#SQ feels whatareUevendoingRIghtNow?
grainsofexcellence · 4 years
Emma Swan started today like any other. She heroically took out the cat poop during a rainstorm, might have missed the dumpster, and might have peed herself, if only a little. But what she never saw coming her way, was Regina Mills. Unfortunately for Emma Swan, Miss Mills was Unfortunately Famous.
Regina showed up an hour later with Emma’s favorite ice cream and a cactus.Emma answered the door in running shorts and a tank top. Her gaze finally landing on the brown orbs that haunted her dreams.
“This is for you… the place I grabbed the ice cream from didn’t have flowers...it’s a succulent actually. Hard to kill, and this one should be safe for Ginger, and no pointy things….”
Emma took the plant and moved it to the top of her fridge, “Well this cute plant can go up here so Ging won’t chew on her. Thank you Regina, you really didn’t have to do that.” when she turned around a bucket of ice cream was shoved into her arms and Emma smiled and put it away.
Before she could turn back to her guest again there was a loud meow from the floor and Regina’s eyes fell to the fluffball.
“Hey kid.” She squatted down and gave the baby all the scratches in the best places.
“Did you miss me? Is your mommy being good to you?” Her voice had changed to talk to the cat, but Emma’s heart warmed and was reminded of exactly why she had been falling in love with this woman.
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grainsofexcellence · 4 years
 -- The "silent" retreat. TEASER
“Why is this in the fucking desert!” Kat complained as they carried their bags from the car to some remote lodge.
Regina rolled her eyes, “You were the one who decided we needed to do this. My ass is in a fricken legal battle right now over my contracts…”
Kat turned around and almost hit her with her bag. “First off. We are here, for you! And I thought we would be in nature, not around a bunch of fricken sand! And tell them you tried to kill yourself again. That’ll do the trick.” She stomped off leaving Regina to follow her at her own pace.
When she got up to the check-in, Kat was already fuming at the unsuspecting worker. “What do you mean I give you my phone?”
The calm woman at the table seemed like she must have taken something as her blissed-out state was in no way affected by Katheryn’s anger.
“It’s for the soul doll. We hold your phones and that allows you to disconnect from the world around you and reach a sense of inner peace.” She bowed her hands together like some kind of ninja master. She had unruly curly hair and a twinkle in her eye that irked the blond right away.
She turned back to her friend, “I am going to murder you in your sleep for this Mills.”
Regina’s shoulder’s sagged as she removed her phone and handed it over as well.
“I know.”
She had tried telling Katheryn sorry a million times but the woman said she didn’t want to talk, she wanted to be somewhere she knew the brunette would be safe and not talk to her for a while. Not have to feel that responsibility.
Regina moved to pick up Kat’s bag in apology and the woman let her carry it.
They were given robes that Kat refused to wear at first but gave up with the hotter climate and quickly switched to the short robe.
The first item on the agenda was a sound bath. Something Regina had been excited to try, and she grabbed her and Katheryn mats on the way in and laid them out in what she thought was a good location in the tent. The woman from earlier and a slightly smaller and more uptight woman walked in to lead the sounds. The stiff one carried a single bowel and a rain stick as the curly-haired one carried a flute tied around her neck and a basket of bowels.
“All right everyone, I’m Freya, and let’s raise our hands in silence. Who has done a sound bath before?”
Regina could feel the frustrated energy waving off of Katheryn, she really hoped that this weekend would allow her to relax, the brunette felt bad enough.
Everyone raised their hands but them. The stiff lady tried to offer them a smile but it came off as a grimace.
Freya, rolled her eyes. “This is my friend and assistant for the weekend Sunshine…” The stiff woman smacked her in the arm and she laughed, “Fine, fine, her name, not star name, is Elizabeth. Lizzie for short, for me…” She was again whacked for that.
“Ow. Ok lady geeze. She lost a bet and has to be here this weekend? Anyone else?”
Elizabeth’s eyes surveyed the room and connected with Katheryn’s and this time smiled. They exchanged an understanding. Perhaps that they might sneak off in the night and drink.
“Well, we are lucky to have all of you here. We will first have you lay down. Everyone go on. Don’t worry about getting the dirt in your hair, we have a bathing session later.”
Kat grunted as she lay her hair down, the mat not big enough to keep it clean.
Regina’s eyes moved to the top of the tent, focusing on the air holes where she could stare at the blue sky.
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grainsofexcellence · 2 years
Unfortunately Famous-- Double Update! and early thank you to Lostinimagination for jumping on board to beta this book!  Pinkpillow19
Regina had spent a few weeks in her new place learning how to be alone. She didn’t do well with the alone time, but she was surviving it. Kat came over about once per day to check up on her but tried to give her space. She tried not to look at her reflection too much, she hated how she looked right now and didn’t even want to go outside anymore. Her stomach didn’t seem to grow much larger but every day she felt a little more uneasy that her days were numbered. She felt a little less grounded each time she was alone. She found her thoughts started to stray toward Emma but she refused to hit the call button. She would just wait for Katheryn to come over tonight. She couldn’t settle so she got in her car to go for a drive. And she started to drive north. She had a few hours until Katheryn would head over. She opted to drive north and find a beach. As the sun started to set she lost herself in her thoughts. She drove along the coast with no real objective in mind. She pulled over when her phone started to ring. 
“Hey Kat…”“
Regina? I just got here, where are you?” 
She looked around. “I took a drive… Do you want to meet me at the beach?” She wasn’t sure how far she had gone…She could hear her friend set her keys down. 
“If it’s ok with you, I might just stay at your place tonight. When will you be back?”
She looked around. “Probably late…”She heard heels kicked to the wall.“You better not have scratched my paint…”
“You mean the walls I paid to have painted because you can’t bend over properly.”
Regina laughed, “ok fine, I couldn’t paint. Thank you for getting my new place in order.”
“You’re welcome baby cakes. Now, don’t stay out too late, ok? I don’t want you getting sick…” they both heard the disguised elephant in the room.
“The baby is fine, Kat…” Regina closed her eyes. She was trying to talk about it more, she didn’t want her friend to worry about her, not anymore.
“I’m not worried about it, Gina, I’m worried about you.”
She relaxed, “I’m ok tonight. I promise. Just freaking out a little. Maybe I’ll get a hotel to stay the night and drive back in the morning.”
“I think that’s a good idea G, thank you. I didn’t want to have to worry about you.”
“I’ll drive a little more than text you where I’m staying.”
“Sounds good, lady. I love you.”
Her chest warmed, “Love you too, Kat. I’ll be home tomorrow.”
She ended the call and took a look around on her phone, wow. She had been gone for nearly 4 hours. She looked at the little map on her phone and tried not to look up too much. If she only drove for another hour or two… she could be at Emma’s. She leaned her head back, why did she keep torturing herself? Emma didn’t want to see her.
She had promised Kat she would get a hotel, she needed to focus. She searched for hotels in the area but it appeared the closest one was an hour away. An hour further north. She sighed and clicked route. She might as well, she had come this far.
She woke up the next morning tied in knots, too aware of how close she had come to seeing Emma. She checked out and headed for her car, pausing as she gripped the handle. Maybe she needed to see Emma one last time, needed her to tell her to fuck off. Maybe that would keep her from ever coming back.
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grainsofexcellence · 2 years
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grainsofexcellence · 4 years
Unfortunately Famous has an update  !It's personally one of my favorite chapters. This chapter goes out to all the best friends, siblings that put up with a lot. No matter if your friend or sister is famous or not. Hope you enjoy!
Regina stumbled into the house at 7:52 AM. Loudly banning into the kitchen table.
“Gina?” Katherine’s voice was slightly startled.
She sat up on the couch where she had been watching a tv show and hit pause.
“Babe, I thought you were gone till tomorrow?”
Regina dropped her duffle and made her way over to her friend, the curtains still drawn shut, keeping out the early morning light.
Regina moved to block the tv and started to take her clothes off.
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grainsofexcellence · 9 years
Can you sleep? If not, catch up on Just Sleep! ;)
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grainsofexcellence · 9 years
Have you caught up on Part One To Her Story? I have... (but that is cheating, I wrote it ;) )
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grainsofexcellence · 9 years
Ch 21 The Part w The Kiss
after the attack, after the almost overdose, the kiss ....
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grainsofexcellence · 10 years
Another two chapters. Its about Emma falling for Regina pre broken curse. Inspired by reading Political Soundbites. if you havent read that go read that too! Cora gets shot, Emma finally finds out about the curse. Some good feels in here. Hopefully some cliff hangers between chapters. Also my new chapters of A tale of Two Swans is up! That is about Regina going to an alternate time route and emma showing up... to kill the wrong queen, snow walking in on our fave ladies, feels and everything :) Next chapters will be about The Evil Queen that took her place. 
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