#Saïx Imagine
autumn-may · 3 months
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I don’t know how to feel about this but I realized like a week ago that saïx’s hair is basically just a more boring version of Xemnas hair. It’s honestly kinda funny. Can you imagine seeing a guy and then seeing his secretary who’s really obviously trying to look like him. And you leave the office and everyone else who works there is doing their own thing and it’s just that one guy who was doing that. No way this is intentional but every day I get more invested in whatever the frick is wrong with Saix
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Missing Potential About Organisation XIII Members
Some things about Organisation XIII members that I thought was a shame we haven't seen (yet)
The events of Chain of Memories being touched on. Like, how do Lea and Riku interact with Aeleus, Ienzo and Even? What about Saïx’s involvement, how much of it was from Xemnas, Saïx or just Axel's initative? Imagine Sora dealing with Marluxia and Larxene in KH3 with their history remembered. And let's not forget Riku Replica.
Marluxia and Larxene actually share very little one-to-one screentime for two villains who are working together, they only have a single short scene in KH3 before other characters show up. What was their relationship as Nobodies like? How did they come to trust each other enough to try and orchestrate a coup together and be loyal enough to die fighting together twice? We know Marluxia didn’t remember his past, but what about Larxene? Does the history of their Somebodies still factor in, even though they might not even remember?
Seeing the Organisation’s earlier history. How and when did they claim the World That Never Was as their base of operations and start working on completing the artificial Kingdom Hearts? How did they all get their powers and weapons and learn how to use them? How was it run before Saïx became mission control, how did he get that job and what kind of training and missions were they assigned to turn it into the Organisation we see in Chain of Memories, Days and 2? What are the details of Axel and Saïx’s story, how they lost their hearts and plotted their coup, how Axel got his teardrop tattoos and how Saïx got that scar and got possessed. How did Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene get recruited (twice)? The original Organisation XIII doesn’t actually get to be an organisation of 13 people for very long, if at all, and there is only a brief period at the beginning of Days where we have a chance to see all members interacting with each other. I know there were at least two coups being plotted but they are never seen acting collectively as a single unit.
Lea still keeps his affinity for fire magic since being recompleted, but what about the other recompleted members of the original Organisation? I’d have to assume that the others still keep their powers post-recompletion too, and if so it’s a shame we don’t get to see the Radiant Garden crew using their powers more. Or Aeleus and Dilan showing off their fighting skills in general (even in a war), they are castle guards after all.
The Radiant Garden crew adjusting back into society after all the human experiments they did, especially if they remain respected authority figures.
Lea losing much of his potential character development in KH3 - exploring what his keyblade and being a wielder means to him, making up for his mistakes and fighting to get his friends back and earning all of those things - in favour of ignoring a lot of the harmful things he did and turning him into comic relief who doesn’t contribute much to the war. He deserved better than that.
The whole possession thing is kind of glossed over in KH3, in that it doesn’t really seem to affect the Real Org members. The way Xigbar described it in DDD makes it sound like some kind of hive mind to me, so I wondered about Xehanort being able to completely control any of them at any time, all of them forced to share the same thoughts and feelings from Xehanort about what he wants them to desire (or even sharing or sensing each other’s thoughts and feelings?), and in the Keyblade Graveyard none of them are themselves at all until their deaths. There was a reason Xehanort did this after all, and it would not only keep the members trapped and make betrayal more difficult, but make it even more impressive that Saïx, Vexen and Demyx were able to pull it off despite this.  
The traitors in the new Org doing more than drop off a replica body at Radiant Garden right when it was needed. Maybe there could have been more communication between the traitors and the guardians to make cooperation easier and give the plan greater chances of success, maybe even pass along information about the organisation's plans and movements (easily done by Demyx if he was always sent on recon missions). This is really more of an idea I had.
Group dynamics in general. So many contrasting personalities and motivations with so much potential for interesting interactions just by putting some of these characters in the same room for a few minutes.
All the former Nobodies adjusting to having a heart again after being recompleted. Even though there would be a lot that's similar for them, I think each of them would experience it in their own way, with their own unique challenges, needs and coping methods about the process.
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Hear me out: Demyx is a nobody but that’s also his somebody name. Xemnas spent HOURS trying to fit another x in there and he just couldn’t do it
I’m just imagining Xemnas, surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper, telling Saïx “I found another member for the Organization but I just don’t think I can let him in” and Saïx saying “are you seriously considering not filling out our ranks because it doesn’t fit your stupid word game”
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leastrifedraws · 2 months
Thinking about how tragic Axel is
Axel has got to be one of my favorites if not my favorite in kingdom hearts (surprise surprise I stole his name) and out of what I’ve seen people talk about how tragic Saïx and Roxas are and mention Axel when they do that but I feel like Axel doesn’t really get talked about individually typically only side by side with Saïx and Roxas
(Side note. Xion should also be talked about more but this post is about Axel rn and I will potentially talk about Xion in a later post)
Axel lost everything important in his life and the worst part is that for the most part that only happened cause he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. There’s nothing specific about Axel himself that requires him to be in the organization he was simply in proximity to Apprentice Xehanort at the time of the organization’s creation.
Starting with the first things he lost, his heart, his home world, and Isa, this doesn’t get talked about enough either these two lost their home. And they were only teenagers which is at a crucial point in development and loosing their hearts I like to headcanon essentially stopped this. (Again a post for a later time which will include Ienzo). Axel lost all of those crucial growing up years which will definitely affect him down the line and it kind of does. He also lost Isa. Maybe Saïx didn’t jump right on into the organization with clipboard in hand, but from what we can gather he was already trying to get in with Xehanort as he could’ve been their link to X, so I imagine Saïx would close himself off from Axel pretty quickly to prove himself to Xemnas. Leaving Axel alone. As opposed to members 2-6 (who were already close and who continue to be close as we can see in the 358manga and Lexeaus clearly cares about Zexion in CoM) who all still had each other in some sort of way, Axel didn’t have anyone because his only line of support in the organization would have been Saïx, but Saïx turned him away in favor of Xemnas (I know Saïx was doing this for him and Axel and did secretly care, but this is from Axel’s perspective and from his point of view Saïx is just cutting him off)
So for 10+ years not only has Axel lost his heart and his world, and his only line of support and I don’t think without hearts it’s very easy to bond with the others
Any of the others, not just the apprentices. We don’t get any indication Axel is close to anyone up until he meets Roxas and Xion. There’s nothing in any of the games indicating he has, nothing I’ve seen in the mangas (he does hang out in groups, but not often and never one on one with anyone other than Saïx, Roxas, or Xion) and I don’t have any of the other books.
“Why does he bond with Roxas and Xion then and not the others?” Thank you me for asking, the answer for Roxas is because of Ventus, and Xion is because he didn’t get much of a choice.
The following paragraph is mostly speculation/headcanon, but I feel like makes sense.
Axel who just lost everything from his old life including his best friend is now presented with this kid who looks exactly like someone he knew when he still had a heart. New name and outfit but this is the closest he’s gotten to having anything from his old life. And on top of that he was also ordered to watch over Roxas so he was kinda just pushed into spending time with him and when Roxas starts showing more emotion of course Axel is going to be invested. And Axel was incredibly hesitant to be friends with Xion but because of Roxas he did and he started to bond with her as well.
Things finally start looking up and then of course he looses everything again. And this time he looses one the things that he was put such a strong importance on. His memories. Not only did he loose Xion but he lost the memories of her. He tells Saïx he wants everyone he meets to remember him and he is constantly telling people to memorize things, and memories are incredibly important in this universe and Axel understands that. He’s also started to develop a heart again it seems when we see how desperate he was for Roxas not to fight against Xemnas. He will miss Roxas when no one else will.
Twice has Axel lost everything.
Throughout Kingdom Hearts 2 we see him trying to fix things in multiple different failed ways, tries going and getting Roxas and bringing him back, kidnaps Kairi, and then helps Sora in the end before falling to the Heartless, and it’s so sad especially because at this point Axel still believes Saïx doesn’t care about him despite Saïx showing (tiny) concern about Axel to Sora. Axel is just struggling to stay afloat at this point until he finally gives out at the end just to make sure Sora can stop Xemnas.
And then he wakes up to find out Xemnas hasn’t been stopped. Lea is alive again with his heart and emotions back, but he still has no one. Isa is still gone and not with the rest of them, and Roxas and Xion are still trapped in Sora’s heart. So deciding to try and do the right thing in hopes of getting Roxas out of Sora’s heart he becomes a keyblade wielder which causes him to come face to face with all of his mistakes. He has to face Kairi now being able to feel guilt. And it’s clear Lea is beating himself up over it. He’s on the right track but he’s still not doing good. Ie. breaks into tears over not remembering who Xion is and missing someone he doesn’t know. (Man that scene 😭)
Then he has to fight Saïx and Xion. He has to fight his best friend and the ending of that fight. Ahhh. Axel has to hold Saïx in his arms dying and even if he knows Isa will come back it’s still sad.
And finally we get to the end(ish) of his arc and he’s doing alright now with heart and friends back, but he’s still carrying the weight of so much and please I am fragile about this man.
I will go feral about the character who’s name I chose for so long and you cannot stop me anyway yeah he’s so traumatized and I need people to talk about that more because I feel like people focus on Saïx’s tragedy than Axel’s even though they’ve both lost so much
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goldensunset · 2 years
ok round two ft. a weirder mix of characters and some time/plot contrivances. have fun!
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alphascorpiixx · 1 year
thinking about how in days Xion's appearance changes to people who are connected to Sora and how Xigbar sees her as Ventus. but then in kh3 she copies Saïx's weapon and doesn't necessarily look like Sora
now I'm imagining a scenario with the real organization where Xigbar doesn't see Ventus anymore
he sees his original self
xigbar: "hey poppet"
xion: *in luxu's voice* "don't call me that"
xigbar: *inwardly screaming*
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ramatetsu · 12 days
Something cute and random:
Imagine Xion doing Saïx's hair. What hairstyle do you think Saïx ends up with? 💜
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zxal · 2 years
thinking about how saïx says "it infuriated me how you just exited our lives", our lives, not just his life, like he never stopped thinking of himself and lea and subject X as a unit and Axel's perceived betrayal of that friendship was like ripping off a limb because saïx was (is?) in a place where he wasn't capable of moving on, wasn't capable of imagining things could be any different, because an admission that X is gone would be an admission that everything he's done and how far he's fallen has been for nothing and he's never going to get those years back. in his mind it's still him and her. god.
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captainbobbin · 2 years
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October Draw-fest 20
- Saïx (KH) - 
corpses don't have friends, and they certainly don't have feelings
A Saïx to match the style of my previous Isa drawing! Wanted to stylize how I imagine the physical differences in him show - this is him while Norted and then once himself again.
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sunhalf · 5 months
@dearlybeloves : ❝ it's too late to say it, but i wanted to say it anyway.❞ / rikushi.. / accepting.
Xion's thought about it. About what Riku could say to make it better.
She told Lea about it, once; how she imagines conversations that will probably never happen. He said it's normal, that lots of people do it. It can help with closure. She thinks that's nice, so she lets herself imagine. What would Isa say, would Xemnas say, would Xigbar say, would Larxene say, would Naminé say — would Riku say, if they were really trying to make it okay? How would they make it better, what beautiful thing would Xion say back?
Sometimes when she imagines it, she accepts what the others say with grace and kindness and mercy and everyone is awed by her generosity. Sometimes when she imagines it, she sobs and screams and swears she'll never forgive them and they promise she doesn't have to. No matter what, she's always the winner.
There's no winner when it's real she thinks, exhausted and dim and not beautiful like either of the corpse - girls her face is borrowed from, looking at Riku. It's too late, and it was always going to be too late. There's nothing Riku could say to make it better, because there's no apology that would be real and no promise to the future that would be real, too. He may feel guilty for killing Xion — for killing Roxas — but he can't regret it. He would do it again. Xion can't forgive a sin he'd try again. Most days, killing Xion doesn't even feel like it would count as a sin.
( once, she imagined accusing him of being useless, pathetic, disloyal. he'd kill anyone for sora. he'd kill aqua and ventus and hayner. he'd probably kill kairi. it was so easy to kill the girl with her face, after all. )
There's no winner. He killed her or, worse, he convinced her it would be selfish for her not to kill herself. It took her months after coming back to realize that that was a cruelty and not a kindness. It took her months to realize that being told to die instead of outright murdered is not a kindness. He taught her that — that she didn't deserve to be alive. Just like Saïx and Xemnas and Xigbar. There's no winner because there's nothing Riku could say to make it better, and because Xion can't even hate him, not really. Xion can only feel tired and sad for the both of them.
"Okay," she says, and then a beat passes. There should be more. There's nothing Xion can say to make it better, either. "I hope that — someday you're...strong enough to mean it."
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Saïx, about Roxas: Take care of him, Axel.
Axel: Not exactly the way I imagined us raising a kid together, but I'll take it.
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vanibear · 1 year
wait i didnt know saïxs claymore was called lunatic. thats so funny to me like... i know its for moon and berserker reasons . But like imagine someone just naming their weapon Insane. full stop nothing else
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ask-the-kh-crew · 8 months
Don't know if anyone asks this yet or not, but uh, Roxas, do you ever think you'll forgive Riku for what he did in the past to both you and Xion? Like maybe not even fully forgive him, just enough to tolerate being around him if that makes any sense. If not, do you think the two of you will just fight it out here and there out of spite?
Again sorry if I made no sense ^^'
Makes a lot of sense, actually. It's something I used to think about a lot.
It's difficult for me to imagine fully getting over what happened, having everything taken away from us. Even now that we're together again, it hurts to think about the time we spent apart. And when I think about that hurt, I think about Riku.
But I also think about Xehanort, and the way he ruined the lives of so many people aside from us. The more I learn about him from the others, the more I realise how we were all just puppets or pawns to him. It was all so much bigger than me, Xion and Riku. Both of them did what they did because of DiZ and Saïx, and they only did what they did because of Xemnas and the fake Ansem. And in the end, they're the fault of Xehanort, so it always comes back to him...
Plus, if I'm gonna stay mad at Riku for trying to sacrifice me and Xion for some guy I didn't even know, I'd have to blame Xion, too. And there's no way I'd ever do that, so whenever I blame Riku I feel kinda bad. He'd do anything for Sora, in the same way I'd do anything for Xion. Speaking of Sora: when I first disappeared inside Sora's heart, I could still feel and think a little bit, and all I felt was anger. Anger at Riku and this guy he sacrificed everything in my life for. But then, I got to know him a little more, and I saw just how much light was inside him. I accepted that it really had to be him, because he was the one that could bring everyone back. And after seeing him reunite all of us, I can't help but feel like Riku knew he was gonna do that all along. He trusted him, and now I do too. He makes a good other, after all.
Anyway, Xion told me her and Riku already talked about it some time ago: the conversation lasted about an hour, and apparently most of it was just Riku apologising to her over and over. But I didn't feel like talking about it (especially not for that long) and I think he knew that, because he didn't try to talk to me one-on-one for a while. Whenever it was just the two of us, there was just a long and awkward silence until one of our friends showed up again.
But then, a couple of weeks ago, he came to my room after visiting Naminé and asked if he could ask me something. He looked kinda nervous and so I assumed he was here to apologise, but then he... asked me if I could teach him how to skateboard.
Yeah, turns out he thinks it looks pretty rad when Sora does it and he wants to impress him, so he came to me for help. For the past couple of months we've been meeting up every Thurday to practice around Market Street, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun (although it'll take a while before he can do mid-air 360s: he's not exactly a natural).
I still don't know if I can ever truly forgive him, but I don't think Riku could ever truly forgive himself either. The least we can do is to try to make the best out of the awful situation we both found ourselves in. And if we still feel some resentment for each other after that, we'll just have to do what Hayner and I always do when we're mad at each other: have a Struggle match to swing the anger out of us and then have ice cream afterwards. Works every time.
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(Xion keeps trying to take pictures of me and Riku together, sometimes without us knowing. I'm not sure why and it's kinda annoying but I just let it happen atp. No photos of us skateboarding tho because "Riku always looks a little like a dork when he does it" and I don't disagree lmao)
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
okay not to hamper the incredibly emotional leaisa moment but I’ve gotta call an As if! on this one
Yes, Axel going off and befriending Roxas and Xion irrevocably tore apart his friendship with Saïx, but their friendship was already falling apart before that
I find it very hard to believe that they were able to keep their goal of rescuing Subject X at the forefront of their minds for ten years. Actually, Saix literally says it: “I started to wonder if we'd imagined her. Maybe she never existed. And then, in time, I awakened to a new purpose. I realized I could be stronger.”
Their goal was corrupted into something else- for both of them! We see how they act in Chain of Memories, and at the beginning of Days. It stopped being “all for her” long before friendship and jealousy came into play. Sure, helping Subject X may have remained the end goal, but it wasn’t really about her anymore. The power climb, the thrill of a job well executed, daily tasks to keep morale up in a horrible place where most everyone hates you...
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sabervelvet · 2 months
I am almost done with the Risk-Taker Trophy on KH3, just three data battles to go, but I am left with Saïx, Xigbar, Xemnas, Ansem, RepliRiku and Marluxia and I am sweating. All but RepliRiku kicked my ass so hard on my first run, I can't imagine what they will do to me with all the codes on.
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alphascorpiixx · 7 months
KH Characters with FF jobs
I'm mostly basing these from FF3, FF4, and FF14 jobs since those are the ones I know the best but I did research other games' jobs for some. This is mostly going off of characters' personality and fighting styles rather than weapons or stats.
Sora: Onion Knight Riku: Dark Knight/Paladin Kairi: White Mage
Sora could be any jack-of-all-trades job but I picked Onion Knight out of a FF3 bias and also he would look cute in that hat. Riku is basically Cecil Harvey from FF4 so he gets two jobs. Kairi being a princess of heart makes her a White Mage and what is her shotlock if not a flashier version of holy?
Roxas: Samurai Xion: Blue Mage Axel: Assassin
Roxas and Axel get their jobs from their lesser Nobodies, and Axel will stay as an Assassin until Square releases a game with "arsonist" as a job. His FF14 disciple of the hand job would be "ice cream maker." Xion's copy abilities make her an Blue Mage and I wish KH would take more advantage of that ability because then she'd be op.
Aqua: Dancer Terra: Knight Ventus: Red Mage
In an effort to not make Terra the same as Riku he gets to be a Knight but I could also see him as a Dark Knight or Warrior. Aqua's spellweaver ability is basically magic dancing so Dancer. I was struggling for Ven and ended up with Red Mage because 1) its my favorite and I'm not above being biased, 2) all Keyblade wielders could arguably be Red Mages because of the use of both white and black magic along with fighting with a sword, and 3) he also deserves a cool hat.
Vanitas: Ninja Naminé: Summoner Repliku: Dark Knight
Naminé technically never participates in combat but summoning other entities to fight for her is pretty much what she already does just without the memory manipulation. Repliku sacrifices originality for "well his weapon is called Soul Eater anyway". Vanitas was the hardest of these three because he's yet another possible Dark Knight. I gave him Ninja for his warp downslash ability. Alternatively, he could be a Black Mage and Ven a White Mage, but I wanted to go beyond making every darkness character a Black Mage or similar.
Ansem: Black Mage
My joke job for Ansem is the pugilist/monk because he's the only character to fight barehanded (not counting his KH1 final boss where he had a double-bladed version of Soul Eater). He could also arguably be a Summoner and call other Heartless to fight.
Xemnas: Sorcerer Xigbar: Gunbreaker (Sniper) Xaldin: Dragoon Lexaeus: Warrior Vexen: Puppetmaster Zexion: Illusionist Saïx: Berserker Demyx: Bard (Dancer) Luxord: Gambler Marluxia: Reaper Larxene: Ninja
Most Organization members' jobs are just their lesser Nobody types, though for Demyx it would make more sense for him to be a Bard. (But that water does dance after all.) I chose Gunbreaker as an alt job for Xigbar because what's better than two guns? Two sword guns! (Imagine a KH4 bossfight with No Name formchanged as two gunblades.)
Lexaeus, Vexen, and Zexion are the only Org members who don't have lesser Nobodies so I chose them myself. Lexaeus is a Warrior (fights with a giant axe), Zexion an Illusionist (self-explanatory), and Vexen a Puppetmaster (replicas).
Let me know if you have other ideas for alternate jobs. Also I might do a part two with the KHUXDR characters is anyone is interested.
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