thecryptidwizard · 2 years
How did Luthor ank Kioshi fall in lovevin the first place?
CW for abuse mentions!
They met in high school, and fell in love around sophomore year.
Kioshi and Luthor were kind of an 'opposites attract' kind of pairing. While Luthor was more friendly and outgoing, Kio was friendly, but super shy, and not super experienced with relationships.
Coincidentally, they were neighbors, so there was no way they weren't going to meet each other eventually.
When they started dating, Kio had to make him promise to keep their relationship between them. His family, wouldn't have been too fond of the very idea of their son being queer. He had the money saved up to leave if needed, but very limited options, if Luther wasn't involved, at least. After begging and pleading, Luthor would've agreed to keep his word until after graduation. The idea of keeping their relationship a secret, however, was stupid and unnecessary to Him. His parents never really cared about who he dated, so why make a big deal out of it?
That didn't stop Luthor from giving him cold shoulders and silent treatments every now and then, during their last years of high school. And during those long, agonizing 2 years, Kioshi would notice his friend group dwindling, one by one. Everywhere Kioshi went, Luthor would follow.
And isolation not far behind.
Even the most stubborn, or closest friends he had, would take their leave eventually. It felt like a game, at this point. Luthor would grow more and more possessive.
And with no one to really talk to, what could Kioshi...do?
Graduation was tomorrow, and Kioshi was fucking terrified. The thought of just graduating meant nothing to him, though. It was Luthor. A constant reminder in his head, that slowly turned more and more pushy and aggressive over the years.
'If you don't tell them, i will.'
'I'm tired of constantly waiting on you.'
'Look, if they don't accept you, I will help you, okay?? Remember we talked about moving to an apartment after graduation? I said you could come live with me! I promised I would take care of you.'
He couldn't live with Luthor.
'Why not?? I thought you wanted to be together?? Don't you trust me?'
He loves him still, he just wants to be independent again. He just wants a little space.
'...You don't trust me.'
I never said that.
'Are you..embarrassed of me? Is that what this fucking is?? You're EMBARRASSED of me????
'After EVERYTHING i fucking did for you, for 2 FUCKING YEARS, you're not sure??? IT'S BEEN 2 FUCKING YEARS!'
Porcelain shards scattered all over the floor. The vase that Kioshi spent months shaping, sanding, glazing, baking. The one thing he was proud of, shattered like it was nothing.
Kioshi's head was bleeding. It was now night time, and Luthor was nowhere in sight.
After adjusting himself, he frantically cleaned up the mess, himself, and packed his things. Clothes, paperwork, his savings, anything and everything he could physically carry in his bags. At least his weight training was paying off.
His phone was nothing but unanswered messages. It's been hours, apparently. Luthor was constantly switching between a horrendous rage to a suicidal state. Paralyzed with fear and dread, he sat on his bed, and waited for the sun to finally rise.
The sounds of the occasional ping on his phone shook him more than anything else.
He left his bags with a friend, who somehow stuck around, despite Luthor driving everyone away, and went to his graduation. Oddly enough, neither his parents or Luthor were seen.
After leaving the ceremony, he finally looked at his phone again.
He nearly collapsed right then and there.
Missed calls from everyone left and right, voicemails filled with anger and rage. Paragraphs full of denial, and single sentences that stung like hot iron into your skin.
He can't come home anymore. He has no home anymore.
All he knows to do now, is run.
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