#SPOILER: the jercabeth is though
youarestellarverse · 2 months
It's been a hot minute.
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Darling, chapter 4: Percy and Annabeth Get Emotional In A Supply Closet
As much as she's trying to console him, Percy can feel her trembling against him. He sniffs hard, takes a few deep, shaky breaths and sits up, cupping her cheek.  "You're upset."  She blinks in surprise, like she thought she was hiding it. Then she smiles wanly at him.  "I just—" The smile drops, and she shakes her head. "I should've thought it through before doing something kinky while we're both still drowning in stress hormones. Consensual power imbalances are still power imbalances, and it's my responsibility as the dominant partner not to hurt you."  "You didn't hurt me," Percy insists, the idea ricocheting around inside him. It doesn't fit anywhere in the puzzle, and it makes him queasy to imagine that she thinks it does. "I just had a really long day and an excellent orgasm, that's all. You know me. I always cry when you make me come like that."  She sniffs. There's no wetness on her cheeks, but her eyes are bright in the fluorescent lights.  "I knew he was feverish," she whispers, those bright tears welling up. Suddenly, Percy understands.  He sits up straighter and pulls her closer, burying his nose in her familiar curls.  "This was not your fault," he says, soft but firm. "This was his parents' fault, mostly his dad's, and he's gonna want to kiss you when he hears about you clocking Rex in the mouth for him. He's okay, and so are you."  "No, Percy, I— you don't understand," she says shakily, turning her face against his neck. "I could tell by intermission that he was sick. Leo said his appendix probably blew when you guys were running for the locker room, but he was hot and sweaty and puking between scenes by act two. I think— I think it might have happened when he was lifting me. I should have said something to Thalia after A Little Priest."
I know, it's not a lot. I'm still working on getting my writing muscle back into shape. But hey, it's the first time I've had something to show for it in a while, so I'm taking it.
Ping list: @elaborateruses, @perseusjackson-jasongrace 💜✨
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