#Sally ships SanSan
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Tag game: answer these questions, and then tag people you want to get to know better.
Got tagged by: @joansblondells & @erythromanc3r. Thank you both! I must say I didn't even know people noticed my existence here haha
3 ships: Hellcheer (Eddie Munson/Chrissy Cunningham from Stranger Things), Merik (Meg Giry/Erik from The Phantom of the Opera) and Sansan (Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark from A Song of Ice and Fire)
First ship: Probably Xelfi (I also liked Valfi!) from Slayers TRY or Taiora from Digimon Adventure.
Currently consuming: Very hot tea!
Last movie: When Harry Met Sally... And I get why people like it but I didn't like it at all.
Last song: Paradise City by Guns N' Roses. I got obsessed with the video recently and I can't stop listening to it. Video is cool, song is fun and they all looked beautiful.
Currently watching: Season 2 of Ginny & Georgia. Very entertaining so far! And I plan to finish Willow after that.
Currently reading: A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft. Only a few pages in but the writing is beautiful. I'm very curious.
Currently craving: My friends! I really wanna meet my friends soon. And eat french fries, cause who doesn't crave that?
tagging (if you want to do it): @kargyle @foolishdoodles @flowerinyourextensions @anyarlly @itsdancingquen @labrujavegana @everdeenwayland @slowtides @mar-aluna @itsalola07 @melisketch @goblin-mj @hellcheerx @ashvanewrites @girl-among-mts @cookiemeal0
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supernovadragoncat · 4 years
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Thunderstruck Outtake: Sally Cancels the THOT in Sandor’s Dressing Room (What happened after Chapter 14)
Dedicated to @jennusdemenus who asked for a glimpse into what happened directly after Chapter 14 (aka what happened to that THOT in Sandor’s dressing room, you know the one!) 
Read on below the cut to find out! 
You can catch Thunderstruck here on AO3 and here on FF.net! Only two chapters left!  
Back to the door, Sally watched the venue thin out. This bit was always the same. The city or the venue didn’t matter. Groupies and drunks, they were always the last to go. The drunks would plant themselves in an empty floor and wail for another encore well after the band left the stage and the crew started clearing off the gear. The groupies would flock to the door Sally had planted himself in front of and wield their feminine wiles in hopes of sneaking past.
As it stood, neither the groupies nor the drunks got too far, and Sally occupied himself with self-indulgent daydreams. He was usually hungry right about now. Having scrambled for scraps earlier, tonight was no exception. While Cannibal Star was likely on the prowl for booze and women, Sally had one thing on his mind.
Soft and sweet. Heaven on his lips. He’d savor every moment.
I shouldn’t.
He’d already had two cupcakes, but then also that beer and he wasn’t a twenty-something anymore, metabolism burning through every bit of bullshit he put in his body. His gut could prove it; the wobbly bits that hadn’t been there two years ago and showed no signs of slowing down now.
What’s a third cupcake when you’ve already had two? Sally reasoned with himself.
Catering got the kind he liked; the icing wasn’t too sweet and melted like butter on a hot July day in his mouth. Not that he ever let it be known. This shit wasn’t about him and he was just grateful no one had told him to pound sand yet. If anything, Cannibal Star had become some of his closest friends, the crew like family. They took care of their own and catering got the cupcakes he liked. That must count for something.
A flurry of activity snapped Sally out of his daydream. The crew all appeared absolutely addled as a roadie hurried across the stage, hollering about something or another that beckoned the others to gape in saucer-eyed wonder. The roadie jumped down to the floor and rushed to Sally.
“Shit’s going down. Sandor and his girl,” the kid panted and nudged his way past Sally and through the door that led to the hall.
“Oh my God!” Sally damn near punted the roadie out of his way and bolted down the corridor. He caught of glimpse of fiery red hair blazing towards the back door and Sandor looking like the world was crumbling around him.
Sandor turned to Sally, at a loss and out of words, any stray bits of explanation he could manage. That all fled the man now and he tore into his dressing room like a tornado, fury quick on the heels of emotional ruin and it was a wonder the flimsy door wasn’t ripped off the hinges.
“Trouble with the little lady?”
Sally hovered outside the dressing room and recognized the voice emanating from the other side. Mona the Monster’s ludicrous attempt at sultry banter was embarrassing even in the best of times and now solidified her place squarely on the blacklist of shame.
The men of Cannibal Star didn’t spook easy and certainly put up with their fair share of crazy if it meant getting laid at the end of it. It took a lot to get added to the blacklist.
“Get the fuck out!” Sandor’s shouts exploded into the hall and he bounded towards the doorway, wrangling Mona by her upper arm as he went.
“If you think I’ll tell you twice, you’re stupider than I’ve always known you to be.”
The woman’s feet barely had the opportunity to the meet the floor before her mostly naked ass was being tossed into the hall for Cannibal Star, the crew, and all of God’s green creation to see.
Ankles buckling, she stumbled and barely caught herself when her arms shot to the cinderblock wall.
“I’m actually very intelligent—” she fired back, equal parts furious and haughty even now, mostly naked and looking haggard in the harsh fluorescent lights beaming up above.
Anger like Sally had never seen consumed Sandor. Wide-eyed fury, fists curled, chest heaving, and face burning red—if Sally didn’t know any better, Sandor was teetering on the precipice of quite literally exploding.
“You’re trash! That’s all you’ve ever been,” he seethed in a commendable show of restraint, so much so the man was shaking. He pointed a trembling finger at Mona the Monster.
A crowd had gathered in the corridor, the message having spread like wildfire. By Sally’s estimate, the entire production now lined the hall to watch this holy terror finally get taken to task. Mona the Monster had a reputation all her own—an ungodly abomination of self-righteous entitlement and paper-thin self-esteem.
Sandor shifted towards her in a quiet step and a faint smirk Sally knew to be the calm in the storm. The fury roiled beneath the surface but next came the exacting cruelty that Sandor wielded better than anyone Sally knew.
Mona seemed to know what was coming too. Her eyes scanned the hall of faces all watching in twisted delight at her impending downfall. Her arms crossed over her chest in a laughable attempt at modesty.
“In all these years you’ve been around, spreading your legs for anything with a guitar and a pulse, I’ve never gone for you,” Sandor began, voice a deep rumble, but his eyes still flashed with rage. “I haven’t even looked at you twice. I find a girl who’s leaps and bounds better than you in every conceivable way, the first girl I’ve ever loved, and that’s when you think I’m going to hit it? Tell me again how intelligent you are. You’re nothing. You’re old, your tits are saggy, you reek of cigarettes and booze. Even at your youngest, all you could ever offer anyone was a lousy lay and now you’ve defined new levels of disgusting and that’s the only distinction you’re worthy of.”  
Snickering and quiet encouragement rolled over the crowd. Mona’s eyes darted up and down the hall, desperate to find a sympathetic gaze to latch onto. For some absurd reason, her eyes landed on Sally.
“Don’t look at me!” Sally barked. “You’ve done it now, you nasty bitch.”
“Like you’ve ever amounted to anything,” Mona snapped. “You’re a nobody!”
All at once, the members of Cannibal Star hurled themselves from their perches throughout the hall, peeling away with congruent fervor to be done with Mona the Monster.
“Done! You’re done!” Sandor bellowed and lurched towards her, settling in next to Sally’s side. “If I ever see you at one of our shows or practices, you even breathe the name ‘Cannibal Star’ in this city, you’re getting a Stratocaster shoved so far up your ass, you’ll be choking on the strings for the rest of your shit-filled life.” Sandor leveled irate eyes at Sally. “Take out the trash.”
Sandor turned on his heel without another glance and disappeared in his dressing room. Silence blanketed the hall.
After all these years, the shame finally caught up to Mona and, when it came, it came like an avalanche. For the rest of them, justice came just as mighty and sugary sweet. Tears rolled down Mona’s cheeks in a river of jet-black mascara. In one last ditch effort, she reached for Thoros, tits now exposed for all to see.
“A bridge too far. Get the fuck out,” he grumbled and eyed her in a way no groupie ever wanted to be regarded. Sandor had the right of it—disgust. This woman was worthy of nothing more than that.
Mona stumbled towards Harwin, probably seeking out the softest of the bunch, the one most likely to toss her stray bits of sympathy. Sally held his breath and said a little prayer that the kid would keep his wits about him.  
“You heard the man,” Harwin sniped with usual iciness. “You’re done. Get out.”
In a few more faltering steps and gasping cries, Mona eased down the hall towards Bronn. Sally fell in after her, blocking her path should she try to flee the other way. Mona blubbered a plea and Bronn crossed his arms tight over his chest.
“This was a long time coming, sweetheart. We all stand behind his decision. Get gone.” Bronn motioned to the door at the end of the hall leading to the parking lot.
Sally remembered now that’s where that sweet little Sansa had disappeared, and he hoped like hell that girl still wasn’t out there. Or maybe it was better if she was—she could witness Mona’s fall from grace, though she probably wouldn’t enjoy it as much as the crew was now.
A wave of applause rolled down the hall, growing louder as Mona continued towards the doors with Sally close behind. At the end of the line, no rope left to cling to, Mona turned to Sally.
“Can I at least get my clothes?” she pleaded on a quivering breath.
In only heels and a thong, Mona tried in earnest to cover herself. Sally reached around her and pushed open the door. A blast of chilly air swept through.
“No, should’ve thought about that when you took them off in his dressing room.” Sally shoved Mona through to the other side and followed after. She shivered against the night air. “I mean, he came here with her. How fucking stupid are you? What exactly did you expect?”
Mona lifted her eyes from the ground and glared at Sally but must’ve thought the better of mouthing off. As it stood, she was the one humiliated for all to see and standing outside naked. Sally scanned the parking lot for Sansa and thanked the man upstairs that she wasn’t here. Hopefully, she was safe and okay.
Sally spotted a flattened cardboard box perched against the fence on the other side of the lot. He motioned his head towards it. “You can cover yourself with that.”
She had the audacity to scoff. The offended breath escaped her thin, ugly lips that snarled at him. Sally prodded her shoulder with his finger and stepped to her, forcing Mona to shuffle backwards.
“Now you listen here, and you listen well, you tramp—Sansa is beautiful, and kind and she loves him. You’re not even in the same Universe as her. You have nothing to offer him. And if you think she’s some lovesick hanger-on, I’ve known that man far longer than you have, and I’ve never seen him like this. He loves her too.
“Nothing’s coming between them. Not a tour, not distance, not time. Nothing. Mark my words, they’re it for each other and they’ll figure this out. And you’ll still be a dried-up, bitter hag.
“Like he said. You’re done. I’m putting the crew on notice. If anyone catches a whiff of your skanky ass, you’ll leave here missing more than just your clothes next time.”
“Bye now!” he taunted with a wave before pulling the door shut.
On the other side, the hall had cleared out, both shows of the night now over. Sally retreated to the catering room and poked his head inside. The stars aligned in a rare formation and by some celestial miracle one lone cupcake sat pristine and unaccounted for on the table. Sally plucked it from the spot on the plate and admired the swirl of white icing on the top.
Back down the hall, he cradled the cupcake in his hands but the little flush of joy he felt was short lived as he passed Sandor’s dressing room door, wide open now. Inside, Sandor dwarfed the chair he sat in, elbows to knees and his forehead cradled in the palm of his hand.
Sally hovered beneath the doorframe, almost certain Sandor was aware that a presence had joined him. His shoulders tensed and his breathing shallowed, but the man remained resolute in his abject misery that kept him rooted where he was.
“Anything I can do?” Sally ventured.
Face still obscured, Sandor didn’t move other than the faint shake of his head. It was a wasted courtesy anyhow. What exactly could he do? Anything he could think to offer would be like tossing fistfuls of dirt into a gaping chasm that’d been created in Sandor’s life. The futility was absurd, and the man was so clearly already suffering the loss.
Sally’s gaze drifted to the cupcake in his hand—the last one, but he’d already had two, so the right choice was glaringly obvious. He paced into the room in shuffled steps and stopped in front of Sandor.  
“Here. Take this.” He held out the cupcake and Sandor finally lifted his head from his hand. Sally saw clear enough what he’d been trying to hide. Sandor’s eyes glistened with tears.  
“Those are your favorite.” Sandor shook his head and settled back in the seat. “Why do you think we tell catering to get them?”
“Always assumed it was a coincidence,” Sally shrugged. “Then it sounds like there will be plenty of cupcakes in my future. Take it.”
He jabbed the cupcake towards Sandor who took it from Sally and set it on the table next to him.
“Thank you,” Sandor murmured on a voice almost as deflated as he looked.  
A cumbersome silence fell between them and Sally took it as his cue to leave. He retreated to the door but stopped beneath the frame.
“If you’re curious, after handing her ass to her, I told her touring, distance, time, a tramp in your dressing room—I don’t honestly believe any of that is going to come between you and Sansa.”
“How do you know that?” Sandor countered and a deep crease of contemplation settled between his brows.
Sally could’ve laughed. It was obvious. Everyone that met Sansa tonight commented on it in one way or another and it all distilled down to the same damn thing—something shifted in Sandor with her around. She quieted him in a way, the stillness of peace for a man so accustomed to a life uprooted and unsettled; one who prided himself on being grounded and Sansa rooted him in a different reality—one where he was worthy of love and she was more than willing to give it.
Sandor had no family, nothing much to call his own, except now her and it scared the poor bastard in a way that meant he understood the gravity of what he’d been given. In some ways, Sally couldn’t blame him; the guy had been given the keys to the kingdom and bore the responsibility of not fucking it up.
“Just a feeling,” Sally said because how the fuck was he supposed to explain all this? The man would figure it out one way or another. “When you know, you know. You know?”
Sandor expelled a quiet laugh. “Yeah, I do know,” he said, shouldering the tremendous weight of regret. Sally had been there. The lessons of age came with more than just a few extra pounds and some things were heavier and harder to carry.
“Was she out there?” he asked and, when his eyes drifted from the floor to Sally, Sandor looked caught in a tangle between devastating sadness and foolhardy hopefulness.
“No, man. She’s left.”
Once more, Sally glimpsed the way Sandor’s eyes glistened when his gaze returned to the floor. Sandor bit his bottom lip hard and nodded.
Sally offered what paltry advice he could, and it wasn’t about placating the man. He and Sandor had an honest understanding, one that meant they could speak freely with one another and Sally took that liberty where he could and right now Sandor needed it.
“She may have left, but that doesn’t mean she’s gone,” Sally offered. “And you may not be able to get her back tonight but, one of these nights, you will. You just wait and see.”
It was a call to faith and Sally didn’t know much about what Sandor believed in and in some ways it didn’t matter. Certain things superseded the superficial constructs of belief and love was one of them. And if there were ever two people desperately, stupidly in love with one another, it was Sansa and Sandor and sooner or later they’d figure it out.
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Game of Thrones Rewatch: Grips and Observations about Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things
I wonder if Bran will get to ride in his special saddle again. How’s he’s going to get around now that Hodor is dead? Other people will have to carry him, obviously.
I know some book fans take issue with Tyrion being too good or nice but I think the show needs him the way he is. There should be at least one pragmatist who’s very aware of the world he lives in and is not an asshole because of it.
Balon really was an idiot to rebel. The Iron Islands really kind of is the culture of scum fucks.
Aww, it’s sad that Pyp and Gren are dead. They were fun characters.
They didn’t even try to make Vaes Dothrak look the same in season 6! I think Vaes Dothrak in season 1 was in Ireland and in Spain in season 6. Was that location not available again?
How did Maester Pycelle become Grand Measter, I wonder. He’s such a conniving suck up. I guess he sucked up to the right people.
Arya might need to marry someone to help rebuild House Stark. I wonder if it will even be talked about, even if it doesn’t happen. She could end up a lord’s lady after all. 
Randell Tarly really is the worst piece of shit. I hope he dies painfully. Sam is a cinnamon role, too good for this world.
I love the scene with Petyr and Ned walking through the garden and he points out all the spies. It really illustrates how backstabby Kings Landing is. I wonder if Petyr always set out to betray Ned or if he would have helped him if it was advantageous for Petyr. Maybe not since he was so obsessed with Catelyn.
I know Gendry is coming back and I can’t wait!
For being so fat, and probably in bad health, Robert can still have a lot of sex, it seems.
Jamie was right about something. Theon wasn’t a “good lad.”
The scene were Jon, Pyp, and Gren threaten Rast is why a mute Ghost wouldn’t have worked. It would have been strange to have him make no noise on screen.
Jon is more right than Alliser, of course.. You need to cultivate loyalty among the Night’s Watchmen through solidarity, which is what Jon did. Beating Sam on the ground would not make him a better fighter or a fighter at all. Yes, you want a man to have your back in the wilderness but “tough love” never worked for Sam in the past, so yeah.
I think it’s interesting how quickly and easily Daenerys makes friends with other women. Maybe she’s desperate for that kind of companionship because she’s never had it up until this point. Also yeah, hit Viserys! No sense was, sadly for him, knocked into him though.
Sam calling sex with whores “Sally-on-the-side” is so cute. Catelyn called them “back-alley-Sallies” I guess there’s a lot of whores named Sally. Sam finds Jon’s virginity hard to believe because he’s so pretty, obviously. I love how he says “you’re a bastard from the North.” He sounds like he’s reading a text book.
This is why I think Jon is kind of boring. He’s so perfect. “Oh, I didn’t bang a hot and willing woman because of my sad, honorable intentions.” I’ve never hated him and the story probably needs him to be the way he is but that doesn’t make me a fan.
I guess Throne is such an asshole because of what’s he’s been through? But it still doesn’t make him interesting.
Robert actually wears Baratheon colors for once, black and yellow. He kind of matches Cersei as the gold of her dress is a yellowish gold. She also has a Baratheon crown but it has a red stone. Common people also see them, so she might be trying to put on the imagine of being united with her husband?
Ayra is wearing one of the embodied collars Catelyn wears all the time and Sansa wore in season 1. That’s as fancy as Arya gets. I can’t tell what’s on the collar but I’d guess there’s Tully fish on it. Sansa actually wore one of these again in season 5 when she goes back to Winterfell. In promotional photos for next season Arya is wearing Stark men’s clothing but I wonder if she’ll try and put anything of her mother’s on her, like Sansa did with the Tully fish in season 5.
Man, Sansan fans don’t get much to work with in the show. In the book, Sandor tells Sansa how he got his scar, in the show it’s Petyr. They made a choice up front clearly to not have Sansan come off as any kind of possibility and built Petyr and Sansa starting here. I don’t ship anything in the books or show but I much prefer Sansa and Sandor to her and Petyr.
Also I guess the way it is in the show Arya hears the story, too and that pays off in a scene in the fourth season between her and Sandor.
Pink really is not Cersei’s color.
This ending scene with where I really feel in love with Catelyn. She owns the room! It’s one of the most powerful scenes in the entire show, imo. And it’s like seriously, what else could she have done? She doesn’t really know Tyrion and in this world family is everything. It tells you who you love and who you hate. Tyrion is a Lannister and Catelyn had no reason to doubt her sisters warnings or Petyr’s words. In the show we can easily guess it was Cersei who sent the killer and put the Tyrion’s blade in the killer’s hand just in case it went south so it could be pinned on Tyrion because she hated him. I know in the books it was Joffrey but I think it was Cersei in the show.
Tyrion would have gone back to King’s Landing and told them she was sneaking around the country and that’s exactly what she didn’t want to have happen. She didn’t have many options in that situation and lying isn’t a strong suit of hers.
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supernovadragoncat · 4 years
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Sally Appreciation Post
#1 SanSan Shipper (Catch him in action here)
He stans love and happy endings! 
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supernovadragoncat · 4 years
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Chapter 16 | Patience
The mistake wasn’t so simple as prematurely pulling the plug on the greatest thing that’d ever happened to him. He didn’t really ponder much about God or the Universe, but if anything was looking out for this shit-show planet, it did him a solid by bringing Sansa into his life and Sandor had done the karmic equivalent of giving that God or whatever the hell it was the middle finger.
Read it on AO3 or FF.net!
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