#Sam Kaeler
bitchdafuqyousay · 8 months
At Mami's
The house was almost uncomfortably warm, despite the windows being open and the loud grumbling of the old ac system. Sam was sitting on the couch; ramrod straight with his hands folded tightly in his lap. It wasn’t the heat that was making him so uncomfortable- it was the massive, scarred man sprawled out near him. He was reclining on the arm of the couch, his forearm tucked under his head with the other one folded over his stomach. The real problem was that one long leg was slung over the back of the couch, his muscular thigh bordering on touching Sam’s shoulder and the other leg was hung off the edge which resulted in their ankles touching each other. Practically caging him in on the couch.
He also had no fucking idea who this guy was. 
The blonde had just waltzed in through the door and dropped down on the couch right next to Sam as if he lived there. Which Sam was pretty sure he didn’t; he thinks the woman who took him in would have mentioned that she had a massive roommate who had actual guns, plus in the four or so weeks he’d been with Mami he’d never seen this guy. He seems like something someone would mention.
Or maybe not.
This whole island was a fucking nightmare so maybe this was just another normal thing here. He silently prayed Mami would get back from the market soon. Though he didn’t believe in prayer or God anymore. Not after his parents abandoned him here. Hardcore christians who thought that somehow all their white, bible thumping, protestant glory would bring God and salvation to this place. Allegedly at least. That’s what they said. Yet for some reason of all their eight children they only took their seventeen year old son with them, and after a month of yelling about God on street corners they suddenly disappeared. He just woke up in the apartment they’d rented alone, finding his parents and their stuff gone. His things had all been left, save his passport. That’d vanished alongside his mom and dad. 
He’d come to believe that they came here with the intention of abandoning him.
The big man shifted some, his head lifting slightly and looking in the direction of the door; which opened just seconds after.
“What’re you doing in my house, gringo grande? I don’t recall inviting you to see me.”
Okay, so she did know him. But he didn’t live here. Sam was right.
“Sammy, if he shows up just tell him to get lost.” The old woman strode past the couch where the two males were and dropped her bags on the kitchen table with a grunt
“Oh, uhm- I dun’ think I…” The boy trailed off, glancing at the man out of the corner of his eye. He just huffed dismissively and reached into his vest pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, but he didn’t get to take one out though because he got smacked on the wrist almost instantly by Mami, who’d gotten there so quick she may as well have teleported.
“Hans, que Dios te ayuda- do not light that trash in my house!” 
The man rolled his eyes but still closed the box and put it away, dropping his head back on the arm of the sofa with a groan. 
“You of all people should know that nothing gets lit in my house unless it's Cuban or pure cannabis.”
She turned away to walk back to the bag of produce she’d brought back when the man, Hans, spoke; “Sage. Incense.” 
The two words sounded rough; a harsh, whispered growl as if it was hard to get them out of his throat. Mami glared at him over his shoulder and Sam flinched a bit. He wanted to get up and step outside but alas, he was still trapped between this bastard’s legs. He couldn’t leave without clambering over a large thigh and Sam was humiliated at the thought.
Yeah, ‘scuse me big guy I'm just gonna climb over you real quick dun’ mind me as I scramble over your thigh to run out of here.
Absolutely not. 
“If you’re gonna be cheeky then get out of my house, pendejo.”
Hans grunted out something like a laugh, “¿Usted casa es mi casa, no?”
“No. What do you want?”
Sam followed Hans’ arm as he lifted it off his stomach and pointed to an envelope on the table. Sam hadn’t even noticed it, he had no idea Hans had even brought anything besides his twin guns. Though he supposed anyone normal would be more focused on the weapons a man was carrying and not a fucking piece of mail. Mami huffed and shuffled over to snatch it up; tearing it open to examine the contents- a piece of paper and a flashdrive. She scrutinized the paper and looked over the top of it to glare at her uninvited guest. If looks could kill, Hans would’ve exploded right there on the couch and taken Sam out with him. 
“No haga este tipo de trabajo, Hans. Y tú lo sabes.” 
Sam ducked as the man quite literally slung his leg over Sam’s head so he could plant his foot on the floor and sit up fully. He held up his hands in a placating sort of way. The old lady looked at the flashdrive in her hand and sighed loudly- running a hand down her face in exasperation. She stared at Hans for a second and Sam was surprised to see a soft look pass over her features. 
Then Mami waved a wrinkled hand dismissively, “I’ve gotta make a call, get out for a moment.”
Hans stood up and headed for the door, then looked over his shoulder and sighed before striding back to grab Sam by his collar- pulling him out as well. Sam didn’t protest. He had a feeling this guy wouldn’t listen to him and there was no way he would be able to fight him off.
Once they were outside with the rickety door shut behind them the other guy took his pack of cigarettes out again, tapping the bottom on the palm of a large hand before pulling one out and placing it between his lips. He paused and turned his head slightly to look down at Sam, quirking an eyebrow curiously. Sam hadn’t realized he’d been staring and started to stammer an apology.
A cigarette was held out in front of his face before he could get out a whole word, though. Hans must’ve thought he’d been looking at his smokes, that was good. Sam had actually just been staring in general, but this little misunderstanding was better- he was sure of it. 
“I’ve never smoked before.” He blurted out while taking it from him anyways. Hans shrugged and pulled out a lighter, lighting his before passing it to Sam. Sam flicked it, but startled at the spark and almost dropped it instead of successfully lighting the cigarette. His face burned, but not from the heat outside as Hans took the lighter and lit the cigarette for him.
Sam had seen people smoke before, breathe in then exhale the smoke. It seemed simple, and the guy next to him made it look really, really easy. So it’d probably be fine. Sam inhaled deeply.
It wasn’t fine.
Almost immediately Sam began to cough, it tasted awful and burned in his chest. His eyes watered up and he doubled over a bit. He was humiliated, honestly.
This is the worst I hate it here why did I take that thing he’s gonna laugh at me oh my god-
He felt a hand on his upper back, patting him as he choked. He glanced up though teary eyes and was almost more embarrassed to see that the man wasn’t laughing; his face was almost totally blank and unmoved, like he’d been expecting this outcome. He needed to detract from this moment; he needed to divert the attention, even though it was barely even there.
“So, uh, I’m seventeen.”
Hans stopped patting his back and looked down at him quizzically. ‘So what?’ was written on his face.
“I’ve only been here a few months. Mami took me in, she’s really good. I dun’ think I’d still be alive if she didn’t find me and decide to help me out.” He was blabbering, Hans just nodded.
“I’m seventeen-” shit, he’d already said that “-how old are you?”
Hans held up two fingers, then eight. Twenty-eight. “Woah!”
The pale man’s head whipped around to stare down at him- giving him a very sharp look. 
Fuck you mean ‘woah’!?
“I mean, uh, it’s not like you look old- or something like that, you just look tired? The people that I knew who were in their twenties were all just, peppy. Bright eyed and stuff. Though maybe that’s cause they're delusional. Culty. I dunno. Sorry.”
Hans looked away and sucked his teeth before he took a long drag of his cigarette. 
“You seem to know Mami, pretty well, I mean.”
“Stayed with her.” Sam perked up at the older guy’s gritty sounding response. Finally something in common. He could try to work with this.
“Like I’m doing now? When you were young- I mean when you were younger you stayed here? Does she take in kids and stuff often?” Hans grunted, turning to face Sam fully, leaning on the wall and pointed at it, before placing his hand on his chest and drawing it forwards slightly while bringing his index finger and thumb together. Sam paused and squinted a bit; Hans repeated the motion, slower this time, a halfway hopeful look on his handsome face. 
“Oh! Oh, I know that! That’s ‘like’! She likes to!” Sam had taken an asl course in highschool, and felt a surge of pride when Hans reached out and ruffled his hair, clearly pleased with him. “What does she like about it?”
Hans signed something else, but it was more complex than Sam knew, and after a bit Hans re-signed ‘likes’ then put out his right hand palm down and raised it slowly. Sam appreciated that, even though he was essentially being talked to like a toddler. Simple words in broken sentences. 
“Mami likes to see kids grow up, okay. That’s pretty nice, fits with the sort of tough love personality. But uh, why? I dun’ mean to pry, I'm just asking but it’s not serious though.”
The pale blonde paused, and his brown eyes visibly saddened.
Hers’ never got to.
Sam sagged against the wall when he figured out what Hans had signed, "Oh..."
“That's why she doesn’t work, now.” The man seemed to have found his voice again, he’d used his hands to give himself a break, probably. He sounded like he had trouble speaking. There was a little stretch of silence for a bit before Sam tugged Hans sleeve.
“Could I, uh, could I try another cigarette?”
Hans ruffled his hair again, and the weight of his hand made Sam bend over a bit. His request was granted; the man reopened his pack and held one out to him. And it was at that exact moment the door opened behind them.
“I’ll hold it for you, for now, but- Hans!” Mami lifted a hand and smacked him on the shoulder with a resounding slap, “You’ve lost your mind! Giving a boy a cigarette!” Her hand kept falling over his shoulder; Sam was surprised by the amount of power in them given the fact that she had reach up and stand on her toes to actually hit him. Hans made a something of a “weh” sound as he leaned away from her, but he didn’t actually make any real effort to actually get away. He was even smiling softly.
“It’s not his fault Mami! I asked for one- I wanted to try!”
“Gringo grande here is grown! Someone at his big age ought to say no, be an adult!” She ended her attack and crossed her arms, “Both of you get inside. It’s almost dinner time. Hans you’re prepping all the vegetables as penance for acting like a fool. It’s also tax for showing up here asking for a favor.”
The big man grinned down at her, all sharp teeth, and Sam was reminded of a snarling dog, despite the genuine happiness in his face. Sauntering into Mami’s house Hans bent down and pressed a large, dramatic kiss to the woman’s cheek.
“Aye, pendejo, don’t act sweet with me now-” She swatted at him but her eyes were filled with undeniable fondness “-now put your knife skills to work and get to cutting. Sam you set the table then go sit down and recover from dealing with this brute.”
Sam nodded and briefly wondered if he should also kiss her cheek before walking in; he debated and nodded in affirmation before gently pecking her cheek and jogging in after Hans. He didn’t see the large smile that took over Mami’s face as he went by her, not that she’d have let him see.
“Hans! I go by Sammy, that’s my nickname! Do you have one? Cause I’m Sammy!”
He'd already said that. Damn
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