#S.E. Babin
joyffree · 3 months
🧐 This Week’s Spotlight Reads & Book Recommendations
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➱ The Devil's Waltz (Love in Hell Book 1) Paranormal Fantasy Romance by Jessi Elliott In this spicy paranormal romance, passion and danger collide, leading Cami on a journey where love and betrayal intertwine and lines between good and evil blur.
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➱ Firefighter Griffin (Fire & Rescue Shifters Book 3) Paranormal Shifter Romance Zoe Chant A curvy single mom burned by love + a unique half-eagle, half-lion shifter firefighter with a wounded soul + the little boy who brings them together = one heart-warming romance!
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➱ Romancing the Feral (Coletti Warlord Series Book 18) Sci-Fi Romance by Gail Koger With danger lurking at every turn and unexpected allies by her side, she'll stop at nothing to find love and redemption
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➱ Blade of Hope (Book of the Virago 1) Coming of Age Fantasy by S.E. Babin Treachery rots the Kingdom of Thornwilde from within. A teenage girl may hold the key to its salvation.
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89 Warga Desa Tanjung Baru Penerima BLT DD
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Kaur – Sebanyak 89 orang warga Desa Tanjung Baru, Kecamatan Maje, Kabupaten Kaur, sebagai penerima Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) Dana Desa (DD). ‘’Kriteria penerima sudah mengikuti aturan dan acuan yang ada, yaitu kriteria Keluarga Miskin Penerima BLT DD,’’ ungkap Kepala Desa Tanjung Baru, Zikranto, S.E, Minggu (31/5/20). Dijelaskannya, per orang akan mendapatkan 600 ribu rupiah untuk tiga bulan. Untuk penentuan penerima BLT DD ini, lanjut dia, melalui musyawarah desa dengan melibatkan Badan Permuswaratan Desa (BPD), tokoh dan pemuka desa, TNI dan Polri. ‘’Jika dalam pelaksanaannya masih ada kekurangan, secara pribadi saya memohon maaf, karena memang sifat manusia.” kata dia.
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Menurut dia, pihaknya memastikan tidak ada kekeliruan dalam penyampaian bantuan. Bagi yang memenuhi kriteria tapi belum terdata, akan diusulkan mendatang. ‘’Bagi yang memenuhi kriteria kan kita ajukan ke tahapan untuk proses yang akan datang bersama tim pendamping desa, kecamatan, kabupaten dan juga kepada instansi terkait Dinas PMD dan Dinsos Kabupaten Kaur,” tambahnya. Sementara itu, tambah dia, minggu lalu pihaknya juga telah membentuk Tim Penanganan Covid 19 yang berjumlah sebanyak 28 orang, dan telah di SK kan. Dalam penanganan Covid 19, Babin Kamtibnas Polsek Maje, Bripka Zainal, mengimbau kepada warga Desa Tanjung Baru untuk tetap mengikuti protokol kesehatan yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah. "Kedepankan protokol kesehatan, dan masyarakat penerima manfaat untuk dipergunakan sebaik mungkin bantuan terdampak COVID 19,” ujarnya. (drs/adv) Read the full article
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littleshopofreaders · 7 years
Deadly Confections by S.E. Babin
Deadly Confections by S.E. Babin
Title: Deadly Confections (Bloom & Gloom Mysteries #1) Author: S.E. Babin Genre: Cozy Mystery Release Date: August 29, 2017 Cover Designer: Viola Estrella Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC.
The Power Couple The Without Rules Series #3 By Tyffani Clark Kemp Publication Date: September 11th, 2014 Published by: SideStreet Cookie Publishing After the loss of her husband and her preterm baby, Mariss…
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nurse4pets · 7 years
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mygoldenreads · 9 years
The Hunt for Snow by S.E. Babin Review
The Hunt for Snow by S.E. Babin Review
  Fairytales with a twist! Snow has successfully avoided her past for years … until now. With an evil queen bent on her destruction and a hunter bent on her seduction, she has no choice but to run. Who will find her first? S.E. Babin presents The Hunt for Snow, Book 1 of her exciting, new fantasy series, Fairytale League.
Every ten years a convention is held in a neutral location where people…
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ginahenningauthor · 10 years
Five Question Friday: S.E. Babin
Several years ago, I was scuba diving in Jamaica, fortunately I had gotten in better shape since my previous dive, but unfortunately I was a bit out of practice. I miscalculated the correct amount of weights to wear. It’s important when diving to have the right amount of weights to sink you enough but not too much, because if you are too heavy (with weights not fat) then you will be working really hard to try and gain your buoyancy. Which is exactly what happened to me. I had signed up for a deep dive and added way too many weights to my belt. When we reached 202 feet I checked my gauge and realized that I only had 500 PSI of air left in my oxygen tank which is what you should have upon surfacing(as a safety precaution). This happened because I was using way too much air by the exertion level 
that I was putting forth to create the correct amount of buoyancy. My assigned dive partner was oblivious to all of my signals so I swam over to the Dive Instructor and tinged my gauge on his tank. The expression on his face read one thing, what’s up? He had no idea the fear that was happening in my mind. I offered him my gauge to alert him of the situation. To which he shook his head and index finger at me. This isn’t the kind of situation where I think reprimanding is necessary. However, in college I had obtained my Master Diver certification and had practiced sharing air and free ascents to the top, which is what I had to do. Share air with the dive instructor at our decompression stops and when we made it to 30 feet it was all me, swim to the top, that’s your chance for survival.
Today’s Five Question Friday guest is not out of practice with providing entertaining responses. S.E. Babin will delight you hook, line, and sinker! Let’s dive right in!
1. Is there anything in your life that used to be one of your main focuses but has been pushed to the back burner or forgotten about completely?
My husband would probably say laundry, but he doesn't realize that was never a priority!! If I had to say one thing, I’d probably say being social. I can be such a big hermit, and it’s about ten times worse since I became a published writer. I’m also much busier than I used to be, so when I’m invited out, I tend to think about it in terms of how much writing will I miss or if I should be doing something to further my career than having fun. Yes, I know how boring that sounds. You should have seen me in college. I was no fun Sheryl.
2. I’m an “army-brat”, what was one of your favorite or not so favorite parts about being in the military?
Great question! One of my favorite things was the camaraderie you build with people. Some of my best friends came from the military. One of my least favorite parts was how much it consumed you if you let it. There were times I got up at 3 am and fired off an email because I couldn't sleep about something going on at work.
3. In Out of Practice Aphrodite, Abby has to make a love match, have you ever made one?
I’ve made several. No marriages yet, and not all of them good. Abby has way more skills than I do.
4. You are stranded on an island, days without food when a big cargo container drifts up to shore, you’re starving…when you finally are able to pry open the lid, you discover boxes upon boxes of cakes mixes, what do you do?
In certain conditions, flour and other baking powders are highly flammable. Considering the amount of weird stuff in a boxed cake mix, I’d bet I could use it to start any necessary blazes. Who needs a rock? I've got Betty Crocker!! Now, if I was truly starving and not just uncomfortable I might eat it, but hopefully I would have been able to Les Stroud it and create a makeshift fishing pole or something.
5. What song would best describe the relationship between Abby & Eris?
Tough question! Oooh. I got it!! Enemies by Shinedown. 
Thank you to S.E. Babin for stopping and please give your mouse a couple clicks and grab Out of Practice Aphrodite for your Friday read.
Happy Reading!
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