena, a distant maternal cousin of HM Queen Paige, a massive crowd welcomed the family. It's widely known that since visiting Tunisia, HM King Roman has taken a minor step back from royal duties, especially with the twins, TRHs Princess Elise and Princess Clare coming of working age. 
TRSi confirmed that the royal trio has no state engagements planned for the evening, as they intend to catch up with their distant cousins and celebrate HRH Princess Bria's recent birthday.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Santa Maria Welcomes A New Prince
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Santa Maria's Apostolic Palace celebrated HM Queen Lila's recent delivery with a new photo shared throughout the region. Taken in the palace's main gallery, HM, HRH Prince Alejandro, and HMAH (His Most Anointed Highness), Crown Prince Miguel posed with the newborn prince's limited press.
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Instead of engaging with media, the royal family posed for the photocall before returning to their apartments. A statement was later shared with the press.
HM Queen Lila and HRH Prince Alejandro welcomed a healthy baby boy in the palace's medical wing. Around 4:15 AM yesterday, His Most Anointed Highnes, Prince Luis Alejandro Daniel DeSuerte entered the world.
Like his brother, he is named after his paternal and maternal ancestors.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | A Foreign Honeymoon for King Iman and Princess Anne
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Fresh from the wedding, it appears the region's recent newlyweds, King Iman and Princess Anne, have jet-setted across the world to the country of Kwamalah.
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Our global TRSi partners received images of the newlyweds hanging our with Kwamali royalty, who we've learned are a distant relative of the Mali royal family. Cute, Princess Anne is meeting her royal in-laws.
The royal couples were outside the exclusive Jamil Resort, which learned costs an impressive §14,000/night!!! Also noticed was Princess Anne's new short hairstyle. Luckily, it helps to have royal cousins in high places. The Jamil Resort is privately owned by King Iman's cousin, Prince T'Emdi Nkremuhla, and his wife, Princess Rohey of Nkremuhla of Kwamalah.
We hope the couple enjoys their honeymoon and time with family. We can't wait to get more photos!
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Queen Paige Opens Geofferson Monument
Day 1 of the Freret's first official state visit since the revolution kicked off with the opening of The Geofferson Monument. The Historical Society of Valencia commissioned the monument to celebrate the Union's recent 75th anniversary and in memoriam of HM King Geoffery I, Valencia's first monarch.
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For the park's opening, HM Queen Paige accompanied by HM Queen Elena and HRH The Dauphin of Freret, unveiled The Rose Walk, a short walkway flanked by waterfalls and Valencian Roses.
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Both of THeir Majesties paid tribute to HM King Geoffery, sharing stories of his strong character, soft heart, and disciplined mind. Although present, The Dauphin did not speak.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Valencia & Freret State Visit
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TRSi recently learned, through contacts in both kingdoms, that Valencia and Freret will have their first state visit in the region's 75 years post-revolution.
While we have yet to confirm an itinerary, we are excited since the royal families of Valencia and Freret share common ancestors and a connection to the Union of Kingdoms.
We look forward to seeing the state visit...at least what we can photograph
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Royal Family of Valencia Celebrates Union’s 75th Diamond Anniversary
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In celebration of the Union of Kingdom's 75th anniversary, The Palace of Five Kings, release a set of family portraits and a statement from HM, The Queen of Valencia.
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True to her clear and concise nature, HM Queen Paige's message, according to some critics, was all that one has to come to expect from Landgraabs and their descendants. TSRi has summarized HM's statement for you below:
"We watched my uncle, HM King Geoffery I, build a kingdom from the ashes of Willow Creek, allowing us to emerge more robust and capable than ever.  The message from my family and me is clear: We must continue growing, learning, and listening to the People to ensure the next 75 years. It has been a duty and an honor to serve as the second monarch of Great Valencia. Forward."
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Happy Birthday, Queen Paige
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Valencia is celebrating Queen Paige's 45th birthday and 20th year on the throne. The recently completed Geofferson Palace, named after King Geoffery, HM's uncle.
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HM's Office released two portraits of the more mature Queen. The first, a black and white picture of HM's profile. The second, a lighthearted version of HM looking upwards and smiling.
HM's Office shared that HM wore a new tiara TRSi has learned HM has named the Landom Meander Tiara for the portraits. The tiara features 20 pearls that can be swapped for rubies or emeralds atop of meader body and diamond base. HM paired the tiara with her wedding earrings, which officially belong to the Valencian Wedding Parure. The earring choice was very appropriate since the tiara was a gift from HRH Prince Andrew, the former Duke of Landom.
Join us in wishing Queen Paige a happy birthday!
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royalsimsinsider · 5 years
TRSi | Happy Birthday Princess Anne!
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For the photos, HRH wore two tiaras:
Yellow Gown: HRH wore the Gardens of Valencia tiara, created for and named by her cousin, HRH The Duchess of Landom for her investiture as a Princess of Valencia. She also sported regalia for The Order of Landgraab, re-created ber her father to celebrate their Landgraab ancestry.
Blue Gown: HRH wore the newly created Heart of Valencia Diadem
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
House of Orleans Welcomes Twin Princesses: Elise and Clare
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
The King Has Arrived
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Mal has a unique system where there’s a Sultan/a and King and Queen. Due to their highly religious culture, the Sultan and Sultana are more like spiritual figures that are so revered, they’re rarely seen.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Three Kings & An Economic Plan
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Security was tight as the 3/4 of the Union of Kingdom’s kings visited Union City to announce a new economic plan. HRM King Roman, HRM King Geoffrey, and HRM King Johan all visited the Union of Kingdoms Stock Exchange to unveil their economic agenda, Work for 75, a plan designed to bolster regional economic growth and strengthen existing international supply-chains. The ultimate goal is to keep 75% of regional spending in the local economy before goods, services, and/or funds reaching the global markets and economies.
It was the first time this many monarchs gathered for an unofficial engagement since the formalization of the O Revolution.
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The Pre was also able to catch an intimate moment between TRM King Roman and King Johan, who are notoriously close. King Frederick, King Johan’s father, was actually King Roman’s godfather and King Johan is godfather to King Roman’s twins, Prince Romulus and Prince Remus. The two reportedly chatted for a while before and after the closed-engagement. This is the second economic event the two lifelong friends were spotted at in Union City. Earlier this week, the two stopped by Stark Industries headquarters in Union City to discuss how the company can help with the recent pandemic plaguing the Union of Kingdoms.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | King of Valencia Dead Days After Unveiling Economic Plan, Queen Unsure How/If To Mourn
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The Palace of 5 Kings confirmed the death of the beloved, if not controversial, King Geoffery of Valencia. Born Geoffery Malcolm Robert Landgraab, King Geoffery grew up before the revolution and became king of Valenica, in part, because of his Landgraab ancestry.
Tasked with legitimizing the reign of the newly founded Royal House of VonWillow, HRM was relatively successful, making the post-revolution life for Valencians a smooth transition. Within three years of his ascension, HRM oversaw the first open and fair elections in Valencia, creating the first Parliament of Valencia.
HRM married Miss Anne Goth shortly after the revolution as a way to secure the future of the new royal family. Their marriage publicly took a downturn after the birth of their daughter, The Princess Royal. Medical complications prevented the Queen from giving birth to more kids, creating a constitutional heir crisis since Princess Anne, following the agreements of the Revolutionary Treatise of Peace, is arranged to marriage King Iman of Mal. The crisis led HRM to name his niece (then Miss Paige de Noir), the Duchess of Landom, as heir to the throne and the king's pubic affair with mega-publicist, Alexandra Paul and the alleged birth of their lovechild.
Overall, TSRi can ensure that the people of Valencia and the Union of Kingdoms will miss HRM, as he will primarily be remembered for establishing peace and tranquility after volatile times.
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royalsimsinsider · 4 years
TRSi | Empowered At Home: The Lavender Foundation
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It was an exciting day as citizens of the Union of Kingdoms were treated to a live broadcast of not one but two Queens of the Union of Kingdoms! TRM Queen Lila of Santa Maria and Queen Elena of Freret traveled to the Union of Kingdoms Soundstage to film a live Q&A and info session about their joint project, The Lavender Foundation. 
The Lavender Foundation, a foundation started by HRM Queen Lila, is committed to increasing the number of women engaged with STEM. During the social isolation, the foundation has been raising funds to ensure all girls throughout the region have access to technology and distance learning during these troubling times. Read a brief excerpt below to learn more about the queens and their project with The Lavender Foundation.
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Georgia: Queen Lila, you’ve spent a lot of time raising funds and awareness specifically for women in STEM. While this is admirable, I wonder if there’s a reason why STEM gets more attention from you than any of your other patronages and policies--you do have constitutional powers after all.
QL: Thanks Georgia. For me, it’s all rooted in my belief that education is an equalizer and can be the vehicle used by the most vulnerable citizens of Santa Maria and the Union of Kingdoms to change their lives, our region, and the world. The data, which I follow, shows that education is one of greatest tools to close achievement and wealth gaps in our region. That’s why it was imperative that I do my part in supporting the Union of Kingdoms by partnering with my eastward silicon neighbor, Freret.
Georgia: Beautifully put, Ma’am. And for you, Queen Elena, why The Lavender Foundation? Freret is the most technologically advanced kingdoms and actually, some would say, economically benefit from other kingdoms lacking said technology, no?
QE: As Her Majesty so beautifully said, access to a high-quality education levels the playing field for all citizens of our region. We cannot ignore the inherent inequity that exists in our society. Our mere existence as royals are proof of it. We cannot forget that accepting somethings doesn’t mean accepting all that comes with it. We can change our present by investing in our future, which we believe is better if we equip all people, especially women, with the necessary technology, personal, and academic capacity.
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