#SEMI [🦋]- don't it always seem to go
actiongrrl · 5 months
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|| @jesvshotsaucechristmascake survived the night...
"you are evil. like a hobbit."
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−−−¨༺ Sam sat atop the counter, legs kicking and a shit eating grin on her features. She had simply crawled on the counter so that she could reach the top shelf of the cabinet. And maybe it was a little dark. And maybe it was just a little funny that she somehow had scared the crap out of him. For a minute she felt bad for scaring him, but all that was down the drain when he called her a hobbit. "Are you calling me Gollum?" she asked, head cocked to the side and brows raised. If anything, she was a Fallohide, not a Stoor. And- "Technically, in Tolkien-verse, I'm of Dwarf height. The tallest Hobbits only grew to about 4 feet. So," she lectured as if Mike was just owned. Sam may not have really known a lot about superheroes but she was a raised, tried and true Tolkien fan. Thanks to her Dad and brother for that one.
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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_dream of love
klaus x elena_
ft. elijah & tatia
a/n: a very au story. Klaus is not (yet) the big bad wolf. Elijah doesn't know he is a Mikaelson. He is Elijah Smith, as he was taken by a witch as a baby from Esther.
I always turn everything upside down.
This is a Klena love story.
_the klena manip below is not mine.
New York
Elijah Smith sat down at the table of his lavish penthouse apartment looking at the photo of his bride to be - Tatia Gilbert.
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There was not a day that he didn't miss her. Not a day passed that he did not go to sleep with the thought of her or woke up with his heart beating for his loved one.
Though he had all the money in the world and had spent every possible way he could think of to find her, it seemed that some greater power was holding all his efforts back.
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"Hey" Elena walked in the lounge, greeting her  her sister's fiance.
"Hello." Elijah said putting the photographs and letters back in a box.
"You didn't sleep." the brunette stated the obvious as Elijah's ragged look, and crinkled shirt were proof enough.
"Everything just - we were supposed to get married two years ago on this day. And - oh I wish she never went on that expedition."
"Yeah - but you know that she had to go. She breathed archeology. And she is such a free spirit." Elena said, her own heart aching for her twin sister.
"Yes. That is one reason I fell in love with her. She was so full of life," Elijah drew a sad breath,"and I don't believe that she is gone."
"And you think that they will help us find her? And that they would not want anything in return - just the amulet"
"I sincerely hope so. Right," Elijah got up and now took the box, "I will get some sleep. And - you can stay here as long as you like."
"Thanks. But I will look for an apartment. It's about time"
"Damon came looking for you, and I told him not to come calling here again. He was drunk and pretty violent."
"Thank you, Elijah. I am really sorry about - the idiot." Elena said apologetically.
"No problem. I am happy that you finally have opened your eyes regarding this guy." Elijah said.
Elena nodded and turned towards the big window, gazing out, her thoughts swayed to another man and the Ball in New Orleans. 
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New Orleans
"What do you mean, you're packing your bags and going to New York? You don't know anyone there." Rebekah Mikaelson said to her half-brother stunned as he announced to the blonde that he was leaving.
"Marcel is there. I talked to him and he says that I can crash at his place till I got on my feet. If there is a place to make it as an artist it's there. I got to at least try. You are going away soon with your rich fiance and I will be left alone here anyway."
"Yes" Rebekah sighed, "you do. I don't know why you are not letting Stefan help you. He's got connections - he said that your paintings are good."
"You know how I feel about his snobby friends - and I want to make it on my own. Exhibit with a Gallery that finds your work worth the while. Get a proper art dealer." Kol said.
"I get you. You want to do it the hard way. And I respect that. But Stefan is a good guy -"
"Rebekah please - I know that he is - but - this is something I got to do by myself."
"All right," The blonde nodded, giving her brother a semi-hug, "I will definitely come and visit you."
"I am sure you will." Klaus put on a charming smile and now kissed his sister on a cheek as a small bye. 
"Here" Rebekah took out a wad of money from her purse, "please take this."
"Bex, I'm fine." Klaus refused the money.
"I know that you are. But New York is really expensive and - you will need this. You will give me all of it back when you are famous painter - with interest." Rebekah joked shoving the money in her brother's jacket.
"You bet I will. Thanks, sis." Klaus now took his bag hearing the horn of Jackson's car go. 
With tears in her eyes Rebekah motioned to the man to go and he left.
Well I've been out walking
I don't do that much talking these days
These days
These days I seem to think a lot
About the things that I forgot to do
And all the times I had the chance to
I had a lover
I don't think I'll risk another these days
These days
And if I seem to be afraid
To live the life I have made in song
It's just that I've been losing so long
In the cab that headed to the airport, Klaus looked out of the window, his thoughts now fast escaping into a daydream.
He traces her lips lightly with the tip of his finger. As she pouts slightly he feels the urge to kiss it, to wrap her up in his arms and listen to her gentle breathing.
This feeling is so strange. Could it be love? No. Though it stretches throughout his whole body. It's overwhelming.  And yet strangely makes him feel complete. It feels like he is in a dangerous fire, yet completely safe at the same time.  It feels as though his heart is dancing around his chest. He feels so light, like he is on top of the world yet his heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in his lungs.
It's strange – frightening even – how one can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that one was able to live without them. 
Will he ever see her again?
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mcwriting · 2 years
Why R U Here?
I was inspired by @peachescream06 saying that y/n deserves a happy ending after GOOD 4 U and instead gave us this 😀 I am actually considering a real happy ending piece but we shall see. I'm kind of liking the angst
Also semi based on MGK's "why are you here" but also not at all? Lol
Ship: Technically none but past Tom Holland x Y/N
Word Count: 2955
Warnings: Language, angst, some discussion of alcohol and illicit dr*g usage
The New Year's Eve party was bustling as ever when you arrived, your date in tow.
Old friends from over the years cheered when they saw you come in, and even more when you raised a large bottle of champagne in the air.
Greg smiled at you, smitten with the way you were always the life of the party.
In the five years since Tom's fateful wedding, you had finally moved on with your life, drifting apart naturally.
After his wedding, you had muted all of his posts, now only seeing them when you randomly remembered him and searched his name. There wasn't much to see, though.
He hadn't posted in months.
You had met Greg not long after Tom's wedding but were only work colleagues for a while. Eventually a friendship emerged and after you had left that job, he reached out to let you know that he was into you.
That had only been a couple of months prior.
Nothing was serious at all. You didn't even celebrate any of the holidays together since things were too fresh. This was his first public outing with you and you were excited for him to meet your friends.
"Hey, y/n! I'm glad you could make it. Who's your friend?" your closest friend jokingly asked, pointing her head towards Greg. She had heard about him, but they were yet to be introduced.
It didn't take much introducing him to people before he got lost in conversation with some of the other guys attending.
It gave you a chance to go around and chat with other friends you hadn't seen in a while, alone. You were pouring some champagne when one approached.
"Nice guy you've got there. Seems cool," she said. You chuckled as you turned around and leaned back on the counter.
"Cool? That's all you've got for me?"
"Hey I've barely met him so far. But look, seriously y/n, we're just happy you're finally dating again."
You rolled your eyes playfully and sipped your drink.
"And what's that supposed to mean, hm?"
The girl looked back and forth to make sure no one was listening in before answering.
"It's just... you were so torn up about Tom... We were worried about you for a while there. We're all happy that you're doing well now."
"Oh don't be too dramatic. I was sad for a while but honestly, I stayed single as long as I did because I didn't want to deal with another relationship. Now I'm finally able to do that with Greg without any pressure. We're just taking it slow to see where things go."
"That's good. We were worried that you were gonna fall off again after everything with Tom came out a couple months ago."
You paused, brow twitching.
"I'm sorry... what? What's wrong with Tom?"
"Oh you know, the divorce?"
Your friend could see the confusion on your face and she became slackjawed, a blush creeping to her face.
"I... take it you didn't know that he and his wife spilt up?" she asked meekly, like she had accidentally blown a massive secret.
You started shaking your head before speaking with disbelief.
"No. I mean... I'm not necessarily surprised but no, I didn't know that at all. All I knew is that he stopped posting on instagram a while ago. We don't keep up with each other. Last I saw him in person was their wedding night."
Her eyes widened even more.
"Well that might end tonight."
You looked at her with even more concern, brows knit together and a dip in your chin forward.
"What?" you asked pointedly. She almost cowered before speaking.
"He's here. Brought some girl but they haven't been together, like, at all tonight. That's her over there." She gestured to a slim woman with bouncy blonde curls falling down her shoulders. She looked uncomfortable standing alone with her drink.
Well this is just great.
You shook your head again, unable to wrap it around the entire situation when suddenly he appeared.
Tom was standing there next to his date and you were in shock.
And then he saw you.
Both of your eyes widened considerably and you immediately looked away, hoping that he wouldn't come over.
Of course he did, though.
"Y/n! It's so good to see you!" he exclaimed as he walked up. He wrapped you in an excited hug and you awkwardly reciprocated it.
"Hey, Tom. Good to see you too," you replied weakly.
This was all too much, especially on a sober mind. You quickly finished the wine in your glass and turned to get more.
Tom didn't look like he had in the last picture you could find of him. He looked tired and thin, very unlike his typical muscular physique and lively attitude.
"So... how have you been? It's been a while," he started. You weren't in the mood for small talk with him but didn't want to be rude.
"Oh, you know. Things are pretty good these day-"
"Hey what's going on over here?" Greg interrupted goofily. You tried not to sigh too loudly in relief. "Y/n, who's this?"
Before you could answer, Tom was sticking out a hand and introducing himself.
"Tom. Pleasure to meet you. And you are..?"
"Greg." The man gave you a subtle glance. He knew who Tom was, to an extent. At least, he knew you were exes, and that's about it. "I'm y/n's plus one for the evening."
"Ah. Lucky man you are, then," Tom said with a wink. "Y/n always knows how to get a party going, right darling?"
Tom was ever the charmer, trying to put Greg at ease. It was a smart move considering Greg had at least 6 inches on him and bulging biceps.
"Darling?" Greg asked, suspicious.
"Apologies. I forget that saying darling in the states is far less common that back home in London."
Greg easily bought it, but you knew that Tom was just spinning things. He had always called you darling and never used it on other people when you were dating.
"Well, Tom, it was so good seeing you, but there are a few other people that I've been meaning to introduce Greg too. So... maybe we'll circle back later?"
He accepted that and you dragged Greg off, glad to finally be over that conversation. You ignored the fact that you ended by giving Tom another chance to speak later, but hopefully by then you'd be at least nursing a decent buzz.
The party was going well as people chatted over finger foods and progressively became less sober. From what you could tell, no one was completely sloshed yet in anticipation for the clock to strike midnight, but the overall murmur was getting louder over time.
Between conversations, you occasionally saw Tom and could tell from the corners of your eyes that he was looking at you. You tried to ignore him but eventually would glance when he got caught up with someone.
It led to a few brief instances of eye contact that you weren't proud to have. Your stomach was churning from anxiousness but you continued to push it away, wanting to end the year on a positive note.
You also couldn't help but notice his poor date. The girl was mostly left out of Tom's conversations and clearly wasn't enjoying herself.
She looks like someone who deserves better than that. You thought, but not long after, the lights dimmed and a TV was turned onto the New Year's Rockin' Eve as there were only a few minutes left of December.
People started shuffling around to get a better view of the screen and make sure they were up beside their partners for when the clock struck 12.
Greg's strong arm wrapped around you tightly and you leaned in, continuing to try and keep any thought of Tom out of your head.
And then people were counting down the minute, getting louder the lower it got.
"3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!" everyone exclaimed in unison, tossing confetti. You felt kinda bad for the host having to clean it up later but ignored that as Greg's strong hand grabbed your head and pulled you to kiss him.
People were blowing on horns and cheering and singing but you were lost in Greg's lips. After a few seconds, you pulled away and smiled, starting to dance happily in celebration of new beginnings.
You started to stir, though, quickly realizing all the champagne was starting to take a toll on you, so in the commotion you excused yourself to the bathroom.
The hall bath was slightly tucked away from the main part of the house, so you relished in the calm while appreciating the muffled sounds of excitement. You reached to grab the doorknob when it turned and the door flung open.
"Oh so sorry I-" you stopped. It was Tom. Wonderful. "Uh. Sorry, I didn't realize you were in there."
Tom quickly shook his head.
"No no! Don't even worry about it. I, uh, I'm glad to see you again. Crazy party, huh?" he awkwardly said with what seemed to be newfound energy since you'd talked before. He didn't move from the doorway, however.
"Hah, I wouldn't call this one of our craziest, but it's definitely fun!" you answered. He still didn't budge as an awkward silence fell between you.
"Look, y/n, I'm sorry for the way things happened between us. I hope you can forgive me."
Oh great. Now he wanted to get all heavy on you. What a perfect way to start your year.
"You know what, don't be. I worked out my demons a long time ago and... and I'm glad I was able to move on... I, uh, I heard what happened. Must suck." you replied, instantly regretting the last part, but you couldn't have stopped the words from flowing out if you'd wanted to.
"Uh... yeah, no. It was definitely rough but I think things are looking up, you know?" There was another long pause. "I hope you're happy, y/n."
You were taken aback by that statement.
"I- I am. I'm really lucky to be where I am and to have Greg."
"Greg? That guy? You could do better, you know."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"That guy gave me weird vibes. He doesn't deserve you. You're amazing, what's he?"
"I'll have you know he's a great guy. And if he doesn't deserve me then who does? You?"
"No, I don't and that's what sucks." he trailed. You stared at each other for a while before suddenly your lips were on each other, fueled by raging anger and alcohol.
The heated kiss lasted for a while until you pulled away to look at him. You were prepared to gently stop things when something caught your eye.
There was a white residue on his upper lip and nostril.
"What the fuck?" you exclaimed suddenly and stepped away, causing him to jerk back as well.
"What? What's wrong?"
"You're asking me what's wrong when you're the one that's coked up right now? Since when do you even do coke?" you started exclaiming. You tried not to be too loud despite knowing that the crowd likely couldn't hear what was going on.
"I- no I, I can explain-"
You put up a finger to stop him
"No. I don't ever want to hear another one of your bullshit excuses so you better leave before things get uglier than they already are, Tom. And I mean that."
With that, you pushed past him and slammed the bathroom door closed, locking it furiously.
You couldn't believe what had just happened. You looked at yourself in the mirror, finding yourself paled. Shaky hands reached out to grab the counter when you felt powder below your left fingers and immediately jerked back.
How great, now you had to clean up Tom's mess for him.
You quickly grabbed some tissues and wet them, wiping the counter and flushing them down the toilet when you thought everything was clean.
You were still mad, but the pause gave you time to cool down a little more before you could finish your business. You again looked at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands and wanted to cry.
Your stomach was churning but you held it down and forced back the tears from forming. You knew your face would be red when you exited the bathroom, but you could easily blame it on alcohol.
When you returned to the party, your closest friend approached as you looked around, wanting to locate both Tom and Greg.
"Hey, do you know what's with Tom leaving?"
"Huh?" you asked as you continued looking around, not quite processing what she said.
"Well he came from the hall and grabbed that girl he brought and rushed out. I'm not sure he even said goodbye to anyone. Seemed weird."
"Oh, uh. Yeah I actually ran into him when I went to the bathroom. He didn't look like he was feeling well."
Your friend hummed and nodded her head. You probably weren't being a very good liar right now, but all you wanted to do was find Greg and leave.
Your night was over.
"Hey there you are! What took you so long?" Greg asked cheerfully from behind you, making you jump.
"Oh my gosh! Greg," you breathed, adrenaline suddenly flowing through your blood. "You scared me. There was, um, a line. Uh... actually I'm- I'm not feeling all that great. Would you be opposed to turning in early?
"Whatttt? You don't want to keep hanging with all the cool people?" your friend said. You chuckled lightly.
"Hah, you know I'd love to but suddenly I just don't feel great. Not sure what's going on... but it was great to see you and everyone else! Maybe we can do this again sometime?"
You leaned forward to hug her and then grabbed Greg's hand to lead him towards the door. Other partygoers called your name and you waved, only stopping to toss on your coat and grab your bag.
The chilling air outside was like a slap to the face but you trudged through the yard regardless towards Greg's SUV.
"Hey, y/n. Are you okay? What happened back there?" he asked, trying to keep up with your brisk pace.
"I already told you, I don't feel well," you snapped, immediately feeling bad. This wasn't his fault.
He stepped away to give you space as you got into the passenger seat and slammed the door. You felt guilty watching him walk around the front of the car to his door.
Once he got in the car, he started it but sat silently for a moment, like he was in thought. You looked at him in the low light, his face barely illuminated by the streetlights and moon.
"Greg, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off so harsh just then and leave the party without any notice I just..." you paused. Part of you wanted to tell him what happened, but the other part wanted to forget it forever.
Greg quirked a brow at you, looking expectant for you to finish.
"... I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I have a migraine and the sound and everything was really affecting me and I'm sorry about that. We can stay if you want to."
Greg's hand gently moved atop yours, where he then turned it to interlaced his fingers with yours.
"Hey, it's okay. I get it," he murmured quietly. "My mom used to deal with them like crazy when I was a kid so I've seen how bad they can be. Let's get you home and in bed, okay?"
He pulled your hand up and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, causing you to flash him a soft smile and nod.
The hour ride home was pretty quiet, save for the radio playing at the lowest level and the occasional pops and flashes of fireworks in the distance.
Halfway through, you felt your phone buzz in your lap and picked it up instinctively. The bright screen was initially blinding before you could turn it all the way down. You groaned slightly to maintain the act, then refocused your eyes to the device.
It was a text from none other than Tom and your stomach dropped but you didn't move or open it yet. You weren't sure if you wanted to deal with him any more but eventually curiosity got the best of you.
Y/n, I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm not the same person I was back then and I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I also apologize for tonight. I hope you can forgive me - Tom
You wanted to toss the phone out the window, laugh maniacally, scream. There were both a thousand and zero thoughts passing through your brain.
Instead, you simply huffed, shook your head, and deleted the message, placing the phone facedown on your lap.
"Everything okay?" Greg questioned lightly, not taking his eyes from the road.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just a drunken text from Katie saying she hopes we make it home alive. At least, that's what I think she was saying," you lied, hoping he assumed your reaction was more laughter than disapproval.
He clicked his tongue and chuckled before another silence fell thick.
You resolved yourself to leaning back and to the side, resting your forehead on the freezing window to look up at the sky, hoping to see more fireworks among the stars to calm your racing heart.
And as tears trailed your cheeks in bitter silence, you couldn't help but grin at the golden glimmers above you.
A/N: So um. That was sad af. Oops. Also was not expecting this to be longer than the first part but yeehaw. Hope you enjoyed!
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Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! I saw you did these and since I had already rebloged some of your posts I figured I might as well send in an ask ^^
I'm level four, (also you do not have to do the mood board if you don't have the energy I completely understand!) Fandoms: Harry Potter, Stranger things, and Twilight (if you don't do twilight for the ships then DC please!)
Basic info: I am an ENTP, Libra + Slytherin, my pronouns are He/She and I am bi with a preference for masculine people. I am 5'5, i have split dyed orange and black hair, and I tend to wear grunge or dark academia style clothes.
I am a semi-serious person who likes to hangout with people who get me to loosen up and have fun, and I am clingy around those I am close too! I am also pretty spiritual and I love going outside and connecting to nature around me,
My hobbies are drawing, singing songs while I write, reading, and playing games. I love drawing on anything and everything, if my friends allow I will draw all over there arms and hands, if there's a blank space on my schoolwork I will be sure to draw all over it,
I'm a cat person and have 5 cats that are the loves of my life, and I don't really like dogs all that much. I enjoy drinking tea and I dislike the taste of coffee, and I love strawberry or matcha flavored things. I am pretty into DnD and I love drawing my characters or my friends! I also love playing games like Fallout, Skyrim, Minecraft and Jack box, my friends and I used to do game nights all the time and its one of my favorite ways to spend time.
I love all kinds of music, but my favorites have to be indie music, rock from the 60-90's, and specifically Mistki (her music hits hard) But yeah! That's basically me ^^
Want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋
Hello! You actually sound like an awesome person, I too can be serious at times and love being around others that lighten me up 🌷you wouldn’t be the eldest sibling of the family, would you?
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Light-hearted ⋆ Brave ⋆ Humorous  ⋆ Energetic ⋆ Friendly
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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🌿ENTP 🍁Gryffindor (lol obviously) 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Aries Sun,  Leo Moon, Gemini Rising  
I ship you with Fred Weasley! Like with all your ships, I’ve chosen people who would put a smile on your face. These people make problems seem meaningless. So I chose Fred for you because he would get you out of your shell
・I think that Fred would do pranks on you, and which ever mood you were in, you either prank him back - or you would curse him out
・You and Ginny are really good friends. She loves having another girl in the family. And she helps giving revenge to Fred
・Doesn’t matter that you’re in Slytherin either. You would probably have a rivals to lovers type relationship 
・He would take you on so many adventures - around the castle, in Hogsmeaded, at the Burrow etc
・Always having each other’s backs; he would defend you no matter what
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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🌿ENFP 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Rising
I ship you with Eddie Munson! I think he would be such a good match for you. The way that Joseph Quinn gave Eddie such complexity. He’s not just an enigmatic metal head that only cares for his reputation. No, not in the slightest. He’s sweet, he cares. He knows what it’s like to be alone, to not have anyone to turn to. So that’s what he wants for you - to have someone to talk to, to be with. 
・Knowing your body language and what you need by it. Sometimes you want cheering up, or you want to be left alone but not by yourself. Sometimes you just want him to be near.
・Doesn’t have trouble showing affection AT ALL, and loves randomly kissing you - oh and licking you. And biting you...kinda like a cat does.
・He may not have a lot of money, but he always takes you on adventures. But lets be honest, any time spent with Eddie is a good time. 
・You’re apart of Hellfire club, and he would always hide what he’s creating for the campagins. 
   “Y/N, stop looking! You’re forbidden!” 
・You two would be such an awesome couple - Dustin would be in awe of you guys. He wishes to have a relationship like that one day
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🌿INFP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Aquarius Sun, Gemini Moon, Pisces Rising
I ship you with Alice Cullen! I was going to ship you with Emmett, but he seems to lack emotional depth. Alice’s airy personality makes you feel like life has more meaning - she gives you hope. 
・She knew you were soulmates long before you two met. 
・She likes reading you to sleep; Shakespeare is great because you fall asleep VERY quickly. 
・Absolutely adores picking out matching outfits for the two of you
・Your wedding would be nothing short of SPECTACULAR. Expect glamour, glitz, oh but everything would be perfect. Alice has perfected style, and she always makes sure you’re in trend. 
・Her showing you everything the world has to offer. Your life would be transformed - it would be full and you would never know sadness again.
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🌿ENFP 🍁Slytherin 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon, Aries Rising
Okay, so I can just see you absolutely throwing caution to the wind and becoming the most unhinged, chaotic version of yourself. Harley would adore you - everything about you. And although this newfound freedom from your usual stoic and reserved personality, you’re still much more grounded than she is. And that would be such a positive for her. 
・Absolutely being a power couple that the people of Gotham are intimidated by. 
・No one f*cking with either of you because they know the consequences would be too dire
・Excitement and spontaneity always being the themes of your relationship.
・Dying each other’s hair (and probably matching without realising it)
・Causing absolute mayhem that Batman always has to clean up. You guys literally love malarky and although you can be hesitant at times, Harley encourages you to let loose
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
I am gooooood, just finished watching a movie with me Mum, and I’m about to get on with my evening chores so that once I’m done I can go online with my cousin!!
We haven’t played in a couple days cause i was taking a bit of a me break from Tuesday to Thursday, and this weekend I was meant to be at my dads but plans ended up getting cancelled due to adult drama and he already had plans.
So I’m looking forward to being able to talk to him again tonight!!!
Oh!! And to make the day even better, my dad actually rang me ((with an hours notice so I wouldn’t be surprised and get stressed, cause he’s good like that)) and we were able to talk for about 20-30 minutes because he was also looking forward to this weekend and was disappointed when I wasn’t able to come over - cause he’s very sweet like that 💙
So we just talked and caught up and all that good stuff!!!
What about you though? Do you have any plans today?
((I find it funny that because of the different times I end up talking about what I’ve done today and you end up talking about what your going to do today))
- 🦋
ooohhh omg what movie did you watch??? and good luck on ur chores!! hopefully they don't take too long!!
what do you and your cousin play on?? is it like computer stuff or xbox or whatever (i don't know consoles shsjsk my brother is a huge gamer and he has like everything but i never really got into it so i don't know a lot about it besides he yells a lot while playing lmao)
and awhhh that's so sweet 🥺 he sounds really cool and im glad you got to talk to him even if you couldn't see him in person
and my plans are basically just sewing i think i'm gonna attempt to make an axolotl, i found a really cute pattern so i'm gonna attempt it!! and then i have family coming over later, semi unfortunately lol my brothers birthday was the other day so now family is coming over for a small get together. my aunt is coming and i'm excited to see her cause we're really close, but my grandpa and his wife are coming and that's never really fun lol they're both like super conservative and it seems like my grandpa just always tries to start arguments about politics because he knows that i don't hold the same views like at all. and like just in general idk i don't enjoy being around him really hes just not the nicest. but it's fine cause i'm gonna chill all day and sew until then lol
and omg you're right that's so funny shsjsk
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actiongrrl · 3 months
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| | @secondhandmckie [Molly] survived the night...
“ I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
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−−−¨༺ Sam hissed an intake of air through her teeth at that claim. Bless Molly, that was all she could think. Bless. Once more, Sam felt like some sort of odd man out when it came to things like crushes and romance- In this instance mostly because she stewed on these things more than any one person should be able to. "Are you also one of those 'Red is my favorite color' people when it comes to red flags, too?" she inquired. Hannah was like that. "But, shoot, tell me more about this mystery person and their sexy red flags," she inquired. Sam may take things a little too seriously, but that didn't mean she didn't like hearing about other peoples' romantic endeavors.
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actiongrrl · 2 months
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|| @punishdsin survived the night...
❛ it’s the silence that scares me. ❜
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−−−¨༺ Sam's lips drew into a tight line. She knew that James was trying to be supportive to her, as was the purpose of a support group. As much as she knew that was the purpose, being vulnerable and open was still not something she was good at. Or comfortable with. However, she could relate to what he just said. A night of chaos that lived in her head- Screams, explosions, monsters. And the quiet that followed her escaping the lodge. And only her. Then it was her and the crackling of the fire and screeching of the monsters as they burnt. Then the silence, just her until she was rescued. "It definitely makes me uncomfortable," she finally answered, voice flat as she did.
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actiongrrl · 1 month
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|| @jesvshotsaucechristmascake survived the night...
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
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−−−¨༺ Weddings were weird, especially when it was her mom's wedding. Well, this wedding was weird because it was her mom's wedding. Being Maid of Honor was weird, too. Sam felt like there was so much responsibility put on her shoulders to make this a good experience that she spent the majority of the reception pacing along the outskirts. She didn't even move or blink an eye when the customary couples' dance was called, having zoned out and it wasn't until Mike's form appeared in front of her with a hand outstretched. "I?" she sputtered out as everything caught up to her- Couples dance. "I would love to," the blonde answered with a smile, taking his hand. "But, I'm saying sorry in advance- I'm a terrible dancer. Like, not even trying to say that to be cute or modest, I will probably step on your feet so- Wait, those aren't expensive shoes, are they?" she rambled out, gaze cutting from his face, to feet and back again.
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actiongrrl · 5 months
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| | @jesvshotsaucechristmascake survived the night...
"let's leave my mother out of this."
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−−−¨༺ Sam put her hands up as if giving concession, resolving not to make any more comments. It was a big deal- Graduating from law school. She thought it should have been about Mike and celebrating him, his accomplishment. But Mrs. Munroe pushed to make it into appearances and networking. And by now, Sam was used to this sort of thing. "Lips are sealed!" she chirped, miming like she was zipping her lips and gave a smile before her hands dropped to her sides. "All about you. Congrats, by the way!" Sam didn't really know what exactly was happening next. Perhaps a dinner where she would be on her best behaviour and oh-so charming. There was a beat of a moment before, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, like, cross the line. So." She turned around to face the rest of the people who were gathered with a smile for good measure.
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actiongrrl · 3 months
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|| @jesvshotsaucechristmascake survived the night...
“ i couldn’t say no to you even if i wanted to. actually that's a lie, i'd say no just for fun and then i'd do it anyway, but the thought counts. ”
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−−−¨༺ Brows furrowed as the announcement was made, more in confusion than anything. "You're weird," she laughed out. Sam reached out to pat the back of his hand in a sort of quiet encouragement. There was a really sweet sentiment in him telling her the method behind his madness (Perhaps as a heads up), but there was a part of her that was wondering, "Why did you tell me?" There was a playful look on her face as she asked. "Is that so... I don't pout or something when you say no? Because I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm not a pouter." She raised an eyebrow as she looked at him before glancing over at the large farmer's market that they were standing in front of. A precursory warning. Sam scrunched up her face in a smile; "Well, then love the way you lie."
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actiongrrl · 4 months
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| | @muutos [Emily] survived the night..
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
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−−−¨༺ Sam let out a small sigh before slinging her arm over Emily's shoulder. The two of them sat in the corner of the party, the blonde frankly shocked that Emily came over. "Can't tell if you saw an ex, or..." she trailed off, watching the people mill about. 'Or you got tired of everything here.' Which Sam certainly has. She was never a huge party type in the way of high school and college parties. Give her a themed party like halloween or similar and she was all over it. But something about beer pong and trying to get laid really wasn't her scene. "Em, do I need to fight anyone?" she offered, glancing down to her friend and giving a smile.
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actiongrrl · 20 days
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|| @facepeeled survived the night...
❛ sometimes human spaces make inhuman monsters. ❜
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−−−¨༺ Sam's hand clamped over her mouth after the barking laugh that left it. The irony of what Cricket had unwittingly said wasn't lost on her. It was profound, really, but in her case- Also scarily true. Not that the other would have known about the monster aspect, that wasn't reported in newspapers. It was a secret she was going to take from the grave. "That they do. That they do," she agreed. Her gaze dropped to the floor as she swallowed down the memories and tried to move on with the conversation. "What monsters have you made?" she asked, voice a bit hoarse when it came out before green eyes drifted back up to the other woman's gaze. They all had a hand in creating monsters, after all.
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actiongrrl · 1 month
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|| @joshinyou survived the night...
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
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−−−¨༺ Sam curiously turned to face Josh who was holding a leaf that he seemingly had pulled out of her hair. Which was- "That's embarrassing," the blonde answered with a slight laugh. One must've fallen onto her head and she didn't realize it. Or, perhaps, when her hair caught on a branch because she forgot to bring a scrunchy and was now on a hike with her hair down; That was more trouble than she wanted. "I know I like nature but that's a tad more than I bargained for. Please just don't say there are any bugs," she answered once more, glancing down at the hair that hung down in front of her shoulders. Raking her fingers through long blonde hair absent-mindedly she looked at the scenery about them with a content smile. "Hey, thanks for coming with me. I used to hike with my dad but since he can't really hike anymore, I tend to go alone," ignoring that, that wasn't safe, "So. I appreciate this."
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actiongrrl · 2 months
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|| @jesvshotsaucechristmascake survived the night...
"i’m breaking up with you. i love you, it’s just… i don’t think you could protect me from a mummy."
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−−−¨༺ Sam's eyebrows furrowed and head quirked ever so slightly as she looked at Mike, not in a way that she was offended by what he said and claimed but more so that- "You're right, but don't tell me you're just figuring this out?" she asked, shuffling forward as she spoke. "I thought that this would have been old news," the blonde's voice was even in the way that what he was saying should have been obvious; They'd known each other since middle school. As the line moved forward, Sam continued walking with it, assuming Mike was being... Well, Mike and being a giant dork. "Maybe I'm in cahoots with the mummy. We're going to sacrifice you to Imhotep so he can find his dead girlfriend," she joked back, finally cracking a smile. Briefly, green eyes cut to the haunt attraction in front of them- First since Blackwood. Nerves were eating at the woman slightly but she definitely wasn't going to be the one to admit to it.
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actiongrrl · 2 months
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|| @facepeeled survived the night...
‘you’ve seen the evil dead, right?’
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−−−¨༺ There was a snort before a sad smile took over the blonde's features. Sam held a lot of mixed feelings toward Josh, especially after his death. But, if anything, she remembered fondly the times he would force her to watch horror movies with him. Now, Sam for the most part wasn't bothered by horror movies (She found them a bit underwhelming, actually) but Evil Dead got under her skin. It wasn't particularly scary, actually, but it bothered her. Anything supernatural and occult freaked her out. But listening to him talk passionately about things made the experience worth it. "I have," she answered, voice slightly gravelly as if she hadn't used it in a while. "Why? Have we summoned something?"
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actiongrrl · 3 months
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|| @jesvshotsaucechristmascake survived the night...
“ i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you’re not. not to me. ”
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−−−¨༺ Few people knew Sam as intimately as Mike did. Hell, few people knew Sam on an emotionally intimate level at all. She wasn't forthcoming with them, nor anything that went on in her head more than a surface level. So it was impressive that Mike was able to worm his way in. And, sure, he snuck up on her in this particular instance presence hidden amongst her soft sniffles and gaze turned skyward, clouded with tears. Head whipped around toward him for her wide eyes to meet his soft gaze, tears slowly falling onto her cheeks. See her he did, especially right now in this moment. She tried not to cry in front of anyone if she could help it; It just wasn't in her nature. It was instinct to deny it, but that would be a blatant lie because she did feel invisible. And there was a fear in that statement of 'I see you.' But overpowering that was the longing for him to stay, maybe give her a hug- Not leave her. "I'm sorry."
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