#Saadie's collabs 🌻
bite-sized-devil Β· 1 year
πŸ’• Love letters πŸ’•
Written as an add on to @crazyyanderefangirlfan idea posted here
Summary: yeah as if I'm writing that, check out the original post if you want info. And then hit like and reblog because it was such a good idea! Love you Yan πŸ’•πŸ’•
Lucifer: Little dove, I see the effort you put into your studies and extracurricular activities. Your achievements should fill you with pride, as having you as part of my family fills me with pride. Forgive me, love. You mean the world to me.
Mammon: If I'd a known those notes were from you MC I wouldn'ta reacted so dumb like! I fish'd 'em outta the garbage, just so ya know. They're keep'n Goldie company. Say, you wouldn't wanna write another one would ya? I'll keep it like it's my most prized possession. Like how I'd keep you. I love you
Leviathan: My first stalker turns out to be you MC? That's like, straight out of one of my favourite animes where the hero keeps getting these notes left for him to find and it turns out to be his childhood friend who he's been in love with for years but he was scared she didn't feel the same- anyway I miss you MC, please come play games with me again. I won't stop sending you these little notes until you agree! I neeeeeeeeed my player two.
Satan: Dearest MC, I am filled with the utmost rage and regret at my inability to determine that those notes were from you. Please accept my most humble apology, I'm sorry my love. Going forward I would request that you sign them, not necessarily in your name but a simple signature so that I can determine their origin. For example: signed kitten. Yours eternally, Satan.
Asmo: Screaming! Crying! MC! You are such a naughty little thing, sending me love notes and not signing your name. How am I supposed to know which of my admirers they were from? Darling, next time you want to write me a note, just come to my door. Let's save the trees and skip the paper altogether. Love letters are so much more fun when they are written in kisses on the naked skin. 😘😘
Beel: Doesn't write you a note, comes to you in person later that night standing in your doorway. He's so big but looks so small in that moment, giving you puppy dog eyes as he clutches your smaller hands in his. "MC are you really over us? Because I'm not over you. I'm in love with you, I want you. Always. I kept every note you gave me. I knew they were from you, I know your hand writing and I know your scent. Please forgive my brothers, they're sorry, I know they are."
Belphegor: I'm always making mistakes with you MC, would you forgive me again? Please, I'll beg if I have to. Can I make it up to you? I'll do anything for you, kill for you, give you anything you want. Just, say you'll forgive me. I keep having nightmares about you leaving me, forgetting about me, hating me, and yet it's still not as hellish as hearing you say you're over me. I'm sorry MC, I took you for granted and swear to you I never will again.
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What do you think Yan? Begging is a good colour on them. Kinda dig that πŸ˜…β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜˜
@delphi-dreamin @sassykattery @alexxavicry @your-next-daydream @rosanism @marvelous-maniac @i-hardly-know @kyungjoon-do @ria-demon29 @itsmeninerz @allielozoya @spookyscaryskeletonn @zarakem @tea-time-writes @ladyofcrowsx-deactivated2023040 @yuujispinkhair @attic-club-sandwich @whimsiecat @bontensbabygirl @beelzebubneedsabeelzehug @lostsomewhereinthegarden @simpsations @randomnerdthingz @weeb24555
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