denouemente · 5 months
this was the hard part about concealing their relationship — not the sneaking around, not the hiding feelings, not the longing, but the leaving. the crown prince of perga lingers in his best friend’s doorway, still drunk on the feeling of their bodies pressed together, of the taste of alekos’ lips on his, of the smell of his skin and his hair. he hated leaving. it was times like these when he wished he could have just been born normal. he wouldn’t have to leave then. he wouldn’t have to hide, either. but then again, would lysander have ever met alekos if he wasn’t a prince? it was all so complicated. it was easy to forget it all, laying in his best friend’s bed, tangled in his best friend’s sheets.
i want you to stay next time. his voice pierces through lysander’s thoughts, causing him to focus back in on @satellitewar — and it makes him grin. “ i’ll try my best. i promise. ” one hand rests over his heart, and the other reaches for alekos. “ i want to stay too — but i’ll need to think of a reason to not be in the castle at night. if i’m just missing . . . ” he trails off, shaking his head. if prince lysander was missing, they’d come to alekos first, only to find their prince in the bed of another man. he can only imagine how that would go for the both of them — how terrible it might be. lysander loved him. he’d protect him from his parents no matter what the cost. “ give me three days. long enough to come up with some excuse, and long enough to convince cineas to cover for me. ” he grins, stepping forward to cup the other’s cheek with his hand. “ i know this isn’t conventional. i want more too. thank you for being so patient. ” lysander grins, leaning forward to gently press his lips to alekos’, lingering there for as long as possible. “ come out flying with me tomorrow. we don’t have to hide in the skies, my love. ”
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denouemente · 6 months
what could be considered an odd sight to an outsider is a rather typical one for the residents of perga — the prince, with his wind - tousled locks leading his prized stallion back into the city, accompanied by @satellitewar, his best friend and most TRUSTED companion ( who happens to be sporting the same look — his dark curls were windswept, and he led a white mare through the streets instead ). there were murmurs from some of his citizens as he walked by, but lysander was used to it. that happened regardless of what he looked like walking through the streets. “ i wish we could’ve stayed out longer. ” he turns to alekos, an easy smile on his lips. “ i didn’t think qionnias would tire so easily. WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO FROM HERE? ”
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denouemente · 4 months
every time they went to bed together, it made him hate the fact he couldn't spend the remained of his days curled up into alekos' side. but during that time, for just a little bit, he felt like they were like any other couple. sweat beads lysander's brow and he reaches behind him, hand resting against his lover's lower back. “ shit. ” he softly pants, but it's accompanied by a quiet chuckle. it felt illegal that someone could be so good — that someone could make him feel so good. i love you, i love you, i love you, he thinks, slowly turning over and sitting up. alekos peers up at him through those dark eyelashes of his, and lysander swears his heart flutters. not fair.
that was so good, baby. alekos says, and the prince blushes. he blushes! lysander moves to cover one of his hot cheeks with his hand, laughing louder this time before he moves to lay atop the other, bare chests pressed together. “ gods, i know. ” he says, pecking alekos' lips. “ it's. unfair. how. good. you. are. ” he punctuates his words with kisses, then finishes off with one last long one before settling back against @satellitewar's shoulder. he wished he could stay longer. pale fingers trace shapes into tan skin, and he silently breathes as he takes in his smell, how their skin feels pressed together. screw it. lysander rolls over so he can face alekos and leans in, close enough so their noses can touch. “ would it be okay if i stayed? i'll find a way to explain why i was gone to everyone tomorrow, but . . . being here now, nothing feels better. ”
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denouemente · 5 months
@satellitewar : maybe alekos has slipped into the castle without any of lysander's family noticing, and maybe he's gone and pinned the prince into a little stone alcove to kiss him for ages and ages. and maybe his hands are wandering now... just a bit.
these not so quiet moments were the prince's favorite  — when his mother and father were too busy with their royal duties, and lysander was left to his own devices. well, as much as a prince can. cineas, his royal advisor, keeps his well - trained eye on him practically the whole time. when alekos grabs him, he's surprised he's passed the king, the queen, their guards, cineas, and his guards, but he's not complaining. when it comes to spending alone time with him, lysander will never complain.
“ missed me, did you? ” he's breathless from all the kissing, his hands having a semi - permanent placement in alekos' hair. how did they go for so long without addressing how they felt? now that lysander knew what it was like to love his best friend to his face, he doesn't know how he ever did otherwise. he feels a little brave in the secluded alcove, his hands pressing past his shirt to rest against the bare skin of alekos' back and sides. a soft giggle leaves his lips, stiffled by a hum. a very, very content hum.
and all of a sudden, his back is pressed to the wall, and he can feel aleko's hands on his skin now, and he becomes all too aware of where they are, and even more aware of EXACTLY what he wants to do to the other man with him in that alcove, and EXACTLY what he wants the other man with him in that alcove to do to him. his hands find their way in the other's hair again, and they stay there as lysander pulls back slightly, just enough for their lips not to touch. “ not here. ” he breathes, opening his eyes and searching for the dark brown gaze in front of him. “ my chambers. we can sneak there, just through that garden. ” but instead of moving, he settles for kissing alekos again. it was so easy to lose himself in his best friend. “ what do you say? then we can do all the touching we want. ” lysander grins, then moves to press kisses to alekos' cheek, then down his jaw and neck.
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