yourwebsitewala07 · 2 years
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Happy SAFER Internet Day .
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socialimagebuilder · 2 years
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Stay protected online: Celebrate Safer Internet Day with our top tips for a secure social media account
1. Use a unique, strong password for each of your social media accounts and regularly update them.
2. Enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
3. Be cautious of unsolicited messages, links, or requests for personal information.
4. Public Wi-Fi dangers are the risks of data breaches and malware infections
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thegleamwithin · 3 years
Today Is Safer Internet Day..
On Cyber-safety..
Staying and keeping ourselves and our gadgets safe while surfing the Internet is imperative..
To stay safe on the Internet, try these steps while surfing..
Consciously do not click on adverts or take clickbaits..
Try to prefer surfing the web in https:// mode..
Do not visit shady websites, particularly those about which browser gives you a warning..
Never enable 'Autofill' or 'Save Password' in Settings..
Keep your anti-virus updated, fully-functional and run a full-device scan regularly..
Prefer to browse some websites in place of their smartphone applications, as apps inevitably have to be granted certain "permissions" that seem intrusive..
On public computers, do not access sensitive info, and always clear browser-history before leaving the terminal, erase any downloads (just in case) if you get printout(s)..
Do not forward articles/posts containing controversial/sensitive information..
Try to get rid of bloatware, or the pre-installed apps that you don't use, or disable them in settings..
Grant the Location/Access Clip-board/Send Notifications/Camera permissions very carefully, mindfully..
Always use an updated browser or its latest version..
Try to stay away from spam (Email or otherwise) by applying proper settings..
Browse and trust only reliable sources of information, and do not trust "Wikipedia" and the like for formal information sharing, as they can be edit by all and sundry..
Do not use apps which include spell-check, auto-correct, or that claim to correct Grammatical mistakes.. Trust your knowledge-base, and most importantly, double-check on Google in case of confusion or doubt, before using or placing any piece of information in the cyber-space..
Always choose to go to official websites/handles of organizations/products/services/government only, in Google Search/on You Tube, or simply use "I'm feeling lucky..", when not sure about the official web address of a particular entity with presence in cyber-space..
Try to stay away from pop-up windows, close disturbing tabs instead of perusing them or wasting time on what could possibly harm your device by installing spyware or carrying out phishing activities..
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Happy Safer Internet Day y’all! Remember to find that balance between being careful online and embracing the opportunities that the digital platform presents! For more details visit our website 🌐 www.transorze.com ☎ 9495833319
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kisanestore · 3 years
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#SaferInternetDay #SaferInternetDay2022 #SaferInternet #INTERNET #KISANeSTORE www.kisanestore.com
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charlesrunway · 4 years
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MY OWN KIND OF RUNWAY #myownkindofrunway #charles_runway #fashion In Germany #style in #berlin #berlinstyle #berlin🇩🇪 #usfashionbloggers #usfashionline #kpoptwitter #saferinternet #kpoptwitter #standforasians (at Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMh0VZuhSKs/?igshid=lpg9sss0h2dq
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ikmalfahmirasmi · 4 years
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Words of wisdom from @siwonchoi 💙💙💙 “So many people think that #cyberbullying is not as bad as physical bullying … but it can actually be worse. Because it follows you everywhere, and every moment. And it never stops. It can go on 24/7. “The best way to deal with all this hate and bullying is by showing kindness and empathy. Like Martin Luther King Jr once said ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can.’ So remember, ‘hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can.’ Choose to love and be kind. Let’s work together to create a new culture of kindness and empathy. And to those who have experienced bullying and hatred, remember you’re not alone. We’re all one family.” Thank you Siwon Choi. For joining us at the Kindness Leaders Conference this evening, and sharing with your story and your advice! 🌈😍💙 #bekind #kindnessmatters #empathy #ENDviolence #saferinternet #forpeopleforplanet #children4change #siwonchoi #undp #undpmalaysia (at UNDP in Asia and the Pacific) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK0_AUqhdBt/?igshid=1g0757stx6mgt
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philprax · 5 years
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#saferinternet #konkret #orf #studio2 #gast #tipps #heute #war #ich #live #macjt #spaß https://www.instagram.com/p/B9aLjT_F0WA/?igshid=c1dtx89pjnej
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breussident · 7 years
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Wieder was dazulernen: Lehrgang "Digital Courage Messenger" #digitale #zivilcourage #online #vienna #saturday #socialmedia #saferinternet #ballhausplatz #bka (hier: Bundeskanzleramt Österreich)
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207studio-blog · 8 years
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Vandaag is Safer Internetday, want OMG, die spam! Die spam die me mijn oren uitkomt en mijn inbox blijft vullen. Alleen maar omdat ik een keer ergens mijn mailadres heb ingevuld.
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edunloaded · 8 years
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Excited to hear the recording of 'Parenting made Easy' on 93.8 Live,, where we discuss the upcoming activities about Safer Internet day on 7th February. #saferinternet #parenting #parentingmadeeasy
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emakegr · 4 years
Κακόβουλες διαφημίσεις - Safer Internet
Κακόβουλες διαφημίσεις - Safer Internet
Μιας και την προηγούμενη βδομάδα ήταν η μέρα ασφαλούς διαδικτύου (Saferinternet), ορίστε ένας οδηγός πως να προστατευτείτε από κακόβουλες διαφημίσεις. 
Νόμιμη υλοποίηση διαφημίσεων
Publishing sites/companies (παράδειγμα AdSense/AdWords adf.ly κλπ)
Sites με μόνιμη συμφωνία με τον διαφημιζόμενο
Social Media
Παράτυπη υλοποίηση διαφημίσεων
Ψεύτικοι λογαριασμοί σε Social Media – Forums (τα λεγόμενα bots)
Ψεύτικη/Λάθος διαφήμιση προϊόντων ή υπηρεσιών.
Adwares – Popups
Κίνδυνοι που μπορούν να προκύψουν
Publishing sites/Companies – Πιστοποιημένοι οργανισμοί/εταιρείες Κανένας ή ελάχιστος κίνδυνος. Οι διαφημίσεις, συνήθως ελέγχονται. Η εταιρεία που προωθεί τις διαφημίσεις σε συνεργαζόμενα sites δίνει την δυνατότητα στον επισκέπτη να δηλώσει πως η διαφήμιση είναι κακόβουλη.
Sites με μόνιμη συνεργασία Κανένας ή ελάχιστος κίνδυνος. Οι διαφημίσεις, ΠΑΝΤΑ ελέγχονται καθώς αυτό μπορεί να επηρεάσει την εικόνα του διαφημιστή. Επίσης, αν μιλάμε για μεγάλα sites υπάρχουν επίσημες συμφωνίες και συμβόλαια. Κίνδυνος για στημένες διαφημίσεις – στημένα sites.
Social Media Ασφαλής. Οι διαφημίσεις ελέγχονται από το social media team και ύστερα προωθούνται σαν χορηγούμενες στo news feed η στο sidebar
Adwares – Popups – Redirects Καθόλου ασφαλής. Οι διαφημίσεις μέσο malware που έχουν μολύνει τον υπολογιστή μας είναι επικίνδυνες. Συνήθως ο προγραμματιστής φτιάχνει το πρόγραμμα έτσι ώστε να μας κάνει redirect σε άλλες σελίδες με διαφημίσεις, να κατεβάζει εφαρμογες μόνο του και να είναι ενοχλητικό. Οι διαφημίσεις αυτές μας κάνουν redirect σε third-party websites, με σκοπό να μας μολύνουν με infected cookies ή να μας αναγκάσουν να κατεβάσουμε add-ons για τον browser μας με αποτέλεσμα την περαιτέρω μόλυνση του υπολογιστή μας.
Bots – Fake accounts Αν και το μεγαλύτερο μέρος αυτών των ψεύτικων λογαριασμών δεν εγγράφονται στα forums λόγο της παγκόσμιας βάσης StopForumSpam που περιέχει περίπου 40 εκατομμύρια emails ή usernames που έχουν σκοπό την διαφήμιση και το spam σε ένα forum, ακόμη ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό καταφέρνει να εγγραφή και να γεμίσει το forum ή social media με spam. Συνήθως κάνουν post links (bit.ly links ή έξυπνα compressed links) για το άμεσο redirect σε fake site με infected cookies και add-ons. Αν και στα social media είναι ποίο σπάνιο αυτό το φαινόμενο, υπάρχουν τα λεγόμενα worms τα οποία κάνουν την δουλειά των bots.
Ψεύτικη/Λάθος διαφήμιση προϊόντων ή υπηρεσιών. Ελάχιστος κίνδυνος πέρα από το άδειασμα της τσέπης μας σε άσκοπα πράγματα που: Δεν θα έρθουν ποτέ Είναι διαφορετικά από την περιγραφή
Πως να προστατευτείτε
Πάντα χρησιμοποιούμε adblock*.
Από τις ρυθμίσεις του browser μας απενεργοποιούμε τα αυτόματα redirects.
Κατά την εγκατάσταση προγραμμάτων, κοιτάμε το τι μας λέει, ενίοτε, υπάρχουν
προγράμματα τα οποία θα κατεβάσουν και ένα κάρο άλλα προγράμματα.
Ποτέ δεν ανοίγουμε links τα οποία μας φαίνονται περίεργα.
  *Συνιστάμε το κλείσιμο του adblock κατά την περιήγηση μας στο Youtube.
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eleonoramilner · 4 years
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2018.06.02: ACCADE OGGI mi propone Zuckerberg. Dopo aver terminato tutto d'un fiato il libro Manuale di disobbedienza digitale di Nicola Zamperini, non posso far a meno che sorridere e riportare alcune sue riflessioni.
"Abbiamo il social network che ci propone ricordi a suo piacimento. (…) Giocare con i ricordi significa giocare con la memoria individuale e collettiva e assistere a una progressiva amnesia generalizzata. (…) Siamo convinti di sapere cose, di conoscere dossier complicati solo perché abbiamo controllato in tempo reale un fatterello su Google. Siamo così presuntuosi da immaginare che padroneggiamo un argomento perché abbiamo letto un tweet su quell'argomento. Dopo aver letto poche righe siamo convinti di esserci trasformati in esperti, pronti a pontificare su ogni scienza e su ogni tema che interessa l'agenda politica, economica e culturale. Da questa presunzione discende il continuo dibattito vuoto, sterile, inconcludente che proprio sui social prende corpo. Un dibattito che non è tale. Si tratta di uno scambio di affermazioni apodittiche e polarizzate, un dialogo immenso tra sordi in cui ciascuno dice la sua e basta. La dimensione performativa e competitiva dello stare insieme è iscritta nel DNA dei social. Tutti dicono una cosa che li fa vibrare, o che sentono di dovere dire perché gli altri pensino che stanno vibrando. Si può resistere alla tentazione più potente del nostro tempo? Si può resistere al dover dire qualcosa di cui tutti dicono qualcosa? Letterariamente si potrebbe rendere contemporaneo il sogno di Flaubert, scrivendo un commento fatto di soli commenti di altri commenti di altri commenti, in cui si perda di vista l’originale e si dimentichi la genesi di tutto. Nulla ha solida durata nei nostro profilo, tutto invecchia con precocità.”
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ikmalfahmirasmi · 4 years
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Special live chat on ZOOM with Siwon Choi, @unicefeap regional ambassador happening at 5.40pm (GMT +8). Watch it live on UNICEF East Asia and Pacific facebook page today! Together for a kinder world, offline and online! 📱🌏💙 #ENDviolence #saferinternet #saferinternetday #children4change #siwonchoi #unicef (at UNDP in Asia and the Pacific) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK04FOqhaE7/?igshid=12u1tlvh4dfbk
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mfidie · 5 years
Mtn Launches Its Child Online Protection Program Dubbed, "Y’ello Kids"
In its continued effort to fight against the exposure of children on the internet, MTN has partnered with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) to launch the ‘‘Yello’ KIDS’’ Global Child Protection programme. This partnership makes MTN to be the first Telecommunication Company in Africa to partner with the IWF.
This programme has been driven by our intentions to make a hashtag SaferInternet for…
View On WordPress
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soliklick · 6 years
Petition: #WeLOVEGreta: Ein LOVEstorm für Greta! Für uns, für #FridaysForFuture und #Klimaschutz ist Greta Thunberg ein Vorbild! #Schulstreik
Petition: #WeLOVEGreta: Ein LOVEstorm für Greta! Für uns, für #FridaysForFuture und #Klimaschutz ist Greta Thunberg ein Vorbild! #Schulstreik https://www.change.org/p/welovegreta-ein-lovestorm-für-greta-saferinternet-fridaysforfuture-lovespeech-statt-hatespeech-sid2019/ ✍️ Bitte mitzeichnen, teilen und liken. Danke :) @SoliKlick.de - Mitklicken für Solidarität! - Umdenken und Handeln! . Hashtags zu gleichen Postings: #SoliKlick #Petitionen #Umweltschutz #Energiewende #Verkehrswende #Agrarwende #Klimaschutz #FridaysForFuture #Kinder #Schulstreik #CO2 #Politik #Deutschland #Europa #SoliKlickEnergiewende #SoliKlickAgrarwende #SoliKlickUmweltschutz #SoliKlickKlimaschutz
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