moxiepoints · 2 years
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cokun · 2 years
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my favorite mouth-breather ♡
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jwooyoung · 2 years
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librarisxng · 1 year
The way that I unfollowed Khan on instagram so quickly because he shared a reel of Andrew Tate.
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huhsunghyun · 2 years
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HUH! | Ugly Duckling     ↳ Congrats on Finals!
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papercutsmp3 · 2 years
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gaogrotesque · 2 years
source. WKorea
對KPOP粉絲們來說,不認識製作人R.Tee就可惜了。 BLACKPINK的〈玩火(불장난)〉、BIGBANG的〈FXXK IT(에라 모르겠다)〉、太陽的〈Wake Me Up〉等等,過去數年來,他所製作的歌曲已經在世界上冉冉升起。既然已經證明了自身的存在,那麼透過出演2022年Mnet的SHOW ME THE MONEY 11,又再一次地要證明什麼呢? R.Tee講述了與SMTM11一起度過的這特別的一年、以及一切都通過「真心」而得的R.Tee獨有的方程式。
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雖然優勝的Rapper出自其他隊伍,但這一季實際上的勝利者應該���你本人與JUSTHIS組成的「魚子醬(알젓;R.JUS)」隊莫屬 從DON MALIK到許成炫為止,有兩名隊員晉升到了現場直播的總決賽舞台
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透過BLACKPINK的〈玩火(불장난)〉、BIGBANG的〈FXXK IT(에라 모르겠다)〉等多首HIT曲,不管怎麼說都已經是證明了自身實力的製作人了;在這次SMTM11中有什麼想要展現出來的樣貌嗎?
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「高中、大學時我都是主修韓國畫的。高二時開始下定決心要成為音樂人。真的是因為很單純的理由。沒有比我更熱愛音樂的人了,所以因為這樣我認為自己可以脫穎而出。現在也還是會對後輩製作人們說:『我比你更熱愛音樂。在這點上是不會輸的。』然後對美術大學就只是想沾個醬油路過就好。我的父親和姐姐都是畫家。我從小就是受著藝術的薰陶長大。特別是我的父親,什麼種類的藝術都相當精通,真的是天才般的人物呢。美術歸美術,音樂歸音樂。托父親的福,我在6歲的時候用徐太志與孩子們的音樂跳舞、初中1年級時開始聽Micheal Jackson。我想我是在這樣那樣的諸多祝福中長大的。」
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「到現在為止製作過的所有曲子中,浮現在我腦海中的就兩首歌。首先是2020年作曲的BLACKPINK的〈How You Like That〉。這首歌代表了我。曲子的氛圍、演出、力量、進行(的方式),這些就是金重九。(笑)另一首則是出乎預料地、在SMTM11中誕生的。DON MALIK的〈눈(EYE)〉。包括作曲、作詞都參與了,歌名也是親自定的。這首歌中눈(EYE 眼睛/ SNOW 雪)的靈感來自於我相當喜歡的電影之一,《I型起源(I ORIGINS)》。〈눈(EYE)〉這首歌乘載了我一直以來想說的話、想要呈現的音效等全部的一切。」
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你曾經在2014年發表了〈We Got the World〉以及2019年的〈What You Waiting For(뭘 기다리고 있어)〉這兩首solo曲 想必也有不少粉絲期待著你個人的專輯吧
「更多地看著我所愛的人們。對於去年通過SMTM11而相遇的隊員們,我很高興得以完全地向他們傳達我的喜愛之情。在慶功宴當時,DON MALIK和許成炫對我說了這些話:『(一開始)完全不知道(哥)是怎樣的人。一直以來每個人都是為自己打算,沒有像哥這樣以真心相待來拉近距離的。』所以說儘管一開始不熟悉,但之後就感受到了『啊,這哥是超級真心的啊。』(笑)結果好像還是愛和真心才是上上策呢。」
雖然對於製作人R.Tee已經增加了不少了解,但是一般人金重九卻還是籠罩著一層神秘的面紗呢 請告訴我們一般人金重九的3個秘密
「首先,我超級懶散的。由於人們總是只看見了我忙碌的樣子,可能會因此而以為我是個很有計畫性的人,但其實只要一關掉那個開關,我就會變得無限懶散。第二,我是個心懷人間之愛(인류애:大愛、人道主義、和平主義、心中充滿愛)的人。(笑)雖然有點難為情,但是因為這份愛意真的非常巨大的緣故,於是我試著從身邊少數的人開始給予這份心意。第三,我是每天每天都想像著死亡而活著的人。手臂上也刺了“THE END”的刺青。因為總是想像著死亡的緣故,對於現在所愛的會變得更加真心。在我自身必須採取的行動與表現方面,也變得更加地明確。」
패션 에디터  김민지 피쳐 에디터  전여울 포토그래퍼  박배 헤어     박내주(빗앤붓) 메이크업   정유정 (빗앤붓) 어시스턴트  이유림 출처     W website
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khiphop-discussions · 2 years
SMTM11 Diss Battle Ep.7 Part 1
Background for people who may not have seen the episode yet or aren't watching: This year there's 3 rounds. 2 1v1 rounds and then a 3rd and final 4v4, or team, battle. The producer's can be dissed too (I'mm 1000% sure this rule was EXPLICITLY included was just so that QM could say something to Justhis lol. But never forget that Mino did it first on SMTM4 without even being told he could).
So Team Grillz (Groovy Room x Lil Boi) will face Team Slay (Slom x Jay). The solo battles are: Noh Yunha vs Youngji & Xinsayne vs Blase
Team Quiolin (The Quiett x LeellaMarz) will face Team R-Jus (R.Tee x Justhis). The solo battles are NSW Yoon vs Khan & Don Malik vs QM.
This post won't include the Team Quiolin vs Team R-Jus battles yet!
Diss Battle (Grillz vs Slay) Commentary:
Gyujeong was making some smart ass remarks at the beginning! We would've had to fight LOL. He was hella mean.
As for the Youngji battle: Her main line to me was that Yunha's peak is battling her. Basically that's all he'll ever be known for.
Noh Yunha's punchlines didn't seem like they were landing well. There was multiple punchlines of Youngji's were it seemed like the crowd was like "ohhhhhh". The Layone one was the best imo and the crowd really reacted to it. He said something like "You'll never be the winner of SMTM11 just like you couldn't win Layone" or something similar. I liked when he said "Even if Youngji loses this battle, one of you (meaning: someone else on the team) is going home". I thought Yunha started off weak but ended stronger. He ended up winning. I think it was the Layone diss that sealed it.
Jay said during his interview before the winner was announced "Its Youngji so I think she can count on her popularity for votes" was SOOO infuriating. Because yes, he's right. But I find it SOOO annoying when people vote based on their faves instead of who they genuinely think did better. I don't think fans can complain about "connections hip-hop" if they are only gonna hype up artists who they already are fans of regardless of who really did better. It's giving "kpop fans who mass stream and buy bigger artists even when it's a trash song/comeback" vibes. (Just for clarity. I'm NOT upset with Jay here. I'm upset at the people who do that type of behavior).
Xinsayne says at thebeginning "We only held LA preliminaries this year but I heard we have a British contestant" (referring to Blase) and I literally LOL'd (quietly though cause it's after 2AM right now). He also called him Coogie's lackey. Xinsayne had some REALLY good insults but a lot of them didn't seem to land with the live crowd. The "Movin' & Movin'" reference (ties back to being Coogie's lackey) was a good one.
It turns out that people weren't able to catch Xinsayne's disses cause he (I'm guessing) said it to fast. Based on what the other teams backstage were saying. So unfortunate.
Anyway, Xinsayne made a diss about Blase's name at the end and he ended up apologizing right on the spot. Blase was named by his granddad so that's why LOL.
Blase: Blase started off strong. Called Polodared (eliminated contestant from Team Grillz on the prior episode) while he was in the crowd (I think it might've been pre-recorded and Polo was just playing along) and Goney (another former member of Team Grillz). Polo said "Isn't that sokodomo's lackey?" when asked if he knew info about Xinsayne. Goney said basically "I don't know him". The point was that he's basically unknown and in Sokodomo's shadow.
Blase starts off with a chorus about "Sokodomo's lackey" but he also calls Xinsayne "sokodomo's d**k rider" in that same chorus. I was like "Damn, Xinsyane gotta take that apology back now" lol. That one was STRONG.
Also, Blase had a line about how his real name is "YongJoon" and so it's dangerous and he shouldn't drive. This is a reference to No:el and his drunk driving incident. No:el was mad a Blase when it aired (don't know if they squashed it or not privately by now though). I'd have been mad too tbh. Blase ATE him up with that one lol. Other than that I don't remember much about Blase's diss.
Blase ended up winning. IDK who it would have went to if Xinsayne's lyrics were more audible. Maybe still Blase though because the chorus was pretty strong.
Grillz is up 2-0 at this point.
Finally the team battle: Youngji says in a pretend conversation with Jambino "They live in Korea but say 'Gang Gang' all day" LOL. Then a little later Toigo pulls out this doraemon character but that character is a meme in Korea because he looks like their delinquents (he has a leather pouch and sleeve tattoos. They gave Fleeky bang a leather pouch to carry). The character did look like Fleek Bang tbh LOL. I don't feel like the team overall had that many good/interesting disses though. Toigo was just loud and performance was energetic. It was a good performances more than a good diss imo. They mostly focused on Fleeky Bang which was their whole point.
The one line they said to Chillin Homie was that they are glad he is in good health. It's a sneaky diss to him leaving SMTM9 early for mental health as well as other...episodes...he had after the show. "Healthy Chillin Homie" (건강한질린호미 was the phrase Toigo chanted).
Team Grillz starts their diss. My favorite lyrics was when Chillin Homie told Toigo "Don't wear your hat like that (aka the way Toigo is wearing it), wear it like this (aka the way Chillin Homie is wearing it)". Homie's lyrics overall were kinda mean lol
Then they basically said they don't know who Jambino even is when they were listing off all the members to diss them. They called him "Jamjari" which is Korean is "Dragonfly" but it has the same first character as Jambino. Overall, Team Grillz diss was MEAN! They had a lot of mean disses. They weren't super witty imo but they were just MEAN. Which is exactly what I like to see in the diss battle.
However, Fleeky Bang fucked up his lyrics. IT was going soooo good but he messed up.
So in the end, Team Slay ended up winning the round but they won't that round so overwhelmingly that Team Slay ened up winning the whole thing but about 20 votes. I think Team Grillz had a chance to win. Their chorus was still really catchy and it was a good performance (not AS over the top as team Slay but I think their mean ass disses could have edged the performance element out).
At the end, Team Grillz had to eliminate someone. They naturally eliminated Fleeky Bang. He gave a sad version of his trending line "gang gang gang".
I'm gonna go watch the R.Jus vs Quiolin battle after I go eat (it's about 2:39 AM here and I haven't eaten dinner yet. I'm gonna go make a burger and I'll brb).
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f-ngrl · 2 years
haha everyone on smtm is too nice to diss each other so they just badmouth other people xD blase said to xinsayne “your name is youngjoon, i hope you don’t drive dangerously like the name” or sth, and no:el posted angry stories haha
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dutchannanas · 2 years
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groovyroom · 2 years
R.tee looks so much like gray i kept getting confused lmao
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moxiepoints · 2 years
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cokun · 2 years
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kim minwoo talking about his two “oppas” 🥴🫶🏻
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jwooyoung · 2 years
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just happy to participate 😊
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librarisxng · 2 years
SMTM11 in a nutshell: GANG GANG GANG!
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huhsunghyun · 2 years
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Show Me The Money ep. 8 || Huh!
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