#SO SORRY ;____; just emotional about pedri again
bellcza · 7 months
our chicago <3
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leilakisakabiri · 10 months
Once You Know (Pedri)
Summary: The three times Pedri tried to confess his feelings for you, and the one time he succeeded.
A/N: Had to post for Pedri's birthday (three days late oops)! Happy 21st to him. Requests are open.
Word count: 3.6k+
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The first time he felt an urge to tell you how beautiful you looked he nearly gave himself whiplash turning to do a double take. It was his 21st birthday party and he had gone all out. Hosting a private party on a famous rooftop club in Barcelona. You had just moved to Barcelona the month before - entering your final year of university and having an internship in the city.
He was ecstatic to have you there. You two had been friends since you were nearly eight, your families being friends due to owning restaurants on the same strip. While you were close growing up, as Pedri moved away and you started university the two of you had slowly drifted, seeing each other every couple of months as opposed to weekly. However, now that you had moved to the same city as Pedri, he had taken the opportunity to invite you to his party, hoping to see you again.
You arrived a little later than everyone else, having to rush straight from work. You quickly changed in the bathroom, putting on a sundress and trying to fix your makeup as best as you could. You were extremely nervous. You hadn't seen Pedri in over three months and had also never been to such a high-class event. You had never visited him before moving to Barcelona and you were anxious about the thought of meeting his friends who also happened to be world-class athletes and had more money than probably your whole hometown combined.
As soon as you entered the club you spotted Pedri leaning against the railing talking with another player. Torres, you realized.
Seeing as you didn't know anyone else here you headed straight for them.
You came to stand next to Torres facing Pedri, "Hey. Happy Birthday!"
You saw Pedri spare you a glance as his lips lifted in a smile, "Hey. Thanks."
He turned back to his conversation and you stood awkwardly with your present unsure how to give it to him seeing as the conversation ended.
You opened your mouth to speak up when you saw his head snap back to you, eyes growing wide as he realized who you were, "Holy shit Y/n! I'm sorry I didn't even recognize you."
He pulled you into a hug, warm hands pressing against the small of your back.
You giggled against him as you gave him his present, "For you."
His hand went to grab yours as he squeezed, "Thank you."
You gave him a smile, unsure what you were feeling. Seeing again him, felt like the universe was finally falling back into place. Like you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
"This is my friend Fernane." He introduced you to the other player.
You smiled, giving him a wave, "Nice to meet you."
The boy waved back at you, a grin on his face, "Sorry didn't catch your name."
"Well Y/n, do you wanna go grab a drink while Pedri greets everyone else?"
You laughed in agreement, following behind him to the bar.
Pedri watched you go, his heart beating a little too fast for his liking, and the urge to tell you to stay with him stronger than ever. The feeling kept growing, continuing to creep into his mind, until all he could do was think about you, about how much you reminded him of home, about how safe you made him feel, how content.
Maybe he did see you as more than a friend. But then again - the two of you had known each other since you were kids, and maybe he was just getting emotional at the thought of someone from home being so close to him now. Like a piece of the islands and his childhood had finally come back to him.
However, the way your dress wrapped around your figure as the wind flowed past you, and the way your perfume lingered in the air even after you walked away, was beginning to make him dizzy.
He thought there might be something there, but even if there was he wasn't sure how to approach it, or even if he ever would. You two worked best as friends.
So, therefore he couldn't be sure. Definitely not. He concluded that the liquor was getting to his head.
He didn't know how to feel. Actually, fuck it. He did know how he felt. He just didn't know what to do with the information.
He had never been in a situation like this before. Sure, he had liked girls in the past before, but they were people he had met without any intention of being friends. But with you it was different, you were friends first, and for so long. He couldn't quite pinpoint when he started to think of you as more of a friend, but he knew that the night of his birthday hadn't been the first time, but simply the time he finally realized it.
He had chickened out that night. Unsure of how to talk to you. Unsure if you were even single. The two of you hadn't talked for a while and he didn't know anything about your situation other than that you moved for work.
He hoped there was no one else. He really hoped. But then again maybe you already being taken would make it easier for him to move on.
He wasn't sure why his feelings for you came on so strong. One day it was just an inkling in the back of his mind, and the next he could see you everywhere and in everything. He would be listening to a song in the car and one lyric would randomly remind him of you, or he would be training and his mind would start to wander, wondering what you were doing right now, if you were on lunch break or busy studying.
He thought there was something seriously wrong with him.
Because why was he thinking about you so much? Why did he keep hoping you were watching his games, even though you had never asked to come to one before?
His fingers hovered over the button as he debated pressing send. In any normal situation, it wouldn't have been an issue, just one friend asking another to come to their game, but now that felt how he did, the task became that much more daunting.
"God damn it Pedri just send it!" Torres leaned over the boy's shoulder, annoyance plastered across his face.
"I'm nervous. What if she says no?"
He gave him a blank expression, "Then she says no. Big deal. But seriously she's your friend, it's not weird, just send it."
Pedri bit his lip, still unsure, "Fine."
Your phone screen lit up as you got a text. Stretching you reached out to grab it expecting it to be your manager sending you details about the file you were working on but you were surprised to see a text from Pedri instead.
"Hey, hope your first few weeks in Barca have been good! Barcelona's playing this weekend and I have two extra tickets if you want to come and bring a friend."
You smiled at the unexpected gesture. You had always wanted to go to a Barcelona game but felt weird asking Pedri if you could come.
"I would love to! Are you sure though? I can buy tickets if you need to give them to someone else."
Your phone buzzed immediately.
"No one else needed them, so they're all yours."
Lies. His brother had wanted to come to the game this weekend but he had told him no, not wanting to overwhelm you with his family in case you did say yes.
You agreed to take them and texted your friend, one of the biggest Barca supporters you knew, and asked them to go with you.
Your phone quickly became overrun with messages as they texted back asking a million questions about how you got family tickets and who you knew.
The day of the game arrived and you were abuzz with excitement. You contemplated what to wear, should you just go for a casual look or should you wear a jersey? And if you did wear a jersey should it be a blank one or Pedris? Would it be weird if you wore his? 
You guys were friends, but he had also never offered you his jersey. 
You opted for a regular fit, choosing to just wear a Barca scarf that your friend lent you. 
Arriving at the stadium, you immediately texted Pedri in awe of how big it was, and how many people there were. 
“Just got here. This place is massive. Excited to see you play!” 
Your friend tugged you to your seats, making you take a hundred pictures of him in the stands. 
“Oh my god Y/n I can’t believe we’re actually here. I haven’t been to a game since I was like seven, and I’ve never sat in the family section before. I feel famous.” 
You laughed next to him, “I know. Mean either - it’s a little overwhelming.” 
He sighed next to you, “So are you finally going to tell me who you know on the team? Is it Lewandowski or something? Or Gavi?”
You shook your head no, “Pedri actually.” 
His mouth dropped open, “No way.” He smacked your arm, “How come you never told me? And how come you never invited me to a game before?” 
You shrugged, “I dunno we’re friends but he’s never invited me before. This is my first game too.” 
His eyes twinkled, “Dude he totally likes you.” 
“No way. We’ve known each other for years.” 
“Ok, but he didn’t invite you till now.” 
“I just moved to Barcelona. He’s trying to be friendly.” You defended. 
He squinted his eyes, “Mhm ok. Does he know I’m here?” 
You nodded. 
“Ok but does he know you brought a guy?” 
You frowned, “He said I could bring a friend. You’re my friend.” 
His smile widened, “Right but he doesn’t know that.” He pointed out. 
“You’re making this weird.” You whined. 
He held up his hands in surrender, “Fine but if he thinks we’re dating it’s your fault.” 
The game started after that and the both of you became immersed in watching, shouting along with the rest of the fans. Besides yourself, you felt your mind wander back to your conversation with your friend, your heart skipping a beat when you thought about Pedri and the possibility of more. 
You scolded yourself immediately, he was your friend, and that was it. 
Although you couldn’t deny that he looked good down on the pitch, cheeks adorned with a pink hue and sweat trailing down his neck from running on the field. 
Your friend left to go to the bathroom near the end of the game, Barcelona was at a stalemate with the opposite team, neither being able to break the other’s defensive line. 
Finally, in the 84th minute, you saw Pedri make a break for it. He ran past the defenders, skillfully side-stepping one and doing a few tricks you remember him learning back when he still played for your school team. He saw the opening the same time you did and without another thought, he kicked. The ball landed in the back of the net with a thud. 
Screams. All around you. Everyone was chanting Pedri’s name, and the boy in question was running towards the fan section, his hands already up in his signature pose. 
He was embraced by his teammates, a proud smile on his face. Finally, they left him, beginning to walk back to their starting positions as he followed. Suddenly though he turned back around, his eyes going up to the family section, arm going up to point at you. 
You bit your lip trying and failing to hide a smile. You had no idea why he was pointing at you but you would be lying if you said you there wasn’t a warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy because of it.  
You saw his grin widen as yours spread across your face. 
He was running on a high. 
Nothing was going to stop him now. He had scored a goal and then partially dedicated it to you. And you had smiled. At him. 
He felt like he was on top of the world. He had never understood it when other players had told him how important it was to them when their partners were able to come and watch them. The only thing Pedri had to compare it to was his family, and while he was always happy when his family could come, there was an unmatched feeling when he looked up and saw you in the stands, knowing that you had taken the time of out of your day to come and support him, and not because you had to, but because you wanted to. It made him play better, wanting to impress you, wanting to hear how good he was from your lips. 
He had texted you to meet him outside the locker room minutes ago and you told him you were on the way. 
He was going to do it. He had to do it. 
He wasn’t even sure himself why he was so adamant about telling you now, but everything felt perfect like it was now or never. 
He heard you before he saw you, talking with someone. He followed your voice, his eagerness, and excitement on full display. You hung up the phone as soon as you made eye contact with him, your smile mirroring his as you closed the distance between the two of you. You hugged him tight as he lifted you, his joy rubbing off on you. 
“You did amazing. You should be so proud.” You beamed, fingers squeezing his shoulders as he put you down. 
He was smiling in a way that was starting to make you breathless.
“Are you though?” He asked, eyes never leaving yours. 
“Am I what?” 
“Proud. Of me?” 
You wanted to laugh at the absurd question, of course, you were proud of him, who wouldn't be? But the way he was looking at you, eyes shining with sincerity, like he really needed to know, made you sober up and want to give him an honest answer. 
“Of course. I’m always proud of you.” You exhaled, not being able to look away from his annoyingly pretty eyes. 
There was a beat of silence before Pedri began to speak a determined look on his face,
“Y/n I have to tell-” Pedri’s voice got drowned out by another familiar one. 
“Y/n why did you just leave me? I barely-” Your friend's voice trailed off when he saw what he had just walked in on. 
“Oh hey, guys.” He greeted awkwardly. 
Your hand slipped off of Pedri’s shoulders and the action did not go unnoticed by the boy, “Oh Pedri this is Ian. Ian this is Pedri, the one from my hometown.” 
There was that feeling in his heart again, just like when he had first seen you again for his birthday, but now instead of making his insides feel warm it was tearing them apart. 
Was that all he was to you? Some kid you just knew from your hometown? And who was this guy anyway? Had he just given you a free date night? 
So many questions and you just kept staring at him like you were expecting him to do something. But do what? Pretend to play nice when all he wanted to do was wallow in his misery. He was going to be sick. 
“Hey. Sorry, I forgot I have to do something right after this. I gotta go.” His voice sounded cold even to his own ears and he forced himself to act nonchalant. 
“Oh, do you want us to wait for you?” 
“No, I already have plans with someone else.” 
“Oh…ok.” Your voice trailed off, not knowing how to respond to that and honestly feeling a little stupid for thinking he would want to do something with you after. 
“Yeah she’s an Instagram model, so I couldn’t say no. You probably don’t know her Y/n, y’know since you’ve lived in Tenerife your whole life and don’t get out much. She’s French actually.” 
You felt the cruelty in his words. In just one breath he had taken several digs at you and basically compared you to a famous French model you knew you had no chance of competing with. He was right, you were just some random girl from a small town in Spain trying to fake your way through life in Barcelona. You felt the lump start to form in your throat, but you told yourself he probably hadn’t even meant to mean and you had just taken it the wrong way. 
You nodded, refusing to make eye contact with him, “Ok. I guess we’ll leave then.” 
“You know the way out.”
You felt Ian scoff beside you but you couldn’t focus on anything except Pedri’s figure as he walked away, your brain not being able to comprehend how it had gone bad so quickly.
He was sure now.
If there was anything he was sure of it was his feelings for you. But now the two of you weren’t even talking and every time he opened his eyes all he could think about was how badly he fucked up things between the two of you. 
He wished he could turn back time and take it all back. There had been no one waiting for him, no French model, he had just wanted to get under your skin, hoping he could hurt you to even a fraction of the degree you hurt him. But he regretted it. He regretted it the second it passed his lips, he didn’t know why he did it. It was like he wasn’t even there for the conversation, his mind pleading with him from above, warning him he was making a mistake - but he didn’t listen. 
It had been over two weeks since that night and now he was back in the Island ringing in the New Year with his family. Every now and then his mind would slip into thinking about if you were here too, just a five-minute walk away from him, having your own celebration. 
It was just an hour before twelve when he decided a night walk was just the thing he needed. He had been absent all day, mind wandering as he kept thinking back to you and he felt bad having his family deal with him in his shit mood. He decided visiting the old football field, which was in the opposite direction from where you lived, would be the best option so that he wouldn’t be tempted to walk past your house. 
It seemed fate had other plans for him though because there sitting on the grass, one barely-there street lamp illuminating the silver of your dress, was you, back turned to him. 
It seemed even when he was trying to avoid you he couldn’t stay away. 
You jumped at the sudden noise, looking up to see who was next to you. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice was as smooth as honey and despite yourself, you felt yourself relax at the familiar sound. 
“I just missed-” your voice was soft before you remembered how he had made you feel the last time you spoke, “Actually you know what, I don’t owe you an explanation. What are you doing here? Isn’t Tenerife a little small for you? I don’t think any Instagram model would want to come all the way out here.” 
You felt him sigh as he sat next to you, you felt his leg brush yours and you instinctively moved away from him. 
“Don’t do that.” You could hear the hurt in his voice. 
“Why?” Your voice was barely above a whisper. 
“It doesn’t make me feel good about myself. I know I messed up.” 
“Well, you didn’t make me feel good about myself. Actually, you made me feel like shit. Like you didn’t even care about me at all.” You spoke, finally admitting the truth. 
“I’m sorry. I care. I care so much.” He tried to reassure you but you weren’t giving in.
“Then why even say it? Obviously, you can spend time with whoever you want since we’re only friends, but since you invited me to the game I thought-” 
“I lied.” He cut you off. 
He continued, “There was no other girl. Just you. I lied because I thought it would make me feel better after learning the girl I liked had a boyfriend.” 
You sat in silence as you digested his words. Your heart felt like it was about to explode out of your chest, there was never someone else, but you also felt annoyed that he was so quick to jump to conclusions. He could have spared the both of you a lot of heartache if he had just asked. 
You played with the grass in front of you, finally turning to look at him as you shook your head, “You’re an idiot.” 
You felt his eyes scan your face, “Why?” 
“If you would have just asked or stayed for a second longer instead of running off you would have known that Ian is just a friend and not my boyfriend.”
“Are you fucking with me cause this isn’t funny?” It sounded like a warning but his voice was pleading. 
“So you're single?” He confirmed.  
You nodded again. 
He gave you a soft smile, “I lied again.” 
“What?” Now it was your turn to be confused. 
“It’s not just like. I love you.”
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vscabarca · 6 months
immediate regret - pablo gavi
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summary: gavi and you fought after a game, so you made him leave your apartment.
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: swearing
„Can't you just shut the fuck up for once and not be so annoying? Bother someone else." Gavi yelled through the apartment, making your body flinch at his words.
„i'm just trying to help you!" You spoke in a distressed voice.
„i don't fucking need your help." He was still angry, yelling around the room without even looking at his girlfriend, throwing his hands into the air.
„Why does everything have to be a struggle with you?" You asked him in disbelief, your voice cracking mid sentence.
Barcelona lost against Real Madrid in el Clásico, the most important game of the season. Additionally to that, Gavi received his fifth yellow card, meaning he'll be suspended for the next game.
You knew how hot-headed he could become after bad games, but this was new. All you've wanted to do is make him feel better, so you tried to talk to him. The two of you had your arguments, yes, but he had never yelled at you before.
Gavi felt immediate regret in seeing you stand there almost in tears. He was quick in approaching you, trying to apologize to his girlfriend.
You backed up, feeling a familiar tightness in your throat as your vision became blurry.
Quietly, but with a firm voice you spoke to him.
„Leave my apartment." It wasn't much what came out, but enough to make Gavi widen his eyes in devastation.
„Pero nena... please, i didn't mean it like that." he argued with pity but you couldn't stand seeing him right now.
„No, i dont wan't you here tonight, not after what you've said." Your voice trembled but you still wanted him gone. Maybe that way you both could cool off a bit.
„Look, i'm sorry" Gavi wanted to embrace you in his arms, but you interrupted him.
„Just leave Gavi, i can't see you right now." Tears were streaming down your face, making it hard to breathe.
He looked at you once more with nothing but regret in his eyes and left your apartment with a huff.
In the car he scolded himself for being so reckless with you, trying to figure out why he said what he said. His temper after games often led to arguments between you two, always bickering about how gavi couldn't control his emotions very well.
You felt like time would do both good. You knew somehow you would fix this mess but didn't want to discuss this in the heat of the moment.
Both slept worse than usal the next days, and the guilt ate Gavi up alive. His practice suffered from your fight, his mind was often somewhere else, thinking how to apologize to you.
He spoke to Pedri, getting some helpful advice in return and made his way back to your apartment.
You were currently watching a series to distract yourself from having no contact with Gavi for the last two days.
The knock on your door made your head turn as you did not expect anyone today. You opened the door, revealing Gavi on the other side.
He looked at you with a warm, small smile. In his hands were tulips.
„Can i come in?" Gavi asked carefully, waiting for your answer.
„Yeah come in." You answered, smiling slightly too.
The truth is you missed him very much, you hated fighting with him.
As you got seated, he placed the flowers onto the coffee table.
„you know, buying me flowers won't make me forgive you pablo." You raised your eyebrows at him.
„i know that, but i saw them and still wanted to give you something in addition to my apology." he replied chuckling. „i behaved like an idiot. i should've never screamed at you, you just wanted to help me. You know what a hot-headed kid i can be and I'm very sorry i took my anger out on you amor." he continued, holding your hands in his.
You smiled up at him, realizing he meant it.
„i know it means much to you, but i just want to help you with whatever you're dealing with. You could've just told me to leave you alone and i would've given you some time." you replied sincerely.
„i'm sorry amor. i promise it won't happen again. besides i had the worst two days without you. Am i forgiven?" Gavi asked once more as he scooted closer to you.
„Mhm. i've missed you too." you answered and leaned in for a kiss.
Gavi leaned in too, placing his plump lips on yours.
„i've missed your cuddles." you said as he pulled you down to him and wrapped his strong arms around your waist.
„Then lets watch something and cuddle." Gavi placed a sweet kiss on your head and snuggled closer to you if that was even possible.
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barcalover86 · 1 year
Wsg love your post!!!
It would make my day if u wrote of post the reader is Pedri’s little sister but she’s dating Gavi. One day Pedri was playing FIFA with his friends on call, reader comes in his room pissed off bc she’s on her period. When Reader is on her period she’s very very bratty and mean, Pedri knew that so the minute that he Rolodex this he asked her if she was on her period,and she was so mad and left bc he ate all of her snacks. When Gavi asked Pedri if it was true that u we’re on ur period he bought readers favourite snacks and went to go cuddle with her and it’s just full of fluffff
Thank you!
Period problems - Pablo Gavi
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2nd Masterlist
"What do you want, y/n!? You are getting on my nerves now!" Pedri said to you after 10 minutes of walking around the kitchen trying to find something for you to eat.
Your period came earlier and some big cramps were keeping you awake.
It was pretty late now, but your brother, Pedri, was playing FIFA in the living room with his footballer friends.
"Don't you have your own business to look out for?"
"Since you are distracting me of winning this game, I can tell you whatever I want."
You rolled his eyes. You wanted to tell him so bad that he was going to lose anyway, but you remained silent, knowing that your boyfriend, Gavi, was also there playing in his team.
"What are you even looking for?" he said annoyed after another 5 minutes of you walking around.
"Something to eat."
"This late?"
You were really annoyed this time.
"Yes, this late. I'm hungry, do you have a problem with it?"
"Yes, I do. Go grab yourself something and leave! You're making too much noise!"
"Well, if I had something, I would take it and go to my room. Don't you think I want to be alone too!? I just don't find my snacks.." you said the last part as a whisper, but Pedri heard you.
"What snacks?"
"Those that I bought yesterday."
"Oh, those snacks," he said chuckling.
"Do you know where they are?"
"In my tummy" Pedri said while laughing.
"What did you say?"
"I'm sorry, I was hung-"
"I bought them!!! You had to ask me if you wanted to eat those! Now I don't have anything and I'm hungry!"
"C'mon, there's not a big deal, y/n. Now, can you leave? I want to continue the game and all of us are waiting for you to get done with all those.. moody things of yours.. so that we can finish this stupid match!"
"Pedri, hermano, don't shout at her!"
Pedri heard Gavi talking, but decided to ignore him.
"Not a big deal!? Seriously!? Of course it is not if you ate MY food!" you started to get really mad and tears were forming in your eyes.
"For real? Now you are crying? What now? Are you on your period?"
"Yes, I am! You are such a bad brother. You don't even know how it feels. I don't want to see you ever again!" you said before going to your room, sad, angry, hungry and with bad cramps.
Pedri rolled his eyes, but he felt bad for shouting at you, knowing that period was a serious subject and you were in pain.
"Is she on her period, Pedri?"
"Yes, Gavi. She is"
"Why did you yell at her like that!?"
"I didn't know, don't you think I'm sorry too?"
"I'm going to but those snacks for her now." he said before hanging up and going to some store.
It took him a lot of time to find one that was still open and after that he ran to your house.
Pedri thanked him for coming after Gavi started to give him some lessons about his behaviour towards his sister.
When you heard someone knocking at your door, you were sure it was your brother so you didn't respond, pretending to be asleep. The door eventually open and it revealed you your boyfriend with a bag in his hands.
"Hi.." he said quietly and sweetly, putting his hand on one of your legs.
He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. You opened the lights and you hugged him, being really emotional.
"Oh, sweet girl"
You wanted to ask him so many questions, but he promised to tell you everything tomorrow morning and that he will stau with you this night.
When he gave you the bag and you saw all your favorite foods and some pads, you were on he edge of tears.
"Thank youu."
"De nada, amorcito."
After you ate until you were full, he cuddled you, making sure you were save and comfortable.
Your cramps were bad, but being close to Gavi made you forget about them, only thinking about his lips and body. You were really horny this period of the month and Gavi knew that, but promised you that he will give you a nice time after you finish it.
Now, his lips on your neck and lips were enough for you.
"Can you tell me a story, please?" you asked him.
"I don't know a story,cariño."
He eventually gave up and took his phone out to read you something. After a short time, you were already asleep in his arms, while he was looking at you sweetly, kissing your forehead time to time.
"Te quiero, y/n"
2nd Masterlist
I hope you like this and I'm sorry for the wait!
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thatsdemko · 1 year
Spanish lullaby - p.gonzalez & p.gavi
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threes company
pairings: Pablo gavi x fem!reader & pedri x fem!reader
warnings: ideas not intended for minors + google translated Spanish
a/n: sorry for the lack of details I really just felt this song and this work paired well (if you’ve never heard the song it’s la isla bonita by Madonna)
A young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
when he closes his eyes and the world around him finally is quiet, there’s a place he likes to drift to that belongs to only him and you.
your sweet cherry plump lips, innocent brown eyes, and dashing smile. your legs thrown over his lap, your hands working his button up shirt, and the breeze from the outdoors rush in. he can still recall the smell of lavender and salty ocean waters, your intoxicating scent rushes to his mind, the blood runs down to his cock. why must his mind play these games on him?
“you’re going to miss me.” your whisper in his ear, tongue swirls around his earlobe, lips trail down to the sensitive spot behind his ear, “I’m going to all you can think about, mi querido niño.”
he shutters recalling the way your lips hover his ear, he remembers the feeling of your tongue agains him. the little bumps of your tongue, the heaviness of your breath, why couldn’t he of had a normal vacation?
“pensando en ella también?” thinking of her too?
the words startle pedri out of his sweltering dream. his eyes flutter open to his friend, his body leaned up against his door frame, “she fucked me up too.”
“Cuéntame sobre eso.” pedri heaves out. his chest visibly rising and falling over his previous thoughts. he finds a pillow near his body, covering his lower half, he allows Pablo a seat on the edge of his bed. tell me about it
“well first she undressed me,” he pauses for a moment, looking down at forearms, he can ghostly feel your fingers nails trailing up his veins, “and then I don’t remember much.”
fragments of that night fill his mind. your wet pussy riding his dick, your legs wrapped around his torso. the details are scarce and limited, but the emotions still linger.
“I can’t think of anyone else. it’s all been about her.”
a smile lifts your lips. picking the beer bottle up, you wrap your lips around the rim and take a long swig. the night dances in your mind, riding two Spanish footballers while they stare into your soul becoming lost men in your beauty. their souls intertwined with yours, and you keep their moans and whispers deep in your memory to pull out only when nights are lonesome and you need their comfort.
those two left with their tails tucked in, minds moving to the rhythm of your song until the end of time.
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby
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sports-on-sundays · 4 months
can you plssss make a part 3 for arguments w Marc guiu plsssss😭
arguments / Marc Guiu / Part 3
Summary: Marc x female!reader - The writing is on the wall, and you don't know if there's a way to change this. Or if you even want to.
Author's Note: I'm a sucker for happy endings✌️✌️✌️Link to Part 1 Link to Part 2
Requested?: Yes
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For a guy that you hate, that hurt you, that you never, ever want to see again, you think about him an awful lot.
Gavi thinks you messed up. That you're in the wrong, too. That it was a two-way street.
Well, what does Gavi know?
You're not sure, but in the past, it figures, most of the time, he's right.
And ever since you saw Marc...
He looked broken up. Not the handsome, upbeat, encouraging Marc who you just had one too many nasty arguments with. He wasn't even Marc at all. He was empty. Anxiety and confusion radiated off of him.
And the more you think about that, the more it makes you feel guilty.
Maybe Gavi is right. Maybe you weren't being a good girlfriend. Maybe Marc only lashed out, which was wrong, at you because you weren't treating him correctly.
Perhaps he was a bit too jealous, but maybe you weren't giving him enough attention.
You sigh. You would've just let it go, but after seeing Marc? Now you've begun to feel guilty yourself.
Maybe you should just try to have a conversation with him, like Gavi said.
"Man, this isn't doing any good, is it?" Héctor sighs. He's hanging out with Marc, going for a stroll, but Marc hasn't opened his mouth once, and his eyes remain trained on the sidewalk they're walking on.
Finally, the eighteen-year-old looks up at his friend. "What isn't?" he speaks.
"You're devastated over her. You can't keep going on like this. You've got to find a way out. I miss you."
"I'm right here..." Marc begins.
"I miss the old Marc. Come on."
Marc's jaw clenches. "I just got to get over it. I'm working on it, okay?"
"You're working on it, but it hasn't been working, has it?"
Marc exhales slowly, with no answer to his friend but, "I'm trying. Trust me, I don't like me like this either."
"Maybe there is a solution, though, and you're just not seeing it."
"That's nice," Marc snorts. "Doesn't help if I'm not seeing it."
But Héctor flashes a grin at his friend. "But what if I'm seeing it?"
Marc rolls his eyes, and just the smallest hint of a smile creeps up on his lips. "Well, what are you seeing?"
But then the younger male grows more serious again as he says, "You should just talk to her."
"I- no-!" Marc says, eyes wide and eyebrows exasperated.
"Man- just hear me out, okay?! I know you're terrified of doing that for some reason. For some reason, you're terrified of her. What, because of your regret? You're scared of what she'll say? If you want to fix it, you've got to overcome it. Just talk to her. Get it straight. Make sure you both understood why it ended. Building up to it, I'm sure your head will be spinning, but afterwards, I know you'll feel more relief. Y/n isn't a bad person. She'll hear you out, as long as it's a conversation, and not an argument. I'm sure of it."
Marc stares ahead. Just his friend's words cause him low-grade anxiety, but he slowly nods. "I'll... I'll think about it."
When he thought about it, Marc decided on an adamant 'no.' But today, when he looks up to see you walking towards him, down the hall, after he's washed up after training, chattering with Pedri and Gavi, his emotions flare up, and he acts on a whim.
He reaches out from the doorway to grasp your arm. You look up in surprise, stopping mid-sentence, as you rest your eyes on your ex.
"Y/n," he gasps.
Your breath gets caught in your throat.
"Can we- can we talk?"
Immediately, Gavi says, "Me and Pedri have got to get going. Catch you later!" and the two skitter away.
Great. Now you're all alone.
"Sure..." you sigh.
And then Marc starts rambling. "I'm so sorry for being so controlling. I can't stand this heartache any longer and I need you to know how much I miss you and I feel bad and I know I ruined it all and... I just want you for myself but that wasn't fair... I shouldn't have yelled at you... I shouldn't have gotten so worked up. I should have let you do your own thing and-" Suddenly, his voice cracks, and you see his eyes begin to water. "I can't think... I feel so bad, I've been nothing like myself... I was so anxious to even talk to you... I don't want to upset you... I just want you to know I'm sorry, and that I see what I did wrong and I- I want to fix it."
You let out a shaky sigh as your caring emotions for him that you pushed out begin to flood back in. You hastily wipe a stray tear rolling down his cheek. "Oh, Marc," you whisper. "Get yourself together."
"I'm sorry..." his voice cracks higher.
You sigh again. "It's okay... But you expect me to let you fix it now, then?"
His Adam's apple bobs as he gulps.
"Well, first, I want to apologize, too," you begin.
"No, no, you didn't do anything wr-"
"I think I did," you cut in with a huff. "Though I don't like how harsh you could be, and how jealous you could act, in some respects, you were right. If I'm going to date someone, I can't be hanging out with my male friends more than the guy I'm actually dating. And out of all the guys I know, you're the only one I'd want to date."
He inhales sharply at that. "So, you...?"
"I'll work on change, as long as you do, too."
He swallows. "Of course. I've had hours of lying in bed going insane over this."
You nod and take both his hands in his. "Maybe we can try this again, then? Yeah? I can't stand to see you like this any longer."
It's like a huge weight is lifted off his shoulders as he gasps and immediately wraps you in the biggest bear hug you've ever experienced. "Yeah," he whispers softly, close to your ear. "I'd love that."
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gaviymarcsbride · 2 years
Hi! Me topé con tu cuenta and I loved the lil Gavi shot. Saw you're Venezuelan. Yo también lo soy🇻🇪🤟 I have thought about this and it gives me all kind of emotions, could you do a Gavi one shot where reader, his gf, is Venezuelan so, sometimes she goes and says stuff like: Ladilla, c-ño, pana and the things we say all the time, including with the accent we have (que no sea maracucho plis), and basically how Gavi is loco for her y su léxico? Maybe, he picks n says some things too? Plis, thanks
A/N: I screamed out of happiness when I read this request because yes. I tried so discúlpame if you didn't like it. And yes, no fucking way was I gonna use a maracucho accent I love them but also hate them with a passion.
And my English speaking audience: sorry for the horrible translations
"Coño!" (Fuck!) You exclaimed after accidentally touching the hot pan. "Gavi, me traes esa vaina que esta ahi" (Gavi can you bring me that thing over there) you said signaling with your head to the beef you just finished preparing for the arepas you were trying to make.
And let's just say, you wish your grandma was here in this exact moment.
"Recuerdame que significa vaina otra vez mi amor?"(Remind me what vaina means again, my love? He faked ignorance as if he didn't google a bunch of venezuelan words to appease you and your family.
Gavi snickered. He loved it when your venezuelan slang randomly came out, like you couldn't control. It always made his day.
"Pablo no tengo tiempo para esto, mi familia nos viene a visitar, así que necesito que todo este en order o-" (Pablo i don't have the time for this, my family is coming to visit, and I need everything to be in order or-) he cut you off with a kiss, like he always did to get you calm down, these family reunions always stresses you out, but he was here through all of it.
He turned the stove off and flipped the arepas to make sure they didnt burn before picking you up and setting you on the counter. "Cielo, y si te tomas un descanso y esperamos que llegue tu mama a ayudarte con la comida porque necesito todo la energía posible para soportar la ladilla de tu hermano y tu papa" (Sky, what if you take a break and we wait for your mom to help out with the food because I'm gonna need all the energy I can get to get through an evening with your brother and your dad)
Now it was your turn to snicker. Being raised as a Real Madrid fan came to many arguments as to which team was better, especially from your die-hard fan dad. "Lo se, todavía recuerdo la cara que puso cuando se entero que salía con un jugador del barça"(I know, i can still remember his face when he found out i'm dating a barça player) you both laughed at the face you made when you said barça.
"Bueno, que voy hacer si su hija es burda de buena" (well what can I do when his daughter is hella hot) he said inching his face towards you to leave a passionate kiss on your lips.
Until you were interrupted by the doorbell. Of course you both thought.
You were met by your family and surprisingly Pedri, that came to drop off something Pablo forgot in his car, but as soon as you mentioned the Arepas you were making he couldn't help but join in.
The rest of the evening was spent making jokes, your brother and dad teasing the number 6 just as you predicted, and with Gavi showing his new vocabulary to impress your parents.
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pdriesta · 16 days
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“how can i move on when i’m still in love with you”
genres — angst, angst, and more angst. suggestive.
word count — 4k
summary — two years ago, pedri shattered his childhood best friend's heart by ending their relationship. he was her first kiss, first boyfriend, and first love. now, as she prepares to start fresh while pursuing her master's degree, pedri reappears with a single mission: to mend the heart he once broke. can she trust him again, or will their past define their future?
an — the angst… i just want them to be happy 💔
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you showed up at pedri’s apartment because that’s what he suggested. after your meeting with him, you were overwhelmed. the emotions had left you raw, and you needed to clear your mind. you had called pedri earlier, requesting to talk in person, hoping it would bring you some clarity.
the phone call had been brief but intense. you dialed pedri’s number, your heart racing as you heard the familiar ring.
“hello?” pedri answered, his voice sounding cautious.
“pedri, we need to talk,” you said, trying to keep your tone steady.
“y/n, is everything okay?” his concern was palpable.
“no, it’s not. you show up at my dorm unannounced, and now you want to meet? i need to understand what’s going on.”
“i just… i needed to see you. can we talk in person? please?” he pleaded.
“fine. i’ll come over,” you agreed, though the tension in your voice was clear.
when pedri opened the door, you were met with a mix of nerves and anticipation. you had expected this to be a chance to address everything that had been left unsaid.
“stop doing this!” you exclaimed as soon as you were inside.
“doing what?” pedri asked, confusion evident in his voice.
“the truth is, when i needed you at my lowest points, you weren’t there, pedro.”
“mi vida,” he said, and the way he spoke that term of endearment made you feel as if you were collapsing under the weight of your unresolved feelings.
“don’t call me that,” you whispered, struggling to keep your emotions in check. pedri took a step closer and reached out to caress your cheek, his touch so light it almost felt unreal. you had to blink to convince yourself it was actually happening.
“why are you messing with my head?” you asked, your voice trembling.
pedri began to explain, but his words were scattered, failing to reach the heart of the matter. “i know things have been difficult, and I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me. I thought… I thought that if I came here and spoke to you, we could find a way to move forward. I never meant to cause you more pain.”
you remained cautious, unable to fully trust his intentions. “you think you can just show up and fix everything with a few words?”
pedri’s gaze fell, and he hesitated before speaking again. “is there someone else?” he asked quietly, though he didn’t really want to know.
your eyes widened in shock. “wow,” you said, pulling away from him. “how dare you. i’ve cried over you for two years, and now you’re accusing me of moving on?”
“that’s not it!” pedri protested.
“yeah right. news flash, pedri, there is no one else. there has never been anyone else—all because of you.”
pedri felt a mix of relief and heartbreak at your words. the realization that you hadn’t moved on only deepened his pain.
“y/n, i don’t want to argue. i just want to talk,” he sighed, his voice laden with sadness.
“what about what i wanted? for two years, i wanted you to fight for me, pedri. fight for us. but you never did. you knew how much i needed you,” your voice cracked, and tears began to fall.
pedri looked at you, his own eyes filling with tears. “i’m sorry,” he said softly. “i didn’t realize how much i hurt you until now. i want to make things right, but i understand if you need time.”
you shook your head, the weight of your emotions too heavy to bear. “i don’t know if i can ever forgive you.”
“just give me a chance,” pedri pleaded, his voice breaking. “please, y/n. I know I’ve messed up, but I’m here now, and I want to prove to you that I’m serious about making things right.”
you stood there, feeling torn between the lingering love you had for him and the pain of his past actions. the room was filled with an intense silence as you both faced the reality of your fractured relationship.
as you prepared to leave, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this might be the last time you would see him like this. the sadness of the moment hung heavy in the air, leaving you both to grapple with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.
as you arrived at your dorm, you noticed a delivery waiting for you at your door. it was your favorite food, accompanied by a note from pedri. the gesture brought fresh waves of emotion.
you stared at the note, feeling the old pain resurfacing. with trembling hands, you picked up your phone, debating whether to call him. the memories and feelings from your past with pedri flooded your mind, making it hard to decide.
you hovered over the call button, the weight of your unresolved emotions pressing heavily on you. as you took a deep breath and finally pressed dial, you knew that whatever happened next would shape the course of your future with pedri.
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the morning sun cast a bright glow over the training field, but pedri’s mood was far from sunny. as the team stretched and warmed up for pre-season training already,  pedri remained distant, his mind elsewhere. his usual energy and enthusiasm were notably absent. he half-heartedly participated in drills, his movements mechanical.
as the session progressed, frenkie, who had always been perceptive, noticed pedri’s lack of focus. he jogged over, concern etched on his face. “hey, pedri, what’s going on? you’ve been off all morning.”
pedri shrugged, trying to brush it off. “just a lot on my mind,” he muttered.
ferran, who had also picked up on pedri’s strange behavior, joined in, noticing the tension. “you look like you’ve seen a ghost. what’s up?”
pedri hesitated, then sighed deeply. “i saw y/n yesterday. we talked, and… it didn’t go well.”
the mention of your name caused a ripple of concern among the team. frenke and ferran exchanged looks before frenke pressed on. “did you really think it was a good idea to show up like that? you’re messing with her head, man.”
pedri’s shoulders slumped. “i thought if i could just talk to her in person, she’d understand how much i care. i didn’t mean to hurt her.”
ferran shook his head, clearly frustrated. “you’ve got to think these things through. you didn’t just break up with her and walk away. you left her without any closure, and now you show up again and expect things to be okay? that’s not fair.”
frenkie nodded in agreement. “yeah, you can’t just waltz back into her life and expect her to be ready to forgive you. you’ve got to earn back her trust, and you need to respect her feelings. you made her cry, pedri. that’s serious.”
pedri ran a hand through his hair, guilt washing over him. “i know. i messed up. i thought i was doing the right thing by trying to make things right.”
ferran’s expression softened slightly. “we get that you’re trying to fix things, but you need to be more considerate. she’s been through a lot, and you showing up like that, it’s just confusing for her.”
frenkie added, “think about it from her perspective. it’s been years, and suddenly you’re back, stirring up old feelings. you’ve got to give her space and time to process everything.”
pedri nodded slowly, feeling the weight of their words. “you’re right. i need to step back and give her the time she needs. i didn’t realize how much i was pushing her.”
the practice continued, but pedri’s mind remained clouded with thoughts of you and the conversation he’d had with his teammates. he knew they were right; he had to approach this situation with more care and patience. he was determined to find a way to make amends, but it was clear he had a long road ahead.
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later that day, after training had ended and the sun began to set, pedri found himself sitting alone in his apartment, the weight of the day’s events pressing heavily on him. he knew he needed to give you space, but the thought of not reaching out tore at him.
as he stared at his phone, contemplating what to do next, a notification popped up. it was a message from you.
mi vida: can we talk?
pedri’s heart raced. he quickly typed back,
pedri: of course. where and when?
mi vida: your place. tonight at 8?
pedri: i’ll see you then
pedri spent the next hour tidying up his apartment, his mind racing with thoughts of what you might say. he knew this was an important moment, a chance to really understand your feelings and to begin making amends.
as the clock struck 8, there was a knock on the door. pedri took a deep breath and opened it to see you standing there, looking both determined and hesitant.
“hey,” he greeted softly, stepping aside to let you in.
“hey,” you replied, stepping into the familiar space. memories flooded back as you took in the sight of his apartment, so much like it had been years ago. the air felt thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.
“thanks for coming,” pedri said, closing the door behind you. “can i get you anything? water? tea?”
“no, i’m fine,” you said, settling on the edge of the couch. “i just… i needed to talk to you without all the noise and distractions.”
pedri nodded, sitting down across from you. “i’m listening.”
you took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts. “seeing you again has brought back a lot of emotions, pedri. i’ve tried to move on, to forget, but it’s been hard. yesterday, when you showed up… it felt like everything came rushing back.”
pedri looked down, his guilt evident. “i never wanted to hurt you. i thought coming back, explaining myself, would help. but i realize now i went about it all wrong.”
“why did you do it?” you asked, your voice trembling. “why did you leave that way?”
pedri sighed, running a hand through his hair. “i thought i was doing the right thing. my career was taking off, and i didn’t want to hold you back. i thought you’d be better off without me, but i see now that i was selfish. i should have talked to you, explained what i was feeling.”
tears welled up in your eyes. “do you know how much that hurt? i felt abandoned, like i wasn’t worth fighting for.”
pedri’s eyes glistened with tears as well. “i’m so sorry, y/n. i was young and scared. i didn’t know how to handle it. but i never stopped thinking about you, never stopped regretting my decision.”
the room fell silent, the weight of his words hanging in the air. you wiped a tear from your cheek, struggling to keep your composure.
“i don’t know if i can ever trust you again,” you admitted, your voice breaking. “but a part of me still loves you, and that’s what makes this so hard.”
pedri reached out, his hand gently covering yours. “i understand if you need more time, if you can’t forgive me yet. but i’m here, and i’m not going anywhere. i want to prove to you that i’ve changed, that i’m worth trusting again.”
you looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity and regret reflected there. “i need to think about all this. it’s not something i can decide overnight.”
pedri nodded, squeezing your hand gently. “take all the time you need. i’ll be here.”
you stood up, feeling the need for some air. “i should go. but thank you for listening, for being honest.”
“thank you for giving me a chance to explain,” pedri said, standing as well. “goodnight, y/n.”
“goodnight, pedri,” you replied, leaving the apartment with a heavy heart. as you walked away, you felt a mix of emotions—pain, longing, and a glimmer of hope. the road ahead was uncertain, but you knew one thing for sure: you needed time to heal, and only then could you decide what the future held for you and pedri.
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after leaving pedri’s apartment, you found yourself wandering aimlessly through the streets, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions. you needed someone to talk to, someone who understood both you and pedri, and there was only one person who came to mind: your sister, caro.
as soon as you got back to your dorm, you flopped onto your bed and dialed caro’s number. it rang a few times before she picked up.
“hey, y/n! what’s up?”
“caro, i need you.,” you said, your voice trembling. “it’s about pedri.”
there was a brief pause. “oh no, what happened?”
“he showed up out of nowhere, and we talked, but it was a mess. i don’t know what to do. i’m so confused.”
“hold on, let me find a quiet spot,” caro said. you heard some shuffling and then a door closing. “okay, i’m here. start from the beginning.”
you took a deep breath and recounted the events of the past few days—the unexpected meeting, the emotions, the argument at his apartment. caro listened patiently, occasionally offering a sympathetic “mm-hmm” or “oh, y/n.”
“i just don’t understand why he’s doing this now,” you said, your voice cracking. “and i don’t know if i can trust him.”
“it sounds like he’s trying to make things right,” caro said gently. “you know how much pedri cares about you. he’s always been there for us, even when he was back home. he’d come back every summer, always asking about you, trying to see you.”
you were shocked. “he did? i never knew that.”
“yeah,” caro said softly. “he would show up, hoping to catch you, but you were always away. it was like he was making an effort to be part of your life, even when you weren’t around.”
“i had no idea,” you said, feeling a mix of surprise and sadness. “i thought he just disappeared and didn’t care.”
“no, y/n. he really did care. he’s made mistakes, sure, but he’s genuinely trying to fix things now,” caro said. “if he’s reaching out again, it means he’s serious about making things right.”
rafa’s voice came through the phone. “hey, who are you talking to?”
“it’s y/n,” caro replied. “she’s dealing with some stuff with pedri.”
“put me on speaker,” rafa said. “i want to hear this.”
you chuckled through your tears as caro switched to speaker mode. “hey, rafa.”
“hey, sis. so, pedri’s back, huh? that guy’s always had a lot of respect from me. he’s like an older brother to me. i’ve seen him really make an effort, even when you weren’t around.”
“i had no idea,” you repeated. “i’m just so confused. part of me still loves him, but I’m scared of getting hurt again.”
rafa’s voice softened with encouragement. “look, y/n, pedri’s made mistakes, but he’s always been a good guy at heart. he’s not perfect, but he’s willing to fight for what he wants. if he’s reaching out now, it’s because he’s serious about making things right.”
“thanks, rafa,” you said, feeling a bit more grounded. “I’m just struggling with all these emotions.”
“you’re strong, y/n,” caro added. “you’ve been through so much already. whatever you decide, we’re here for you.”
“yeah, and if you need any backup, you know I’m just a call away,” rafa joked, trying to lighten the mood. “we’re all rooting for you and pedri to figure things out.”
you laughed, the tension in your chest easing slightly. “thanks, guys. i love you both. the last couple days have been hectic but i am starting to see things clearly.” 
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the next few days were a blur of contemplation and introspection. you tried to focus on your classes and routines, but pedri was never far from your mind. his presence had stirred up so much that you’d buried, and it was hard to sort through it all.
one afternoon, while sitting in your dorm, your phone buzzed with a new message. it was from pedri.
“i know you need time, and i’m giving you that. but i wanted you to have this.” attached was a photo of a handwritten note with your favorite iced matcha latte sitting beside it. the note read, 
i’m sorry for everything. take your time. i’ll be here when you’re ready.
— your pedri 
a mix of emotions washed over you—anger, sadness, and a hint of warmth. his gesture was small, but it showed he was listening, that he understood you needed space.
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that night, pedri sat in his living room, his phone placed conspicuously in front of him on the coffee table. lamine, alejandro, gavi, and fermin were with him, lounging on the couch after training, watching some comedy show that was playing in the background. but pedri’s attention was entirely on his phone, glancing at it every few seconds.
“dude, you’re going to burn a hole through that screen with how much you’re staring at it,” gavi joked, nudging him with his elbow.
“she said she might call,” pedri mumbled, not taking his eyes off the phone. “i don’t want to miss it.”
alejandro chuckled, shaking his head. “you know, obsessing over it isn’t going to make it ring any faster. relax, man. let’s watch this show.”
pedri sighed, leaning back but still keeping the phone within arm’s reach. “you don’t understand. this is important.”
fermin smirked, grabbing a handful of popcorn. “oh, we understand. you’re just in love, and it’s making you crazy.”
“if you’re not careful, you might end up like that guy in the movie who waits by the phone for days,” lamine added with a laugh. “seriously, pedri, she’ll call when she’s ready. stressing about it won’t help.”
just then, pedri’s phone buzzed, and he practically lunged for it, causing the others to burst into laughter. but when he saw it was just a notification from a sports app, he groaned, dropping back onto the couch.
“false alarm,” alejandro teased, mimicking the dramatic lunge. “calm down, romeo. she’ll call.”
pedri couldn’t help but laugh at himself. “yeah, yeah. you guys are right. i’m just really hoping she’ll give me a chance to explain.”
“and she will,” gavi said, patting his shoulder. “just be patient. and in the meantime, enjoy the show. it’s hilarious.”
pedri nodded, trying to relax as he joined his friends in watching the show. he knew he had to give you space and time, but the anticipation was eating at him. still, their light-hearted banter and support helped ease his anxiety a bit. they might tease him, but they had his back.
just as he started to focus on the show, his phone buzzed again. this time, it was your name on the screen. his heart skipped a beat, and he hesitated for a moment before answering.
“hey, pedri. it’s y/n.”
he felt a rush of emotions at the sound of your voice. “hey, y/n. thanks for calling.”
lamine, alejandro, gavi, and fermin gave him thumbs-up and exaggerated gestures of encouragement, trying to make him laugh. pedri rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but smile at their antics.
“i thought we could maybe talk,” you continued, sounding a bit unsure. “like you said, slowly.”
“i’d love that,” pedri replied softly. “let’s take it one step at a time.”
as he spoke with you, his friends quietly cheered and did mock victory dances, making exaggerated kissing faces at him. despite the seriousness of the conversation, pedri couldn’t help but laugh at their ridiculousness, feeling a sense of warmth and support from them.
and for the first time in days, he felt a glimmer of hope that things might just work out.
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palaugranetes · 3 years
9 August 2021
Riqui: This silence is deafening.
Carlitos: It really is so loud in here.
Riqui: 🙂
Ansu: We're mourning.
Riqui: For the past 4 months??
Ansu: What's your point?
Ronald: Does he ever have one?
Ansu: Good point
Riqui: 😒
Ansu: 🤗
Ilaix: 😬😬
Ansu: I'm still mad at you don't talk to me
Ilaix: Me?!
Ansu: Yes
Ilaix: What did I do to you?!
Ansu: You know what you did
Ilaix: If I did, I wouldn't have asked you.
Ansu: Well.. figure it out then.
Ilaix: 🤦🏿‍♂️
Arnau: Trouble in Paradise?
Ansu: Shush
Francisco: I miss you guys
Riqui: 🥺🥺🥺
Pedri: Same same
Iñaki: So we aren't gonna talk about it huh...
Oscar: 🤔🤔🤔
Iñaki: oh come on.. It is a real thing.
Riqui: I don't know what you are talking about
Iñaki: So Denial it is
Pedri: 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Frenkie: Hey!!
Oscar: 💙💙💙
Frenkie: How are we feeling?
Ronald: 💔
Frenkie: Exactly that...
Carlitos: Me leaving for good.
Riqui: shut it
Carlitos: Loving the affection.
Dembz: 😐
Ansu: stop it
Riqui: I swear to God.. Not another word
Riqui: 🙄🙄🙄
Arnau: So.....
Riqui: I said not a word. What part of Not. A. Word. Did you not get?!
Arnau: I was only gonna ask about Geri's selfie series.. What's that about?
Riqui: Oh😂
Riqui: It's funny
Ansu: Is it?
Riqui: It is if you knew the reason behind them.
Ansu: And you do?
Riqui: What makes you think I do?
Ansu: I don't think.. I'm just asking you
Ronald: Someone say it.
Iñaki: When has a thought ever graced your brain.
Ansu: *gasps*
Ronald: 😂😂😂😂 thank you for not making me say it
Ansu: @Oscar come get your boy
Oscar: I'm not here.
JC: Give the little dude a break. He's hurt.
JC is typing...
Ansu: Thank you! You're the only one I trust in this house
JC: You should wait till he is fully recovered.
Ansu: 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
Dembz: Ouch
JC: 🤷🏾‍♂️
10 August 2021
Riqui added Eric
Eric: Why are you yelling at me?! I'm standing right next you.
Eric: I can see your fingers going crazy on the keyboard! Chill!!
Riqui: This is what I get for being happy you're back😒
Eric: I'm just saying.. No more redbull for you after 2 pm
Eric: 💙❤
Pedri: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Eric: Dude I have not seen you in 3 hours.. It's odd @Pedri
Pedri: 😂😂😂😂
Eric: 😂
Riqui: Ojitos how are you feeling? @Oscar
Oscar: I'm okay.. how are you feeling?
Riqui: Swell
Frenkie: Congrats guys!! @Pedri @Oscar @Eric!!!🥈👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Oscar: 💙💙💙
Pedri: Thanks bro!! 🤗🤗💙💙
Frenkie: And welcome on board @Eric!!👊🏻💙❤
Eric: Thank you!! Happy to be here!
Arnau: Welcome back Capi! 😉😉
Eric: Hahaha 😜 gracies nanu💙❤
Francisco: Hey guys!!
Pedri: 🤗🤗
Riqui: Hii💙❤
Francisco: How are things?
Oscar: That question has so many branches and answers..
Oscar: Be more specific
Francisco: Well.. um..
Francisco: let's start easy.. how are you guys doing?
Riqui: We are kinda okay kinda shocked kinda drained tbh
Pedri: That is pretty much exactly it.
Frenkie: You are not kinda drained kid.. you need a 3 week nap.
Eric: Agreed.
Ronald: I concur.
Pedri: But I don't want to?
Oscar: You have to.
Pedri: But I miss you guys
Eric: I have literally seen you in the past 3 months more than I've seen my family the whole year.
Pedri: I wasn't talking about you ..
Pedri: or Oscar
Oscar: 🙂
Frenkie: bro, trust me .. you need to take some time off now cause for damn sure we won't get any later.
Riqui: Sadly, I can't say I relate 🙄
Ronald: And EXACTLY because of that.. @Pedri you need time off
Dembz: Welcome Dude!! @Eric!!👊🏿
Eric: 💙❤
Carlitos: NANUUUUU!!@Eric
Carlitos: In all aspects but physically.
Eric: 😅😅😘
Ansu: Finally someone on my side! I am so happy you're back!!
Iñaki: Welcome to the sole cause of my sleep deprivation @Eric!!!
Eric: 😳😳😳😳
Iñaki: You'll understand soon enough
Ansu: There is something called "Mute"
Iñaki: 😒
Eric: Ooooookay 😂
12 August 2021
Riqui: Y'all I'm really going to be wearing the 6🤯🤯🤯
Ronald: Yeah.. And for what
Riqui: Don't ruin my mood
Ronald: I'm just saying
Ansu: Riqui don't make him Angry! You won't like him when he's angry
Sergiño: 😂😂😂😂
Ronald: ha ha ha hilarious
Ansu: Thanks I know
Frenkie: Anyone has an idea of how we are going to play on Sunday??
Riqui: I'd say it will involve me sitting on the bench
Carlitos: 🤷🏻‍♂️ beats me
Arnau: And @Iñaki and I will be with you the entire time @Riqui
Francisco: Every time I open insta I see a Selfie of Geri.. Someone explain!
Riqui: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ansu: Apparently Riqui knows but he is being quiet about it
Francisco: What's that about??
Riqui: Engagement
Francisco: But why that specifically
Riqui: Look all I said was that he might want to be more engaging online.. TW is great and all but IG has more pull
Francisco: And that resulted in the selfies?!
Riqui: I didn't know he'd do THAT😂😂
Pedri: Did you ask?
Riqui: ofc I did.
Francisco: And?
Riqui: He said he was bored.
Francisco: Well he sure looks it.
Riqui: 😂😂😂
Francisco: Don't tell him I said that 😳
Francisco: I don't want what happened to Ous to happen to me
Pedri: 😅😅😂😂
Riqui: Nah bro, I got you
Francisco: 🥺🥰🥺🥰
Pedri: 💙💙💙
Eric: What happened to Ous??
Riqui: Geri hacked all his socials.
Eric: 😳
Riqui: 😂
Dembz: Yes very funny
Eric: Why though??
Dembz: It's all because of Curls and Tiny
Riqui: 😇
Iñaki: please don't remind me.
Eric: You too!?!?!
Iñaki: I had the misfortune of standing next to them
Eric: Yikes.. what'd he do to you?
Iñaki: Nothing.. I sent him a gift basket and a card
Riqui: 😂😂😂 He was never under threat in the first place😂😂
Iñaki: WHAT?!
Riqui: Geri told me.
Iñaki: WHEN!?
Riqui: The day after my punishment
Iñaki: I hate him
Eric: 😂😂😂 wild
Iñaki: 😩😩😩
13 August 2021
Riqui: 🥰
Pedri: Happy Birthday bro😍
Riqui: 💙❤💙❤
Arnau: Feliços 70 nanu!! Per molt mes! 🧓🏻🤗❤💙
Riqui: 😂😂😂cabronazo❤💙
Carlitos: Felicitats petit!! 💙❤🍿💙❤
Riqui: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💙❤
Carlitos: off we go for 2021-22
Sergiño: How are we feeling about this season?
Carlitos: I'll let you know later on tonight
Riqui: Sort! @Carlitos
Carlitos: Gracies nanu💙❤
Francisco: With the fans back!!
Pedri: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Pedri: I can't wait for the Camp Nou to be filled with people!!!
Oscar: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Eric: I have goosebumps just thinking about it!!!
Carlitos: "Sergiño: How are we feeling about this season?" 🙃🙃🙃
Sergiño: Sorry bro
Sergiño: Long way to go
Frenkie: love you bro @Carlitos but I do not like you team.. so 🤷🏼‍♂️
JC: 😂😂😂😂😂
JC: We face off this weekend mon gars @Dembz😏😏
Dembz: Hahaha yeah!
14 August 2021
JC: You are going down
Dembz: On va voir mon petit
Ansu: 👀👀👀👀
Pedri: How do you guys think Leo is doing?
Frenkie: Pretty sure he's having all sorts of emotions
Ronald: Still can't shake seeing him in tears from my mind
Frenkie: Yeah man..
Pedri: I hate that I didn't get to say bye in person.
Francisco: Me too
Eric: sighs......
Pedri: 😢
Iñaki: Can we not do this again...
Iñaki: It's already 2 am
Riqui: Crying session at my house.
Arnau: It's true
Arnau: Join us
Pedri: 😢
Frenkie: See you guys tomorrow 💙❤
Ansu: Today you mean
Frenkie: That
Oscar: 🤟🏻🤟🏻
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Eric: 😍😍😍😍😍
Ronald: 💙❤
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barcalover86 · 1 year
My heart can't take it 2- Pablo Gavi
The first part here - is one of my favourite fanfiction of him
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Finally, I managed to end this one. It's been some time, and I'm sorry for the wait, but I wanted to write it in the right way and to give you a well-deserved ending. Thank you for your messages and unconditional support! I see every request of you, and seeing that you want me to write your ideas makes me the happiest! Have a nice day, love yourself, and enjoy this! Love to all of you!🫵
I couldn't answer to only one of you because it wouldn't have been fair, so I tried to mention all of you here and announce you whenever it's ready.
I've been writing this for days..
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'Que las noches sin ti duelen'
"How many times do we have to listen to this song, Pedri?"
"What? You don't like it?" he turned to look at his friend who was next to him in the car.
"It's not like I don't like it, I just got bored of it"
Pedri laughed.
"Are you sure that's the reason?" he teased.
"Ok, end it here" Gavi said before the two of them sat silent in the car, while the music was still on.
Pedri was taking Gavi home again after the training. It was already 5 p.m. and tomorrow, they have to do some videos about the new Barca kit, so the moment Gavi went to his house, he went directly to his bathroom to take another shower.
"Why is he showering again?" his sister questioned her mom, being concerned about her little brother. He already showered after his training in the changing room with his teammates.
Her mom remained silent until she decided to continue the conversation.
"It doesn't seem like he is good. Are you sure you don't know what happened to him?"
Of course, she knows. He's been acting weird since the night their friend groups went together on the beach. She knew that you were the reason for his sadness. She stayed with the boy all night while he was crying in her arms. He never told the reason, nor did she asked, because as his older sister, she knows when Pablo is suffering towards a girl. Although, Aurora never told their mom this thing. She respected her brother's privacy.
"No" she just answered simply, before going to her room to not continue this subject.
It was true that Pablo Gavi was showering more lately, which doesn't seem so weird until you question yourself about it. He stays hours in his bathroom.
He hadn't seen you since that day and it had been almost 4 weeks. He missed you a lot, and he had no one to talk to. He knew that his sister would be mad at him for falling in love with her friend, who didn't even talk to him, and Pedri.. he was going to make fun of him. He had to keep it all to himself, and the emotions sometimes got him. Crying while people think that he's showering was the best idea that came into his mind. Like that, his family wouldn't hear his sobs.
He didn't eat.. not yet. Aurora started to get more concerned, so she knocked at his door.
"Mami made you some pollo con arroz, want to come down to the kitchen to eat?" she asked hoping for a positive answer.
"Maybe later, gracias"
She barely heard him, but it was enough to know that his voice wasn't his normal one.
"Estas bien, hermanito?"
That si had to be a strong word, but it only came from his mouth as a sob.
His sister felt like someone had just broken her heart. Hearing her brother at the edge of crying was something so hurtful. Pablo was one of the sweetest guys, and he doesn't deserve anything that could make him sad.
She waited a few seconds after talking again, trying to find the perfect way to say what she wanted.
"Come here, Pablo"
"Come outside, I know you aren't showering right now. Let's meet in the kitchen in 10 minutes. You have to eat and we to talk. I'm gonna tell our parents to leave, we'll be alone."
After that, Aurora left.
She managed to find a reason for their parents to go out of the house, and when Pablo came and sat on the chair that was in front of her, her heart broke again.
His eyes were red and puffy. The boy clearly had been crying for hours!
She didn't say anything more, only went to him and hugged him. Tight. Pablo returned the hug, trying so hard not to cry in front of his older sister. He accidentally escaped some sobs, but Aurora didn't mind. She hugged him until he calmed down completely.
"You have to tell me what is happening to you, Pablo. This is something serios"
"It's nothing, Rora."
"I know you, Gavira" she said with a serious face.
"I am just scared that the next season I won't play that much" he lied
"Oh, you're getting on my nerves. I really want to help you, but if you keep lying to me, then we won't go anywhere. I won't get mad, I promise you."
"I..I really like one of your friends," he said after some time.
"Go on" she encouraged him.
"And she doesn't give me attention at all. We barely even talked, and I'm sure that she doesn't feel the same way as me. She doesn't even look at me as a friend."
"Y/n, right?"
He started to panick at the thought that she knew.
"I'm so -" he wanted to apologise until he was interrupted again.
"It's ok, Pablo. No worries, ok? It's not your fault that you like her-"
"Kinda love her," he said sadly before turning his head to another direction, afraid not to cry again.
Aurora smiled. Pablo Gavi was never this soft. He was a sweety, of course, but she never saw his little brother like that, and she kinda likes the idea of having you even closer.
"You don't have to worry about me, hermanito. Go talk more to her and I'm sure she will like you. You are a great boy, and let's be serious. Who wouldn't fall in love with you?"
They both laughed.
The next day, Aurora invited her friends to their house.
"Will Pablo stay with us?" asked one of Aurora's friends.
"Yes, he has some plans to do," she said, and they all looked confused.
"What do you mean?"
She just winked at them and then started laughing.
"Ohh, he is in love, isn't him?" You finally spoke after being quiet for a while.
"Oh, you wouldn't know," answered his sister before you borrowed your eyebrows, confused.
You decided not to say anything anymore, but you felt some pain in your chest, and when you saw Gavi walking past you to sit on the couch near some girl, your heart felt like it just had broken. Your eyes couldn't not look into his.
He wasn't looking at you. Of course, he wouldn't. He is a famous football player, he is for sure in love with some influencer or with a beautiful lady that has the perfect body.
The truth is that he wasn't looking at you because he knew that if he would, he couldn't stop moving his eyes away from you. He knew that if he saw you, even for a second, he would lose control. He couldn't even stand the fact that you were there, far but so close to him.
Aurora saw you looking intense at her brother, so she decided to help both of you.
"Hermanitoo, come here a second, por fa"
"What?" answered the boy after standing up while going near his sister.
"If you really want to stay with us, then we should play something together. God knows when we will stay together again like this. We have to enjoy every minute!"
"What game?"
"Truth or dare!"
"Oh, I'm not playing that stupid game of yours"
"Then you won't stay with us"
Everyone was cheering for Gavi to play, but the only thing that made him not go was you. He really wanted to stay with you. He even sat down beside you, really, really close to another.
The truth is that you hate this game. You never enjoyed playing it, but this time, you felt like you wanted to stay.
You feared that something was to happen, and when it really happened, you couldn't do anything but panick hard. Of course, Aurora would ask you something like this after you said dare.
"I dare you to kiss my brother!"
"It's a dare, y/n"
You argued a lot with his sister, and you didn't even realise when Pablo turned your face into his, and he touched your lips with his. The kiss was everything you've ever imagined, and it was the best one you've ever had.
When you looked into his eyes, nothing was coming out of your mouth. You couldn't love this boy, could you? He barely even talked to you.
Gavi, on the other side, was the happiest that he finally managed to do that, and he for sure winked after to his sister as a "thank you". She only returned his smile, being happy for the both of you.
You didn't say anything until it was late and you decided to go home.
Pablo somehow excused himself, finding a way to be only with you. He didn't even know where this courage came from, but he was so thankful for it.
"I'm sorry you had to kiss me" you finally spoke.
"It was just a game after all, it didn't mean anything"
Oh, and how stupid he was for saying that. Full regret starting to feel in all of his body.
You couldn't say anything. You froze there, not being able to leave the room.
You knew he didn't feel the spark that you felt. Even yourself couldn't believe that this past weeks all you thought about was him. The moment he kissed you, your heart felt like it healed and was the best feeling you've ever felt in a while. You felt alive and.. happy.
He knew he fucked everything up.
"I'm so-"
"It's ok. Really. Like, I get it!"
"No, like- I get it you don't.. like me. I get it that you don't even want to.. talk to me? See me? I completely understand you. Maybe I would ruin your career if people see us together. Maybe-"
"Maybe you just stood with us, because your girlfriend couldn't meet you today or-"
"Y/n, para!!"
You did anything other than stop yourself from talking.
"And I can't even believe myself how I managed to be like the other girls. To.. start to like you and-"
"You what?"
Now you only stopped, just because you realised that you said it out loud. It was like you admitted yourself to what you feel for him.
You started to panick and quickly got out of his house, with him following you.
"No, wait!"
He managed to take your hand and stop you.
"You like me?" he said softly with tears in his eyes.
"No, it's just-"
"Dime la verdad, y/n"
He had hope in his eyes.
"Por favor.."
You looked at him. You just couldn't stay there and lie to him. Lie to those pretty eyes.
"I don't even believe myself for this-"
"Tell me!"
"Joder, yes! Yes, I like you!"
He smiled.
"I can't believe this."
"Lo siento, Gavi. I know you-"
"No! Don't say anything anymore. You know nothing. You have no idea how long I wanted to hear you say it. To hear that you like me."
He looked into your eyes and smiled.
"Can I kiss you..please.." he finally found the courage to say it.
You were shocked. Completely shocked.
He laughed at your face, but knew that you wanted it so he did it. He kissed you.
This time, it was different. It didn't feel like it was something rushed. It was slow, full of love and adoration.
"I've liked you for so long, you have no idea. Now, can I finally call you mine, amor?"
You smiled widely.
"Por supuesto!"
I hope I didn't disappoint you with this one..
I have so many ideas of how could I have continued this, but it would have been too long, but I could make a part 3???
When they say "I love you" for the first time or when they introduce their relationship to their friends and families?
I can also do one where we have y/n's version of the story????
What do you say about it?
Shall be a part 3 to this one??
Thank you for the waiting, and thank you if you are reading this. It means a lot to me that you also read this part and took some time of yours to enjoy my stories. I wish you a nice day and don't forget.. love yourself!!
I have a request that asks him "Jealous Gavi," so it will be out soon. I hope that it will be really soon done. I'm working on it
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