missingn000 · 1 year
hi chi i hope youre doing well♡ i just wanted to pop by to say i'm finally catching back up on tpg after a while of my brain not working enough to read lol but anyway! i just got to the retrial in ch34, and when nanami's defense culminates in this moment:
“You don’t have to stop caring,” Nanami reassures. “Humanity would cease to exist if we did that. But if all you do is count the reasons why you shouldn't be here, you’re going to miss out on every little joy that makes it worth being here anyway.”
Nanami whips his head towards Judgeman. He’s decided how to plead.
“You’re right. I nearly killed Nara along with every last member of the Inumaki clan. But I didn’t, because someone in the courtyard needed me and I saw meaning in giving him a home.”
Judgeman’s jail bars of teeth bare themselves one final time.
“Innocent,” it declares. “Restoration.”
hhhh oh my god. i got chills sitting here in between sets on the leg curl machine ahsjhwksbd. i've been so engrossed in this chapter i havent been able to put it down, the fight has been awesome and i've been having so much fun visualizing it. and ive been soooo stressed about nanami's technique being confiscated just desperately hoping all his words could get through to higurama... AUGH the clash of ideals is just as juicy as the physical violence.
but like. nanami choosing toge over the vengeance, finding meaning in the small happinesses that happen in daily life... it's such a beautiful arc to his character that he's changed from the man who views adulthood the accumulation of small despairs into who he is now. and i'm just so excited for higurama to go through his own journey. but yeah ! i just wanted to take a moment to fanboy about it in your inbox because i don't think i have yet and i needed to rectify that Immediately!! i love tpg soooo so much 💕 anywhoo i'm gonna keep reading now haha ^_^
YOU READ TPG?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?????????????? WHAT OH MY GOD I HAD NO IDEA
but damn i am so so happy you like it!! GOD ch34 fucked me up too...fight scenes are my favorite thing to write and i love striking that balance of physical vs emotional impact. it's awesome to hear you think i succeeded with this fight!! i've always thought it would be interesting if nanami and higuruma interacted, but i actually think they wouldn't get along, at least not at first. after all, higuruma went straight to murder and apathy upon realizing the cruelty of the world, while nanami decided to bear that emotional weight and use his power to help people anyway.
omgggg the character development for nanami was SO satisfying to write. that journey of him believing little despairs making someone an adult to little joys making life worth living...auughgrtghfggahj i love him so much!! higuruma's about to go down a crazy journey of his own for sure, and i hope you enjoy it. thanks for this message im literally BEAMING
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