#Ryoko's treasure | not my writing
derpcakes · 8 months
What Makes Delicious in Dungeon’s Worldbuilding So… Delicious?
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Minor spoilers for Delicious in Dungeon Volumes 1 – 5. At time of writing I’m only up to Volume 6, so please don’t spoil me any further in the comments!
I fell in love with a manga over the Christmas/new year’s break, a fantasy series called Delicious in Dungeon. Perhaps you’ve heard of it—it’s been picking up steam for a while now, and has just gotten a highly-anticipated anime adaptation. The story follows a fractured adventuring party into the depths of a strange, cursed dungeon; legend has it that at the centre of the labyrinth is the Golden City, rich with treasures, but our heroes’ current quest is to rescue one of their members from the stomach of a dragon. Flat broke from having all just died (more on that in a moment), the crew decide to forage for food inside the dungeon rather than buying supplies before they travel. An eccentric dwarf named Senshi agrees to help them out in exchange for the chance to cook the dragon when they reach it, and lo, our intrepid explorers venture forth to eat their way through the monster-filled, subterranean wilds.
While it has goofy comedic elements (and fantastic comedic timing, I might say), DiD is not just a light-hearted foodie series. Across the first few volumes I found my heart racing and my mind boggling as the stakes of the story solidified into something potentially quite dark and dire, while never losing the energy of an upbeat high fantasy romp. I found myself attached to all the characters, even ones that hadn’t initially impressed me. And in the midst of all this, I found myself marvelling at the tastiest part of this series: its worldbuilding, and the seemingly endless clever ways creator Ryoko Kui has constructed this fantasy setting so that feels like it lives and breathes.
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room-surprise · 7 months
Hi there, I’ve been reading your Kabumisu fic (SMHTGOTG) and I am obsessed!!! I love the way you interpret Kabru’s and Mithrun’s personalities and adapt their stories to a modern world. I can’t wait to see more of Mithrun’s past and them meeting the Laios gang!
I truly feel like you gave them the love and depth that Ryoko Kui wants for her characters. I really appreciate it after seeing more one-dimensional takes about Dunmeshi characters on twitter (of course it’s twitter) and even tumblr as the series got more popular.
Kui put so much effort in creating a beautiful and heartfelt story, trying her best to reflect complicated social issues through fantasy setting, showing how characters with varied backgrounds/ races overcome prejudices, grow to respect each other’s differences and how human they all are deep down, all while encouraging fans to care for their health, but all some people zoom in is which race is the most obviously problematic, which race is allowed a free pass to hold prejudice, which character is not that great actually did you not know they were racist at some point in the story??? (Growth? Never heard of her. Ignorance? That’s a CRiME!)
Ironically, all of that just reminds me of how performative the canaries are when they act all shocked and offended about Mithrun stating the slur the elves used to say all the time
(So sorry for the long rant 😭, I just really appreciate your fic and the analysis your made about Dunmeshi among the increasing bad faith takes)
OMG... Anon thank you so much for writing to me! This absolutely made my day. You're very sweet. Honestly I have the best readers in the world you're all paying such close attention to what I write and picking up what I put down, and that makes me so so so happy 😭
The #1 thing I ask myself while I'm planning and writing my fics is "does this feel like something that would happen in Dungeon Meshi?" And I guess I'm doing an OK job of that because people keep telling me what my writing feels like :D
And you are 100% right, there's always been bad takes and oversimplifications of the world and characters of Dungeon Meshi like what you're describing, but since it's getting more popular that means more people are talking about it, which unfortunately means, statistically, that there are going to be more bad takes…
On the positive side, there's also been lots of wonderful new fic and art that people are making, and lots of good takes too! Just a bit frustrating to wade through the swamp of bad stuff to get to the treasure.
Gotta just try hard to stay positive and focus on making good stuff you love, and not stressing about stuff that's bad and makes you upset.
And never apologize for writing me a long message!!! I agree with everything you said and I was so happy to read this when I got up this morning, so thank you for taking the time to write to me. You can write or DM me any time (though obviously you can't stay anon if you're DMing me lol)
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peachyydesires · 4 years
The YTTD Cast Playing Minecraft
genre: crack / platonic relationships
warnings: n/a 
bloopers: 🌳 [tba]
a/n: my good friend, alyson, and i wrote this as a collab together! she has an ao3 account that she recently started for both danganronpa and your turn to die! if you like either fandom, i 110% suggest to go check out her work/subscribe to her! she’s an amazing person so go show her some love if you can!! i recruited her a bit last minute and we spent all day yesterday writing, but this was definitely one of the most enjoyable things to write so far! 
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Keiji Shinogi (Aka The 1st Boomer):
❏ This man has BARELY any idea how to play Minecraft at first. Hell, he even had to get Gin to help him install it on his computer. He has to learn how to even use the basic controls, and he’s constantly asking the others what certain keys do (does he do this just to be annoying? The world may never know).
❏ Once he gets the hang of the game, things go a little bit smoother, but not completely. While he may have quickly learned all of the buttons, there’s still a lot more to Minecraft such as PVP, building, mining, the bosses, crafting, etc, and that takes him an eternity to learn (don’t even get me STARTED on the Nether and the End). Without his other friends, he’d probably be stuck in the middle of the night with zero protection or tools on him to fight the mobs that spawn.
❏ He’s mostly just there for the laughs; while he’ll try to stay out of the way from his friends, he’ll show up at the most erratic times. He’ll either immediately teleport himself to someone in the middle of fighting a group of mobs or invade someone’s house and steal their stuff just for fun. 
❏ While he’s not as much of a prankster as Shin, he’ll still do some of the most random actions ever, even if it’s not to annoy others. He’ll place down a random door in the middle of a room and just leave it there, or make several holes in the ground while trying to punch some grass to clear it out. When the group is on a voice call, 90% of the call is just the others yelling at Keiji to stop planting trees on their farms. 
❏ He’s not one to explore, but wherever his friends are, he is. He’ll tag along with them nearly anywhere, whether they’re doing a dangerous excursion to the End or traveling across the sea, he’ll always be tagging along. He honestly doesn’t know the point of the game, but again, he’s just there for the laughs. 
Joe Tazuna (Aka The Brave One):
❏ Joe has played Minecraft before, but he doesn’t care about building a pretty mansion or planting flowers. This man will live in a tiny dirt hut and beat the game. The one thing that Joe always plans on doing whenever he starts a new world is to get a dog and name them “Sven” after he watched one of his favorite YouTuber’s playthroughs one night instead of studying. He would do anything to save his dog, even if it means sacrificing his friends’ lives.
❏ When he plays on multiplayer servers, he always insists on getting the supplies and food for everyone. It’s pretty much all he does. He isn’t afraid of caves or mobs, and he won’t hesitate to run towards a creeper to stab it repeatedly. He is, however, terrified of skeletons and endermen since they always kill him. Once, he dropped down into a cave after spotting iron on the surface, only to be ambushed by a horde of skeletons. No one came to help him. 
❏ He tends to forget about his hunger level until he actually starts taking damage. The same thing goes with drowning. It doesn’t help that he’s constantly sprinting wherever he goes. Because of this, he’s constantly falling into caves, ravines, and even little holes filled with water, yet no one ever helps him get out. They usually leave him behind, or they think that he’s simply lost. 
❏ His girlfriend, Ryoko, hasn’t yet tried Minecraft, despite him begging for her to play with him 24/7. Although constructing a fancy house isn’t his cup of tea, he’ll do anything to play with Ryoko. He even once asked Sara to help him practice with his Minecraft dates. He needed help with his wording of asking Ryoko if he could put his bed next to hers, so Sara volunteered to assist him.
❏ Joe’s always falling into lava as well, and he gets very frustrated when it happens. Whenever he falls, he starts screaming into his mic while on voice calls (he doesn’t curse because he’s cool like that), yet still, no one comes to help him. Sara only says “teleport to me!” but it’s always too late. Keiji once offered to help him, but Joe declined, saying he didn’t trust or like him since he’s creepy towards Sara. 
Q-Taro Burgerberg (Aka A Minecraft Veteran):
❏ Besides Joe and Gin, Q-Taro surprisingly knows the most about Minecraft. He used to play it a lot when he was younger before he started getting into baseball, so he knows the basics such as crafting and mining. Despite not picking up a controller in years, he still knows all of the mechanics the game has to offer as not much has changed when it comes to the controls.
❏ What HAS changed, however, is literally everything else in the game. All of the major updates over the years have nearly changed the game completely, including the Nether, the End, the villages, even the ocean became useful. He doesn’t realize this at first until he goes into the Nether and sees that it’s completely changed (He’ll stand there for a moment, wondering why the caves haven't been updated but the Nether of all things has). 
❏ He’ll have to completely relearn the game, having Gin teach him all of the new mechanics such as elytras, banners, shields, etc, and all of the new structures including ruined portals, pillager towers, shipwrecks, etc. He’s always confused on call, constantly asking what a certain block is or yelling into his mic, “Uhh, I found something!!” 
❏ One thing about Q-Taro is that he loves to mine. It’s the one useful thing that hasn’t changed all too much, so he can still help out and gather ores for everyone else. Although, he has to have the best armor out of the rest of the group or he might just commit theft. When he learns about Netherite, however, he refuses to wear it; he doesn’t want to admit that diamond isn’t the best in the game anymore, although no matter how many enchantments he puts on it, his armor will never be as good as netherite.
❏ In all honesty, he forgets the majority of the information that Gin tells him. Even after all of the warnings that Gin gives him to ‘not punch everything he sees’, he still punches everything he sees. He’ll run up to something new and whisper vaguely into the mic, “I’m gonna punch it.” And before Gin can scream for him not to, he’ll give the new block or mob a nice good smack. Beehives, llamas, polar bears, and pandas are prime causes of Q-Taro’s many deaths in the game. Regarding the new mobs, he encounters hostile ones a lot. He’ll often forget to sleep (despite everyone else yelling at him to go to bed) when he’s down in the caves, and he’ll emerge from his hole at night only to see 5 different phantoms flying in the air trying to murder him. 
Alice Yabusame (Aka The Sailor):
❏ Alice is a rather frustrated player. Nothing ever goes his way when he plays, and he’s constantly cursing on voice calls. His sister, Reko, sometimes kicks him from the calls to keep Kanna and Gin as innocent as possible (although they don’t really care, and Gin sometimes picks up on Alice’s bad behavior himself when he gets mad). 
❏ Similar to Joe, he’s an explorer. He loves exploring the ocean (especially the water temples), but his cheerful vibe suddenly switches into a pure, satanic rage once he starts drowning. He gets too cocky sometimes, though. Once while he was looking for an End City in the End, he lost control of his Elytra and flew into the void, cursing and screaming in fury the entire way down. The same exact thing happens whenever he falls into lava and loses all of his belongings; if anyone were to make fun of him when he died, he would craft a sword and kill them without any hesitation out of pure spite. 
❏ He would try building a house next to Reko to get a bit closer with her, but once, he went out mining, and when he came back, his house was on fire. He then discovered that Shin was the one who set his house ablaze, so whenever Alice sees the troller, he grabs a stone sword and attempts to kill him (since he’s poor), but Shin is almost always in creative mode, which angers him more and only causes him to scream swear words into his microphone. He begs Sara, the one who created the server, to ban him, but Sara’s excuse is always, “he’s just having fun, which is the whole point of this server.”
❏ Since his house is always being destroyed, he usually makes small bases inside of caves or mountains to avoid Shin, but somehow, the troller always finds them and burns them down or blows them up, so he’s constantly on the run from him. He also does stuff alone since he doesn’t have any friends on the server (besides Nao who sometimes gives him food and supplies). 
❏ Due to having to relocate nearly every time he joins the server, he rarely keeps chests on him. He has nowhere to store the treasures that he often finds in shipwrecks, sea temples, etc so whenever he runs out of inventory space he gives his materials away as gifts to his other friends, especially to Reko. Despite always giving out free resources and ores, nearly everyone in the server finds him odd, especially when he’s quiet for one moment only to be throwing a tantrum the next on the voice calls.  
Shin Tsukimi (Aka The Troller): 
❏ It’s no big surprise that Shin is just as chaotic as he is in-game, if not more, than IRL. Despite being over 20, he often lurks around on the Minecraft forums, always learning new hacks and ways to troll the others in the shared server. For some reason, everyone has server operator on the server, so Shin’s able to switch between Creative and Survival as he pleases, although he rarely goes into Survival.
❏ His only goal in the server is to create mayhem and confusion rather than to actually be productive; he’s always quiet on voice calls (except when he giggles loudly while he’s blowing something up or creeping behind someone), listening in on the other conversations so he knows who he can terrorize next. 
❏ Since he’s in Creative, the minute he joined the game he automatically spawned himself netherite armor and tools while everyone else was running off to go trample the forests for wood. He builds a secret hut, making sure no one else could find it (in the side of a mountain, underwater in the sand using a conduit, really anywhere he can hide). He has chests full of TnT, flint and steel, potions, mob spawn eggs, and redstone in case someone forces him into survival. 
❏ He’s played a prank on nearly everyone in the server; his favorite target is Alice, as he rages the hardest and tries to murder him despite him always being in Creative. He constantly will throw down an invisibility potion and follow Alice into a cave whenever he goes on a mining trip, waiting until he’s right in front of a conveniently placed lava pool before pushing him in. He’s always heard giggling in the background during voice calls while Alice screams out strings of curses and vows of revenge, which are never followed through. 
❏ Sometimes if he’s really in the mood for some chaos he’ll switch into Survival and taunt Alice on the voice call, daring him to come and catch him and murder him now that he has a health bar. This immediately catches Alice’s attention and he literally drops everything he’s about to do just to partake in the wild goose chase that Shin ends up leading him on. He gets close a couple times, but Shin always stands still for a moment before teleporting away to someone like Kanna (“Thanks Kanna!” “SHIN GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE YOU COWARD-”) 
Gin Ibushi (Aka The Kid Leader): 
❏ As the youngest in the group, Gin obviously is the Minecraft pro compared to everyone else. It’s one of the many games that he constantly plays when he’s not playing with his toys, and it’s a good escape outlet for him. He’s been through nearly every Minecraft update, always mastering the new skills such as flying, potion-making, and new PvP tactics as soon as the game updates. 
❏ He was the original one that suggested that the rest of the group start a Minecraft server with him, although Sara was the one that managed to start it up. As soon as he spawns in, Gin’s already off doing who-knows-what to try and speedrun the game, but nearly every 10 minutes he has to stop what he’s doing and help the others out of their confusion. He doesn’t care too much about having a fancy house or not, so he usually just builds a sufficient starter house (which is actually like, 3 stories) in between his adventures.
❏ Somehow, after the first day or so, he already has the strongest armor and tools in the game: netherite. While Shin cheated and used Creative, Gin managed to find the rarest ore in the game (probably after pulling an all-nighter or two admittedly). He’s very insistent on fighting the Ender Dragon early, but everyone else is either off doing their own thing or still on iron armor and afraid of even going into the Nether despite Gin insisting he’ll ‘carry’ everyone. 
❏ Gin is always the one to lead excursions off into the other dimensions. He’s very eager to finish the game (despite having done so dozens of times), and he’s always pressuring/convincing the others to go out and explore. He knows everything about the varying structures and bosses, from the Pillgar Towers to the Ocean Monuments and the Wither to the Ravager(s). 
❏ Surprisingly, he does die quite a lot. Despite having played for years on end, he still makes careless mistakes even when he isn’t being trolled by Shin; he’s fallen into lava pits countless times and died to the occasional skeleton even with his netherite armor (sometimes he forgets to put it on as he leaves it on an armor stand at home so it doesn’t break). One time he was looking for a Woodland Mansion using an Elytra, following a map while flying over several different biomes at once without a second glance as he was focused on the chords displayed on the screen. When he finally realized he was about to fly right into a mountain, it was too late as he smacked right into the wall and fell to his death even after trying to put down a water bucket to save himself. 
Kai Satou (Aka The Quiet Fighter):
❏ Kai hates to admit it, but he’s actually quite a fan of video games, especially Minecraft, considering he played it a bit as a kid. The moment he spawns into the map, he gets wood for a crafting table and supplies for himself, Sara, and sometimes Q-Taro. He’s usually pretty quiet on voice calls since he doesn’t really want to bother anyone, and he logs on sometimes on his own to build a fancy wood house or to get some extra supplies. Once, he logged on and saw that his house was on fire with Shin standing by it, saying taunting things in chat just to piss the loner off. Kai didn’t really care, though, since his houses don’t take him very long to build. Shin is annoyed by this, but still, he just goes after Alice instead. 
❏ Similar to Joe, he’s always out hunting for food or seeds. Every time he plays, Kai starts a farm by a river, pond, or even near the ocean. Whenever someone walks on their/his own crops, Kai silently rages inside his head, but he never tells them anything.
❏ He usually goes on mining trips by himself, and he isn’t afraid of mobs or hostile surroundings. Unless Gin is off helping the others, Kai is always the first one to build a Nether portal or travel to the End.
❏ Whenever he plays, he always gets a cat or two from either the jungle or a nearby village. He likes to give them fish, and he takes his precious pets on his less-dangerous adventures. Once when he logged onto Minecraft, he saw that one of his cats was gone. He looked around until he found Shin beating his helpless bundle of joy with a stick until it died. Kai didn’t say anything to him, but he was furious on the inside. He later blew up Shin’s house with TNT after finding his hidden shack, and being an expert with laptops/computers himself, he also got Shin temporarily banned from the server, making Alice exceptionally happy. 
❏ Sometimes, Kai invites Q-Taro to go on mining or exploring trips with him, and the athlete gladly accepts. Kai tells him about all the new updates that occurred over the years, even though Q-Taro never really pays attention. He’s pretty quiet whenever he talks on voice calls, so Q-Taro is always shouting for him to speak up.
Kazumi Mishima (Aka The 2nd Boomer): 
❏ Mishima had never even heard of Minecraft until Nao brought it up to him one day in class. When Sara made the server for all of them to play in, he jumps into the server wearing nothing but a Steve skin, but Nao quickly helps him change it by making him a skin of his own image. Surprisingly, he got used to the controls of the game rather quickly.
❏ He wouldn’t really know what to do, and he would find Nao doing everything for him, including building his houses and getting him food and ore. He would make a lot of silly mistakes, such as mining gold with a stone pickaxe, eating raw meat, digging straight down, and ignoring fall damage. Mishima isn’t really bothered whenever a hostile mob suddenly appears either and tries to attack him. 
❏ If Mishima ever stumbled upon a village, he would clap his hands in joy. He loves villagers and trading, and would even kidnap some of them via boats to experiment and test what they could do at home. Some of the others are a bit creeped out by his fascination, but Nao and Gin find it to be quite entertaining. 
❏ Despite being a polite, smart teacher in person, his online persona is the exact opposite. He’s always barging into people’s homes and examining their shelters, sometimes stealing a bit of their stuff while quietly giggling on the voice call. However, he once accidentally killed one of Kanna’s parrots, and he was extremely apologetic about his mistake. He even went out in the jungle just to get her a new one despite her constantly reassuring him that it was fine.
❏ Mishima’s favorite mob would definitely be a cow. He doesn’t really understand why, but he loves their patterns and design. He refuses to kill or eat them, but he’s always on board with the idea of capturing them and bringing them home. If he ever encounters a mineshaft, he’s scurrying around the place, trying to find a name tag for his precious cows.  
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Kanna Kizuchi (Aka The One Who’s Scared of Everything):
❏ Even though she’s rather young, Kanna has strayed away from video games for a long time. Sure, she’s heard of Minecraft, but does that mean she’s ever played it? No. But she had watched several Minecraft playthroughs on YouTube before, so she was somewhat prepared when she spawned in with everyone else. She knew the basic controls and learned pretty quickly the other mechanics and new features the game had to offer. 
❏ She thought Minecraft was a rather tranquil game, and she loved all of the details and peaceful mobs that spawned around her. She loves the flowers and trees the most, constantly picking flowers and exploring the grassland excitedly on the first day. She seems to be pretty good on her own until night comes along. After spending all day flower-picking, she doesn’t realize until she starts getting attacked by the hostile mobs that its night. She’s heard frantically screaming and panicking on the voice call before her death notice appears on screen to everyone else. 
❏ After that night, Kanna is terrified of the night sequence(s). As soon as the sun starts to set over the horizon, she’s scurrying inside her house or spam-clicking her bed before she’s even allowed to sleep. Despite people like Gin always reassuring her that she has armor and a sword to defend herself with, she still refuses to go out at night no matter what. She’s also always pressuring everyone to go to bed to make sure she doesn’t have to sit through the night in her house and so that phantoms don’t spawn either (even though she’s never encountered them, she’s determined to keep it that way). She’ll be quiet one moment on the call before suddenly scolding everyone to get inside and go to bed so the server can time skip to day. 
❏ Kanna doesn’t exactly realize that not every mob is either peaceful or hostile. While she isn’t like Q-Taro who’s always punching the neutral mobs, she’s still unaware of certain hostile variants such as the Killer Bunny. One day while Kanna was out picking flowers for the outside of her house, Shin got the grand idea to spawn a bunch of rabbits inside of her house along with a Killer Bunny or two that he hid in her storage room. When she came home, she was rather confused and could be heard quietly murmuring on the call, “Where did all these bunnies come from..?”. Her usual soft and melancholic whispers quickly turned to shrill shrieks as she entered her storage room to put away the flowers and the Killer Bunnies, which looked like regular rabbits to her, began attacking her. Shin obviously began bursting out laughing when his invisibility potion ran out and he was standing in the corner of Kanna’s house watching her run away from the mob(s). Although, after she began sobbing quietly on the call everyone went silent, including Shin for once (although some of her sobs were overexaggerated just so she could guilt Shin for traumatizing her) as he silently noted to never troll her again. 
❏ It’s not very surprising that Kanna has at least a dozen pets. She has an entire pack of dogs (which she only managed to tame after stealing Gin’s collection of bones), several different colored cats, three parrots, two foxes, and even a panda bear she managed to kidnap using Mishima’s classic boat method. She has several rooms in her house that she built purely to keep her pets in, especially the untamable mobs like her foxes. She’s actually rather creative with her rooms, always adding in small details such as scratching posts for her cats and mini trees for her parrots. Her stable for her horses is also humongous and often mistaken for a second house when people run-up to her plot. She also somehow is an expert at coming up with names on the spot and she has a nametag on her 24/7 (admittedly, Shin always secretly restocks her name tag collection that she has in her chest since they’re rather rare and Kanna is too scared to go into dungeons herself).  
Nao Egokoro (Aka The Helper): 
❏ Nao has obviously played Minecraft before, and she was ecstatic when Sara announced that she would be making a server for all of them. She loves making Minecraft skins, and she made skins identical to how they really look for everyone on the server.
❏ She would totally use those Minecraft house building tutorials on YouTube and would help make houses for her friends if they were struggling. Nao would also get supplies for people (especially Alice since she pities him) out of the kindness of her heart. She really enjoys picking flowers with Kanna and getting cute pets/animals for everyone as well.
❏ However, Nao refuses to harm any animal/mob she finds. She sometimes goes on mining trips with her friends as well. Since she doesn’t want to lay a blood-thirsty finger on any of the animals, she begs Alice to go mining with her for materials since she knows he’s a good fighter, and he could fend off mobs for her as she mines. Alice obviously agrees since Nao has helped him out with Shin’s antics, and he would constantly jump up behind her to stab skeletons, zombies, creepers, and even endermen. They both left the cave even happier than before, and Alice didn’t curse once when he was mining with her.
❏ Nao invited Reko to live with her, and her friend happily agreed (Reko would do anything to move away from Alice). They would go on cute trips together, and Nao would build a stable for the horses that they found.
❏ She’s pretty nervous to play the game by herself, and she always waits until someone else is on the server with her (even Shin) before she does something a bit daring. Nao is always frightful when she has to travel to the Nether, and she has to beg people to go with her out of fear.
Sara Chidouin (Aka The “Mom” Friend):
❏ Although Gin was the one who suggested that they should make a server, Sara was the one who created it. She’s been playing Minecraft for a long time (especially with Joe) and was happy when Gin suggested the idea. 
❏ Sara is technically considered the “mom” friend on the server, yet she won’t give a crap about her friends’ issues. If they fell into a hole or were being attacked by mobs, she wouldn’t help them. She would let them die with zero regrets regarding her actions, as she doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal since players can respawn. 
❏ She likes to use Minecraft building tutorials, similar to Nao. She’s started to memorize building patterns, and she’s even gotten more comfortable with building in general. However, she doesn’t admit that she uses them, and she likes to flex her “skills” to the others (Shin always calls her out on this with a snicker or two, but he’s immediately silenced when Sara threatens to ban him from the server for terrorizing everyone else). 
❏ Even though this has already been said, she still doesn’t give a crap about the others’ issues. Alice would always come to her and beg for Shin to be banned from the server, yet Sara would shrug it off and say that he’s having fun. Deep down, she would enjoy watching Shin torment and tease Alice, even if she was annoyed when he bothered her.
❏ Sara spends most of her time on the server with Joe, Keiji, and Nao, trying her best to avoid Kai, Alice, and Shin. She isn’t scared of doing things alone, such as mining or going to the Nether, but there is one thing that she is terrified of: zombies. She hates how much damage they can do, especially when they’re crowded together in a large horde. She has to beg her friends to kill them for her since she always fails. Joe always kills them for her and taunts her, saying that she owes him back. Keiji would accidentally hit Sara, so the two of them would just run away from the zombie. Nao, of course, wouldn’t want to hurt the zombie, so the two of them would also try their best to escape the annoying mob.
Reko Yabusame (Aka The Raider):
❏ Reko is somewhere in the middle of everyone; she used to play every now and then with Alice when they were kids, but the game has updated so much that she forgot half of the mechanics at first. As soon as she spawns in, the nostalgia hits her like a truck and everything comes rushing back to her. So while the others are stumbling around, voicing their confusion into their mics, Reko’s off along with Gin to go punch some trees down. 
❏ Similar to her brother Alice, she gets easily pissed off at the game. While her rage isn’t on the same levels as him, it’s still quite strong. She’ll mutter curse words under her breath, barely audible so the kids in the call don’t hear her. The farthest she’s gone is thrown her controller across her room after falling into a lava pool in the Nether while bridging, and surprisingly it didn’t break. When it comes to her brother and his rage, she’ll often mutter, “Brb.” before leaving her room and storming into Alice’s, and often a loud slap is heard from Alice’s side with no further explanation to the others. 
❏ When it comes to her brother, Reko is one of the few people who can tolerate him. She helps him at the start of the game despite her reluctant groans into the mic but ditches him as soon as Shin starts harassing him. It’s not uncommon for her to have to rescue Alice when he’s running back from mining and is being chased by a horde of mobs. She’ll leave her house with only an iron chest plate on and still somehow manage to murder all of the hostiles while Alice runs inside with half a heart. Besides Gin, she’s probably Alice’s mentor the majority of the time, always teaching him new features that he forgot like potion-making and archery. Whenever he dies (which is very often, unfortunately) she can be heard mumbling during Alice’s screams, “I told you…” 
❏ Reko’s favorite part of the game is the Pillager raids. For some reason, she finds it an interesting challenge for her due to the different levels that raids can spawn in. She has several different strategies, some of which she made up at the last second. Some notable moments include dropping a block of TNT on a Ravager from her tower, spawning in a large group of Iron Golems at the start of the raid, and somehow shooting a Vex with a bow. She somehow hasn’t managed to die even once during the raids, and even Gin can’t believe her skill and sheer luck when it comes to fighting. She often tags along with him when he goes on adventures, especially when it involves the Pillagers (she finds them interesting, what can I say?). It’s no big surprise when she conquers a Wooden Mansion with ease one day while on a trip with Gin. 
❏ After moving in with Nao, she got to teach her pink-haired friend a lot more about the game (especially since she was away from Alice now). She often encourages Nao to step out of her comfort zone and explore, as there’s a lot more to the game than just her house. She accompanies Nao on every mining trip (except for the few times that she chooses to go with Alice when Reko isn’t on) and even takes her out to the other dimensions. She’s always watching after Nao, always standing close to her with a netherite sword in hand to murder any mob that dare come near her. Reko even ends up teaching Nao how to defeat a raid (although she was the one carrying the entire time) and it’s not too surprising when Nao joins the excursion to the End to defeat the Ender Dragon. 
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gofancyninjaworld · 5 years
I trust your tastes. Can we get some manga recommendations from you?
You can totally get recommendations, but I wouldn’t trust my taste! :D  After all, I used to love Bleach (we do not speak its name now).   I don’t read much manga, but over the years, it does add up.   I’ve restricted myself to what comes to mind in 15 minutes! :)
Stuff I’ve read through and treasure
Battle Angel Alita -- written and drawn by Yukito Kishiro.  I will lay my cards on the table: I am a total sucker for good stories about cyborgs.  And I do mean good. It’s so rare that authors put their humanity and agency at the centre of the character.  No fear here!  Alita is most certainly the protagonist, and we grow up with her, from an amnesiac castaway on a junk heap, through her many changes of career and fate, celebrating her increasing independence, her ferocity, and her humanity.  It’s a very interesting world with a truly vast sweep. Also, it’s nice to see someone who actually understands the physics of fighting.  Just a word of warning, Kishiro cannot write an ending to save his life and so far both installments suffer from having a rushed ending following hard on a good opening and a lush middle.
Full Metal Alchemist -- written and drawn by Arakawa Hiromu   Seriously, if I need to explain this one, have you been hiding under a rock? :D  If you have to tell a story about magic, this is how to do it. If you have to tell a story about conspiracies and secrets, this is how to do it.  The Elric brothers and their quest for the philosopher’s stone is just one of the great stories.  It’s got a great anime too: whichever way you go you won’t be disappointed. She’s currently working on a very different story,  Silver Spoon, that’s set in an agricultural college.  Also superb, but hit with hiatuses as she’s having family situations that take her away from the drafting desk.
Monster  -- written and drawn by Naoki Urasawa.  I took a day off work to finish this one. No good deed goes unpunished, so when the brilliant neurosurgeon Kenzo Tenma chooses to save a young boy who’d been shot in the head over operating on a wealthy politician, only trouble comes his way.  Which is a very mild way of saying that the ocean is wet.  Before I read this series, I thought I hated horror stories.  No, I just hated ones that leaned on disgust or shock value to horrify. Jonathan, the boy he saves, is truly one of the most evil characters ever penned, and Tenma’s pursuit of him to both clear his name and stop the horrors that boy spreads in his wake still gives me chills.
Stuff I’m still reading -- or want to finish
A Trail of Blood -- Oshimi Shuuzu.  Seriously creepy story about a boy traumatised by seeing his mother push his cousin off a cliff.  His cousin doesn’t die, but is left severely brain-damaged...and slowly, we’re watching this mother-son dyad spiral into something strange.  If you start, you will have trouble tearing your eyes away.  Still ongoing.
Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle.  I’m just waiting for this story to finish so I can binge it in one fell swoop.
City Hunter -- written and drawn by Tsukasa Hojo.  I really can’t believe I’ve not finished this series yet!  I guess it’s because it just doesn’t feel right to read this one online. It’s one for me to find shelf space and budget to own.
Chainsawman  -- written and drawn by Tatsuki Fujimoto. This is to manga what junk food is to fine dining.  It’s trash but damn enjoyable trash. Violent, cheerfully gory and full of malign supernatural creatures and the mostly disposable humans trying to do something about them, somehow it’s also incredibly enjoyable.
Dämons -- written by Osamu Tezuka, drawn by Hideyuki Yonehara. I’ve only been able to review the first three volumes of this work, but if you’re into dark and gritty revenge quests, this one is for you.  Sadly, it’s never officially been released in English and no scanslation groups are currently working on it.
Dr. Stone -- written and drawn by Boichi.  Pretty good -- it’s set in a world that became petrified for some reason not as of yet fully explained and of its protagonist’s quest to restore humanity using the power of science!  I’ve gone in quite a ways but I’m waiting for it to finish so I can binge.
Dungeon Meshi --  written and drawn by Kui Ryoko.  A really good adventure story. Briefly,  Lauis is desperate to save his sister, who has been devoured by a dragon, before she’s digested and he leads a motley band (is there any other sort?) in that quest. Features lots of great recipes.  Ongoing series.
Golgo 13 --  ‘Finishing’ this manga about the assassin supreme, Duke Togo, is an impossibility. There are just too many stories.  Because the volumes are largely self-contained, this is a story I dip in and out of as and when I encounter one.
Lone Wolf and Cub -- Ridiculously, I’m just one volume short of reading the whole series.  But have I done so?  No. Because then this wonderful, heart-breaking story of the quest of a dispossessed samurai to take vengeance on those who wronged him would be over.
The Way of the House Husband  --  Slice-of-life about the adventures of a yakuza turned house husband.  This story is a scream.  You don’t need to read chapters in any particular order, so there’s no reason to not check it out!
Vertical World  -- written and drawn by Kuu Tanaka.  A story I recently started, it makes the best use of the vertical scrolling online format to describe a surrealist, nearly two dimensional world consisting of a tower that literally goes on forever.
Stuff I wandered away from but can still heartily recommend
Beastars  -- written and drawn by Paru Itagaki. I totally loved the anime of the first season and went to check out the manga.  This is a good, solid story set in a world where nearly all animals are sentient, sapient, and acculturated with predators and prey living in some uneasy harmony. And a wolf falls in love with a rabbit.  I just don’t find it grabs me as much in extended format.
My Hero Academia  -- written and drawn by Kōhei Horikoshi.  Make no mistake, there’s a damn good reason this story is popular.  It’s really a well-realised shonen series featuring the journey  from hopeful recruits to being the upstanding heroes of the world.  Don’t go in expecting One-Punch Man. I find it good, but not compelling.
Origin -- written and drawn by Boichi.  As you can tell by now, I do love good sci fi. Origin has a great premise, revolving around a self-aware robot trying to find out what it means to live a good life and is trying to pass as a human being.  But life isn’t easy.  The one thing that kicks me out is that I really hate the way he draws the women in this story.  So much so I find myself breaking off for weeks at a time.   I’ve taken it as a signal that perhaps I should just let this one sci-fi lie.  Your mileage will vary and if it’s not an issue for you, the story is a peach!
Futari Ecchi -- written and drawn by Katsu Aki.  I bet you weren’t expecting me to recommend a hentai manga, were you?  I’m surprised it’s still ongoing, but that should tell you something about it.  This story is kind. It is humane. It is warm and often funny without being farcical.  For myself ecchi isn’t a genre I’ve found hugely interesting and it’s become less interesting with time, but if this floats your boat, do check it out.
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kolbisneat · 5 years
I’ve really stepped up my comics reading having fully embraced my local libraries. You can just borrow them whenever you want! Also saw lots of movies and watched a lot of the Bachelorette. It’s been a good summer. 
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Midsommer (2019) Oh wow. I’m not one for scary movies but this never felt like a scary movie. Sure it was definitely “horror” in the sense that so much of it is horrific, but it never relied on the typical “scary movie” tactics. For this, I am grateful.
Paddington 2 (2017) The perfect counterpoint and emotional reset after our matinee screening of Midsommer. This video does a better job of explaining why I love these movies, but if you haven’t got the time then know that the Paddington movies are a masterclass in efficient storytelling, visual comedy, and good natured entertainment for all ages. It’s not quite the same as Pixar sneaking in jokes that only adults will get, it’s more that it tells a universal story with familiar characters that land at any age. Just beautiful.
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Okay so I get that illustrating a tie-in book for this movie means I likely can’t be objective, but I really dug the film. Solid themes that carried through to most of the characters and their arcs, as well as some of the most comic-book accurate visuals I could have hoped for. And I really dig the Parker/MJ dynamic here. Ugh it’s just all so good.
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Alien (1979) I don’t need to tell you how well this holds up. Still as subversive and terrifying as it was 40 years ago. Still not sure what the alien was doing in the escape pod before Ripley shows up.
The Dead Don’t Die (2019) This was a weird one. Meta zombie movies already exist. Zombies as social commentary already exist. Zombie comedies already exist. I suppose I was just hoping for something...new? It was all of these things, but it didn’t seem to push any individual element into unexplored territory. The cast seemed like they were having a good time, but I don’t think it quite translated to the screen. I’d recommend Shaun of the Dead, Fido, or Zombieland instead.
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Instant Hotel (Episode 2.01 to 2.06) A 6-episode season of Australian reality tv judging Airbnbs? A cast that includes an 80 year old trying to look 20 and perfect couple who find each other hilarious? Sign me up. It’s available on (Canadian) Netflix but if you can find it, check it out.
Stranger Things (Episode 3.01 to 3.08) Without spoiling too much, I’ll say that this season was on par with the first, and felt better than the second. It’s not as moody and contained, but it really embraces what I take to be the spirit of 80s media. I feel like the early eps were setting up more of a zombie/body-snatchers plot but I don’t think the series likes to stray too far from the core of that first season. Super fun, wildly silly, and once I embraced the lighter tone it really delivered.
Queer Eye (Episode 4.01 to 4.08) This season really seemed to focus on philanthropic and independent businesses and I’m here for it. There was a Wayfair product placement towards the end which...felt out of place given the politics of the show, but dang if this series isn’t a light in the darkness!
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Episode 1.01 to 1.03) What a mood. It’s a slow burn but I’m really digging that the world feels established and that we’ve come into something well after all the big revelations happened. Now that the crazy has settled, we get to spend more time seeing how the crazy affects the day-to-day. Or what the day-to-day looks like in a new, wild world. Digging it.
The Bachelorette (Episode 15.08 to 15.13) Just wild. Watching that rollercoaster with Luke P was excellent television and terrible dating but that finale was *chef’s kiss* perfect.
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Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (Page 230 of 406) Fun so far! There’s far less of the angel/demon relationship than I expected, but that’s only because I’m going off of what the Amazon show has been promoting. I need to do more research into how they shared the writing because the humour and meandering chapters really feel like Pratchett. I’m keen to see where it all goes!
Mr. Splitfoot by Samantha Hunt (Abandoned) I read half the novel before deciding this one wasn’t for me and it’s not because it wasn’t well-written or an engaging story. I found this on a list of good reads for those who like Wonderland and Alice’s adventures, but I’d say the links between the two were...thin...at best. When you’re expecting fanciful worlds and exaggerated characters, but get far more human (and all too real) trauma then it’s a jarring experience. I read a synopsis of the last 100ish pages that I missed and admit that I think I would’ve been satisfied with the conclusion, but it’s a bummer that the first 60% of the book felt like a holding pattern to get to the good stuff.
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 5 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) Still one of my favourite fantasy comics. The characters are nuanced and are continuing to get developed, as is the setting and supporting cast! Every so often it’ll break format, but I appreciate that the gimmick (including a monster-based recipe in each chapter) isn’t getting in the way of good storytelling. I love everything about this and you should be reading it.
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Superior Spider-Man Vol. 1 & 2 by Dan Slott, Ryan Stegman, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Humbero Ramos, and so many more (Complete) I wasn’t sure about this before picking it up but it’s a fascinating study of Spider-Man. It feels like an answer to all those that focus on plot holes and logic. Doc Ock has taken over Spider-Man’s body and he, as the epitome of troll, is just going through and “fixing” what Peter Parker gets wrong. It’s an interesting study in learning more about someone with opposing views. It even keeps Parker’s spirit around to dramatically and comedically respond to his life being taken over by a villain. It’s good! Not the first Spider-Book you should pick up, but worth reading if you want a spider-change. 
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Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, John Totleben, & Steve Bissette (Complete) After hearing good things about the TV series based on this character (still haven’t watched it) I figured I’d check this out. Knowing very little about the character going in, I loved every second of it! It’s a little bit horror, a little bit classic superheroics, and just a touch philosophical. Can’t recommend this enough.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 2: Squirrel You Know It's True by Ryan North, Erica Henderson,  (Complete) I can’t (and won’t) stop praising this book. It’s fun, creative, and funny! Pitting Squirrel Girl against an evil Squirrel just makes sense and is a fun break from the classic Marvel villains. Hopefully we get back to more of the classics, as that’s what I enjoyed most about volume 1, but it’s good to see that the book doesn’t shy away from variety.
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Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff (Complete) Such a great adventure comic! Set in the early 1800s, it’s like a Female Indiana Jones adventure with all the swashbuckling and plundering that you’d want out of a treasure hunter. Mature in its handling of a number of topics, but done in a light tone and without heavy violence. I think it was sorted as a young adult graphic novel in my library, and that feels fitting. Stellar art and charming characters.
The Undertaking of Lily Chen by Danica Novgorodoff (Complete) Very character driven and an interesting foundation for the story (set in northern China when tradition demanded men be married even after they’ve died). There are really inspiring moments with the watercolour artwork and while it didn’t always resonate with me, it really served the story.
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Maze of the Blue Medusa  (Satyr Press) We very nearly had our first character death! Almost multiple! But they’re playing with level 9ish characters and with quick wits it’s proving difficult to defeat them. They’re still kinda wandering around this maze, but I think it’ll all start to come together soon!
And that’s it! As always, feel free to send me anything you recommend to see, read, hear, play, and so on.
Happy Wednesday!
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polar-stars · 5 years
What HC do you have about the polar star (gen 92 and next g ) and their families?
I posted them once back in 2016 or something, when I had my little writing blog of Shokugeki (that I gave up on ooopS)
I’ll just repost them here I guess ! ;w; (with slight edits)
However, Next-Gen wise...could you be a bit more precise? :0 Do you just mean headcanons for the “inner family” (so parents + siblings) or also how I picture the Next Gens relationship to the extended family members (so grandparents, possible aunts and uncles, grandaunts and uncles and so on?)
Ryoko‘s Family:
Ryoko‘s parents are often really busy (business family and all), especially the mother
Ryoko is an only child
Whenever Ryoko comes home from Totsuki in Holidays, her father is always the one who picks her up
In Ryoko‘s holidays, her parents use every free second to be with their daughter, they defiantly make sure, that they do some activities and be home a lot.
Ryoko and her Mom love to go shopping together
But well Ryoko‘s Grandma lives with them, so Ryoko really spends a lot of time with her and she’s pretty much the family member she’s the closest to
It‘s cute, Ryoko‘s Granny often does Ryoko‘s hair, they cook together, talk a lot, it‘s great
The Sakakis have some heirloom which was given to Ryoko and she treasures whatever it is greatly
Shun‘s Family
Shun‘s mother is already dead, she died of an illness as Shun was 6 years old
Shun is an only child as well
Shun‘s Aunt (the sister of his dad) moved into their house, together with her two childs and her husband.
The cousins are a 9 years old boy and a 5 years old girl.
Shun‘s father is not often at home, most of the time he is on travel. 
Shun really doesn‘t talk a lot with his father, could have something to do with that his father drowns himself in work after the death of his wife. He was not there for his son when he needed him the most (when his mother died) but rather became insanely distant and all, which makes their relationship pretty troubled nowadays. 
Also I headcanon Shun to actually didn‘t wanting to go to Totsuki back then (now he regrets nothing, but well) But his father wanted him to go. This is pretty much also my headcanon why Shun‘s pony is hiding his eyes. Shun, a true rebel, just simply announced he won‘t cut his hair anymore when he has to go to this school.
((He does cuts his hair now, but he just likes his hairstyle now)
His mother was great and loving, Shun really does miss her. She told him bed time stories and often took him for walks trough forests.
Shun‘s Uncle is a lumberjack and his aunt is the one who‘s an expert in smoking.
Zenji‘s Family
Zenji’s father is the one he got his glasses from
Zenji has a big sister
His father works for a bank and his mother works for a food magazine
The Big Sister is 18 years old and wants to be an actress, but she is currently working in their grandfathers book store part time
She loves to tease her lil brother about a ton of things
All of them love to watch documentaries and stuff
Zenji‘s grandfather always loves reading books to his grandchildren and is so happy when they come around, the grandmother is always cooking then
And as I said, the grandparents own a book store. And Zenji spent a lot of times in said book store from a young age on. 
Yuki‘s Family:
Yuki‘s family is full of hunters. So is her father. He is a strong man with a lot of humor, like really.
Yuki has two big brothers. One of them is 24 and the other one is 19. They are really upbeat and love pranking.
Yuki‘s mother is sitting in a wheelchair, after a car accident. She still is full of cheerfullness tough. Yuki phones her every week in Totsuki. The Phone Calls always fill more than a hour
Yuki‘s grandparents own a farm and the whole family always meets up there for Grande Family Meetings 
Yuki‘s two brother are pretty protective about their little sister, she and their mom are the ones, they hold back at most with pranks
Yuki‘s father takes his children to Hunting sometimes
Daigo‘s Family:
Daigo is only living with his mother
His father left his mother, but Daigo had been 2 years old when that happened, so it was just him and mom anyway
Daigo loves his mom and she really is a tough, cool mother who is not up to anyone telling her what to do
Shoji‘s Family:
Shoji‘s father is pretty much rarely at home, out of job reasons. So Shoji is also mostly just with his mother.
His mother is really charming and caring. She is very friendly and has good manners. Shoji always tells her everything.
Shoji also has a little brother, he is very protective of.
Isshiki’s Family (he was not in the original post and I don’t have much for him but meep)
This is not really a headcanon but implied in canon actually, but Isshiki has siblings. I headcanon its 3 brothers
He doesn’t have a particular close relationship to any of them, sadly. They actually always kind off excluded him from all siblings-activities. Also all of them basically saw Isshiki as an obstacle to overcome and that all the praise he receives is annoying and that its sickening how he aces everything so naturally.....
Isshiki’s contact to his family all-together them got lesser and lesser once he’s on Totsuki and he fully embraces the freedom of them (literally, I mean...we’ve seen him strip)
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sugarcomatosed · 4 years
hello! i decided to check 13 sentinels out because of you and it was sooo good 😭 i read your fic too - i adore it! i hope you won't stop writing ❤️❤️ ngl iori really is the best girl 😍 oh i was wondering, which couple do you like besides iori and ei?
Aaaa I’m so glad I managed to get you to check out the game! 😭 it’s such a cool story and so many people have slept on it!
I’m happy you enjoyed it and my fic! ;w; The amount of positive comments I’ve gotten on it really have me floored and when I got this message yesterday I was super happy so thank you 🥺👉👈
I haven’t been able to write since March with you know, the everything going on in the world so for so many people to tell me they’re looking forward to more from me is a huge deal. I’ve got a lot of ideas for more sentinels fics but I’m trying not to say what they are or else I tend not to follow through on them 😅 Plus the Ei/Iori fic took about four weeks of constant work so in at attempt to keep myself from burning out too hard I’m on a self prescribed writing break for about a week or so, but it’s hard when I’m so excited and I get kind messages like this, so I hope you enjoy it when the time comes! ❤️❤️
ALSO YES IORI BEST GIRL 😤 I treasure her so much lmao. The first trailer for the game I immediately honed in on her and Ei as the two characters I liked the most and they turned out to be exactly my type of characters and a canon ship so I was thrilled lol
I like all the canon ships! But Hijiyama and Okino, they completely blew me out of the water since I didn’t think we’d get any sort of LGBT relationship and have it so well done, they’re super cute and have a lot of fun layers to their dynamic and it was such a pleasant surprise. I didn’t realize they were a favorite ship till I ended up starting a ship playlist for them (I already had begun an Ei/Iori one) and my first sentinels fic is about them too, so they’re def my second fav ship.
After that mmm hard to say, i actually quite like AmiTaka…I like Renya and Ryoko a lot because of how ambiguous it is what happens with them but I’m also totally cool with them never getting together? Is that weird
If you’re curious for too threes characters wise I again, love everyone, but my favs go
For girls
1. Iori
2. Tomi
3. Ryoko
1. Ei
2. Shu
3. Renya
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pjarox-journey · 5 years
Session #1 - The plateau and beyond
(Actually, this was session #2 and i kind of forgot to write notes the last time and started at this point. But... that should be okay, right? I promise you, nothing interesting happened, like the Great Disapearing Of The Boars)
So, finally, i got the glider! No falling down from cliffs ever again, yesh! Also, the king told me about the calamity Ganon, about the fallen kingdom, and so on. History lecture for Link! Now, at this point i had cleared all the shrines on the plateau, got my 4th heart, and found 7 Koroks already. But i was not done with the plateau yet, no no. I had found a hammer in one of the shrines! Do you know what to do with a hammer? You smash rocks! But not your everyday rocks, resting on the ground, no, i had other plans, much better plans. There lives an Iwarok on the plateau, and he is FULL of loot! Loot is always good, and i could need the rupees soon. Or... more like the gems, i could turn into rupees, but... whatever. Besides that, there was a waterfall in the mountains, and i thought there was something behind it. Also, Octoplatforms, one of the features of master mode, and i was curious about them.
On my way through the forest i remembered to do some preparations first. Better safe than sorry, right? I had already eaten up most of the food i had prepared earlier (i might have gotten hit a few times, eheheh... ^^”), but i had colleceted many ingridients (like i always do. Ask my friends). So i went to the cooking pot, wanted to light the fire beneath it, but... the campfire besides it wasn’t lit anymore! But that couldn’t stop me! I put my only flint onto the ground, and... destroyed it. Go me! -.- So, what’s the second best idea to light a fire? Right, FIRE ARROWS! Imagine Link, standing in front of the cooking pot, aiming on the wood beneath it, and igniting it with a big explosion. I totally didn’t overdo it (if i had wanted to, i think i already had some bomb arrows, so...). Still, i wonder why those bulblins didn’t notice me... Aaanyway... now i got 15 prepared meals after throwing like everything edable (besides my arcons, cause... why should i?) into the pot. Now i was ready!
The ‘first’ day of the big journey started, and it should start with an epic battle against the Iwarok of the plateau. He died in 7 hits. I didn’t even fall down from his back. Well... what a shame. But hey, half a dozen ambers and... stuff. Also, many shrooms around his home! More food!
Next on the list was the waterfall. So i went back through the forest (still no signs of boars. Where the hell are they?!), following all those acorns on the ground (the squirrels had been very hard-working lately, i guess. Well, good for me! More acorns in my bags!), past a hord of bulblins, especially the black one on the mountain, whom i stole the equipment one night. My advice: in master mode, don’t fight enemies, if you don’t have to, especially the strong ones. You’ll just brake your weapons, and won’t get anything of worth from it, most of the time.
But holy, those Octoplattforms, okay? They are amazing! Like... there were two of them, hovering in front of the waterfall. One with a blue bulblin, who died with one shot of my bow, and one with a chest. In it, there was a Knight’s Claymore. If you didn’t play the game, let me tell you: this weapon is incredible good at the start of the game. 38 damage! It can two-shot those nasty blue bulblins! And if that wasn’t enough, the Claymore itself also had the buff for more durability. This was a total jackpot, seriously. After that, i jumped through the waterfall (it was cold. Ouch. Protip: don’t jump through a waterfall of icecold water!), and found three chests! And a Soldiers sword, which was kinda nice. The chests were pretty decent, too: a good bow, 5 arrows and 5 fire arrows. More fire for me, i guess!
Now it was time to leave the plateau. The only thing i was missing was good armor, something i would not find here. After running around that big lake, killing some ice slimes with explosions and raiding another bulblin camp (i was not worth it!), i stood at the nothern edge of the plateau. I was unsure were to leave the plateau. I could go forther to the east, because the plateau was still the safest place to be, but on the other hand... there were horses, right next to the plateau. Kakariko was still far away, and a horse could bring me there way faster than my own feet. So i jumped down, flying to the horses, sneaking to them and... well, the one i had picked out was more like “Oh, hey, hi. I don’t mind you”, so... eh... well, now i got a horse! A brown one, with dark brown mane. I think it’s stats aren’t that good, but for now... everything was good.
I rode east, through some ruins, were i picked up some provisions, mostly apples, but also some arrows, before i moved on. Some bulblins followed me, some of them armed with brooms! The horror, i tell you. But they lost interested in me and my horse quickly, so i reached the Prologia bridge without any casualities.
There i met Brigo, a mere traveller. He told me about the guardians and how i could reach Kakariko. Also, i saw another shrine, which i immediatly paid a visit, of course.
It was the Vashi-Ryoko-Shrine. My 5th shrine! It was about wind, and i just had to fly around a bit. But for one of the treasures, i had to fly over the void, and, eh... i might have fallen down three times, but it was worth it. A Soldiers Claymore for me, still weaker than the Knights Claymore, but still fairly good.
When leaving the shrine, it was already near midnight. The first day was already over, and now i was attacked by a few skeletons. But to be honest, they are more an annoyance then anything else. On my way east, i found another Korok (Stone + hole = Korok. It’s simple), broke a few rocks, and found Giro, the merchant. He might have been asleep, yes, but what about a small midnight trade, hm? I got 408 Rupees for the stuff i sold to him - hopefully enough for a decent armor. I don’t remember the prices, to be honest, but Kakariko is still far away, so i still have enough time to get some more rupees.
After letting Giro sleep again, i found a cave (thx, little statue indicating it), where i found the next Korok (they are everywhere, believe me), and a diamond! SO MUCH MONEY! If i sell it, of course... maybe i won’t - i’m not sure yet.
After riding east (and looting the forest - there were more mushrooms, okay?! D:) i saw the tower of this region. On the other side of the river. So... i left my horse (it has no name, still. Do you have any good ideas?), and jumped over the river, thanks to my ice module. After i went fishing, of course. How to fish, you ask? Well... ever heard of explosive fishing? Cause that’s what i did. It worked pretty well! :3
The second day of my big adventure started with... towerclimbing. Nothing of interest here, but now i got the map of this area. And i was able to jump onto the Octoplatforms here! Two again, one with a (now dead) Bulblin, the other one with a chest wiiiith... a shield. Eh... hm... whatever.
But i didn’t want to leave my horse waiting any longer, so i went back to it immediatly! ...just kidding. I found a flower, which brought me to another Korok (number 10!) on the other side of the river, where i went fishing again, and... well... but i found the remains of the Bulblin there, which i had shot down on the Otcoplatform, so that was nice.
After i had crossed the river again, i finally took my horse, rode a few meters, and... well, there was an empty outpost, and boxes, and... i had to loot it, okay?
And... thats where i am right now. At the outpost, ready to venture east. If i remember correctly, there is a shrine between the twin mountains (on the other side of the river again...), so i should pay it a visit. After that, there is the stable, where i can register my horse... and from there, i could reach Kakariko fairly quick, i think. So that’s my first goal: reaching Kakariko, buying some armor and meeting the big Korok so i can upgrade my bags (MORE WEAPONS!). And after that... we’ll see!
Stay tuned for the next update! o/
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galacticdemon · 7 years
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250 followers! honestly I’ve been on the tumblr rp scene long enough not to put much stock in numbers but I am so thankful for each and every one of you who have allowed this lil space pirate into your muse’s lives! I have loved ryoko for over 15 years and I am so thankful for the warm reception of her character and having the opportunity to share her with others. I’d like to specifically give attention to a few of my partners who are especially amazing!
@kusariyarou rose you adorable pool noodle! it was sitting down and watching hunter x hunter for the first time that reinvigorated my love for anime and the desire to return to this account so that I could interact with some of the amazing characters in the show. you do kurapika so much justice and I am beyond thankful that I found you! you are so hilarious and sweet and you give just about everyone a chance. not to mention your cosplay is a++ 10/10. I so admire your writing and the care you put into the smallest of replies. I love the unlikely, quirky friendship that piks and ryoko have developed and my heart smiles when I see your posts. to many more threads, friend!
@silentconfliction grey!! you are amazing, okay? it was only natural for me to go and find as many space-related muses as possible and since voltron is that and also totally kickass but as happens with many popular fandoms it can be hard to break into as an outside muse. you were one of if not THE first voltron rper to give me the time of day. you put so much love and care into portraying shiro and I treasure our threads together. getting to discover ryoko and shiro’s similarities and carry each other’s burdens has been just??? one of the most rewarding rp experiences I have ever had, and I’ve been doing this schtick since I was 12??? also never question having shiro be ace bc honestly now I cannot think of him being any other way and it is a ballsy move in an environment such as tumblr rp where ships and smut are often the priority. I love you and I look forward to every meme sent and answered and every little chance I get to write with you.
@ayekanaru proof that the tenchi fandom isn’t quite dead yet! as much as I disliked ayeka as a kid watching the shows on toonami as an adult I have learned to appreciate her more and more. you do such a lovely job balancing her seriousness, kind heart, and quirky hilariousness and you are so kind to everyone ( even those sometimes hella weird anons ). come pester me anytime, babe!
@mihoshi-kuramitsu again, I am thankful to have a few tenchi rpers around! mihoshi is a deceptively complex character and as easy as it would be to reduce her to her tropes, you give her such heart and balance her ditziness with plenty of other aspects of her personality.
@reasoningchousin sister sister! what can I say? you knock every character you play out of the park and I’m stocked you picked shu back up.
okay, done gushing, but here are some other folks that I either appreciate and admire from a distance or really enjoy rping with that you should follow!!!
@pyoniumyankee @elasticlxve @hisohhka @bopnty @triadfaes @sinnamon-ban @gowther @gonprohunter @wildmountainkid @jokerhand @memorarane @ardenssolis @vrepit-sa @wrathsinned
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63824peace · 5 years
Sunday, 23rd of october 2005
I went to the office after lunch yesterday, but I took a day off from writing the blog. I just didn't feel like writing. The sun finally shone this morning, so I decided to start working on HIDEOBLOG.
I saw the film Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. It's showing as a special guest film at the Tokyo International Film Festival at the Hills. I also wanted to see Kamen Rider: THE FIRST. Unfortunately it was showing at the same time in the next theater. I chose my beloved Wallace & Gromit instead.
I heard that Kamen Rider: THE FIRST will show in the theater during November. I'll make a point of going then.
The curtain finally rose just before 11 A.M. Wallace & Gromit's father Nick Park gave the introductory speech! Oh, it was real! Nick Park in the flesh! I was so moved.
Then Wallace and Gromit followed him onto the stage! They were quite big . . . and of course they weren't made out of clay.
Nick Park gave an interview while standing between Wallace and Gromit on the stage. The whole affair was congenial and amiable from start to finish. My suspicions were confirmed, too: the director has a distinct Londoner's accent.
Two weeks ago I heard that the warehouse of Aardman Animations burned down to the ground, taking with it thirty year's worth of cinematic treasure. Yet, despite my fears, Nick Park appeared on stage and seemed to be in high spirits.
The much-anticipated new Wallace & Gromit film lasts ninety minutes! It is a long one indeed.
The film was an absolute delight. It was so fun. Gromit took the lead this time, and the theater audience applauded warmly. They were huge Gromit fans like me.
An International Film Festival typically targets mature audiences, but many families with children attended the show nonetheless. Wallace & Gromit is so popular that I expect Japan's reaction will follow England's lead. The film was ranked #1 at the box offices in both Europe and the United States.
Wallace & Gromit has finally become popular in the United States. It will show in all the Japanese theaters beginning March 1, 2006. I will go and see it again next spring.
I would really like to hear Kin-chan dub Wallace's character in the Japanese version.
I saw Rupert-san's name among the film's credits. He seems to have contributed to the film's music. He is Harry Gregson-Williams' younger brother. Harry-san's latest work is featured in the film Domino, which also looks like a great movie.
Universal Studios produced the video game for Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. It has already been released in Europe and the United States. It so happens that Konami has the distribution rights for the game's global release. The game's Japanese release will coincide with the film's theatrical debut.
I played Wallace & Gromit a bit during August's GC Show in Leipzig. I had a good feeling about it then.
The game still carries the warmth of the film's claymation style, yet it is entirely digitally rendered. I'm confident that it holds a lot of promise. I anticipate the Japanese release.
I first discovered Wallace & Gromit when I saw the second film titled The Wrong Trousers. My son and I have been huge fans ever since. I have never missed a Wallace & Gromit exhibition, and I have bought almost all of the merchandise. I own all of the DVDs, and to this date anyone who walks past my work booth can see the remainder of my personal collection.
For ten years I have thought, "I want to make a Wallace & Gromit video game." I was naturally pretty shocked when the distributor told me about the game's release. I felt envious . . . I doubted the game's quality but felt relieved after playing it. The game is well-crafted and it won't tarnish the reputation established by the films.
I have two animated series in mind to transform into video games. One is Wallace & Gromit; the other is Tom & Jerry.
It's wonderful to develop a game for which you wrote the story yourself. I expect that it would also be interesting to develop a game out of someone else's imaginative world. I would need to express another person's creative talent. I'd like to experience that one day.
At lunch someone asked me, "You're working today as well?" I hid my embarrassment and answered, "Oh, I'm just here for the movie." It's really embarrassing when people perceive me as a workaholic.
I took care of sundry tasks in the office. I prepared for my upcoming conference, responded to some mail, and performed various other small tasks.
When I returned home I finished reading Eiichi Ikegami's novel Shangri-La, published by Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd. It was really interesting. It's legitimate science fiction.
This is the type of science fiction that my generation dreamed about and longed to claim as our own. It's the type of writing that excited us, moved us, and enlightened us in the past.
Overall the novel had really good settings. The environments were very elaborate and full of ideas. This is essentially where science fiction finds its charm.
The science fiction story requires that the effects of its setting be established before the storytelling begins. These effects include the narrative establishment of technology and the futuristic society, as well as the imaginative gimmicks and relationships.
Those were the characteristics of my generation's idea of science fiction.
"The Carbon Society!" "Teknology!" It was all really witty.
We exhausted most imaginative material like global warming back in the 70's, but Ikegami's novel treats that material in a fresh way.
I actually had a similar plot somewhere in my backlog of ideas. I got the idea from a news article dated three or four years ago. The article's text read:
"Developing nations have agreed to limit the overall emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Thanks to the Kyoto Protocol however, nations and industries can now barter for the rights on carbon dioxide emissions.
"The principles of the market exchange that started in 19th century Chicago have finally become applied to the exchange of business eco-rights. We are now ready to deal with ecological issues according to the ideology of marketplace mechanisms."
I used this article as a tip and imagined a project based on carbon dioxide emissions within business eco-rights. The story focused on the confrontations between global analysts, national agents, corporations, and mafia organizations behind the scenes of a futuristic carbon dioxide exchange market. Its themes were economic issues and the wars that resulted after petroleum ceased to serve as a viable fuel source.
At the same time I had planned to incorporate terrestrial and oceanic burial methods of carbon dioxide disposal. These methods of waste disposal have been studied extensively.
I don't know if Mr. Eiichi Ikegami used the same news article as a tip. I'll simply bury my old idea for good since such an interesting novel already exists.
My generation's science fiction aesthetics really came around in the 1960's before fantasy became a popular genre. Our sci-fi aesthetic defined a new type of literature that focused on the social aspects of technology. Our aesthetic became converted into movies and then into anime, according to the times. Our science fiction has returned to us in the forms of these new media.
Our aesthetic themes include criticism intending to benefit our civilization, race, and society; an imaginative idea given historical context; a warning for the future; the succession of a new generation to adulthood; and a positive message. The success of the aesthetic doesn't rely anymore upon an original perspective on the future. The vivid manga-type characters enhance the stories and make them more effective.
Ikegami's female characters are incredibly strong. The main characters include Kuniko (the heroine), Momoko, Sayoko, Ryoko, Mina, Karin, Miiko, Nagiko, and so on. One member in the group is a new-half: a transsexual man whose operation procedure is only half complete. At any rate, these women go wild and take action in ways that outshine some action movies. The novel's second half really speeds along! It has enough power and momentum to carry readers to the end in only one sitting!
Shangri-La is a story about Tokyo that could only have been written by a Japanese person. The novel makes its reader feel the essences of Tokyo, the present moment, and the Earth. It is also a bold, audacious novel that makes us reflect upon Japan. It simultaneously delivers Hollywood entertainment while it takes complex narrative turns. I didn't know that anyone could write a novel like this.
Japanese literary culture isn't hopeless, even though it's currently flooded with self-improvement books. Shangri-La is only a novel, but I would like to see it adapted as a movie. I would prefer to see it rendered as animation rather than live action. I can't imagine showing the true charm of the characters using only live action shots.
Does Shangri-La exists in our world? The answer is no, of course. As Kuniko and the others discovered when they awakened, Shangri-La doesn't exist unless we seek it. We create our own Shangri-La.
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polar-stars · 6 years
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After I finally found a spot in my grandma’s house that has at least a little bit decent lightning, I could finally take photos of these early, little holiday greeting for some amazing people in the fandom ;w;
Who honestly deserve way more than my not very aesthetically pleasing handwriting and my inability to draw hearts. 
So alright, we’ve got
Takumi x Megumi for @taku-megu, @mpkp76 and @muggleinvidbuay (who all three love these ships. All three of them are extremely talented and I love all the stuff the put out. And honestly, it’s such a joy to see how passionate they are about their ship! I’m really glad they are a part of the fandom and I can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with in the future.
Soma x Erina is for @hanzome-hasashi, an amazing writer whose contributions to the fandom are gold. I don’t even know how many times I said this now, but “Akai Ito” remains my favorite Sorina fanfiction of all time and I can’t thank you enough for writing it. I remember the day I first read it like it was yesterday ;w; My family and I were in Italy in some very beautiful hotel and it was morning and everyone was sleeping except me, reading this fanfiction so excitedly trying desperately not to squeal and wake everyone up. It’s a memory I honestly treasure, so again...Thank you a lot.
Akira x Hisako is for another amazing writer in this fandom @wishingforatypewriter. Whenever you post something, I almost immediately start smiling. I really, really enjoy the stories you think up and often read them over and over and over. Don’t even get me started how many times I already read the stories you wrote for MarYu! And I can’t thank you enough for them. I love them so much. Your Next Generation is honestly also so intriguing and I am always excited to see new stuff about it! Keep up the good work, I honestly admire you a lot ;w;
Soma x Megumi is for @polar-star-dorks. I’m so glad I met you! Your art style is so.good. I absolutely love it. And your OCs are all so lovely, I can’t wait to see more of them. Also, it’s just so much fun. Making our OCs interact and boding over them pretty much daily. I’m really glad that you’re around and I look forward to your Next Gen fanfiction in the future. 
Shun x Ryoko is for @smokeprincess24 who has always been so supportive to me and I just wanted to thank you for that! I’m so, so glad to hear you enjoy my stories so much!
Satoshi x Nene is for @isshinene...who is so! nice! and friendly! Like I really feel like I am repeating myself, but I am appreciating your friendliness a ton! Your review on my fic was just so kind and whenever you reblog some of doodles I’m like “Yay”. I just really appreciate that. Thank you a lot for your kind words and I wish you a lot of motivation and inspiration for future fics.
Last one is Terunori x Masae for @yourmoontothenightsky. Masae is her OC. And well, you’re honestly one of my greatest support systems in this fandom and I truly enjoy bonding with you over our OCs and making up scenarios on them interacting. You’re so nice and enthusiastic and your words about my stories and OCs always warm my heart! Thank you so much for all of that!
I hope you all like it  and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
Cheers ;w;
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polar-stars · 7 years
for the character meme: yuki and ryoko? from shokugeki ofc :"))
Thanks for the ask ! owo
(Original Meme)
do I like them: Oh hell yes, I do. I love her! So much! It’s an insult to me, if you insult her (for whatever reasons you could have..because come ON!)5 good qualities:
Cutie and an absolute optimistic little sunshine
but don’t get on her bad side really. This young lady is defiantly able to stand up for herself and will. Fear and respect her, seriously. 
No matter how tense the situation, she tries her best to find some encouraging words and cheer everyone up
cares so much for her friends and will fight armies for them
The duck Cutlet she made in the Autumn Elections looked so tasty, I want it
3 bad qualities:
Let her cook again
Often just serves as a reaction character, alongside Ryoko
I don’t like the running gag, between Yuki and Ryoko
favourite episode/etc:
I mostly just treasure just some of the cutest panels/scenes she has got! Which are:
everything she does in the Autumn Elections Premlins. She looks so determined as well as adorable
cheering on Megumi
her getting excited about luxury
But I also just love her interactions with Erina, Ryoko and Megumi. Also, being the trashcan that I am, of course every scene she has with Zenji. 
And well, I mean it did broke my heart seeing her as sad as she was as Polar Star was about to be shut down. But it still showed all her care and love for this house, which is still something that also warms my heart.
otp: Zenji x Yuki, what else could there be?brotp: Ryoko and Yukiot3: Platonic! Megumi and Ryoko and Yukinotp: Shun /x/ Yukibest quote: “I really don’t like this! I don’t want the Polar Star Dorm to be gone! I wanted to be with you guys and together I wanted to cook more with you!” - Chapter 141head canon: Alongside Soma, she shares the title of the second best in Video Games in Polar Star (much to the frustration of Daigo and Shoji). Also, she’s scared of thunder. 
do I like them: Of course I do! I love her, she’s just such an enjoyable character and I will fight anyone for her.5 good qualities: 
she can be so gentle and kind and soft-spoken, in general so friendly
but can also tell you off, if she wants to! This is a lady, okay?
also she’s elegant and level-headed! 
she cares about the people surrounding her. Especially PSD of course. I just love seeing her interact with others, because the interactions are always so charming. 
even tough she’s rather mature and all that, she’s still someone you can have your fun with. I mean, she does bring the “rice juice” to the party.
3 bad qualities:
like everyone living in Polar Star, she could be showcased a little more maybe
often get’s reduced to only her bust (while she is so much more), which makes me pretty sad
I can’t think of anything else?
favourite episode/etc:
the moment she has with Shun in Chapter 96! (which was cut from the anime) Absolute Fave!
But also her performance in the Autumn Elections of course. 
Next to that, every conversation she had with Erina for some reason (these two could be such good friends!), in general her rare interactions with Shun and she was damn awesome in the “Saving-PSD-Arc”?
otp: Ryoko x Shun brotp: Ryoko and Yuki ot3: platonic! Ryoko and Yuki and Meguminotp: Ryoko /x/ Zenjibest quote: “We eat at the same table! We’re family!” - Episode 8, Ni no Sarahead canon: She rarely wears make up, but when she does it’s on point. Also, I heacanon her to be quite the romantic person who enjoys cheesy American Love Songs, writes some romance stories secretly herself and is also into movies of that kind. 
Thanks for the ask again! :)
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