#SCP Martyn InTheLittleWood
cielcreations · 6 months
Item #: SCP-L177L3W00D
Site: L1F3
Object Class: Safe Euclid [ See Addendum SCP-L177L3W00D-3 ]
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-L177L3W00D is to be contained in a room no less than six (6) meters by six (6) meters. Food should be provided three (3) times daily, with three (3) snacks if requested. SCP-L177L3W00D will sometimes request items to "fulfill his king's demands." Requests are to be approved by Site Directors.
List of Approved Requested Items: [ DATA EXPUNGED ]
List of Denied Requested Items: [ DATA EXPUNGED ]
Addendum SCP-L177L3W00D-1: As of 20XX/10/31, no requests from SCP-L177L3W00D shall be fulfilled. Anyone attempting to do so will be terminated.
If SCP-L177L3W00D is in a rage state, no one is to enter the room. No matter what he screams or demands, ignore him. SCP-L177L3W00D will not be harmed, even if he says so. No one is to attempt to fight or sedate him. It is best to just wait it out until his rage subsides.
Description: SCP-L177L3W00D is a thirty (30) year old Caucasian man of British descent, approximately one point six (1.6) meters in height. He has blonde hair that he holds back with a red headband with blue eyes. He wears a black shirt with a red corset vest over it, black jeans, black boots, with a black cape that has a red trim as well as a red hand on the back of it. He always has an axe strapped to his back, never pulling it out. that he pulls out in his rage state.
He is usually very pleasant, very kind and quick witted. He is always joking with staff members, smiling and laughing with them. However, we cannot be sure if this is his true self or merely a manipulation of his. With his unpredictability, his rage state, and other accidents, we cannot trust him
Addendum SCP-L177L3W00D-2: SCP-L177L3W00D's classification has changed to Euclid upon O5 Command. After what happened on 20XX/10/31, it is clear SCP-L177L3W00D has what we now call a "rage state." He is extremely hostile and dangerous in this state and, because of the unpredictability of these states, no more interviews are to be conducted. No requests are to be fulfilled. As little time as possible is to be spent in his containment chambers.
[ Interview Logs ]
Date: 20XX/10/25
Interviewer: Dr. Rodgers
Interviewee: SCP-L177L3W00D
SCP-L177L3W00D: Ayup, Doctor.
Dr. Rodgers: I- Pardon?
SCP-L177L3W00D: Never heard that before? [Joking] Judging from your accent, you're a filthy American. [Chuckles] I kid, of course. I'm just saying hi, seeing as I'm suddenly being held in your building for no reason.
Dr. Rodgers: It is for a reason. The foundation is quite interested in your abilities-
SCP-L177L3W00D: Ah, I'm sorry, Doctor, but I don't offer my services to others.
Dr. Rodgers: N-No, no, sir, don't worry. I, nor the foundation, is asking for you to use your abilities for us. We just wish to know more about them.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Well, good. My service is only for my king.
Dr. Rodgers: Your king? May I ask who that is?
SCP-L177L3W00D: All you need to know is he goes by the Red King. You don't want to know his name. [Pauses] Those who hear his name are bound to die.
Dr. Rodgers: By whom?
SCP-L177L3W00D: Well, I am the Red King's Hand. He orders me to kill, I do so. If he ordered me to offer my life, I would. I am but a loyal and humble servant to my great king.
Dr. Rodgers: I see. Should we be worried about whether or not you are going to hurt the foundation members?
SCP-L177L3W00D: [Pauses] I don't think so. No offense, but you all are extremely weak. It'd be a waste of my time and energy to get rid of you, and my king knows that. He probably finds it amusing that you all believe you've caught me. [Chuckles] But, he hasn't ordered me to leave yet. So, I will play along for now. It's kinda nice to have a break!
Dr. Rodgers: You think you could just leave.
SCP-L177L3W00D: [Laughs] Oh, Doctor Rodgers, I know I could just leave if my king ordered me to do so.
Dr. Rodgers: How did you-
SCP-L177L3W00D: [Smirks] Oh, was that suppose to be a secret? [Chuckles] My bad. Well, my king has ordered me to say no more, so this interview is done. Off you go!
Note: Dr. Rodgers continued to try to ask questions, but SCP-L177L3W00D remained silent.
Date: 20XX/10/28
Interviewer: Dr. Rodgers
Interviewee: SCP-L177L3W00D
Dr. Rodgers: Hello again. 
SCP-L177L3W00D: Hello, Doctor Rodgers. It's nice to see you again. Glad to know I didn't scare you off.
Dr. Rodgers: It takes a lot to scare me.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Oh? [Laughs] Should I be scarier then?
Dr. Rodgers: [Chuckles] I would prefer not, but I cannot stop you. Only your king can, correct.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Ah! So you guys are smart!
Dr. Rodgers: If I can, I would like to try to ask more questions this time. I would like to know more about your powers and abilities. I feel as though last time, we only got to know your background and morals.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Hm, I suppose you're right. Alright, I'll answer what I can!
Dr. Rodgers: Excellent. First off, is there a name you would like me to call you?
SCP-L177L3W00D: My name is Martyn, the Red King's Hand.
Dr. Rodgers: Well, it's good to know. Now I won't have to call you your code name. Okay, Martyn, when local police found you, you were surrounded by bodies and covered in blood.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Yes, those people defied my king and your... police tried to attack me.
Dr. Rodgers: Exactly. Well, you got on the foundation's radar because, despite having been shot at least fifteen times, you were still standing.
SCP-L177L3W00D: [Laughs] Oh, that? Yeah, that is nothing!
Dr. Rodgers: Are you immune to bullets?
SCP-L177L3W00D: [Laughs] Oh, Doctor, I am anything my king needs me to be. But, in this state? I guess you could call me... an immortal. A follower, a listener. [Laughs] Listener... oh, he will hate me for that!
Dr. Rodgers: So, if your king demands it, is it possible for you to become something else? Could you shapeshift?
SCP-L177L3W00D: Oh, no, no! Not... well, not fully. If he ordered me to be an animal, I wouldn't act human. An animal runs on instincts, so I would do that. I can't just turn into a wolf or bear or something.
Dr. Rodgers: So, it's more hypothetical, then?
SCP-L177L3W00D: I guess, yes. [Pauses] Sorry, but my king has ordered me to not answer any more questions.
Dr. Rodgers: We can still talk, can't we?
[No response]
Dr. Rodgers: [Pauses] Oh, that's a question, isn't it? [Chuckles] You take your job very seriously. I admire you.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Thank you.
Date: 20XX/10/30
Interviewer: Dr. Rodgers
Interviewee: SCP-L177L3W00D
SCP-L177L3W00D: I hate him.
Dr. Rodgers: That is one way to start an interview.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Ah, I'm sorry. I just hate him.
Dr. Rodgers: Hate who?
SCP-L177L3W00D: [Pauses] I can't say, unfortunately. My king doesn't wish me to. But my king- [Note: SCP-L177L3W00D clenches his fists at this point.] -is being hurt. He is in danger, and yet he wants me to stay put.
Dr. Rodgers: So, you hate your king?
SCP-L177L3W00D: Well, I hate his stubbornness, but I wasn't talking about hating him. No, I the person hurting my king. But my king... [Silence] Despite being called the Red King, he doesn't like a lot of bloodshed. It's why I do the work for him. And yet, he is too kind. A bleeding heart. Without me, he would have died a long time ago. 
Dr. Rodgers: So, you're angry at the person hurting the Red King.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Yes. Because I should be helping, I should be protecting him! Yet, he refuses to give me the order. Has only ordered me to not leave, to wait. It upsets me.
Dr. Rodgers: Have you ever defied your king?
SCP-L177L3W00D: No, never. And I never would. 
Dr. Rodgers: If it's for his safety, wouldn't it be a good thing?
SCP-L177L3W00D: Perhaps. But I cannot be sure. I trust my king. I trust his judgement. And I will continue to follow him.
Dr. Rodgers: But-
SCP-L177L3W00D: I'm sorry, I don't want to talk anymore.
Dr. Rodgers: Martyn?
[No response]
Dr. Rodgers: Martyn, are-
SCP-L177L3W00D: Please, I don't want to talk anymore.
Dr. Rodgers: Martyn, I just need-
Dr: Rodgers: [Shocked] A-Alright.
Addendum SCP-L177L3W00D-3: An attempt was made to conduct an interview with SCP-L177L3W00D on 20XX/10/31, but when Dr. Rodgers entered the room, SCP-L177L3W00D's eyes were a bright red. Once the door closed, SCP-L177L3W00D said a single phrase.
SCP-L177L3W00D: Forgive me, Doctor, but my King has ordered your blood on my hands. You were kind for the brief conversations we've had, but I cannot disobey him.
SCP-L177L3W00D proceed to unstrap the axe from his back and sliced Dr. Rodgers in half. Weapons and sedating proved to be futile when entering the room. This incident resulted in five (5) deaths and ten (10) injured. Once SCP-L177L3W00D had calmed down, his eyes turned blue once again as he sat down. 
SCP-L177L3W00D allowed D-Class personnel to clean the room, remaining silent. Due to this incident as well as O-5 Command, SCP-L177L3W00D's file has been severely altered.
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