#SOURCE: DUDE TRUST ME ๐Ÿ‘โ€ผ๏ธ every time it looks like hes committing treason so that the government doesnt kill him
autismmydearwatson ยท 6 months
What I think: Thrawn alliances is a comedy but it's also a tragedy because thrawn KNOWS its anakin, he can see it in every move vader makes, and everyone around him pretends anakin died, including anakin, and he doesn't know why. He doesn't know the full story of anakins fall, but a long time ago he met a jedi who was probably the first jedi who wasn't trying to kill him, and did a whole lot of other batshit things instead. But even though anakin was impulsive and vengeful and singlehandedly destroyed a planets environment, he was a good man and an honorable warrior and that's all that mattered to thrawn, and obviously thrawn admired anakin enough that he thought the mention of anakins name could get him clemency from the Empire. Instead anakins walking around in an oubliette and he's seven inches taller and hates thrawns guts but obviously he's STILL anakin skywalker and it's obvious, why does no one else see it? So he continues to bring up anakins name so that vader will stop being a rage-filled bloodthirsty idiot and stop pretending his old self is gone, thrawn keeps trying to unearth anakins chutzpah and his valor and his anakin-ness, and it's not until the epilogue that thrawn has accepted that, one way or another, anakin has gone and there's just a tired, vindictive cyborg in his place
What I say:
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