ebbing-terror · 5 months
All dolled up in blood and gore, the curse's hand that had once been full of knives then reverted back into normal digits. He turned, uncaring about the crimson that stained his face - his sole focus upon the weakling he called his own.
It would seem some humans decided to venture into the sewers. That just wouldn't do. Regardless if they were harmless or not, he struck them down with brutal efficiency. There had been no time to waste, not when he had more important things to do.
Mahito leaned down to be closer to her level; mismatched eyes staring upon with unblinking, a reminder he didn't really need to and only did it as a benefit to the humanoid form he was born with. The quiet expression was one that simultaneously simmered with an unspoken feral-ness to it. It likely didn't help when he mimicked a smile a moment later.
The curse leaned closer, his lips brushing over her cheek as he exhaled softly near her ear, "Go back home." It was a simple command. He had bodies to deal with, things to consider - like if this base was a proper cage still. Hands reached down to grip her by the hips and turn her around, a silent ushering. Surely she knew better than to make him state something twice.
Lynn stared upon the scene she found herself in. It happened so fast- it always did.
The sound of obnoxious, drunken laughter and breaking glass had lead the monster right to those bumbling fools and once found they were cut through.
Blood, guts- the stuff was everywhere. The poor bastards barely even had time to scream, the echoes hadn't finished running through the tunnels before their bodies hit the pavement in chunks. Red blotted the one light in the passageway, thick and slow as it dripped down and coated the bulb, diming the environment even more. Heavy shadows cast over everything, intensifying the carnage and the presence of the one who caused it.
Black and scarlet painted a grotesque mural before Lynn's very eyes, one she watched Mahito create with awe. Her expression was rather blank, simply observing, admiring, absorbing as much as she could while she could. It always happened so fast. Those gentle eyes lingered on the knives Mahito made of himself, watching as blades changed into a more dangerous weapon- his hand.
She was unsteady as the monster turned his sights upon her, hunching down to look her straight in the face. The air was suffocating, each breath pulling the putrid odor of blood, spoiling meat and city filth into her lungs. Lynn's brain was always buzzing afterwards, unwell only in the mind- in the sense she had some wires crossed in her brain.
All she could think about, was how amazing Mahito was, how horribly beautiful he looked splattered with blood and glowing after a slaughter. She was helplessly enamored, that freakish smile making her heart jump in the opposite fashion of how it was supposed to. A hand reached out, softly grabbing hold of the creature's garb, wanting him closer when he drew near.
Lynn had been expecting something, holding her breath as she waited for it, for a kiss. The placement didn't matter. Her skin tingled where his lips lingered, so agonizongly close as she peered over Mahito's shoulder to the mess he made- waiting.
All she got was an order- a tease. Suspense had been yanked out from under Lynn and she fell into disappointment. Hope launched again with hands grasping her hips but that too broke apart and plummeted as she was turned around before she could embrace Mahito.
But she did know better, knowing not to interfere with what he had to do. Did she really have to go? Couldn't she just sit quietly and watch him? Lynn didn't pester Mahito with such questions, settling for one more look back at him before she ventured away into the darkness.
Once the gunk and gore was smeared off her mind enough to think Lynn found herself pausing as her path split in two.
Home...Did Mahito mean Home home? Her apartment? Or was he telling her to go back to their residence in the heart of the sewer? The fact Lynn even debated the thought in the first place said alot.
Well, she didn't want to walk home by herself, there were creeps and killers out there...She didn't want to be alone either... So Lynn went right- deeper into the labyrinth.
Once she reached the 'room' she and Mahito shared Lynn removed her shoes and shuffled over to the hammock strung so high above her. She had no chance of getting up there without help so instead she curled up on the hard, dirty ground, pulling her hood up and using her arm as a pillow and buffer from the germs.
It was frigid all the way down here and Lynn brought her knees into her chest, pulling them under her hoodie. She could've been home right now, snug and warm and clean in her bed yet she chose to wait for Mahito with bloody clothes, cold and all alone in the dark dinge of the sewer.
Home is where the heart is.
- And Lynn's was here in the elaborate innards of the city, hiding out with a monster.
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