futchmemes · 1 year
getting into a m/f ship when you’re gay is so fucking awful. there’s so much content and so much of it is horrible. i am sufferering more than jesus
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okay so, this might be the strangest ask you've ever recieved, but ofr a while ive been thinking of jealous/possessive!kc and how they react to each other's exes or people who have crushse on them might react and i woild absolutely love to read soemthing on that but if you can, that would be really cool to read! ONLY IF YOU WANT TO, please and thank you!
Hi, nonnie! There's only minor possessive!kc, but I hope it's still okay. Thanks for the ask!
On a very minor note, this is my 1000th post on Tumblr, and I love the idea of it being a kc drabble!
But I digress, and getting back to the drabble, I hope you like it!
“I think she invited us just to spite us,” Hayley grumbles to Bonnie, who rolls her eyes as she sips from her champagne glass. “Like, who does that?”
“She invited our whole class. If she hadn’t invited you two, you would’ve complained about that,” Elena interjects from behind her, smoothening out a wrinkle in her bridesmaid dress.
“Doesn’t Gorgeous look gorgeous?” Enzo asks, appearing at their side, kissing Bonnie’s cheek. “Hello there. I must say, however, I don’t see your dates anywhere,” he says pointedly to Hayley and Camille, who’re standing sulkily, glaring at the back of Caroline’s head as she laughs when Klaus whispers something in her ear.
Hayley scoffs. “She’s so fake.”
“Watch it,” Bonnie says angrily. “It’s her wedding, don’t you dare.”
“I don’t get why he likes her,” Camille whines. “She’s so freaking boring.”
“Because she’s intelligent, beautiful, and strong,” Elena snaps. “If you don’t like her, why’d you come?”
When they remain silent, Enzo snorts. “Isn't it obvious?” he says dryly. “They came to watch Mikaelson’s arse in a suit.”
Elena looks at them disgustedly. “It’s his wedding and you're here for that?”
“Obviously not,” Camille snaps. “We’re here cause we were invited.”
“I'm going to ask Care to dance,” Tyler says, appearing behind Elena, making her jump. “She looks so great, don’t you think?”
“I hope you mean great in the platonic way, Lockwood,” Enzo says lightly, tugging Bonnie closer to him when she growls at Tyler.
Tyler scowls. “Obviously.”
“Oh, give it up it, Tyler,” Hayley snaps. “We all know you're here cause you’ve had a crush on Caroline for ages and you're still pissed she was with Mikaelson when he’s never liked you.”
“If you don’t have anything nice to say about the bride and groom,” Bonnie suggests, her temper flaring, “I suggest you leave. Immediately.”
Camille scoffs. “Whatever. Get over yourself, Bonnie.”
“Watch it, Camille,” Enzo says warningly.
“Hi,” Caroline says breathlessly, Klaus close behind. “How’s everything going?”
“Great!” Bonnie, Elena, and Enzo chorus while Tyler and Hayley and Camille mumble out something incoherent.
“I've been wanting to get a drink for ages, but Klaus—” Caroline breaks out into giggles when Klaus kisses her neck playfully. “Klaus wouldn’t stop dancing.”
Bonnie grins at how giddy her friend is. “Well, you're here now. Champagne?” she asks, offering her untouched glass to Caroline.
“Yes, thank you,” Caroline says, taking the glass from Bonnie, her ring catching the light. Bonnie smugly watches Camille and Hayley’s mouths drop at the sight of the giant diamond and tiny sapphires sparkling on her finger.
“Your ring…” Camille starts hoarsely.
Caroline beams. “Thank you! Klaus picked it out himself, he has excellent taste, don’t you think?”
“I certainly do,” Klaus replies, gazing at Caroline adoringly.
“You two are even more nauseating now,” Enzo says cheerfully, dropping a kiss on Caroline’s cheek. “You look lovely, Gorgeous. Bonnie refuses to dance any more, care to grace me with one?”
“Of course. “Caroline smiles, taking his outstretched arm. “Klaus looks dehydrated anyway.”
“I do not,” Klaus calls out after her, a mock-annoyed expression on his face. “Only two dances, no more.”
“Oh, relax, Klaus,” Stefan says from beside him, elbowing him gently. “You're getting Caroline to yourself for the rest of your life, don’t pout.”
Klaus grins softly. “I am,” he says, watching Caroline spin on the dance floor with Enzo. “Thank you for coming,” he says to Tyler, Camille, Hayley, and Elena. “Caroline is so happy to have you here.”
“I should hope you're both happy to have us here,” Hayley interjects, smiling simperingly.
Klaus’s smile doesn’t disappear, but does fade. “Yes,” he murmurs. “We are.”
“I'm going to ask Care to dance when Enzo’s done,” Tyler says imperiously, taking a bite of his appetizer.
“Mm,” Klaus says, finishing off his champagne. “Actually, her dances are all booked for the night. Some by my brothers, one or two by Stefan, most by me,” he tells Tyler pointedly. “Perhaps some other time.”
He smirks at Tyler, clapping him on the shoulder. “Do enjoy yourselves.”
Once he leaves, Bonnie can't help but snort at Tyler’s furious look. "I'm sorry, were you—were you trying to intimidate him?"
"Shut up, Bonnie," Tyler grouses, getting another glass of champagne.
Elena stifles a laugh and turns to Bonnie. "Are you sure Caroline told us not to throw him out?"
"Positive," Bonnie agrees, smiling at Hayley and Camille mockingly. "It's a shame."
"Wasn’t pining after him at work enough for you?” Stefan asks Hayley.
“Clearly not,” Elena says scornfully.
Camille scoffs, and Stefan sighs. “I'm going to go look for Klaus,” he announces, rubbing his palms together. “Rebekah asked me to find him and tell him to save her a dance. Try not to jump the groom, please.”
Bonnie watches Caroline spin around with Enzo, giggling when he dips her, her smile never disappearing. Hayley folds her arms, trying very hard not to make a comment, and Bonnie sighs. “If you dislike her so much, why don’t you just leave? Klaus is obviously not going to go for you.”
“Whatever,” Hayley snaps, grabbing Camille’s arm. “Come on, Cami.”
Once they’ve left, Klaus greets her with smile. “Have the Wonder Twins finally left?” he asks, looking over her shoulder. “Good. Dance with me?”
“Really?” Bonnie asks, surprised.
Klaus rolls his eyes. “My wife is dancing with your husband. I think it’s only fair that you dance with me, don’t you?”
“Klaus Mikaelson, dancing voluntarily,” Bonnie says teasingly, taking his offered hand. “Who would’ve thought? Only for Caroline, right?”
Klaus’s eyes almost seem to sparkle. “Only for Caroline,” he agrees.
I'm sorry there wasn't more of what you asked for, but I do hope you enjoyed it! Please comment!
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