#SORRY i feel like this is boring fkkjhdjkfhdsakj
solosatan · 2 years
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saw the outfit board @barbabetos made for her mc and CAVED and threw together one for lydia as well.
they're a very simple bitch insofar as they default almost exclusively to neutrals and layers -- she's not super interesting LMFAO. they operate on a spectrum from like, vaguely grungy and casual to... idk schlubby office chic??
brother's thoughts under the cut hehe
lucifer: when they dress up they're very... same hat. the black + layers combo is a favorite for both of them. there have been times where they’ve walked downstairs for breakfast wearing almost identical outfits (albeit with lucifer looking significantly more well put together)) and both of them get clowned on hard. RAD newspaper club has an ongoing “who wore it better” segment for them bc i think its funny. when they dress down he's like "please try harder. you do realize you’re representing both mine and diavolo’s judgement in acting as a representative for the human realm etc., etc." and they bite him
mammon: prefers louder patterns/styles in general so he doesnt quite "get" her fashion sense but tends to prefer her more casual/grungy styles overall ((he feels weirdly out of place around her when they approach the 'lucifer' end of their fashion spectrum.)) thinks their tattoos are neat!
leviathan: generally has the same opinions as mammon + also is one of the brother's she's more likely to dress down with since they're usually hanging out in his room. he likens their all black palette to his favorite anime villains and she hits him even though she's secretly flattered.
satan: has mixed feelings -- he finds that their clothes suit them well and thinks they look nice in them, but on days where they’re walking around looking like lucifer jr... he’s ever so slightly perturbed LMFAO. he does get over it eventually tho. votes for her every time when the newspaper club runs a “who wore it better” segment on principle alone.
asmo: the one who suggested the segment to mephistopheles. generally doesn’t find anything wrong with her fashion sense, but finds it a little boring. constantly trying to drag them out shopping and push them out of their comfort zone. if you see lydia wearing something that doesn’t look like them, chances are it’s asmo’s doing.
beel: truly does not care either way. he thinks she looks nice! but if you were to ask him to describe anything they wear beyond basic colors, i don’t think he’d be able to. always comments on it when they wear a non-neutral color -- not in a passive aggressive/weird condescending way of course -- it’s just generally the only time he actually takes note of what she’s wearing. sometimes he slips a compliment in there (e.g., you don’t wear yellow often. i think it suits you, though) and accidentally flusters her. other times he just says some shit like “you’re wearing orange today” and they’re like “??? yeah?”
belphegor: also on team “does not care” but generally has similar fashion sense. on the off chance that belphie is dressed up for the day (slim to none) his clothes are relatively similar to lydia’s on a “dress down” kind of day. i’d say the one main difference being that belphegor seems to have a preference for colors over neutrals -- but in terms of form/function they’re pretty similar. 
bonus solomon: probably has the most similar fashion sense out of anyone in the cast, so it’s not at all uncommon to see them walking around together in very similar outfits. (this pisses lucifer off because he feels like solomon should be the one getting blasted in the newspaper every few weeks for dressing like her, because it really happens to him more than it does to lucifer. mephisto knows this and that’s why the segment is never going to change.) once they start dating lydia is constantly stealing his clothes, which he openly encourages and enjoys.
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