dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Brightburn
Code Name: Brightburn: Agent of Earth's Destruction.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEX is contained in one of the lower levels of Site-AF. He is locked within an anomalous humanoid coffin reinforced with the same metal of the pod he came to earth on as a baby. Attached to the coffin is a Pygmalion Bio Editor Station designed to feed him, collect his waist through tubes, and collect DNA samples from his body. The machine will also be used to measure his growth through the years so that the coffin can be updated every time he has a growth spurt. 
In the event of a growth spurt, SCP-AEX is to be sedated and taken out of the coffin. Foundation technical staff are to weld and alter the coffin so that it can fit his body. This process must be done within 4 hours as no sedative can keep SCP-AEX asleep for any longer. Commander Wells is to be present during this process as she is currently the only Foundation staff member that can stand toe to toe against SCP-AEX. Though as an added precaution Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" will also be present with shields and batons made of steel infused with the same metal to help combat against SCP-AEX. 
Description: SCP-AEX is a humanoid anomaly that, despite his human appearance, is extraterrestrial in nature. Unfortunately, even after obtaining the technology within SCP-AEX's ship and extensive DNA testing, it is unknown where exactly SCP-AEX hails from. He is much more durable and stronger than the average human able to withstand an attack from steel blades and even the impact of continuous shots from an M134 Minigun. SCP-AEX also has numerous anomalous abilities like being able to manipulate the gravity around his body allowing him to fly without restrictions. His eyes can generate energy and they reflect through the iris of the eyes allowing him to generate concentrated lasers. These lasers are hot enough to burn through steel and vaporize flesh ease. 
Surprisingly, SCP-AEX doesn't actually like cutting up with his laser eyes but instead like to ram through them while flying. Because nothing can hurt him, he can tear through metal and flesh easily leaving nothing but splats of blood. SCP-AEX doesn't like over relying on his powers and instead goes for stealth tactics. He doesn't do this out of caution but merely to mock his prey to show them how powerless they are. He normally only uses his laser vision when they have barricaded themselves form him using fortified metal doors and walls. 
Though SCP-AEX's psychology seems to be of psychopathic nature, it's also a possibility that SCP-AEX was genetically made to be like this so that he could blend in and conquer the world. SCP-AEX claims his purpose was to "take the world" though for who and why is a question even he seems to have no answer too. 
SCP-AEX was discovered in 2018 when a small series of unexplained disappearances and murderers were reported in the small town of [data expunged]. Foundation agents found the clues leading to a farmhouse in [data expunged], unfortunately the agents were spotted by SCP-AEX and slaughtered. The next day SCP-AEX crashed a plain into the farmhouse to coverup the evidence, but the Foundation had already gotten an ID of SCP-AEX from the body cameras on the Agents. After SCP-AEX was taken into local police custody to later be adopted by a local family. Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope" was assigned to his capture. Commander Wells and a few Agents she handpicked were the only ones assigned to the mission, she refused to allow anyone else to participate given how strong SCP-AEX was. 
Because of her control over all forms of energy, Commander Wells was able to make SCP-AEX's eyes burn himself and incapacitate him by trapping him in a magnetic bubble. After his ship was found and shown to be able to harm him it was dismantled and used to reinforce the coffin he was later placed in. SCP-AEX's DNA is used to see if it's possible to create genetic mutations or Foundation medication to increase Foundation personal strength and maybe give MTF units his anomalous abilities. Unfortunately, this has been met with zero success; none-the-less, testing on SCP-AEX's DNA has continued to see where his origin is, how exactly his anomalous abilities work, and if they are even considered anomalous where he's form.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
Document of Interest: Foundation Sites
Description: Since we have been [data expunged] in a new [data expunged] with new [data expunged] and therefore new anomalies it only makes sense that we make new Foundation sites. Granted by pure miracle we still have our old sites, but we will need more room to contain new anomalous threats.
Site-AA: Site Director: Nancy James/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Common containment, testing facilities for anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAJ, SCP-AAK, SCP-AAL, SCP-AAN, SCP-AAP, SCP-AAV, SCP-AAY, SCP-ABI, SCP-ABY, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACK, SCP-ACL, SCP-ACX, SCP-ADA, SCP-ADF-Ε, SCP-ADG, SCP-ADS, SCP-ADX, SCP-AEK, SCP-AEW, SCP-AEO, SCP-AFN, SCP-AFQ, SCP-AFV, SCP-AFW, SCP-AFY, SCP-AGF, SCP-AGI, SCP-AHB, SCP-AHI-1, SCP-AHP, SCP-AIB, SCP-AIU, SCP-AJE, SCP-AJK, SCP-ALF, SCP-ALK
Site-AB: Site Director: Isaac Cortez/ Location: [data expunged], Greenland/ Purpose: Memetic and cognitive containment/ Contains: SCP-AAX, SCP-ABD, SCP-ACC-3, SCP-ACG, SCP-ACM, SCP-ADY-Alpha, SCP-AEV, SCP-AFO, SCP-AIM, SCP-ARR, SCP-ATQ
Site-AC: Site Director: Brain Veil/ Location: [data expunged], Iceland/ Purpose:  Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through freezing, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-AAA, SCP-AAD, SCP-AAE, SCP-AAQ, SCP-AAR, SCP-AAU, SCP-ABW, SCP-ABZ, SCP-ACE, SCP-ADE-beta, SCP-ADZ, SCP-AEC, SCP-AEG, SCP-AFL, SCP-AOY
Site-AD: Site Director: Dr. Wicked/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: Experimental Containment of dangerous anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAG, SCP-AAI, SCP-ABB, SCP-ACA-Beta, SCP-ACC-5, SCP-ACT, SCP-ACU, SCP-ADF-Α, SCP-AEK-Ξ, SCP-AFJ, SCP-AGD, SCP-AIV, SCP-ANE, SCP-ARN, SCP-ASS
Site-AE: Site Director: Elanore Whitlock/ Location: [data expunged], Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: containment of dangerous anomalies that are or produce resources that are beneficial to the Foundation, Foundation transportation hub/ Contains: SCP-ADE-Alpha, SCP-ABO, SCP-ACQ, SCP-AEE, SCP-AEF, [data expunged]
Site-AF: Site Director: Dr. tutela/ Location: Inside a pocket dimension within in a blast bunker hidden in the [data expunged] desert, Brazil/ Purpose: Containment of dangerous human and humanoid anomalies/ Contains: SCP-AAM, SCP-ABX, SCP-ACA-Alpha, SCP-ACC-1, SCP-ACD, SCP-ACY, SCP-ADF-Γ, SCP-ADF-Ζ, SCP-ADQ, SCP-ADY-Beta, SCP-AEX, SCP-AFI, SCP-AHK, SCP-AIL, SCP-AQC, SCP-ASZ
Site-AG: Site Director: Cornelious Nex/ Location: Salkum desert, Rubrum on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of Anomalies too dangerous to be left on earth/ Contains: SCP-AAT, SCP-ABC, SCP-ACC-4, SCP-ADN, SCP-AEN, SCP-AEP, SCP-AFG, SCP-AHI, SCP-APT, SCP-ARF
Site-AH: Site Director: Nova Davis/ Location: Kinos, Pulvis on Mars/ Purpose: Containment of anomalies found on Mars/ Contains: SCP-ACR, SCP-AGN, [data expunged]
Site-AI: Site Director: Maxwell Johnson/ Location: New Eriksson, Skoni on Mars/ Purpose: Living, work, and research city for Foundation staff living on Mars, Spaceship development and mass production/ Contains: Does not contain anomalies.
Site-AJ: Site Director: Cullen Artia/ Location [data expunged], Canada/ Purpose: Full containment of SCP-AXA and similar instances/ Contains: SCP-AXA, no other anomalies are allowed at Site AJ.
Site-AK: Site Director: Lucy Doven/ Location: [data expunged] of the Sahara Desert/ Purpose: Production of AFA-1, AFA-2, and AFA-3. Also responsible for containment of special hazard anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABS, SCP-ADF-Δ, SCP-AFT, SCP-AHV, SCP-ATA
Site-AL: Site Director: Dr. Malik/ Location: [data expunged], Madagascar/ Purpose: Containment of highly dangerous anomalies through burning or superheating, containment of anomalies with limited or restricted testing/ Contains: SCP-ADT, SCP-AEL, SCP-AFZ, SCP-AMS, SCP-AWS, [data expunged]
Site-AM: Site Director: Veronica Pérez/ Location: No set location/ Purpose: Invisible sky fortress acts as a base for sentient and humanoid anomalies aligned with the foundation, also contains non-hazardous or low threat anomalies that are useful to the Foundation, homebase for Alpha-9 and Omega-45/ Contains: SCP-AAS, SCP-ABG, SCP-ABJ, SCP-ABL, SCP-ACC-2, SCP-ACV, SCP-ADV-Warden, SCP-ADW, SCP-AEZ, SCP-AGC, SCP-AZJ
Site-AN: Site Director: Tanaka Eto/ Location: the bottom of the Mariana Trench/ Purpose: Containment of extremely dangerous anomalies that can possess a constant XK class: End of the World scenario should they break containment but are still available for testing and research, also acts as a defensive base against SCP-[data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABA, SCP-ABT-1, SCP-ADR, SCP-ADU, SCP-AFB, SCP-AHD, SCP-AID, SCP-ATV, SCP-AXP
Site-AO: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged] of the North Atlantic Ocean/ Purpose: Primarily for the testing of long-term effects anomalies can have on the public through an artificial city environment populated by [data expunged]. Secondary, for the purpose of either temporary containment or permanent containment of biohazardous, chemical, and aquatic class anomalies/ Contains: SCP-ABE, SCP-ADK, SCP-AES, SCP-AFU, SCP-AGE, SCP-AGL, SCP-AKS, [data expunged]
Site-AP: Site Director: [data expunged]/ Location: [data expunged]/ Purpose: [data expunged]/ Contains: SCP-ABP, SCP-ABV-4, SCP-ABV-6, SCP-AGS, SCP-AHM, SCP-AJY-Prime
Site-AQ: Site Director: 476F64/ Location: The Arctic/ Purpose: containment and study of digital anomalies such as A.I., virtual worlds, and anomalous video games/ Contains: SCP-ACH, SCP-ADP, SCP-AED, SCP-AEM, SCP-AVH
Site-AR: Site Director: Malcom Wyllt/ Location: underneath the islands of Hawaii/ Purpose: Headquarters of the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic, and Warfare. Containment of literature-based anomalies as well as containing extremely dangerous anomalies by other anomalous means. Most active Foundation Site for experimentation/ Contains: SCP-ACI, SCP-ACX-2, SCP-AGT, SCP-AHG, SCP-AIJ, SCP-AJW
SCP: HMF - Documents of Interest Hub
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