#S01E02 Maps and Legends
spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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Suggested by @thecaptainoutoftime, Kirk and Picard going to Starfleet and their responsibilities for their respective deceased friend’s souls. 
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whatelsecanwedonow · 4 years
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STAR TREK: PICARD S01E02 | “Maps and Legends”
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Ooooh Wendigo! This is probably the one I remember best from the first season. I actually found the concept of wendigos so interesting I did a lot of research about them, and I was so happy when they ended up being related to Until Dawn years later, one of my favourite video games
I love the way the episodes are set up: start with the victims, then have them stumble upon the case somehow, and then investigating where we know a bit more than them but not much that it ruins the whole thing
Aw poor Sam, I don't like him but it's still sad
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the driving is SO FAKE omg this hurts
omfg I spit out my water
Sam is looking at the map and the mountains and trying to plan how they could go there and being all serious and wondering what happened and Dean goes
"Look at the size of this bear!"
Nice car indeed!
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I love this Haley character
"Every 23 years, just like clockworks."
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I can only imagine how she must feel, finding her brother's campsite completely destroyed and full of blood, damn!
Ah yes, because Dean is carrying John's journal in his coat this entire time even tho it is gigantic, for sure, that's believable
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Then Sam, dropping the truth!
Brotherly bond
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Dean taking care of his baby bro, what a sweet moment
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Dean telling Sam he's gotta have patience and deal with his emotions because it's not healthy
My man, listen to your own advices!
Aw damn, Roy got got! 🤷🏼‍♀️
Moody teen angst Sam sitting against the tree trunk
Cannibals turning into Wendigos is such a cool legend tbh, it's making me want to research folklore again!
Man these episodes are much longer than I remembered, might be because I used to watch them at night and at night it feels like time is meaningless, and I'm watching this in broad afternoon
Haley and Dean are taken, oh no, now it's only Research Guy and Haven't-Said-a-Word-This-Entire-Time Guy
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All reunited, and Dean brave boy Dean sacrifices himself to get them all out safely,
but it fails obvs, the creature wants Sam's young blood instead 😂
Haley giving Dean a kiss on the cheek like why? why was that, why must they mame the woman be attracted to the main guy?
what does that bring to the story?
Aw sweet boys rising off into the sunset until the next time they're almost killed !
We did it, done with s01e02, onto e03
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majoris · 4 years
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Star Trek: Picard | s01e02 | Maps and Legends
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pegd-illustrations · 4 years
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STAR TREK: PIC S01E02 “Maps and Legends” . The synths attack on Mars was first shown in the Short Trek ‘Children of Mars’ and the first two episodes of PIC have shown this to be a seminal moment for Picard, the Federation and the galaxy. . Romulans have always intrigued me and I’m glad we’re getting to see more of them and hopefully learn more about them as the series progresses. Looking forward to including some Romulan imagery in future pieces. . Follow me on Instagram: @pedg_illustrations
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postatomichorror · 4 years
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Post Atomic Horror episode 406, covering Picard S01E02, "Maps and Legends," with “Irish” Gav Brown, is available now! 
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mia-cooper · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Picard Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: F8, Unseen Narrator Additional Tags: Drabble, Episode: s01e02 Maps and Legends, Gratuitous and heavy-handed Shakespeare references, References to TNG Episode: s02e09 The Measure of a Man Summary: Someone must have programmed the android to blow up Utopia Planitia.
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“… and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonourable graves …”
(I forgot to share this. Oops. Spoilers up to episode 1x02.)
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oscuridadyluz · 4 years
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tvserieshub · 4 years
Star Trek Picard - S01E02 - Maps and Legends
Star Trek Picard – S01E02 – Maps and Legends
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Hello to all trekkies, new and old alike. It’s time for my review of the latest episode of Picard called ‘Map and Legends’. Sit back and enjoy the show.
secrets within secrets
This episode starts off with a flashback to the Utopia Planitia Shipyards on Mars fourteen years ago.  It’s first contact day. There is a skeleton crew of humans manning the base, as well as several AI. The human workers…
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... GLOW (S01E02) Slouch, Submit Airdate: June 23, 2017 @glowwrestling Ratings: @netflix original Score: 8.75/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** When you start out an episode, or a day, or just starting up a car, or whatever the hell you might be doing with the epic sounds of Roxette's 'She's Got The Look', you've already won. I remember when that song came out. I immediately had to have it on cassette tape, the single first of course. They were like mini collectors items to me. I eventually had to have the whole LP or tape, but having a a rack or bag full of cassette singles was a must, a status of ultra-coolness that primarily lived in my very juvenile head... One, I might add, I was still growing into. I actually used to steal my Aunt's favorite cassette tapes, which were obviously my favorite cassette tapes too. My Aunt was my Big Sister, as the first few years of my life were spent living with my grandparents while my mother completed high school and then college. Sense I'm immediately going down memory lane... My Grandfather, who I lovingly referred to as Poppy, used to watch wrestling with me while I relaxed on a pillow that was most likely covering up my bag of stolen cassette tapes I'd heisted from the coolest girl I ever knew. We flipped through GLOW at times, sure, I remember the brightly colored neon garb and signature symbol, the introductory cast rap, and all the over-the-top personalities playing to the small but raucous Las Vegas crowd. We were mainly wrestling purists, we watched AWA, NWA, SMW, USWA, UWF (Mid-South) and later GWF & WCW. I remember my Aunt Peaches telling me about the bright, kid-friendly world of WWF and my Grandfather allowing her to draw me in, but ultimately coaching me later on the importance of wrestling form and praising Ricky Steamboat, Barry Windham, Stan Hansen, and how that Steve Austin would be something great one day... Boy was he right. All of that didn't leave me much time for GLOW, but I'd get a sneak peak in when I could, as something about these women just captivated me, and who could resist that kick-ass rap, I mean really?! I've prefaced this whole ordeal, because it's important for readers to know not just how important wrestling was to me... But WHY it was important... A bonding moment between me and my only fatherly figure at the time, a moment of peace and clarity in a time of confusion where my mother was always gone, out planting seeds for our future life. I think this was the case for a lot of little girls and boys who grew up watching wrestling with their parents or elders. Poppy loved the realest looking wrestling you could find... What's ironic is that it was the wrestling like GLOW, and those centered around big storylines at the time that would cause the greatest injuries. Sure Stan Hansen was a beast, but those Women of GLOW were just as beastly in their own way. In 'Slouch, Submit', we get a good taste of just how undertrained a lot of these women were. Many were actresses, some came from wrestling families and had *some* knowledge, but they aren't exactly pros... So they went out there and really beat the snot out of each other... But all those neon pinwheels of 80s fluorescent color's stained my mind like a canvas and add that to those cheesy, but enthralling, storylines, and we just couldn't get enough.. You know, the ones that were 'in the know'. By E2, we have set up our main feud that was based in reality as Ruth (Alison Brie) had slept with Debbie's (Betty Gilpin) husband behind her back while she was nursing her newborn baby. Homewrecker indeed! All of that keeps turning, but the show starts taking the time to introduce us to all the major players of the original season of GLOW. In our factionalized portrayal, besides our aforementioned stars, we get Cherry Bang (Sydelle Noel), the strong women of color and grace, the motivator, the one with her eyes on the prize and a dirty little secret with the cokehead director, Sam Sylvia (Marc Maron). Cherry might have slept with the director and her husband in a polyamorous Oreo Cookie paradise, but make no mistake about it, this is a woman who had earned her spot and payed her dues. Sexism and downright insensitivity play a huge role in this storyline as well. It's a tragic tale of the times... As Sam asks Cherry about her 'Womb Goof' referring to her miscarriage. It's moments like that when those rose colored goggles we look at the 80's so often with, suddenly disappear. Melrose (Jackie Tohn), the rich, entitled, unbridled troublemaker overhears them talking and immediately uses it to her advantage. They say the best wrestling angles are ones based in reality, and we are off to a great start creating both sisterhood and tension within the this diverse group of women. 'Slouch, Submit' puts those ideals and these women on the map. We can't forget the daughter of Wrestling Legends and Wrestling Giants, Carmen Wade (Britney Young)... Another resident 'big kahuna', this one urbanized and embracing it, Tamee (Kia Stevens, tho you may know her better as Awesome Kong or Khama, as she was known in her brief but memorable run in the WWE)... Resident weirdo, Sheila the She Wolf (Gayle Rankin), embodies WWE's current Superstar 'Paige'. That's if Paige was feral and raised by wolves, only just recently introduced to modern (1980's) human society. Arthie (Sunita Mani) is Indian, but they haven't exactly nailed her quite yet. There are plenty more, but these episodes are short and we'd like to take our time in exploring each and everyone of these women in due time and with the most respect as possible. 'GLOW' is most definitely built for binging, by this moment last night I was just typing jibberish, yet I was pulsing with excitement about the show. Hopefully by now, those that don't understand pro-wrestling at least have a small sliver of understanding as to why it means so much to some of us... As well as the potential of exploring the original GLOW's dramatized roots. Like I said, this isn't going to be an easy one to stop... Roll another one!
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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whatelsecanwedonow · 4 years
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Kristen, I know we have not always seen eye to eye. Nevertheless, I have a request to make.
STAR TREK: PICARD S01E02 | “Maps and Legends”
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trnsocial · 4 years
Picard S01E02: “Maps and Legends” Recap and Review
SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers from Star Trek: Picard S01E02: “Maps and Legends” Good Morning Plastic People
Picard episode 2, “Maps and Legends” opens in 2385 (14 years in the past) at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on Mars. It’s First Contact Day and most of the workers have the day off. All except a few on the skeleton crew and the androids, or synthetics as they are called.…
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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I’m gonna say an alternate universe glitched in for a moment....
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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