#Life Series SCP AU
cielcreations · 8 months
Item #: SCP-5C4R
Site: H3RM1T5
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5C4R is to be given standard foundation living quarters as well as appropriate meals when asked. SCP-5C4R is allowed to cook or bake in the commonplace kitchen. He is also allowed to freely roam and interact on the Safe Sites of the foundation. He is not permitted near the Euclid Sites and especially not permitted near the Keter Sites. There is no need for special containment procedures, just the standard rules and regulations (he is to be given no weapons, no information, etc). SCP-5C4R-1 is also permitted anywhere SCP-5C4R is. Be careful not to let her in to dangerous sites; she is fast, she can and will run between foundation members legs to get somewhere.
Addendum SCP-5C4R-1: If you encounter SCP-5C4R-1, please do not feed her any treats. SCP-5C4R gives her enough treats. She has already had to go on a diet, which SCP-5C4R was very upset about.
Yes, foundation members are permitted to pet SCP-5C4R-1. She is just as safe as SCP-5C4R.
Description: SCP-5C4R appears to be a twenty six (26) year old Caucasian man of American decent, approximately two (2) meters in height. He has brown hair with green eyes and wears any of the clothes the foundation provides to him. He doesn't seem to have a preference in clothing and often changes his style. Sometimes, he will allow his hair to grow long. Other times, he will keep his hair short. Because SCP-5C4R interacts with the foundation members often, there is no need to put a restriction on this.
SCP-5C4R is very kind and cooperative with the foundation members. He doesn't seem to mind the foundation, nor does he seem to care about the questions we ask. He answers them very honestly, even cracking a few jokes, or he explains how uncomfortable he is and doesn't answer.
SCP-5C4R seems to be a normal man, however, he is completely immune to everything. With permission, we have tested the following objects to see if it would hurt him.
Knife: Used to create lacerations on forearm
Sword: Used to attempt to remove arm
Acid: Used on hands
Gun: Used to shoot
Nothing hurt SCP-5C4R. He only complained about the acid, saying it merely "felt uncomfortable." Along with being unharmed, anytime a wound was afflicted on SCP-5C4R, a scar appeared on his body. The scars are not permanent, they only stay on SCP-5C4R's body for six (6) months, which is the only indication that he has been harmed.
Along with SCP-5C4R, there is SCP-5C4R-1. She is an American Shorthair cat. She is SCP-5C4R's pet and follows him almost everywhere. She, like SCP-5C4R, is also immune to everything. We have not tested any objects on her, she has just gotten in the crossfire of incidents, but was left unharmed. SCP-5C4R has also confirmed that SCP-5C4R-1 is immune to everything like him.
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sexymanxisuma · 11 months
Masterpost of all aus, fics and series that have been tagged on this blog
if you enjoy any of these, please feel encouraged to go check out the blogs tagged and check out more of their stuff! ^-^
#shep dbh au <- the detroit become human au that @shepscapades has that is in the form of comics and other drawings as well (think like doodles and wips ^-^)
#the silver sun <- a xisuma centric fic that @thathermitweirdo and art that is made inspired by the fic
#tastes like coffee <- an ethubs fic that xisuma shows up in by @thatonewatercat
#hunger au <- posts about the fic lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) by @definitelynotshouting that is a grian fic where grian goes through a lot of stuff and xisuma shows up in the fic. heavy tags
#vampire au <- so far just one post by @thathermitweirdo talking about writing vampire hunter xisuma ^-^
#it spreads au <- a comic series by @foxxology where grian becomes corrupted by skulk during s9 and xisuma shows up
#creaturfication au <- an au by @evenmoreevil & @applestruda
#sporelings au <- an au by @sporelings-au that takes place during s7 where grian is mother spore and the other resistance members are his kids and doc is his partner. xisuma shows up and is lovingly referred to as uncle egg by the sporelings ^-^
#meiy'ia <- a pirate fic and art by @kitsunespawz where xisuma is the captain of the ship. there is hermitshipping in it
#space outlaws <- a hermitcraft space au by @martuzzio that has art and a fic called my reality, yours
#starred water au <- an au by @kingscourthouse that includes both xisuma and evil xisuma
#little big hermitcraft <- a little big planet au by @slime-gods
#iris au <- an interactive au on the blog @ask-the-iris-au-hermits
#apricity au <- an au by @isolarya which includes watcher lore and traffic series
#the swap au <- a post double life au by @arthropod-concoctions where the soulmates end up swapping places. xisuma shows up during in the fic, which is called and why are you british now?
#spicy chicken au <- a fantasy au by @mojo-chojo (and their mutuals, followers and anons) with various comics and fics. this au has hermitshipping elements ^-^
#hot guy aquarium au <- a merfolk x superhero au on @officalhotguyaquarium where xisuma is the owner of the aquarium ^-^
#black rose au <- a four part series by @cobradoesmcyt that is set in s6
#diverging future <- a fic by @bunnyloverqueen where xisuma adopts grian and jimmy as children. evil xisuma is in the fic too. heavy tags.
#mini tango au <- an au by @mysteriousmoss about tango having a clone/son. evil xisuma appears in some art for the au
#void duo hero au <- a superhero au by @kiwinatorwaffles that has both art and fics. this au includes both xisuma and evil xisuma
#hc scp au <- a scp au by @rosego1dd
#daau <- a desert alien au by @stiffyck that xisuma is a part of ^-^
#tcpootw <- the curtains pulled out of the wall is a fic by @meteormoss about etho cleo and bdubs. xisuma is only mentioned in asks i believe (i haven't finished reading the fic yet so sorry if im wrong ^-^). a bit heavier fic.
#tamacrafters au <- an au by @hybbart where players spawn in as eggs and then hatch into lil creatures ^-^ this au is partially inspired by tamagotchi if i remember correctly (let me know if im wrong ^-^)
#jevin's egg disaster <- an au by @theminecraftbee inspired by the easter egg hunt that jevin put together in s9 where the eggs hatch and lil hermits run around the server ^-^
#private detective gem tasey <- a gem centric detective au by @kiwinatorwaffles
#featherweight au <- an au by @doctorsiren that xisuma and evil xisuma appear in
#featherswap au <- an au by @doctorsiren that xisuma and evil xisuma appear in
#commission competition <- an au by @stitchthesewords that is about etho and bdubs mainly. xisuma has appeared in it tho ^-^
#dry lightning au <- an au by @t3rm1n0s where an oc (koda) is created and their shenanigans on the server. xisuma appears in the au
#winter's rebirth <- a multifandom au by @mysteriousmoss that xisuma and evil xisuma appear in
#wall au <- a superhero au by @nullvoidface where cuteguy becomes the villain. xisuma appears in it. the fic is called And Now There's A Coldness (And It's Shaped Like Me)
#coastal town au <- an au by @solsearchingnights that is multi fandom. xisuma shows up in it.
#aadtd au <- an au by @sleepychaoticentity where both grian and zedaph are watchers on hermitcraft. xisuma is a part of this au
#kitsunes space pirates au <- a pirate au by @kitsunespawz where every server is a pirate ship and the admin of said server is the captain. both xisuma and evil xisuma are in this au
#odyssey craftpunk au <- an au by @gumptiomdog that both xisuma and evil xisuma are a part of
#hermitfold au <- a hermitcraft x dsmp au by @serendipitous-posts where c!jack manifold appears in hermitcraft s8 and ends up basing with zedaph. xisuma is a part of this au
#metal hearts au <- an au by @votederpycausemufins where mumbo and grian rebuild grumbot and jrumbot but as little robots, so they now have essentially 2 kids on the hermitcraft server. xisuma is in this au
#snapshot au <- an au by @doctorsiren where different hermits have been "snapped" and are evil robots (pls correct me if im wrong about this) both xisuma and evil xisum are in this au
#dadskall au <- an au by @doctorsiren where iskall is doom guy/used to be doomguy and is also xisuma & evil xisuma's dad because of being doomguy
#this is about a stuffed bird <- a fic written by @theminecraftbee where mumbo jumbo sets out on a mission to find grian after the world seemingly ends and he sees things that no one should ever see. evil xisuma is in this fic and there are mentions of xisuma
#hermit doomsday au <- an au on the @dailyxisumavoid blog where xisuma is surviving in a post apocalypse world and is finding other survivors along the way ^-^
#recks au <- an au by @wasyago that takes place in s8 with the concept of the builders are robots that the redstoners have made in a cyberpunky setting ^-^ both xisuma and evil xisuma present
#from the archives <- a the magnus archives au by @sixteenth-days that has multiple fics and has characters from multiple different smps. both xisuma and evil xisuma show up during the au.
#hermitcraft mermaid au <- an au by @remderance where xisuma is the owner of an oceanarium and ocean research center. different hermits in this au are different ocean creature mermaids like scar and pearl ^-^
#fallen london au <- an au by @redstone-sun that is multifandom and has multiple fics
#octopath au <- an au by @bathtea4 inspired by octopath 2
#SEN au <- an au by @tunastime around the fic Stretching Endless Nights. xisuma is mentioned in the fic and in some other posts about the au
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piratefern · 13 hours
okay so basically about your AU it's great but I honestly don't understand why scp 049 left scp 035 alone and what's with briefcase? *confused noise* I'm quite confused I do understand some things but some things are quite confusing to understand there backstory I will appreciate if you explains to meh clearly (*°∀°)=3
Hey :D! Thankyou for your ask :3
Basically, to understand the briefcase you’ll need a bit of context first :3
SPOILER WARNING (technically, im hopefully making them a youtube shorts series once ive finished with my main project, but we’ll see :3)
Hasel (or 049 :3) comes from 1340’s france. He had a wife and a daughter who both caught the black death. He was working as a plague doctor at the time, and tried everything he could to save them, but they died. His daughter’s dying wish was for him to live, which cursed him to live forever, fusing him to his mask and altering his form.
In this sense he is now a monster (or anomalous if you prefer) and now portrays more birdlike traits :D
So with this in mind, he feels incredibly guilty. He feels as though the deaths of his wife and child are entirely his fault because he couldn’t cure them.
This guilt manifests itself into a caricature of his wife, where she taunts and tortures him within his mind in a place known as the grey dimension (seen in my earlier birdsong project)
when he gets lost inside the grey dimension (more or less lost in guilt) his physical body turns to auto pilot, and will hunt down anything obstructing his path to “the cure”. This is the monstrous form we see :D
The caricature also produces a black vine, which is my au’s version of the pestilence :D He can see this everywhere, he believed it infects people, and he believes he must find the cure for it in order to redeem himself (this isn’t true, especially because this vine isn't actually real)
right, so Hasel meets dyo (or 035 :D) in 1601. They travel together and eventually fall in love :3 Hasel slowly becomes happier now that hes learning how to enjoy life, and continues his journey to find a “cure”, unaware that its staring him in the face, Dyo, who helps him to forgive and tackle his past, whether unintentional or not.
Eventually their story leads up into 1916, during the first world war. Battles, despite their nature, are an efficient way for Hasel to research the dead whilst avoiding killing where he can.
He had almost hurt dyo by accident after his monstrous form takes him over, and the vine was telling him that he was in the way, that dyo was stopping him from reaching the cure.
At this point something had been building up inside of him. It was a sense of dread, a feeling that something bad was going to happen.
And there it was. He looks over no-man’s land and all he can see is death. He can’t take it anymore, and that night he runs, scared of hurting his lover and scared of “failing” those from his past.
The briefcase however? Its not too important :3 Its a way for him to carry his supplies and it changes to keep up to date with the time period :3 He left it behind so dyo would know he’s gone. Dyo had also had this impending sense of dread, he felt deep down that something like this might happen, but he desperately tried his best to ignore it. So now he’s searching for hasel, the only person in his life who could never leave him, the only one who wouldn’t die.
So yeah thats it in basic terms :3 (after hasel leaves the caricature of his wife is replaced with a manifestation of dyo, masks comedy and tragedy and a mix of the two as it shows how his guilt has become more complex over time :3)
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(Once he gets captured by the foundation the back of his cloak is branded with the logo)
any more questions lmk :3
I haven’t shared much on dyo since this was mainly a hasel focused question so if anyone’s curious about that then be my guest to drop an ask whenever :D He isn’t as built up but I do definitely have ideas for him :3
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raindrops-on-concrete · 3 months
Some Fic Recs
I've been reading a lot of fanfiction lately and also organizing my Ao3 bookmarks into collections, so I thought I might as well share some recommendations on here.
Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation:
if you ever feel alone, don’t - a fun texting fic about the juniors trying to get WangXian together
save a sword, ride a socialist - very unhinged modern au fake dating WangXian, but also very fun and mostly lighthearted
on the unfortunate termination of your betrothal - approx. 15 years post-canon Jin Ling/Lan Sizhui that somehow end up in some sort of situationship after Lan Sizhui's fiancée calls off the wedding; it's very tender and just a lot of emotions
Gremlin Twitter Boyfriend - a lovely multivoice cast podfic, modern au fake dating WangXian, just very funny and lighthearted
Dream SMP/SBI:
How to Smile with Bloody Teeth - bedrock bros fluff where Tommy is the blood god and Techno is his last devout believer; it also has two sequels, one about Phil and on about Wilbur; a lot of very fun dramatic irony in the entire series
It's Not Arson, It's Team-building - tntduo modern au where they're both counselors at a summer camp and Wilbur is very melancholy because it's his last summer as a counselor
six fly amongst bloody stars - Aria Cinabun's lesser known space au, I believe, where Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Drista and Lani are a crew of space vigilantes that accept a job to kidnap senator Nihachu in order to save a planet which makes them the number one most wanted criminals in the galaxy
take this compass, follow it home - a sbi foster fic that deals with neurodivergency and self-worth issues; it's not sad but defintely heavy at times
[Podfic] CLASSIFIEDS. - a multivoice podfic, SCP au sbi told through incident reports and files on supernatural beings that are being held at the SCP foundation
Stray Kids RPF:
the book of us: electricity - Seungjin highschool au, they meet by chance on twitter during Seungmin's second to last year of highschool; just a very real down-to-earth story about teenagers, not knowing what the future holds and about not living the teenage dream; it also has a very eloquent writing style imo
pathos prairie - Minsung modern au, slice-of-life, in which Han has OCD and struggles with internalized homophobia, very down-to-earth, has a reoccurring them of the number 3 which ties in with the OCD plot, has its tender moments but also gets quite heavy
The Student Prince - modern university au with magic Merthur, where Merlin is the most powerful wizard of his generation and supposed to protect Arthur, but Arthur is also his roommate and really fucking annoying (I linked the podfic bc it's very lovely, but you can obviously also read it)
FayJay's Merlin fics are generally very good, if you want to check them out after the Student Prince
feel free to also check out my collections for more recs or shoot me a message, I have lots of more fics to rec that I haven't bookmarked yet (bc alas I'm super bad at bookmarking, I usually forget):
1 Fics that rewired my brain | Archive of Our Own - some of my favourite fics of all time that I consider to be masterpieces in their own right
2 Rain's Favourite Fics | Archive of Our Own - all my bookmarks sorted into subcollections by ship or fandom
4 Rain's Podfic Collection | Archive of Our Own - most of the podfics I've listened to, but unfiltered, so doesn't necessarily mean that I enjoyed them
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nomsfaultau · 10 months
Elemental Coding SBI SCP AU
Philza--Air. Yes he's literally the embodiment of fire, but that would be too easy. Philza has no direction to him, no motivation beyond his kids. His entire philosophy hinges on the people around him, changing to suit them. He’s just support, the wind in the sails of his kids pushing them in the direction they want to go. Whether he’s a nice summer breeze or a hurricane, it’s still without a principled conviction to him.
The Blade--Rock. Very staunch in his convictions. He’s sturdy, dependable. He’s exactly the shape you expect him to be in. Takes a lot to change, and hones himself. Additionally, rock in the sense that The Blood God is eternal. The shift of tectonics/wars that shape the human landscape. The voices likewise reflect this, specifically metamorphic rock, the idea of many melted and amalgamated into one.
Tubbo--Earth. Part of this choice is because Tubbo and The Blade are foils. Tubbo holds staunch principles like The Blade, albeit in a vastly different direction. Tubbo is earth in the sense of soil. There is the possibility of fostering life in a way The Blade's death based morals doesn't allow. In the course of the series, Tubbo and The Blade both undergo character development in different directions. Rock is weathered down to allow soil, earth is put pressure to become stone.
Tommy--Water. Tommy is water because he’s utterly molded by the people around him. He goes with the flow, fitting into the shape of the context he’s in. Regardless of what he thinks is right he’s just adapting to the situation he’s in without any sense of agency to it. Prone to drowning in himself.
Wilbur--Fire. Yeah he has shadow powers what of it? Wilbur is fire coded because the idea of constant consumption needed to survive. Movement as well because if he stays in one place it will all be destroyed, so he’s constantly stuck in a life on the run. Never able to settle or find peace. Wilbur is trapped in the present because the past is destroyed. Also the equivalence of fire: you will be unharmed if you stay away, but if you put your hand into it you’ll be destroyed. Speaks to Wilbur's philosophy of fairness. Fire in the sense that he has to remain very controlled to be safe.
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ancicntforged · 11 months
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An eye for an eye makes the world go blind.
🔴Indie Multi-Muse Blog. 🔴Semi-Selective 🔴Featuring Muses from the Cthulhu Mythos, Honkai Series and many more. 🔴Plenty o' memes, edits, musings and shitposts. 🔴Crossover, AU & OC Friendly. 🔴Mun is 25. 🔴Written by Joy Boy.
「Home || Rules || Muses || Permanent Starter Call || Promo」
Mobile Links: Rules
Glossary of Terms often used on the Blog:
Each of the phrases will have a link that leads to a page on the wiki.
Vacosian: Vacosians are a near-extinct natural born species of Warriors that made their home in the Ultimate Void, on planet Voidal. A majority of the race was exterminated by the God of Destruction Cerveze, however a handful managed to survive, rendering the race close to extinction. They play a cental role in the Cyverse metaseries, where it is revealed that Ruby and Blair are Vacosians who were sent to Remnant. The best way to describe a Vacosian is to think of them as Outer Gods in humanoid forms. Sometimes they have tails and horns too, but it depends from individual to individual.
Dracontine: Dracontines are a natural born species of highly adaptive warriors that were known among the earliest race to have draconic roots, if not, the earliest known trace that had direct ancestry from Primordial Dragons, before the subspecies division of draconic races had occurred. The Dracontines have been relatively under the radar for a good while after the Draconomachy, in which the total population of the Dracontines took a steep decline. However, at present time, the Dracontine race seem to sit very comfortably, with replenished populations, both in Universe 1 and 12, each residing in their own version of Planet Dracorex on both Universes.
Super Vacosian: Super Vacosian, occasionally known as Ascended Warrior, is a legendary transformation unique to the Vacosian race of both the first and 12th universes. It is the signature transformation of the Vacosians relocated to Remnant, all of whom have been able to achieve the transformation, but was famously first awakened by Ruby Rose during her battle with the evil Fall Maiden, Cinder Fall.
Explanation: It's why some muses have multiple FCs. On that note, they're not shapeshifters, but rather think of it like Super Saiyan, just changing hair & eye colors.
Universal Government/Marines: The Universal Government is an universal regime which has ruled the universe for over 500'000 years, since it was founded by an alliance of 200 different planets. It has since vastly grown in influence and now spans across more than 9'000'000 of the universe’s civilized planets.
God-Key: God Key (or Grand Key/Divine Key when translated) are ten tools/weapons created by Azathoth, that when brought together, would allow entrance into her domain and  ████,  while  granting each of the 10 wielders  ██████.
Remnant Dragon Balls: The Remnant Dragon Balls are wish orbs created by the Guardian of Remnant, Kami and were later enhanced upon request by said creator after Ruby asked her for an upgrade. These balls are mainly used on Remnant and were the first type of Dragon Balls used in the metaseries. They have played a major role and impact in the series, being used by a variety of characters, including main protagonist Ruby.
Cosmology: As previously mentioned, the Cyverse is a combination of several other verses (Cthulhu Mythos, RWBY, Dragon Ball Metaseries & the SCP Loredom) with my own unique twist to them, which combines them rather well if I dare say so myself. The whole thing started as a RP Blog on tumblr, known as phantxmthief, and has gathered over 23'500 followers as of this writing. Furthermore, people seem to really love the characters in it and love to know more about the Cyverse’s primary protagonist’s life; Which is Ruby Rose and some others peeps, but without further ado, here we go!
Divine Hierarchy of Universe 12 Chart
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coastxlwaters · 3 months
Ayeeee! It’s ReyRey, or Reyna if ur BORING, I mean-
Uhhhh, hiiiiiiii- idk how to do this sooo-
If u see any sea life stuff or sea related things, reblog and tag meh pls-
(Any cute animals actually-)
A mostly sfw blog
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Minor (I am not comfortable sharing age), Audhd, severe anxiety, Low empathy, OCD, Agender (They/them), bisexual, aroace (aromantic, partially repulsed asexual), depression (not severe)
-Follower count: 153
-Triggers: Sexual Harassment, sexual things in general
-Phobias: (irl) vengeful spirits, thunderstorms, the unknown, that I am always watched, lullabies, uncanny valley stuff, skinwalkers, abandoned places of worship (unless its ancient), distorted faces or images, being abandoned
-Requests: Open <3
-Art trades: Why not? I would love to!
-Commissions: Not open
-art tag = Coastal’s art
-reblog tag = Lucid memories
-Ref sheet tag = Coastal’s random shit
-Ask Tag = Lucid does shit
-Just random posts = Coastal’s mumbles
Main Fandom(s): TSAMS (the sun and moon show), The DCA (The Daycare Attendants)
Percy Jackson, WoF, Warrior Cats, HermitCraft, Empires smp, Life Series, HTTYD, SCP
Other blogs:
@luciddoesshit (oc rp blog)
@reynadesilly (oc/sona ask/rp blog)
@coastxl-reblogs (the name explains)
Cafe and Motorcycles AU (a dca au with fanon eclipse, annular (canon eclipse), moon, and sun! Tag = Cafe and Motorcycle au)
Random Shit I’m interested in:
Any and all known sea life (mainly whales, orcas, and sharks!), Psychology, Horse riding, animal training, herping (snake hunting), and astronomy and astrology!
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Pedophiles, aphobes, queerphobes, racists, just dont bitch on my blog or be jackasses pls ty <3
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
"Welcome To The Simple Lounge" - Introduction and MasterList Post
Hi there friends! SimpleGenius here, and here's a bit about this and the other blogs.
On this blog I mostly reblog anything that catches my eye and where I post most of my tag games and posts related to my stories. This blog is also where most details on my Original Works Trilogy An Old Ballad Of Chance And Ember Hearts (including its Original Work predecessor, Wings And Horns) and Fallout series A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore can be found.
@the-untitledverse-blog is where I post fics and details related to my The UnTitledverse series. The series is comprised of four sagas; The Perfect Storm, The Omniscient Rule, The UnTitled Ventures and The Ender sagas, focusing on the development of a child by the name of Joaquin Cobalt, who grows and matures throughout the sagas, alongside friends and family against enemies and threats on a multiversal scale.
@the-silver-chronicles is where I post fics and details related to my The Silver Chronicles series. The series is smaller than that of The UnTitledverse, however it is one with several alternate scenarios and AUs, most of which for Far Cry 5. This series doesn't follow a sole character, rather being a kind of anthology, connected but can still be solo, though personally I believe Junior Deputy Silva Omar should hold that title, as she is the most significant and reoccurring character in The Silver Chronicles, especially for the FC5 stories.
@life-despair-and-monsters-blog is where I post fics and details related to my Life, Despair & Monsters series. Like The UnTitledverse, this series focuses on the multiverse. Unlike it's predecessor, Life, Despair & Monsters focuses on the alternate dimensions, the Old Kin and magical aspects surrounding the Multiverse, as well as its fundamental foundations. This series follows three groups of characters; Haoyu Anabuki's rebellious group which act as the protagonist faction, Sir Enigma Malvolio's Ruins of the Midnight Rise scientific progress-obsessed institution which acts as the main antagonist faction, with Aggravor's Chapter of the Occult which is a group of warlocks conserving and preserving all kinds of magic and plotting to return the Old Kin back to power whom act as a rival against Malvolio's faction.
@mycharacterlistandwipdump is where I dump my story related details such as list of OCs, plots and WIPs.
I can be found on AO3 here.
Below the cut are the fandoms these series will include and a number of links which can take you to several masterposts. Enjoy!
The UnTitledverse includes fandoms such as Jurassic World, Five Nights At Freddy's, Transformers Prime, The Walking Dead Game, IT (2017), Stranger Things, Gravity Falls, DOOM (2016), SCP Foundation, Detroit: Become Human, Hellaverse, Pet Sematary (2019), Red Dead Redemption, Yo-Kai Watch, Subnautica, Final Space, Life Is Strange, Star Wars, The Last Of Us, Classroom Of The Elite, Hitman, Inside Job, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Saw, The Hateful Eight, Resident Evil, The Masquerade, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb and Fear And Hunger.
The Silver Chronicles includes fandoms such as Far Cry, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare, We Happy Few, Welcome To The Game, Six Of Crows, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, and Bloodborne.
Life, Despair & Monsters includes fandoms such as Love Death + Robots, Doki Doki Literature Club, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir, Arcane: League of Legends, Cyberpunk 2077, Guenevere, I Am Not Okay With This, House Of The Dragon, Wednesday, Poppy Playtime, The Invitation, Choo Choo Charles, God Of War, The Legend of Vox Machina and Castlevania.
A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore solely set in Fallout.
However, there are a few fandoms that I may do some unconnected (from my main fics anyway) fanfics on plus some other original works.
Lastly are the links to any MasterPosts and information I have [THIS WILL BE UPDATED (PROBABLY)]:
Masterpost of Fallout OC Protagonists
Masterpost of casted Fallout characters in my The Schmuck Squad's JJK Abridged react fic
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glagglepacks · 4 months
hello, you can call us glaggle! on this blog we make id packs for everyone to use. we love requests so don't be afraid. we also just like talking so if you just want to say hi that's also cool.
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: more about us :
osdd-1b traumagenic system
bodily 17
collectively uses he/it
we like fnaf, tf2, undertale aus, gravity falls, regretevator, pressure, phighting, roblox myths, hermitcraft, empires smp, life series, cookie run, sanders sides, pokemon, adventure time, sally face, scp, octonauts, mlp, stanley parable, rottmnt, wof, warrior cats, cult of the lamb, stardew valley, poppy playtime, invader zim, dbh, craig of the creek, lethal company, trolls, sonic, tadc, welcome home, tawog, inside out, omori, smiling friends, kirby, objectified, deltarune, among us, sims 4, hades, resident evil village, good omens, stray, inscription, over the garden wall, dhmis, encanto, luca, bluey, mario, animal crossing, our flag means death, little nightmares, bee and puppycat, hilda, she-ra, jsab, hollow knight, dialtown, ddlc, dungeon meshi, warhammer 40k, night in the woods, jjba (part 1 & 2), atla, dead boy detective, tattletale, a hat in time, spongebob, garfield, fosters home for imaginary friends, codename kids next door, inside job, ruby gloom, centaurworld, lps, nimona, maomao, team umizoomi
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: boundaries :
we have our own opinions on things but will not share them on Tumblr. we can't stop anyone from looking at our id packs and we just want to avoid causing arguments. we block freely though.
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: common fronters :
donnie . he/they . organizer . 💜
michael . he/they . protector . 🍕
mushroom . any . autopilot . 🍄
lethal . he/it . communicator . 🔪
grime . he/it . watcher . 🦴
no idea/blurry . ⁉️
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: masterlist :
truffle cookie, onion cookie, vampire cookie, poison mushroom cookie
dr retro, poob, bive, gnarpy, split, infected, lampert, pilby, prototype, pest, scag, mozelle
craftycorn, catnap, dogday
dipper, bill
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
Question! If you were able to set up a town of Cybertronian refugees in a different franchise what would ya choose?
I personally go for Mario from how diverse everything is. (Also not because I played Super Mario Galaxy as a kid and remember the cute lively robots in the series in general.) Locals, fauna, geography, culture, etc. Basically a normal day over there and new neighbors who need help settling in.
Someone has to be there to explain to a confused Seeker sire on how and why his racecar bitlet is now waddling around resembling a penguin.
That's hilarious 🤣🤣
So if it was up to me, I would love to place it in another magic and/or sci-fi thing.
My list:
Ben 10, Teen Titans (not go. The 2003 show), Justice League, Generator Rex, Megas XLR, Lilo & Stitch, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Danny Phantom, Men in Black, Powerpuff Girls, Now You See Me, Halloweentown, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson the the Olympians, Welcome to the Nightvale, SCP Foundation, The Ancient Magus' Bride, Brave Police J-Decker, or Soul Eater in this long-ass list that's not even everything. God damn-
I think this is why I'm so fond of my Other!AUs. Elsewhere exists an intersection of liminal spaces. That's why Adventurers can be dropped into a variety of other places/worlds. It satisfies my fantasy need of magic and meshes into the sci-fi territory of advanced tech.
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the official poster of the Prologue Arc of the ApolloEra, an Unofficial AU Crossover between the SCP Foundation and Godzilla overall, and as a homage to the Heisei Era in some aspects, it will include some elemts of the plot of the ps4 game just like with the zajiaoverse's storyline, but that won't be until series 3. which really takes up the notch of being a true homage to the heisei era, this is more or less an prologue series because i realized that series 1, aka God Of The Monsters, is gonna be more or less an callback to the Showa Era if it was more or less in a heisei era like aspect. this is basically Series 0 of the ApolloEra, titled as Birth Of Godzilla. and yes this was purely inspired by Godzilla Zero/Minus One's trailer to have the prologue series be it's own thing, here is the plot and summary.
Plot: The Foundation in it's early days before containment was fully made, had faced an abundance of strange anomalies and what not that posed an threat to the world, while most have been somewhat secured. it wasn't until a few years after 682's discovery in 1906, that an new type of Anomaly, far more different than the SCPS have appeared, with only one major threat that has proven to be quite the disaster, an ancient sea dragon known only in odo island folklore as an god incarnate called simply... Godzilla.
Summary: The World is given an Grim reminder that man is not so superior to life as all would like to believe, as nuclear tests continue on and on, two groups, the SCP Foundation, and MONARCH, alongside the Global Occult Coalition, discovered an ancient anomalous creature that is feared on an island as a god incarnate based off of an legendary sea dragon called Gojira. where they all see the terror and wrath of what would be known today as, the king of monsters himself... Godzilla.
here is the list of episodes in this order.
1- Gojira Awakens (takes place during 1912)
2- Terror Of Odo Island (takes place during 1918)
3- Ghost Of Slumber Island (Takes Place in 1925)
4- Lucky Dragon (takes place during 1933)
5- The Lonely Behemoth (takes place during 1941)
6- The Broken God (Takes Place During 1943)
7- From Zero To Minus (Takes Place During 1945)
8- Minus One (Takes Place during 1946)
9- Incident Zero (Takes Place During 1947)
10- The Demon Beast (Takes Place During 1950) 11- An Ghostly Whale (Takes Place during 1952)
12- 20,000 Fathoms (Takes Place during 1953)
13- Hellfire Of Tokyo (takes place during 1954)
14- Symbol Of Fear (takes place during Mid 1954)
15- End Of The Terror? (takes place during Late 1954)
Human Characters are of course the Of cast, like Steve Martin, Emiko, Ogata, Serizawa, etc, but also with some returning characters from the Zajiaoverse and maybe the MutantoVerse, and also the Foundation itself, with some original characters both human, kaijus, and anomalies also being present. alongside the GOC, as for kaijus, it is obviously gonna be Godzilla, and if you all can't tell yet, Rhedosaurus. they'll probably be more but eh, gotta make the cast first. because im also lowkey lazy here is the link to the full thing, https://www.deviantart.com/toonartist403/art/ApolloEra-Birth-Of-Godzilla-Poster-970532278 credits of those involved will be in the said link, go check it out, very sorry for how uh. dead this blog has been, we've been more focused on the discord side of things ^^; -Admin Toon
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cielcreations · 10 months
Inspiration from Junji Ito and his horror manga called Tomie.
Item #: SCP-C4N46Y
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-C4N46Y is to be contained in a room no less than five (5) meters by five (5) meters and given adequate room to move. Proper bedding, attire, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained and accessible to SCP-C4N46Y at all times. Books, board games, and video games are to be provided and rotated every three (3) months. SCP-C4N46Y is permitted to have a laptop and phone with internet access, so long as no video or pictures are taken or shared online. Food should be provided three (3) times daily, with three (3) snacks if requested. SCP-C4N46Y may also request different items, but approval of said items must go through the site director.
No physical contact is to be made with SCP-C4N46Y whatsoever. Any objects given to personnel by SCP-C4N46Y may be removed, but must be given to quarantine for examination. No more than three (3) personnel may be present in the room at any given time. All personnel must be removed from SCP-C4N46Y's containment chamber within fifteen (15) minutes of entering.
Any personnel who begin to act erratically, scream, or attempt to grab SCP-C4N46Y are to be removed and terminated. No sharp objects or firearms are allowed in SCP-C4N46Y's containment room. Any personnel who remains in the containment chamber longer than fifteen (15) minutes must immediately be quarantined for a minimum of one (1) week. If personnel express any sort of desire to hurt SCP-C4N46Y in any way are to be immediately terminated. If personnel expresses they are feeling better, they are to monitored/shadowed for one (1) week more. If they then express their desire to see SCP-C4N46Y, they are to be quarantined again. If the personnel returns to normal, they may continue work without monitoring, otherwise if they express to hurt SCP-C4N46Y at any point, they are to be immediately terminated.
Description: SCP-C4N46Y appears to be a twenty four (24) year old Caucasian man of British decent, approximately one point nine (1.9) meters in height. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and wears the wardrobe provided by the foundation. He doesn't seem to have a preference in clothing, expressing that he likes all clothes, especially "comfortable clothing". He has a generally pleasant personality and rarely gets upset, becoming anxious only in the presence of groups of people. [ See Addendum SCP-C4N46Y-1 ]
Any and all humans over the age of eighteen (18) who stay in SCP-C4N46Y's presence for more than fifteen (15) minutes will start to become obsessed with SCP-C4N46Y. They will express their feelings of love and adoration, but also express possessive behavior and thoughts. Subjects afflicted will more often than not express how SCP-C4N46Y is "theirs" and how "they must keep him". Those afflicted will become increasingly more irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. All of these feelings will be directed at SCP-C4N46Y.
The overwhelming urge will eventually take over and afflicted subjects will take out their homicidal tendencies on SCP-C4N46Y in any way possible, more often than not by stabbing and later cutting him into pieces. Once SCP-C4N46Y "dies", the subject will then be overcome with grief and depression. They will then suffer either a massive heart attack or seizure, dying one (1) minute after "killing" SCP-C4N46Y.
After the afflicted subject has died, SCP-C4N46Y will then regenerate, no matter how severe the damage may be. Once SCP-C4N46Y is fully regenerated, he will then go back to normal. SCP-C4N46Y is aware of these effects, and either chooses to ignore the subjects affected or simply responds apathetically with "They deserve it for killing me in such a brutal way."
Addendum SCP-C4N46Y-1: SCP-C4N46Y seems to have a lot more influence than first let on. When ten (10) D-Class personnel were put in the room, SCP-C4N46Y didn't appear to get anxious. SCP-C4N46Y changed into a dress the foundation provided before sitting on the bed, smiling and offering the D-Class personnel to sit around him. Unfortunately, the microphones could not pick up what SCP-C4N46Y was telling the D-Class personnel, but they were entranced by whatever he was saying.
When security entered the room to escort the D-Class outside, SCP-C4N46Y snapped his fingers. The D-Class personnel immediately attacked security. They managed to kill the two (2) security guards before then turning on each other. The last D-Class personnel alive then turned to SCP-C4N46Y, who had remained on his bed with a small smirk. The man then strangled SCP-C4N46Y before dying himself. When regenerated, SCP-C4N46Y sat in his bed for a moment before walking to the bathroom, saying a single sentence.
SCP-C4N46Y: Did you enjoy that, Watcher?
When questioned who this "Watcher" is, SCP-C4N46Y merely smiled.
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
October Fics Rec 22 - Week 1
a weekly prompt list by @piratejenna.
Week 1: fic you’ve read more times than you can count + fic you stayed up way later than you should have to read
After reading @dulcito-on-ao3 ‘s list, I was inspired to do my own. Most of these are Hamefura stories but I added a few from other fandoms.
élément déclencheur, the Portraits series, Small little ideas, Growing 101: VOD Edition, The fangirl and the... playboy?, Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, The Earl of Cauri (Boundaries), Cute and Fluffy!, A Wedding Night, and several other works by @dulcito-on-ao3 (they are one of my favorite author and they have so many great ideas!)
To Tell The Truth and Retrospect by @cyclaes
The Queen’s Tea and you graduate and become adults and that doesn't have to be a lie by @thecagedsong
All Routes Lead to Romance - Katarina's Seven First Dates by EtameWitchLulu
The Runaway Villainess and My Next Life as Sorcier’s Strongest Woman! by @ghostqueen156
Catarina Claes MUST DIE! and The Sword Saint Chronicles by @sixthoctavarium
Mirrorverse (Mirror Mirror, Painted Pictures and Equivalent Exchange) by BogStandardOtaku
Lost and Found by RosamundRosemary
Through the Looking Glass by Luki
Lemon Cake and Late Confessions by ellanica
Miraculous Ladybug
Crumbling Down and the CONSEQUENCES series by OminousPredictions
The Hero Chat AU and others by @cornerverse
Lila Rossi’s Lies Are Exposed fics that aren’t Miracuclass salt! by @gale-dragon-writer
Telling Lies? No Mama by Aishling
A Thief, a Thief and A Thief Redux by @galahadwilder
My Hero Academia
One for All and Eight for the Ninth by @griffinguy24
Type-Two Hero and Turning A New Leaf by Mad_Nimrod
My Hero SCP by mtnetsurfer
Like a Gentle Refrain, El Camino a Casa, and I Promised by Bookwormgal
The Uzumaki Tales: Return of the Whirlpool by jbriz
Guyver Naruto, Invisible Fox, Memories of Others and Senju of Wave by TheBeardedOne
Of Harrowed Hearts by Sable_Scribe
Linked in Life and Love by |_OmegaInfinity_|
Extended Family is Still Family and others by ArcticVulpix
With The Dawn You Rise (With The Day You Blaze) series by Sokkas_First_Fangirl
Harry Potter
Harry Is A Dragon, And That’s Okay by Saphroneth
Harry Of El series by TheBeardedOne
Ashes of the Past by Saphroneth
Taylor Varga by mp3_1415player
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deadpuppetboi · 2 years
My Rp Rules!
Basic Rules:
My DM’s are always open, I may not respond right away, but I will when I have enough time!
Please be 18+ or over, I am not comfortable rping with minors as I tend to delve into harsh topics.
Please. Please. PLEASE DO NOT keep reminding me to respond to the RP. I'm aware that I'm online but the more you remind me to make a response the more I'm reluctant to respond.
Literary Style:
I do Semi-Literate to Literate, if I see a one-liner or a *smiles*, I will block you. I'm comfortable writing more than one paragraph as I get very detailed.
Where To Contact Me:
Tumblr Dm’s! Discord if you’re more comfortable with that!
Genres and Plots:
Horror! I love Love LOVE horror! Anything relating to horror, I’ll immediately take without hesitation.
Thriller counts as well, as well as suspense, both of those make me happy to Rp with.
I'm alright to do other genres, but please ask me first so I can get my opinion on it.
I often Rp with Au’s with any fandom I go into! Canon divergent also counts as well!
Will Rp with OCs! I have OCs myself that I'm willing to Rp with to spice the story up!
If anything makes you uncomfortable, please speak up! I won't take offense and will change to make you comfortable!
Talk about the kind of Rp ideas you have, I'm always open to hearing about them!
You don't have to apologize for taking a break! Your health is much more important than an RP, your life matters more than anything!
I do delve into dark topics in my Rp’s IF it's okay for you. I will never delve into these topics if they make you uncomfortable!
Will NOT do NSFW but suggestive moments and the mention of NSFW are allowed!
Will not do animal harm/abuse, that's the only thing I will not accept.
Manhunt 1 (2003)
Manhunt 2 (2007)
Outlast Series
Twisted Metal
Doctor Who
Batman/DC Comics
Crossovers (love to do them)
SCP Foundation
My OCs (I have so many so don't be afraid to ask about them)
Other things:
Just to remind you to drink water and have a great day in general!
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please i so badly want a SCP-AU with the life series people, if anyone has a fic or fanart of this PLEASE give it to me 🙏
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Hello there.
I am wondering why your SCP AU's SCPs have such big families.
Does it do anything to the "story" that you have or is it something else?
My main objects (which are 079, 035, 049, 173, 096, 106 and 682, and of course 049-j) have big families for four reasons:
1)Some ancestors and descendants of my objects were invented not only by me alone, but also by my friend Nastya Artist. Since last year, since autumn, we began to invent stories about them and their relatives.
2)At the moment I am writing a fanfiction about my favorite object and his secret team called "SCP Foundation: История про долговязого" (I apologize for the Russian name because I am a Russian person. The link to my fanfic is under my avatar)
3)Despite the events of the characters that are happening to them at this time, where my friend and I are composing in a role-playing game, I am at this time inventing further the past not only about 096, but also about 173, 106, 096-j, 096-shy girl, 173-b and 106-old woman. And 035, 049, 079 and other objects and characters are minor characters, but can be as a cameo.
4)All the events of my characters are different. But most of all I work on the story of 096 and his secret team, who in my fanfiction now and in the future are secretly trying to take over the world find adventures and spend time with those characters who are not involved at all in the role-playing game I have with my friend. It can be said that in my fanfiction, it is the secret team that is trying to hide the real truth from their family. In my fanfiction, they will create their own clones (a few months after the character Rolly appeared, where you can find it on my blog), with the help of one invention that Old AI invented as a help. Old AI swore to them that he would not tell anyone what they needed this machine for. Later, after escaping, they realize that if they continue to try to take over the world, then they will not succeed at all. And they decided to build their own studio called "Kuinsy Brothers and Sister's Studio". And when they were looking for employees for the studio, they just found people such as Necromicon and his wife Nora and daughters Kora and Elmyra, nurse Tesla, doctor Grant and Lotario. And now they live in the studio and star in their series, while their clones live instead of them with their family and friends (that is, with the family and friends of the secret team). These guys' TV serials are "Naughty Kuinsys", "Klark & ​​Scott" and "Klark, Elmyra & Scott". These serials are some of the events from their past during in the Foundation and after the escape. Even though they've been able to win careers all over the city of Burbank, they still continue to do so. Their friends 049, 079 and 035 and their relatives (i.e. relatives of 049, 035 and 079) and of course the ancestors and two brothers of Larry and Dina named Roger and Barry, the oldest brother named Jeff and the youngest sister named Dot of Enderman, Lanky and Nelly, and all brothers and only younger sister of Fenya and Russell don’t know anything about it and don’t suspect the purpose in the life of the secret team. But the ancestors of Lanky and Fenya and the descendants of the secret team sometimes visit them in the studio and also swore that they would not tell anyone about this.
I hope that the fourth reason was not superfluous, but I was glad to answer your question.
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