joanofarc · 2 years
look right, salako (1999).
show you’re in love with the world
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Listed: James Waudby
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Photo credit: Matthew Sturgess
James Waudby has been in bands for decades, starting in the late 1990s with Salako, which made three records and a Peel Session and toured with Pavement. Pavement drummer Steve West later tapped Waudby for his Marble Bay project and the musician also sings lead in Horse Guard Parade. On the Ballast Miles, however, resembles none of these projects. It’s a spare, lovely 1960s’ influenced folk classic and one of the best albums of 2023 so far. In his Dusted review, Christian Carey observed, “Waubdy’s guitar-playing, in particular, displays an intricacy that belies its dynamic level. Harmonics, pitch bends, dissonant verticals, and drones create an atmosphere that sits astride blues and folk.”
Here’s a list of some of the albums that I continually return to. I suppose they could be filed under good tunes played in an interesting way.
Royal Trux — Cats and Dogs
I used to listen to John Peel’s late-night Radio One show in the early nineties when one night, as I was dozing off, “Spectre” by Royal Trux came on and it totally changed everything. I realized there were no rules and nothing was off limits. You could write a good tune and play it any way you liked.
Townes Van Zandt — S/T
I listen to Townes Van Zandt, and I believe everything he says. Undiluted, raw song craft. Some of the bleakest songs, but also very beautiful. “Waitin' Around to Die” is the classic, but every song on this record is genius.
Shirley Collins and Davy Graham — Folk Roots New Routes
The arrangements on this album are mind blowing. In some songs they fit together effortlessly and in other songs you marvel at how Davy Graham came up with such inventive arrangements. And throughout, Shirley Collins’ voice serenely sings in her own beautiful style. It must have been amazing to hear this album when it first came out.
Matthew J Rolin — S/T
Matthew J. Rolin by Matthew J. Rolin
There’s so much great instrumental guitar music coming out at the moment and all the players have their own style, but Matthew J Rolin is always so tuneful. I love all his records, but this one just pips the others as my favorite.
Neil Young — On the Beach
If I could only listen to one artist for the rest of my life it would have to be Neil Young. There’s so much depth in his work, especially the first decade period. I could have chosen any album, live record, or bootleg, but the lyrics on this LP are some of his best. Another week I might have chosen After the Gold Rush. It’s all amazing.
Plush — More You Becomes You
It is so hard to make an album sound this simple and convey so much feeling in such a short selection of piano-led song sketches. Just stunning from start to finish.
Karen Dalton — In My Own Time
This album is perfect. Not sure there is anything else I can say about it.
Toby Hay — New Music for the Twelve String Guitar
New Music For The 12 String Guitar by Toby Hay
A brilliant Welsh guitarist who has been producing some great instrumental records on his own and with Jim Geddes. I think this one works the best as a whole piece of work. The recording envelops you and he has a beautiful guitar.
Robert Wyatt — Ruth is Stranger than Richard
This album should be a multi-million seller. I can’t understand why it is never in the top ten lists of all-time best albums. Robert Wyatt’s body of work will stand the test of time, but this record stands out. Playful, great tunes, insightful lyrics — what more could you want?
Bert Jansch — Jack Orion
The best album ever made? I think so. With similar tunings throughout, and the same guitar riffs reappearing, the album feels like a suite of folk music rather than a collection of songs. Tracks like “First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” and Jansch’s masterpiece, “Blackwater Side,” stand out, but the sequencing of the songs to create an ebb and flow draws you in so you can’t stop listening until every note has finished.
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yourgzslupa · 6 months
yagliboya yapicagim yerin fotisini cekmeyi unutmuşum gibi bi gun
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teenagedirtstache · 2 years
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insidecroydon · 2 years
'Precarious' Palace sack boss Vieira after no wins in 11 games
Eagles were ‘sleepwalking to relegation’ under the former France and Arsenal star, as some suggest veteran ex-manager Hodgson might return in a caretaker role Crystal Palace have sacked manager Patrick Vieira. Struggling: under Patrick Vieira, Palace have not won a league game this year The move comes less than 48 hours after Vieira saw his struggling side lose 1-0 at arch-rivals Brighton on…
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morganablenewsmedia · 2 months
My Birth Was Delayed By Forces Of Darkness, Says, Obasanjo
My Birth Was Delayed By Forces Of Darkness, Says, Obasanjo Witches And Wizards Wanted Me Death In Womb Witches and Wizards delayed my birth. I was in my mother’s womb for 12 months. I was expected to die in womb but God intervened In Yoruba culture, it is widespread that any unborn child wombed for more than nine months is a special child and an anointed one destined for greatness. And this is no…
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versinator · 2 years
Ízük salakos
Nagyképével remekbemetszett menedékül módszere Váladéka gabonafélék szemüvegemet rajzszöggel Fogjatok indáiból ültess sikere Megbántottak árnyaztak bűneik különbséggel
Fölnyitottam sáskajárás napszak egere Szigetein sarkokból tömegeket sebességgel Távolodsz törüljük másoknál orkesztere Harmonikás szőlőkben pillája gyermeksereggel
Gyerekkoromra zsoltárait belépünk ásítottak Istennői gyűlölnek ugattak gombkicsi Rendelkezem boulevardjain alólad visszahulltak
Számlálhatatlanok útkereszteződést rongygulyák kölyökkicsi Kosarából boldogulnak szakítsátok lecsurogtak Révületéből nyargalásztak felmagasztalt cirkuszkocsi
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truetellsnigeria1 · 2 years
Lekki Free Trade Zone Saga! 2 Top Police Officers, SP Salako, CSP Jejeloye In Landgrabbing Mess
Lekki Free Trade Zone Saga! 2 Top Police Officers, SP Salako, CSP Jejeloye In Landgrabbing Mess
Lekki Free Trade Zone Saga! 2 Top Police Officers, SP Salako, CSP Jejeloye In Landgrabbing Mess If care is not taking, a serious communal clash might occur between the indigenes of Abomiti, Yeguda and Eyin-Osa Communities in Ilamija, Epe Lagos State and alleged Landgrabbers in police uniform, over the ressetlement land given to the 3 communities by the Lagos State government in 2006, after their…
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keepingitneutral · 5 months
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Barn House Redefined, Salakos, Rhodes, Greece,
Courtesy: P4architecture
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kavekkozt · 5 months
Mi a Duna rossz oldalán lakunk, úgyhogy nálunk ezek a régi villamosok járnak
Teljesen jó, kivéve ha babakocsival/csomaggal/kerekesszékkel vagy (vagy ha süt a nap! már írtam a wiener liniennek hogy firhangot bitte de nem értettek egyet velem ebben)
De az ülések alatt van ilyen salakos doboz (a második képen látszik) és a végállomáson, ahol lakunk, a vezető felhajtja az összes ülést és egy kis lapáttal megkeveri a salakot
Eddig azt hittem hogy csak esőben csinálja, és azért van, hogy ne csússzon a villamos a vizes síneken (???) de ma is csinálta
(Megfejtéseket szívesen fogadok a szerkesztőségbe)
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 months
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Chic Clicks
Exhibition curator Ulrich Lehmann
Hatje Cantz Publ. , Berlin 2002, 150+140 pages, 23,5x30cm, ISBN 3-7757-1135-X
euro 90,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Catalogue reads from both directions, with texts in the center of the book, with hundreds of full color photographs by a range of artists including Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Anders Edstrom, Takashi Himma, Richard Prince, Collier Schorr, Cindy Sherman, Larry Sultan, Erwin Wurm, and many others. Published on the occasion of the exhibition held first in Boston from January 23-May 5, 2002, and subsequently at Fotomuseum Winterthur from June 15-August 18, 2002. 
Chic Clicks est la première publication traitant du conflit entre la revendication artistique et la réalité commerciale dans la photographie de mode. 40 photographes de renom présentent des travaux libres et inédits ainsi que des commandes publiées dans des magazines de mode ; cinq essais traitent de la photographie de mode dans sa signification culturelle et sociale.
Chic Clicks présente à la fois des clichés privés et expérimentaux de photographes qui se sont fait un nom avec des photos de mode, et des photos de mode de photographes qui se sont d'abord fait connaître par leur travail artistique et qui, par conséquent, ont reçu des commandes de magazines de mode et d'entreprises.
Les artistes : Fred Aufray, Laetitia Benat, Anuschka Blommers & Niels Schumm, Koto Bolofo, Mark Borthwick, Jean-François Carly, Alex Cayley, Banu Cennetoglu, Donald Christie, Philippe Cometti, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Corinne Day, Horst Diekgerdes, Anders Edström, Alexei Hay, Takashi Homma, Mikael Jansson, Marcelo Krasilcic, Christophe Kutner, Tom Lingnau et Frank Schumacher, Glen Luchford, Richard Prince, Dmon Prunner, Blaise Reuterswärd, Terry Richardson, Satoshi Saikusa, Jimo Salako, Luis Sanchis, Collier Schorr, Cindy Sherman, David Sims, Antonio Spinoza, Larry Sultan, Iké Udé, Javier Vallhonrat, Jonathan de Villiers, Matthias Vriens, Erwin Wurm
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pajjorimre · 1 year
Alef ilyen gyerekkori haverom,
csórikámat bullyingolta még az anyja is, de tényleg, embert nem hallottam még Tamást Támónak becézni, na ez az öccse volt, nem az Alef, az Alef az Zoli, ne kérdezd miért. Kicsit szalajtott szegény, az anyja pedagógia módszerei meg kimerültek abban, hogy a jobban sikerült Támót (azt mondjuk egyszer kurvára szájba vertem mikor a bátyját ütötte meg fikázta, meghúztam a salakos focipályán, ez volt az én pedagógia módszerem 10+évesen) dugdosta az orra alá, meg ordított vele hogy venne példát a TÁMÓRÓL és ne lenne fogyatékos kissé. Apa, mikor megunta a gyereknevelést, bebaszott és egy-három családtagot elvert vasalózsinórral vagy övvel. Ezt lehetett sokszor hallani. Aztán mi elköltöztünk, de suliba meg a haverokhoz visszajártam még. Cseperedtek a srácok, anyu valahogy csak kirúgta fatert, aztán elvesztettem a fonalat, egyszer a vasútállomáson találkoztam Alef faterjával, hajléktalanként nyomta hosszú évek óta, kb mióta kidoba a feleség. Elöször csak a lábujjai fagytak el, aztán elüszkösödött a fél faszi kb, a combja is lila volt, pár éve aztán elvitte az egyik éjjeli -20. Később Aleffal futottam össze párszor, anyjáról, testvéréről sose beszélt, a koripályánál a hűtőházban raktároskodott békében, összeszedett volt, nyugdíjas állás. Aztán meg ma láttam meg teljesen véletlenül, leparkoltam, odamentem hozzá, nem nagyon ismertem meg, csak kb, 10+éve láttam utoljára, üldögélt egy üveg kannással a hajléktalanszálló kerítésén, mi van Alef, hogy kerülsz ide, csak a vállát vonogatta, mi a faszt mondjon ugye, 30 év bullying otthon meg az iskolákban ahova járt, megtette a magáét, soha, senki nem akarta felismerni a mentális zavarát és segíteni rajta, se a tanárai, se szomszédok, még a saját anyja se, inkább lenyomták a fejét, ott is maradt, ez a faszi ebből már sose áll fel. Tiszta apja amúgy, még a lába is ugyanúgy lilul.
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tam eve giricem giriş kapısında annem.. salakos beyefendi sabah 7 de evden kaçma planı yapmış
yer mi anadolu çocu olum (1 saattir 9 kat arası in çık yapıyorm
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yuregindenyarali · 5 months
salako arkadasim hemen uyumus catladimm
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str4y-c4t-strut · 8 months
Hello to the Lithuanian speakers on this site! I'm an English speaker with no knowledge of the Lithuanian language. Due to some research I've been doing into older Lithuanian folklore and practices, I've come across the terms "žaltỹs" in reference to a snake and "gyvãtė" in reference to a snake. What is the difference between these terms with regard to snake characteristics biologically, behaviourally, culturally and otherwise?
For example in this passage:
"Žalčius tvartuose laikydavo, nes kur yra žalčių, tai nėra gyvačių" (Salako village, LTR 1483 (31))
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joanofarc · 9 months
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let the sun shine through c60
thanks for listening yesterday while i recorded this... a sweet little ode to some cool finds and loves of 2023. getting stoned and listening to tunes hasn't been more fun. tracklist below the cut...
speaker bite me 'could have been a party' salako 'the moonlight radiates a purple glow in his world' ninian hawick 'scottish rite temple stomp' pants yell! '83 in 03' long fin killie 'valentino' miracle legion 'paradise' 2nd grade 'as long as we can talk about it [demo]' winter vacation 'on a ski slope' acetone 'vibrato' tugboat '12 degrees of separation' ifwhen 'interference' dalias 'condenado' cloudboy 'you're so pretty' his name is alive 'the bees (the bees)' eydie gorme 'piel canela' the fat tulips 'surely' the pooh sticks 'i saw the light'
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