#S01E20 Charm and Harm
frankiebirds · 1 month
cant take this man anywhere he'll say shit like "betwixt" in casual conversation
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on a more serious note. this can very much be an autism thing. here are a couple bits from my psychological report when i was diagnosed with autism myself featuring my not great censoring skills:
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(not saying "reid speaks very formally, ergo he's autistic" but "reid displays a lot of autistic traits and speaks very formally, and so that might also be an autistic trait in him")
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maybethistimemegz · 18 days
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Criminal Minds - One Quote per Episode ↳ s01e20 - Charm and Harm
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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paperspence · 5 years
elle: you really don't know someone until you take a road trip with them
morgan: what are you trying to say
elle: look at this car, man. there's empty soda cans and fast food wrappers everywhere. you're a slob. you know, back in quantico your desk was all neat, but i bet if you looked in those drawers you'd find a mess
morgan: okay, we have been on the road way too long
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s01e20 Charm and Harm review
Episode 20 – Charm and Harm
Okay, so this episode’s title definitely suggests at some sicko psychopath killer and I’m really not looking forward to all the blood. Yikes.
Let’s see where this one takes us.
Well, we start with a lavish romantic dinner with wine.
Okay. Not so romantic anymore. That dick is eating and has a woman tied up? I knew it was going to be something sick. Damn it.
God profilers can be such a pain sometimes. Can’t a girl have secrets? I’m with Elle all the way here, lay off Derek and Spencer.
And Spencer, baby, I love you, but what’s with the random facts at every corner? Lol. I love you.
“We’re sitting with a guy who knows there are 800 kernels on the cob” “arranged in 16 separate rows” “and you’re calling me weird?” oh Elle, you little sassy lovely sexy thing.
Wow, she’s being defensive, and it’s so obvious that Elle does have a boyfriend, but Derek is seriously the sassiest little cupcake and I love her.
Wait, why are they calling them if they know who is the killer? They can’t catch them, so they call the FBI? Damn. That’s weak, Tampa.
Voltaire: “There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.” Isn’t that the whole point of words? Voltaire, you’re not exactly inventing the wheel here, get some fresh ideas.
Wait, so he tortured them and then drowned them? God that is beyond the meaning of sick. Gross.
So there’s a girl missing, yikes.
Wait, let me get this right, the psycho killer is the professor’s best friend, ex-colleague, used to coach his son at soccer, was married once, and now he’s completely gone cuckoo? Yikes!
Wow, that’s a nice house, man. Impressive.
A ten-year-old luxury car. Dogs. 20 different suits. Tons of watches. Tons of shoes. Fuck. Yeah, this guy is totally whack.
A chameleon? Why is he always trying to disguise himself? This makes no sense, unless he has some form of serious disorder that makes him hate himself.
Oh fuck, he has no problem letting in room service to take out everything while the girl is drowned in the tub? Fuck.
“And fret not, my sweet,” I love you, Kirsten, I really do.
Wait, Gregor gets off on drowning women? Oh god. That is beyond freaky.
“Who is your daddy?” “I’m sorry?” lol, yeah, I don’t think Hotchner is used to you yet, Penelope. But you’re good girl and I love you.
Wow, so he has abandonment issues, thinks that everyone is cheating on him and controlling women? Oh god.
“Your son is a narcissist with split-personality, he’s able to gain his victims’ trust before inflicting pain upon them.” Um, Spencer? Baby? I don’t think telling his dad that like this is the best course of action?
Oh fuck, he has mommy issues.
So the dad is making excuses cuz he doesn’t want to believe that his son is that messed up. I can get that, but he has to face reality.
Also, he tortures his victims to the point of passing out and then wakes them for the drowning part? Oh god.
Oh crap, Elle is totally profiling his car and his personality. I love you! But please stop dogging on Derek, okay? He’s a bachelor. Yeah, he has food all over his car, but at work he’s meticulous and that’s what counts, right?
“Aw, that must be the boyfriend,” “Yes, it is. Hey, Gideon.” And Morgan just looks up like, are you serious right now? Oh my god I love those little pieces of insight. Oh my god.
Aw tired Derek is such a puppy I want to cuddle him from now till forever.
“You sure about the time?” “Absolutely, my stories were on.” I love that motel manager. That’s the first time I’ve written that …
“Who’s the answer to all your dreams?” “I’m gonna put you on speaker. “Oh, you completely suck.” Come on, Hotchner, don’t harsh my goddess’s buzz.
“Behold the wonderful genius of Dr. Spencer Reid. Honey, that’s exactly what the rest of the hospital record says.” Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait. Why didn’t the dad tell Gideon and Reid that Mark was in the car with his mom when she died? That’s like the most basic thing to tell the FBI. Yeesh.
Wait. So the mom went to motels, she took her son when she couldn’t find a babysitter, let him play by the pool. When she died, the dad didn’t think he needed therapy even though he witnessed his mom die? What kind of father is that? Oh my goodness, this guy is beyond wack.
Wow, Gideon is seriously taking this case seriously! I mean, he’s huffing and puffing and trying to get a rise out of the dad, but that is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. Damn.
“Do you have any idea how many people drown every day?” “Yes, but they’re more in the summer for obvious reasons. But I think it averages around 6,500  a year, which is 17 a day.” “Is this Reid?” “Why, you’re impressed?” “I am, slick. I am. You’ve been doing your research, haven’t you?” oh my god, I am suddenly also loving the Hotchner/Garcia banter. I love you!!!!!!!
Wait. Now the theory is that Mark killed his own mom? Oh sweet jesus in hell. Oh my god.
Fuck. I hope they get there in time, cuz he’s gonna drown that lady and that’s not good.
Oh that lady is good! I’m so proud of her. Just run, baby, FBI are on their way.
And you, you fucking asshole, just stop with the killing! You are sick, sick, sick!
Oh I love this lady’s resourcefulness! Seriously! She’s amazing! But I need Elle and Derek to move just a little bit faster. Come on.
Yes! He’s dead! Fuck him.
I mean, I feel for the dad, he lost his kid, but he was a damn sick boy. Ugh.
Francois de la Rochefoucauld: “We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others, that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves.” Well, I guess that is true to Mark Gregory, but overall? That is a sick thought, Francois.
 Okay, so overall thoughts on this one? Bah, I hated the whole idea of the murderer. I really did. But I did love that they put more Penelope in this one, it made the whole thing bearable and they had Hotch making jokes with her, which was precious. Mandy’s acting was beyond phenomenal with the dead, I just love every part of this episode’s little insights into the main characters.
Let’s hope next time won’t be so morbid and gross.
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nervous-tic · 2 years
hey I hope you don’t mind me asking but do you remember which ep those gifs of Spencer are from? (the ones where he has a rat tail) thank you!! 💗
hello anon <3 they're from s01e20, charm and harm!
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frankiebirds · 1 month
just a heads up i will not be doing s01e19 machismo tomorrow because i think it's a bad episode for a few reasons. instead im just going to skip straight to s01e20 charm and harm.
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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