#SORRY i keep bitching about this i just keep getting lancer fans straight up lyyyying to me about the content of the bookkk
txttletale · 10 months
'utopia is a verb not a noun' isn't actually a bad sentiment i just hate how lancer fans use it to universally exculpate all the problems of lancer's tonal issues. like they will say ad infinitum 'ah, see, you have misunderstood, union isn't utopian, it's just striving to be but of course it's not there yet' -- when the stuff you're pointing out about the setting isn't even 'this isn't utopian' but 'this is blatantly incoherent' or 'this is actively nightmarish'. also one of the lancer guys gave an interview where he said that union using its state power to seize the assets of one of the three (!) megacorporation with legal representation and a private military that engages in human slavery would 'make things a hell of a lot worse' by 'disrupting intersetellar trade' which. lol. lmao
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