#STH OCS Ulti Squad
fangedmetadevil · 2 years
Who's your newest OC *chinhands*
Or do you have an OC from a franchise that's a bit older, who by pure coincidence fits better into the story/world of a more recent reboot version?
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I'm so glad you asked my friend. I don't currently have an OC that 100% fits the bill for the latter scenario [if only because I'm very behind on shows atm and not watched the latest shows... yet. So that's pending.] BUT. I do have new children from a franchise that I got back into a few months ago centered around a certain speedy blue hedgehog that's more or less also consumed me as well-
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Meet my latest oc fandom creations- codenamed The Ulti Squad- they were all conceptualized around the same time, however writing about all three of them would take up a lot of space [and I dont want to put all that in a single ask] so I'll focus mainly on the one who was created last and coincidentally is the youngest of the three-
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Shetani The Hedgehog Jackal? Hegekal? Jackhog? Hogkal??? Eh- let's go with Hogkal
This little lass here comes courtesy of some rather unfortunate and desperate circumstances, and consequently was the final creation of a renowned bio engineer before the Eggman War saw to their end.
Intended to be a weapon to rival Doctor Robotnik's own at the time, Shetani [known only as Project Finite at that point] was created via a combination of patented™ G.U.N experimentation and DNA splicing- the two primary sources of which were 'donated' from G.U.N's archives, and acquired in the field. Unfortunately word of G.U.N's desperation had reached Eggman, and by the time 'Project Finite' had left the incubator and seemed almost ready to be 'tested'- the facility was attacked- Eggman's 'most dangerous weapon' spearheading the charge. However thanks to some quick thinking by their creator, the 'weapon', along with her two other siblings [show in the 1st picture] managed to escape the massacre, finding themselves sealed away in an ejected cryo pod that put the three in a state of suspended animation, which they would remain in for the remainder of the War... until being found some time later by a recently awaken [and upgraded] Neo Metal Sonic. Due to being found in one of Eggman's old bases, Neo assumed the three children to be 'important assets' and took them onboard the Flagship, where he rounded up whatever other remains of the Eggman Empire he could find and plotted his revenge. It would be during this time with Neo Metal that 'Project Finite' would cease to be, and Shetani [alongside her two newly named brothers- Seraphim and Nephalem ] would gain an identity of her own.
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Reserved, clever, sincere, and punctilious, Shetani opts more to sit back and watch the world while learning from it. As such she's prone to following others around [particularly her brothers and Neo Metal] which can either lead to her either getting pulled along for the ride in some sort of mischief [common with Nephalum] or sitting on a table and listening to a conversation unfold around her while she paws through a book. Being the most media obsessed out of the Ulti Squad, Shetani is arguably the one most verbally articulate and 'modern' of the trio- eagerly filling in the 'gaps' for anyone who asks.. or doesn't. Thanks to her... 'linage' she was gifted with telekinetic abilities. Unfortunately due to her age and lack of training she cant really do a whole lot with her powers without it putting a big strain on her. So she uses them very sparingly. Which isnt too much of a bad thing to her since she's quite light and agile- so she can run, jump, and climb pretty much anywhere she wants to without too much issue. Her small size also makes it easy for her to dart and squeeze into tight spaces and hide as well… much to the chagrin of her older brothers [as well as their defacto guardian]. And that's about all I have on Shetani atm :>
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