#S: spidervores
safety-writes-noms · 2 months
Wow! If you enjoy the spiderman, what do you think about THE SPOT(omg how i love him) as a nice caring pred?
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I think he’s pretty neat! Definitely a very talkative, anxious rambler :D!! I’d would give him all the hugs, poor dude. He seems like a really sweet guy
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safety-writes-noms · 3 months
Did someone say continuing hyper fixation with Spider-Verse?
You just like me fr. :')
Haha, anyway, here's a thought - do you think borrowers exist in 2099?
How would you imagine an encounter between Miguel and a borrower would go, either in his apartment or in his lab? Perhaps he's tired after a long day at Spider Society and just noms the borrower without asking questions - he'll interrogate them in the morning (maybe he'll feel bad once he wakes up and they're a terrified mess trembling in his gut).
~We love a bit of fearplay followed by comforting reassurance. :D ~
18+ ACCOUNTS AND MDNI PLEASE DNI!! I AM A MINOR!! yesyesyesyes omg imagine being a borrower in 2099
(I didn’t mean to write a whole little fic thing Jesus)
i don't think he's really at his apartment all that often (I'm going off of his original comics leading to atsv) since he's constantly trying to keep the multiverse together so to a desperate borrower, it must be a relief to find a seemingly deserted apartment with electricity and all working components.
and it's massive!! there are a bunch of nooks and crannies that any borrower could just make a nice little home in and it's so easy to get food from the seemingly endless supplies of care packages from some guy named Gabriel (who tf is that?) it seems like a heaven for a weary borrower who's braved giant cannibalistic flying men and flyboys who seem to enjoy stomping out your kind cruelly.
of course there's always a catch. you're sitting on the table when the lights suddenly turn on and a low voice rasps, "Lyla. Lights on, 25% brightness."
A massive figure stumbles through the window in the bathroom. Now, humans and other kind are usually large but this person? absolutely massive. they have to at least tower over any normal human. you freeze in place, blood turning to lead in your veins. Oh gods. You're exposed, terribly exposed. there's no way to get down from the table quickly unless you want to shatter all the bones in your legs.
The person -- seemingly male, blinks at you tiredly. shadows stretch deep beneath his eyes and he's in a sort of suit, a blue-ish black, embellished with angry red that leers at you in the form of a skull. you've seen it before in the snippets of newspaper you've scrounged up from the trash and the glimpses from the holospheres around the city low to the ground. Spiderman, reborn. Spiderman, back from the dead, futuristic and without qualms of killing unlike his predecessor.
Oh no. you've made a home for yourself in Spiderman's apartment. or worse, a Spiderite. But going off of how high-tech that suit is and how accurate it is, this guy is either the genuine article or a very devoted Spiderite. either way, you're doomed.
The man just stares at you for a moment, dropping off his bag and crawling in from the bathroom window he opened from the outside. definitely the real thing. He sighs and trudges over with an exhausted glare. oh, he looks pissed. super pissed.
you tryto escape, you really do, diving off the side of the coffee table with a split second thought. unfortunately, your home invasion victim also seems incredibly fast and a massive palm curls around your body before you hit the hard ground. it knocks the breath out of you entirely and you open your mouth soundlessly, too shocked and terrified out your mind to plead for mercy, to beg, to cry, to do anything.
it all happens so quickly. one moment you're being held in a warm palm, the next second you're confronted by a fang filled maw, sharp canines on full display as you're unceremoniously stuffed inside.
this time you find it in you to actually scream, fat load of good it does you. the massive tongue (oh gods, oh gods, you're in a mouth) curls around your body, soaking you in saliva, turning you over, squishing you in the fleshy side of a cheek. You're getting kinda dizzy and any protests to this confusingly gentle treatment are silenced pretty efficiently. While you're glad you're not being crushed to a broken mess by those horrifying teeth, you're still so, so scared.
Then everything pauses and you breathe, laying on the warm ground. you know ifs not actually ground, but if you dwell on this any more you're gonna give yourself a panic attack. then everything shifts and you're sliding downwards to your horror. please, you find yourself praying, don't let me die like this. Oh, whatever up there, whatever exists. don't let me die like this.
and on par with your usual luck, whatever up there just cackles in your face and you manage a small, hiccuping cry as you're squeezed down a tight, undulating tube. it's awfully warm and slick and with a loud gllk, you're sealed away. you squeeze your eyes shut and pretend that the warmth sliding down your face is just saliva and not tears.
It might take forever. It might take a second. You retreat into the foggy recession of your mind for a little bit until you register sliding somewhere more spacious. This is when it really sets in. You’re stuck. You’re going to die. In this soft, cushy place thrumming with warmth and gentle tightening squeezes, all you can think about is the fact that you are somewhere inside another person, you’re stuck, and there’s no getting out.
Hopelessness swamps over you immediately and you tuck yourself into whatever corner you can find in this ever shifting, curling, living space. You don’t want to think about the fact that you’re in a stomach. Or anywhere really. You can’t do anything. Maybe, if you close your eyes, it’ll be over soon. Faintly, you register the fact that you’re shaking like a leaf. Trembling.
but all you can feel is utter despair. Is it too much to ask for a home? Are you simply not born for happiness? It seems your luck has run out. Too bad there won’t be a next time to try again.
Okay. Maybe Lady Luck hasn’t forsaken you entirely, yet. You wake up (miraculously!) and though you find yourself still inside your captor’s stomach, you’re in one piece. It’s a slow, screeching, clawing way to full wakefulness because you feel so sleepy — something that’s immediately shattered to pieces once you hear a low, grumbly voice of the giant that’s sentenced you to a slow, painful death.
“You awake?” The walls around you contract a little as he seemingly pats his stomach lightly. You’re too petrified (and furious) to respond. Awake? What is this human playing at? Oh gods. You desperately pray that this one isn’t hoping to play around with you before killing you. “Come on, I can feel you moving in there.”
moving? More like shaking. But you don’t see a point to keeping silent much longer since he already knows you’re not asleep.
“What more do you want from me?!” You yell, and your words crack in the middle, splintering into stifled sobs. Maybe you lied, before. Warm wetness spills down your cheeks and you wipe away your tears with a soaked sleeve, sniffling pathetically. You think it’s warranted, at this point. There’s no one to make fun of you now (except the giant.) “Isn’t it bad enough that you’re gonna kill me slowly? Painfully?”
the reminder of it all just creates more fresh tears. This isn’t fair. All you wanted was a home. Somewhere that was safe. You suck in a breath through your teeth, burying your face in your knees. It does no good. You can still feel the muscles of the stomach beneath your feet.
There’s a thick silence for a moment, broken only by your stuttering cries.
“Shocking hell. I’m not — I’m not gonna kill you. I’m not gonna hurt you.” This time, the human sounds distinctly guilty. “God. No, no no. Shit.” He groans, and you sniffle. He should feel bad, you think viciously. Then your brain catches up with the rest of what he actually said, and then blue screens.
“What do you mean you’re not gonna kill me? You ate me!” You shriek, almost hysterical. The human sucks in a breath through his teeth, just barely audible from the gurgling ambiance and beat of his heart, somewhere inside the body.
“I… did do that, yeah,” he agrees slowly. “But you’re safe. I swear it. Look, I’m sorry. Don’t worry, you’re not gonna be hurt in any way, shape or form. My body is uh, weird like that.” The walls around you squeeze comfortingly, almost like a hug. To your immense dislike and surprise, it makes you feel just the slightest bit better. Gods.
“Then — why did you eat me in the first place?” You hiccup and the man sighs.
“I was. Tired.” He admits bitterly like he’s disappointed in himself for that. “I can fully own up on this — I really wasn’t thinking. I’ve got these instincts and — shock, these sound like excuses. What I’m trying to say is, it was a mistake on my part and I’m sorry. You’re safe. I’m just wondering what you were doing in my house..”
You don’t know what to make of his explanation so you just decide to keep it going. If he’s telling the truth, then you will personally make a shrine to Spider-Man like a full on Spiderite. Maybe.
“I was — I needed a place to live. My old one was demolished by some flyboys. I’m — im sorry. I didn’t know this place wasn’t abandoned. I just — I just wanted a place to call home.” You’re crying now, for real. You’re not ashamed to admit it.
The man sighs again.
“Shh. S’okay. You’re fine. You’re going to be okay. I’m gonna let you out in a bit, alright? I was wondering why Lyla kept tripping the sensor for mice… guess I got my answer.” He mutters that last part to himself and you blink at his rueful tone. This human is achingly gentle, or at least, from what you can tell. You’re hoping against hope he’s telling the truth… but he tried to comfort you. And to your disdain and slowed tears, it actually works. Damn him and his dumb deep grumbly voice. It vibrates through his body lightly, but you can feel it. “Don’t cry, I got you. We can talk more once you’re out, okay? My name’s Miguel. You’re okay.”
and because you’re that dumb, and that hopeful, you believe him. After all, Spider-Man has historically been for the people.
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safety-writes-noms · 2 months
Thoughts on Hobie Brown? I feel like he would be a very chill pred
he would totally be a chill pred omg!! currently supposed to be resting rn because I sprained my leg but I couldn't stop thinking abt this ask :D (ps ur art is very awesome but that's unrelated)
i think he'd be sorta teasing, but in a more laid back manner. he doesn't mind it if you wanna situate yourself on his shoulder (though watch out for the spikes) and has no problems holding you in his palms. Hobie understands that you're small, you're breakable even if you're also a spiderperson like him, so he's pretty careful handling you in general.
he'd totally ask you to sneak into Miguel's office/lair to grab some parts he needs for his latest invention or doohickey. the boss probably won't even get mad at you if he catches you, more tiredly resigned. you two can cause minor mayhem around HQ since you can get into all the tiny spaces he can’t.
he’s mostly chill about everything including noms. You want in? What’s the password. Just kidding, there’s no password, he’s messing with you. Then he’ll tuck you away with a gentle swallow. Inside is mostly soft, though not too loud. There’s usually not much inside since he doesn’t really like to eat if he knows before hand that he’s going to eat someone.
it makes him feel over full, and it’s just kinda messy in general. Other than that, he doesn’t really mind. If you don’t want anyone to know where you are, he’s your guy. He’ll guard you like he’s being paid for it, lying off his ass like a licensed professional. he runs warm for sure as well, so it’s a good place on a cold day.
he’s got a habit of tapping absentmindedly on his stomach when he’s got someone inside. It’s sorta like a muffled drum, faint but there. For him it’s kinda like a reminder that he knows you’re there. He hasn’t forgotten, he’s not ignoring you, etc. overall he’s just super cool honestly
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safety-writes-noms · 2 months
After that last post, I need to know what you think about borrowers in Noir or Peter B’s universe/ first interactions 😭😭
Omg i haven’t made anything for noir in a while! I’ll do him since last post was about peter.
hm I actually haven’t read any of noir’s comics (yet :3) but I know a bunch of crazy shit happens so borrowers aren’t out of the left field for the over all universe. And I think noir would honestly appreciate finding a little tiny person than a nazi so. He’s definitely polite about it, mildly curious about their overall existence but not hostile. I’d like to imagine him spotting one crawling in through one of the many holes of his apartment in the middle of a storm, sopping wet and shivering like a leaf in the wind. he’s not doing too hot himself, nursing a bullet wound and a couple holes/tears in his beloved trench coat that he’s stitching up after a long patrol. He’s tired, a little irritated but mostly just relieved to be home. But recently, he’s noticed that some of his food has started to go missing. Little bits, like a stray biscuit or a few nibbles of cheese. he’s set out mousetraps but they’ve turned up empty.
the little creature stares back at him in apparent horror, and he blinks at them in confusion. He hadn’t been aware such small beings even existed, but oh well. He manages to calm them down with a little coaxing and tentatively, they become friends. I feel like they’d only interact a few times when the borrower has to crash somewhere and knows they’ve got a safe place with noir, or when they happen to spot each other when noir is half passed out and bleeding at the door to his apartment.
he definitely puts away all of his mouse traps just in case and they grow closer and closer to the point of which the borrower wants to help out noir. They’re quick, they’re quiet, they’re sneaky. If anything, they’re perfect for listening in for intel etc. noir himself is a little hesitant, but the borrower is just so insistent on giving back to him somehow. And it works! Noir isn’t getting as hurt since he has an idea of what’s going on and can prepare accordingly.
Surprise surprise, this eventually backfires and Noir ends up having to rescue his little friend after a near death experience with getting caught. While he would usually just stash them in one of the pockets of his overcoat, it’s just too dangerous when he’s trying to fight off 10 nazis at once. Desperate situations call for desperate solutions, so he rolls up his mask and pops them in his mouth. With a couple of gulps (and a few winces at the odd, squirming thing nestled in his core) they’re cocooned safely in his gut, leaving him free to keep on fighting.
It’s instinct, a small voice whispering in his mind that this is safe, this is okay, and he’s out of options. Is it some weird trait from the spider god that gave him his powers? Definitely. Is he going to question it right now? No, he’ll freak out about this afterwards.
This turned into a weird story/blurb so its really disorganized 😓
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safety-writes-noms · 7 months
Midnight Snack
Yay! We reached 200 followers so im just gonna put out a little short story for you guys as a thank you :D
This story has vore in it! It’s all sfw and nonsexual!!!! If you don’t like that, then just ignore this and click away.
Summary; Miguel hasn’t been taking care of himself lately so you decide to make sure he doesn’t keel over and die from exhaustion.
Now, you knew beforehand that Miguel is a man dedicated to his job, but this is unreasonable. 
“A week?” He avoids your probing gaze expertly as you frown at him from his desk. “That’s how long you haven’t slept? Do you know how bad that is??”
”I’m busy. I can’t sleep.” He responds with a little shrug, as if it isn’t that big of a deal. As if his skin isn’t worryingly pale and the shadows under his eyes stretch deep. If it weren’t for the fact that you had forced him to eat on a fixed schedule, you assume he would’ve also skipped breakfast, lunch and dinner regularly. While his determination is admirable, it’s seriously worrying to see him in this disheveled state. 
His hair is all mussed up and his eyes are blank, staring uncomprehendingly at the bright monitors covering the entirety of his desk. You scowl, crossing your arms as he steadily ignores you.
”Miguel! Come on, big guy, look at me,” You tap one of his hands and he tears his eyes away from the holographic report to stare at you. “This can’t be healthy. You gotta take a break, man.”
His brows furrow. 
“I can’t. I have to — I have to make sure everything’s fine. Everyone.” He shakes his head stubbornly and you can’t help but huff. He’s pausing, blinking slowly and dragging his eyes back open laboriously as he struggles to function normally, much less hold up a conversation. He’s probably only staying awake through sheer will and spite.
“You can do that after you’ve gotten a good rest, Miguel. You’re gonna end up collapsing or something.” If you could, you’d grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Maybe that’d get some sense into him. Unfortunately, since you’re about the size of his pinky, you settle for pushing at his hand. 
He barely pays you any mind, though he seems pretty out of it in general. He’s not listening. He’ll run himself to the ground, and while it’s not your job to care for him, you’re going to anyway since that’s what a good friend does. Plus it would kinda suck if the leader of the Spider Society died from sleep deprivation. 
“Lyla. Turn the computer screens off, but leave the lights dimmed at 20%,” You call and the glowing hologram flickers to life next to you. 
“Aye aye, Captain,” She salutes cheerfully and the bright orange interfaces go dark. Lyla promptly glances at Miguel and grimaces. “Oh. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, boss?”
Miguel musters up a vague frown, bracing himself heavily against the metal of his desk.
“Hey! I needed those. Turn them back on.” He bristles but the words are lukewarm. He has to be completely exhausted because he barely even fights back. Lyla clicks her tongue disapprovingly.
”Nuh uh, I don’t think so.” She wags a finger at him. He bares fangs, though he looks resigned. That’s a pretty good sign. Means he’s pretty close to giving up.
”I made you.”
”Actually, Xina did.” 
“Lyla — “
You clear your throat as loudly as you can and Miguel turns to look at you, irritated. 
“This is your fault,” He mutters sullenly, perfectly audible to your ears. Unrepentant, you grab at one of his fingers again and tug until he grudgingly flips his hand, showing his palm. You hop in easily, keeping steady as he carefully brings you up to his face so you can feel the full extent of his watery scowl. ”Are you happy with yourself?”
“I’ll be happy when you decide to go to sleep.” You bite back and he sighs loudly. 
“If I sleep for a couple of hours, will you get off my case?” He asks exhaustively and you nod your head grudgingly after a moment of contemplation. A couple of hours isn’t the best but you’ll negotiate with him later. 
Lyla claps her hands together happily. 
“Yay! This is great,” She turns to you and glitches up to you, holding her hand out. You take it and the two of you shake in mutual respect. Miguel just watches with a defeated sort of air. For a man who’s usually so stiff and stern, it’s only at the dead of night that he lets himself crumble. You find it somewhat touching that he trusts you enough to show his flaws, even though he pushes against your care most of the time. 
“You’ll both be the death of me,” He groans and Lyla sticks her tongue out at him. 
“I’m actually trying to keep you alive, thanks,” She snarks back before vanishing in a dizzying whirl of golden sparks. Her disembodied voice echoes from the ceiling. “Also, you’re locked out of the computer system for the rest of the night — unless it’s an emergency that needs your assistance. Have a good night, boss!”
Miguel’s head snaps up at her last words before he just sits down heavily in his creaky swivel chair. His head comes down with a loud thunk, the hand with you in it still held aloft. You wince. That couldn’t have felt good. 
You hop off easily, absorbing the impact with a roll as you poke at his cheek. 
“This is no place to take a nap,” You scold.  “Think of the back pain you’ll feel when you wake up tomorrow.” 
He makes a muffled noise of annoyance, but pulls himself up regardless. Miguel sets his hand down in front of you again, which you clamber into quickly. He raises it up to his shoulder, and you take residence there as he begins walking over to the cushy couch shoved in the corner of his rather massive office. The kids had smuggled it in somehow and it just never left. Now, it’s main purpose is for movie nights and the occasional nap or two. 
He slowly lugs his body onto the cushions with a quiet grunt, making sure that you don’t get knocked off with the motion. Even when he’s half asleep and tired out of his mind, he’s still unimaginably careful while handling you. While it’s appreciated now, it can be a bit stifling when out on the field. You just happen to come from a universe smaller than his, you’re not made of glass.
”Two hours. Then I’m going back to work.” He says, phasing away his suit to reveal rumpled but soft looking clothes underneath. It’s some sort of futuristic fashion with a high open collar and unimaginably soft fabric. 
“A whole night.”
”Three hours.”
”A whole entire night.” You insist stubbornly and he blinks.
”… Five hours.” 
He huffs, aiming a glare at you with little to no heat. 
“I can’t take that long of a break. I have things to fix and repair. And missions to coordinate.”
You raise an unamused eyebrow. 
“The other spiders can take care of that, Miguel. You have hundreds of incredibly smart people who are willing and eager to help. And Lyla can do that last one. She’s connected to everything.” Miguel still looks hesitant so you decide to sweeten the deal and play your trump card. “Look. I’m tired too, y’know? If you agree to sleep until morning, I’ll let you eat me.”
He’s silent for the count of five before he shifts slightly. 
“Right now?” He raises a brow at you and you nod. 
“Yup. I don’t really mind it, y’know. I think it’s comfy.” Miguel looks faintly confused but seems to be considering his choices. 
“… Fine. A whole night’s sleep.” He finally settles on, and you slip down from his shoulder to his chest, squinting through the darkness you know he can see clearly through. Miguel hesitates for a moment before gently grabbing you from between his thumb and forefinger, lifting you up to his head. 
You dangle from his hold, blinking as he apparently works things out in his head, sharp eyes examining you carefully despite the fact that he has gulped you down before with relative ease. 
“Alright. The watch will make sure you’re fine. Just call me or send me an alert through it and I’ll get you out. Got it?” He asks and you nod eagerly. 
He opens his maw wide and though you can’t really see in the dim light, you can see the yawning abyss of darkness in front of you, highlighted by sharp white teeth and fangs. His breath whooshes over you, making shivers wrack through your body despite the relative warmth of it. You reach up and tap one of the fingers holding you up, signaling that you’re ready and he makes a quiet hum of acknowledgement. 
Miguel inhales slowly and slowly lowers you into his mouth. The first sensation you get is wet. Saliva soaks into your suit and you slip a little, bracing a hand against the slippery soft flesh of his tongue. The second is temperature. Everything is moving around you, so wonderfully alive and warm. His tongue curves underneath you, the powerful muscle shifting so it can wrap around you loosely like an oversized blanket.
His mouth shuts with a quiet click of teeth and all of the faint light from outside is cut off, leaving you within the darkness of Miguel’s body. You go slack and still, letting him absentmindedly taste you, push you from one cheek to the other subconsciously. 
You feel him soak you in spit, not protesting or fighting back as he readies you for the journey below. Miguel is still gentle, careful. Nothing is too rough or hurts at all, even when his tongue tentatively presses you up against the hard palate of the roof of his mouth. After a long moment, he tilts his head back, just barely.
You slide toward his throat, squeezing down the tight fleshy tube accompanied by a couple of large gulps to help get you down entirely. The sound of his swallows is loud and for a moment it’s all you hear as you’re moved down. It’s not a bad pressure and you’re mostly used to it as you slip down from his esophagus and into his belly. 
And man, it’s so much warmer here and also so much more comfortable. The soft flesh here contracts slightly around your body as you find a comfortable position to lie in, tucking yourself against a wall with a yawn. You press a hand against the mass of warmth and squishiness under your fingers, blinking when it ripples across the entire expanse of his stomach. 
It’s quiet for a moment before Miguel clears his throat, his voice oddly loud and muffled at the same time.
”You okay? Need me to get you out?” He asks, and you make a lazy hum in response.
“No, I’m fine, man,” You sink deeper into the comforting warmth and you hear something like a quiet chuckle from above. It’s good to hear him sound relaxed for once. God knows he needs some relaxation anyway. 
“Okay,” he sounds tired and everything is still before your surroundings shift and you tumble somewhat quickly into the side wall of his stomach. He must’ve turned over on his side. ”… Thank you. You care too much about me.”
You frown, picking up on his meaning quickly.
”Well yeah, you’re my friend. Besides, if I was working myself to death, you would’ve done the same, right?” You say and he huffs, laying a palm over his stomach. You can feel it in the way the slimy-squishy walls indent around you. 
“It’s not the same.”
”How so?”
”It just isn’t.” Miguel says firmly and you roll your eyes.
”Agree to disagree. Also, go to sleep! I have no idea how you’ve stayed awake this long. We’ll talk about that tomorrow.” You promise, pressing your hand against the closest “wall”. He makes a quiet noise, but it’s quickly drowned out by the familiar sound of rumbling vibrating through his entire body. The volume of his contented purrs are quiet enough that a person outside would have to strain their ears to hear it.
From where you are right now, the comforting noise is steady and somewhat loud. It’s not overwhelming though — it just blends into the other sounds of his stomach growling and his other organs working somewhere else in his body. You stretch and settle down with a quiet yawn. 
Then everything shifts around you, contracting and moving to cradle you securely in complete warmth and comfort. 
“Goodnight.” Miguel’s low voice echoes from above and you close your eyes. 
You fall asleep that way and he quickly follows, a hand settled carefully over his stomach and fully content.
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safety-writes-noms · 6 months
I saw that amazing story you did with feral Miguel and now my mind is RACING with ideas. Is it only when he gets injured or under high stakes in general? Is it ONLY Miguel who gets like this or spider society in general? So many possibilities.
One Idea that stands out is does Miguel like to groom his tiny friends when he’s feral? He catches em and grooms them before scooping them up inside for some relaxing interior paddling pool time.
Ooh these are great questions! In the story i was just thinking along the lines of him being injured deeply (even though i only wrote that he had lacerations and broken bones, he was supposed to be more beat up 😓. Basically was in a bunch of pain) while also missing one of the people he seriously cares about drove him to be less in control of himself. he was under a whole bunch of stress because the reader is the smaller than his pinky — what if they’re dead??? And he cant track them through his watch, he’s running on little to no sleep, and he kinda just zones for a bit and then fades out as the spider brain takes over in his lapse in control. Also i do think some of the other spiders would also go kinda crazy like that in certain situations! Maybe not exactly like Miguel since their spider dna might come from different species of spiders.
And also yes???? that is such a freaking cute idea. I can totally imagine him licking over whoever he’s decided needs some extra cuddle time before gulping them down. I couldn’t stop myself from making a couple messy doodles :o
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safety-writes-noms · 6 months
Blank Eyes
Summary; Miguel and you are separated after a mission gone wrong. You go looking for him… only to find him in an odd state.
This is a short story with vore in it!! It is sfw and nonsexual so if you don’t like that, don’t read!
Tw; there’s some fear play in this one but still all safe. There’s also some descriptions of blood and violence :D
The first thing you register is the crushing pressure over your chest, Your head is spinning and aching with a fury, sharp pain lancing down your side every time you try to breathe. Your hands scrabble at the hard edge of the thing holding you down, finding purchase and pushing.
Your arms tremble and your palms are tacky with blood – but you manage to shift the massive slab of concrete off of your body, and roll out from under. The second you let go, the thing crashes into the ground with a massive plume of dust. 
For a moment, you have no idea where you are and how you got here before your memory revives itself with a sickening flash. The mission. The explosion. The shadow falling over you as debris rained down from above, the sickening jolt of pain – then darkness. 
Your ribs have to be at least fractured judging by the ache nestled in your chest, you definitely have a bad sprain in your left ankle, and overall, you feel like all of your body is just one massive bruise. Everything hurts like hell, and you take a second to catch your breath and prepare yourself. 
“Okay – okay, come on,” You mutter, taking a fortifying breath, “You’ve got this – you totally got this.”
You delicately push yourself upwards, ignoring the concerning tightness in your chest accompanied by aching agony, struggling to your feet with difficulty. Your ribs practically sear with pain at the movement and you pray that they're not broken. 
You check your wrist, wincing at the cracked watch strapped over it — when you try to turn it on, it fizzles pathetically before the screen goes dark with only occasional glitches of light. Still, you should at least try to get a message out. 
“Hello? Uh. Can anyone hear me?” You ask, fiddling with the dial on the side of the watch as you try to get out a signal. The dial promptly pops off the damn watch and clicks as it bounces on concrete, disappearing into the debris coating the ground. You gape in disbelief. Miguel is totally going to give you shit for that. 
He was closer to the explosion — there’s no way he didn’t get buried under the rubble too or at least somewhat injured. Something cold and frigid burns into your organs and you look around, searching for a glimmer of neon red or dark blue. It’s too dark in the partially crumbled parking lot to see much. It’s massive, compared to you and you silently curse this dimension’s — well, dimensions. It just had to be one of those giant ones, didn’t it? 
Either way, you decide to look at the bright side: You’re not dead (yet). Hooray! And Miguel is too stubborn to die too, you reassure yourself. There’s no way he’d kick the bucket from a measly bomb. 
You limp along, carefully stepping around bits of debris and rubble littering the floor, waving away the thick dust permeating the air. You’re thankful that this area is abandoned — you don’t need civvies to make things harder. 
“Miguel? Boss? You there?” You call out, cupping a hand to your mouth. No answer. You frown. He has to be here somewhere. You duck around humongous support pillars holding up what’s left of the second, third, and other floors up above. There isn’t much, but there’s still some. 
You scout out the bottom floor, finding nothing but more cracked infrastructure. It takes you a while with your injured ankle and throbbing abdomen, but you manage it, coming up disappointingly fruitless. How does one lose a 6’9 man with shoulders the length of a football field? Easily, you find out with annoyance. 
He’s wearing a neon suit brighter than Las Vegas. It really shouldn’t be this hard but it is.
However, you do find traces of bright crimson webbing, strung up messily. Erratically. Normally, Miguel is knife-precise with his webbing but you’re more focused on the fact that you found traces of him to really think about that. You also find deep claw marks from where he had probably dug himself out of. Awesome. That means he’s not collapsed in a pool of his own blood somewhere. All good signs. 
Unfortunately, as you follow the trail of webbing up, he’s climbed up to the second floor and is somewhere up there in the ruins. Is he looking for you? You had been on the second floor when the explosion went off initially, only to be knocked all the way down. That’s a little weird — you thought he would’ve taken a more methodical approach of searching all of floor one before moving on, but you dismiss it. 
Half the time, you have no idea what he’s doing anyways. It’s probably not that important, and you now have a cookie crumb trail leading you straight to the big boss himself. You plaster your palms to one of the support beams, hissing in pain as the scraped skin meets cool concrete, but you force yourself to climb anyways. Your hands ache, and you’re going at the pace of a snail, but at long last you manage to make it up there with some help from your webs. 
From there, you just follow the geometrical lines of Miguel’s webs, rounding corners and avoiding chunks of concrete and various pieces of rubble. It’s darker here, and the only sources of light are the neon webs glowing dimly from where they’re splattered randomly upon surfaces. 
Your healing factor must’ve kicked in by now, since the pain in your ankle is lessening — if not incredibly slowly. You’re able to put a tiny bit more pressure on it as you walk on, periodically calling out for Miguel. 
There’s no answer. 
You don’t let it get to you. And you do find Miguel, once you slip under a fallen pillar and see — a massive figure hunched over in a corner, suspended in a nest of crimson webbing. You mutter a curse, squinting up at him. He’s not moving and other than the occasional rattling hiss of breath, it’s utterly silent. You find your heart starting to constrict on itself. A fear response. Why? Miguel isn’t a threat. He’s fine. 
Why do you feel like this? There’s an impending sense of danger shrieking in your head but maybe your senses are just .. off. You swallow a bit nervously before clearing your throat loudly. 
“Miguel! I’ve been looking for you — you okay?” You ask, forcing your irrational fear down. He moves then, his huge frame tensing as he turns around, his eyes eerily blank. Jeez, his pupils are massive and his hair is all messy, errant strands flicking in front of his face as he stares down at you. “Hey, big guy.” You try for a smile, ignoring the way your voice goes high at the end. 
He clambers down from the web slowly on all fours, his eyes completely fixed on you and nothing else. He’s moving pretty gingerly and you spot a couple of lacerations and possibly some broken bones as he moves. Not the best, but you’re mainly just glad he’s fine. Miguel’s nostrils flare, and he opens his mouth slightly, inhaling slowly. He’s acting weird. Really freaking weird. 
“Miguel? What’s up with you?” You retreat a step. He advances a step, and you can see him bare fangs, the sharp points glimmering in the dark. 
That’s your only warning before he lunges, his huge body moving scarily quick as you throw yourself to the side, narrowly missing the outstretched talons. Your pulse is thrumming in your ears as you gasp, eyes wide as saucers. 
“Miguel — its me! Miguel —!” You shout, only to be cut off as he lowers himself to the ground again, reminiscent of a hunter’s crouch. You can’t see anything but Miguel’s eyes and you can’t quite strangle the scream of fear as one gigantic hand reaches out lightning quick and wraps around you. His talons retreat back into the pads of his fingers, and while his hold is surprisingly gentle, you’re still completely unnerved by the way he’s acting. You stay completely still as he raises you up to his face — and he inhales.
His brows twitch into a frown and he sits back on his haunches, using his other hand to carefully examine your hands, his eyes tracking over all the various bruises and scrapes spread over your body. The frown only deepens when he glances at your ankle. He’s still being oddly silent, and while you’re grateful he’s not being hostile, you still have no idea what’s going on. He tilts his head. Examining you with laser sharp focus. 
Then he opens his mouth — and you freeze up as you stare down the dimly illuminated maw, the plush flesh shifting and dimly, you realize you’re being lowered down toward the abyss. Saliva pools inside Miguel’s mouth in preparation and the warmth of his breath washes over you. For a second, you can imagine it. The sensation of slime soaked into your body, the visceral click of teeth sealing you away, the suffocating vice of being squeezed down that powerful throat, never to be seen again — no. 
You refuse. This isn’t how it ends. It can’t be. 
You snap out of your daze and throw out a massive amount of web, hitting him square in the eyes with a panicked flurry. Miguel jolts back with a loud snarl immediately, dropping you to tear at the thick coating over his vision, talons sinking into the web viciously. 
You can’t help but scream as you land on your ankle with a sickening crack— holy fucking goddamn shiiit, if it wasn’t broken before, it definitely is now. You glance up at Miguel — still trying to take off the thick webbing — and hobble away, dragging yourself with heaving breaths. Farther, faster. 
You have to breathe through the stars burning across your vision as you search for something to help. Anything. You used the last of the webbing in your canisters on blinding Miguel so now, it’s just you. Everything is hurting and you can barely see straight as you get as far as you can and crawl into a tiny hole barely big enough for your body, a shelter made from rubble and concrete. It’s tight and cramped and you can’t stop your chest from heaving. Tears of pain squeeze out of your eyes and you press a hand over your mouth to muffle any pained sounds that could escape. 
There’s a loud ripping sound as Miguel finally tears off the makeshift blindfold with a roar, and you press yourself back against the walls bracketing you in. He’s gone insane. He’s actually crazy. You stifle a hysterical sort of giggle.  How the hell is this your fucking life? 
There’s a quiet snuffling sound and your blood runs cold as you realize he’s following your scent trail. Plus there’s no way you didn’t leave an incriminating trail of crimson with how you’re injured — he’ll find you. There’s no doubt about it. 
Footsteps, nearly silent, pace closer and you hold your breath, willing your heart to stop beating so loud. This is utterly terrifying. Everything is quiet for a moment. You don’t dare make a single sound, and you can’t tell what Miguel is doing at all. 
For a moment, you hope that he’s lost interest and moved on. Maybe he’s looking somewhere else. Maybe he’s decided you aren’t worth it as a meal. You pray and you hope against hope. It’s quickly dashed as one bright crimson eye fills your vision as Miguel peers in through the hole, his pupils completely dilated, leaving only a faint ring of red. 
You scream as talons pry off the top part of your shelter with apparent ease, stabbing through concrete like butter. You’re too scared to move as his hand shoots out and captures you again. This time he looks distinctly grumpy with you, brows furrowed and mouth set into a down turned line. 
He sniffs at you again, somehow looking even more disapproving when he gets to your ankle again, glaring at you like it’s your fault. You can’t help but take mild offense to that. 
Miguel delicately plucks off your web shooters and discards them which — hey! Those aren’t cheap to make — before wasting no time and opening his mouth. You barely have time to blink before you’re eased inside his maw carefully, spit immediately covering you in a thick sheen. You splutter, wiping the thick fluid off of your face as warmth soaks you to the bone. His tongue shifts under you only a small amount, only flicking to drench more parts of you in saliva. Miguel makes a satisfied hum, the sound vibrating through your body as he takes you completely into his maw.
Oddly enough, he keeps you far away from any of his pearly incisors, only deciding to make sure you’re covered in slick spit. Once he’s determined you’re ready, he swallows once, dragging your feet toward the yawning abyss of his hungry, twitching throat. 
You shriek, trying to cling onto anything as another loud swallow gets you down his throat from your chest down. Your hands grab at his uvula, holding on as tight as you can as you desperately try not to disappear down his ravenous gullet. 
Miguel makes an annoyed sound, then you feel everything tighten around your body as he swallows forcefully and your grip on his dangling uvula is lost. You squeeze your eyes shut as he swallows one more time, sending you down his throat — not nearly as crushing as you had imagined, and letting you pool into a more spacious area. 
The inside of here is soft and extremely squishy. When you try to brace a hand against the ground, it just sinks into the flesh, plush and malleable. You’re in a shallow puddle of fluid — saliva? Acid? — and while it doesn’t burn, it coats everything. Including you, and you swear, this is the weirdest thing you’ve ever experienced. There’s still fear burning through your veins, and you can’t stop yourself from trembling. 
But fuck, you’re so exhausted and it’s so warm here. While the fluid is uncomfortable, it’s nothing against your acute tiredness and you can’t stop yourself from just sinking into the cushy, gurgling walls. 
Miguel purrs quietly from outside, retreating back to the web-nest he had created earlier, seemingly satisfied with the little weight inside his gut. He curls up, ignoring the lancing pain from his wounds. He’ll have to explain a whole lot of shit once he returns from this instinctual state but for now, he’s content to curl up, secure and safe. 
In the back of his mind, he can register something vaguely sounding like the completely freaked out human side of his brain shrieking it’s head off, but it’s so inconsequential that he finds himself blocking it out lazily. Something about not eating his subordinates…? 
Eh. He’ll figure it out when the rest of the spiders come to pick them up. He places a hand over his stomach, massaging it idly. 
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safety-writes-noms · 2 months
SPOT! SPOT BELOVED! If you have any stray thoughts, I would love to hear them
I DO INDEED HAVE STRAY THOUGHTS {^[]^}> !! Tw, vore near the end :3 (I’m a minor, mdni/sex shit, please don’t interact)
I feel like he’d be so afraid to look at himself in the mirror when he first turned into the Spot. Sallow, unnatural paper white flesh, empty black voids patterned all over his skin. No face, no defining features. His family won’t even look at him — they can’t bear to see such an inhuman monstrosity walking around in their home. He’s isolated, hated, feared.
but just one small friend. Someone who’s stuck with him all along. How did he find this tiny? Maybe they were a lab experiment. Maybe he helped them out in the middle of a freezing, snowy winter. It doesn’t matter how he found them, only that they don’t really care what he looks like. He feels like an actual person when he gets to cradle them in his palms and chatter until his voice runs hoarse.
they listen to all of his passion filled rants, all of his muted sorrows, his quiet secrets, and they offer nothing but steady comfort and support. They’re content to travel with him everywhere, perched on his shoulder or curled up safely in a pocket. He can’t help but take comfort in having someone else who is irrevocably a person, but not considered human, by his side.
And even though he’s not fully sure how his anatomy works anymore (god, a horrifying thought for a former scientist such as himself) he just has this feeling, deep in his chest to hold his little friend as close as he possibly can to his heart. They’ve had their fair share of tragedies, had done their best to survive in the cruel downtown areas of Brooklyn.
so when he lovingly, carefully tucks them away in one of his spots when they need it, all he’s thinking of is ‘The safest place I can give’. They end up popping up in his stomach, soft and cradled gently by his body. His skin is cool to the touch on the outside, but in? It’s a sweet kind of warmth, the distant beat of his echoing, muted heartbeat humming faintly through the inner workings of his body.
To his delight and surprise, he can feel every movement. Can just barely hear the second heartbeat, tucked away carefully. He misses his old life. But he wouldn’t trade his current for the world. Now if only he could just get revenge on that awful, despicable ‘superhero’.
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safety-writes-noms · 2 months
Protective Beter thoughts?????
god this man is the most protective… ever but in a really low key way. He’s Spider-Man, but first and foremost, he’s a dad. And he cares so deeply that sometimes, he just can’t stand the sight of seeing someone he loves being hurt. With great power comes great responsibility, and he sees it as his responsibility to do his absolute best for everyone around him.
he’s the funny guy, but he does NOT play around about his family or the people he cares about at ALL. Y’all remember Back in Black? Yeah 😭… literally beat the shit out of kingpin and grabbed that man by the fucking skin. And while that Peter might’ve been from a different universe, I feel like it’s almost universal for him to react that way if someone he loves has been injured or even possibly killed. Like if you’re in actual danger he’s gonna get serious. No jokes, nothing. of course, if you just need a bit of comfort he’s happy to provide. He’s been Spider-Man for a long time, so he knows how to comfort people and make them feel secure. And as a person, he naturally has a kind personality. Idk I feel like Peter just radiates that safe feeling no matter what.
he’s pretty casual about noms too. He could be reclining back on a couch back in one of the head quarter break rooms, see you, then just pop you in his mouth without hesitation (with your consent ofc). He sees you over working yourself? break time via gut. You get a sweet little nap in a super duper soft belly and he’s full for the rest of your stay. Win win, really. Most of the younger recruits know him as the ‘dad dad’ because he’s basically everyone’s dad.
But if you’re on a mission and he needs to get you to a safe place immediately? Quick, roll up the mask, gulp. One and done. It might get a little bumpy but he’s a veteran spidey, there’s little to nothing he can’t handle.
Honestly I just really love the dude :3
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safety-writes-noms · 8 months
Do you have more spider noir headcannons?
He likes to let tinies sit on his fedora or in any of the numerous pockets he has on his coat. If it gets too cold for them to stay outside, he’s known to ask if he can nom them to keep them warm. underneath all those layers is undoubtedly cozy and comfortable, and while the chill doesn’t affect him as much, he feels all nice and warm inside knowing that he helped one of the people he cares about.
Will swirl his tongue around any tiny in his mouth. It’s more of a reflex than anything else but he finds it a bit soothing to absentmindedly mess with them, though he would never injure them.
he’s patient. If you want to just observe before getting nommed, he has zero problems with that. If you’re curious but still apprehensive, he doesn’t mind letting you run your hands over his tongue, observe his teeth, feel his lips under hand. He might lick you if he’s feeling playful nd he knows that you’re already fine with being nommed.
he has a strong throat. It only takes one or two swallows to send tinies down his throat. for bigger ones, it’s a bit more of a struggle but generally he can gulp down a borrower with relative ease. I feel like he might have slightly sharper teeth than the average person?
Likes to hum little tunes under his breath or whistle, so if you’re tucked away in his belly, it’s likely you’ll be able to hear his muffled voice through layers of flesh.
Doesn’t really prefer to eat tinies with any sort of food or beverage. He thinks it’s a bit rude to mess up someone’s clothing with food or anything. he does
he reads books aloud if he’s got a little guest taking a short residence within his stomach. He thinks it’s calming, being read to. Plus he has a soothing voice to listen to.
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safety-writes-noms · 1 year
Major Miguel enthusiast here - love your ATSV headcanons/predcanons!
Since you requested spidervores asks - thoughts on Miguel using his enhanced senses to track down and nom a tiny anomaly?
vore underneath cut!!!
He can’t help himself when he comes in contact with anomalies on the smaller side. It’s like a simmering under his skin, an urge to hunt and he gladly indulges with only a vague sense of shame. After all, this is an anomaly and tiny ones are usually very difficult to catch. So surely no one will bat an eye if he has to use unorthodox methods to contain them, right?
He has no problems searching for the anomaly in the dark, even if it’s pitch black. He has very light sensitive eyes that were made to be able to see in even the darkest conditions. Enhanced eyesight is really convenient for when he needs it — just not for the person he’s hunting down.
The thrill of the hunt itself sets his subconscious alight. It’s not that he’s not usually determined to catch anomalies, he’s anything but unmotivated to do so, but something about tiny ones just make his instincts rise up from the back of his head like wildfire. He blames being 50% spider and the innate desire to catch small creatures.
He’s like a well oiled machine when he’s in sync with his instincts although the trade off is that he doesn’t think as logically as he would normally.
He’s also abnormally good at scent tracking. Even though he thinks it’s a little animalistic he admits that it’s a useful skill and that it gets the job done. Miguel is a whole lot more likely to swallow an anomaly with a more sugary taste/scent, and especially so if they’re tiny.
The longer the chase is, the more his frustration and determination grows. As well as the desire to nom the anomaly out of vague spite and instinct. If they’re particularly troublesome it’s practically guaranteed he’ll swallow them as soon as he manages to catch them. He sees it like a tiny reward for his efforts. Especially if they’re feisty. He doesnt mind having them tire themselves out on the plush lining of his stomach.
Miguel will not be gentle. Especially if catching the anomaly took longer than he wanted. He might even draw it out if he’s that pissed. He won’t bother to tell them that they’re safe either just to feel them squirm and fight since it feels nice for him. Like a massage, but on the inside. He’ll scoop them up and with no warning, stuff them in his mouth. Drench them in saliva so that they’ll go down easier and swallow, sending them down to their temporary warm and slimy prison.
— (bonus bc I'm bored rn)
“There you are,” the words are quiet, but spoken with a hint of a snarl. It makes your blood run cold and you freeze, finding yourself tucked into a dead end.
You had tried your best to escape. Seriously. Using what weapons you had on you to your advantage, ducking behind obstacles and darting through tiny openings. In your humble opinion you had at least given this gigantic man a run for his money. This gigantic terrifying man.
You hadn't even known what was happening, getting sucked out of your dimension and so rudely dumped out in this random place. You think it’s an abandoned warehouse…except so much larger in size. Courtesy of the tear in the multiverse that spat you out here like a discarded piece of gum. Or something equally gross.
Not to mention the very disturbing glitching your body was going underway every few moments. If it wasnt for the excruciating pain that burned through your body in tandem to the glitches, you would have assumed it to be a nightmare. You’re vaguely sure you saw your lungs outside of your body for a fraction of a second while you glitched.
Those aren’t even your most pressing problems at the moment. You hear a quiet thump as the — man-creature-spider (?) drops down from the ceiling gracefully. You’re not even sure how something so large could be so quiet.
Your neck aches as you have to crane your head just to get a good look at him as he stalks closer. Eerily reminiscent of a predator. He looks a bit like Spider-Man in your home dimension, if Spider-Man wore a mainly blue suit and looked like a monster out of the deepest depths of the abyss.
Maybe that wasn’t fair. You hadn’t seen his face after all. Honestly, you’re not even sure you want to anymore.
Although you had trouble seeing in the dim light here you had still manage to stretch out the hunt for longer than he had been anticipating and at least piss him off. Hiding among the gigantic shelves, tossing everything and anything you could find at his head. You had found out very quickly that this guy, as much as he looked like Spider-Man, did not have that insane sixth sense.
What he did have, however, were apparent talons and a determination that burned above all else to catch you. And kill you. Or eat you. You’re still not sure what he wants.
You spin around, your back pressing forebodingly against the cold walls. There’s no escape route now. Terror and adrenaline rush through your veins like fire, your breaths coming in unsteady puffs.
Maybe you can try and dart around him. Go under and try to find the exit to this place.
He lunges before you can even act on your plan. Or blink. A tight fist big enough to completely curl around your entire body closes in on you. It feels like your stomach’s dropped as he brings you up to his face with a low growl. Still though, just because you’ve been caught doesn’t mean you’ll make this any easier. You squirm and his grip only tightens warningly.
“You are so annoying,” He hisses. “I’m trying to shocking help you and you’re — “ Doesn’t feel like helping you think to yourself dryly and double down on your efforts. You almost manage to slip out of his hand, but are promptly caught with another one. The Spider-Man monster dude is not happy with you in the slightest.
He mumbles something in Spanish, probably a curse judging by the hissing undertones and glare he sends your way.
“Just — stop moving,” He says agitatedly as you continue trying to escape. You can practically feel his blood pressure rising. Talons prick at your back and you squirm away from them.
He scrutinizes you silently, narrowed lenses of his mask boring into you. You seriously don't like that look.
“Fine,” he snaps. “If you want difficult, I’ll show you difficult,”
Before you can even wonder what he means by that, his mask dissipates with a gleam of some sort of technology that you wont bother to try to figure out.
The first thing you note are burning red irises, fixated on you hungrily. The second are the bared fangs, long and dangerous. His maw opens, revealing a large plush tongue and a dark cavern leading down to what you assume to be a rather painful death.
No way. No way this dude is actually going to eat me, you think to yourself, horror surging up inside of you. No fucking way.
Apparently yes fucking way, as you’re stuffed into his mouth rather unceremoniously. It’s hot and wet and everything keeps moving, keeping you disoriented above all else. The light filtering in behind you disappears as he shuts his mouth with a quiet click of finality.
Saliva soaks into your clothes and his tongue curls around you lightly, leaving a thick sheen of spit over your body as well. Pearly white teeth surround your body, glinting in the low light.
the spider-monster-man person hums pleasedly -- is he enjoying this??
Renewed vigor surges through you and you grimly slot the bottom of you feet at the roof of his mouth and pushing. He grunts muffledly and to your elated success, you manage to open his maw slightly.
Fuck him and his stupid fangs. And his stupid "help".
He hisses quietly and the "ground" underneath you shifts, causing you to yelp panickedly. It's stupidly slippery here and you kick against his teeth angrily. He pays you no mind and nudges you toward the back of his pulsating throat.
Maybe if you just try a bit harder... you lunge forward, trying desperately to grab at anything before you're swallowed. you just barely manage to snatch... nothing. It slips from your grip.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK --
You feel your legs get dragged into that yawning abyss of warmth. it's like fighting against the river current -- utterly impossible. a loud swallow tugs you down to your hips, firmly rendering you stuck.
frantically you scrabble at anything before you're tugged down fully with another gulp. it's uncomfortably tight here, not to mention warm and slimy. well fuck him. if you're going to die you might as well choke him as well.
he makes a quiet sound of annoyance as you cling onto the back of his tongue for dear life. a foreign pressure makes you lose your grip, pushing you down further. he must have used his finger from the outside, that cheater.
you slide down his crushing gullet, aided by the slick slide of saliva soaked into your clothes. after what seems like forever you finally pool into a more spacious area.
it's oddly soft and warm here and you push against the cushy walls experimentally. the walls tighten around you, smothering you in warmth.
Miguel heaves a satisfied sigh, resting a hand over his stomach. He can feel frustrated squirming and he smirks. He'd been aggravated to no end since it had been so hard to catch the anomaly in the first place. he pats his gut, feeling a burst of movement.
managing to finally grab them was almost like a relief. he opens the portal back to HQ and reserves to keep them inside for while longer. he can explain that they're fine once he's in his office. for now though, he'll just let them tire themselves out against the lining of his stomach.
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safety-writes-noms · 9 months
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I probably won’t be able to answer them until the weekend but I kinda just don’t want to think about finals rn so I need a distraction. Or you can send in head canons for any of the oc’s I’ve made! Either is fine I’m just taking a break from cramming rn
(Edit: hi! So little misunderstanding, I meant send me vore hc’s, not ask me to make hc’s, which is on me since my words were misleading! I just meant for people to send me them in my askbox but to the people who asked me to make vore hc’s I’ll definitely answer them when I get time!)
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safety-writes-noms · 3 months
please. I haven't made anything about spider verse in way too long I'm going INSANEEE ARGHHHH
send spider vore asks pretty please? 🥺🙏
headcanons, discussions, etc. I will HAPPILY answer all of them even if it takes me a bit of time. I just need to jump headfirst back into my massive hyperfixation. I thought it was fading but then I watched like, ten minutes of across the spiderverse and was immediately hooked once again.
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safety-writes-noms · 1 year
holding out my idea of wolfwalkers type shit but with dragons. im jsutbtrghgrhgbrjrghrgjngrughibkjfggfhbjgrfihdkjh SMASHING MY HANDS ON MY DESK. PLEASE.
just imagining big angry dragon miguel with gold accents trying his damn hardest not to snap as hes got a bunch of smaller dragons clambering on him and excitedly talking while waiting to be told what to do. being dragons and all they go around and make sure theres peace between kingdoms and stuff ....
sobbing into my hands. i need to see more dragon content im GGGGHR AAHHHHHH
YES OMG PMG I LOVE DRAGON AU’S (so sorry this is kinda late 🙏 school seriously beat me up this week. Also YOUR ART IS SO SO SO COOL!)
(Also also I’m so sorry but I’m not familiar with the wolf walkers series and never got the chance to watch it :(( but I absolutely love the animation style and premise from the ads I’ve seen)
I can just imagine miguel grumpily walking around with all of the spider kids either nestled on his back or chattering somewhere in the cave, waiting to get assigned their missions. I am in LOVE with the idea of Miguel sending them out to keep the peace between humans since sometimes humans can be very… not wise. Idk actually, maybe the some of the spider kids are humans and that’s how they meet Miguel or peter and Jess (bc I’d love to see them as dragons theyre so cool)
imagine a human Hobie just confidently walking around a dragon’s cave/network society and just casually arguing with a giant dragon Miguel. I’m feel like he’d get in the dumbest arguments with him just for the giggles. I can see him also baby sitting a hatchling mayday, keeping her fully entertained while Peter goes off to finish missions too dangerous to bring her along. Their little interactions in atsv were adorable especially the little salute he gave her.
or the fight between miles and Miguel ☹️ even tho I love him (Miguel) and understand why he did that and his motives, I’ll always feel so bad for miles. I feel like it would even be worse because instead of having a 6’9 roughly judged 310 pounds of muscle man chasing after you and pinning you down, there’s a ten ton dragon hellbent on having your dad die for the sake of the canon, claws, wings, VENOM/FIREBREATHING. It’s pretty much game over at that point. Ofc miles is a resourceful amazing wonderful intelligent human so I think he’d be able to reason with him. Besides, even then I kinda doubt Miguel would want to kill a kid, even if they’re a human. Nurturing instincts don’t go away after ur daughter dies 😋! Actually Miguel might even nom miles in an effort to keep him from messing up the canon :( can you imagine being so so terrified of this huge creature and getting nommed and you don’t know you’re safe and you’re panicking and —
The hurt and comfort is strong here :o. And the guilt. So much guilt. Once they work out their issues (there are so so so many poor dudes) I’m sure they’ll be besties. But that’s for human miles au
dragon miles would definitely get the short end of the stick. Even if he’s a hatchling (kind of, he’s in that odd stage between adult and adolescent but on the younger side) he’s still a whole lot more durable than if he’s a human. Which means that Miguel won’t be nearly as cautious handling him physically. Ouch. Miguel genuinely wants to protect miles in the movie but does it in the worst way possible. That would probably transfer over to this universe too.
But still because I absolutely LIVE for found family, I want to imagine they work through their problems in a long and very very non linear path that has setbacks and leaps forward and minor changes and everything because I love all of these characters sm and without depth they don’t feel like people. Plus imagining sleepy spider kids/dragons stumbling into Miguel’s section of the cave system/lair and deciding to take a quick nap there because it feels safe and waking up with Miguel curled loosely around them, wing slightly shielding them from the chilly drafts and hsjskskdjskj they have my heart. (Miguel will deny it later.)
or peter b taking the human kids out flying to let them feel at least a little what it’s like to taste the sky while Miguel lurks in the background anxiously, crimson eyes tense just in case peter accidentally drops one of them. Not that he would, he may be goofy but he’s most definitely not stupid.
I can imagine Miguel trying his hardest to stop some of the kids from doing things that he thinks is wayyy too dangerous for them and just giving up and tucking them away in his brooding pouch. If they won’t listen to his very very valid concerns then he’ll just have to make sure they don’t go anywhere >:(. Plus it’s warm and safe and even though Miguel will never admit it, he feels calmer if they’re there, protected completely bc he’ll never let anything hurt them. At least not while they’re nestled in one of the literal safest places in the world. I can’t imagine anyone would have an easy time getting to them when there’s a very protective and vengeful dragon guarding his precious brood.
and I haven’t even really gotten into the other characters either :( especially exploring the relationship between Jess and Gwen or Hobie and miles/gwen and pav but I feel like I’m writing too much so I’ll end it here. If you or anyone else wants to continue this thread/au PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME AN ASK! I LOVE THIS AU SM 😭😭
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safety-writes-noms · 1 year
Hi hello it's me again, heard you wanted asks-
I was wondering if you had any more thoughts on spider noir? I'm sorry I'm just really obsessed with him hshsh
Have a great day/or night!
I got you covered! i actually love asks so send as many as you want
vore below cut !!
noir has a small tendency to put people in his over coat’s pockets. His reasoning is something like ‘if they’re not made to hold my friends, then why are they there,’ and he sort of uses it for both emergency situations (carrying around civilians) and casual. But when he can’t, (and he’d actually rather not use his pockets since it’s a lot more dangerous during a fight,) he’ll give the person a quick heads up and nom them before they can fully process what he just said and start panicking.
He understands that it’s scary, genuinely terrifying to a person who doesn’t know what’s going on or happening. He tries his best so that he doesn’t have to nom the person, but ultimately it’s the safest option, if not the most panic inducing one. He hates being the one to cause people’s fear, but he’d rather the person be alive and hate him forever than be dead. Besides, most people calm down a little when he finds an opportunity to tell them that no, they’re not dying, and yes, this is completely safe. Of course that can be a little difficult when you’re scrapping with multidimensional monsters. Or just the normal villains from his world.
(I'm switching over to my phone rn so pls excuse any spelling errors 😭)
Anyways, he always feels incredibly guilty when he has to get someone to safety via transportation to his stomach and he doesn't have the time to explain that what he's doing is for their benefit. It makes him feel like a monster :(
Basically, while he's in the middle of a fight, he has to let the person he's tucked away stew in the assumption that he tried to kill them when they looked to him for safety until he manages to explain things.
But when he does receive the green light in a safe and casual situation (hanging out together, etc) it makes him feel really warm. He sees it as the person trusting him enough to let him welcome them into the deepest parts of himself. Literally. And in turn, he becomes fiercely protective over them. He has that person's trust -- it'll be a cold day in hell if he betrays it or lets them be injured in any way.
he's not one to be impatient if someone is hesitating with the prospect of noms (again, in a safe situation. if he's in the middle of a dangerous one he can't afford to let them take their time no matter how much he wishes he could) and is completely understanding. Noir would actually prefer for you to take as much time as you need, content with letting you move at your own pace. you absolutely know this sweetheart has a whole bunch of safewords or actions (two taps for okay, one tap for stop, three for wait, etc) and makes sure you know them too. Your comfort is incredibly important to him.
he's one of those preds that let you wait in his mouth for however long you want, just in case you decide to change your mind. Him trying to keep his breathing soft and slow so it doesn't alarm or frighten you in any way, making sure his tongue isn't moving too much underneath you, inwardly wondering if you're fine with your clothes getting a little soaked from his saliva. especially if it's your first time. he always feels so happy that you trust him enough with your first ever experience with noms and is determined to make sure it goes well.
then he'll be slow and careful as he tilts his head back and let's you slide down into his tummy as gently as he can.
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safety-writes-noms · 11 months
AU Ask!
Have you seen any of the Drider!Miguel fanart? I love that concept as an AU for him since it's basically just a reimagining of him being 50% spider in a much more visually striking way.
Any thoughts on Drider versions of Miguel and/or other Spiderpeople? What spiders would you imagine for the spider-half of their bodies? (If you don't like spiders, feel free to ignore this part - or this whole ask - LOL!)
Hi moot!! :D I haven’t seen any of the fan art actually :( very sad but I’ve done some research and wow, I love the idea of Miguel being a drider.
I’d like to think that his lower body would be some sort of mix between a wolf spider or tarantula? Maybe? And it also being a striking dark-ish blue with red markings patterned on his legs and abdomen. Or a black widow, but only the females have that red hourglass marking so idk.
I was originally going to go with wolf spider for the bottom half but then I saw that they don’t make webs since they hunt and I kinda liked the thought of Miguel lounging around on a giant web doing his usual monitoring of his society so I just thought it would be fine to make him a mix n match of a bunch of different spiders since it kinda fits with his origin in the comics.
(I’m deathly afraid of all and any spiders so :D tried my best to avoid looking too much at them on google.) since he’s physically half spider now he’s going to be a whole lot bigger. Obviously. He’s already huge without the spider half but with? That man is massive and completely more in tune with his spider side. He kinda has to be since he’s spider from the lower half down.
for something so huge he’s disturbingly quiet. Eight legs proves for insane mobility and stealth. He’s more balanced than a four wheeler on concrete and probably stronger than one too. The horror element is strong in this one.
I feel like he might be a bit more instinct driven when it comes to people he cares deeply about. They’re like a constant stream of secondary thoughts underlying his usual human rationale. A quiet blip of hey, some of the kids are injured, you need to bundle them up and store them away or Peter is trusting mayday to us, keep her safe always, she’s going to fall, why did he give her webshooters, hold her close etc. it’s basically a very mixed muddle of semi organized human and spider instincts/thoughts threading together to form coherent words in his head. Sometimes one side is more in control than the other. It just depends.
since Miguel really doesn’t like being Spider-Man in the comics and also probably the movie, he probably hates being half spider too. He hates being inhuman, feeling like some sort of monstrous being who’s made for nothing but the lowest form of sentience and bloodshed. His fangs don’t retract like they do in the movie, his claws are longer and sharper, but he still tries his absolute best to seem human to people. Poor guy can’t catch a break.
he gets kinda clingy in certain times of the month when his spider instincts start going rampant with the need of being close as possible to whoever he’s currently fixated on. Or multiple people. And the fixatipn never goes away, it just gets a little more easy to ignore during other times. Any of the spider kids or his closest second hands (Peter, Jess, etc) are all up for grabs in his mind. It’s even worse if he knows one of them are hurt or emotionally troubled. To his spidery side, he’s the main protector, he’s the one who’s meant to make sure everyone’s still alive, still in one piece. After all, his precious spiders are… not as spidery as him. They don’t have the necessary amount of limbs, they’re much smaller than him, they don’t even have claws like him! who’s going to protect them if he’s not there?
When he’s in that kind of mindset he’s not really too bothered by the idea of nomming them either. After all, he’s just making sure they’re safe and warm, tucked away in his belly securely. And what other place is safest in the world than with him? Besides, some parts of his human side agree too. They’ve already had one precious spider slip out of their grasp, disintegrating into thin air so… y’know, can’t have that happen again. He’s calmer when he knows where they are constantly. He’s like a helicopter parent. Except ten times bigger and grumpier. But yeah. Any spider that manages to worm their way into his heart will inevitably land under the umbrella that is the mess of his protective instincts. I’m so sorry for not doing the second part of ur ask 😭 I hate spiders a bunch and I don’t really want to research more of them so I can find which ones would match each spider person. Maybe a black widow for miles since they’re usually red and black?
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