obwjam · 3 years
thank you thank you thank you for submitting this!!!!!!!! soft gentle peter is the best peter, skdjdkskd i love this so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️ UR THE BEST
New Beginnings
Wrote a FemBorrower!ReaderxReader one shot for obwjam because she amazin, have mercy, I tried here we go. 
1,617 words,
6 minutes and 28 seconds reading time
Peter was almost finished helping Mr Delmar un-pack into his new store. He set down the last box and waited for Mr Delmar's further instructions. Suddenly there was a faint growl coming from outside that sounded like Murph (Mr Delmar's cat). Peter knew it would take a while before Delmar would be finished upstairs, so he decided to head out the door to see if Murph was alright.
  You were limping on your way back home, maybe taking the shortcut through the sewers wasn't the best choice. It had been over a month since the accident, where you lost your brother to human carelessness. 
You remember how he talked about this sandwich store that was moving to your old apartment. You knew it wasn't safe roaming out in the open, but ever since the humans living in that apartment moved out, you really needed something to eat.
  You had just arrived at the store. Exhausted, you sat against a wall to take a break from that long walk. You took out a piece of ripped cloth from out of your bag in an attempt to start wiping the blood off your leg. But Suddenly, From the side of the store crept the biggest rat you have ever seen, or at least you thought it was a rat. It had huge pointy ears, You could barely see its eyes because of all that fur, but you knew it was a threat as soon as you heard it hiss at you. 
  You felt your stomach clench, your leg was busted, and you were so exhausted. You really didn't think you could outrun that thing.
“This is it,” you thought as you fixed your eyes on the creature, covering yourself with your arms, braced for impact. 
Just then the huge door of the shop flung open, followed by what looked like a boy.
The cat lifted its paw and went straight for you. Although you were expecting it, you were shocked at the impact. 
  You swallowed your scream, but you couldn't hold in your tears. As soon as the first one escaped, a whole river flowed down your dusty cheeks. 
"shit, shit, shit, fuck, this can't be happening," you whispered as you tried to control yourself. Now wasn't really a great time for panic attacks.
You rubbed your face hastily trying to define your emotions. You pushed yourself up from the wall and prepared to run, you couldn't let another human see you, not again. As you turned your back and started sprinting, the creature's huge paw flung straight for you and pushed you back to the floor. You groaned in pain hoping that this was all just a bad dream. 
Peter bent down to pick up Murph, barely noticing you. “What's wrong Murph,” Peter said as he stroked the Murph's fur. 
"That thing has a name?" You thought as you pushed yourself back up.
The cat turned to you and hissed down at your little form. The human turned its attention down to what or who Murph was hissing at. 
  You stared at the towering human hoping he wouldn't notice you, or just leave you alone. But then again, one look at your bloody ass foot and you decided you were a literal recipe for attention. 
All those late-night stories about how you should be extra careful around them. never take any risks, they'd keep you in a jar on their nightstand for all their friends to see. They wouldn't hesitate to pick you up without your permission. You always thought it was kind of insane the way your brother described them, but once you let that thought slip to your head you started sweating. 
You weren't exactly against human's existence, you just didn't want to deal with them.
It took a few seconds for Peter to comprehend what he was seeing, but as he slowly bent down again and let Murph go, he could make out an actual real-life borrower.
There had been several reports on capturing these little things on camera over the past few years, but Peter never imagined himself actually having an encounter with one. 
She looked so scared. She was covered in dust, dried up bruises and scars. Her ankle looked like it was bent in an unnatural position. That huge scar on her waist looked fresh. Did Murph do this? did she- was she crying?
"H-hey bud, are you ok? you look really torn up"
yeah, no shit sherlock.
You forced yourself to look up at his huge empathetic face. You didn't like how he was looking down at you like you were some weak little shit in desperate need of help. 
You tried to force words out of your mouth, but all that came out were weak whimpers, you felt unsteady, the bright sun behind the human made you feel dizzy.
Peter noticed this and used himself to block the sun. "That's ok you don't have to talk, d-do you maybe want something to eat?" Peter said expecting maybe a nod or anything indicating "yes". But you couldn't even hear him, white dots covered your vision as you grabbed your head trying to stop everything from spinning.
And then you blacked out.
You woke up on a cold smooth surface, you turned your head around trying to adjust your eyes to the light. you felt tired and your stomach felt empty and weak. you sat up slowly rubbing your eyes, suddenly a familiar voice filled the room.  
"Thanks, May, but I'm stuffed!" Peter said with a small laugh as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
You turned your head towards the noise, and once you set your eyes on the large room and the human you saw from before, you started panicking again. What time is it? Where am I? What the hell is going on.
This time there was no one to save you.
"you're awake," Peter said surprised. "I got u some leftover pizza, figured u might be hungry," Peter said as he strolled across the room towards you. You immediately stood up ignoring your aching leg but fell back down in an instant. 
"WOAH Slow down, that leg's not gonna get any better if you keep putting pressure on it, trust me, I've had experience," Peter said with a small smile. 
He set down a piece of pizza on a folded tissue and carefully slid it towards you. You scooted back a little but once you laid eyes on the piece of food he offered, you thought that maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a little. 
You grabbed the piece of food like you hadn't eaten in days. You were still having your doubts though, like why this human was giving a shit about your wellbeing, but once you took the first bite, you were in heaven. An unforced smile spread across your face for the first time in a while, Peter couldn't help but smile too. He always felt good helping people. 
"Hey is that leg okay?" Peter said as he shifted his gaze down to your bloody ankle. You looked back up at him again. You were a little scared to make converstation. I mean this human could crush you in seconds, but it had been a real long time since you actually talked to someone, so not wanting to make this any harder you cleared your throat and responded. 
"Well, nothing has changed, still hurts like hell," you said with a weak smile. You tried speak as calmly as you could, panic attacks were a real common guest nowadays. Peter frowned, he didn't think anyone like you should suffer like this at such a young age. borrowers have it real hard huh.
"M-My name's Peter by the way," He said scratching the back of his head. "What's your name?" 
You were a little surprised he even cared, "Oh uh, It's y/n". 
"What are you going to do to me?" You said, sounding concerned.
Peter hadn't actually thought of it that way, he only brought you in because you looked like you were in really bad shape, and considering what Murph might have done, he naturally thought he owed you something.
"I- I just wanna help, just until you can get back on your feet again." He stood up and ran across the room to pull out a box from under his bed. He came back with some gauze and wipes. "I-If you'd let me".
You thought it was crazy he even bothered to help you. Still, you weren't sure you wanted to be handled by a human, If he was anything like the other human...
Peter noticed the doubtful look on your face. "I promise I'll be careful," He said almost whispering. You did have nowhere else to go, the dried up blood was starting to make you feel really uncomfortable, and if this human's intentions really were to help you, you're seeing humans in a whole new light. 
you gave a weak nod and sat up straight so Peter could see the cuts. He rubbed the cold wipes gently on your leg. You jumped a little at contact and pressed your lips together, the wipes were a little too cold. But after a few seconds, you could handle it. 
You stared at Peter, it was almost unbelievable how gentle he was. Usually, you would pay attention if someone was wiping your cuts, but something was comforting about Peter. When was the last time you could rely on someone other than yourself?
When he finished, he glanced back down at you. "T-Thanks Peter," you said with a smile. Peter beamed back, he was just happy you trusted him to help out. 
still cant believe this piece of shit took me 2 days wow.
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