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endormifleurs · 6 years
Some For The Road
Ashton Irwin drabble? Oneshot?.. I haven’t written in a while, my autocorrect is off, and I’m bad at catching errors. Brace yourself.
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so, basically, what i was thinking of was, uh
hem, mings,
so sorry omg. lets get started with this
basically, a rundown of my idea for this was that you’ve been dating ash for a while now and this is the first time he’s gonna be going on tour while he’s with you. you can’t exactly come along because of your occupation/college/university responsibilities so he’s off alone without you for the first time. he gets... curious. he stops calling, he stops answering your calls, perhaps out of guilt for doing something?(one)(s)
ash cheats.
thats what he does.
if that will upset you please dont read further. be safe.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Ash? You haven’t returned my calls. And the only time I hear from you it’s a voicemail from some ungodly hour and you sound like you’re drunk. Please call me back... I love you...”
“Y/n... It’s been five weeks. I don’t think he’s going to call you back.” Lydia said quietly while scratching her arm. “I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but maybe you have to hear that...” Lydia didn’t meet her eyes.
Y/n bit her lip and tried to hold back the tears threatening to pour down her face as thoughts ran through her head. Finally, Y/n met Lydia’s eyes. “You don’t think this is his way of dumping me, do you?” Y/n’s eyes begged Lydia to tell her otherwise.
“What? No!”
“But, how do you know that?”
“I don’t,” Lydia rose from the armchair and made her way over to Y/n to place her hand on her shoulder, “But, if that is what’s happening I will fly out there and beat his ass.” Lydia paused and thought it over.
“Actually, I’m going to beat his ass nonetheless.”
“For what?”
“Not contacting you at all except a drunken voicemail with some girl’s voice in the background that definetly wasn’t Crystal.”
“Wait, why don’t you think it was Crystal?”
“Well, for one she sounded like she was French.”
Y/n looked even less hopeful than before. “You think he’s cheating?”
Lydia took a deep breath. “...Maybe.”
Y/n shook slightly, holding back the waterfall in her eyes.
“Hey, hey. Y/n, come on. Don’t cry. You don’t get to cry over him.”
“I... I don’t think I can help it.” Y/n said softly as a single tear escaped.
“Listen, how about we beat him to the next tour destination, live it up in London until he gets there, and then confront him.”
“Okay.” Y/n said with a small huff.
“Did you grab your passport?” Y/n questioned once Lydia opened the door.
Lydia’s eyes widened and she quickly turned back into the house. Y/n chuckled when she heard her friend’s sneakers squeak on the floor.
When Lydia got back she was breathing heavily and holding her passport triumphantly.
“Does Naomi know we’re ready?”
Lydia facepalmed.
“Naomi we’re ready!” She called out to her sister.
The girl suddenly came into view covered in paint. “Do you care if I get paint in your car?”
“I don’t care I just don’t want to miss the flight.”
“Okay cool,” Naomi reached out for the keys and Y/n passed them off.
In the car, Lydia plugged in the aux to her phone.
“I’m gonna shuffle my soundcloud?”
“Sure. Go for it.” Y/n mumbled.
As soon as Lydia hit shuffle, Lie To Me began playing.
Y/n visibly tensed.
“Sorry! I’ll reshuffle”
Like Satan himself was controlling the shuffle, an acoustic version of English Love Affair burst through the speakers.
All the girls in the car starting laughing.
“We got great seats! We have so much leg room!” Lydia gushed.
Y/n stayed silent.
“Ash and I met on a plane...”
Lydia gave her a look that was a cross between side-eye and pity.
“Sorry to be a downer. It just feels like the end. Also, I’m bummed out because you let She’s Kinda Hot play and Ash’s solo came on and I nearly cried.”
Lydia huffed. “Sorry. Let’s just...” Lydia paused trying to think of something. “Do something to take your mind off of it?”
“Like what?”
“Play twenty questions!”
“What are you, a seventh grade fuckboy?”
Lydia laughed out loud.
“That was the longest flight ever oh my gosh.” Lydia said while rubbing her hand down her face.
“I know rig-”
Y/n got cut off by a fan yelling across the airport.
“Isn’t that Y/n? Ashton’s girlfriend?”
“Oh no..” Y/n whispered.
The group of four girls ran over.
“Are you here to join the guys on tour?”
“Uh, actually I’m just paying Ash a little visit. Don’t tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise.” Y/n quickly came up with.
“Oh! Okay! Bye!”
With that, the girls left.
“Hm, that was easy...” Lydia mumbled.
“You’ve also never dealt with fans...”
The day before Ashton and the rest of the gang got to London, the pair were hanging out in their hotel room on their phones.
Lydia was scrolling twitter and decided to check the 5sos tag.
Her heart sank.
“Drummer of 5 Seconds Of Summer Ashton Irwin Spotted With Multiple Women In One Night.”
She clicked the link and it brought her to a news article with attached pictures of Ashton and various girls kissing. One in particular had the bottom half of the photo blurred and Ashton look like he was receiving a... service...
“Oh my gosh...”
“What?” Y/n looked up from the movie she was watching on Netflix. (It was Lemonade Mouth btw)
Lydia couldn’t figure out how to tell her friend what she just read.
“Um... I literally don’t want to do this, but I have to..”
“Spit it out, Lyds!”
“Go on the 5sos tag on twitter...”
Lydia refreshed and she saw that the hastags #ashtonthecheater #bringy/njustice and #respectwomen were trending.
She looked over and Y/n’s eyes were brimmed with tears.
“Hey, Y/n-”
“No.” Y/n shook herself off and she gained a fire in her eyes.
“This prick won’t even know what’s coming to him.”
Y/n whipped out her phone.
“What’re you doing?” 
“Calling Cal.”
“Um... For what?”
“Making sure Ashton is gonna be somewhere.”
“Wh-” Y/n cut off Lydia with her finger.
“Hey Calum!”
“Oh, I’m- I definitely could be better.”
“No, I’m not sick.”
“I need a favor.”
“Do you think you could make sure Ashton stays off social media?”
“Yeah. Bye Cal.”
Y/n set her phone down.
“What was that about?”
“Showing him what he’s missing out on now and slapping the shit out of his annoyingly attractive face.”
It was seven now and Bust The Windows was playing.
Y/n zipped her jeans up and flattened out her top whilst looking in the mirror.
“You look great.” Lydia commented. “That dick-bag is getting what’s coming to him.”
“Should I reapply my lipstick? Its smeared on my cup...”
“He might think you kissed someone, keep it that way.” Lydia smirked.
Y/n rolled her eyes.
She stared into her own reflection and still couldn’t help but feel sadness. She poured her heart out to him and this is what he gave her in return? She shared her secrets with him and he shared his lips with others. This was just plain cruel.
“You ready to go?” 
Y/n hesitated a second more. Finally, she nodded. “Yeah. I am.”
“Do you have the backstage passes?”
 Y/n lifted the lanyards up.
“Okay, great. Let’s get going.”
Once the first song started, Y/n’s heartbeat quickened.
There he was, innocently playing the drums towards the back of the stage.
She felt Lydia’s hand rubbing her shoulder.
She was in for a long couple hours.
The boys were in the middle of their final song when Dave came to get the girls.
“Calum told me about your... Situation. Would you like to go now?”
Y/n took a deep breath. “Yes.”
The girls followed Dave backstage and he showed them to where they could wait for the boys to come out.
Y/n couldn’t stop fidgeting.
“Calm down, Y/n/n. Once it’s over we can eat all sorts of ice cream. I’ll buy you f/f.”
Y/n nodded.
Then, they heard the boys finish up the song and the crowd screaming while they walked off stage.
Then, she saw him. Still as angelic and heavenly looking as ever. It killed her.
Then, Luke looked over. He looked very confused. (Elevator music... pfft)
He tapped Ashton and pointed the pair out.
When their eyes locked, her heart stopped.
Soon enough he was right there, hugging her.
“What’re you doing here baby?”
It felt so nice she almost didn’t shove him off. It broke her heart, but she did.
He was so caught off guard that he stumbled back. 
“I’m-” Her voice caught in her throat. It was so much harder with him right there, beautiful eyes gazing into hers with confusion. Her stomach still fluttered around him. Despite what she knows he did. “I’m here to break up with you.”
He flinched.
“I’m not repeating myself.” Her words were like steel.Cutting like a blade.
“Why?” He almost seemed guilty. Maybe piecing together why she was truly here.
“You know what you’ve done. You know how you broke us.” As she uttered the sentence, her voice and heart broke simultaneously
He chewed his lip, “Baby-”
“No. Not anymore. You ruined that with infidelity.”
His brows furrowed, it seemed like he was searching for something to say.
The rest of the boys had walked over and began eavesdropping. (Luke and Lydia hugged upon greeting each other ;) )
“Wh- What makes you think I cheated on you? I could neve-”
“It’s all over the internet, there’s pictures and everything.”
“Those are ol-”
“No they aren’t.” She glared at him.
He sighed deeply.
“Why’d you do it?”
His eyes scanned her body for the first time, stopping in places. “I was.. Drunk, lonely..”
“That isn’t an excuse and you know it.” Y/n snarled.
“I’m sorry.”
Michael stifled a chuckle.
“I still love you?”
Next thing you know Ashton was clutching his burning face and Calum was trying not to laugh.
“Ow!” He whipped his head up.
“You don’t get to say that. Not after this. You don’t get to try to make it better.” Her face grew red and tears formed in her eyes.
“We’re done.” 
Once they were in the car, she broke down.
Omg how was it guys??? I love feedback omg
tell me how you feel??
give me constructive criticism i need it trust me.
please lmk!!!
thanks for reading xx sav 
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