#Sahash Energy
nepalenergyforum · 1 year
Approval for Exporting 110 MW of Power to India via Interim Agreement
522 MW can now be sold in the competitive market and 110 MW through a mid-term agreement in India  Kathmandu – India has given permission to sell electricity to Nepal through a mid-term agreement. India, which is allowed only in the competitive market, has also allowed the sale of 110 megawatts of electricity for two projects for five years. Along with this, monsoon electricity will be sold…
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((Although it's an option for him in the same way it is for Bo (provided he has the energy) Flynn switching to his human maverick is incredibly rare. He will only change over to that form for very specific reasons and usually only in one on one situations---like if he wants to shock someone or get some deeper point across, intimate reasons, and etc---otherwise he is most commonly seen using his sahash maverick. He has a tendency to avoid looking at his face while using the human maverick because of the kamito attached to it as well, lots of memories there and not all of them are pleasant. The sahash form also grounds him emotionally in a way and he is, by default, less destructive/seems to have more control of himself than if he were in his true sualokin form.))
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constellationcrowned · 7 months
~"You certainly keep meticulous stock of your wares huh, Flynn?" She's not even going to mention the fact that there's a peira sitting on the crate rather than a sahash, she knew he had one same as Bo did even if she rarely saw it, "Proud of you for not hoarding the whole thing and drinking it yourself."
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The expression of the man sitting atop the recently sealed crate is suddenly and inescapably severe as dull limestone colored eyes flash against deeply suntanned skin, a spark only beaten by the flash of the immortal's teeth when he finally replies.
"Aye? And what would you know of a hard sun's work, dineno?" Mayhap it was meant in jest---a ribbing similar to something the kiddo would say or one of the mortal locals who knew more than they let on---but this particular morning had been hard and as a result Flynn's mood had SOURED INCREDIBLY EARLY. A sour mood befitting the acidic taste still soaking into the inside of his mouth; the dregs of WINE TURNED TO VINEGAR and the fact that something had happened to half of his crop overnight, something he hadn't figured out yet, so yes! He was lucky to have one salvaged crate to sell and the mavericks present within Vin Dusko would be equally lucky to get it. This was not the start he'd wanted, not in the slightest, and he needed to fix things quickly. Damn the Stream, damn it all..!
There's a faint puff of dust as the man slides off of the lid and stands upright; gray hair swinging across his face and sticking faintly to his clenched and sweaty cheekbones as he forces himself to breathe through gritted teeth. For Mailir's sake, what had he done to deserve this? It was one thing after another.
Eventually the breath he lets out is fuller and noticeably more controlled and with it there's a shift in energy as the immortal's ink displaces and then reforms into a different maverick---the sahash form granted to him by an equally irritating mortal---and thus a far more familiar face to everyone, Flynn included.
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"Rather than gnawin' on my ass like a rabid mingu why don't you do something useful and go back to the manor on the hill? GO BABYSIT THE KIDDO while I take care of this 'ere mess." It was neither a suggestion nor a request but a demand plain and simple, if his tone wasn't evident. "Go. Some of us have real work to do." Too much work for one day, that was for sure.
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