cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
Psssst my gf thinks I'm sleeping 🤫🤫🤫 Anyways y'all want some angst
So for a long time now my canon with R. Marie has been that she sees that Crash could be very useful if he were actually on the side of evil, but she resents him for not being on their side and choosing to be, eugh, a "good guy". Barf.
But ya know, I don't really have all of my timeline set up as for WHEN exactly R. Marie would join Cortex, if its not from the very start then I'm thinking within the first three games. For the moment, I'm leaning toward having her join the team somewhere between Crash 2 and 3, and in that case I would stick to her thinking Crash could be useful, since she wasn't around to see when his brain got scrampled and doesn't realize that he CAN'T be brainwashed. There's no BRAIN to WASH
BUT. And this is where it gets good 👀 I had the idea today that maybe, if R. Marie was there from the very start to see Cortex create all his mutants, including Crash who would seem to really be his favorite, maybe beforehand, R. Marie suggested using robots, her handmade robots, to build up their army in order to take over the world. Maybe that idea was shot down by Cortex in preference of his mutants. Maybe R. Marie resents them, especially The Favorite, Crash, because of that 👀 What I'm imagining is R. Marie overseeing a test with Crash a la the Flashback Tapes in IAT, and it accidentally turns into her venting out loud about how much she despises Crash for supposedly being a success where her creations have failed, at least from her perception. Maybe she even has a line of wondering "what does Dr. Cortex even see in you that he doesn't in me- MY, in myyyy creations. *awkward cough*"
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