#Rudy Valle
agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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💥 En su XXXVI edición se cuenta con la participación de ocho espectáculos seleccionados mediante convocatoria nacional, en los que la danza contemporánea y otros estilos dancísticos, así como diferentes expresiones artísticas se fusionan para dar como resultado creaciones escénicas únicas, diversas y dialogantes con nuestra realidad social. Esta edición dedicada a la más reciente e innovadora producción dancística peruana, con una treintena de artistas nacionales que se unen para ofrecer una experiencia única. La programación incluye clases maestras y conversatorios con los artistas.
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🗯 Se inicia el 02 y 03 de julio con PosTacto, obra creada y dirigida por Ana Brito, Cory Cruz y Pachi Valle Riestra,con la participación de Andrea Pereda, Joselyn Ortiz, Lui Vizcarra.Continúa el 05 y 06 de julio con Albagané, propuesta de La Trenza Colectivo y Tumbes_204, bajo la dirección e interpretación de Luz Gutiérrez Privat y Joelle Gruenberg, creación escénica contemporánea, inspirada en la ritualidad festiva del Señor de la Soledad en Huaraz de la Región Ancash.
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👁 Desde Cusco, llega la compañía Transdisciplinar Escénicas con Amazonasdelcuerpo, amazonasdelalma, obra de danza teatro y video programada para el 09 y 10 de julio, dirigida e interpretada por Marisol Zumaeta, acompañada por la cantante Gladys Conde. Luego de la función del 10 de julio se propone un conversatorio con las artistas. El 13 y 14 de julio se presenta el Ballet de San Marcos con Ello sensible,  coreografía de Arturo Vela, Luis Valdivia, Marlon Cabellos y la participación de Leila León, Karol Martínez, Naysha Meneses, María Elena Riera, Vanessa Rivera, Ana María Tarazona, Rudy Quispe, Juan Salas Ariza, Raúl Trujillo y Luis Valdivia.
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🤩 El 16 y 17 de julio se aprecia AYACÁN, dirigida porPável Paniagua, interpretada por Pável Paniagua y Alonso Núñez. Inspirado en el contacto con la noche, propone irrumpir la lógica racional del día presentando la oscuridad como un espacio-tiempo para el redescubrimiento de la existencia personal a partir de la magia, la ternura, el juego, el placer, la violencia y el riesgo. El 17 de julio se realiza un conversatorio con los artistas, inmediatamente después de la presentación
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👸 Ojalá que al ocaso tengas compañía, se presenta el 19 y 20 de julio, obra de la Compañía Médula Danza, con coreografía y dirección de Carla Picón, está interpretada por Andrea Zamora, Andreína Dueñas, Fabián Henostroza, Héctor Quispe, Melisa Luna, Pierina Bullón, Sebastián Cornejo y Taty Correa. La pieza explora la paleta de colores de la vida, desde el amor hasta el dolor, y cómo estas experiencias nos enriquecen.
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🎯 El humor y el sarcasmo están presentes en El presidente más feliz, que va el 23 y 24 de julio, bajo el concepto y la dirección de Cristina Velarde. Participan, Cristina Velarde, Mariel Tamayo, Fer Escudero, Miguel Campana, Lui Vizcarra, Paul Lazo. La obra plantea una nueva lectura del ejercicio de autoridad y de la percepción de desamparo que sentimos como ciudadanos.
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👀 La función de cierre, el 26 y 27 de julio con la presentación de Dejar ir / Orquídea azul de Hevia Dance Company, con la dirección y coreografía de Pepe Hevia. Participan: Ariam León, Valentina Hidalgo, Jesús Paiva, Alejandro Cabel, Diago Borda, Naidubys Ferrer, Sofía Murrugarra y André Tempo.La obra cuestiona la belleza y la pureza en toda regla, toma como metáfora a la orquídea azul y su extrema plasticidad y perfección, haciéndonos valorar lo hermoso que vive en el paisaje que habitamos y diseñamos, asumiendo el dolor del destierro, el olvido y la ofrenda que generamos al dejar ir, intuyendo a lo lejos una nueva vida.
▶️ Video Promocional: https://bit.ly/45Do6Hp
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📆 Del 02 al 27 de Julio
🕗 8:00pm.
🏪 Auditorio del ICPNA (av. Angamos Oeste 160 – Miraflores).
🏷️ Entradas:
🎫 Adultos: S/.40
🎟️Jubilados: S/.35
🎟 Estudiantes S/.30
🖱 Reservas en Joinnus: https://bit.ly/3crtXYZ
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itgirlspectacle · 2 years
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Barbara Hutton
Barbara Hutton, sadly encapsulates another common thread between these “it” girls, a tragic past. Ms. Hutton, mockingly called “poor little rich girl,” had a consistently rocky life (London, n.p.). She is the daughter of Edna Woolworth and Franklyn Hutton, making her an heiress of Woolworth’s five-and-dime stores and E.F. Hutton and Company, her fortune amounting to about $50 million at the time (around a billion now) (Jennings, 17). Barbara found her mother dead at the age of four (Gressor & Cook, 260). Of course, being a high-profile family, the tabloids speculated whether or not Edna’s death was a suicide, following her knowledge of her husband’s affair (Plunkett-Powell, 131). However, even after experiencing such a tumultuous upbringing, her family gave her a lavish debutante ball for her eighteenth birthday where members of the Astor and Rockefeller family were guests and Rudy Valle and Maurice Chevalier were among the entertainment (Lambron, n.p.). While this may have appeased New York’s wealthy, the public was livid. Her ball took place at the beginning of the Great Depression which invited so much public scorn that she had to flee to Europe to avoid the press (New York Social Diary, n.p.). After she turns eighteen, she exhibits another habit of the “it” girl, an affinity for prestigious and/or wealthy men.  Hutton had a total of 7 marriages to a plethora of men ranging from princes and barons to Hollywood royalty.  Some of the most notable are Cary Grant, Alexis Mdivani, one of the marrying Mdivanis, and Count Kurt Haugwitz-Reventlow, the father of her only child (Heyman, n.p.). A few of her husbands were known to be abusive or after her fortune.. Hutton was notorious for her failed marriages and with her marriage to Porfirio Rubirosa, Phyllis Battelle of the Milwaukee Sentinel wrote, “The bride, for her fifth wedding, wore black and carried a scotch-and-soda." Along with her extremely public, failed relationships, she was known for excessive drug and alcohol use as well as her excessive spending. Barbara Hutton encapsulates the tragic, nepotism baby brand of “it” girl.
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rallytimeofficial · 6 months
Andrea Nucita lascia il segno dopo un ottimo 47° Rally il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio
🔴🔴 Andrea Nucita lascia il segno dopo un ottimo 47° Rally il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio 📸 Bettiol
È un Andrea Nucita soddisfatto quello che lascia la Garfagnana dopo il 47° Rally il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio. Il pilota Hyundai Rally Team Italia ha chiuso al quarto posto, in rimonta, una gara concreta e matura nella quale si è tolto la soddisfazione di vincere due prove speciali al volante della Hyundai i20 N Rally2 di Friulmotor, gommata Michelin, affiancato da Rudy Pollet alle note.…
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 10 months
Api, un film di Luca Ciriello
Api è il nuovo documentario breve del regista e documentarista Luca Ciriello (L’armée rouge e Quaranta cavalli, 2020), prodotto da Lunia Film e L’eubage, e distribuito da Sayonara Film, che racconta l’estate in Apecar di un gruppo di adolescenti valdostani, tra musica trap, feste e driftate* ai limiti della legalità, con montagne altissime a fare da sfondo. https://youtu.be/17aPl0xWCWY Api Dopo Quaranta Cavalli (Giornate degli Autori, Premio Laguna Sud), il film è il secondo capitolo del progetto in fieri “Trilogia dell’adolescenza”. Tre documentari, dei quali l’ultimo ancora in sviluppo, che vedono al centro i ragazzi di tre diverse realtà italiane (Chioggia, Aosta, Napoli) accomunati dalla passione per un mezzo di trasporto (barchino, apecar, motorino), vissuto non solo nella sua primaria funzione di veicolo, ma come luogo di unione e di forza all’interno della propria cerchia di amici e tribù, rituale di iniziazione all’età adulta, strumento di sfida e di relazione con gli altri, rifugio e casa: una “macchina per abitare” il mondo. Api sarà presentato in anteprima a Filmmaker Festival 2023, nel Concorso Prospettive, sabato 25 novembre alle ore 19.30 al Cinema Arcobaleno di Milano. La storia Saba, Gallo, Fede e Jill (15 anni a testa) hanno finito la scuola e trascorrono il mese di agosto circondati dalle cime prominenti della Valle d’Aosta scorrazzando sulle proprie Apecar modificate (motore Piaggio 50 cc). A Pollein, in provincia di Aosta, le loro giornate scorrono in maniera ciclica tra tentativi di tenere l’Ape su due ruote, riparazioni approssimative dei motori e stereo che pompano musica trap a tutto volume. Al mondo delle Api si contrappone il mondo delle moto, rappresentato da Rudy, diciottenne altezzoso e determinato a mostrare a tutti di essere il numero uno. Si ritrovano tutti alla Torre, un ex-parcheggio abbandonato dell’acciaieria Cogne: mentre Rudy si esibisce impennando, Saba e la sua banda passano il tempo sui cassoni delle Api, tra pizze e sacchi a pelo fino all’arrivo della notte, illuminati dalle luci led. Sembrano ignorare anche le poche ragazze interessate alle loro avventure. L’argomento dei loro discorsi è sempre lo stesso: l’Apecar. Lo sguardo “Credo che il racconto di un luogo sia prima di tutto il racconto delle persone che lo vivono e, partendo da questa convinzione, ho cercato di mettere sempre la fotografia al servizio della storia e non viceversa, in modo da creare un’etnografia visiva che, attraverso il lungo e laborioso lavoro di montaggio (realizzato assieme alla montatrice e colorist Simona Infante), ha dato vita al ritratto ritmico e dinamico di un’adolescenza nascosta”, dichiara Luca Ciriello. Il suo rapporto con i protagonisti è nato dalla ricerca antropologica ed etnografica sul territorio valdostano, ma soprattutto dalla scelta di un approccio osservativo, pieno di rispetto del mondo che ha deciso di raccontare. Commenta il regista: “Ho passato tanto tempo con i ragazzi. Li ho seguiti, aspettati, ascoltati, osservati, filmati. Attraverso molti momenti di confronto e confidenza, ma anche di silenzio, diffidenza e curiosità, si è sviluppato un rapporto di simbiosi tra loro e la mdp”. La produzione, le location e la distribuzione Api è prodotto da Lunia Film Srl (fondata da Luca Ciriello nel 2017 grazie alla vittoria del bando "Cultura Crea" del MiBACT) e L’Eubage Srl (società storica valdostana che ha coordinato le riprese sul territorio), con il contributo del Fondo per il sostegno alla produzione audiovisiva della Fondazione Film Commission Vallée d’Aoste. La troupe di lavoro, formata da Ciriello e dal fonico Luis Murrighile, supportata dal produttore esecutivo Luca Bich e dal produttore creativo Luciano Barisone, ha lavorato per più di un mese sui territori di Aosta, Pollein e Charvensod. Il film è distribuito da Sayonara Film. Read the full article
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
They can assume command over themselves in time and put forth their own objectives and ways throughout everyday life. Socially inept: they frequently carry on with a desolate existence. Their demeanor is philosophical. People who are shrewd, perceptive, and intelligent, and who are also capable of being extremely intelligent. They are keen on logical investigations. They stand out because of their skills. They frequently energetically concentrate on the expressive arts, yet they can likewise lead research with incredible tolerance and insight. They are typically careful, intelligent, and clever individuals who are attractive to those around them. They are also gifted organizers. However, they can also be envious and vindictive, so approaching them with skill is essential. They want to be first and fight for it, defeating their rivals subtly. They are always looking to rise to the top. They have lust and are not free of it. As previously stated, they are also quite picky. Nonetheless, these person attributes, if appropriately directed, can serve you magnificently in your pragmatic life. It can frequently happen that they accomplish their objectives in life because of trickery and crafty. At the point when somebody damages or cheats them, they answer with satisfaction and scorn, however overall they are very altruistic individuals who excuse without any problem. What dangers do they face? They might go through a lot of awful things, which could even make them have to leave their home country. What ought to be their goal? to maintain order in your life, fight for peace and harmony, and steer clear of positions that entail a lot of responsibility. They have a lot of vital energy because their bodies are generally quite resistant and quickly recover from illness. With respect to illnesses, heart problems might show up. [ subtitle id="attachment_19094" align="aligncenter" width="612"]3D Rendering[/caption] Zodiac sign for those brought into the world on July 28 On the off chance that your birthday is July 28, your zodiac sign is Leo July 28 - character and character character: careful, ingenious, steadfast, humiliated, tenacious, abominable calling: colors for an administrator, glazier, or biologist: stone: black, yellow, and purple animal with bites: canine plant: juniper fortunate numbers: 5,6,7,9,19,55 is a truly ominous number: 19 AUGUST 28 ZODIAC 
 Argentina: Day of the Gendarmerie Day of World Hepatitis. Peru: Freedom of Peru Spain (Cantabria): Day of Institutions Celebrity birthdays on July 28. Who was born on your birthday? 1900: Dorothy Macmillan, English blue-blood (d. 1966). 1901: Venezuelan educator Pedro Arnal de Castro died in 1949. 1901: Uruguayan politician, painter, and journalist Eduardo Victor Haedo (born 1970) 1901: American singer and saxophonist Rudy Valle died in 1986. 1902: Spanish religious and blessed Victor Chumillas (d. 1936) 1902: Albert Namatjira, Australian painter (d. 1959). 1902: Karl Popper, English rationalist (d. 1994). 1903: Argentine author Silvina Ocampo was born in 1993. 1903: American actress Duane Thompson passed away in 1970. 1904: Elyesa Bazna, Albanian covert agent (d. 1970). 1904: Soviet physicist Pavel Cherenkov, who died in 1990, was awarded the physics Nobel Prize in 1958. 1904: British politician Selwyn Lloyd (d. 1978). 1906: Spanish politician Manuel Gonzlez-Mesones died in 1980. 1907: American actress Blanche Mehaffey passed away in 1958. 1907: American inventor Earl Tupper died in 1983. 1909: British author Malcolm Lowry passed away in 1957. 1910: American actor and broadcaster Bill Goodwin died in 1958. 1911: American actress Ann Doran died in 2000. 1911: La Nina de La Puebla, Spanish cantaora (f. 1999). 1913: Argentine politician Victor Domingo Maya, who passed away in 1985. 1914: Italian philosopher Dino Formaggio (d. 2008). 1915: American cartoonist Dick Sprang died in 2000. 1915: American physicist Charles Hard Townes was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in physics. 1916: American film producer David Brown died in 2010 1917: American philosopher Irving Copi (born in 2002). 1917: Spanish poet Gloria Fuertes was born in 1998. 1918: Cuban author Toms?lvarez de los Ros (born in 2008). 1918: George Rowland Stanley Baring was a British diplomat and banker who died in 1991. 1918: Jos Manuel Siso Martnez, a politician and intellectual from Venezuela who passed away in 1971. 1920: British filmmaker Andrew V. McLaglen 1920: Portuguese author Sido Muralha died in 1982. 1921: Melba Hernდ¡ndez Rodrდ­guez, Cuban legal counselor, extremist and negotiator. 1921: Uruguayan literary critic Emir Rodriguez Monegal died in 1985. 1922: Sonny Hertzberg, American b-ball player (d. 2005). 1922: Jacques Piccard, a Swiss oceanographer, engineer, and explorer who passed away in 2008. 1922: Peruvian marksman Edwin Vsquez Cam (born 1993). 1923: Roberto Drago, Peruvian soccer player. 1924: Italian racecar driver Luigi Musso passed away in 1958. 1925: French composer Andr Boucourechliev, who passed away in 1997. 1925: Baruch Samuel Blumberg, an American researcher and physician who passed away in 2011, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1976. 1925: German actor Rolf Ludwig, who died in 1999, 1925: Argentine football player and coach Bruno Pesaola 1925: Enrique Ponte, a footballer from Spain. 1925: Uruguayan soccer player Juan Alberto Schiaffino was born in 2002. 1927: John Ashbery, American artist. 1927: Italian footballer Ermes Muccinelli passed away in 1994. 1927: David Vinas, an Argentine historian and writer who died in 2011, 1928: Argentine artist Ernesto Deira died in 1986. 1928: Venancio Muro, Spanish entertainer (d. 1976). 1929: American First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (died in 1994). 1929: Spanish musician and conductor Enrique Gimeno (born in 2007). 1929: Argentine author Angelica Gorodischer. 1929: Mexican set designer Jos Sol. 1930: Argentine actor and conductor Juan Carlos De Seta died in 1990. 1930: Belgian cartoonist Jean Roba 1931: Ramდ³n Carranza, Argentine soccer player. 1932: The American historian Jacob Neusner. 1934: Helen Escobedo, Mexican stone worker (d. 2010). 1934: Footballer from the UK named Ronald Flowers 1934: Raდºl Macდ­as, Mexican fighter (d. 2009). 1934: Argentine actress Elida Gay Palmer was born in 1995. 1935: Spanish politician and physician Luis Snchez-Harguindey (born in 2003). 1935: Josდ© Marდ­a Iraburu, Spanish minister and scholar. 1936: Rosa Marდ­a Britton, Panamanian specialist. 1936: Norberto Galasso, Argentine antiquarian. 1936: Barbadian cricketer Garfield Sobers 1937: The French film director Felipe Cazals 1937: Francis Veber, a French screenwriter and director. 1938: Spanish soccer player and coach Luis Aragon (f. 2014). 1938: Presenter Julio Csar Fernandez of Spanish television 1938: Alberto Fujimori, a former president of Peru. 1938: Robert Hughes, Australian workmanship pundit and author (d. 2012). 1938: Thai politician Chuan Leekpai. 1938: Argentine politician and actress Mabel Manzotti, who passed away in 2012 1939: Gsta Ekman, an actor from Sweden. 1940: Eduardo Endდ©riz, Spanish-Uruguayan soccer player (d. 1999). 1941: American judge and lawyer Michael Mukasey. 1941: Riccardo Muti, Italian guide and performer. 1943: Mike Bloomfield, American artist, of the band The Electric Banner (d. 1981). 1943: American politician and basketball player Bill Bradley. 1943: Hდ©ctor Pedro Vergez, previous Argentine military, criminal during the urban military tyranny (1976-1983). 1943: British Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright passed away in 2008. 1944: Jos Miguel Bravo de Laguna, a politician from Spain. 1944: Footballer from Austria named Franz Hasil 1944: Spanish bishop Fidel Herrez Vegas 1945: Roberto Bendini, Argentine military man. 1945: Jim Davis, American visual artist. 1946: Adolfo Scilingo, a soldier from Argentina. 1947: Soccer player from Argentina named Roberto Gramajo. 1947: Writer from Colombia named Daro Jaramillo. 1947: Chilean comedian Coco Legrand. 1947: Carlos Morean, Venezuelan vocalist and author. 1948: Journalist Andrs Aberasturi hails from Spain. 1948: Spanish politician and lawyer Inaki Esnaola. 1948: Ruud Geels, Dutch footballer. 1948: Mexican sociologist Sylvia Schmelkes. 1948: Peruvian politician and doctor Luis Solari. 1948: An American actress named Sally Struthers 1949: Chilean politician Martn Costabal. 1949: Coach and Argentine footballer Jorge D'Alessandro 1949: Author Mario Delgado Aparan hails from Uruguay. 1949: Simon Kirke, English drummer, of the Awful Organization band. 1949: Rik Van Linden, a cyclist from Belgium. 1949: British drummer and songwriter Steve Peregrin Took died in 1980. 1949: Spanish clown Fofito. 1950: Cristდ³bal Montoro, Spanish lawmaker. 1950: Victor Ortiz Ortiz, a politician from Mexico. 1951: Spanish sculptor, engineer, and architect Santiago Calatrava. 1951: American basketball player and coach Doug Collins 1951: American politician and military officer Philip J. Crowley. 1951: British footballer named Ray Kennedy 1951: Alfredo Prez Rubalcaba, a politician from Spain. 1952: Yoshitaka Amano, Japanese visual craftsman. 1952: Eduardo Fernდ¡ndez, Uruguayan guitarist. 1952: The Thai crown prince, Maha Vajiralongkorn. 1953: Franდ§ois al-Hajj, Lebanese general (d. 2007). 1954: American actor Bruce Abbott 1954: President of Venezuela, Hugo Chvez Frás (died in 2013). 1954: German mathematician Gerd Faltings. 1954: Eduardo Manuitt, Venezuelan government official. 1954: Deep Purple's American guitarist, Steve Morse. 1954: Antonio Ortega Martinez, a politician from Mexico. 1954: Diplomat from Spain named Alfonso Sanz 1955: Ubaldo Nestor Sacco, Argentine fighter (f. 1997). 1955: Victor Roura, a journalist and writer from Mexico. 1956: Guadalupe Larriva, Ecuadorian lobbyist (d. 2007). 1957: Singer from Colombia named Raol Santi 1958: Christopher Senior member, English skater. 1958: Canadian athlete and political activist Terry Fox passed away in 1981. 1958: Michael Hitchcock, American entertainer and screenwriter. 1958: Bishop of Chile, Carlos Pellegrn. 1959: Jos Manuel Espinosa, a footballer from Spain. 1959: Venezuelan politician and journalist Willian Lara passed away in 2010. 1959: Marcel Sisniega, Mexican movie producer and essayist (d. 2013). 1960: Belgian footballer Alex Czerniatynski 1960: Matilde Ribeiro, Brazilian extremist. 1960: Yoichi Takahashi, a cartoonist from Japan. 1961: Venezuelan-American painter and sculptor Julio Aguilera 1961: French driver in motorsports named Yannick Dalmas. 1961: Nieves Ibeas, Spanish government official. 1961: Bicyclist Inaki Vijandi from Spain 1961: Taiwanese singer-songwriter Harlem Yu 1961: Spanish actor Aitor Mazo (born in 2015). 1963: Actor Pablo Carbonell from Spain 1963: British pianist and musician Beverley Craven. 1964: American actress Lori Loughlin 1964: Politician from Chile named Rafael Sonico. 1965: Daniel Cravero, a footballer from Argentina. 1965: Priscilla Chan, Hong Kong vocalist. 1965: Delfeayo Marsalis, American trombonist. 1965: Brazilian singer Daniela Mercury 1965: Argentine football player and coach Pedro Troglio 1965: Presenter of Spanish television shows Marilu Montero. 1966: Spanish musician Jesos Cifuentes is a member of the band Celtas Cortos. 1966: Humberto Moreira, a politician from Mexico. 1966: Spanish footballer Miguel Angel Nadal 1966: The German tennis player Udo Riglewski. 1966: Shikao Suga, a guitarist from Japan. 1967: Diego Cota, a footballer from Spain. 1967: Feeder's Taka Hirose, a Japanese musician. 1968: Rachel Blakely, Australian entertainer and model. 1968: Javier Delgado Prado, Costa Rican soccer player. 1968: Chepe Gonzlez, a cyclist from Colombia. 1969: American actress Alexis Arquette (born in 2016). 1969: Beam Rowe, American football player. 1969: American businessman Dana White 1970: Michael Amott, Swedish guitarist, of the band Chief Adversary. 1970: Simón Brand, a filmmaker and communicator from Colombia. Drew Karpyshyn, a Canadian game designer and writer, was born in 1971. 1971: Fernando Teixeira Vitienes, Spanish soccer ref. 1972: American actress Elizabeth Berkley. 1972: Ethiopian actor and television host Evan Farmer 1972: Petra Magoni, Italian artist. 1974: Josდ© Luis Dდ­az, Argentine footballer. 1974: Rდ³bert Gulyდ¡s, Hungarian b-ball player. 1974: The Spanish actress Carmen Ruiz 1974: Sandra Russo, the Slovak pornographic actress who played Katja Schone. 1974: Alexis Tsipras, a politician from Greece. 1975: Marcelo Berza, a soccer player from Argentina. 1975: Lucდ­a Riano, Spanish TV moderator. 1975: Leonor Watling, Spanish entertainer and vocalist, of the Marlango band. 1976: Isabel de Lannoy, Belgian aristocrat. 1976: Jacoby Shaddix, American artist, of the band Father Bug. 1977: Basketball player from Argentina named Emanuel Ginobili. 1978: Hitomi Yaida, a guitarist and composer from Japan. 1979: Hugo Alcântara, a soccer player from Brazil. 1979: Birgitta Haukdal, Icelandic vocalist. 1979: German model Estefana K1ster 1980: German footballer Heiko Butscher. 1980: Mexican composer Darina 1980: American musician and member of the band Anberlin, Stephen Christian. 1981: American actor Billy Aaron Brown 1981: Michael Carrick, a footballer from Britain. 1981: American basketball player named Willie Green 1981: Patrick Long, American hustling driver. 1981: Samy S. Lynn, a writer from Spain. 1981: South Korean actor Jo In-sung 1981: Mauro Urtasun, Uruguayan soccer player. 1982: Soccer player from Spain named Joseba Arriaga. 1983: Andy Pando, Peruvian footballer. 1983: Serbian footballer Vladimir Stojkovi 1984: Filipino singer Christine Love 1984: American pornstar Leah Luv. 1984: John David Washington, American football player and American entertainer. 1985: Luis Gabriel Castro, Colombian footballer. 1985: Mathieu Debuchy, a footballer from France. 1985: Dustin Milligan, an actor from Canada. 1986: Alexandra Chando, American entertainer. 1986: Daniel Grainger, a footballer from Britain. 1987: Pedro Rodrდ­guez Ledesma, Spanish footballer. 1988: Soccer player from Argentina named Emanuel Biancucchi. 1988: American pornstar Natasha Nice. 1988: Richard Ruiz, Venezuelan soccer player. 1989: Albin Ekdal, Swedish footballer. 1990: Soulja Kid, American rapper. 1990: Yuliდ¡n Mejდ­a, Colombian soccer player. 1992: American actor Spencer Boldman 1992: Colombian footballer Luis Tipton 1993: New Zealand basketball player Steven Adams 1993: British footballer Harry Kane 1993: Cher Lloyd, a singer from the UK. 1993: Luis Zepeda, Honduran soccer player. 1994: Basque pelotari, Inaki Artola. 1995: The Vamps' British singer and guitarist Bradley Simpson. 1995: Renato Tapia, Peruvian soccer player.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (March 28, 2023)
23:57 Brook Sapphire - Be Chilled (Original Edit) 23:53 Sandra - Perfect Touch 23:50 White Noize Project - Pictures 23:44 Lafoliedamour - You 23:37 Voom:voom - Best Friend 23:31 Cosmic Orient & Red Buddha - Sometimes (Red Buddha Remix) 23:28 Jazzamatazz - Burning Man (Rhythms Del Mundo Version) 23:19 Vladi Strecker - Meditation In The City (Smooth Evening Cut) 23:14 Rhod - Crazy 23:10 Polished Chrome - Beautiful 23:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:06 Light Of Aiden - Loving You 23:01 Paul Hardcastle - First Light 22:55 Lounge Deluxe - Good Time Girl 22:51 Ritual - Josephine (Feat. Lisa Hannigan) 22:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:46 Moca - Flotter Tag 22:42 Enea - Slight 22:40 Night Lovers - Struga 22:35 Faro - Shadows (Original Mix) 22:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:30 Airily - Harmonize (Original Mix) 22:23 Christophe Goze - Some Day I Will 22:20 Ituana - It's A Fever 22:16 Paul Hardcastle - I Really Like 22:16 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:11 Svendaq - Tropical Bells 22:06 Climatic - L'horizzonte 22:02 Twentyeight Feat. Tesz Millan - Into You 21:55 Gold Lounge - Notes From The Depth 21:50 Roberto Sol - Miles Beyond (Late Night Mix) 21:46 Redlounge Orchestra - Reserver 21:43 Green Grid - Cursive 21:40 Ian Pooley Feat. Marcos Valle - Sentimento 21:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:34 Christian Lamper - Lazy Boy (Original Mix) 21:29 Jens Buchert - Sparkling Mind 21:25 Thievery Corporation - Until The Morning 21:19 Floor - Whispering (Original Mix) 21:15 Gold Lounge - Oh La La 21:11 Lounge Vargos - Follow My Dreams (Sunshine Mix) 21:05 Florzinho - Maha - Amba 21:00 Everything But The Girl - Single 20:57 Living Room - Golden Ride 20:52 Miro - The Cure 20:46 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 20:43 D. Batistatos, Evita Saloustrou - After Dark (On The Road Again) 20:39 Weathertunes - Forest (Original Mix) 20:33 Faro - Our Balloon 20:28 Gushi - Check Me Out 20:23 Lebensart - Eastern Sunset (World Colours Mix) 20:20 Federico Aubele - La Esquina 20:14 Smood - Principle Of Love 20:10 Bijelo De La Cruz - Driving In Circles 20:06 Myth Syzer - Bonbon A La Menthe Feat. Bonnie Banane (Stwo Remix) 20:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:00 Vargo - The Moment (Original Mix) 19:57 Brook Sapphire - Erotic In The Air (Album Edit) 19:54 Meadowlark - Headlights (Original Mix) 19:50 Dreamhunter - Good Morning 19:43 Bent - Swollen 19:39 Lemongrass - Flowers For You 19:33 D. Batistatos - Jet Lagged Nights 19:28 Jessie Ware, Sg Lewis - You & I (Forever) (Sg Lewis Remix) 19:24 Lotus - New Day Rising 19:20 Gary B - Without You (Original Mix) 19:15 Sigh - Kemi Blues 19:10 El Rubello - And I Love Her 19:06 Schwarz & Funk - -missing Rudi- 19:01 Nor Elle - On The Roof 18:55 Moonwatcher - Sofa Loafer (Original Afterhours Mix) 18:49 The Sura Quintet - Linda Tarde 18:45 Velvet Lounge Project - Dime Que Hacer 18:40 Dab - The Call 18:35 Approaching Black - The Night Before 18:30 Cane Garden Quartet - Into The Green 18:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:25 Smooth Deluxe - Liquid Sunshine (Space Sunset Edit) 18:18 Skindive Inc. - Hopelessly Love (The Man Behind C. Edit) 18:14 Beach Hoppers - City Light (Original Mix) 18:10 Lemongrass - Come Over 18:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:03 Lagoon - Bare Your Heart 17:54 L-' Art Mystique - Beautiful Things 17:49 Brook Sapphire - My Name In The Sand (Original Mix) 17:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:43 4 Tunes - In The Middle 17:38 Merge Of Equals - Trees On The Moon 17:33 Faro - Subtle Land 17:27 Bliss - Desert Sun 17:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:23 Soundset City - Come With Me (Deep Lounge Cut) 17:18 Deeper Sublime - Japanese Garden (Original Mix) 17:13 Jean Mare - A Better Place (Easy Lounge Vocal Mix) 17:10 Capa - Imperfection 17:05 Grooveprofessor - Sunset In Red (Dubai Mix) 17:01 Lemongrass Feat. Skadi - Habla Mi Corazon (Original Mix) 16:55 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time 16:50 Riccardo Eberspacher - Sansiz Olamaz 16:44 S.w. - Terokh Jeruth 16:38 Ohmg & Bruno - On Your Skin 16:33 Surfgreenstrat - Look Into The Sky (White Beach Mix) 16:28 Chris Coco & Luca Averna - Mare (Feat. Micko Roche) 16:22 Christian Hornbostel - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee (Original Mix) 16:17 Jerome Noak Feat. Al Miller - You Got Me - Thomas Lemmer Chillout Remix 16:13 Seoan - Far From Paradise (Heaven Voices Mix) 16:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:07 Cesar Martinez Ensemble - Sem Tensao 16:03 Chilleando - Sunshine (Californication Mix) 15:56 Lounge Jam - Mistery (Original Mix) 15:52 Fous De La Mer - Conmigo 15:51 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:46 Diascries - Anemone (Original Mix) 15:41 Hooverphonic - The World Is Mine (Eli Janney's Tight Remix (Edit) 15:36 Duo Varial Feat. Enaïd - Fly Away 15:31 Lucky Loop - Take A Look 15:25 Max Melvin - Freeze 15:19 Sol 2 Soul - Miss You 15:15 Living Room - Maui Pie 15:11 Cataldo - Do It All Night 15:07 Plastyc Buddha - Scare Myself 15:02 Ayla - Open Your Mind 14:58 Beach Hoppers - City Light (Original Mix) 14:54 Electus - Pandora 14:50 Michael E - Dont Stop 14:46 Airstream One - Southern Light 14:41 Electrix - Spicy Sand 14:36 Maskara - Feel The Nature (Original Mix) 14:31 Jens Buchert - Helios 3 (Mind Flux Mix) 14:25 Eguana - Way To The House 14:19 Simon Le Grec - Mary's Faith (Downbeat Version) 14:16 Karim Le Mec - Un Renoir 14:13 Beanfield - Chosen 14:09 Twentyeight - Wake Up Call 14:06 Alice Shelton - Jumping Lounge 14:00 Loft Tapes - Tears Shrieking 13:53 Karl Maddison - Pearls Of Wisdom 13:50 Hrrsn - Hi Bob 13:45 Phontaine - Sour Milk 13:40 Velvet Dreamer, Tim Gelo - Cafe Latte Macchiato 13:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:33 Pnfa - Keating 13:29 Therr Maitz - Found U (Riesso Remix) 13:23 Dj Pippi & Ann West - On This Island (Feat. Ann West) 13:18 Mathieu, Florzinho - The Indian 13:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:12 Jayson House - Time To Rest 13:07 Left - Under The Water (Feat. Sethe) 13:02 Sunyata Project - Journey To Mandurai (Original Mix) 12:57 Smooth Gravity - Best Day Of My Life 12:57 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:51 Redlounge Orchestra - Liquid Cool 12:47 Eduardo Arroya - Ring...Hello (Close Your Eyes) 12:42 Liam Van Dyke - Cafe Del Mar (First Class Lounge Cut) 12:37 Mariella Narvaez - Play With Fire (Miami Chill Out Groove Mix) 12:33 Soulavenue - Stuck In A Dream 12:29 Ingo Herrmann - Walking Away 12:24 M.a.x. - Stranger (Instrumental) 12:20 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:14 Unit Blue - Estamos Esperando 12:09 Clelia Felix - A Moment Of Silence 12:05 Climatic - Homeland 11:59 Nighthawks - Camel Eyes 11:59 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:55 Vienna Dc - Dope Control 11:51 Counting Clouds - Morning Sun 11:45 Smood Vs. Natascha Grin - Principle Of Love 11:40 Mahoroba - Des Moments (Guitar Mix) 11:36 Husky Rescue - Fast Lane 11:31 Smoove & Turrell - The Difference 11:28 Gary B - All I Long For (Original Mix) 11:23 Deeparture - Dream On 11:17 Tina Dico - Break Of Day (The Stella Polaris Allstars Remix) 11:13 Carsten Gronholz - Do What You Like 11:10 Leon Ard - Caribbean Dreams 11:04 Suntheca Prod. - A Drop Of Melancholy 11:03 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:58 Marc Hartman - I Can-'t Stop 10:52 Re - Lounge - No Ordinary Love (Stephen Floyd Rework) 10:47 Nujazzy - On A Sunday Morning - Facebook Affair Mix 10:42 Dj Riquo - Dancing At Sunrise 10:38 Treepines Makdaf - Here 4u 10:35 Future Loop Foundation - You & Me 10:29 Bulb - Impossible (Original Mix) 10:24 Jens Buchert - Aurora Dub 10:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:19 Philippe Legrand - Silverrain 10:14 De-phazz Feat. Pat Appleton - Anchorless 10:10 Bent - As You Fall 10:04 4 Wings - Penelope (Original Mix From Cafe' Del Mar) 09:59 Beanfield Feat. Ernesto - Kiss 09:55 Deeper Sublime & Coffee Machine - I've Got You (Original Mix) 09:50 Kaxamalka - Backdrops (Original Mix) 09:47 Triangle Sun - The Sun 09:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:42 Elektrohandel - Somnia Dulcia 09:37 Jonas Kroon - Her Er Eg (Xerxes Remix) 09:32 Naoki Kenji - Under The Surface 09:26 Jens Buchert - Luminous 09:23 Darwins Dream - Lonely By The Beach - Cafe And Sand Edit 09:17 Aandra - Baak Waa 09:11 Cinnamon Chasers - Set The Sky On Fire 09:05 Dj Pippi & Tuccinelli - Artificia 09:01 Michelle Simonal - Alright 08:56 Pearldiver - Daydream 08:51 Messiah Project - Sadeness 08:46 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 08:42 Catching Flies - Daymarks (Green Relax Edit) 08:38 Weathertunes - Beach Taxi (Original Mix) 08:35 Laleh - Live Tomorrow 08:31 Pianochocolate - Morning Coffee 08:26 Vargo - Precious Part One 08:20 Genf - Aachen-brussel 08:15 Roberto Sol - Tomorrow (Extended Mix) 08:09 Club Camarillo - Outside 08:05 Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 07:59 The Sushi Club - Niku-jaga (Beef And Potato Stew) 07:55 Style Project - Cloudy Eyes (Vocal Mix) 07:51 Don Gorda - A Taste Of You 07:47 Grooveprofessor - Summerbreeze (Fresh Dub) 07:41 Gushi & Raffunk - Sound Of You (Beat Ambasada Remix) 07:37 Mercer & Gissal - Scandal (Feat. Nicole Grimaldi) 07:32 Jessie Goes To Bali - Soul Shine - Ibiza Chillout Cafe Mix 07:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:27 Christos Fourkis - If You Love Me 07:22 Gary B - Step Into The Sunshine 07:15 Nostalgia 77 - Quiet Dawn (Bonobo Remix) 07:10 Club Salinero - Shade In The Sun (Ibiza Chillout Mix) 07:06 Anthony Hicks - I Don't Know 07:00 Aaron The Baron Feat Markus Puhl - A Tu Lado 06:55 Naomi - Anybody Here? 06:49 Kid Coconutz - Take On Me 06:44 Gabrielle Chiararo - Million Stars 06:40 Idenline - At Sunset (Original Mix) 06:36 Roberto Sol & Florito Feat. Martine - Love Finds You 06:28 Deep-dive-corp. - Borderland 06:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:23 Omnimotion Feat. Aleah - Days Of Silence 06:19 Klangstein - Within You (Feat. Nosie Katzmann) 06:15 Roberto Sol - So Awesome (Cafe Del Mar Mix) 06:10 Princess Of Lounge Feat. Dione - We Found Love (Wish You Were Here Mix) 06:06 Anthony Island - Turn Around 06:02 Morcheeba - Slow Down 05:58 Krall Bradley - Money Cant You Buy Love (Swing Orchestra Mix) 05:53 Lea Perry - Dubby Sunset Sky At Cafe Del Mar 05:53 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 05:49 Lemongrass - Aloha 05:46 No Horizons - Stranded (On The Beach) (Early Bird Editorizons) 05:40 Fourkis, Christos - If You Love Me 05:35 Puch - Playground 05:32 Nickodemus - Endangered Species (Feat. Marcelino Galan) 05:28 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 05:23 Solasoap - That Feeling 05:20 Gary B - Song For Kaye 05:15 Mo-'jardo - Summer Rain (Original Mix) 05:12 Gene D. - Breathe 05:06 Razoof - Inhale 05:00 Alexsandro Da Silva - Possible Dreams 04:54 Dj Regal - The Village Calling 04:50 Hacienda - Be With Me 04:45 Marga Sol - My Dream 04:39 Roberto Sol - My Decision (Extended Mix) 04:36 Randy Seidman, Rogerio Jardim, Tommy Cunningham - Come Back To Me (Original Mix) 04:31 Hotplay - Turn Around (Guitar Del Mar Mix) 04:26 Vargo - Warriors (Softwaver Lover Mix) 04:22 Beach Hoppers - One Love 04:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:17 Ielo - Ameya 04:13 Marga Sol - Goodbye 04:08 Hacienda - Data Love 04:05 Irene Love - Lounge Chair 04:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:01 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Dreamin 03:56 Groove Armada - Remember 03:51 Funky Juice Trio - Easy Come Easy Go (Into The Silence Mix) 03:46 Aandra, Soul Sista Shakti - Songs Of The Sea 03:42 My 7sky - Love Story 03:38 Caitlyn Hessell - Always There (Toby Benson Remix) 03:31 How To Destroy Angels - A Drowning (Vikmir Remix) 03:25 Lazy Hammock - One Of Those Days (Original Mix) 03:21 Paul Hardcastle - The Vision 03:17 Man In A Room - L'entre Jeux 03:12 Darshan - Listen 03:08 Pnfa - She Found Moments 03:08 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:01 Sly - Like Love (Original Mix) 02:57 Esbe - Midnight Ocean 02:52 Roberto Sol - Tomorrow (Extended Mix) 02:46 Orbient - Send 02:43 C Cil - Calm & Quiet 02:39 Paul Hardcastle - Valley Of The Kings 02:34 Dreamscape - Nautica (Version Two) 02:28 Kieser Velten - Together 02:28 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:24 Living Room - Cloud 7 02:20 Jazzamor - Tonight 02:15 Fight The Feeling - Pnfa 02:10 Blue Six - Aquarian Angel 02:10 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:04 351 Lake Shore Drive - Xtc 01:59 Velvet Dreamer - Crystal Water (Jjos Balearic Remix) 01:53 Cantoma - Paloma (Mudds Slender Loris Mix) 01:48 Ganga - The Wind (Feat. Helle Chirholm) 01:43 Bessie Boni - Mystic Revelation (Feat. Gianna Partner) 01:37 Gaelle - Falling 01:32 Martin Liege - New Brand (Blue Nebula Mix) 01:25 Mark Otten - Tranquility 01:20 Jack Crow - Perfect Time 01:15 Blue Stone - Come Alive (Feat. Sheyenne Rivers) 01:10 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Edit) 01:06 Gary B - Stronger Love 01:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:59 Lenny Mac Dowell - To Remember 00:54 Blank & Jones - Takin' Off 00:49 Luis Hermandez - One Love 00:44 Ganga, Sophie Tusnelda - Golden Lightfalls 00:37 Vladi Strecker - Over The Sea (Island Sounds Deluxe Mix) 00:31 Green Lemon - Voz Interior (Meditation Mix) Feat. Magica Fe 00:27 Tycho - No Stress (Feat. Saint Sinner) 00:23 Frank Borell - Deep Moods (Yesterday Mix) 00:22 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:19 Twins In Mind - I Hear Your Voice 00:14 Pnfa - Fight The Feeling 00:09 Minus Blue - Be As One (Klangstein Edit) 00:03 Depeche Mode - Useless (K&d Session)
0 notes
v9gallery · 2 years
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Zapraszamy do Pracowni Wschodniej na zbiorową wystawę warszawskiej galerii i pracowni sitodruku V9 pod tytułem "Vynos".
Wernisaż: 6 maja, 19:00
Wystawa trwa do 15 maja - otwarta podczas Nocy Muzeów 2022 (14-15 maja)
Na początku 2017 roku, po 6 latach działania i zorganizowaniu 60 wystaw, V9 zmieniło swoją lokalizację - wynieśliśmy się z wygodnej siedziby w centrum miasta - lokalu, w którym działały kaloryfery a ogromne okna zapewniały dostęp promieni słonecznych.
Przeprowadzka pozwoliła nam zredefiniować nasze priorytety. Na pierwszy plan wysunęła się pracownia sitodruku. Nie chcieliśmy jednak rezygnować z naszej misji pokazywania sztuki. Stąd pomysł na galerię zewnętrzną vALL, gdzie prace eksponujemy bezpośrednio na ulicy. Czasem jednak brakuje nam robienia wystaw pod dachem, dlatego właśnie taką szykujemy w Pracowni Wschodniej. Wystawa pod tytułem "Vynos" narodziła się z potrzeby zaprezentowania w jednym miejscu i czasie prac artystów/ek, którzy przyszli nam do głów podczas snucia planów o ponownym wkroczeniu w mury przestrzeni zwanej galerią. Prezentacja nie ma konkretnego założenia ani tematu, ma być pokazem wielu różnych estetyk, pomysłów i spojrzeń oraz dać możliwość zobaczenia prac widzianych najczęściej na większym bądź mniejszym ekranie.
Artyści biorący udział w wystawie: /\STM/\ / Estrada Osmycka / Gate68 / Glues / HoodMood93 / Marcelina Gorczyńska / Tomasz Kaczyński / Tosia Kiliś / Klub2020 / Wojtek Kostrzewa / Maciek Misiewicz / Piotr Kowalski / Kriss.pi / Logikrust / Gustaw Maj / Marcjanna.1000 /Kris Too Late/ Falevicz/ Milan Wagwan / Karo Nowak / Zuzanna Piętkowska / Polish Pipe / Rudy Walldog / Stach Szumski / Cincio OddCouture / Under The Big Black Sun / Paulina Włostowska / Bartosz Zaskórski / Zbiok.
0 notes
ilgoblinverde · 2 years
Nell’esplorazione delle rovine della Fortezza Elfica, Thoradin trova la morte a causa di una trappola magica Palla di Fuoco.
Decisi a salvargli la vita i compagni lo mettono nella sala della Fonte Elfica la cui acqua sembra avere doti curative miracolose. Durante il riposo Allanon e Thoradin si ritrovano nello stesso sogno. Su una collina sorge la Fortezza Elfica nel pieno del suo splendore. Ai piedi un cerchio di torce intorno a un corpo su un altare e una folla di elfi tutti intorno come in preghiera. Scendendo dalla collina nessuno degli elfi nota Allanon o Thoradin che paiono invisibili ai loro occhi. Il cadavere sull’altare è quello di Thoradin.
D’improvviso il colpo di ali di drago spegne le torce e mette in fuga gli elfi. Un imponente Drago Blu scende nella valle. In groppa un cavaliere esile, ricoperto da una lucida armatura nera bordata d’oro. Una folta chioma di capelli rossi esce dall’elmo. Cavaliere e drago sono a caccia di qualcosa o qualcuno, e sembrano percepire la presenza di Allanon e Thordain ma senza poterli vedere. Poi qualcosa spaventa drago e cavalierie che riprendono il volo. Subitamente arriva una giovane donna elfica d'impareggiabile bellezza ed eleganza: Isandria. Isandria è la custode della fonte. Gentile e aggraziata, ricolma di pura bellezza. Ma per tornare al loro mondo Thoradin e Allanon dovranno avere il permesso della sorella di Isandria, Sharissa. Guidati alla casa di Sharissa, Thoradin e Allanon incontrano strane apparizioni, elementi del loro passato tra cui anche la madre vedova di Allanon (incinta dello stesso Allanon) e il fratello e la sorella maggiori. Vengono aggredinti da un gruppo di uomini che hanno l'ordine di "terminare il lavoro e ammazzare ciò che resta della famiglia". Allanon e Thoradin eliminano gli uomini non senza grossi pericoli. Giunti alla tana sotterranea di Sharissa si rendono conto che è la sorella gemella di Isandira ma ne rappresenta la faccia opposta: alla bellezza pura e gentile si contrappone una figura provocante e volgare, dai modi rudi. Al corpo conturbante e sensuale si contrappongono un paio di occhi freddi e crudeli.
Incontrano nelle segrete della casa le povere anime sedotte e schiavizzate alla volontà di Sharissa: condottieri, pirati e financo un re, tutti in cualche modo schiavi di Sharissa.
Allanon e Thoradin riescono comunque a raggiungere il fondo della fonte dove possono scegliere di esaudire un desiderio. Allanon vede nella fonte la sua spada persa nelle profondità delle Colline Nebbiose. Ma lascia che sia Thoradin a esprimere il suo desiderio e riacquistare la vita terrena.
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frankenpagie · 4 years
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xoxoproject21 · 3 years
Group Playlist per Choreographer
Hi Guys, I also made playlists for groups, enjoy! Let me know which dances are missing!
Molly Long: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_19FikUEsdI_pVaxs0iXOii
Alexa Moffett: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1bdwQPAnrJ8a7CGFjFDE9k
Amy Berokoff: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2R1_ypH_SiCG4QYjKPSaXF
Amy Gold: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1j18PRJIKeFVJFR7YHrXpl
Andrew Winghart: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1QrHorDZ0-du571VdpbVDS
Aviana Sanchez: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1T458Cnx_6GDRYd6_h6V_x
Billy Bell: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1PX16SO9DIm3G1rl3m_MvW
Blake McGrath: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3VxrRdJqahUkx5DecPxPqO
Chad McCall: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3D4XvxPtGvTWMyfe6cCX3P
Chantel Aguirre: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2KOIRd9WD_DRTQvFUurhdy
Chaz Buzan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_04DeY431HxaMiBKtnAJlDZ
Chelsea Jennings: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1WxDSf5nJv85rm8ep-IcX_
Danny Lawn: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2uTCRzboOh2f8gszs3FMp_
Derrick Schrader: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2wNGCajWtmn-g7wcewNAZj
Donna Shepherd: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_16rQoCsmtU6Pf7hJV9QTxu
Easton Payne: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2t7O1a9diezPLbmGlFlZW0
Erica Marr: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0vwUc5XFvATpniHhINIhbY
Erin Babbs:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3O5zT6fDcTV1tm_f1UWBaS
Harrison Stevenson: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3JlfpDNc2VxWdATJgmGDH3
Jaci Royal: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2rkZgzXAVFPzC-105yNSOd
Jason Parsons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_20Vhnse7XUc8JwJvMsp0b1
Jessica Monnig: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0218lWZxZ__5HolJy4T46z
Jessie Riley: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0rCp_ZUanlEx0jTLMdZGqj
Kayla Kalbfleisch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0UUNW37VcuSQp8EIV9ezHf
Kenzie Larkin Symanietz: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3PZsoNWi765NuSaLctIsAe
Kirsten Russell: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1_lMUE_kYpK7slcEL94xeC
Krista Barker: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0vVFbO-DBK2emIYxG-3Ruj
Lauren Adams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_19rpOHtwGOtDy_STlSb11G
Lucy Vallely: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0FYxnjvGUP2OLsj2NyaOBc
Mandy Rogers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3Mw9hVNxp5-odDk2RSbsL2
Mark Meismer: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2LoMjyADSHNHqbJ48LYJ9F
Meghan Mcgrath:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0AI3M6_qEeibt_pLewkrxw
Michele Larkin: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0L9MGES1duncooIhyxnjtI
Nick Lazzarini: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3AHh1BNn8WRwiB1Rq44g8I
Nick Meola: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2DbvKSklQ2dtkZoz1_dnk-
Nicole Smith: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0QZ5xRF0aI3N7avsldc2RW
Quinn Callahan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2ERsu92osMPsQDOcK4_l7K
Rachel Miller: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0zs1Nnocncksti9VoLsEu5
Randi and Hefa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1eOYnlMyNkari_MDGhn_pT
Renee Baldwin: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0jB9Hmf9L42sIIC4IYSTg9
Ricky Maalouf: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2X3XnAPlnEJ6z3oEd36FqV
Rudy Abreu: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0B6jasV_hH-Pqht0Uv4CtT
Shannon Mather: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_081OcdUo81jhomIDkN-WKi
Stacey Tookey: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0-CUR4OOfrXRsWoq5BDpPF
Talia Favia: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_3SzoYmoxZMT5VLRGd7io_D
Taylor Tsvyetkov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_1cvv1Zwq3rmh90bJcN15Mb
Teddy Forance: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0B84WacePHnWz7mj2nxq5d
Terry Schulke: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2sIXTycTJOz4InMsWRCEea
Timmy Blankenship: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2sPrJ6H0-czziTeuAUzzwT
Travis Wall: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_0xkl_m4KAbNALLTkxs-sZi
Will Loftis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2IXKhKTFes9yHOOjxHajeo
Zoi Tatopoulos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlOzgpuF-_2IVfn1_sZGFwl-m0fEX4L0
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angelloverde · 3 years
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 29 October
1. The Ariya Astrobeat Arkestra - Put Leg To Road 2. Gazeebo - Place Your Bets 3. Intensive Jazz Sextet - Bitter Ch 4. Congress Alley - Congress Alley   5. Rudy love & Love family - Does Your Mama Know 6. Bennie Maupin - Water Torture 7. Break Da Funk - Masztalerz 8. Soul Machine - Bag Of Goodies 9. David Batiste & The Gladiators - Funky Soul (Part 1) 10. Ann Peebles - Trouble Heartaches & Sadness 11. Barbara Lynn - You'll Loose A Good Thing 12. Steely Dan - Deacon Blues 13. 10cc - Dreadlock Holiday 14. Serginho Meriti - Bon Momentos 15. Marcos Valle - Nao Tem Nada Nao
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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rallytimeofficial · 6 months
Al Rally Il Ciocco grande spettacolo di Paolo Andreucci e Rudy Briani
🔴 🔴 Al Rally Il Ciocco grande spettacolo di Paolo Andreucci e Rudy Briani 📸 Mario Leonelli
Grande spettacolo di Paolo Andreucci e Rudy Briani al Rally Il Ciocco e Valle del Serchio. Il plurititolato campione garfagnino nei due giorni di gara non si è risparmiato nella gara di casa, regalando spettacolo a bordo della Citroen C3 Rally2 del Team PRT gommata con le MRF Tyres. (Iscriviti gratuitamente al canale Telegram di Rally Time per ricevere le notizie sul tuo telefono in tempo…
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thebeatleaesthetic · 4 years
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September, 1965. The Beatles’ Help! film plays at the Esquire Theater in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The audience is photographed by Ken Steinhoff (who was classmates with some of the Central High students here, like the girl in the last photo).
[Excerpts from The Southeast Missourian]
By Dennis O’Neil
Missourian Staff Writer
Dim the house lights. Let the ritual begin.
The screen flickers, there are a few lines of dialog, a few titters from the assembled worshipers, then the ear-splitting shriek of a hundred young female voices raised in simultaneous adoration.
A great, natural phenomenon is present. On the movie screen four young men – The Beatles, the pop-songsters supreme, the Twentieth Century’s equivalent of minor deities – are singing “Help, I need sumbodah” and every girl in the audience would like to be that sumbodah
Grandmothers and spinsters, too, would like to help these shaggy performers. Because, astonishingly, their’s is not sex appeal. Other pop singers raised to the stars on heaps of adolescent dollars – Elvis, the young Frank Sinatra, and going way back, Rudy Valle – made a strong appeal to the three-lettered feeling. Not the Beatles. 
They are funny, these Beatles, they generate giggles, not sighs. They are cuddly, like teddy bears. And they are genuinely talented. Leonard Bernstein, conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, composer and conductor of the classics, calls their home-brewed music a “small art form.” 
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alice-bag · 4 years
“Sending love to all the young queers and weirdos out there who might have have to dim their spark in order to feel safe at home. Your online communities are here for you and one day we will be able to embrace in person.” - Dahlia Lopez via Youtube comments. This music video for my song, Spark was  directed by: Rudy Bleu Garcia, Cinematographer and Editor: Graham Kobleins Starring: Vander Von Odd, Taco, Lady Forbidden, Dvvsk, Erick Moreno , Fasique, Skirt Cocaine, Vincente Carillo, Kimberly Miranda, Adam Morello Reyes, Audrey Silvestre, Judy Ornelas, Patricia Wang, Maia Villa, Neyva, Annie Padilla, Dewie Hernandez, Jaylen Zanelli, Lorenzo Del Castillo, Melody Yenn Thanks to Club Chico and Sonido Del Valle  
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senorjlf · 5 years
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, Happy #HumpDay, kids! 🐪 Was supposed to go to #BajaCalifornia this past weekend with some of my best friends but that obvi’ got cancelled ‘cause of ‘rona’s 🦠 B!T€#-@$S. 🙄 Nevertheless, here’s a pic’ of my fugly mug in front of a very pretty bright royal blue wall from my trip down there this past #Summer, while wine tasting…and eating and drinking 🥃 everything in sight. 🐷 😩 Hope everyone’s staying safe and, for the love of Beyoncé, PLEASE STAY THE F*&^ IN YOUR HOMES IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO LEAVE!!!! 🙏🏼 . . . . Sunglasses by @Versace @Donatella_Versace #Versace, Timepiece by @LAMB by @GwenStefani #LAMBbyGwenStefani #GwenStefani, Red String Bracelet by @AlexanderMcQueen  #AlexanderMcQueen, Gold ID Bracelet by @MarcJacobs #MarcJacobs @TheMarcJacobs, #VirgenDeGuadalupe Shirt by @AllSaints #AllSaints #AllSaintsClothing #OurLadyOfGudalupe, Trousers were my cousin Rudy’s when he was in the USMC about 20 years ago, Boots by @VivienneWestwood #VivienneWestwood, #Ensenada #Mexico #Vacation #Menswear  #MensStyle  #MensLifestyle #GuysWithTattoos #BoysWithTattoos #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Quarantine (at Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-LANjGBSei/?igshid=1ol9u3ofnovwp
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oldshowbiz · 5 years
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Rudy Valle Live
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