#Ruminaaan Theomachy
thecruxarm · 3 months
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Nothing too fancy, just started doodling to test out different brushes and ended up making it into a full thing lol
I suppose this can serve as a messy introduction, but an introduction nonetheless, to one of the many sophont aliens in Ruminaaan Theomachy. These guys are known as the Tuiouli, hydrogen-breathing worms with two faces, one on each end of their body (like that oictured above). Theyre the smallest of all my other intelligent aliens, only ever reaching between 35 and 85 centimeters at the longest
Theres much more to these guys but ill leave all of it to future posts once i have more important parts and context for my setting established lol, but i will accept asks if you have any! Aside from that, i just wanted to post this because i like how it came out :)
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thecruxarm · 7 months
Introductory Post
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Hello, and welcome to my blog! Above is an infographic I've made detailing the Milky Way as well as the commonality of life and intelligence itself across the galaxy, which will serve as an important base of reference for all else I plan to post on this blog. I won't say much in reference to this image that isn't already included in the infographic, so I'll go on to explain what my project is about, which I will elaborate on with future posts:
In short, the primary focus of my speculative biology sci-fi project takes place around the mid-Centaurus arm, as indicated on the infographic, in a region of the galaxy locally known as "Ruminaaan Space", which is the single largest interstellar community in the history of the Milky Way! Although the majority of these Ruminaaan residents have only began their joint interstellar societies within the past 3,000 years, an ongoing battle has been waging for the past billion years and counting between a species known as the Yn and an entity known as Xii, and while I'll leave more detailed elaborations for future posts, this is a story of a single species divided and disfigured by their own conflicts and the long-term consequences it holds on their stellar neighbours, even one billion years later.
Onto the blog itself, to help with organisation, I will use the following tags on my posts:
#Alien Person Asks (for when I answer asks in my inbox (feel free to send any if you want to know more about my world!)), #Ruminaaan Theomachy (for posts relating to the central aliens of my project and the communities they've built), #Alien Person Spec Bio (for posts relating to the more biological aspects of my worldbuilding) and #Alien Person Worldbuilding (for other posts about miscellaneous or more general features of my worldbuilding process)
Besides transcripts for the featured image, that's all for my introductory post, so stay tuned for more!
{Main text-wall transcript}:
The Milky Way The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy about 100,000 light years across, which happens to be the galaxy in which Humans are located, as well as over a couple hundred other intelligent species. The galaxy is estimated to be about 13.6 billion years of age and has thus far been identified with two major arms (the Perseus and Scutum-Centaurus Arms) which branch off into many smaller minor arms.
The galaxy is estimated to contain anywhere between 100 to 400 billion stars, most of which host a minimum of one orbiting planet. Although on Earth many may consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life to be a rarity, it is more common than one may think, with there being roughly 14.33 billion planets and moons combined which host native life. However, only about 8.59 million of these worlds host multicellular life (around 0.06% out of the total life-bearing celestial bodies), which is due to eukaryotic multicellularity being a very challenging hurdle to get over for life everywhere for a variety of reasons.
This being said, approximately 91.67% of these worlds do host sapient life forms, as high intelligence is almost an inevitability with multicellular organisms given sufficient time, though an extremely lower fraction of these planets and moons are actually home to sophont, technological civilisations comparable to anything humanity has accomplished throughout the past 200,000 years, with there being only 237 star systems with native sophont life (as indicated by the bright white dots shown to the right), and 268 sophont species overall, accounting for only 0.000028% of worlds with multicellular lifeforms. Among these 268 civilisations, very few actually aspire to be spacefaring, with there being less than 40 such civilisations, such as the Jodomii or Sirt, who even have space programs to begin with. Most either do not have the desire to explore outer space, as is the case with the Shreau, Uut, Samrinians or Aniin, do not even have the means to discover that outer-space exists in the first place, such as the Fline or Udrae, who have limited or nonexistent vision, or the Katudit, who live in the subglacial oceans of a rogue planet, or may never leave their home planets for any other multitude of reasons.
While the abundance of technological, cultured civilisations across the Milky Way is fortunately higher than most may be led to believe, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that the space which separates the majority of these civilisations is tremendous, with even the closest being hundreds of light years apart. Despite this, only four interspecies interstellar communities have managed to spring up across the interstellar medium (not counting the Yuruuc, who have yet to encounter any other intelligent species despite how far they have dispersed throughout their corner of the Outer Arm), which is simply due to the fact that interstellar travel is nigh-impossible without the use of warp technology, though only one of these such communities has managed to grow to such an extensive size which incorporates over a dozen unique civilisations; Ruminaaan Space. Ruminaaan Space (the blue area marked along the mid-Centaurus Arm) is the single largest community of interstellar civilisations with the widest reach in interstellar space in the entire history of the Milky Way thus far, with the Boueue and Scerere only having came into contact nearly 3,000 years ago. This region of the Milky Way will be the main focus of my ongoing project, titled ‘Ruminaaan Theomachy’, as you’ll all get to see more of as time goes on, so stay tuned, and welcome to the Ruminaaan Theomachy project!
{Milky Way Labels Transcript}:
Norma Arm, Sagittarius Arm, Perseus Arm, Orion Spur, Scutum-Centaurus Arm, Outer Arm
{Sophont Labels Transcript}:
Scerere, Boueue, Udrae, Samrinians & Aniin, Shreau, Jodomii, Humanity, Sirt, Yuruuc, Fline, Katudit, Uut
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thecruxarm · 13 days
Extradimensional shenanigans??!?@?!?!
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It has been *checks watch* a long time since my last post ! Here, have this
It may be impossible to figure out what youre looking at, but above is a being from another multiverse within my setting (yes, there are multiple multiverses. I should post about that sometime) which has 7 dimensions of space, and multiple dimensions of time! They have no concept of names like we do, but often goes simply by "Noun" for simplicity
Due to Noun's 7-dimensionality, the majority of it's body is invisible as it lies in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions, only allowing us to see a very, very, VERY thin section of its body at any given time, with random blobs and pieces blipping in and out of existence as it moves. Due to this, nobody knows what Noun's true body looks like (not that it would really be possible to describe in three dimensions, anyway)
Noun is a simple entity who travels alongside four other beings between different universes and multiverses, infinitely exploring the layers of reality to see what they may find...
Hopefully I'll get around to drawing Noun's "friends" (or things adjacent to friends) at some point, but for now have this :) extradimensional spec bio(?) Yay
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