#SCP 2521
tatangadragon · 6 months
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scp doodle page but I only used red AND you can easily tell my favourite is 2521
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romanomen · 2 months
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Hey guys, if I disappear just know that
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cindarellaayaaa · 9 months
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Repost :D
Thank you so much for the amazing adventure with you guys I had so much fun and ngl I feel really proud of it and yeah hopefully I will finish the other request as soon as possible sorry for taking so long lol
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mal0w0 · 1 year
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vortexbatt · 6 months
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My designs/style for SCPs! <3
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zealthewhatever · 17 days
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Inside the mind of ••|•••••|••|•
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lavenderlemniscate · 1 year
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cagneyblooms · 1 month
his brother used to take him and force him to babysit this little shit because unfortunately he's his uncle but at least he could take him fishing
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pylonangel · 6 months
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Reid with SCP ••|•••••|••|•
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skitkattl · 11 months
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arson-jellyfish69 · 2 years
Do y'all know this artist and if so can you link their page or something pls
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tatangadragon · 6 months
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wow guys isn't this scp so cool. I love th[i am taken away by The Creature
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skellinore · 2 years
"Oh hecky heck, monsters!"
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Some of my favourite SCP's! My number one favourite SCP is 735, The Insult Box!
He's just a little shit, I'd punch him, cry, then give him headpats, then a smooch.
I don't know why I like him, I just do.
I also have weird head-canons for this sassy little gray box.
Like, that he is friends with SCP-173.
Would love to get into my silly AU.
But that will be for another time, because I'm still jotting down some notes for most of the SCP's I know about.
I'm actually hoping to make a small comic between the two, but I have a curse about comics.
I never finsh them, but oh my days! I have to at least finish one.
My respect to people who finsh a comic page each week.
I don't know how y'all do it.
But I will give you some small fun facts about the funky SCP's in my AU.
1.) SCP-035 is very obssessive and possessive about anything he claims to be his, including SCP-049. I like to imagine their relationship as very one-sided. Dyo is delusional and stubborn, and I mean very stubborn. Dyo has not stopped chasing/stalking SCP-049 since they first met.
2.) SCP-173 didn't originally have the neon reflective paint on them. But after they been captured by the facility, they had a D-class put the neon paint on them, easier to see The Sculpture in the dark to keep your eyes on them.
3.) SCP-735 is the only thing that can actually talk to SCP-173, telepathically I mean. So from an outside perspective, it looks like SCP-735 is talking to himself. SCP-173 likes the company, and both of them are assholes.
4.) SCP-079 is quite knowledgeable in almost everything, however his favourite topic to talk about is creation of life itself and everyone's different perspectives on life. Although, he rarely gets to talk about it. (If he does go into it, I just imagine it being similar to Grif and Simmons' speech from Red vs Blue.)
5.) SCP-049 is always so busy during a breach that he never has the time to talk to the other SCP's. They try to talk to him, but he gets so into his work, so now they always just kinda, leave him alone. He only knows most of them on a first name basis.
6.) SCP-2521 is quite- what do you mean behind me? Oh shit, righ-
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Bracket H Round 1 Matchup 8
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May the most fuck worthy monster win!
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jasminebelle096 · 9 months
Happy Halloween to all my followers! Hope you're having a nice spooky night 🎃
For this scary day, I decided to draw two favorites characters from different fandoms, celebrating Halloween in their way
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Those are not the only fandoms I'm into, I just got lazy at this point lol
Also, Woody is supposed to be disguised as a red panda cause I thought it would be cute
Once again, happy halloween ^_^
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cindarellaayaaa · 1 year
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looks like he like it!!
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