#RuPaul's Drag Con
lipsyncforyourlife · 1 year
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skeletonpjs · 4 months
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Bananaaaas 🍌🍌🍌
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rag3-n-lov3 · 5 months
the daya and bosco content from drag con uk all over my feed on every social media platform is sending me over the edge. why am i not there.
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critterofthenight · 4 months
ummm hey guys what the actual hell is going on here
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jinkxndela · 2 years
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“@/emeraldcitycomiccon ended well.” x
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bowlcutlegacy · 1 year
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Vivian and Irma are the whole reason @pathetiic-fallacy and I became friends and WE GOT TO MEET THEM TOGETHER!
So very thankful for all three of these lovely humans :)
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how the the hell you gonna love somebody else?
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lipsyncforyourlife · 1 year
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porcelainlu · 2 years
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Jinkx & DeLa at Emerad City Comic Con (2022)
pt. 4 - PANEL (via: popverse)
pt. 1 ; 2 ; 3
This is the last part!! It took a while but I finally finished ALL the GIFs 😁😁💚
One last time, I'll thank baby @yousayperfect-isaystreep for giving me acces to the livestreams!! Ily girl 🤧💖
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New season of Queer Eye AND Drag Race Allstars dropped today. Plus I’m at Drag Con for the next two days. It’s like gay Christmas over here!!!
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rhoorl · 9 months
Delta Landscaping |
Chapter 4: The Pool Party
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Series Summary: In this AU, the boys of Delta Force start a new business post-Colombia. 
Series Masterlist
Rating: Explicit (18+) - This is here as a blanket rating 
Word Count: 8.8k
Chapter Summary: It’s pool party time. Once we get to the party we are going to be bouncing around to a lot of little scenes amongst various characters. Some stuff from the party hit the cutting room floor.
Chapter Warning: Allusions to cheating, co-dependent relationship. Some military/veteran talk. If something else should be added here please let me know! Also, I don’t have a beta for this, so any mistakes are all me.
A/N: At the beginning of this chapter, I provide some background on another one of the neighbors – the most in-depth I think I've gone since Lucille. I’m not trying to pass a moral judgment on this character one way or another, but I think it’s important to lay out some of her past.
Also, shoutout to @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain whose comment from Chapter 3 about Benny’s choice in swim trunks took me down a rabbit hole.  Another shoutout to @trulybetty for bouncing ideas about one of the storylines with me!
“So…that Santiago sure was giving you the fuck me eyes wasn’t he?” David chuckled as he, Ty, and Melissa made their way back to their respective houses after the watch party at Lucille’s.
“Yeah, Mel, the guy couldn’t take his eyes off you."
“Oh it's fine, just some harmless flirting,” she waved them off. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s also gorgeous and probably a really good kis-” she cut herself off as they side-eyed her.
“Ten cuidado con eso,” Ty cautioned her. “It's harmless flirting to you, but he may not see it that way…"
"Yea, girl…don't write checks your ass can't cash."
Melissa rolled her eyes as the trio stopped in front of David and Ty's house.
"Anyway," Ty cleared his throat. "With the party tomorrow, I guess we have to cancel our appointment with the event planner at the golf course. That's the third venue in a row we've canceled. You getting cold feet or somethin?”
“No, of course not,” she shook her head, nervously laughing. "We can always reschedule, right? Everyone seemed so excited to do it tomorrow so why wait…sorry for the short notice, I didn't leave you with enough time to come up with a theme.” She wanted to change the subject and change it fast. 
Melissa was no stranger to turning heads. She was one of the younger women who lived in Torrey Hills. She was fit, attractive, and had an infectious laugh and quickly bonded with David and Ty over RuPaul's Drag Race after they saw Melissa wearing an Alyssa Edwards shirt one day. The three alternated locations for their weekly watch parties, even going back and watching old seasons in between the new ones. 
They also bonded over wedding planning. David and Ty were some of the most sought-after wedding planners in the greater Tampa Bay area. And when Danny confided in them that he thought Melissa was overwhelmed with wedding planning, trying to do it all herself, they knew they had to step in and help…free of charge.
The idea of a wedding and impending marriage loomed over Melissa like a dark cloud. She loved Danny, they were high school sweethearts, but more and more she felt like her life was planned for her and not by her. For the last 12 years, all they knew was each other. They were each other's firsts and last in so many respects. First relationship. Last kiss. And when it came to sex, they had been each other's first and last in almost every respect. 
In high school, Danny was the star quarterback and Melissa was the head cheerleader, so of course they were bound to get together. When Danny suffered a torn ACL in the last game of his senior season, all hopes of a college scholarship were dashed. Devastated, he had to rethink his plans since the hopes of a prospective NFL career were no more. He reluctantly decided to follow in his father's footsteps and attend Embry-Riddle and start on the path toward being a commercial airline pilot. 
Melissa was a fantastic athlete in her own right and received a cheerleading scholarship to attend the University of Florida. Despite the distance, she and Danny wanted to make it work; everyone told them since they were high school sweethearts, and clearly soulmates, this was just the next logical step for their relationship.
They alternated making the two-hour drive on weekends to see each other. Although it was tough for Danny to attend the football games, wishing it was him on the field, he absolutely beamed seeing Melissa on the sidelines getting tossed in the air and leading the crowd in cheers.
When it came to her college experience, Melissa had a much different one than her sorority sisters. She didn't go out with the girls as much because she was either visiting Danny or he was there seeing her. It was hard for her to turn down social events. One of the reasons she decided to go to a big school like UF was to live the ultimate college experience. But, she loved Danny and the distance was hard, so she relished any opportunity to see him even if it meant they wouldn’t leave their rooms the whole time.
Fast forward a few years, and a couple of changes in majors, and Melissa graduated with a degree in health education with a minor in Spanish. After he graduated, Danny benefitted from the pilot shortage and quickly made the jump from a regional to a major airline. Moving in together after college was the next milestone on their trajectory – their families assumed marriage and babies wouldn’t be too far behind.
The next few years they moved wherever Danny's job took them, before ultimately landing in the Tampa Bay area. Danny knew he wanted to marry Melissa from the moment she agreed to go on a date with him. She was it for him. He proposed during a romantic beachside dinner in Clearwater Beach 10 years to the day he asked her out for the first time. He even organized it so their families were there as a surprise. Everyone was absolutely over the moon as the next milestone got checked off the list. 
Danny was all in on wedding planning, suggesting they attend a local wedding expo so they could start to meet with vendors. Melissa, on the other hand, was not as gung ho to get started. Most of her sorority sisters either were married already or in the midst of wedding planning, so she was no stranger to the machine that was the wedding industry.
Everyone had questions. Were they having an engagement party? Where were the bachelorette and bachelor parties going to be? Did they want a local wedding or a destination wedding? Were kids going to be invited? What colors for the bridesmaids' dresses?
Melissa's head was spinning with all of these decisions she needed to make. Everyone meant well, encouraging her to do whatever she wanted because it was her day, yet she came to the realization that this - a wedding, marriage, kids - wasn’t what she wanted. 
This epiphany tore her up inside and she hated herself for it. Danny was a good man and deserved to be with someone who worshiped him the way he worshiped her. But, at the same time, she didn’t know how to navigate life without him. He was her best friend and had been by her side through her highest highs and lowest lows.
She couldn't bring herself to call things off, she couldn’t bear to break Danny's heart. She rationalized her hesitation saying it was a phase or something she needed to work through. So, she tried to find some distraction to help put off wedding planning just a bit longer – and buying a house seemed like the perfect distraction. Their focus would be on stalking Zillow, going to open houses, and driving around looking at neighborhoods.
When they drove through Torrey Hills with their realtor, Melissa immediately fell in love with 305 Mulefall Court, a house newly on the market. She was awed by its spacious, inviting interiors and massive backyard. She could envision a life with Danny here. Things moved quickly from that point on from making an offer to closing, and before they knew it, the two of them were homeowners. 
Once they moved in, her focus immediately went to making her home perfect. She had a list of projects, which included lots of additions, including a pool, and Danny was receptive to it all. He hadn't seen her this focused and excited in a long time.
"Whatever makes you happy babe," he'd say whenever she came to him with an idea.
Every so often Danny would broach the subject of wedding planning and Melissa would find some convenient excuse as to why she couldn't focus on it. She was changing jobs, she didn't want to compete with another friend's wedding, or her sister-in-law was pregnant. She latched onto anything that could delay wedding planning more.
When construction started on their pool, the last of the big home improvement projects, Danny upped the pressure for a date. Melissa, David, and Ty went to see nearly every possible wedding venue in Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater and even drove to Orlando to check out what a Disney wedding would entail. Making matters worse, their respective parents were also starting to run out of patience, blaming it on their desires to spoil their future grandchildren.
Melissa knew she was destined for a crossroads and she felt the walls closing in on her. She was turning 30 in a few months and had lost track of who she was. Danny was the only boyfriend she had ever had. He was the only sexual partner she'd ever had. And for the past 12 years, they navigated life together, their whole adulthood wrapped up in each other.
"Hey…Fish and I are at the store, what do you need us to pick up again?" Santiago stared at the wall of beers as Frankie checked out the whiskey selection.
"You know the beers we all like, but maybe add in some…uh…I don't know…hard seltzers or something." Will tried to be sly with that inclusion. The other day coming home from his run he noticed Katie had an Instacart delivery which included hard seltzers.
"Hard seltzers? The fuck?  You watching your figure?"
"Shut up. I’m just thinking we should bring…a variety. We don't know what everyone likes to drink."
"A variety…ok man. Lemme add some Sunny D and juice boxes while I'm at it." Santiago countered sarcastically.
"Fuck off, we'll see you and what I imagine is your obnoxious as-hell swimsuit soon." 
Will hung up the phone as he walked into the kitchen, shaking his head. Benny was at the kitchen table doodling in his notebook. 
"Are they on their way?" He asked without looking up, concentrating on his drawing.
"Yeah, they’re wrapping up at the store. What are you working on?"
"Oh, nothing…just had an idea I couldn't get out of my head," Benny looked up and gave a half smile. He heard his phone ding and saw it was Connor.
Connor: Guess what I did?
Benny: ?
Connor: I asked Aria if she and her parents were coming to the party.
Connor: I had Mom ask Ms. Melissa if that was cool, but turns out they were invited already lol
Benny: I mean hell yeah!
Benny: You excited?
Connor: Haha. Yea. And nervous.
Benny: I get it. I'll give ya a pep talk when you get there 😉
"What are you smiling at?"
"Oh, it's Connor," Benny waved his phone. "That girl he likes is coming to the party."
"He's a good kid. You're not trying to replace me are ya?"
Benny rolled his eyes and laughed. "Nah, man. Wherever you go, I go, you know that."
"Wait, I thought we were supposed to go look at a venue today. I leave tomorrow for a couple of weeks, Lis, what're we doing hosting a party?"
Danny was the planner. Meticulous and always wanting to have things in order. And, for the most part, Melissa was the same way. Except in recent months, he noticed she was getting more spontaneous, erratic even, randomly deciding to go off and do things with a moment's notice…including hosting the entire neighborhood at their house for a pool party.
"I know, but I was talking with D and we just don't think that place is our vibe, so like why waste everyone's time."
"Well, what is our vibe? Jesus Lis, you've seen like, what 20 places…you don't like any of them? Budget isn’t a hurdle, you know. I want you to have your dream wedding."
"I know, baby,” she walked to him, putting her arms around his waist. “I want it to be someplace special. I'll know it when I see it. I just haven't had that..feeling yet when I've gone places. But we're close, I know we are." She kissed Danny, trying to reassure him although she could practically see his patience wearing thin.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "At this point, why don't we just go to the courthouse?"
"The what?" She pulled back to look up at him.
"Yea. It's just a piece of paper anyway. Then we can go on a trip or something…whatever you want - Lord knows I have miles for it. Take the pressure off of planning a big party," he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
"You know both of our moms would not go for that. Heck, I'm my dad's only daughter so he will be heartbroken if he can't walk me down the aisle," she chuckled. "We'll figure it out, baby. Now, can you help and put the tables out back?"
"Lulu, need help?" Megan opened the door to Lucille’s. She had Connor bring their wagon, knowing that Lucille was going to have several different platters to haul down the street.
"Sí, por favor!" She called from the kitchen. It was no surprise that she had made a ton of food, including a flan, another one of Connor’s favorites.
The three of them got everything loaded up and started walking toward Melissa and Danny’s house, stopping abruptly when they heard a loud whistle from behind them. Turning, they saw Benny giving them a big wave with his free hand as he hauled a case of beer on his other shoulder. 
He was decked out in what, on a normal person, would look like the most obnoxious pair of swim trunks, but somehow he made look cool. They hung low on his hips and were all black, with a retro flame design in various shades of orange, red, and yellow extending up from his knees towards his crotch. His shirt choice was much more understated, a red cut-off shirt paired with a white Houston Astros baseball cap which he wore backward, of course.
Will followed, donning a pair of mostly red swim trunks with alternating stripes of white and navy blue near the waistband, and a plain gray T-shirt. Behind him was Frankie who had on solid black swim shorts with a light gray, button-down short-sleeve shirt with what looked like a crane pattern on it. He left the top several buttons of his shirt unbuttoned exposing his tanned chest. His signature baseball cap was affixed to his head and his aviators were tucked into the pocket of his shirt.
Santiago trailed behind with the shortest trunks of the bunch, showing off several inches of thigh. They were navy blue with white and baby blue tie-dyed roosters scattered across them. He paired the shorts with a baby blue tank top. Not wanting to mess up his hair, he went sans hat but did have on his Oakley sunglasses.
All the men carried various cases of alcoholic beverages. Frankie knew they should have just driven it all over, but the other three insisted on walking. 
"Wait up!" Benny called after Megan, Connor, and Lucille. 
"Hey, where's the party?" David shouted from his porch across the street as Ty wheeled their wagon full of goodies down the driveway. "You boys actually planning on going into the water?" 
"Well…yea…I mean, it's a pool party right?" Benny was confused at the lack of swim attire and towels from David and Ty. 
"David never goes into the water, he prefers to sit on a lounger and get the chisme from Lucille. Those two know everything," Ty laughed.
David and Ty bickered about their pool party behavior as they all made the relatively short trek to Melissa and Danny's.
"So, Megan…is uh…Melissa's fiancé cool?" Santiago asked as they reached the driveway.
"Oh, Danny? Yeah, he's a sweetheart, really nice guy."
"Awesome…great," Santiago said flatly, trying to avoid the confused look he could feel Frankie giving him.
"Party's here!!" David announced as the crew made their way into the backyard.
The backyard was almost as big as Will and Benny’s. It was a little sparse, with just a few palm trees, but it had lush green grass and a large sparkling pool. The lanai was expansive with a full outdoor kitchen and a table that could easily seat eight comfortably. Loungers and chairs were scattered throughout for seating.
Danny was just finishing setting up the last of the foldout tables as Melissa walked outside with a plastic tablecloth to cover it.
"Oh hey! Welcome!" She gave a dazzling smile to everyone, pleased that the four new additions to the neighborhood all came with their swim trunks on.
She had a black, sheer cover-up on over her blue and white tie-dyed bikini, a more revealing swimsuit than her usual pool party attire.
“Ok hot momma, I see you!” David whistled as he saw her, bringing her in for a big bear hug.
When David finally put her down, her eyes immediately connected with Santiago, who tilted his head down to peer from over his sunglasses. He didn’t hide the up and down he gave Melissa, leaving her a bit flustered at the attention. She walked over to Lucille who was helping Connor and Frankie unload the contents of her wagon onto one of the tables.
"Lulu, esto es demasiado…you didn't have to make all of this!"
"¡Ay, basta! You know I can't help myself when there’s a party," she winked. 
"Oh babe, here meet the guys," Melissa called Danny over. "This is Will and Benny, they moved into 319. And these are their friends Frankie and Santiago."
"Hey guys, nice to meet you," he shook all of their hands. "You guys are fixing that house up really nicely, it looks awesome."
"Well, it couldn't look any worse," Will joked.
Once they started talking, Danny and Frankie immediately hit it off once they realized their aviation connection.
"Do…do you need help with anything?" Santiago asked Melissa as Frankie and Danny started to nerd out about engines on their walk over to the grill.
"Uh…yeah. Actually, I have a cooler I need to bring around from the garage."
"Lead the way," he opened his arms for her to pass, trying to discreetly check her out as she walked by him. 
Frankie quickly side-eyed where his best friend was going, trying to not make it too apparent as Danny continued on his rant about the impending pilot strike.
Melissa could practically feel Santiago’s eyes on her as she walked toward the front of her house. She put a little extra sway in her hips, not hating the attention but knowing she was playing with fire.
Danny loved Melissa and tried to show her as often as he could, but his work schedule had definitely put a damper on their sex life. Gone were the days of ripping each other's clothes off at a moment's notice and having passionate sex everywhere and anywhere they could. With Danny away for work as often as he was, they'd had more phone sex than actual sex over the last couple of months and she was going a little stir-crazy. A handsome stranger certainly didn't help things either.
"Here it is, think you can handle it?" She turned to face Santiago. She resolved that she wouldn’t do anything other than flirt with him. 
"Oh, I think I'd be able to manage just fine." He winked.
For his part, Santiago was conflicted too. He was never one to shy away from a beautiful woman flirting with him, but he drew the line if they were taken. He had been there, done that, and didn’t want to go down that painful road again. But he also couldn’t deny that there was something there when he looked at Melissa. 
He didn’t want to say anything to the guys, especially Frankie, because he knew what their reactions would be. They’d tell him that he was just attracted to her because she was the young, hot thing on the block and remind him that she was very much unavailable. 
"That's uh…a nice suit you have there," he nodded towards her. "Looks like we both like tie-dye," he chuckled.
The two stayed with their eyes locked on each other, trying to read the other’s face for what felt like minutes before they heard someone clear their throat.
"Oh hey, sorry we're late!" 
They turned to see Olivia, with Diana on one hip and a baby bag slung on the other shoulder. Her husband, Chris, and their sons CJ and Max were right behind followed by Katie who was helping the family with their bags.
"It feels like we have to pack the whole house even when we just come down the street," Olivia laughed, oblivious to the awkward tension between Santiago and Melissa.
"Aw don't even worry, everyone just got here! Come, they're out back!" Melissa waved toward the backyard.
Santiago introduced himself to Chris, who helped him bring the cooler along with a couple more fold-out chairs to the back.
Frankie spotted Santiago as he came back with a man carrying a cooler and some more chairs. Seeing Olivia and her kids, he figured it was her husband. He also clocked how Santiago's eyes lingered on Melissa, who was walking in front of him.
"Hey babe, where are the burgers?" Danny yelled out to Melissa.
"They're inside, here I'll help you."
"I'll be right back," he told Frankie.
As Danny and Melissa headed inside, Santiago stopped to get a beer before walking over towards Frankie. He could feel the side eye Frankie was giving him.
Frankie lifted his hands up in protest. "I haven't even said anything."
"Yeah, but you're giving me that look."
"She's engaged, hermano. Besides, isn't she a little young, even for you? Ow-" 
Santiago slapped Frankie in his chest. "I'm not that much older. And besides, I'm just…flirting with her. Nothing else."
"Ha, yea ok, Pope," Frankie took a swig of his beer, shaking his head.
Frankie knew his friend had a knack for fixating on the most unavailable women. He never understood why Santiago did this, he was arguably the biggest flirt of the bunch and a good-looking guy, so he could, and did, get any woman he wanted. But yet, it was as if he thrived on the drama, on the secrecy of it all.
“Don’t act all high and mighty, you were right there with me too.” Santiago snapped back.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t the one who caught feelings…that was you, remember?”
Santiago rolled his eyes and walked over to Lucille, who was arranging a plate of food for herself.
After more neighbors trickled in, the party really started getting going. David and Ty were in charge of the playlist, rolling their eyes whenever Olivia glared at them for playing a song that wasn't child-appropriate.
"There's literally a summer barbecue playlist on Spotify, just pick that one!" She went over to them in a huff.
"Ok, momma bear. No more Cardi B noted!" David teased.
"Boys no running!" Olivia called after her sons as she dipped a carrot in some ranch.
"Are they twins?" 
She heard a low voice, turning to see it was Frankie next to her.
"Yes, unfortunately," she sighed and then smiled. "They're great, just a lot of fucking energy."
"Ha, I can see that. And how old are you?" He bent down smiling at Diana, who was still attached to her mom's hip. 
"Oh, this is Diana, she's nine months, 10 months in two weeks!"
"Well, she's beautiful," he rubbed the little girl's cheek with his thumb, which elicited a small smile, barely visible from behind her pacifier. Her eyes were fixated on Frankie.
"Ooo she likes you, she doesn't smile for just anyone." 
Frankie smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Do you have any kids?"
"Ah, n-no. My sister has two, so uncle mode is where I'm at these days," he chuckled.
“Ah, well maybe someday…”
“Maybe…I’m getting a little old…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “But, I like kids, so I dunno, we’ll see.”
“I mean, I can give you one of mine if you want,” she teased, trying to lighten the mood after she unintentionally struck a nerve.
"Havin' fun?" Benny walked up to Megan, as she loitered around the coolers, observing her son who was pacing near the back of the yard by some bushes.
"Huh, oh yeah," she looked over at Benny, giving him a smile. "Hey, do you know what's bothering him? He's seemed on edge since we got here."
"Uh…yea…at least I think so. I think he's waiting for a girl to show up."
"Aw, is it Aria?" She looked over to Benny who nodded. "Ah, I knew it! I swear that boy has had a crush on her since middle school…has he…told you anything? Does he like her?"
"Yeah he likes her, he's just too scared to ask her out."
"My sweet baby, of course, he is…did he…talk to you about it? I've tried but I'm mom you know…"
"He mentioned it, I just listened. Tried to give some advice. I was a teenage boy at one point, ya know," he chuckled.
"Well, you have one on me there. I can't believe I'm at this stage now, where he likes girls," she shook her head.
"Want me to go talk with him? I told him I'd give him a pep talk if he wanted."
Megan's heart was about to burst at how sweet Benny was being toward her son. She felt a pang in her chest that Jacob wasn't here to see how much their son had grown up.
"I'd like that," she smiled.
Benny squeezed her shoulder, before bending down to the cooler to grab a soda and a beer and head toward Connor.
"Where's your girl?" He asked as he offered the boy the can and cracked open his beer.
"She's not my girl…and I don't know…" He tried but couldn't cover his disappointment, wondering why she hadn't shown up yet.
Benny put his arm around his shoulder, "She'll show up, the party just started man. Maybe she wants to make an entrance,” he winked. “ C'mon, let’s go kick Will’s ass in cornhole," he smirked.
Megan wiped away a tear as she observed her son and Benny, thankful for the little family she had created and fostered in this neighborhood.
"Ooo hard seltzers, yes!" Katie pumped her fist as she opened the cooler to see her drink of choice nestled right on top.
"Which flavor’s your favorite?" Will appeared behind her with a smirk, pleased with himself that his plan to surprise Katie with her favorite beverage worked.
"Oh, hey…um, black cherry," she held the can up to show him. "Ty hates that flavor so we usually end up doing a swap whenever one of us buys a case since I'm not a huge fan of the grapefruit one. It works out for both of us," she chuckled. "You, ah, gonna go swim?" She motioned over to the pool, whose only inhabitants so far were Olivia’s twins and her husband. As Will turned to look, Katie gave him a quick up and down, trying not to salivate at the thought of him shirtless.
“Yeah, it’s so hot out, I’ll probably go in. How about you? Did you bring your suit?” He was thankful his sunglasses were able to hide his eyes as he checked her out.
“Sure did!” She lifted up her tank top just enough to show off her one-piece, which had cutouts along her hips.
The glimpse of her suit, and bare skin, caused Will to choke a bit on his beer. “N-nice, well, we’ll have to get in soon.” He smiled, annoyed at himself for being so awkward. 
Katie was amused that a guy who looked like a male model would be nervous talking to a woman, and with her no less. It definitely was a bit of an ego boost and gave her the courage to continue the conversation to try and learn a little bit about Will. After all, the only thing she really knew was that he was a hot, seemingly nice guy with equally attractive friends.
"So, tell me about yourself, Will."
"Well, what d'you wanna know?" He asked as he leaned onto a table, getting a little bit closer.
“So, you casually build fences with your friends and know how to do a bunch of other house stuff. You work in construction or something?"
“Ha, well, when it comes to the house stuff, Benny and I would be kicked out of the family if we weren't handy," he laughed. "Our grandfather was a contractor…had his own business. When he passed, our uncle took over since he and his family already lived in Austin. When I was in high school, I spent my summers there working for him, with my cousins. When Benny was old enough he came too."
"Ooo a family business, then?"
"Yeah, my cousin actually took it over a couple of years ago. He's been helping me with questions I've had for the house, so I can't claim to have done it all myself," he smirked.
"Well, you're still the one who did the work. It looks great…so, what do you do? When you're not calling your cousin for construction advice?"
"Ha. Well, I used to be in the military. Actually me and the guys. It was like…damn, almost 20 years…felt like a lifetime,” a quick wave of sadness flashed across his face. His mind was flooded with memories of all of the horrific things he had seen and done over the years, the most recent memory being the death of their leader Tom. “But…we all got out and retired. We…uh…saved well and have taken some time to just live as civilians,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“So, were you guys some like badass G.I. Joe’s?”
“Ha, something like that,” he tried to play it off. “We were part of a special unit called Delta Force.”
“What kind of stuff do you do as part of this special unit…if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s not that I don’t mind, it’s just I can’t really tell you a lot … it’s … uh …classified,” he scratched his head, bringing one arm to rest on the back of his neck. “We traveled all over, did a bunch of different things...”
Will and the boys had long since agreed that they would never talk about any of the details around their missions to anyone…especially Colombia. Tom’s wife and daughters didn’t even know the true reason why he was in South America. He knew Katie meant well and was just trying to make conversation, but this was a prime example of why he didn’t like talking about himself.
Katie sensed his unease, chastising herself that she made him uncomfortable. She should have known better than to start asking a bunch of questions without knowing him. Her own brothers never really wanted to talk about their time in the service. She hoped she didn't just trigger some bad memories for him.
“So uh, what do you do now then?”
“I try to do stuff for veterans. There's some speaking engagements I do from time to time, but I mostly volunteer at the VA. We have this uh…service, where we basically are like their Uber to doctor’s appointments. But I don’t just do that, I’ll drive them wherever they need to go, even if it's to the CVS to get some M&Ms,” he chuckled.
“That’s nice, I bet you meet some interesting people,” she gave an encouraging smile.
“Yea. I mean, some of them don’t really like to talk much, which is fine. But for those who do, I’m there to listen. A lot of times they don’t have anyone who can relate to them as veterans or gives a shit or wants to hear what they have to say, especially the older ones. So I am just an unbiased ear for them…I’ve met some cool people. Some of the old timers have some crazy stories.”
Katie was a bit thrown off by this thoughtful and considerate side to Will, it was so unexpected. He seemed like this quiet, hard ass, but there was a depth to him that piqued her curiosity.
“So, you’re patient and a good listener, quite the winning combo,” she teased, moving to sit against the edge of the table inches from Will.
“I’ve been told I listen and follow directions quite well,” his eyebrow twitched as he looked her up and down, now a bit more obviously, before clearing his throat. “So, now it’s my turn to uh…listen. Tell me about you.”
“Me? Oh, it’s not a very interesting story.”
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” He moved even closer as both of them sat perched at the edge of the table, their arms slightly touching.
“Well, let's see…I'm originally from Chicago. I moved here a few months ago. I work from home which has been pretty sweet. I get to rock sweatpants most days,” she laughed.
“What made you move to Florida?”
Katie hesitated but ultimately gave her rote answer whenever anyone asked what brought her down to Florida from the Midwest. “Well…I…I moved down here for the weather, couldn’t take another blizzard, ya know” She kept her gaze forward as she took another swig from her drink.
"You move down here alone?"
"Uh, yeah."
"For the weather?" He furrowed his brows, knowing there was more to the story.
Katie turned her face slightly to face Will, trying to put on a poker face.
"The weather was a reason."
"But not the only one?"
"Were you an interrogator in this military unit?" She countered.
"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to pry…" He shook his head, annoyed at himself for pushing.
"It's ok. I don't like to just dump my whole life story on someone. The weather thing’s usually enough…most people who ask that question don't really care, it's just for conversation."
"Well, I'm not most people."
Katie gulped down another sip of her drink, the can almost empty. 
"I'm divorced." She blurted out.
Will continued looking at her, waiting for her to elaborate, but it seemed she was waiting to gauge his reaction.
"Oh okay."
"That's it?" She furrowed her brows.
"Whaddya mean?"
"You don't want the sad backstory with all the gory details?" 
"Not if you don't feel comfortable sharing it."
They sat in silence for a little bit. Will didn't mind awkward silences, hell there were some veterans he drove who had only spoken five words to him in months. But Katie, on the other hand, was not the same. She always felt the need to ramble and fill any silence.
"My husband…ex-husband…he left me. Just up and left one day.” Her nose wrinkled.
"That's shitty, I'm sorry."
"Yea…It was for his ex,” she huffed. “I shoulda known, honestly. He was never really over her. She was always kind of like a dark cloud over our relationship…'The one that got away,'” she made air quotes. “Honestly, from her perspective, it was probably the most romantic shit…the love of her life coming to his senses and getting her back. Problem is nobody ever sees it from the other side of the story.” She emptied the can and reached into the cooler for another one.
Will stayed silent, unsure how to react – he wanted to give her the space to share whatever she felt comfortable sharing.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to unload that all on you,” she shook her head, bringing her hand to her forehead.
“Hey, hey…it’s ok,” Will put his hand on her back, lightly rubbing circles with his thumb. “I’m a good listener, remember?” He winked.
The corners of Katie’s mouth curled up. Will was a good listener. Megan was the only person who knew the details of her divorce, all of the red flags ignored, and the scars left behind.
“Well, thank you. And to answer your question from earlier, no the weather wasn’t the only reason. He kept the house, which is a joke if you ask me, I was the one who actually gave a shit about that house…” she took a swig of her beer.
“How so?”
“Our house was my little project, I had a Pinterest board for pretty much every room and every occasion,” she laughed. “And Seb, my ex, he thought I was being too much, too extra about it. But it was a lot of fun for me, the creative stuff you know.” She looked over at Will who nodded. 
“Is that what you’re trying to do with your house now?”
“Ha yea…”
“I was serious when I said I, er, we would be happy to help you … not saying you can’t do it yourself or anything. Just let me know. I can come over sometime to see what you have in mind, you can show me a Pinterest board or two,” he bumped his arm against hers, which elicited a small smile from Katie. “That way I can tell you if it’s somethin’ we could take care of. May be able to help you save some money too so you don’t have to hire someone,” he chuckled.
“Really? Yeah, that would be awesome. So…Mondays tend to be a little lighter for me, so would you want to come tomorrow? Is that too soon? You're probably doing your VA stuf-”
“Sure!” he interrupted. “I mean, yeah, tomorrow’s great. What time?”
“Really? Uh…I usually take lunch around noon…would that work?”
“Yea. I…uh…I can bring over lunch. If you want.”
“Hold on a second. You’re coming over to help me and you’re bringing food? I feel like that’s too good to be true,” she winked.
“Well, let’s see what kind of uh, projects you have in mind first,” he laughed. "Here, gimme your number so I can give you a heads up when I'm on my way," he handed her his phone.
Katie smiled to herself and she typed in her number.
"Nice, here let me text you so you have my number…it's a…plan, it's a plan," he smiled.
“Hey! I was looking for you,” Benny bounded over with Connor on his tail. “Hey, Katie! I was going to ask Will if he wanted to take Connor and me on in some cornhole, but do you want to join too? It’s probably more fair for it to be two on two anyway,” he chuckled.
“You mean bags? Uh…sure, let’s do it. Sorry in advance Will, you may have been better off alone,” she laughed as she walked towards the cornhole set.
“I doubt that…” Will whispered to himself.
"Oye jefa," David squeezed Lucille's shoulder as he sat down and brought her a rum and Coke. "Extra limes, just how you like it."
"Thanks, mijito. Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, although I will be having even more when the boys decide to go into the pool," he winked as Lucille rolled her eyes and laughed at him. "So, have any good chisme for me?"
"I saw Ethan at Publix earlier today and he told me that another house is going up for sale on the block."
"Ooo, which one?" David scooted his chair closer. He didn't know how she did it, but Lucille always had the best gossip on the block. 
"Melissa's neighbors, 306."
"Oh, aren't those the snowbirds?"
"Yes, apparently their son and his wife are having triplets, can you believe that? So they are going to stay up in New York to help with all of the babies."
"Woof, three babies?" David shuddered. "Ugh, I hope that we don't have some rental company come in and scoop up that house."
"I said the same thing to Ethan. He figured someone would want to scoop up that house pretty fast once it goes on the market, not like Benny and Will's house," she laughed. 
"D'you think he'll give you a heads up on who the buyers may end up being…when we get to that point?"
"Oh yes, as long as I make him some empanadas I think we can find out whatever," she giggled.
"Speaking of, I need another one. Quieres algo?" 
"No, mijito, I'm good."
"Ari!" CJ and Max said in unison, jumping out of the pool and running over to give Aria a hug once she, her little, sister, and parents made their way into the backyard.
"Boys! I said no running! Also, give Ari some space ok? She's here to have fun, not watch you two," Olivia winked.
She hired Aria last summer to help her watch the boys once she got too pregnant to do much of anything. The boys loved her and she had been a big help over the last year as Olivia transitioned to life with three kids.
Benny and Connor had their backs to the party, so they didn't see Aria and her family walk in. But once he heard the commotion of the twins, Connor tensed up.
"Showtime, bud!" Benny slapped the back of his shoulder. "Hey, Katie, Will, I think Connor and I are gonna take you both out of your misery. Let's get some refills on drinks?"
As they turned around, Connor saw Aria taking off her coverup. The twins were begging her to get in the pool to play with them. 
"C'mon, Ari let's play sharks and minnows!" CJ jumped up and down.
"Yea, c'mon let's gooooo," Max whined.
"I'm coming, gimme a sec. Do you two have sunscreen on?"
"We don't need sunscreen, a kid at school said we have more melly men so we don't need it," CJ said confidently.
"It's melanin, and that's not true. We need to wear sunscreen too, c'mere." She grabbed the spray bottle of sunscreen from her bag and doused the boys and her little sister with it before using it on herself.
She spotted Connor and gave him a nervous wave. She recognized the guy with him in the hat, he was the same guy who complimented her dog. The two were making their way across the yard toward the pool.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Davis," Connor smiled and waved at Aria's parents. "Have you all met Benny, he lives in 319?"
"Oh, so you're the one making that house look beautiful," Mrs. Davis winked.
"Yes ma'am, well it's my brother Will and I. We moved in not too long ago."
Benny stayed talking to Mr. and Mrs. Davis as Connor made his way to the pool, which brought a little smirk to Benny's face.
"Hey, Aria!"
"Hey, Connor!" She went in for a sideways hug, which caught Connor off guard. He could feel his face getting hot and his mouth went dry.
"Connor, are you going to play with us?" One of the twins said, he honestly wasn't sure which one because his brain was short-circuiting.
"Yea, wanna play? I'm going to need help trying to chase these two," Aria giggled.
Connor couldn't find words, but as if he telepathically knew, Benny was there to save him.
"What're we playing?" He said with the biggest smile on his face, wrapping his arm around Connor.
"Mr. Benny, d'you wanna play sharks and minnows with us?" Max asked, tugging on Benny's shirt.
"Hmmm…let me think about that," he bent down to get on Max and CJ's level. "We gotta set some ground rules if I'm gonna play, ok?" The boys eagerly nodded. "Ok cool. So I'm gonna be a shark and you two are minnows. Aria, you're a shark. Connor you're a minnow. And see that guy over there in the red shorts?" He pointed towards Will whose head was thrown back in laughter as he talked with Katie and Megan. "We're gonna all need to work together to get him, ok? He's a special kind of shark."
The twins were already halfway to the pool before Benny could finish. 
"Will, c'mon we gotta catch some minnows, and I'm not talking about you Fish!" Benny laughed as he took off his shirt, flip-flops, and hat, and threw them down on a lounger.
He saw Connor hesitate, knowing the boy was self-conscious to take his shirt off. It didn't help he was standing next to all six foot three of Benny who had a toned stomach and a defined upper body. 
"C'mon kid, she's into you, I can tell." 
Once Connor got his shirt off, Benny lifted him up and threw him in the pool. He followed by doing a cannonball, which made all of the kids laugh. 
By this point, the rest of the party was focused on the pool. Will and Katie headed over, getting down to their swimsuits and getting in. Will was immediately tackled by CJ and Max.
"Hey! What'd I do?" He laughed as he hoisted each of the boys out of the water to throw them, which elicited lots of laughs from both.
"Mr. Benny said you're a special kind of shark, so we had to work together to get you!" Max panted as he caught his breath from all of the excitement.
"Did he now? Well, did you know he and I are brothers? So if I'm a special kind of shark, that means Mr. Benny over there is one too!" Will winked over at Katie who was smiling at the interaction.
"Hey, Mr. Benny! You didn't tell us you guys were brothers!"
"Yeah, that means you're a special kind of shark too!"
"Oop, you caught me!" Benny flashed another brilliant smile as he started swimming away.
"We're chasing Benny? Sign me up!" Santiago jumped in and tackled Benny, followed closely by Frankie.
The four men ended up chasing after the boys, although Will spent most of the time near Katie, pretending to try and catch her a few times too.
"Got ya!" Connor had been play chasing after Aria and finally caught her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. They both froze, Aria turning her head toward Connor and they both smiled.
One of the twins splashed the pair as they were frantically trying to get away from Benny and Will who were in wild pursuit. 
"Again, can we just acknowledge the fact that we are seeing this all for free?" David laughed as he, Ty, Lucille, and Melissa watched the antics of the poolgoers from a table.
“Are you losing your mind now that Frankie’s hat fell off?” Ty teased.
With all of the splashing and playfighting, both Benny and Frankie had lost their hats. Frankie’s curls stuck to his neck as Benny’s bangs kept getting into his eyes. 
“Baby, that’s not the only thing making me lose my mind!”
“Ay, dios mio!” Lucille shook her head laughing at them.
“Oh come on, Lulu, you can’t tell me you’re not enjoying the view too, right?” Melissa asked as she kept her eyes on the pool. Santiago was in the midst of hoisting one of the twins up and throwing him - his biceps flexing and the water dripping down his chest as he jumped out of the water.
“It’s definitely not the worst way to spend an afternoon,” she winked, giving a sly smile.
“Katie seems to be having fun with Will, right Meg?” Ty asked.
“Yeah…best believe I am getting all of those details later,” Megan replied, noting how close Will had stayed to Katie the whole time, the two were now laughing in a corner, talking as the rest of the guys splashed with the kids.
"Ok everyone, food's ready!" Danny called out.
Megan smiled as she saw Connor and Aria sitting together on a lounger wrapped up in towels, laughing and talking.
Benny came up and handed her a beer.
"So, that's your doing?"
"Nah, that's all him. I just gave him a push, well, I guess it was more of a toss," he winked.
"He really liked hanging out with you guys yesterday, by the way. Couldn't stop talking about it," she chuckled as she took a swig of her beer. "He mentioned something about you both working out together?"
"Y-yea, we talked about it yesterday while driving. Would you be cool with that? I think it may help his confidence a little."
"I think that would be really nice Benny, thank you. But don't let him take up too much of your time, I'm sure you have a girlfriend or something, right?"
"Ah, no. I'm not dating right now," he moved his bangs out of his eyes, realizing he needed to go find his hat.
"I may have some friends if you’re interested," she laughed.
"Ha, no, I appreciate it. I'm uh…taking some time for me. I'm not really looking for anything right now."
"You know, I feel I wanna make some type of liar liar pants of fire kinda joke," she motioned to his swim trunks. "But that feels too on the nose," she laughed.
"Hey! I like these trunks, I usually get a lot of compliments about them," he smiled. 
The party continued well into the early part of the evening. After the raucous game of sharks and minnows followed by a big meal, the twins were starting to lose steam, so Olivia and her family left. 
Aria and her family were next to leave, she went over and gave Connor a hug goodbye. He watched her walk away before turning back to see Benny smirking at him. 
Connor walked over to Benny and the older man gave him a side hug and messed with his hair.
"Proud of you, bud."
"Ha, thanks. I had a good time. I think we might hang out soon."
"Hell yeah!" He gave the boy a high five.
"Well, I guess we're going to head out," Lucille said as the rest of the neighbors got their things together. "Thank you so much for hosting us all mija it was beautiful as always over here."
"Thank you, Lulu," Melissa gave the woman a kiss on the cheek. 
Melissa and Danny gave hugs and handshakes to everyone. When it was her turn to say goodbye to Santiago they both hesitated on whether to go in for a hug or a handshake, but he committed and went for the hug. Whereas normally he would reach for the waist, resting his hand on the upper part of a woman's ass, he decided to hug her around her shoulders. For her part, Melissa put her hands on Santiago's midback, feeling the cords of his muscles tense.
"Have a good night," he said softly as she smiled at him 
Frankie gave Lucille his arm to make the walk back to her house as Santiago wheeled the wagon. David and Ty chatted with Megan, Connor, and Benny, as Will and Katie lagged behind.
David and Ty said their goodbyes, followed by Connor and Megan. Lucille asked if Frankie and Santiago could help unload her wagon. Knowing that it probably meant they would get leftovers to take home, the two men eagerly agreed. That left Benny, Will, and Katie. 
Benny looked at his brother, knowing very well that he was trying to put the moves on Katie.
"Ah, shoot!" he smacked himself in the forehead. "I forgot, Tommy called me earlier, let me go call him back, see ya Katie!" He gave his brother a wink over Katie's shoulder as he hugged her goodbye.
"So…and then there were two, huh?' Katie laughed.
"Ha, yeah. I'm…uh, looking forward to lunch tomorrow," he smiled. "Hey, speaking of, what do you want me to pick up?"
"Oh, I'm not picky. Surprise me. Whatever's your favorite. Just as long as there's no pickles."
"Got it, extra pickles," he winked as they both let out a nervous laugh. "Just kidding, I just so happen to love pickles, so if you ever get them I'll gladly take them off your plate."
"Well, aren't you my hero!" She teased.
"Here, let me walk you home."
"Will, it's like three doors down," she smirked.
"I know, but it's late and I just want to know you made it safe."
"Ok, Boy Scout let's go."
The trip to Katie's house was short, but Will didn't mind. 
"Well, this is me. I had fun today."
"Yeah, I did too," he smiled, keeping her gaze for a beat before she reached into her bag for her keys.
"I'll ah see you tomorrow, then?"
They both looked at each other for another moment before Katie went in for a hug, which Will reciprocated.
"Good night, Will."
"Good night, Katie. See you tomorrow."
She closed the door and Will turned on his heel to head back home. He didn't realize that a smile hadn't left his face the whole walk back.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: I know this was a longer chapter, so thank you if you made it this far! Our little soap opera continues to unfold. 
What didn't make the cut? I had an additional scene with Santiago and Melissa along with one with Danny and Frankie, but decided we could cover what happened in conversations later on.
Let me know if you want to be on the tag list moving forward!! Apologies if I accidentally left you off, I added it all manually and may have missed someone … just let me know!
@goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @patti7dc / @periodtsparadox / @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin / @maggiemayhemnj / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @avastrasposts / @meveispunk / @chaoticfestninja / @beholdbebravethings / @casa-boiardi / @katw474 / @linzels-blog / @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @primosworld / @lynnchun / @anoverwhelmingdin /@lilmizmoz / @pedrit0-pascalit0 / @titlee78 / @noisynightmarepoetry / @inept-the-magnificent / @perennialdoll247 / @for-a-longlongtime / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @harriedandharrassed / @musings-of-a-rose / @anavatazes / @sherala007 / @midnightraain
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gelatinatremolante · 7 months
Ho recuperato il primo film di Hunger Games e ok, essere portati con la forza via da casa propria per partecipare a un reality show in cui molto probabilmente morirai è spaventoso ma anche ritrovarsi circondati da persone conciate in un modo che quella meno appariscente sembra appena uscita da Rupaul’s drag race lo è abbastanza.
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clawsextended · 10 months
daphne kluger is the result of selina's first and most significant long-con. none of the following exists in any capacity besides within selina's impeccable ability to adhere to a lie and alana stark's impeccable ability to help her perpetuate them.
daphne was born in belleville, kansas, daughter of john and maria kluger, a bouncing baby girl with a pair of gorgeous doe eyes and a 'headstrong' disposition. little is known about daphne's early life, save for the fact that she was orphaned as a teenager due to an incident that left her with an innumerable menagerie of scars and burns. daphne was discovered not long after, wormed her way into the hearts and onto the television sets of adoring citizens the world over. she quickly earned the title america's sweetheart.
(this is, of course, the result of an extremely well-fabricated series of falsified photos, a half-finished memoir ghost-written by alana stark, innumerable 'home movies', a lifetime of deep fakes to build a person that selina embodies on a very public scale.)
daphne is known as the media darling anyone would clamor to represent or interview. while she is extraordinarily private for a star of her caliber, daph never shies away from make a wish appearances (those in particular), has been openly outspoken about her disappointment in the industry, written several op-ed pieces about her own experiences, and will regularly get into a twitter fight about anything. she refuses to accept a blue checkmark and would rather die. she changes her name constantly for this reason. working with daphne is an almost definite award nomination of whatever sort you're looking for -- she brings out the best in those opposite her, but not without working you to the bone and forcing you to reevaluate everything about yourself and the world around you.
her current residence is the plaza hotel, penthouse suite, new york, ny.
(holly had been madly in love with eloise at the plaza, and with new york barely more than an hour from gotham, selina had been both keen and ecstatic to give holly the experience. it's a little girl's dream and nothing would stop the cat from making that come true.)
daphne kluger is notoriously single and known for being extremely reluctant to allow anyone into her personal life. public knowledge about her is scarce, but it comes down to only a few facts: she can't have her own kids, she was in a vague accident that caused her grievous bodily harm and orphaned her in her teenage years, her father was abusive, she has never dated anyone for any significant span of time nor shown any interest in the subject, she is a natural blonde.
the infamous heist of the toussaint cartier necklace and all the crown jewels occurred from around daphne's gorgeous neck -- the heist that was calculated by selina long, long before the met gala was ever in sight. the arrival of deborah ocean and her team forced daphne to join them in order for the job to go smoothly. debbie is unaware that daphne is selina kyle, and knows nothing of the catwoman outside of the extremely rare times they've been in proximity to one another in around the same building.
daphne is an invaluable part of debbie's team, though she went into retirement after the toussaint's heist and has not been seen since.
rachel getting married (academy award)
get smart
rio 2
brokeback mountain
alice through the looking glass
valentine's day
the intern
love & other drugs
les misérables (academy award)
the devil wears prada
the witches
eloise at the plaza
the princess diaries
the princess diaries 2: royal engagement
twelfth night
saturday night live!
the simpsons
rupaul's drag race
elmo's christmas countdown
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