#SO much mace windu love
queenlua · 10 months
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mace windu: confirmed Thomas Hobbes stan
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milkcioccolato · 1 year
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Mace Windu is a Very Good Da- erm I mean, a very good master😌
No but for real, I’m sure he’d be actually so good at helping Maul with his feelings, even when he’s a bit more prone to aggression!
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shootingstarpilot · 13 days
Do you have any advice for writing Mace Windu?
Hello friend! I've been sitting on this for a while, because everyone's got their own interpretations, but mine is based on an idea I was struggling to put words to.
(Caveat that I have not read Legends material, that people can write what they like, etc. etc.)
The way I see it, Lucas specializes in writing stories in terms of themes and archetypes. This is why certain dialogue choices or the development of certain relationships can be... clunky, let's go with that. Characters (Obi-Wan and Anakin fall into their own category, sure) are written primarily as archetypes. You have Yoda as the wise old sage, Sidious as the ultimate evil-
And Mace Windu as the ultimate good.
We see this in the Chancellor's office, right? During the final showdown. This is the moment where Anakin makes his choice- stay in the Light or Fall- and the characters visually representing that choice are Palpatine and Mace. He's the Master of the Order. He's raised a Padawan who sits on the Council with him. He's an incredibly skilled swordsman- hell, his fighting style of choice (Vaapad) epitomizes how clearly he's mastered the art of internal balance!
All of that to say- his whole character is built around the idea that he is the Good Guy. That would be the one piece of writing advice I would give. If you're wondering how to write him, start with that idea- that he is written to represent the absolute opposite of Sidious. He's the ultimate good. He is the illuminating Light to Sidious' corrupting Dark. This is why antagonistic portrayals of him never ring true to me- they're coming from a foundational understanding that I simply do not subscribe to. It reeks of a fundamental misunderstanding of his character and of the whole saga's themes.
(And also racism. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the racism that too often plays a significant role.)
All of that being said, what might it look like to write from the foundation of Mace being the representation of ultimate good? The good thing about characters being written as archetypes is that it gives us fans a significant amount of freedom in determining what those characters look like when they're written as characters. Different people will have different takes, but for me:
Well, first off- he's the epitome of a Jedi. So all of what that entails- he is fundamentally kind, fundamentally compassionate, and fundamentally in control of himself.
He's funny. I think he has a very dry sense of humor, and that he finds joy in the smallest things.
He loves so much. He loves his Padawan, he loves his friends, he loves his family, he loves the Republic- he loves the galaxy enough to go to war for it, and he loves the men who'll kill his people.
There will never be a situation where he has the capacity to help and chooses not to.
And last but not least, I choose to believe that this man can bake pastries with the best of them. In my heart of hearts, he's a stress baker, and he mends his socks with purple thread.
Hope this helps!
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rexscanonwife · 15 days
Kepler has had three previous masters before being assigned as Brea's padawan. He was starting to get used to the rejection, but something feels a little different about it this time around...
AKA OH MY GOD I ACTUALLY PULLED IT OFF 😭😭😭💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖 I've wanted to do this audio with them for SO long, I tried once before but it didn't meet my standards but now I've made my vision come to life! I feel so proud to finally start seeing my projects come together! (Taglist and some illustrations below)
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Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus
@changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora
@rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @little-miss-selfships @hotrodharts
@cupiidzbow @frozenhi-chews @limey-self-inserts @candyheartedchy
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
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Jedi Masters as parents
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of The Clones | Shatterpoint | The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 13 - Jedi Crash | The High Republic: A Test of Courage
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I just know that Mace "punches holes in droids with his bare fists" Windu was watching his great-grandpadawan Ezra with so much pride during that scene
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 7 months
Pairing the seemingly most rational star wars character (mace) with the most over dramatic one (jar jar) was an insane choice for season 6 of the clone wars but i kinda love seeing them work together
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me: *checking rots for a sec for fic purposes*
mace: *shows up*
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tranakin-skywalker · 11 months
Who is your most disliked star wars character and why 👀
Oddly enough I don't tend to dislike characters. The most I get is indifference, just a complete non-opinion.
Actually wait no
Rush Clovis
I suppressed my memories of those episodes so hard I forgot he existed. Though it's more the writing choices rather than the character himself I dislike. I'll admit, I only ever watched the Clovis episodes once and that was several years ago so I don't remember them very well at all.
I think mostly I just dislike that the writers used him to get Padme and Anakin both to behave in ways that are entirely out of character for their movie counterparts, and it pisses me off to no end. Like, I'm fine with characters acting ooc, but only when the writers give me a convincing reason to why they're behaving that way. I actually find that really interesting! For me it's less a question of if someone is acting out of character and instead what would it take for them to behave this way realistically? And those episodes episodes failed spectacularly at that.
Honestly, it's probably the wasted potential more than anything else that annoys me.
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obi-wansorrow · 1 year
There is a fic called Star Wars: The Golden Saber by darkmagess on ao3.
Here is the thing about this fic.... it's earth shattering. It is paradigm shifting. It feels like one of the Star Wars novels you'd buy at the bookstore.
The characterization of Obi-Wan Kenobi is sublime. The world building challenges George Lucas on his best day. The OC makes me cry. I think of this fic at least once a week, and I read it over a year ago.
It explains the Jedi order better than the movies do. It takes you on journeys that build towards the canon story.
Everyone should read it.
Edit: Their tumblr is @magess!
Please let me know if the link does not work.
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I would really like to know the turnaround time between the council using Ahsoka allying with Ventress as evidence against Ahsoka, and them recommending Vos team up with Ventress to assassinate Dooku.
Dark Disciple started as an abandoned season 6 Clone Wars arc, so it couldn’t have been that long.
Did that cause any cognitive dissonance anywhere?
Vos is the only one who voices concerns about teaming up with her because Sith. Then the council is just ‘lol, she’s a failed Sith’.
Windu says they shouldn’t team up with her because she has failed to kill Dooku before (he’s not wrong. People really don’t spend enough time writing Master Windu’s sass.)
The entire rest of the council is like ‘she would be a great ally’.
All I’m saying is when Ahsoka and Vos met up post O66 and he tells her this story (shut up this happens, they both survived and reminisced because I say they do) she went outside and punched a wall before coming back all ‘sorry, there was a bee’.
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void-spells · 11 months
It's all fun and games making a Star Wars oc who was a Padawan when they survived Order 66 until you start really thinking abt their relationship with the clones before shit went down.
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o-wise-corvid · 2 years
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Chapter 3
He’d never been held like this. Carried. Moved. Yes. But this is different. The man’s hands were strong, gentle and make Maul feel safe. Nothing could touch him here. He hoped.
The man’s name. Mace. Mace and Maul. The same sounds. Maul liked that. He didn’t know why. Tired, physically and emotionally, the little boy leaned his head over onto Mace’s shoulder.
The Jedi let him.
A skinny, but strong, arm looped around Mace’s neck. The Jedi let him.
And when Maul fell asleep before ever seeing food, the Jedi let him do that too. All day.
Waking up on the Jedi’s chest was strange. Maul had never been close to another person before. Not this way. He liked it, how gently the world around seemed to have made up its mind to treat him. But it was strange.
Sitting up in the dark, Maul watched the Jedi sleep. He didn’t look anything like The Man. That was good. Then Maul’s stomach cramped and he pressed a hand over it. He was hungry. Which was hard to believe with how much food he’d been fed since coming to this place. Every day. Several times. Did everyone here eat this way? So much.
Slowly, he slipped off the sleeping man and crept toward the door, peering out curiously. Maul felt he should stay with the Jedi; Mace would keep him safe. He wasn’t sure why he felt so sure of that, but he was.
But… he was so hungry.
“Hey… you okay?”
Maul jumped, almost crying out in fright. Another person peered out at him from another room down the hall. This one had hair. Dark. And dark eyes. They smiled. “I’m Depa. Mace is my Master. I’m his Padawan… you’re Maul. He let me see you but you were asleep.”
The… person stepped into Maul’s full view and he tilted his head. This one was even more different than Mace. Younger. Smaller. But… built differently. “You… are different,” was all he could whisper. Depa grinned, her nose wrinkling. Maul liked that. He smiled a little, too, bashfully.
“I’m a girl. Have… have you ever seen a girl before?” Maul shook his head. “What is a girl?”
The girl paused, seeming to not know how to answer. Then she shrugged. “Well, many people use the word to indicate females. You’re a male. So you’d be called a boy. I’m a female. So, I am called girl.”
She walked over and crouched down; she was a good bit taller than him. “I sense you’re hungry… You want a snack?”
“It means “a little something to eat”. But not enough for a full meal.” The girl held out her hand, giving a little “come here” waggle.
Maul hesitated. The thing in Mace that connected with and instantly comforted… it wasn’t here. But… she was with Mace. So. Maybe that meant she would also keep Maul safe?
She seemed nice.
Not like The Man.
And she had snacks.
So Maul took her hand.
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Depa beamed when she saw him. Maul wasn’t an exceptionally tall man. But neither was he short. She could remember the teasing she’d gotten the day he’d surpassed her by an inch. Oh, the boy had been so proud.
The two Jedi eyed one another mutely for a moment, ignoring the bustle of the spaceport around them. And then Depa launched herself into Maul’s arms.
He caught her, chuckling. That was a relief. After he’d taken the path of a Shadow, she’d feared their relationship would wither. Most Shadows cut their ties with Temple life; even their Masters seldom heard from them. But Maul kept in touch with her. And with Mace. And his criticism of the Order was never aimed at them. No. No, Maul loved them. She knew that, deep inside herself.
“Oh, I’ve missed you,” Depa confessed, reaching up to touch Maul’s face. As always, gestures of affection gave him pause but he softened almost immediately. “You’re not eating enough. Are you sleeping well?”
“Depa, if you inquire about my bowel movements I will simply have to leave.” But he was grinning at her, having delivered his greeting in that ridiculously polished voice of his. “You have become a ditherer. They should find you a Padawan soon to relieve that.”
“Oh shut up, old man.” The two laughed and embraced again, not caring at the stares and whispers their interactions were arousing. Depa had learned long ago that Maul needed things that the usual practices of the Order would not provide. Master Windu had explained as much. And to be honest, she preferred this. There should be no reason that she couldn’t love Maul as a little brother. Greet him as family.
They were family.
“Come. You’ll stay with me and Master? He would’ve met you himself but he’s very busy.”
Maul wrapped Depa’s arm about his, patting her hand securely. “Of course. I… I have missed you, sister.”
Depa blushed at the title. Maul didn’t often use the word. That made it all the more precious. “Are you well? You know we both worry when the comms are so hard to send.”
“I am well.” The words were assuring. And while Maul did look tired, Depa knew that was frequent. She also knew he’d probably been restless with anxiety about returning to Coruscant. “The gang activity on Savareen wasn’t difficult to quell. Simple and swift. When you contacted me, I was about to visit Tatooine. The Hutts can always use a little meddling with.”
“You, Maul? A meddler?”
“Shocking, I am sure.” Upon arriving to the Temple, Depa kept her firm grip on Maul’s arm.
The Jedi were not a monolith. There were conservative and liberal movements within their ranks, as well as those like Maul. Those outside. Their unlucky lot was that both sides looked down upon them. They walked their own path, not that of reform or tradition.
Yan Dooku, on his way elsewhere in the Temple, paused and eyed the pair. Maul’s jaw tightened, the muscle jumping out under his skin like a rope being snapped taught.
“Ignore him,” Depa cautioned.
“Tell the old fart to stop eyeing me like I’m some kind of well-bred livestock.”
Master Dooku didn’t break his elegant, noble’s stride. But his meticulously shaped brows curved in displeasure.
“Ignore him, Maul. You don’t want Mace to see you like that.” Depa nodded when the Zabrak’s shoulders relaxed and he nodded.
“Come on. I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry,” Maul snipped, poking Depa in the cheek.
She laughed. And they hurried on. “Of course. Why do you think I know where all the snacks are?”
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mechawolfie · 1 year
i like clone wars but this current arc centers on Jar Jar Binks of all characters and let me tell you the lord is fucking testing me with this one
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fellthemarvelous · 5 months
Mace Windu is so fucking tired of the war at this point that he's like PLEASE LET US FIX YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!! (Side note: I'm really sad Star Wars hasn't given SLJ half a motherfucker the same way MCU has)
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gffa · 2 months
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I LOVED THIS MOMENT SO MUCH, yes, it would have been easier for Mace to just kill the bore worms, but that's not what it means to be a Jedi. The worms aren't doing anything with ill intent, it would only be Mace's convenience to kill them, and that'll make more work for him, but that's what it means to do your best to live in symbiosis and harmony with the rest of the galaxy. They don't kill unless there's no other course of action--and that'll happen, but they do their best to work around it. I love this because it's baked into everything the Jedi, that this is why they fight in the Clone Wars, because there's not another course of action that would save the lives of the people the droid army and the Sith are killing, because those people will die if the Jedi don't stand between the Separatists and them. Their lightsabers are a means of protection, they're a weapon, but they're also a shield, and I love so much that Mace Windu is the one who gets to express this, that he has truly woven the beliefs and ideals of the Jedi into his heart, Mace Windu isn't just a good man, he's also a great Jedi. This comes from a place of compassion, those worms may have attacked him, but he didn't fear them and didn't need to destroy them, so he just put them to sleep and will take the harder road if it means he can spare them. MACE WINDU IS THE BEST, YOU GUYS.
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