#SKFA author spotlight
sesskagarchive · 9 months
Introducing the new Creator Spotlight
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I wanted to bring the monthly spotlight feature back.
Previously, we would randomly select a creator to spotlight among the people who had recently posted or updated the fic on Dokuga.
This time, we're doing things a bit differently.
In 2024, we wish to spotlight the creators who are no longer (active) in the fandom.
The people who the fandom olds remember fondly. The people who the newer fans may have never heard of. The people whose pen names no longer frequent the recently updated pages of the fanfiction archives. The people who have helped to build up our fandom, who have shared their talent with us and who have since moved on to other pursuits. The people who have laid the foundation for what our SessKag community is today.
And this time, instead of selecting creators randomly, we're going to spotlight people recommended to us.
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Recommend a creator here!
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To qualify for the spotlight, the creator should have been mostly active before 2020. They may still sporadically post or update their stories, but their updates are infrequent, less often than once a year.
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sesskagarchive · 2 years
New Index!
I've made a new Index with Carrd to replace both the old Index and the Themed Lists Overview.
These old posts will remain, but will not be updated going forward. So in the future, if you want to see all of the rec lists we've already made, please refer to the new Index!
The new index is also ordered alphabetically instead of chronologically. The themed lists curated by the SKFA team and the rec lists compiled for reader requests have been separated and the SKFA Author Spotlight list can be found on a separate tab.
Though the new index is hosted on a separate site outside of Tumblr, all the links will bring you back to the rec lists posted here on Tumblr.
I hope the new and improved Index will be useful to you all!
-- Admin Chie
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
January 2022 Author Spotlight - Sereia13
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3, Dokuga, FFnet, and Tumblr
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Fluffy. I can't write stories without a happy ending. And I'd say I'm good at keeping people in character as well (I've gotten a lot of comments that say that at least).
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Prepare to be buried in fluff! There won't be any angst without purpose, so it's definitely the place to go if you want to feel better.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Music. Music music music. 90% of my ideas are based off songs. And my musical taste is basically "everything I like except the stuff I don't", so it ranges from Disney, musicals, pop, rock, country, oldies (1950-1970s). I'm also inclined to Discord shenanigans as well. Basically my imagination is a curse cuz someone will mention a vague idea and a new story will enter in my mind fully formed. FULLY FORMED.
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: Oh man.. There's so many. Aside from their first interaction inside his father's tomb (which is mentioned the most), I'd say the part during the final battle where Kagome wakes up inside Naraku and Sesshoumaru is keeping her safe from random youkai. It just shows how much he's changed and I love how the fact that she notices the changes is showcased as well.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: Oh man, definitely the people. I've found a group of fantastic mutuals that love (and encourage) my shenanigans. Everyone is so supportive, especially since I see myself as a newer author. Come for the stories, stay for the peeps. Plus the fact that no one gets tired of reading/drawing about these two falling in love is wonderful!
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Locked Away
Secret Love Song
Behind Closed Doors
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Silver & Gold by SageMcMae
Conversing with Emotion by mythicamagic
The Arrangement by AshMish111
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
February 2022 Author Spotlight - kaoruhana
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3, Dokuga, and Tumblr
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: I guess I would say it's either short, cute, and sweet OR super-long slow burn. I have a tendency to write fluff and romance, and of all my stories I can literally count only 2 that aren't endgame romance. My writing has changed from the beginning of my writing Sesskag when it was more free-flowing and dialogue heavy to now being less dialogue and having longer, stretched out plot lines. 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: My portrayal of Sesshomaru is a little different from other authors. I tend to focus on the quieter side of the warrior: the grace, respect, and authority he seems to exude. I focus on the man, er youkai, he is underneath that aloof, cold exterior because I think he has a very refined, but noble? style to him underneath.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: All kinds of things! Lately, it's been fanart and drabble prompts, or ideas thrown out  by friends in the fandom which I end up picking up and writing. 😆
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: I think it'd have to be their first meeting in the tomb. It's such a fateful meeting, isn't it? For Sesshomaru, he sees this *human* female take something that he'd been searching years for and give it to his brother; and he's  intrigued, hurt, and angry at her. And then there's Kagome, who, even in the face of danger is fierce and determined. It's such an interesting meeting, and it definitely shaped their future encounters I think. I sometimes think it would have been interesting to be in the heads of those two at that particular moment in time and see what they thought of each other.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I think its longevity and how that translates into the fandom never really dying out. We've had disagreements and people go in and out of the fandom all the time, but I think it's really neat and amazing that this fandom is still going strong over a decade since I first joined it. I mean Dokuga was a game changer when I started writing fanfiction: a site dedicated to our fandom with great stories and a community interested in building up the fandom and interacting with each other, inspiring each other, and so on. And the fact that I've seen this happen for so many years and can see the fandom continue for years more makes me so happy to be part of this fandom. 
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Come to Shore
You’ve Always Belonged in the Home in my Heart
Dark Nights of Kyoto
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Happily Ever After by Miss Teak
Dancing with Scissors by piratequeen0405
Maid with Care by Aimee Blue
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
December Author Spotlight - Harlecorn
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3, Dokuga,and FFnet
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: I'm pretty bad at judging my own stuff, so I asked some friends and they gave me their opinions. (Their answers made me smile stupidly, cuz they're so sweet.) The consensus is, apparently, that my work is consistent, passionate, and "fluffy town", while keeping the characters relatively believable and relatable in their portrayal. 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Again, I asked my friends and their answers were to "enjoy the ride".
While my characters can (and kinda often do) deviate from strictly canon, I try to provide reason for it and explain the *why* of the changes. I've never minded OOC characters, but I myself like to know what motivates a character to be that way, especially if it's a canon diverge, which all of my stories (so far, at the time of filling out the questionnaire) have been.
I'm a bit of a zealot when it comes to editing,  and while I don't know if that will factor into most folks reading experience, I do try to go back and re-edit my works periodically to catch any slips I made or missed in the initial run-through.
I try very hard to stick to a regular uploading schedule so the works don't get abandoned/orphaned (though SHM definitely lost the bet on that one- I do intend to go back and do something with it, but I kinda got lost along the way with it and it honestly needs an overhaul (read: a complete rewrite).
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: It varies. Music definitely is a huge part of it, but my stories have all been born out of a dream I've had. Be it an idea from the dream that stuck with me, or an entire scene. Where the inspiration for my rando dreams come from, who knows :D
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: To be honest, it's been so long since I've seen the anime (let alone seen any of the manga) that my memory for specific scenes are often a little fuzzy. I've been reading fanfic for InuYasha for so long that I sometimes confuse canon with fanon. 
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I'm relatively new to actually interacting with folks in the fandom and not just lurking to read stories. It's one of the main fandoms I've been consuming for years though, and it honestly blows me away how talented so many of the fan authors and artists are for this fandom.
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
The Times of our Lives
Order of the Sun
A Wish Upon a Blue Moon
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
E Pluribus Unum by Drosselmeyer
Soul Mates by mythicamagic
Beside You in Time by RosieB
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
October Author Spotlight -wonderbug
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: My blog site, AO3, Dokuga, FFnet and tumblr
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Dark and introspective. I mostly write angsty erotica, with the occasional crack fic thrown into the mix for good measure.
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Don't read them (lol jk) - but seriously, I'd say proceed with caution, as most of my writing is quite dark in nature.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Reading and listening to the greats - some of my favorite authors are GRRM, Dostoyevsky & Anaïs Nin
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: Oh boy...that's a tough call, but probably early on when Kagome breaks the enchantment on Tessaiga, and Sesshoumaru kind of wonders aloud, "What are you?" Sets up a really compelling dynamic for us fanfic authors to explore ;)
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I think we have an absolutely incredible fandom full of wonderfully talented and supportive people. I think what impresses me most is how strong the SessKag community is still going after all these years! <3
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
S t a s i s
The Pact
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Fugue by Resmiranda
Utter Doom by Tally Mark
Heated Blood by ImaniJoain
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
November Author Spotlight - ForgettableFox
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3, Dokuga,and FFnet
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: I tend to focus a lot on world building and my writing style really reflects that. I want my readers to know exactly where they stand in my story - What does it feel like? What can you see? What can you hear? I want my stories to be immersive to the point that if you close your eyes, the scene plays out like a movie in your head. Coupled with that, I have a love of metaphor and allegory and try to come up with creative ways to incorporate them into my stories to better understand the character's views, emotions, or thoughts. 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: I suppose, prepare yourself for the unexpected. I like a lot of twists and turns when I build my stories and I'm not afraid of Main Character Death (MCD) if it furthers along the plot in a meaningful way. 
My stories tend to go one of two ways: they're either humorous and fun or some type of dark epic. Occasionally, a story may fall somewhere in between. I love character development and imbuing my characters with realistic flaws that they must overcome. I don't want perfect characters - I want them to struggle and find that resolve within themselves to evolve into someone worthwhile. I want a sense of realism - and that sometimes means my characters are incapable of meeting that goal; that they stay flawed and suffer the consequences of their own actions. 
So for someone considering reading my stories, keep that in mind. Not everything can be a happy ending and sometimes things don't turn out the way we expect them to.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: I have a wonderful group of fellow fandom writers who inspire me every day. Sometimes we'll talk about something silly and I'll think "Write that down! Write that down!" It's great to be able to bounce ideas off of other people within the fandom. I have a love of AU, so me thinking "What if SessKag were ______" - and then my mind goes down the rabbit hole of how that would work and I'll bring it up and someone else will add to it and say "Ooh! And what if you add THIS!" and then the ideas spiral out of control from there.
I find myself inspired a lot by music as well - specifically lyrics or a certain vibe a song has. Sometimes other books that I've read will inspire or a prompt I've seen out there. Inspiration is everywhere! It just takes an understanding of the cycle of things - you write, you finish a work, you wait for inspiration to strike you again (and not necessarily in that order!
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: Probably a lame answer, but that first episode where Sess is introduced in the show and they're battling for Tetsusaiga and the look of shock Sess has when Kags pulls it out of the pedestal. I think that is where that trope comes from of "Oh damn, Kags is *strong*, I love her" comes from. 
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I really love the *resilience* within the community. Next year Inuyasha will have been around for 2 decades in the US. That's 20 years since that first episode aired! That's wild! And STILL the fandom is putting out amazing works and refuses to dissolve into obscurity. The amount of individuals who I've spoken to who have said "Inuyasha was the first anime I ever watched" or "Sess was my first 2D love" is astronomical! This is a fandom full of passion and I find that's especially true for this ship. People have taken RT's original work and have melded it into something greater, imo. They've filled in plot holes, developed the characters, and have just poured all their love and creativity into the fandom. It's amazing.
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
A New Leash on Life
Calamity Tempest - Miko’s Melody
Reach for the Stars
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Flamigo by DeadlyGlacier
The Baking Perfection by Monomyth
Beneath the Blackthorn Tree by mythicamagic
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
August Author Spotlight - SHORTFRY
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: Dokuga, FFnet, and AO3
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Honestly, I'm not quite sure, and have been experimenting with a few different approaches. I have chapters where there is a heavier focus on a character's introspection (e.g. there's more narrative to what they are thinking), and ones with less of an 'in their heads' perspective so the reader is figuring out how the characters feel through their interactions.
Currently, I'm trying to improve the storytelling of 'what happened' by having it revealed or hinted at through dialogue rather than stating it. In terms of details, I would like to think my stories provide a decent amount of description while leaving enough room for imagination.
As for genre, I'm a sucker for angsty, slow-burn romance - so the pacing would definitely reflect that! You won't find 'love at first sight' here. 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: I just hope you will enjoy reading it, and that you'll feel some type of emotion once it's over :)
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Reviews and comments help a lot.  As a novice writer, what keeps me motivated is knowing that someone out there is reading it. A goofy smile will just stick on my face for the rest of the day every time I get a review notification. I love hearing feedback and constructive criticism and using that to help me progress as a writer.
Aside from that - I usually get inspired at odd hours of the night when trying to fall asleep. It's usually pretty random. 
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: Probably when Sesshomaru and Kagome first met in Inu no Taisho's tomb - how shocked he was that she had been able to pull out the Tessaiga, and when she didn't melt from his poison. SURPRISE x2!
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: What is there NOT to like? - The whole community is so friendly, supportive, and welcoming - All the AMAZING talent (I've lost count of the amount of I've cried my heart out after reading an epic SessKag fic) - A whole website and multiple blogs dedicated to this OTP, keeping the fandom alive and active with new content
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Fractured Reflections
His Name on Her Lips
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Tales from the House of Moon by Resmiranda
The One and Future Taiyoukai by RosieB
Peace Treaty by piratequeen0405
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
September Author Spotlight - thetroll
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3, Dokuga,and FFnet
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Spontaneous, fun, humorous, fluff, romantic/intimate, occasional crack
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Don't shy away from the shorter fics. My longer fics are absolutely wonderful in their own right, but my shorter ones have a lot of wonderful things to offer, too, and often cover a lot of topics, tropes, and ideas I just don't have the time to turn into long fics but still want to explore.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: I listen to classical music and get my ideas chatting with others! I'm a big proponent of supporting others and sharing ideas; it gets the juices pumping. I also find drinking green tea and having something to munch on keeps me focused enough to finish, as does running snippets or ideas by others to keep me writing (if I wasn't nagged, I probably would forget to finish quite a few fics haha). 
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: Canon? When she yells she's gonna whoop his ass before racing after him to his father's grave :') BAMF Kagome. Ofc I equally adore when he protects her inside Naraku.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: The support! The reviews and comments are what encourage me to keep creating, writing, and (occasionally) even continue fics I hadn't intended on doing so. Honestly, without the community and the support, more than half my fics wouldn't exist and that support is why I continue to write SessKag instead of moving into another fandom!
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Give Her Wings
Lord of All Things
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Carpe Demon by Aurora_Antheia_Raine
A Blue Ribbon by Millarca
Conversing with Emotion by mythicamagic
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
July Author Spotlight - AshMish111
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: AO3 and FFnet
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Oh, I don’t know. Purple enough to sound interesting but plain enough to be coherent. Balanced and clear? I like to be descriptive and a little flowery sometimes, but I also like to be impactful with as few words as possible. In the end I just hope I’ve written something enjoyable and easily understandable.
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Leave canon at the door! I pick and choose which canon, fanon and personal headcanons I’m going to weave together, and that combination can -and will- change for each story.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Music is a big one. I make playlists for reach of my favorite pairings full of songs that make me think of them. A lot of my fics are inspired by songs and listening to certain ones can get the creative juices flowing every time. I also like taking ideas and dynamics from movies I love.
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: My favorite “SessKag” scene in the InuYasha anime is right at the beginning. They’re standing in the skeleton of the Inu no Taisho, Kagome is clutching the tessaiga, which she has accidentally pulled from its hiding spot like she’s some kind of King Arthur, and Sesshomaru is standing in front of her and drags his fingers through his hair like they aren’t all trying to kill each other inside a giant corpse. The sass is off the charts, and Sesshomaru is taken by surprise by Kagome and her resilience, audacity, and the choices she makes. It’s chaotic, and it’s not exactly a “meet cute,” considering the circumstances, but it’s a catalyst for all sorts of fun headcanons and plot bunnies. It never fails to make me laugh.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I know there are always exceptions but for the most part, the SessKag fandom is very chill. So many talented creators, so many generous and devoted readers/sharers of fanart, it’s a very happy little corner of the fandom to belong.
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Lose and Find
Sea Swept
Shifting Like Seasons
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
The Flower Girl by Kanna37
Lord Charming by forthright
In Death, Trust Me, as You Didn’t in Life by Kanna37
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
April Author Spotlight - Shastuhh
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: Dokuga and AO3
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Detailed / Descriptive. I like to pay attention to the little things, I want you to know exactly how my characters are feeling at a moment what they are seeing and what is going on in their minds. We all like to read for different things. For me its to get away and visit another world and i want you to be able to immerse yourself in the words almost to the point to where you can put yourself in the character's shoes.
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: I like a happy ending also I like to leave my one-shots open to your interpretation this is also so that if I choose I can go back to extend them and make them chapter stories. 
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Music, feelings and life. A lot of my writings have been inspired by music and how it makes me feel, there are a few so far that have come from my life and things that are going on in it.  
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: The moment when Sesshomaru are in his fathers grave and she yells to Inuyasha that if he wants to hurt Sessh to get the sword the best way to hurt him would be to hit him in the pride. I love that moment You see Sessh just being a jerk and then Kagome is like well two can play that. I am a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope and that part is what really set my SessKag fires blazing.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I love how peaceful it is and how welcoming. It has some of the most chill writers, artist, and readers. Everyone is so supportive. 
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Time Changes All
Deep Desires
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Vying for Dominance by ShadowsWeaver1
Little Red & the Silver Beast by SageMcMae
The Silver Dove and the Raven by Yanaristocrat
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
May Author Spotlight - Beautifully Wicked
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: Dokuga and AO3
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Flowery.
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Buckle up I'm unsure of where this is gonna take us but it'll be fun.
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Music mainly.
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: When Sesshomaru rescues Kagome from Mukostu. It shows the depth of his character and it shows how his character is slowly evolving into not being so self absorbed as well as showing compassion towards others.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: How we are pretty friendly and hardly have any confrontations outside of our own fandom. We keep to our own.
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Turnabout is Fair Play
Sudden Confession
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Dancing with Scissors by piratequeen0405
Second Alliance by Imani Joain
Omikuji by ironlotus
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sesskagarchive · 4 years
February Author Spotlight - elevenharbor
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: A03, FF.net, and Dokuga
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Right now, all over the place! I am relatively new to writing, so I am still trying to find my 'style' (and time to write!). My line of work requires evidence-based, no-fluff writing, so my creative writing juices aren't as free-flowing. Creative writing is an exercise, and I am way out of shape! 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Expect the unexpected, and be prepared for some slow burn. I can be a bit of a dreamer in terms of plot twists, so some may seem strange, but hang in there! I promise to try to make it worthwhile. Also, I am a sucker for AU & Canon Divergence so my stories tend to swing that way. I try to write stories that I would be interested in reading if I were just randomly browsing. 
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: I go for runs or long walks while blasting Daily Mixes, curated by Spotify. This is going to sound odd, but I like to sit on the docks and watch the currents change. IDK how or why, but something about the sound of water sloshing around gets my mind working. Lastly, I have several plot bunnies/unfinished works that are just sitting on my Google Drive that I've been too shy/lazy to publish. Sometimes I like to go through them and remember where my mind was going with it...then inspiration will hit, either to continue it, or start anew. 
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: Wow, pulling my leg over here. There are so many! If I had to choose, it'd be Episode 22 of TFA (Naraku: Trap of Darkness)...basically all the SessKag moments in that episode. Sesshomaru could've just left Kagome alone while she was unconscious since he was looking for Rin, or he could've just let Magatsuhi possess her and then killed her to get to Magatsuhi...but...he didn't. It's a complete 180 from the times he "tried" to slay her for meddling earlier on. These, along with the other little breadcrumbs throughout the series, fuel my SessKag fire. 🔥
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: The oodles of fanfiction and the beautiful fanart! Some of these stories and art are executed so flawlessly, they could pass as canon (if not, better. I may be biased ^^; )
Self Rec Time! List the top 3 fics that you are most proud of writing.
The Moon is Beautiful
Until We Meet Again
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Tales from the House of Moon by Resmiranda
Beside You in Time by RosieB
Flowers on the Moon by troubleinshangrila
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sesskagarchive · 4 years
December Author Spotlight - Drosselmeyer
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: A03, FF.net, and Dokuga
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: This is a hard one to answer. In terms of the actual writing, maybe succinct? I try to put as much impact into as few words as possible and encourage the reader's imagination to paint the picture of what's going. This way, readers hopefully experience what is being portrayed in a way that is natural to them.
I greatly enjoy playing with drabbles. The first SessKag fic I wrote was written in drabble chapters, and it definitely had a long-term influence on my writing - even stories which are not written in that format. Where content is concerned, I gravitate toward romance mixed with hurt/ comfort or angst, though humor finds its way into the fluff too.
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: I hope that it makes you feel something. <3
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: Words. One sentence prompts meant for inspiring writing helps the most. Sometimes images and music.
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: I think my favorite moment is toward the end of the manga when we find Sesshoumaru and Kagome together in Naraku's belly. It was a more profound moment for me for two reasons.
1) We find them circling back to their beginning: together inside of a demon. Only this time they are allies and he's protecting her rather than trying to kill her. The change that shows from their first meeting is huge.
2) In the manga, it shows them rallying together to fight together in this same scenario (the anime didn't do a great job of showing this). But it again showed the dynamic shift in their relationship from where they started, and I just really loved seeing them come together like that.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: The people. Hands down, the people. I've met so many amazing, wonderful humans through fandom, and I am grateful for everyone who I have had the pleasure of connecting with.
Self Rec Time! List the top 3 fics that you are most proud of writing.
Until Death
E Pluribus Unum
When Comes the Rain
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Embrace the Silence by troubleinshangrila
Running Up That Hill by TheHatterTheory
Wheels by troubleinshangrila
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sesskagarchive · 4 years
March Author Spotlight - MistressScar
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories?
A: Dokuga and FF.net
Q: How would you describe your writing style?
A: My writing style is as crazy as my anxiety. Generally, I try to put myself in the shoes of my characters to see what I would do if placed in the situation they are in. In my long one shot stories ( another one is in the works) I purposefully toy around with situations based on what I see going on with the world today or situations that make us uncomfortable. 
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics?
A: We are all humans, so we make mistakes with words or sentences. Unless you are a Terminator borg from the future. In that case, did humans land on Mars? 
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.)
A: This is one of my character flaws, I lack motivation in general. But,  I think it’s because I will sit down and write, then I’ll reread what I wrote and hate it. So one piece of advice I can give is just write, at the minimum 10 mins a day. Don’t worry if it’s perfect (easier said then done, I know) just put it down. Another thing I have started is writing when I’m waiting in line for something. 
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why?
A: Honestly, I really stopped watching Inuyasha when I was a teenager. My life was just hectic and I was really focused on school.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom?
A: I enjoy the community, especially on Dokuga. Being able to bounce ideas around is always nice, but the SessKag fandom has something for everyone. Cute fluffy stories for feel good moments to stuff I write that pokes at the feelings. 
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Blind Love
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Behind the Curtain by MissKatt
Unworthy One... by Vycent
Memoirs of a Blue Eyed Geisha by sugar0o who lurks
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
June Author Spotlight - Walter205
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Q: Where can we find you and your stories? A: Dokuga and AO3
Q: How would you describe your writing style? A: Emotional, I tend to try and generate emotions with my stories, regardless of whether said emotions are good and bad, I want people to feel things when they read my works.
Q: What's one thing you'd tell someone who is considering reading one of your fics? A: Be prepared for a roller coaster of a ride. 
Q: How do you get/stay inspired to write? (ie: playlists, aesthetics, fanart, this blog, etc.) A: There is no staying inspired to write, but inspiration can come calling at almost any time and in any fashion. 
Q: What's your favorite SessKag moment from Inuyasha and why? A: 50/50 between Sesshomaru "Incidentally" saving Kagome from Mukotsu and them traveling together while she's wounded and they're searching for Inuyasha during the final battle.
Q: What do you like most about the SessKag fandom? A: I guess the comraderie, there's rarely distention in the ranks and are quick to bond together to fight against the perils of plagiarism and unethical pairings.
Self Rec Time! List the fics that you are most proud of writing.
Lord Chubbymaru
Lord Neandermaru
Rec Time! List your top 3 favorite SessKag fics of all time.
Violation of Honor by Rinseternalsoul
Unspoiled by forthright
Devour Prometheus by ladybattousai
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