#Rui Hinagi
microwav3ov3n · 2 months
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arkaylarts · 7 months
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I ended up also getting into HanaDoll*.....
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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華Doll* 3rd season THINK OF ME: NOTHING
Release Date: July 28, 2023
🌊 Ageha Karasuma (CV: Toshiyuki Toyonaga) 🌊 Rui Hinagi (CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi) 🌊 Toki Sakurai (CV: Daiki Yamashita)
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poyaposted · 9 months
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Dropping this here too bc lord they are so gorjus
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skyhopedango · 1 year
Loulou*di - Dying Matter lyrics translation
Because I couldn't help myself. :D;; After all, this is most definitely Rui's twisted love song for Ageha. Also, I wish my English was better so I could find a way to translate "souretsu no hate made"/"until your funeral procession ends" in a way that befits just how amazingly OTT grandiose and dramatic it is. *cries* (Of course it is, though, it riffs on Ageha's own words and the imagery he uses.) I tried to keep some of the melodrama, though, but it's difficult in this particular format.
(Disclaimer: English is not my first language, neither is Japanese, this is a quick & dirty translation I did in like 15 minutes. Japanese original follows the translation.)
Dying Matter
when the day you cease to be yourself comes I'll watch over your ruin I'll stay by your side, whatever happens until your funeral procession ends
an unrestrained, bewitched love a flower, beautifully withering away
I wish you would stay but the end is sure to come and I can't go back anymore to the life I had without you (please stay as you are)
when the day you cease to be yourself comes I'll watch over your ruin I'll stay by your side, whatever happens until your funeral procession ends
I don't mind whatever you say - this is me my offering to you, until the end
even the abuse you deal sounds like medicine to me because I want to feel the same pain as you do that's how much I love you (please stay as you are)
when the day you cease to be yourself comes I'll watch over your ruin I'll stay by your side, whatever happens until your funeral procession ends
when you sing my weary heart quietly melts away your tears have always resonated with my broken soul if I could I would make all your wishes come true I love you I love you I love you
I hope that one day you'll understand my unchained feelings for you that my only reason to live is to give my whole self to you
when the day you cease to be yourself comes I'll watch over your ruin I'll stay by your side, whatever happens until your funeral procession ends
あなたが あなたでなくなるその日が来ても 滅びゆく姿を 私は何があっても見届けるため 葬列の果てまで
誰にも止められない 魅せられた愛 散りそうな花も美しい
きえないでと願っていても いつかは訪れる あなたなしのその過去には もう戻れないから (そのままでいて)
あなたが あなたでなくなるその日が来ても 滅びゆく姿を 私は何があっても見届けるため 葬列の果てまで
何を言われてもいい これが私 終わりの日まで捧げたい
受け取るものが痛みでも 薬の音になる 同じ痛みを受け取りたいほど 愛してるから (そのままでいて)
あなたが あなたでなくなるその日が来ても 滅びゆく姿を 私は何があっても見届けるため 葬列の果てまで
あなたが歌えば 私の疲れた心がいつの間にか消えた あなたの涙が私の壊れた心と いつも響き合った あなたの望みがもしも出来るなら 私が叶えたらいいな 愛してる 愛してる 愛してるから
いつかあなたに 届いてくれるといいな 止められるはずのない想いが すべてを捧げ続けるために 生きるから
あなたが あなたでなくなるその日が来ても 滅びゆく姿を 私は何があっても見届けるため 葬列の果てまで
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dark-frosted-heart · 7 months
Hope y’all don’t mind if I make another one of these posts
Morganatic Idol-focused singing roles (A3!'s not singing related but there's so much music that I might as well include it). Note that not all the roles are included.
Characters listed clockwise
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Xeno: Kai Akizuki (ACTORS), Tenma Sumeragi (A3!), Shiki Takamura (Tsukipro), Nagi Rokuya (i7), Miroku Shingari (B-project), Wataru Hibiki (Enstars)
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Ivy: Silve (Technoroid), Rui Maita (iM@s SideM), Chaoyang Li (I-Chu)
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Jace: Saku Uruha (I-Chu), Tsuzuru Minagi (A3!), Eichi Horimiya (Tsukirpo), Minami Natsume (i7), Yuduki Teramitsu (B-project), Kanata Shinkai (Enstars)
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Finn: Kairi Kurahashi (Tokyo Color Sonic), Juza Hyodo (A3!), Shu Izumi (Tsukipro), Rui Hinagi (Hana-Doll*), Yoshikazu Isa (Aoppella), Badobaram (Fragaria Memories)
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Hugh: Arashi Komiyama (Tokyo Sonic Drive), Rokuta (Paradox Live), Hayato Akiyama (iM@s SideM), Akane Fudo (B-Project), Willmesh (Fragaria Memories)
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Miu: Runa Kagurazaka (I-Chu), Soichiro Shinonome (iM@s SideM), INORIN (Fabulous Night), Saburo Yamada (Hypmic), Aira Shiratori (Enstars)
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Hitaki: Iori Takarada (Tokyo Sonic Drive), Tatsumi Madarao (I-Chu), Tsubasa Okui (Tsukipro), Gentaro Yumeno (Hypmic), Yuta and Hinata Aoi (Enstars), Tenn Kujo (i7)
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Nagi: Dice Arisugawa (Hypmic)
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midnightpillsnacking · 8 months
[Loulou*di S3V4 L 3-16] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:DEJA VU Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
(Door opens)
Staff Member A: Good morning.
Toki: (breathing slowly)
Staff Member A: Do you know your own name?
Toki: I’m… Sakurai Toki. Isn’t that right?
Staff Member A: Yes. Seems like you slept well.
Toki: You can tell?
Staff Member A: From the decline in your sleep activity and muscle activity, yes. While you were asleep, did you have any dreams?
Toki: Dreams…?
Staff Member A: It’s alright if you can’t remember in full detail. Bits and pieces of it would be sufficient. When you closed your eyes, did you see anything?
Toki: I saw… a lot of light.
Staff Member A: Light? What was the light like?
Toki: It was… endless and everywhere, like stars. It was like I could stare at it forever. It was a sight I could never look away from. And sometimes… I could hear it. Voices upon voices that saw me for who I am.
Staff Member A: And how did you feel during that experience?
Toki: How I ‘felt’...? 
Staff Member A: Please try to put your thoughts into words.
Toki: I thought… that this was where I belonged. The light proved to me my reason to live, my reason to exist. I felt that I had to reach my ideal, to transform into the perfect being.
Staff Member A: What is your ideal?
Toki: In the world called ‘Loulou*di’ that Ageha-san will create, I will live as one of the gears that makes it revolve. I want nothing else.
Staff Member A: A gear? That’s quite reminiscent of a machine.
Toki: I’m not a machine. A person like Doctor wouldn’t get how I feel.
Staff Member A: How you feel…?
Toki: I want… to be with Ageha-san and Rui-san soon, and together we’ll reach the top… For that, I’ll do whatever it takes…!
(Door opens)
Staff Member A: Good morning. Do you know your own name?
Rui: Hinagi Rui.
Staff Member A: How about the name of the unit you’re from?
Rui: It’s Loulou*di.
Staff Member A: When you were asleep, did you experience any dreams?
Rui: Considering what you might regard as ‘dreams’, how should I answer?
Staff Member A: What’s the matter?
Rui: I’m asked about my dreams every time, and I’m beginning to think that I’ve been giving the wrong answers.
Staff Member A: I see. It seems like we’ve given off the wrong impression. This is simply standard as part of the examination, so you’ll be fine as long as you answer according to what you think is right.
Rui: Understood. But it seems like I’ve forgotten what dreams I had.
Staff Member A: Then, allow me to change the question.
Rui: Hm?
Staff Member A: Right now, what is the one thing you wish for the most?
Rui: Is that question also standard for the examination?
Staff Member A: That’s for us to handle.
Rui: My wish… is to maintain Loulou*di’s worldview and to reach the peak set by Ageha’s desires.
Staff Member A: Is that truly what you yourself want?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Staff Member A: What I’m asking for is not superficiality, but what’s from the bottom of your heart, your true wish, according to your instincts.
Rui: True…?
Staff Member A: Please think about how your feelings stand as they are now.
Rui: Are you thinking about something that might waver my instincts?
Staff Member A: I don’t know. To us, data is everything. (types in something) I’ll ask once again. What is the one thing you wish for the most, from the bottom of your heart?
(A clock chimes)
Ageha: …This is…?
(Door opens)
Staff Member A: Ah, you’re awake.
Ageha: The medical team…?
Staff Member A: Good morning. Are you able to state your own name?
Ageha: … It’s Karasuma Ageha.
Staff Member A: How about the name of the unit–
Ageha: Just why… am I here? I believe the schedule for routine examinations hasn’t been decided yet.
Staff Member A: It’s not out of the question during times of emergency. You were brought here after you collapsed in your dorm.
Ageha: !! I collapsed?
Staff Member A: We’ve prescribed some sleeping pills. Please take them after you return to your dorm.
Ageha: I’ll do without. Are you aware, Doctor, that those don’t even work as placebos?
Staff Member A: For the purpose of maintaining fairness, even the number of prescriptions for medications, be it of any type, are being monitored. You seem particularly more on edge than usual today.
Ageha: An accurate observation. It’d be more strange to not be on edge in this situation. Do you think of me as some emotionless, helpless mouse that’s playing along with your experiments?
Staff Member A: Not reigning in your agitation will affect your flower. We’ll also prepare to prescribe some medication for your mental state. Allow me to collect some data to determine whether that will be necessary.
Ageha: (sighs)
Staff Member A: I’ll carry on with the questions. When you were asleep, did you experience any dreams?
Ageha: No, not at all.
Staff Member A: A rough impression of it will suffice. Do you remember, even just a little?
Ageha: I would have told you if I did. I don’t have a reason to hide from you. My honest cooperation is pivotal to the success of the Hana*Doll Project. I understand that clearly.
Staff Member A: Then, my next question pertains to when you collapsed in the dorm. Do you remember what you were doing before you lost consciousness?
Ageha: … I was checking the music video for the new song.
Staff Member A: Why?
Ageha: Because I was thinking about the perfect performance for the music awards. Is that something so strange?
Staff Member A: No. Let’s move on.
Ageha: I, too, have a question for you, Doctor.
Staff Member A: What is it?
Ageha: When I was asleep, did you inject Water into me?
Staff Member A: That’s… Why do you ask?
Ageha: Did you or did you not? It’s a simple question. It’s a drug that stabilizes the influence on the flower, isn’t it? Haven’t you all been utilizing it like a convenience many times, this whole while?
Staff Member A: That’s…
Ageha: It’s injected into Anthos*. But is there a reason why it’s not injected into me?
Staff Member A: … Where did you hear that from?
Ageha: As I thought. That’s how it was.
Staff Member A: !! Don’t move. Your body is still–
Ageha: I couldn’t care less about what happens to them. I will do anything to become perfection itself, to be recognised by President Amagiri. Like a pupa that cannibalizes its own skin to become a beautiful butterfly, like Chihiro, turning into a form befitting of them–it’s what I will do. Then the President surely would acknowledge me, above anyone else. I’ll ask again. When I was unconscious, did you inject Water into me?
Staff Member A: Just why are you so fixated on the Water?
Ageha: It’s nothing like fixation. Please stop saying as though I want it.
Staff Member A: Then are you saying that you don’t need it?
Ageha: Perhaps I should answer that question of yours about dreams, Doctor. I only dreamt of one thing: surpassing order to reach the new heights of idols and scaling to its summit, becoming perfect. It would be possible for me, was what President Amagiri said.
Staff Member A: The existence you hope for aligns with our goals.
Ageha: But we’re not in agreement at all.
Staff Member A: Excuse me?
Ageha: The perfection you aim for is an imitation. Something born from a man-made invention put in a bottle. A defective monster who derides heaven. I will never become something like that. I won’t rely on drugs, but on my own strength, and become a new pioneer. Without fail.
Staff Member A: Please hold on–(something clatters) A-ah! What are you–?!
Ageha: Like I’d let myself be swallowed by some useless flower!
Staff Member B: Seems like you had a lot to deal with here.
Staff Member A: I apologize. I’ll clean this up in a bit.
Staff Member B: Did something happen with the Doll?
Staff Member A: Yes. When talking about Water his response is nothing short of deranged, but he takes his obsession with becoming the perfect Doll like it’s a normal thing for him.
Staff Member B: Humans will naturally obsess over things that are beyond their reach. That’s why we don’t give Water to that Doll. Like with plants, there are seeds that are harder to raise, and seeds that can be raised without hassle. The flowers and their hosts, too, have their own natures.
Staff Member A: Are you saying that even without Water, his flower can stabilize on its own?
Staff Member B: Not at all. Whether the Water is injected or not depends on the situation. There’s a high possibility that the flower will start to weaken if we inject more Water at this state.
Staff Member A: If I recall, administration of Water to Kisaragi Kaoru from Anthos* has also been stopped, right? But right now, his flower is stable and seems to be progressing towards full bloom.
Staff Member B: That’s a special case. I’m not sure of the details, but if there’s one thing I know, it’s that he’s completely different from the other Dolls.
Staff Member A: Different as in…?
Staff Member B: Since the seed was implanted in him, the method of blooming and the progress of growth for the flower have all been different. So, there’s not much to talk about if we want to draw comparisons.
Staff Member A: …But, even now, Karasuma Ageha’s condition has been making progress. Just now, and even before he was admitted, his memories are…
Staff Member B: It’s better if you keep your emotions out of your judgments. Beyond assisting in the growth of the Dolls, the slow-release effect of Water enables some quality of life. It might seem like a miracle pill at first glance, but the toll it takes on the Dolls is too much to bear.
Staff Member A: But what if we put stabilizing their condition as our forefront priority? Even if the toll gets raised, it would still be a favorable treatment to them, right? Maybe we could start administration for Anthos*.
Staff Member B: Ah, if you’re talking about the example Doll Shorai Chitose, that was Dr Toudou’s orders. The effect of his mental state on his flower turned out to be greater than expected. Taking into account the other Dolls’ conditions, administering Water seems to be the most optimal treatment.
Staff Member A: But even with a case like that, Karasuma Ageha might still refuse the Water. He might have realized something beyond what we predicted.
Staff Member B: Whether he’s realized something or not, his fate has already been sealed. He can chase those dreams all he wants, but without scientific clinical trials, he can’t escape reality. Well, we should get a move on with cleaning up. The next task is…
Staff Member A: Seems there’s been people talking about us returning Sakurai Toki to the House very soon. If we continue trying to keep things under wraps, it might become a problem for their idol activities and we’ll have to deal with a lot of heat. Besides…
Staff Member B: Besides?
Staff Member A: Even when he seemed entirely desensitized to emotion, he still desperately wanted to be with those two. If we return him to the House now, it would be like a repeat of that case with Anthos*.
Staff Member B: When with a flower that rejects Water, the success rate of the Water will be shared… Whatever action we decide to take next, we need to keep a close eye on the situation.
Ageha: I collapsed… and had to be carried over? What I was doing before? Dammit! I’m running out of time, I still have things I absolutely have to finish… 
(A notification comes in.)
Ageha: A message?
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redcoralsea · 1 year
I translate the cast interview for THINK OF ME : ARK.  Their answer somehow showed their personality, I mean the seiyuu not the character. Also, this is not 100% accurate translations ;)
I like how Tosshi-san call Ageha with "sama" and other just call him by his name.
Source : Animate times
Cast : 
Toyonaga Toshiyuki as Karasuma Ageha
Takeuchi Shunsuke as Hinagi Rui
Yamashita Daiki as Sakurai Toki
Horie Shun as Yashiro Setsuna
1st question : "What are your impressions after reading the scenario for the first time and after finishing the recording?"
Toyonaga-san : My impression is that everything developing has progressed further. And also, Ageha-sama… I was like “You’re a kind person?!”(Laugh) I’m really looking forward to what is going to happen next.
Takeuchi-san : I have a strong impression of Ageha at the end of the story and how the scenario going made it even more difficult, and then what would happen to the three of them next. This time I was able to have a conversation with Yamashita-san (Toki VA), also I was able to feel more of a sense of the gaze of passion that expresses “Always chasing of Ageha existence”. That left an impression on me.
Yamashita-san : I felt something might be gonna start to change. I wondered if the change was going to be a good way or bad way… There was something itching feeling that I can’t figure out then it was just over.
It always happens, but ended in the way I worried the most. Also, this time I was able to see something precious like Rui's unexpected expression, which was a good thing.
Horie-san : This is my first time participating in Loulou*di CD, but it feels different and disturbing. I was able to enjoy the difference between the two units with their own dialogue. This time I did the recording with Takeuchi-san who plays Rui, but since both of us have a small part, we talked about things like “I’m sorry Mixer-san” (Laugh)
2nd question : "What is your favorite scene or line from your character?"
Toyonaga-san : I would like to leave it to the audience to judge. In the end, Loumiel’s reaction to the words directed at Loumiel was surprisingly realistic and that was impressive.
Takeuchi-san : I personally like the scene when Rui shows off the bear he repaired. Also, I like the daily life parts of works, those are so finely written that you can feel the depth of the characters' lives.
Yamashita-san : I think where Rui and I play the piano. The staff and Takeuchi-kun worked with me to give various patterns and we tried which one sound more natural. I also used a piano app to get the pitch of “Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do” just like the song. (Laugh) But in the end, we didn’t use any of them and we chose to use the flow of dialogue without a pitch. This scene left an impression on me because I enjoyed the time I spend with everyone on set to find something better to use. So this scene was really something to me. (Note - He says keyboard in this interview, but in Drama CD they use piano so I change it)
Horie-san : From all of the scenes that appear, I was stunned by the line “As expected, even here, no one accepts me, either…!” (Laugh) I’m aware of this. I was doing it but I don’t think it’s here either… But, I felt sorry for Setsuna-kun (Laugh)
3rd question : "(Only for Loulou*di) We would also like to ask about the songs “Hopeless Ark” and “Dying Matter” that will be recorded with the drama. Please tell us about the episodes during the recording and your impression of the songs."
Toyonaga-san : The level of difficulty is high the same as before, but the music is still very majestic, beautiful, fragile, and powerful, and I really felt the "character" of the music.
Takeuchi-san : Both of them are difficult songs… but I enjoy them so much that I finally get used to and feel comfortable with the way Rui puts his feelings into the song. Also, I feel like I’ve finally become able to record everything quickly and then go home (Laugh).
Yamashita-san : As before, we did the high-difficulty songs. I thought that Loulou*di's song difficulty level was only available for SR or higher levels and this is typical of Loulou*di (Laugh). There are parts where I would never be able to get the right tempo, so everyone I would like to try singing it and see which part it is! (Laugh).
4th question : "Please give the message to the fans who listen to this CD."
Toyonaga-san : What will happen to the 3 members of Loulou*di in the future? I think it’s finished in a very interesting part. Ageha-sama is still the same in some ways, but every time I play him, I wonder if that parts of him are what makes him so loveable. I hope you will continue to love him.
Takeuchi-san : I feel the story of Loulou*di will be about the progress of how the fans will accept the ever-changing Loulou*di. So I hope you will continue to keep an eye on their progress.
Yamashita-san : This time too, the songs and the story are that typical of Loulou*di. But it is not lifeless, it’s something that definitely moving and changing. I would be happy if you will continue to accompany me along with the characters and the work.  I also want everyone to stay remember these unforgettable memories about the battle cry… (Last sentence is confusing me)
Horie-san : Enjoy the chemistry changes between Loulou*di and Setsuna. The exchange is as close to separation as possible rather than a fusion. Nevertheless, once again the mystery of Setsuna has deepened this time... This guy is too suspicious!
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playeryumi · 3 years
Idols, Flowers, Dolls
I back again with another uhm review???
im not sure if its reviewed cause i don't trust my feelings (but still write shinenigans) ya might agree or not this is just a perspective of a simple brain rotter fan lol
so thanks for my fave seiyuu being in a bunch of seiyuu projects (idol or what) I am currently into 2d idols lol I'm just a new fan too but the songs are muah
I decided to make an entry about
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of course why I know this is because my fave is here lol but this idol project is interesting cause its has mystery and such. pretty (I am not sure if pretty is the right word lol maybe really) Angst and dark lol.
so lil bit summary a certain Agency or production company called Amagiri production. working there is not easy. a very competitive company. with strict rules, regulations, ranking, and test. one simple violation will lose your contract (yes very toxic company lol)
They aim the Perfect Idols using the latest technology. and that is planting a flower inside of a person. and now they choose 6 chosen new idols to get that treatment.
Toudo Lihito(CV:Itou Kent), Kagekawa Ryoga(CV:Hamano Daiki), Yuki Mahiro(CV:Yamashita Seiichiro), Kisaragi Kaoru(CV: Toki Shunichi), Kiyose Haruta(CV: Masuda Toshiki), Chise(CV: Komada Wataru)
Setsuna Yashiro(CV: Shun Horie) is their new member he was released at season 2
I still don't know much about the story lol but according to fans that can the mv's they released has clues about the stories. that's why I am interested (all I can do for now is cry tho cause I really need to level up my jp vocabulary and currently slacking lol). tho I think they are the only idol project I encounter that caters to their international fans (don't trust me currently i just meet around 15 I guess...) not all is translated tho lol only the introduction rn.
Finally here lol so about the songs (yall already know how I love this lol no need a one-page essay for it lol) Its Electro music, the beats and everything is so modern and techy feel. i can't pinpoint the genre cause the mood of each songs are different like there is a dark and angst feel, a bit heavy there is also a bit soft and courting type, and dance feels too lol.
ok about singers (I will try my best not create a one-pager of how I love ryoga/hamano san lol) Mostly hamano san uses his raping skills in their songs but in his solo OMG THE CHORUS MUAH MUAH. most of the lyrics are in English (and man he is so fluent for me don't touch me)
Next is Itou san I knew him in hypmic and I knew him as powerful rapper lol. i am amazed he can hit that light but high notes. he's is amazing I register him also as camouflage va. him hitting those high notes muah
another hypmic va Komada san another shock for me lol. i am just used to him being jyuto lol. i also almost cant recognize its him lol
my brain keep thinking i knew i have heard him somewhere lol and yah he is toki, yuki's va from a3. i love his relaxing soft voice. perfect for his character
i actually don't know Yamashita san and Masuda san(tho i might saw his name somewhere i dunno where lol) i also like their singing especially solo cause its different genre
Shun san even tho he is late to be added he seems blended well to the group (well in terms of the songs lol cause i have no idea about the story) he also reaching itou's light high notes in his solo lol.
btw we don't talk about the live concert
ok i wanna talk about this one actually because its so amazing (I'm sorry hamano san but they are so enchanting help)
there is also a unit called Loulou*di, they are the first one to receive the treatment. consist of 3 people: Karasuma Ageha(CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki), Hinagi Rui(CV: Takeuchi Shunsuke), Sakurai Toki(CV: Yamashita Daiki)
they are used opera type genre with hint of electro. its so enchanting too. gives me shivers sometimes. i really love the combination and timing of the lyrics. and also in their album Pensee man they are taking 5 languages in a song talk about Mr. worldwide They deserve it!
I also knew all of them lol Homare, Juza from a3 and Kirio from idolmaster sideM (i actually shock he is kirio of sai lol the difference, the gap, i still cant believe). TakeP using his opera singer mom's skills a Toyonaga san man i knew he is amazing when heared some a3 songs like es no Yuutsu.
i will say it again their songs are so enchanting. its not your ordinary idol unit cause they are not singing just to make smile or something. its angelic but there's is also a feel of darkness. its enchanting but i feel heart-wrenching. lol when did i become so poetical. so yah they are so different it's extraordinary just like the amagiri prod wanted i guest....
more about them they have youtube, twitter(each unit has twitter), website, Instagram and even tiktok(lmao)
so that's all for idol entry #1 don't worry i will still make seiyuu entries it just so happened im crying in the songs he sang lol
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HANA Doll track project archive L 2-16 Pensée translation
The translation is very rough!!! More info here
hope this tl helps!!
Rui: Ageha I know is always very frustrated with things that can't be easily overturned. Innate talent, environment, people and types that he respects(??). If you are an average person, you will be crushed at retirement age, only things that are likely to be thrown out(?). It was the same when I met Ageha(??). It's been a while since I entered the idol training center. The first long vacation was about to open.
Ageha: What are you doing here?
Rui: Nothing special.
Ageha: If you have no use, go over there(?).
Rui: That is...
Ageha: Don't talk. Go over there.
Eui: All right. But is it okay?
Ageha: What are you saying?
Rui: (???). Both clothes and face. Did someone in the class do it(?)?
Ageha: What do you mean?
Rui: I hope it's different.
Ageha: We're taking a break already(??). Why are you in such a place, Hinagi Rui?
Rui: And what are you doing(?)?
Ageha: Answer my question first.
Rui: There is no particular reason. There is nothing to do even if you are in a house that you like. The museums I often go to are closed today.
Ageha: Did you come for the purpose of forcibly killing your precious time?
Rui: Yes. So, my question.
Ageha: Someone who has been in the same class for more than half a year but can't remember the face and name of his classmates(?).
Rui: Then after all I did something wrong(??).
President: Ageha.
Ageha: President. Why here?
President: I was contacted by your father. He said that his son should go back to dormitory on vacation, he does something important from home again(????).
Ageha: !
President: You should discuss it properly once. Let's drive to your home by my car.
Ageha: I don't like it.
President: (???). Don't get angry.
Ageha: I'm not. It doesn't make sense to go back. The money I brought out of my house. I've burned everything with my own hands.
Rui: Money?
President: Ageha. Let's continue this talk in my room.
Ageha: No. There is nothing wrong with me. It doesn't matter who asks.
President: But, (?)... Why is that so?
Ageha: I was the one who burned the money(?). This is because of the breakup with my father(?). I cut off all the dirty common sense and order that my father has. (???). I will aim for the top.
President: Huh?
Ageha: When I entered the training center, what and what request did my father make to you? I came here on my own initiative. No need for dirty money.
President: Your patents didn't mean to sell you for money(???). That's not it.
Ageha: !
President: I see. I understand what you mean. (?), It's a lot of money. It's not enough to burn it. If I say so how do you answer?
Ageha: I really want to return it(??). When I'll become a top idol(??). I'll double it and return it(?). That determination and determination for me(?). I'm confident. I will definitely be the perfection at Amagiri Productions.
President: Perfection?
Ageha: That's it. Productions (??) is also your wish.
President: My wish, I wonder if what you say will come true(??).
Ageha: Yes. Please watch me, President Amagiri.
President: Good. Amazing. The approach that I have been searching for for a long time from a trainee at a training school(???).
Ageha: I'm serious.
President: I think I know(?). You can tell by looking at it. You and I are similar. You are a rough kind of person who really wants to realize the matchlessness of perfection. Karasuma Ageha-kun. Let's aim for a perfect world beyond human knowledge with me. Will you follow me?
Ageha: Of course.
President: Well then, you there.
Rui: I'm Hinagi Rui.
President: Rui, what do you think about this talk now?
Rui: Nothing special.
President: Then, can you agree with my and Ageha's idea(?)? Answer frankly.
Rui: This is an idol training center. I understand the goal of becoming the top in the industry. I think that attitude is probably correct. However, I don't know the definition of perfection. And money is neither clean nor dirty. It just means value. Common sense is what each individual gains from their own experience. From a microscopic point of view, there are as many as humans(?). It is natural to be different from others. It is useless to try to kill someone because he is different from you, or to teach him to change his religion, and there is no money.(??).
Ageha: You.
President: It's a flat and honest impression.
Rui: However, He who is particular about it, I also felt it was beautiful.
Ageha: Beautiful?
Rui: This thing I was born with(????). Things that no one has. He has an overflowing hand. The distorted glow of Ageha(??). He brought intense dizziness with his first light(?). With this worthless and greedy wish. I want to see what lies ahead. That's mine strong wish I had for the first time.
Ageha: Rui. Rui. What happened?
Rui: Ageha. (?). I was a little vague(?).
Ageha: Is that all?
Rui: That's all. After all, I remember too much.
Ageha: (?).
Rui: Rest assured, Ageha. I will not die before you.
Ageha: I said I'm not worried about you(???).
Rui: Is it wrong?
Ageha: Don't get up(?).
Rui: Then do you believe me?
Ageha: I don't believe it(?). I just know. You are a pervert who is pleased to see me struggling. Such a guy can't die before me.
Rui: That's it. In addition(?), I unfortunately don't have a desperate heart. It doesn't have to be like Amemiya.
Ageha: Don't say that name, I feel nauseous(?).
Rui: Why don't you forgive him soon(?)? You will never meet again.
Ageha: I won't forgive him(???)! When he was about to leave Loulou*di, he was scared and selfish(??). I still have dreams. Declared suspension of activity. That (??) stage.
Rui: But he died first(???). I hope you can think so much(??). I envy it(???).
Ageha: I can't always laugh at your joke.
Rui: It's not a joke and you don't have to laugh.
Ageha: He is still a bad guy.
Rui: I have never been anxious about being different from others. I'm even happy that I'm like this now. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able meet you.
Ageha: Let's go back to the waiting room.
Rui: I wonder how many more times I can stare at this back and walk. Every time I think so, I feel this feeling in my heart. (?). How is it correct to read? What I know is only one. From the day I met Ageha I am obsessed with contradictory desires.
Ageha: Rui, hurry up.
Rui: Ageha is in full bloom. I want to see how it goes(???). At the same time(?), hopefully until my last moment. This dazzling light, I want to bath in it.
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sinful-liesel · 2 years
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Hana-Doll* 3rd season THINK OF ME: MONO
Release Date: September 16, 2022
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skyhopedango · 1 year
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Here we go.....!!!
(One of these days, anyway... not sure when I'll have the time/emotional energy to listen to it, even if this is not the last episode it's going to be uber dramatic. orz Also, Ageha is literally dying, likely Rui as well, and Toki is... the way he is... so I'm really not sure where they can go from here...)
I really like their outfits in this, btw. Also, I just noticed that they have earrings/piercings. For some reason it's so weird to see them on Rui...
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skyhopedango · 1 year
Loulou*di - Think of Me: ARK
So, I finally had time to properly listen to this, and...
"Are you guys going to die soon? I mean, since you're here..."
cries and cries and cries and cries
For fuck's sake, this story... 😭This is going to break my heart and dance on the pieces, right? I mean, my heart is already breaking for these three assholes who are ultimately the products of an infinitely sick and corrupt system built on preying on vulnerable people, treating them as products, exploiting them until the last drop of their blood, without a regard to their mental and physical well-being, and then discarding them without further ado.
Also, let me get out of character for a moment (because usually I really don't do or support this, I mean these are fictional characters), but that one fangirl... "fangirl"... SHE CAN JUST GO TO HELL. Seriously girl! Sure, being a fan of an artist doesn't mean you must love everything they put out, doesn't mean you have to stick with them and be a fan of them for the rest of your life, but this? And for such a shitty, stupid reason? If the art, the music is still good, then...
....but that's just the thing with idols, right? :/ As an idol, you're not there to sell music, you're not there to sell art or even a message. You're not there to express yourself and your art. You're there to sell a fantasy. That's the entire reason you've been picked and trained and given a carefully built-up image, to sell a certain kind of fantasy to cater to a certain kind of target demographic. And once that fantasy stops working for whatever reason, once that target demographic decides they don't want what you sell anymore, well - you're not needed anymore. You're not irreplaceable any more than
any more than a flower that blooms and wilts and then is discarded.
Remember the time when the publisher decided to decouple the HanaDoll* songs from the drama CDs, that is, decided to sell the songs separately as well as part of the drama, saying that they're doing this because the story is going to become pretty hardcore and not for everyone, so they're giving people a chance to just listen to the songs without getting the story? I was kind of rolling my eye at that, thinking it was just a thinly veiled excuse to drive sales. And y'know, in case of Anthos*... it may be so. But for Loulou*di... their story has already been hardcore from the get-go, but it's becoming just really, really sad, tragic and even bitter and upsetting in a way that Anthos* (the "poster boys" for the franchise) is clearly not going to ever get, and I can totally see some people going "I'm not into this, just give me the pretty songs."
(By the way, Anthos*'s story not being nearly as tragic and also deeply meta re: idols and even 2.5D idol franchises is just so bitterly ironic... and it's got to be on purpose, but if it's not, it's still an unintentional stroke of genius.)
.......and looking at the teaser for NOTHING after this...
............this is going to get really, really sad, isn't it.
...Please writers, please, just... spirit these guys away into an alternate universe where they all survive and make a small indie band and just perform to people who appreciate them and not some kind of fantasy that never existed in the first place.
I mean, Ageha would probably hate that. :D;;
But still.
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
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The official teaser for Loulou*di’s ‘Immortal Tale’ has been released!
Read More on SinfulLiesel.com: wp.me/pavktT-fjK
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sinful-liesel · 3 years
Amagiri Production releases the MV for Loulou*di’s “Final Direction”
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Read More on Sinful-Liesel’s Blog: wp.me/pavktT-aVU
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sinful-liesel · 4 years
Drama CD | Hana-Doll* 2nd season INCOMPLICA:IU ~Univers~ Released!
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Hana-Doll* 2nd season INCOMPLICA:IU ~Univers~ has been released…
Read More on Sinful-Garden.com (wp.me/pavktT-87B)
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