#Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox”
dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Attack the Block
Code Name: Blue Tooth Hounds
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFY instances are contained at in an artificially created cave system that spans 150x150 meters wide at Site-AA. They are bred and trained in that area so that they can become proper hounds for Mobile Task Force Demeter-4 "Animal Control". No one besides Level 4 Clearance or a member of MTF Demeter-4 is allowed within the containment area of SCP-AFY. Any testing with SCP-AFY must be approved by a Level 4 Clearance Staff. 
In the event of a containment breach a pheromone is to be released within the SCP-AFY containment area. This pheromone will make them docile and want to hide by any means available. Should they smell anyone with an unidentifiable smell enter the containment area they will hunt them down and kill them. A calming pheromone will be released after the containment breach has been cleared. 
Description: SCP-AFY is a species of Quadrupedal aliens that came to earth via meteor. The males of the species all are large being able to stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weight on average 600 to 1200 pounds. They have no visible sensory organs, small but sharp claws, and for some reason glowing blue teeth. They also have fur so black that it absorbs all forms of light making them look like living and moving blobs of darkness. 
Despite having no sensory organs SCP-AFY has a keen sense of smell especially for pheromones. As such the females of the species produce these pheromones regularly quite similar to how a queen ant of a colony sprays pheromones on the ants to follow her orders. Unlike the males the female is devoid of hair and has a body size of 3 -4 feet tall. They are also relatively weak without male guards, but they do have a defense mechanism of spraying hostile pheromones onto their attackers. 
As a whole, the species is extremely fast and flexible able to run along any terrain with ease and at a speed of 30 to 50 MPH. They can climb across any surface, and break through glass, metal, and even concrete with ease. Their sense of hearing is incredible, and their bodies are durable enough to resist most melee and even basic firearm attacks. However heavy firearms, explosives, and energy-based attacks are quite effective against them. Furthermore, despite their great senses, they mostly focus on pheromone commands often ignoring prey when it hasn't been sprayed by hostile pheromones.
SCP-AFY was discovered in 2011 when an apartment building at [data expunged]. The Foundation was called to action when an agent living in the building as well as another agent passing by saw the SCP-AFY male instances roaming around the apartment building. The England Division of the Foundation deployed Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" to capture all of the anomalous beasts. Though they captured a few the female was already killed, and the rest were killed by a boy who calls himself Moses and his friends. However, they were arrested by the police who believed they killed everyone who died by the SCP-AFY instances and caused the explosion in the name of arson. 
Foundation agents disgusted as detectives offered the boys positions at the Foundation under Protocol "Sole Survivor". They accepted and are now under training to become MTF units within the Foundation. As for a majority of the survivors of the apartment they were given the proper amnestics and sent to new apartments with £5,000 each as compensation for their troubles as well as hush money. The cover story for the boys was that they really did attack the apartment and were given capital punishment as a result, fake bodies were created for the funerals. Surprisingly a lot of people showed up to said funeral not remembering much but believing Moses and his boys were heroes.
Update 2013 - Moses and his men have completed their training they are now the newest recruits of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox". Unlike normal MTF Epsilon-11 units they are quite talkative and have good charisma making them instant favorites among Foundation staff. a majority of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" do not like this, so they are often handled by MTF Alpha-1 unit "Monster Slayer".
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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yotenotes · 8 months
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martín tapia art
havent drawn him in forever. like, months. shame on me for that i neglected my favourite double agent. love him
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toadkingstudios · 1 year
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I have now designed 5 Mobile Task Force shirts on my shop! Zeta-9 “Mole Rats,” Epsilon-11 “Nine-Tailed Fox,” Episilon-6 “Village Idiots,” Alpha-9 “Last Hope,” Beta-7 “Maz Hatters.” There are a LOT of MTFs. What team would you want to see done next? Credit to Sunnyclockwork @hisclockworkservants for the Mobile Task Force team logos these use. I’ve changed some details on the logos as to develop them more and add my own touches to them. Someday, I’d really like to totally revamp the logos for new patch designs.
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a-rebellious-waffle · 10 months
So recently I had an idea to condense every single SCP Mobile Task Force down to a single word and frankly I think that might be the key to a good Mobile Task Force
MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand"): Escort
MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down"): Military
MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats"): Cavers
MTF Tau-5 ("Samsara"): Overpowered
MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox"): Elite
MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings"): Liars
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o5-the-daughter · 2 years
File number three (3) is what remains of one Agent M██████ S██████, a first generation Foundation Field Agent who assisted in the founding of multiple Mobile Task Forces, including Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 "Fire Eaters", Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox" and Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand". Notes show him as a close confidant of the first Overseer Council, and there are vague records of a mostly redacted vote that implies he was tasked with recruiting civilians for the MTFs from approximately nineteen-o-five (1905) onward. The file also names him as a friend (?) of Johann A█████, whom he endorsed for a classified promotion in nineteen-thirty-two (1932) - presumably the Blackbird promotion. There is also a footnote that he was to keep an eye on Lee Hoadley [sidenote: I find it fascinating that his name seems to have been open knowledge, as I have not seen it redacted so far] from the nineteen-tens (1910s) on, possibly implying early suspicions towards The Lesser.
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admintrust · 2 years
Scp containment breach endings
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The scientist mentions never hearing of an Agent Skinner and reveals that Dr. Later on the same day as SCP-106's breach, Subject D-9341, along with 2 other Class-D Personnel, are pulled from their cells in order to perform a test involving SCP-173.Īlong the way to the testing chamber, a scientist can be overheard talking to someone else about the SCP-106 breach. Unbeknownst to the rest of the site SCP-079 is actually keeping the blast doors shut. The site assumes that this was caused by SCP-106 having damaged its blast doors, as it had traverse SCP-079's chamber during the breach. Half an hour later Researcher Ferguson notices that the blast doors in SCP-079's containment chamber have begun to malfunction. The site then presumes that Agent Skinner was abducted by SCP-106. SCP-106 is eventually re-contained with a lure subject and Agent Carey is disciplined for having left his post. Free to give the ones who imprisoned you what they deserve." Maynard then flees the containment chamber.
Maynard about this, he responds " You're free now. He then gives SCP-079 access to every major system in the site. Maynard replies, " Proceeding." and heads down to Heavy Containment Zone where he slips into the control room of SCP-079's containment chamber. He then presumably flees the site while its staff are dealing with the breach. Maynard saying, " It's out.", referring to SCP-106. He sets off the site-wide alarm and informs Security Chief Franklin of the breach. While Carey is gone, Agent Skinner uses this opportunity to release SCP-106 from containment. Between that time and 9:21, Carey leaves to go get coffee from the cafeteria. On an unknown date at 9:00, Agent Carey and Security Agent Skinner begin their morning shift of monitoring SCP-106's containment chamber. Maynard started the project in order to make the site more vulnerable to containment breaches. Throughout SCP - Containment Breach, several computer monitors can be found pointing out problems and security risks caused by the Modular Site Project, which leads to the presumption that Dr. This project is intended to be a redesign of both the facility's layout and its security systems in order to accommodate the workload and containment chambers of the newly relocated SCPs. Maynard and the Engineering and Technical Services Department initiate a concept called the Modular Site Project. They are working undercover as Chaos Insurgency operatives while posing as Foundation members in order to trigger a containment breach. Maynard and Security Agent Skinner both join the unspecified site. Shortly after, Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") was established in order to protect this site and handle containment breaches. Not much is known about this site aside from the fact that it was previously used as a research facility, making it unable to handle the quantity of SCPs it currently possesses. The document mentioning SCP-106's first breach.īefore the events of the game take place, several of the Foundation's sites and sectors were attacked, which caused several Euclid and Keter SCPs to be temporarily relocated to an unspecified site until repairs on the previous facilities are completed.
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bluprint · 2 years
Average Chaos enjoyer vs Average MTF enthusiast
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High ass credentials giving you the right and ability to change the designations of other MTF units.
So next time something happens the anouncer goes "mobile taskforce epsilon 11 designated:"foxy grandpa" has entered tje facility"
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fire86743-blog · 7 years
New avatar
(If you don’t know what my avatar is, it’s the logo for the Nine Tailed Fox.)
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months
File: Brightburn
Code Name: Brightburn: Agent of Earth's Destruction.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEX is contained in one of the lower levels of Site-AF. He is locked within an anomalous humanoid coffin reinforced with the same metal of the pod he came to earth on as a baby. Attached to the coffin is a Pygmalion Bio Editor Station designed to feed him, collect his waist through tubes, and collect DNA samples from his body. The machine will also be used to measure his growth through the years so that the coffin can be updated every time he has a growth spurt. 
In the event of a growth spurt, SCP-AEX is to be sedated and taken out of the coffin. Foundation technical staff are to weld and alter the coffin so that it can fit his body. This process must be done within 4 hours as no sedative can keep SCP-AEX asleep for any longer. Commander Wells is to be present during this process as she is currently the only Foundation staff member that can stand toe to toe against SCP-AEX. Though as an added precaution Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" will also be present with shields and batons made of steel infused with the same metal to help combat against SCP-AEX. 
Description: SCP-AEX is a humanoid anomaly that, despite his human appearance, is extraterrestrial in nature. Unfortunately, even after obtaining the technology within SCP-AEX's ship and extensive DNA testing, it is unknown where exactly SCP-AEX hails from. He is much more durable and stronger than the average human able to withstand an attack from steel blades and even the impact of continuous shots from an M134 Minigun. SCP-AEX also has numerous anomalous abilities like being able to manipulate the gravity around his body allowing him to fly without restrictions. His eyes can generate energy and they reflect through the iris of the eyes allowing him to generate concentrated lasers. These lasers are hot enough to burn through steel and vaporize flesh ease. 
Surprisingly, SCP-AEX doesn't actually like cutting up with his laser eyes but instead like to ram through them while flying. Because nothing can hurt him, he can tear through metal and flesh easily leaving nothing but splats of blood. SCP-AEX doesn't like over relying on his powers and instead goes for stealth tactics. He doesn't do this out of caution but merely to mock his prey to show them how powerless they are. He normally only uses his laser vision when they have barricaded themselves form him using fortified metal doors and walls. 
Though SCP-AEX's psychology seems to be of psychopathic nature, it's also a possibility that SCP-AEX was genetically made to be like this so that he could blend in and conquer the world. SCP-AEX claims his purpose was to "take the world" though for who and why is a question even he seems to have no answer too. 
SCP-AEX was discovered in 2018 when a small series of unexplained disappearances and murderers were reported in the small town of [data expunged]. Foundation agents found the clues leading to a farmhouse in [data expunged], unfortunately the agents were spotted by SCP-AEX and slaughtered. The next day SCP-AEX crashed a plain into the farmhouse to coverup the evidence, but the Foundation had already gotten an ID of SCP-AEX from the body cameras on the Agents. After SCP-AEX was taken into local police custody to later be adopted by a local family. Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope" was assigned to his capture. Commander Wells and a few Agents she handpicked were the only ones assigned to the mission, she refused to allow anyone else to participate given how strong SCP-AEX was. 
Because of her control over all forms of energy, Commander Wells was able to make SCP-AEX's eyes burn himself and incapacitate him by trapping him in a magnetic bubble. After his ship was found and shown to be able to harm him it was dismantled and used to reinforce the coffin he was later placed in. SCP-AEX's DNA is used to see if it's possible to create genetic mutations or Foundation medication to increase Foundation personal strength and maybe give MTF units his anomalous abilities. Unfortunately, this has been met with zero success; none-the-less, testing on SCP-AEX's DNA has continued to see where his origin is, how exactly his anomalous abilities work, and if they are even considered anomalous where he's form.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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jaysen-vor-hee-hees · 2 years
Item no; [REDACTED]
Object class: what the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]
Special Containment Procedures: Don’t even try. If Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon-11 “Nine Tailed Fox” can’t contain them, we can’t either.
Description: Big [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]ing [REDACTED]. God damn Dr. Bright did it again. Can we not go five minutes without this man [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]ing up every god damn thing in this facility.
Note: Please god I just want a break.
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fantasychica37 · 3 years
A concept (or, a piece of the most deserved SCP happy ending)
(based off of the idea in a tale that “Montauk” denotes containment procedures for minors - no, no one gets tortured in this, just bear with me for a second)
To: Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 (“Nine-Tailed Fox”)
From: [REDACTED], Site-231
Subject: Mission accomplished; new containment procedure required
I am proud to report that all has gone according to plan and SCP-231 can be considered neutralized. However, your services are still needed; see attached details for new procedure 111-Montauk.
(Please also bring back the strongest alcohol you can find for consumption by Site-231 staff the minute all anomalies are transferred off site and no longer our responsibility; I will arrange to have it paid for with Site budget, and if O5 says anything I’m taking it up with Ethics.)
Please provide Site-231 with regular updates on the status of the mission, for the sanity of the staff monitoring SCP-231-7.
Enjoy your new mission. I think we may have just saved the world - well, she did, really - and that deserves a celebration.
Instructions for Procedure 111-Montauk:
1. The responding MTF will retrieve a cooler and ice bags from Site-231 and then travel in plainclothes, in as inconspicuous a vehicle as possible, to the nearest grocery or convenience store.
2. Upon arrival, the MTF will divide into groups of three to secure and purchase the following items, with cost being of no concern:
a) A quantity of ice cream or frozen yogurt equal to one pint per two human beings or humanoid SCP objects currently at the affected site plus one cup for every member of the responding MTF, in as many flavors as possible. Procurement of chocolate brownie dough ice cream is imperative, no matter the cost.
b) Ten thousand (10000) calories’ worth of candy and other saccharine foods.
c) Whipped cream, chocolate sauce, edible sprinkles (rainbow and chocolate), and other ice cream toppings as per the discretion of the responding MTF.
d) Disposable bowls, tablespoons, and napkins.
e) A reusable grocery bag for transport of item (d). (Caring about the environment is the ethical thing to do!)
f) A children’s coloring book, a box of twenty-four (24) crayons, and a stuffed bear.
3) The responding MTF will load item (a) into the cooler and item (d) into item (e) and return to Site-231 as swiftly as possible.
4) Upon arrival, the MTF will proceed to the hallway outside the affected SCP’s containment chamber and provide the Site Director with item (b) and one of the disposable bowls comprising item (d). The Site Director will fill a bowl with candy and provide it to the affected non-humanoid SCP. (In this case, that is the SCP provisionally designated SCP-231-G.)
5) The MTF will then arrange the remainder of the requisitioned goods from step 2 in a manner as seems logical to the MTF commander upon a table to be set up by D-Class personnel.
6) All Foundation personnel, D-Class personnel, and humanoid SCPs at the site will queue in front of the table in a line headed by any humanoid SCPs present, and will serve themselves from the retrieved items as they wish (with the exception that minor humanoid SCPs may have no more than one bowl). All Foundation personnel and D-Class personnel are to leave the room after serving. Foundation and D-Class personnel have complete freedom from Special Containment Procedures after this point, with the exception that all containment chamber observation cameras must be manned at all times as previously. Affected SCP objects are to be contained under standard humanoid or animal containment protocols, respectively. At this point, the MTF may return to their base, but only after everyone has partaken of as much ice cream as they wish. Item (f) and SCP-231-G are to be left in SCP-231-7′s containment chamber.
7) At the conclusion of the “big ice cream party”, any remaining supplies will be stored in the Site cafeteria for further consumption by personnel. SCP-231-7 may have another bowl of ice cream after lunch tomorrow.
8) Actually, you know what? SCP-231-7 can have whatever she asks for, forever. It’s the least we can do, and she’s earned it. (If anyone takes issue with my sending an entire Mobile Task Force to buy ice cream with Foundation money, I would be happy to show you the receipts for our big ice cream party compared with an itemized budget for SCP-231′s containment to date, and go into said budget in detail.)
9) The Site Director, who has been awake for more than twenty-four (24) hours and has suffered insomnia since assignment to SCP-231, will go to bed, cry, and get some well-deserved fucking sleep.
P.S. If this “procedure” ever actually gets used again, that will be my greatest service to the Foundation, and someone please let me know about it. Also, let it be noted that I want to see video footage of our tickle wrestling blob monster defeating the Scarlet King with the power of love. It’s only fair.
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bunkins · 3 years
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, designated "Nine-Tailed Fox" has entered the facility. All personnel are advised to stay in the evacuation shelters or any other safe area until the facility has been secured. They'll start escorting personnel out when all escaped SCP's are recontained. Awaiting recontainment of- [INCOMPREHENSIBLE]
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floofe-trans-doggie · 3 years
Every time I hear MtF I immediately think Mobile Task Force.
Mobile Task Force unit Epsilon 11, designated Nine Tailed Fox is securing the estrogen.
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cannibalcaprine · 3 years
Wait what does the mtf actually mean then
in that context, mobile task force
the most famous is epsilon 11, or nine tailed fox
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